By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Crucial Discussions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crucial Discussions. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2011

Jesus Is The Only Way to Heaven!

Jesus Is The Only Way to Heaven!

 Can time backtrack eternally? Can nothing explode into everything? Can molecules arrange themselves into men? Can we even be rational if all is chance? Christians believe the reasonable cause of everything is a Creator who sustains and explains every particle of matter.
There’s no rational basis to deny an intelligent God, creation, miracles, divine revelation, and that the Creator can take on a human nature, body, and tell us all we need to know. It would require a godlike knowledge which only God has.
Skeptics can only make negative assumptions and derogatory accusations--they are just as dogmatic and exclusivist as anyone else. If there’s any possibility of Heaven, it’s terribly foolish to ignore that possibility. There may even be a Hell—skeptics can only hope there isn’t! And anyone arguing there’s no absolute truth assumes his argument true—thus his arguments mean nothing. Now consider arguments for entrance into Heaven.  
Only God Can SET the Entrance Requirements to His Heaven.
Ancient peoples believed in some ideal form of life after death. American Indians have their happy hunting grounds. Vikings dying with sword in hand have their Valhalla. Greeks have their Elysian Fields. Egyptians believed that at least their Pharaohs would have an ideal life after death. Of course, we can have different opinions as to what Heaven is like, who can enter Heaven and under what conditions. We all have a right to our own opinions and we have them regardless of what others may think or say. But apart from logical factual evidence, claims about God and the afterlife are mere opinions and guesses unworthy of belief.   
If God were the Creator of Heaven, that would make him its Owner, Lawgiver and Judge. Ownership conveys rights and excludes other opinions and claims. God alone then has the right to say what his Heaven must be like, and what its entrance requirements must be. And if God created man in his image for relationship with him, then it’s reasonable that Heaven exists. So then, no person has any right to tell God He can’t have just one way to enter his Heaven.
Only God Can TELL Us His Entrance Requirements to His Heaven.
If we can be opened-minded, there’s biblical evidence a God-man walked among us and told us about the afterlife and Heaven. Since I’ve discussed this evidence in other articles, I won’t discuss it here. It includes fulfillment of hundreds of ancient promises and prophecies about individuals, Israel and other nations. It records supernatural occurrences through angels, miracles, and most specifically the Lord Jesus Christ. Honest examination will show there’s simply nothing like these historical events in other sacred literature. Further, the Bible with all its diversity written over fifteen centuries shows an amazing unity of teaching from creation to recreation not found in other secret literature. Without such actions of God, we have no visible assurance and authority about Heaven, its rightful occupants, and entrance requirements.
God HAS TOLD US His Moral Perfection Is Required to Enter His Perfect Heaven.
Almighty God was under no obligation to create a universe but did create one good for his purposes (Gen. 1:1, 4, 10, 12, 18, 25, 31). God made a paradise for man meeting man’s every need. God gave man the choice of eternal life in a love-trust relationship with him in paradise or of a world of good and evil.
Man chose to eat from the tree representing a world of good and evil. Thus, all persons are born with a natural tendency to put self above all else including their Lifegiver. God expelling man from paradise showed mercy to keep man from eating from the tree of life and being eternally condemned in sin (selfishness, rebellion and eternal loss). Man’s choice brought the consequences of a cursed world and sinful posterity.
Theologians call it the Fall of man. Even then, God gave humanity the promise of redemption (Gen. 3:15; 1 Jn. 3:8). Reason then requires that a morally perfect God find corrupt rebellious persons unfit and unacceptable to enter and maintain his perfect Heaven.
Jesus, the God-man said, “You shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48).
“Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10). See also Rev. 21:27.
God’s Entrance Requirement Is Trust in the Lamb Slain as a Substitute for Our Sin.
Only God’s way is acceptable to him and can maintain a 100% perfect Heaven. It must be a humble trust in God’s gift of salvation since we can never achieve perfection or cleanse past sins. It is the greatest expression of love known to man, as the just (Christ) died for the unjust (us sinners). Only the sinless Christ could be the perfect sacrifice for sin and satisfy God’s justice. We can never understand it all; we can only trust God’s way is right and the only way.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten (unique) Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (Jn. 3:16-17).
Now back to First Corinthians 6:11 speaking to believers, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified (set apart for God’s service), but you were justified (declared just meaning not condemned) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
Jesus death and resurrection proved he is Lord over death; he is God as he claimed, all he said is God’s absolute truth, and we are not just soulless dirt but created in God’s image with dignity, rights, freedom and responsibility. Will you trust him now for forgiveness of sin and eternal service with and for him who gave his life to save you? Then the best thing we can do is share Jesus with others. Join us as computer missionaries telling friends about these gospel articles. U may see those you have told in Heaven! "Lord, give this servant conviction and courage."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Serious Issues & Solutions

More Serious Issues & Solutions

We rightfully, but respectfully object to statements that we think untrue. Honest thinking people rightfully want good factual answers to their doubts whether Christian faith or other faiths. Trouble is many persons with doubts never take the trouble to find out the answers. I’ll present the objection in bold print and in the paragraph to follow respond in each case. You might like to download and print all my articles for individual or class discussions.
                                                   Biblical Christianity Is Irrelevant.
 Its pie in the sky by and by and not concerned with my everyday life needs.
Its true Bible teaching doesn’t and can’t tell us who to marry or what work to pursue. But it’s of utmost relevance on three levels. Lifestyle---it warns us of destructive behaviors such as hatred, drunkenness, murders and encourages spiritual fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness (Gal. 6:19-25). Eternal abode—it gives us a choice between Heaven with a loving God, or Hell alone in darkness and torment (Matt. 5:28). Worldview---only the risen God-man confirms life after death, God’s reality, a rational world, human dignity, rights, freedom, ethics, justice, love, and purposeful living. No other worldview can match biblical Christianity in providing our most basic human needs. Other worldviews merely are limited subjective human opinions devoid of proof.
                                                    The Bible Is An Immoral Book.

Bible characters did some really terrible shameful things. Moses, Israel's leader, and David a may after God's heart, were murders. Some Bible characters lie, rape, murder, even eat people.
Yes, biblical characters did shameful sinful things. God had them recorded, but did not approve of their sinful acts. God used them despite their sins, just as God uses us today. Nobody is without sin and we must be fair to judge each case within its historical context (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:8, 10). Moreover, apart from the perfect God of the Bible, we have no basis to call any act right or wrong--we have only subjective human preferences. The Bible’s God is our perfect Creator, Life-giver, Lawgiver, Owner and Judge. Apart from the Bible’s God, we’re only animals without ethical standards and accountability who return to dirt. The fact that the Bible mentions the sins of its best characters whereas other books don’t shows its integrity and trustworthiness. Trust in Jesus can set us on a higher plane of more noble desires but even then we're only perfect in Him.
                                                        Christians Are Against Sex.
But sex is a natural, normal bodily function that is to be satisfied like hunger and thirst.
God created us sexual beings and told us to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:27). God is not against sex, only against its abuse. Common sense shows a man and women’s bodies are designed for each other, for the procreation of children and family life. Same sex marriages rebel against God’s design for marriage, and a husband with many wives cheat both the wives’ needs and the men who have no wives. Both are not God’s will as Jesus confirmed with the one flesh relationship (Matt. 19:4-6).
                                                  I Try Sincerely to Keep the Golden Rule.
So I’m a good person and should go to Heaven.
You are assuming entrance to Heaven depends upon your being a good person and performing good deeds. How do you know what's “good” in God’s eyes? How do you know how much “good” God requires, or when you have done enough “good”? One percent cancer can contaminate the whole body and 1% sin can corrupt a perfect Heaven. A perfect God and a perfect heaven exclude all sin. Heaven is a gift of God, not earned by our good deeds. God’s way is for a person to humbly admit his or her sin and need of forgiveness and then trust the Savior of sinners (Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 4:12; Titus 3:5; Romans 11:6).
                                          I Tried Christianity Once and It Didn’t Work.
True faith in Christ works. But it’s not like an emotional high like being on drugs. It’s not getting everything you want. It’s not performing a ritual act, or just  joining a church.  True conversion occurs when God’s Holy Spirit enters us--we become a new person with new holy desires (2 Cor. 5:17). New spiritual life is evidenced in a new outlook on life, a new sensitivity to right and wrong, a new desire to learn God’s Word, a new concern to do God’s will, a new love for God, and a new hope to share this wonderful new experience with other persons. We're not perfect and must grow in right living. And yes it's a battle with the world, flesh, and the devil until we'll finally be with God in Heaven. In trusting the Savior, we are forgiven, but good works are not automatic. We grow by focusing on the things of God in daily submission. Dwelling on our faults and failures only drag us down.
                                                   Science Has Disproved the Bible.
Science is neutral and objective facts, but religion is just faith.
Scientists can be as bias and anyone else and science theories continually change. Evolution is based upon a dogmatic naturalistic philosophy that ignores the facts of science that point to creation.  Christianity gave the conceptual framework for experimental science to flourish. Pantheistic and animistic religions regarded nature as indwelt by spirits to sacred to disturb. But Christianity said a rational and loving God created nature for us to explore and discover. The scientific method is based upon assumptions the Christian worldview guarantee, but not provable by science--laws of logic, orderliness of nature, reliability of our senses, and honest accurate data. Modern science could not have arisen apart from these imperatives of the Christian worldview. When science and Scripture are properly understood, God’s world and God’s Word will be in harmony.
                                                  All Religions Are Essentially the Same.
They all are different roads to God, all teach ethical principles, and just call God by different names.
This shows both ignorance and insult toward world religions. World religions differ radically in their teachings about God, man, salvation and the afterlife. To imply their differences are not important is an insult to them. From a Christian perspective, three factors stand out. First, their views radically conflict which means only one if any must be correct. Second, only Christianity gives visible, objective, empirical evidence its God and teachings are true. Jesus alone gave evidence of being God come into our world shown by fulfilling ancient prophecies, performing miracles, and rising from the dead. No subjective mystic’s claim to universal truth can match that. Third, some religions practice cannibalism and human sacrifice. Is that just as good as Christ’s teaching to love your neighbor as yourself?
                                                    The Church Is Full of Hypocrites.
Church people don’t live what they profess.
Have you given this an honest appraisal of the facts? First, every church member or person professing Christ may not be a  Christian. Second, nobody including true Christians can live a perfect life as the Bible says (1 John 1:8, 10). Yes, we all have moral failures in our fight against the world system of evil, our sinful nature, and Satan and his demons. Christians are not exempt from failure and must grow in godliness. But millions testify they’re better persons after trusting Christ than before. Third, what about all the non church hypocrites in bars, discos, businesses, politics, everywhere? Are you using church hypocrites as an excuse not to trust the Savior and go to Hell? Are you living up to all you think is right?
                                                    Christianity Is Not Logical or Rational.  
Persons who say this may mean it does not make sense to them or from their perspective. First, they may think they can’t be wrong, misunderstand, be illogical or be exposed to false teachings. Second, limited human knowledge is a mere speck in the circle of universal knowledge. Third, as C.S. Lewis pointed out, persons who assume the universe popped into existence by chance can’t be sure our thought is rational.  Finally, Christians can misunderstand or incorrectly explain biblical teachings as well. The objection requires we first understand what is true Bible Christianity taught by Jesus and his apostles.
                                                       You Can’t Take the Bible Literally.
Why? Who says so? Wouldn’t God say what He intends us to understand? If the Bible is God’s message to us about Himself, His plan of salvation, and how He wants us to live, wouldn’t He speak in plain language we could understand? Would God make us guess at what the Bible means if He loves us and wants to communicate with us? Further, figures of speech are normal in every language. If God made us with powers of communication, why couldn’t He make us to communicate with Him? What reason could God have for not speaking in understandable speech? Could this objection be only an unwarranted assumption that there's no real God who can act in our real world? The Lord spoke with His people and was understood throughout the Bible..
                                                               I  Don’t Believe the Bible.
I’ve heard it’s full of myths, fairy tales, and things impossible to believe.
Hearsay is not always the best reason for believing things. Why not read it for yourself  before assuming a hostile dogmatic stance. It’s continually the world’s bestseller, the most influential book. Fairness requires we find out for ourselves before we condemn it on other people’s say so.
Start with the Gospel of John that tells about the life of Christ. Many find the natural everyday events speak to them in a way that seems so true to human nature. There's no weird, fantastic things like statues moving, people turned into birds, or crosses walking. Such things as found in Greek literature and the apocryphal gospels are myths. But that's not true with Jesus who both claims and shows he is Lord of nature.
Unless we have exhaustive knowledge, we can't say Jesus can’t be our God. Secular history and archaeology give abundant evidence Jesus is a real  man, even the God-man who walked among us. He showed the greatest love dying upon the cross to pay for our sin, and rising from the dead That  proves he is our God who offers us an eternal love-trust relationship.  Millions have taken the Bible statements true and found fulling life though Him. But that means we put God's will first, not what our sinful desires demand. Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). Say, I trust You now Jesus as my Savior and Lord to live for You forever. Share your new faith with friends and loved ones.
See When Critics Ask by Norman Geisler & Thomas Howe. Defending Your Faith by Dan Story. Tough Questions About God, Faith, and Life, by Charles Colson. 

Is Atheism Best For Us?

Is Atheism Best For Us?

#Atheism    #Atheists   #Relativism
Atheists affirm there’s no God of any kind, or angels, miracles, revelations, or human souls. They’re called humanists because they emphasize man as the measure or most valued animal on planet earth. And naturalists, since nature and its laws are all there is. Also, secularists since they say religious beliefs are only superstition and ignorance of a prescientific era. They’re materialists too because on a lower plane life is just energy or atoms in motion. Further, they’re socialists as they claim to seek the good of society as a whole—never mind the individual as our way is right. And we’re anti-theists because we believe that any reference to God is ignorant, closed-minded and dangerous to the well-being of humanity. Many use force if necessary to enlighten or eliminate these dangers of ignorant moral and religious restrictions opposed to government authority.
So, you see some atheists feel they must do everything possible to exclude religion from the public square. They infiltrate education, government, the courts, news media, the entertainment field, and the sciences and arts. Some have a globally aggressive and comprehensive agenda and are confident of success. Now please let me enlighten you on five of the many "advantages" of atheism so they say.
Atheists Deny Absolute Truth.
Scientific minded intelligent persons know everything came about by chance and evolution that eliminates any need for God. Life arose spontaneously by random processes and everything flows along continuously as it always has. It’s all chance so anything can happen at any time. Society and the world is a dialectical process determined by economics; Karl Marx dialectal materialism proved that. Ignore those ignorant fool’s spurious deceptive arguments about God. Long ago brilliant minds discredited that propaganda. Truth is what we say it is, and what advances our cause. And when we’re in power, you best agree with us or face the consequences.
Atheists Affirm the Relativity of Morals.
 Since everything is in a state of flux and man is the highest evolving animal of nature, he must decide for himself what is right or wrong, or better what works or doesn’t at the present time. Since there’s no God, man must save himself by his own wisdom, power, and education. We are the elite of society who base our knowledge on science and reason. The ignorant, indifferent masses of people need us to guide them to provide a better world order. We are the elites, superior and politically correct.
Atheism Frees People to Do As They Please.
Religion is an escapist, restrictive mentality. It substitutes comfort and security—pie in the sky by and by—for science and fact. In the name of a judgmental God, it imposes all kinds of restrictions on sex, bodily pleasures, and enjoyable experiences. Since there’s no absolute truth and morals, we can do as we Johnny well please. Anarchy--everybody does what's right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25).     
Atheist’s Claim to Insure Human Peace, Prosperity and Happiness.
Human nature is creative and good. Take away the shackles of religion and we the elite are free to plan what’s good. We can create a world of peace, prosperity and happiness. People will unselfishly love each other and prosper as never before. Injustices and disparities such as racism, wealth, status will simply vanish and utopia finally arrive. It unrealistically denies both human dignity in God's image and human depravity as a fallen self-centered creature.
Atheists Will Finally Insure Quality and Equality Living.
 Karl Marx envisioned this utopia would last a thousand years. But it would take awhile to achieve. There is first the thesis, the status quo or things as they are at present. Then, an antithesis or radical change evolves, or we can help it along through revolt or plot disasters. When things get so bad, people will cry out for relief and hope government will resolve the crises. So, government seizes control piece by piece to resolve it if necessary by force. That changes things into a new synthesis. The dialectical process continues until we achieve utopia. Of course, we will have to eliminate defective elements (objectors) that don’t understand or won’t cooperate to have the classless society. Survival of the fittest you know. But the price is worth the outcome—people don’t really count anyway.
Consider Comments by a Supposed Ignorant Unenlightened Christian Theist.
 Of course, atheists can be kind, compassionate, helpful, likable, moral people and not all agree on all the points mentioned above. And atheists don’t always adhere to their philosophy just as Christians and merely professed Christians don’t always adhere to biblical Christian teaching.
What bothers me is that the atheist worldview logically destroys everything human and good. Without God, human dignity is reduced to a soulless perishing animal—really just dirt. And it doesn’t matter much what you do with dirt. Thus, atheism destroys human dignity, ethics, human rights, and especially freedom of speech and religion, and then private property.
Government ownership and control decides what’s true and what’s right--atheist freedom means slavery to the state and poverty among its unfavored people. The state must maintain tight military control and a secret police to prevent rebellion and anarchy. Government officials make secret deals behind closed doors. They advance by lying promises, deceptive schemes, and eliminate rivals--it all depends on who can get and keep the power. Elitist's are never secure that some rival won't eliminate them to take their place. Hitler had a hundred security guards; Churchhill had one.
Our friends and loved one’s possessions and lives are usurped any time government decides it’s necessary. State planners carefully control production of goods less profit produce freedom and power. Incentive to produce is curtailed so everyone is kept in poverty under government control—this is the one class society and utopian equality—a slave welfare state.
Atheists must erect walls to confine citizens. This is the peace, prosperity and happiness atheism produces and wants to engulf the world. Atheist dominated countries murder humanity. They’re a godless tyranny and blood bath people risk their lives to escape. Millions have been slaughtered in atheist countries--survival of the fittest you know. That’s the atheist utopian dream for humanity. Check it out in true, not revised, history.
Why do atheists insist we ignore arguments for God if they’re no threat? Biblical Christianity is the antithesis of atheism. It assures us of God and absolute truth and morals in Jesus Christ. Jesus gave visible evidence in fulfilled prophecy, miracle, a sinless life, and in His cross and resurrection that He is our God and Savior. Jesus provides us with human dignity, ethics, freedom, rights with humane responsibilities, opportunity for Heaven, a creative productive purposeful life, and the basis for love, justice, science, art, and all the things we really need to be human. His higher power is truth, love, hope and salvation. Our choice is between life and death, tyranny or freedom, God in Christ or no God. Jesus showed us the better way—love first of God, then of our fellowman—His Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5-7.
Jesus saves us unworthy sinners and makes us new persons in Christ. We have God's gift of eternal life and Heaven when we trust the Savior. Of course we retain our sinful nature and struggle with sin but we have God's Holy Spirit within to prompt us to grow in the knowledge and grace of God.  You will have brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage you and you can have rewards in Heaven. Won't you pray, "Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You to come into my life and make me a child of God. Thank You Lord." Now share these good news messages with others to make a happier more secure world now and go to Heaven.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jesus & His Contemporary Challenges

Jesus & His Contemporary Challenges

Man has been in rebellion toward God since our first parents, Adam and Eve, ate the forbidden fruit. And likely, that fruit was a fig rather than an apple since no apple is mentioned while the context says they made aprons of fig leaves to cover their shame. How easy it is for us humans to distort God’s Word and believe the devil’s lies, as did our first parents. Their disobedience didn’t make them gods but fallen self-centered human beings under God’s curse of death. Even then, a merciful and gracious God promised a future deliver from Satan, sin, death and Hell (Gen. 3:15; John 1:1-4, 10-14; 8:44; 10:10; Gal. 4:4). Are we their children any different today? 
Skeptics laugh at this event and call it a fairy tale but all the Bible regards it as a real historical event and bases all it teachings upon it. Indeed, the Bible makes no sense unless it’s true. God fulfilled his promise when he came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, the God-man. Jesus told many times in many ways that he was our God. He gave many proofs beyond what nature or mere man is able to accomplish. But despite visible eyewitness proof, men still refused to believe. Even his own disciples traveling with him more than three years were difficult to convince. It’s no different today.
In this article, I will examine some of the many adversaries to Jesus and his teachings. I’m largely indebted to the excellent book, Understanding The Times by David A. Noebel
Creation of Man
Jesus said God made us from the beginning of creation in his image male and female (Mark 10:6). Come lately atheists Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens often resort to ridicule of God and of believers calling them ignorant and dangerous. They insist that spontaneous generation and evolution explains everything. They prefer to believe something comes from nothing and mindless unconscious molecules arrange themselves into man. But they know actual science shows life comes only from life suggesting an eternal Creator. Thousands of missing links between molecule and man suggest creation of original kinds. Irreducible complex of interrelated human systems and organs suggest divine design. Despite all this contrary evidence of science and reason, and despite man is in a rational and moral category miles above the highest animal, they still insist we are only perishing animals with all the horrors that entails.     
The Human Soul
Jesus warned us to fear those who would destroy the soul in Hell (Matt. 10:28). Atheist psychologists Wundt, Watson, Skinner and followers claim we’re only atoms in motion and animals in heat seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. So there’s no soul and no Hell to shun. But they’re only claims--no scientific experiment demonstrates this. Their speculative theories self-destruct not being atoms in motion. We are aware of a consciousness, an ego apart from our physical body. The brain could be the tool through which the mind, self, or soul functions. If it is not so, then all is fixed, determined and we have no free will. Psychology books don’t discuss psychologists’ sexuality. So their unjustified theories may be attempts to relieve their own guilt of sexual immorality. Their materialist reductionist claims discourage clean moral living. 
Belief in God
Jesus claimed to be God as clearly understood by the Jews (John 10:30-33). Yet Freud, Nietzsche, Rorty, Dewey and their ilk say persons and cultures create their own God, reality and morality. I wonder if they have ever given any thought to the evidences of Jesus as the God-man, or were only motivated by prejudice and hearsay. The biblical Jesus is not easy to believe nor his teachings easy to practice—they contradict selfish sinful human nature and popular culture. And his, at first skeptical followers, would never have endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous death knowing it all a lie.
Love God and Man
Jesus said we should love God with our heart, mind soul, and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). By love, Jesus meant self-giving to help others, not self-taking to gratify our desires. What a beautiful world of cooperation, peace and prosperity we would have if people practiced godly love! But socialist governments such as Russia, China, Cuba and other followers of Marx and Islamic governments following Muhammad’s Quran teachings (Sura’s 2:191; 3:85; 5:33, 51; 9:123), eliminate those who won’t submit to their rule. Dictatorial government control is their pattern, which suppresses free speech, religion and results in a blood bath for the non-submissive millions. Check it out in history.
God First and Government Second
Jesus said, “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21). No humanist believes anything belongs to God, as there is no God. A socialist state controls everything including your property, your rights, and your life. Christians are to honor and obey the king and rulers except when they disobey God (Ex. 1:17; Dan. 3:16-18; 6:7, 10; Acts 4:19-20; 5:28-29). Rulers are God appointed to punish evil and maintain order, not destroy their people (Rom. 13). Christians are to pray for rulers and work for good government trusting in God’s rule (Prov. 19:21 21:30).
Life after Death
Jesus tells us He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25). But Dewey, Rorty, Foucault and followers inform us we’re only perishing animals and life is an accident. Why won’t they honestly admit the obvious in nature: something doesn’t come from nothing, disorder doesn’t evolve into order? Buildings, gardens, anything left alone deteriorates, which shows intelligent creation. Life is no accident and chance evolution is not science but the myth of a naturalistic philosophy. Brilliant skeptics have repeatedly tried to explain away the resurrection of Jesus and failed utterly. Honesty has compelled some of them to find eternal life in the Savior of sinners.
Heaven and Hell
Jesus promised Heaven for believers and warned unbelievers of Hell (Lk. 19:10; Jn. 3:36; 8:24; 14:6). But Freud, Marx, Russell, Nietzsche and disciples call all religion illusion, neuroses, wishful thinking, an opiate of the masses, and pie in the sky. Their negative comments don’t prove anything about life after death and may indicate their prejudice, fear of judgment, and sin guilty conscience. Moreover, it’s most foolish to ignore the abundant evidence of Jesus’ deity—it’s a self-chosen forever destiny of darkness, tears and torment.
Men Love Darkness Rather Than Light
Jesus taught that people love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil (Jn. 3:17-21). We know about all the lies, deceptions, abuses, injustices, murders and still say man is basically good--we want to save face. So we suppress and forget 99% of our wrongdoing and distance ourselves from a perfect holy God. Then we choose idols that don’t command and condemn us. But in rejecting the true God and truth about us, we choose Hell. That’s loving darkness to light. The biblical God lovingly warns us and pleads with us but doesn’t force us—he allows us our choice.
Apart from Jesus We’re without God and without Hope
There was no universe and an infinite eternal personal God created it. So God is the Source of matter, mind, life, man, human dignity, truth, ethics, justice, love, a meaningful world, ultimate purpose to life, and assurance of an afterlife (John 1:1-5; Heb. 1:1-3). Godless materialism denies the basis for all these things making us mere perishing animals. Monism claims one substance of energy or force and calls it god (pantheism). It too destroys the Source and basis for all the above believing we’re absorbed into the great pool of nothingness. Jesus showed himself in our space-time world, told us he was God, and demonstrated it by fulfilling ancient prophecies, by miracles, and especially by his resurrection. Jesus calls us to come to him to be saved. Our finite minds will never understand everything. But we’ve evidence enough to make a crucial and wise decision of faith. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11: 25-26 It’s your choice.  
If you want the Savior and Lord of the universe and all He offers, Romans 10:13 says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. In humble and sincere trust, pray—
Lord God of the universe, I’m a sinner unworthy of your gift of eternal life. But you in love died for me to pay for my sins and took the punishment I justly deserve. You promise to save all who will acknowledge their wrongdoing and turn to you in faith. Lord, I trust you from this moment on to be my Savior and Lord throughout life and to guide me to know your will and to do it. Thank you Lord Jesus. Now teach me how to follow your ways and your Word and to tell others of Your promise of everlasting life.

Is Hitler in Heaven?

Is Hitler in Heaven?

Many persons have a problem believing in Hell. They feel a truly loving God would never send anyone to what they call an eternal torture chamber. We live in a “slap on the hand world”.
 We overlook evil, think people odd to mention sin, ridicule people with morals as being “holier than thou”. Television teaches us that sex is fun as if we didn’t already know that, that everybody does it, and that it’s just natural even with our own sex. Deception, betrayal, corruption among our national leaders and examples are commonplace. We’re told to go with the flow. Maybe even Hitler is in Heaven. It all comes down to what each person says is sin—or does it? Are there any reasons to say anything is wrong anymore? I say, there sure is! If Hitler isn't in Hell, nothing makes sense. There's no hope for humanity.

Hitler Would Destroy Heaven.

Hitler sought to impose the Third Reich for a thousand years. He sought to eliminate anybody not of Nordic blood claiming they were inferior. I wonder what the Japanese thought of that! Anyway that meant six million murdered Jews, millions of Gypsies, and anyone who didn’t believe in his policies. He had doctors tie women’s legs together who were about to have babies to observe the results. But Hitler is no exception; he’s only one in a long list of conquers on every continent who merciless murdered men, women and children. They destroy farms, houses and lands wherever they went. It’s our inhuman history worldwide since Cain killed Able. And without regret or remorse, such persons take pride in and brag about their destructive accomplishments.
Now if there were no Hell, such persons would seek to do the same thing in Heaven they prided themselves doing on earth. They would destroy peace, land and life in Heaven as well. Simply put, there could be no Heaven with Hitler-minded tyrants there—they would turn it into the Hell their lustful desires dictate. And our inherited sin nature makes us all under tempting circumstances capable of becoming another Hitler.
            “There is none righteous, no, not one;
            There is none who understands;
            There is none who seeks after God.
            They have all turned aside;
            They have together become unprofitable;
            . . . Destruction and misery are in their ways;
            And the way of peace, they have not known;
            There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
            Romans 3:10-12; 16-18

Hitler in Heaven Would Annul God’s Promise to His People.


Biblical authority, which is our only divinely revealed guide on the afterlife, teaches UNREPENTANT Hitlers won’t inhabit Heaven. Further, it gives true repentant believers in Christ the assurance of Heaven for they have names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and they are justified, washed, set apart unto God. Only Heaven’s Creator, Owner and our Life-Giver could insure such a promise.
“But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, not revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

                 Hitler in Heaven Would Destroy Moral Incentive on Earth.


What about human hope and moral incentive? Many persons hope and long for a better world of peace, love, and happiness. They believe in some kind of Heaven or better world they can go to after death and no longer endure all the frustration, failure, heartache and suffering they experienced here. If Heaven is run by Hitlers, all is despair.
Many feel why even try to follow any rules of human decency? Why try to treat persons with respect? Why not do anything and everything our devilish desires might dictate? There’s no reward for trying to be good. Sin can be fun even if it’s only seasonal and destroys one’s body and mind. No hope for a better future turns this life into even more of a Hell. We have the promise of forgiveness, purity and new life in Christ and in him alone.  
“You should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance . . . that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you have not so learned Christ.” Ephesians 4:17-20

Hitler in Heaven Would Defy the Holiness and Sovereignty of God.

The Bible is unmistakably plain that God is holy or perfect and right in all his ways. He is too good to look upon sin. And God is the Almighty Creator in control of every particle of matter or energy in the universe. God does what He pleases in Heaven and on earth. Nothing can defy Him. But if it is not so, we humans have no hope. The universe is out of control and any calamity or evil may occur.  
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” Revelation 4:8
“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.” Revelation 4:11

                    Hitler in Heaven Ignores the Evidence of Creation and Conscience.

All creation testifies to the greatness and grandeur of God. The specific arrangement of the elements testifies to God’s intelligence. The immensity of the universe demonstrates his power. Every plant and animal has a specified complexity or genetic plan. Further, life systems are interrelated and irreducibly complex showing life had to be complete and function at the outset. Such marvels cannot be a product of mindless chance and time; open-minded evaluation points not to nature, but to nature’s God. Nature couldn’t make man anymore than nature could form the four faces on Mount Rushmore.
Conscience in everyone tells us to treat others with the same respect and concern we would want to be treated. Of course, conscience can become insensitive; we can harden our hearts toward others. But let someone mistreat, abuse, or ridicule us and immediately we scream unfair! Not right! Abuse! Let’s not fool ourselves but be honest about it. Conscience testifies to a real right and wrong but makes no ultimate sense unless there’s an ethical standard and personal ethical God to execute judgment. An Absolute Moral Lawgiver and Judge render us without excuse.
                                  Hitler in Heaven Would Nullify the Atonement of Christ.
Christ showed himself in our space-time world claiming to be fully man and fully God, the God-man. Unlike other religious leaders, Jesus gave us repeated rational proofs of who he is. Jesus was virgin born, lived without sin, fulfilled ancient prophecies of a coming Messiah promised to be God, performed multiple miracles before astonished disciples and hostile critics, died for our sins on the cross and arose from the dead. History testified to these things for any honest seeker really wanting to know.
This most loving Lord willingly paid the supreme sacrifice for us and warned us about a real Hell more than anybody else did. What further proof could we possibly require? Hell is real and we had better make our peace with it. That peace comes only when we trust in the Savior of sinners as our Lord.
But of course, if UNREPENTANT Hitler is in Heaven, that means there’s no Hell and everyone goes to Heaven if we can any longer call it that. So then, how we live in this world or what we believe about God or anything else doesn’t really matter. And the death of the Lord Jesus is of no avail. All hope in the good Lord is dead. The universe becomes an irrational, depressing and a morally meaningless joke on us.
But!! Hitler is in Hell, which shows our serious mistake to deny the utter necessity of Hell. More serious yet, everyone without faith in Christ will one day be with Hitler. I wonder how friendly the Jews and other unsaved persons he murdered will be to him there! But friend, you don’t have to be with the Hitlers of this world in eternity. Won’t you say--- I commit to you now Jesus as my Lord and Savior from sin from this day forward. I give myself to You Lord who in love gave Yourself for me. And now Lord, I want to share these messages of Your truth  and love with such needy sinful people. You may link my blog to your computer and use my articles to win others to the Savior. God bless.

Are Sincerely Held Beliefs All that Matter?

           Are Sincerely Held Beliefs All that Matter? 


We live in a multicultural society where persons sincerely hold conflicting beliefs. Naturally, we want and try to be inoffensive and popular. We don’t want people to think our views odd, extreme, or ridiculous. But being clear-headed, we simply can’t avoid some things. As the opposite of true is false, the opposite of right is wrong. It’s impossible for a statements to be true and false or actions right and wrong in the same way at the same time. That’s basic universal, unavoidable logic. We can’t communicate or even think apart from it.
Some views are more accurate than others are as the number 40 is closer to 30 than number five. Some behaviors are better as respect is better than disrespect. But some are lies and disasters we should avoid. We usually believe what parents, teachers and others in our society tell us. We don’t doubt or question their authority until we hear something different with evidence to the contrary. So what we have been taught and believed may prove to be wrong.With conflicting beliefs everywhere on the planet, do we know our area is where the truth is, or only our teachers are the right ones. How?
With this in mind, let’s look at some sincerely held beliefs of secularists who say there’s no God, Muslims who say Allah is God as revealed in the Quran, and Christians who claim Jesus is God as disclosed in the Bible.
Some Sincerely Held Secular Beliefs
  •   There’s no absolute truth or morals since all is in flux or evolving. It's just one opinion verses another. There really is no final authority other than each person's own opinion.
  •   It’s a pregnant woman’s right to kill human life growing in her if it’s unwanted or interferes with her career. In fact, we would be stronger to dispose of the weak elements of society as seen in nature among predator and prey.
  •  The Bible really doesn’t teach homosexuality is a sin. People in ancient times simply didn’t understand it’s a human need just like eating and sleeping. People can't help it.
  •   Christians who say Jesus is the only way to God or Heaven are arrogant, bias, intolerant, narrow-minded, and dangerous. They want to impose their beliefs and morality on us.
Some Sincerely Held Muslim Beliefs 
  •   Muhammad informed us that the angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to him alone in a cave. That alone makes him the seal of the prophets or final authority for human beliefs. Infidels must submit to Allah or it's better that they die.
  • The Quran says slay the infidels who will not accept Islam as the only true faith. “Slay the pagans wherever you find them … Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day.” Surah 9:5, 29 Muhammad's life is the model for ethical living and what advances Islam.
  •   Muhammad admitted Jesus was a true prophet of God who performed miracles (Surah 3:49). But when asked to perform a miracle to prove he is a prophet also, he refused. Surah 6:109; 21:5; 29:50. 
  •   Centuries after Jesus (570-632 AD), Muhammad denied Jesus was crucified on the cross. Surah 4:157.
Some Sincerely Held Christian Beliefs 
  •  The Bible told us to be honest, fair, and truthful, love God first, and love our neighbor as yourself. Our neighbor being other persons in need.
  •  Children are a reward from the Lord. Psalm 127:3. And the all-knowing God says homo- sexuality is sin and says so clearly in lists of other sins. Gen. 19:5, 8-11; Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-28; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; 1 Tim. 1:10; Jude 7.
  •  Jesus not only claimed to be Messiah and God, but also fulfilled ancient prophecies about the coming Messiah and God. Isaiah 7:14; 9:6: 53; Ps. 22; John 1:45; 4:25-26; 5:18: 10:30, 33.
  •  Jesus claimed to be the only way to Heaven and there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for friends. Jesus, in his humanity, died for us while we were sinners and His enemies. John. 14:6; Romans 5:8-10.
Evil or hurtful things happen to people and property when good people don’t speak out and take a stand against them. If there’s no divine authority above man who sets standards and holds us accountable, then secularism is right and anything goes. If Muslims can show visible, objective evidence God spoke to Mohammad, then Islam is right. Where conflicting human opinions, preferences, feelings and guesses prevail, tyrants arise and force their views, their truths, and their ways upon us. They decide who lives and dies. Therefore, it is imperative we have good, clear, objective evidence of the truth.
As a Christian, I respect the right of all persons in God’s image to think and have their own viewpoint. We’re none perfect, or infallible. But I take my stand that the overwhelming evidence is with Jesus is God, Savior and the only hope for this increasingly wicked world.
Christians believe God has made Himself known in creation, conscience and Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the God-man who said He is the Way, Truth, and Life and no one comes to the Father except by Him (Jn. 14:6). He further said, “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" (John 8:24). That means eternal separation from a morally perfect God and being alone in darkness and torments forever. Jesus showed His claims true before skeptical disciples who know nature' laws and hostile eyewitnesses who sought his death. Jesus fulfilled numerous Messianic prophecies, lived a sinless life, performed many miracles, died for our sins, and arose from the dead seen by 500 eyewitnesses (1 Cor. 15). That’s visible, objective evidence His claims are true. Honest thinking persons have a sure basis to trust Jesus as their only Lord and Savior.
Jesus' apostle Peter said this, "Men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know." Acts 2:12   “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Jesus and His apostles (followers He sent with His message) cared enough to warn us of ultimate disaster. Again, it was not one man's statement always alone in a cave. These were public announcements of things others saw and knew to be true.
If perhaps Christian beliefs make more sense to you than secular and Muslim beliefs, you would like to become a Christian. You may by commitment of faith to Jesus as your Savior from sin and Lord and Guide in live. Pray Lord, forgive me a sinner. I trust You now to come into my life and live with me as my Savior and Lord doing the things that please You. Also, you may link on to my articles and share them with friends. May U prosper in good things.