By the Numbers

Showing posts with label College Professors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label College Professors. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Broad Road, Narrow Road--Which Do You Travel?

         Broad Road, Narrow Road--Which Do You Travel? 

"According to a recent Barna Research report, nearly two out of three adults contend that the choice of one religious faith over another is irrelevant because all religions teach the same lessons about life. They also believe that it doesn't matter which god you pray to because every deity is ultimately the same deity veiled in a different name." Christ Among Other gods by Erwin W. Lutzer
If that's true, then does it even matter what anyone believes, or how anyone behaves? No!! Not at all. Only gross ignorance, or fear of confrontation, or rebuke would cause persons to say or think that way. Any honest person studying world religions knows radical contradictions exist about God, man, life, and the afterlife.
Jesus said, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate.The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide, for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:12-14. In this article, please let me explain the differences between the Christian biblical worldview and non Christian viewpoints.
About God. People have varying conceptions of god. Atheists say, I see no God, so he doesn't exist. But if God is a Personal Spirit present everywhere we wouldn't see him. Don't we believe in many things we don't see directly, but experience their effects? People's claims to talk with God or an angle mean nothing--Mohammad, Joseph Smith Jr. and crazy men have claimed that. But evidence of God requires acts known impossible for man or nature to accomplish. If  Jesus walked on water, raised cold stiff corpses, predicted future detailed events impossible to guess, then we should rightfully say these are acts of God. His astonished skeptical Jewish disciples wrote that He did hundreds such things--and endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous deaths in evidence of its truth. Read my articles for further details and confirmation. 
The Christian biblical God is a self-existent Creator who sustains the universe. He made us, loves us, wants an intimate and eternal relationship with us. He in unlimited in his power, knowledge, truth, justice and love. He has made himself known in our world in history and in human lives. He is a non contradictory Trinity of three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one essence. See Gen. 1:2, Psalm 2:7-12; 110:1; Matt. 28::19 and my article on the mystery of God. Our peanut minds shouldn't assume we can know everything about the infinite God, but be should be open to his revelation.
About Persons. We see all kinds of people's in the world of different colors, sizes, shapes, races, appearances, nationalities. They have different skills, intelligence levels, kinds of employment, interests, philosophies. But more important we are all part of a common human family. Our differences are not crucial, but being human beings with the same needs, desires, goals, hopes, and common ancestry So we should all be treated with respect and concern. In all honestly, we think of our self and our well-being above other persons--we're naturally self-centered. The way we act toward people, however is generally the way they react to us. But the Bible teaches we make a better world to show concern and help them no matter their behavior. Put downs destroy relationships and promote war. Look for the positive features in others. But even this requires a new nature and way of thinking, an enabling power greater than us..
About Life. From birth to death, life's full of challenges--growing pains, learning skills, how to present ourselves, work, marriage, health, family, friends. Making mistakes and change is part of learning and growing.
The Christian faith offers a greater fullness of life. Jesus said, "The thief's purpose (speaking of the devil) is to steal and kill and destroy (Gen. 3; John. 8:44). My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."(John 10:10). Is Jesus saying we can have everything we want? No!! God, is like wiser loving parents who forbids some things we don't understand, but for our good. The policeman's son ignored his father's warning not to play with his pistol and shot himself.
God, our Maker knows the right time, way, and our best interests. The principle is: "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desires" (Psalm 37:4). When we delight in Him, our desires become like His good desires for us--we win every time and it saves us and others lots of unnecessary pains and sorrows. But we must trust in Him and His better way.
About Right and Wrong. If we people are not created by God in his image, then we are evolving animals and soulless dirt that perishes. We have no great dignity and destiny. So we're responsible only to our own opinions and preference. Then there's no great wrong in lying, deceiving, abusing people, even abortion, robbery, rape, murder when they get in our way. It's just survival of the fittest in our animal world and since only the strong temporarily survive. We feel superior and prideful.
But created in God's image, people are valued by God, responsible to him to care about each other, and will be judged, rewarded for good,or punished for bad behavior. We have God's law, and an ethical conscience that we will be judged. God's higher authority and true justice is the only basis for ethics. It trumps limited conflicting human opinions that lead to frustration, confusion, and warfare.
God and Suffering. My loved one died. A natural disaster destroyed my home. A man raped and murdered my beautiful young daughter.The Bible teaches an eternal torturous hell. So how can there be a good and loving God to allow such things?
Can we be logical and honest? Should we expect God to suspend His laws of nature every time a natural disaster threatens, or just in our case? Should God program our every thought and act making us robots, or is He wise and glorious to give us dignity, free will, and the possibility of loving  and eternal relationship with Him? Hell is our choice, self-inflicted, and in accord our earthly behavior . If there should be no punishment for human abuse, then aren't we wrong to have courts and jails? Shouldn't we let human abusers just do their thing? With no Hell and no punishment, how could there be a Heaven, or any kind of secure happy world? We hate these adversities of life, but stupid emotional arguments don't solve anything. An infinitely wise God knows how things have to be. We can see His love and goodness when we think honestly about it and not play God.  
About Life's Purpose. If there no personal God who created us in His image, cares about us and acts in our world to help us, then we are no more than perishing animals and evolving dirt. Life is short, may end at any time, so practical sense seems to be to get all I can for myself while I can. Animal ethics and limited conflicting personal preferences is all we have--then lights out.
Being born into God's kingdom its quite different. Jesus our Savior assures us His divine presence would be with us always with all power (Matthew 2:19) and He has sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and give us the enabling power and incentive to live holy lives pleasing to God (John 16: Acts 2).  When we trust Christ as paying for our sin, we receive His divine life in us with a new outlook and desire to do His will. It's like being born anew or becoming a new creation (John 3:3: 2 Cor. 5:17-28). We progress in doing God's will as He works within us (Phil. 2:13).
About Life After Death. Non Christians have no real assurance of life after death. Reincarnations claim there is the universal spirit that takes many different temporary material forms until we're absorbed. But human defects, revived life in the spring, world injustices, and dreams don't prove we have multiple lives after death. The only real evidence of it is the resurrection of a stiff lifeless corpse returning to life. Jesus arose from the dead as he said he would. 500 people saw the resurrected Lord (1 Cor. 15). It's changed hearts and lives to make a better world ever since.
Which Road Will You Travel? The broad road is popular but leads to a dark hopeless eternal Hell. The narrow road is unpopular and difficult in ways, but is meaningful, fulfilling, and leads to Heaven. IT'S YOUR CHOICEIt will be what we all justly deserve before a perfectly loving, but just God. Won't you decide right now: Lord Jesus, I am a wrong doer, but I trust you died to take all MY SIN AWAY, and I ask You to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide the rest of my life. I further ask you to give me the courage to share this new faith in you with others. Thank you, Lord.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Atheist Arguments to Devastate Bible Christianity Backfire!

    Atheist Arguments to Devastate Bible Christianity Backfire!
This much is clear and certain: There either is a personal creator God or there isn't; there's an objective ethical standard or there isn't, there's life after death or there isn't, life has a purpose or it doesn't; and we have a rational universe or nothing makes sense. Such contradictory statements can't both be true! And what we believe true makes a world of difference for our lives!
Atheist materialism and Biblical Christianity are opposed to each other so that only one or the other is true. Can we dare to take an honest look at what a Bible Christian has to say about it? The objections atheists claim devastate Biblical Christianity are the reasons that prove it true and devastate atheism.

(1) Atheists claim Biblical Christianity is false, arrogant, insulting, even dangerous.
This claim can of course be made against anyone with a religion or worldview that differs from their own. We can have vested interests and want to believe something so much that we refuse to consider anything that suggests it might not be true. But sometimes we may have a misunderstanding of an other's view that has been misrepresented to us by parents, friends, teachers. So will you please give Bible Christianity a fair honest appraisal.
Surely we can agree these factors would help us get closer to a true understanding. (1) Conflicting religions//worldviews can't all be right or nothing makes any sense. There can't be one God, many gods, no God, the universe God, a personal Creator God, or god be an impersonal force. If any one is true, the rest are false.  (2) Suppose the dignity of some highly esteemed person whether Plato, Muhammad, Joseph Smith Jr., a Hindu holy man, etc.  said, "I talked with God, an angel,  or had a vision of God and can tell you everything that you should accept as true." Should that be accepted as binding truth on all humanity? I think not! Don't crazy men sometimes say the same things? And can't people lie to get a following. Even sincere people can be deceived. And drugs can alter one's imagination to believe anything. (3) If there is a true God, wouldn't he be the God who cares for all people alike since persons are basically the same? So limited local tribal gods that exist only in human imagination would be discredited also. (4) Now wouldn't a God limited in power, knowledge, and location be discredited as well?  A god who isn't everywhere, doesn't know everything, may be ignorant of us, powerless to help us, and not even care. That's not the Bible's God, and that god is not worthy of our worship and service.
Now Christians would agree with atheists who deny belief in any of these above ideas about God because none of them come close to the infinite eternal, self-existent, immaterial, all powerful, all wise, perfect Creator God who upholds the universe and acts within it to accomplish His good will. Moreover, an Almighty creative Mind could never be caught in a microscope, telescope, or science experiment but would be present and active all the while.   
The crucial question is how could we know the Bible's God acts in our world on our behalf? Wouldn't God have to do things neither nature nor man are known to do in order to get our attention and be recognized as Lord? (1) Miracles. The God of Bible prophets destroyed armies, cities, brought devastating plagues, sent food down from the sky, healed diseases instantly, all which showed his power greater than man or nature. (2) Fulfilled prophecies. God's spokesmen predicted details, and the rise and fall of  individuals and nations impossible to guess, contrive, or explain away. 
(3) Jesus' death and resurrection. Skeptics can't explain away the evidences. Five hundred eyewitnesses saw him alive, the empty tomb and left grave clothes, N.T., church, Bible history, secular confirmations. No skeptic has refuted it and many honest ones who tried became Christians. These things were not everyday occurrences, but grouped around individuals and crises circumstances while related to persons, places, events and a time line known in secular history as well as in the Bible. God's people were often mocked, persecuted, tortured, murdered for their faith. Only a deeply entrenched prejudice would dismiss this as impossible.
(2) Atheists claim the evils of the world show the infinitely good and powerful God of the Bible doesn't exist.
We call human behaviors like theft, lies, cheating, murder, human abuse and injustice of any kind moral evils. But what if doing those things benefit us, make us feel superior, satisfy our desires, help us control others to our advantage? If we're only evolving animals, then doesn't might make right? When there's no higher standard than human preferences and opinions, then whoever gains the upper hand imposes his will on the rest of us. Our world become a vicious jungle and we are only animals fighting to survive the best we know. It's evolution of the most fit. If love, ethics, respect, fair play doesn't advance us, why bother. The winner then forces his will on the rest of us, even to say who lives and who dies. An insecure, insane, destructive world is the logical and practical outcome of atheism 
But the Bible God is love and goodness whose good nature and will has set standards for our good. The Bible clearly teaches God created man in His image, a rational, moral person far above the animals. Unlike either animal instinct or programmed robots, we have a conscience, free will, and are held accountable for our actions. God's will is for us to respond to Him in a love--trust relationship that issues in our obedience, His glory, and human good. As a loving Father, He cannot force us to obey Him. He offers forgiveness even giving His Son to pay for our sins and enter eternal relationship and Heaven. But we can reject God's peace,  joy, and love in Christ which is our own choice. We can reject God, and live in self-imposed darkness and torment forever. There will be no evils in Heaven as incorrigible sinners are imprisoned in Hell. This is a fallen sinful world, but God invites us to relationship and His perfect Heavenly world.
(3) Atheists claim an eternal torturous hell makes the Christian God a terrifying inhumane monster. 
Let's get personal and honest. Would you want thieves, rapists, child abusers, homosexuals, terrorists, living next door to you and your family wondering all over your neighborhood? Of course, if you are elitist and live in a rich gated community, or house, and kids go to a secure school it may not concern you. Why be concerned about others anyway?
Rational civilized countries isolate or imprison rebellious lawless citizens to protect the law-abiding from them. Now when we use good sense to do that, how can we object when a loving God does it to protect and provide for His people? Doesn't that make good sense? Isn't the atheists who mock hell claiming we're only perishing animals without hope the real monsters? Jesus, however, gives all who trust in Him dignity and a destiny of eternal abundant life.
Critics misrepresent hell in various ways. (1) They claim it's a torture chamber when the Bible shows it's their chosen self-inflicted torment of guilt, shame, anger, pride, selfishness, rebellion, emptiness in rejecting God. (2) They claim it's unfair to punish liars the same as serial killers in a lake of fire. The fire is a metaphor since it doesn't consume demons, the worm, cannot be quenched, and people experience punishment in accord with their degree of sin. (3) People aren't given enough evidence to believe. God's usual signs are design in nature showing a Divine Designer, conscience showing a Moral Lawgiver, His Spirit convicting the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, preachers, the Church, miracles, dreams. Even one sin cannot be allowed to corrupt God's perfect heaven. Hell is the proof of a sovereign and holy God and of His love for all who trust in His forgiveness and incorruptible Heaven.
(4) Atheists claim the naturalistic method of science discredits unscientific Christian beliefs.
Prideful desire for prestige and authority can blind us to realities we don't want to admit to be true--we like to play God having the final say. And when science is so revered today having been used in so many fields to produce so many useful benefits and amazing discoveries people just assume anything scientists say must be true even when common sense says otherwise. Now some scientists claim, science can explain everything, so that we don't need any God to fill in the gaps of our knowledge. Could it be. not science, but that materialistic atheism is the real opponent of Christian beliefs even limiting progress within science itself? Atheists ignore or contradict crucial factors necessary to science.
Rather than being the enemy of science and modern experimental method, rational Christianity established them. Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss who claim God doesn't exist are like a car mechanic saying Henry Ford, never existed.
Modern science and experimental method didn't arise under-- Muslim fatalism, Greek intellectualism, superstitious animism, Hindu and Buddhist illusionism, but under  the influence of Christians and Bible creationists who said we have a rational moral universe we can understand because God created it to work through secondary natural and moral laws. And God has made himself known through His son He sent to save us, the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. The calendar and time became measured as before Christ and after his death. Apart from Bible Christianity, it's unlikely science would have risen, or could arise today under atheist materialism.
Let me mention a few on this full page of Bible believing creationist pioneers and their branch of science. Astronomer Johanness Kepler (1571-1630) coined the phrase "Thinking God's thoughts after Him." Scientist mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a devoted Christian inventor and apologist. The great Isaac Newton (1642-1727) wrote more on theology than on science. Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626). He invented the scientific method of repeated empirical testing. This is not mentioned in science textbooks, or that many noble prize winners were Christians. And it's often implied that Christians and creationists can't be good scientists. Atheist's deceptions!
Science is based upon philosophy, not experiment. What atheist materialists don't want you to know is that before an experiment is performed the scientist must make a basket full of assumptions. Truth exists and is knowable. Nature's laws are orderly and consistent. Effects have causes. Our senses give accurate information. Immaterial laws of logic and math apply to our world. We have free will to conduct experiments. Honesty is required if science is verifiable. Now scientists do falsify their data and conclusions to get grants for their departments and projects. We must check to see if their science is fact, because what some scientists say may not be. And what is called scientific fact today, may be discredited science fiction tomorrow.
The real war is not between science and Christianity but between science and materialism. Unless the universe created itself, everything is an effect pointing to and dependent upon God, its Creator. Despite what popular atheist Laurence Krauss says, all science is based upon a universe that is the effect of a great cause. That cause would be the self-existent, eternal, immaterial, immutable, omniscience, omnipotent morally perfect God who revealed Himself by acts with us in the history of the Bible and works in lives today giving love, peace, hope, help to believers .
Can's we use the "H word" for atheists who don't behave like they claim to believe?  They say causality is a valid science principle except in creation which would disprove atheism. Only matter exists, but ask you to believe their immaterial arguments, theories, reasons, evidences that prove atheism. They deny objective morality but complain about injustices all the time. They deny consciousness, sense experience, logic, faith, truth, free will, then ask you to accept their conclusions. They say Christianity is dangerous, but never mention all the atheists wars that slaughtered millions. They mock God, right to take life, but affirm  their right to abort babies.
Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God," They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race, he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away, all have become corrupt. Psalm 14:1-3
The most important issue now and for eternity is to abandon atheist foolishness, swallow our arrogant pride, tell our Creator we trust in Him who gave His son to pay for our sin, free us from slavery, the world's temptations, Satan's lies, and our self-centered rebellion. Then we experience God's forgiveness, love, peace, eternal life.  Say without hesitation: Lord Jesus, I trust and commit myself to you now and forever. Thank you now as my Savior, Lord, Guide, and I will serve you from now own and share my new faith WWW and with others.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Questions Many Christians Can't Answer!

                   Questions Many Christians Can't Answer!

Skeptics often claim Christians are emotional narrow minded persons who can't give good answers to honest sensible questions about their faith. They fail to understand the situation and may act no different themselves if questioned about their beliefs. Pastors don't conduct Sunday services the same way skeptical college professors conduct their classes. Skeptics usually have a secular background, are ignorant of Bible teaching, have heard only a secular viewpoint, are hostile toward persons of different beliefs, and pride themselves on being intellectually superior. I ask only that you try honestly to be open and fair-minded to a Christian biblical answer to these following questions. Thank you. 
Why do Christians try to impose their beliefs on others? Some malign Christians as biased, arrogant, intolerant, narrow-minded even dangerous in their beliefs about God and morality. But lets be honest: the politically correct crowd seeks to stifle free speech. Atheists preach science destroys belief in God. Muslims try to impose their law on the world.  National socialists (Nazis) try to force everybody to have all things in common. ISIS beheads everyone who disagrees with them, especially Christians. All these groups think they are right and fight to control or eliminate the others. It reduces our world to a jungle and us to mere animals in a power struggle for evolutionary survival of the fittest. Instead of working for the common good, it seems people today care only for their special interests. Isn't this making our world increasingly insane, dangerous, and diabolically evil?
Christians believe that we are created in God's image with dignity, and equality, thus entitled to respect, freedom, peaceful discussion and negotiation. That's what made America great! Only Christians have historical eyewitness evidences how a real God has acted in our real world that provides the basis we need for a rational world, absolute truth, authority, justice, peace, love, empirical science, and hope for life after death. Could the Bible be right that those who hate God love death (Proverbs 8:36). I believe honest, open minded persons willing to look at the evidence will see it far superior to any alternative.
 How Then Can a Loving God Send Good People to Hell? This question is loaded with many unfair assumptions like the question: Have you beat your wife lately? What is a loving God? What do you mean by good people? Is it really God that sends people to Hell, or could it be their choice?
 God as Creator is the only being who is good and loving. His standard is absolute perfection (Psalm 25:8; Matt. 5:48; 19:17).  We are evil doers who can't attain His perfect standard (Rom. 3:10, 23). PLEASE BE HONEST AND THINK THIS THROUGH. Love seeks the good of people; evil is the defect that destroys good as a broken arm, blindness, hate instead of love. UNDERSTAND; First, if evil were allowed into heaven, it would spread and contaminate everything, like a disease it would destroy Heaven. Second, if there's no Hell and we rebellious sinners are allowed into Heaven, then morality is meaningless---no matter what we believe or do results are the same. Third, we have a conscience to discern right and wrong and God gives us the choice to trust Him and His way, or go our own way living apart from Him. This gives us dignity, and freedom--we're neither animals nor robots. Finally, knowing we can't live perfect lives, God provided a way to know Him giving His sinless Son Jesus to bear our just punishment--what greater display of love can there be? We can be forgiven, cleansed, and made fit for Heaven in right relationship with Him. THAT'S GOD'S WAY--But it's the choice each of us must make--Jesus and Heaven, Or our selfish rebellious way and Hell. Read the Gospel of John carefully and you'll see it's taught a hundred times!
But Why Are Christians Such Hypocrites? Can we view this issue with some openness of mind? Does anybody live consistently with what they believe or claim to believe? Can our different beliefs make us hyper critical of others who don't believe as we do? Are we prejudiced for some reason, and don't we put others down to make us feel good/prideful? Do we know for sure they even are Christians? Anyone can go to a church, carry a Bible, even serve in a church office and not be a real believer. Nobody is perfect according to the Bible, so that's why we all need Jesus to save us. If we search our own heart and pray for the hypocrites instead of condemning them, we might help them, and be more humane ourselves.
Must a Person Be A Church Member To Go To Heaven? Let's be realistic about this. Some persons are simply unable to walk and can't go to a local church. In many areas there is no gospel church nor Christian believers to fellowship with. In some areas, persons dare not attend a Christian church for fear of persecution and death. Some hear the news of the Savior and trust him in their dying moments. Some churches have forsaken the faith and don't even preach Jesus is Savior. But we should join with other true believers when possible to be informed, encouraged and strengthen in faith. We can learn and/or share with other believers by radio, television, email, home Bible studies. The thief on the cross next to Jesus acknowledged his sin and received the Lord's promise of Heaven while dying on the cross. What's most important is that we look to the Lamb of God who alone can take away our sin (John 1:29)

Consider these words of God's apostle (sent one) Peter. "There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 "He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and love what is right." First Peter 2:24 "Christ suffered for our sins for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. First Peter 3:18. Just having our name on some church register doesn't change our sinful hearts to love Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We could join a church and be a hypocrite who cares nothing at all that Jesus died to pay for the sins we committed or God's way to make us clean and acceptable to Him.
Are Some Persons Predestined to Heaven and Others to Hell? Yes, in one sense from God's perspective. The Bible says, "I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning And from ancient times things that are not yet done (Isaiah 46:10).  Our Creator of the space-time universe existed before time and exists outside of time. But He everywhere sustains the universe so He knows all that takes place. For him everything is fixed, determined, certain. This means He knows our every thought, word, and deed in advance and if we will become believers. God doesn't force His way on us, but lovingly invites us to Him. So it's our choice to receive Jesus and Heaven, or reject Him and spend eternity in the self-inflicted torment and darkness of Hell. See John 3:16-20, 36. Won't you say, Lord Jesus as an unfit sinner, I trust you now to save me and be your child from now on. 
Are We The Terminal Generation?  We don't know the exact year, month, date, or hour when Jesus will return to take His true believers to be with Him forever (Mark 13:32; John 14:1-3). But He will rapture His church (1 Thess. 4:16-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-52). Then, God will judge this rebellious rejecting world like never before. If this tribulation were not cut short, nobody would survive (Matt.24:21-22). After that Jesus will return to earth to reign as King of kings over the world in Jerusalem as the Tanakh or O.T. prophets foretold (Daniel 7:27; Rom. 11:26-27; Rev. 20:1-4). Then, the final great white judgment and the New Heaven and Earth. Praise God!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How Can Christians Believe Such Things?

                  How Can Christians Believe Such Things?

Don't people have the right to question Christian beliefs? I'm suspicious of any religion that forbids or threatens harm for asking questions. How else are we to learn the truth? Such religions it seems must have a bad background and false and dangerous teachings they want to hide. It's true hostile deceived people can harm honest questioners. But Bible Christianity invites honest thinking people to question it freely without fear because it gives evidence of being God's truth. Let me briefly address two Bible issues many people understand little or nothing about, or may have heard lies.. See my other articles for other questions and fuller discussion. God bless.
1. Isn't being good the way to a good God and a good Heaven? That seems so logical and true, but it assumes a host of false notions people never consider. It assume God's goodness means he approves things we think good, and disapproves things we think bad. It assumes our selfish prideful desires are normal and not displeasing to God. It assumes Christianity is just a bunch of unnecessary rules that spoil our fun. It assumes our teachers, and parental examples were right. Now please consider God's teachings and reasons. "We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6).
This is the relationship God wants to have with us now and forever. "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things." (Gal. 5:22). Now why is there no law against these things? Could it be that people know this would be the ideal world with a God who loves us? It's God's desire we have a kind of Heaven on earth in relationship with Him.
I hope this is not the way our Creator and Owner may see you in the day of judgment. "When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sensual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you . . .that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God" (Galatians  5:19-21). Many people call these lifestyles fun. They don't realize they're rejecting the standard of God who loves them. Their choice of rejecting His offer of love is an eternity of torment in darkness, loneliness, guilt and shame--it's called Hell.  God loves us enough to tell us the truth!
2. How can a loving God send anyone to Hell?  Could there be some false assumptions here too? Does love mean it's alright to do anything we desire without reprimand or punishment? Should everybody be allowed to run the streets robbing, rapeing, killing people they don't like, or for fun? Is it a mistake to put such people in jail? How do you know there is life after death? Should such people be allowed to do their thing in Heaven? What is the meaning of justice and does it have anything to do with love? Is it better to allow one person's feelings rule over the good and safety of all others? Isn't hell God's torture chamber? Is there a way to avoid hell? Can you put your feelings aside for a moment and be courageously honest and open to Bible teaching?
(1) Nothing we think, believe, or do ultimately matters if death means we cease to exist.  That's a meaningless insane world going nowhere. We have no dignity, freedom, purpose, or hope. We're just  born, struggle to exist, reproduce, and die, lights out. But if there's a Heaven we can gain and a Hell we can avoid, then human dignity, freedom, ethics, and everything else comes together, makes sense, and shows an ultimate purpose.
(2) A loving God doesn't send anyone to Hell-- we sinners send ourselves by rejecting God's loving offer of salvation. True love invites; it doesn't force itself upon us. People go to Hell by their own choice of preferring their way to God's way and rejecting the Savior. "Anyone who believes in God's Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn't obey the Son will never experience eternal life, but remains under God's angry judgment" (John 3:36). God is very patient with us inviting us to trust in Him to save us from our sins. "He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent" (2 Peter 3:9 NLT).
(3) The afterlife in Hell is not torturous fire, but fiery torments. It's  memories like described above in Gal. 5:19-21). It's aloneness, darkness, hate, guilt, shame, regret, lost opportunities, God's wrath, and a hopeless forever.  Hell was created for the devil and his angels which are evil spirits. So, Hell's undying worms aren't consumed in physical fire, but tormented with burning evil passions. Hell's lake of fire is degrees of torment-- serial killers tormented worse than liars. Sins in life decides degrees of torments in Hell (Luke 12:48; Rom.2:6). Love applied socially is God's truth and justice: "Don't be misled--you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant" (Gal. 6:7) 
(4) Unrepentant God rejecting people can't be allowed to corrupt God's perfect Heaven. Believers in Christ aren't perfect, but shouldn't their sincere faithful efforts be rewarded? Bible says they will be given crowns and wear white robes of purity. Not their righteousness, but Christ's who they trusted in to save them. Now the worm is not consumed, so the Bible doesn't teach annihilation of the unrepentant wicked. Considering that God rejectors despised His ways on earth and mocked His worship, blessings, and praise, so why would they be any different in Heaven? They would enjoy turning Heaven into their kind of Hell! So wouldn't it be most unloving of God to allow them to destroy Heaven?
(5) Jesus, the world's only perfect man suffered for nothing on the cross if we sinners would go to Heaven anyway.  "For the wages of sin is death (spiritual & eternal), but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13). Jesus did this for us as his enemies leading shameful lives. "If keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die" (Gal. 2:21). The whole Bible from Genesis 2:15 until Revelation 22:21 in many ways teaches Jesus blood and righteousness is humanities only means a loving God provided for us sinners to come into relationship with God and be made fit to dwell in His perfect Heaven. Do you know Him?

Have you ever felt empty longings that there must be something greater than you've known in life? We need water, water exists. Do you seek inner peace and ultimate purpose? Have you sensed  Someone calling you to relationship with Him? Could trusting your soul into Jesus care be what you need? Pray, Lord, I'm an unworthy sinner, but I trust You now and forever to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide until You come for me, or death takes me to You. Now use me Lord to do those things that really count for now and for eternity.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Is Any Human Act Really & Ultimately Right or Wrong?

       Is Any Human Act Really & Ultimately Right or Wrong?

Little Bobby playing in the school sandbox made a beautiful sandcastle. He was so happy and proud of his achievement, he wanted to show it to his friends. Billy made a sandcastle on the other end of the sandbox, but Billy's sandcastle fell in and was ruined. Angrily, Billy stomped over and stepped on Bobby's sandcastle. Bobby was so angry and disappointed, almost to tears. He screamed, "Billy, you're mean. You don't play fair, and I'm gonna tell the teacher." Was Billy wrong to destroy Bobby's sandcastle? Upon what basis would any act of man be ultimately right or wrong?
What if there's no kind of God? C.S. Lewis points out that people say things like: "How'd you like it if anyone did the same to you?" --"That's my seat, I was there first"-- Leave him alone, he isn't doing you any harm"--"Why should you shove in first?"--"Give me a bit of your orange, I gave you a bit of mine"--"Come on, you promised." People everywhere say such things every day whether young, old, educated, uneducated.  uoo
Lewis isn't saying people don't mean just that other persons don't please them; they mean there is a standard of behavior they expect others to know and to follow. If others do deny the standard, they are constrained to give some special reason to excuse their bad behavior. So both parties had in mind some kind of law, ethical rule, sense of fair play, or standard of acceptable behavior. But if no kind of God exists, nature is everything, then something within nature must serve as every body's ethical standard.

Now if man within all of nature is the highest being (no God we know really exists), then whatever moral standard there is must rest on human ideals. It seems the Golden Rule of treat others the way you want them to treat you, would be our ideal guide. But our selfish nature's want to dominate and control things our way. So we fight and destroy each other until some group or strong man gets control. The victors must enslave and kill all who oppose them to keep the peace and maintain their standard. Essentially, it seems we're no different than the perishing animals. This ultimate conclusion of  no God is the atheist humanist ethic and its what we see throughout history.
What if the universe is God? Eastern religions as Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, and others as "Christian Science", New Age claim the universe is God (pantheism), and God is the universe (monism). Like different ingredients cooked together in a cake, everything ultimately is the same and the differences are (Maya) illusion. We have multiple lives that take different forms (reincarnations). It's like the crops that come up each spring from the seeds they leave behind (deeds, karma). We are all a part of God and must not help suffering people as that only prolongs their suffering in other lives. But the mindless forces of nature don't know us, guide us, give us dignity, nor moral incentive. Monists may follow some esteemed wise man, worship ancestors, spirits, or do as they please. There is no moral standard, no ethical incentive. Absorption is the escape from the wheel of many lives of misery.
What if there's only a limited God or gods? Ancient peoples as the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, believed in many gods and goddesses that evolved out of nature. Their gods are selfish, fight each other, and are limited to their particular people or domain. They really are no better than their human worshippers. There's no assurance their gods care about them or even exist. Persons may show respect for their own tribe or people but not care about others--maybe even be head hunters. So, again, people in themselves have no dignity, ultimate purpose, and death may be relief. It boils down to might makes right--whatever group can get the upper hand  enslaves or kills those below them. 
What if there's a God who created the universe, then abandoned it? It's called deism and there are good reasons to believe in a Creator God (Read my articles). But does he love us, hear our prayers, guide us, and act in our world to help us. No! Deists claim natures laws tie his hands, so miracles are impossible, which makes such a God irrelevant and belief in him amounts to practical atheism.
 None of the views above give us a standard of behavior to say Billy mistreated Bobby. Nor do they prove what C.S. Lewis explained, that people everywhere have a common moral understanding of a real right and wrong. Now there is what is called "the natural law ethic." It is that all human beings are born free with dignity, equality, rights to life, liberty, happiness, land ownership, and have ethical incentives. It is supposed to be self-evident and inscribed upon the heart of every human being. The American constitution appeals to this as its basis of government. But if there is no God, no ultimate purpose to life, we are just animals waiting for the extinction of death, how, or on what basis is there to say there is any natural law giving all men dignity, equality, rights and ethical incentives?
We must get beyond a deist God! If we live, reproduce, and die,--lights out! Life doesn't seem to mean much--we're without dignity, value, and ethical incentive. What we do doesn't really matter. We feel human compassion, guilt, and shame. But they don't make sense, if there's no more to life than just reproduction.  Now we need food, water, and sex, and what we need really exists. We too feel the need for a relationship that can give us forgiveness, acceptance, inner peace, fulness of life, hope,-- this is exactly what converts to faith in Christ say they experience.
Now there are three great world religions that claim there is an afterlife of rewards or punishments. That adds a new dimension to the mix. These three world religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Judaism (2,000 B.C. to today), is presented in the Tanakh (O.T.). It records events of God's actions from creation until the Jews return to the land of Israel. It never reads like a fairy tale once upon a time, in some far off land. It discusses events we all experience in real life including our victories and failures. It mentions people, places, events known to history. A timeline can be established to events that correlate with histories in other nations. Miracles and prophecies are discussed that are established by eyewitness testimony and by martyrs. Things critics say never existed, archaeologists have uncovered with their spade. It describes people in rebellion against God and our need of a Messiah/Savior who is to come. But Israel never recognized such a Savior; its temple was destroyed and people again scattered among the nations in unbelief (A.D. 70).
Christianity (First century until today), picks up where Judaism left off as recorded in the New Testament. Christians claim Jesus was the Messiah/Savior and King that Israel rejected. Jesus was actually the God-man who walked among us claiming and showing he was God by fulfilling  prophecies and by miracles. Yet, the people rejected him, and crucified him. Ancient prophets foretold of his life both as suffering for people's sins and as reigning as Israel's King. The final proof was that Jesus arose from the dead as he said he would. His disciples went out to establish the church and tell the world to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to receive eternal life. Jesus promised to return to judge humanity and set up the kingdom promised throughout the O.T. One day all evil will be defeated and true believers in Jesus will dwell with him forever while those who want their way, and not Jesus, have their wish in a place separate from Heaven called Hell. The infinite God is one essence in three persons: the  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God makes himself known to persons who really want Him and is both loving and just, justice being love shown in society as preventing evil.
Islam (A.D. 622 until today). It teaches there's only one God, Allah, and there are 124,000 prophets, but Muhammad is the seal or final one. All claims to other Gods is blasphemy (shirk). Islam is based upon Muhammad's claim that the Angel Gabriel revealed the holy book, the Qu'ran only to him alone in a cave. The Qu'ran reveals Islam's laws which can be abrogated  or superseded by later laws. Like Christians, Muslims believe in angels, Heaven, and Hell. People are basically good and salvation is by doing more good deeds that bad ones, fighting for Islam, and if Allah wills. Muhammad lived centuries after the Bible, partially understood some of its teaching which didn't seem reasonable to him and claimed its teachings had been corrupted. Ethics is doing what Muhammad did and anything that promotes submission to Islam.  
How Then Can We Know Human Acts To Be Either Right Or Wrong? Feelings of human compassion, guilt, and shame require the Golden Rule ethic, which can be understood universally. The natural law ethic is not self-evident to millions of people of no Christian belief.  If life is only to be born, a fight to survive, and we cease to exist in death, it isn't worth much, and ALL our desires then seem reasonable.The American constitution was written by men educated in Christian schools of that time, who were active Christians in churches, and understood the love of God in Christ and the freedom, hope, and dignity it gives to humanity. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were deists, but still influenced by Christianity. So its a lie to represent the American constitution as the product of deists. Biblical Christians say there is a moral standard only because a moral rational God and Legislator has made himself known to us in our conscience, in the Bible, in history, and especially in Christ. Then, everything we do counts, and we will receive our just reward when we stand before our Judge, the Lord Jesus.
This world is not perfect and we're all sinners. The Lord Jesus will save all who trust in Him. He offers us forgiveness of sin, His love and guidance, and will reward our service and he may return anytime. We will still face human weakness and problems, but He is with us. Won't you say, "Lord Jesus, I trust you now to save me and to live in your love until I meet you when you come." So be it.  Now share your new Christian faith with others.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

                Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

What we claim as fact, truth, reality is decided by what we believe is the ultimate or final authority for our beliefs. Equally brilliant and educated persons can reach opposite conclusions viewing the same evidence simply because they have accepted different starting points as the authority for their thinking. This can be shown with opposite answers to the above question. And people will attempt every possible explanation to justify their conclusion.
This seems to be the facts as I understand them. (1) Roosters must pregnant hens before they can have chicks. (2) Hens have a protein called ovacleidin 17 in their body needed for egg shells to form. (3) Hens must lay on the eggs 21 days to keep them warm to hatch. (4) Hens must turn the eggs over 3 or more times a day to be keep evenly warm to hatch. (5) The chicks peck their way out of their shell, and the hen protects her chicks sometimes taking them under her wings and by showing them how to get food and water. (6) Breeding chickens to produce better varieties introduces intelligence not found in nature, but even then chickens genetic makeup won't allow anything other than newborn chicks.
Now if we say the chicken came first, we are a creationist believing the Bible is our final authority and appealing to the fifth day of Genesis when God created birds, sea creatures, and every living thing to reproduce after its own kind as we see happens today (Gen. 1:20-23). Thus, the Bible is the creationist's final authority and starting point.
But if we say the egg came first, then we are an evolutionist claiming that is our final authority and starting point. Many in science today would claim evolution, but not all scientists do. Evolutionists have usurped every branch of science today and educational authorities attempt to deny creationists teaching positions in schools. What I don't understand is: If evolution is so overwhelmingly demonstrated as scientific fact, then creation teaching should be allowed, even encouraged, to show how false it really is, to settle the controversy. So let's be clear about what we're talking about.
By evolution is meant all life forms are related biologically by common descent, being evolved by accident over billions of years from a single-celled common ancestor formed from lifeless chemicals. It's not that there can't be varieties of dogs and horses, or monkeys and men, but that every kind of life form reproduces after its own kind so there can be many varieties of dogs, but dogs don't change into horses, and many kinds of monkeys, but monkeys never evolve into people. Thus, the animals and plants we see today are descendants of the original ones God created though many have died out.
Now as a biblical creationist I have some serious problems with evolution that require good answers. Evolution has become the basis of many people's worldview that decides every issue of life and how we are to live. So we need to have a through understanding of  the issues and consequences.
First, DNA is a molecule of instructions of what an organism is to become. Nothing (non being) can't create matter, and mindless matter doesn't spontaneously generate information. Mutations can't be the mechanism of change as they are only copying errors causing defects and never observed to add new instructions. The DNA molecule gives a library of information so its sender, must be an infinite mind, God. Yes, DNA in organisms can be almost identical, but what makes animals and plants different is their different DNA arrangement, not identical chemistry. All this can't be an accident of chance over billions of years as evolutionists claim.
Next, living cells show irreducible complexity like a city of biochemical machines working together. In multi-cellular organisms, cells are specialised performing different tasks enabling the organism to survive. The organisms different systems as digestive, reproductive, respiratory and it organs as eyes, legs, heart, kidneys, must all function together making it one functioning animal. If one of these systems or organs  should fail, the organism would die. Thus, animals must be created complete and functional. Such complexity could never have gradually evolved by chance in billions of years. And this must be true throughout the whole animal and plant kingdoms.
Now the evolutionist usually says the chicken simply came from some earlier form of bird, but that's no satisfactory answer. That just pushes the question a step further back. And bird eggs must all be hatchet and have parents in conditions similar with hens. In fact, throughout the life kingdoms babies generally require parents to initially provide for them, especially human babies. Moreover, no reptile egg has been observed to hatch a bird. The evolutionist doesn't address the problem by saying the creationist is unscientific, stupid, ignorant, primitive, or that most scientists are evolutionists, or denying the Genesis creation account. Speculative arguments of future possibilities furnish no actual proof either. All such claims are evasions that don't answer creationists evidences and show a hateful disrespectful unchristian attitude. 
Now there are yet other crucial problems with evolution that have dire consequences for our lives.  Evolutionists claim there's no Almighty, all knowing, loving, personal Creator God, so there are no absolutes of truth and morals. Each person then is free to decide such things for him or her self. Now if no absolutes, how can an evolutionist claim evolution is true? No absolutes means nothing is certain truth. Has the evolutionist  thought about the consequences of  his claim of no absolutes and no higher authority as a personal Creator God? 
Then, each persons becomes their own authority. There's no fixed morality or truth, just limited, conflicting, individual preferences. So alternative lifestyles are acceptable, and we're free to follow our desires. We then can have sex with anybody we like, lie, steal, and murder people we hate or just for fun. The only rule for animals in a jungle world is temporary survival. There is no God to tell us how to live or judge us, we're not responsible to anything but free to fulfill our desires. It's this life, then lights out, so why not have our fling? Traffic lights, prices on items, jails--and all such things are rules we really detest. We can give our own interpretation to author's books as well as everything else. It's my way, and my truth with each of us. Nobody is telling me what to do, I'm my own boss!!
If everyone applied the worldview of those who detest the biblical Christian worldview, this world would quickly become chaos, continual violence and warfare, a virtual madhouse of insecurity and insanity. Moral and epistemological relativism doesn't work, it's of the devil (John 10:9-10). Can we admit the truth? Certainly the world would be a lot better if everyone applied the Bible of our Creator God--Galatians 5:19-23; John 3:16-21).

Now I ask you, does the evolutionist really live by his philosophy? Or, does he borrow from the Christian biblical worldview of a personal Creator God? The Bible's God created us for a love-trust relationship with Him, gives us breath and abundant blessings. He invites us to a restored eternal paradise with Him. He sent His Son to pay for our sins, forgive and renew us in faith, love, hope, a meaningful life, and rewards our earthly service. Persons who can only see rules, punishments, and Hell misunderstand Bible Christianity alltogether. They have an arrogant know-it-all attitude, and  their only concern is  a self-centered desire to have their own way.

Of course, if we drift rebelliously toward the evolutionist's way, the world becomes a madhouse of violence (Gen. 6:5-8). So government, or whatever has power, must impose rules and authority on everyone to prevent chaos and continual warfare. Honestly, who would want such a world? It's terrifying and unliveable. Human life will have no value, no hope, and death is lights out. The truth is that the evolutionist doesn't really live as if the world is a jungle and we are all animal predators, hoping only for temporary survival. He feels guilt and shame deep down, even if he won't admit it. So he borrows human dignity and morality from the Christian biblical worldview and its Creator God.
Now space limitations forbid much discussion. But if all is relative, then there is no uniformity or dependability in nature (Gen. 8:22), everything is an accident of chance. Further, if all is only material having no mind, how can we know that the immaterial laws of logic are true, and that our senses and memory give us true information, or that we even have a soul? Evolutionists are without a factual foundation. They borrow from the Christian biblical worldview, as do others of a non-Christian worldview. They have limited conflicting imaginings, just fooling themselves in their self-centered arrogance. We really have no common ancestor, but do have a Common Designer and great purpose, hope, and love in Yeshua or Jesus.
What then if the Bible's Creator God is absolute truth? Then God made everything, upholds everything, and as the Bible teaches God made us beings of dignity in His image for a personal love-trust relationship. Human dignity, love, justice, truth, Heaven and Hell can all be realities and life has meaning, and hope. Everything we do counts. The Bible teaches God so loves us sinful people that He sent His unique son, the God-man, to pay for our sins on the cross and offer us a more abundant and eternal life (John 3:16-21; 10:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:21). Won't you say, Lord Jesus I trust you right now and forever as my Lord, Savior, and Guide to do your will until I see you after death. Now serve God by sending this article on the www as a ministry of faith and love.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Was Jesus A Rational Empiricist?

                         Was Jesus A Rational Empiricist?

Our enlightened elitist culture demands a religion be logically consistent and related to the real world. We no longer believe in gods evolved from nature, made with human hands, or confined to someone's mind. That's just superstition or myth. We require supernatural claims be repeatedly tested and observed as in empirical science to demonstrate what exists in the real world. Now Christians claim God is Jesus who walked among us adding a human nature and body. Can we give that a fair honest objective appraisal to see if it's logically consistent and related to the real world?

Did Jesus know the three basic laws of logical discourse? Aristotle identified the basic laws of rational thought and discourse. As Logos or Reason, these laws have their basis in God, and Jesus as God used them teaching people (John 1:1-3, 14). Most essential is the law of noncontradiction from which all the others stem. It means that opposing statements can't both be true at the same time in the same sense. Some of his examples are contrasts between children of light with children of darkness, rebuking truth for error, children of the devil cannot be children of God, and that we are to test the spirits to see if they be of God. Jesus used the law of identity when he said to let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Jesus was saying that we can't think or talk in a consistent way if God could also mean no God, faith no faith, good not good. And Jesus used the law of excluded middle that a statement must be either true or false. For example, whoever is not for me is against me. We either walk in light or walk in darkness. In such cases there is no middle ground. 
Space limits me to mention only a few other forms of logical discourse Jesus often used in abbreviated form. A fortiori arguments mean that the greater is more reasonable than the lessor. So if sinful people give good gifts to their children, the heavenly Father will give far greater gifts to his children. He used disjunctive syllogisms such as you cannot serve God and mammon--there is no middle position. Jesus used hypothetical syllogisms as this example. If David by the Holy Spirit called the Messiah his Lord, then Messiah is more than David's son; Messiah is also his God which Jesus claimed. He used categorical syllogisms in reply to the legalistic Jews who forbade work on the Sabbath. Jesus defended his actions several times as his disciples eating grain, healing a man's deformed hand, their getting a sheep out of a ditch. His replies were to do good, emergencies required it, people were more important than rules, the Sabbath was make for man, he was Lord of the Sabbath being God. He replied a reductio ad absurdum argument when accused of casting out demons by the power of the devil. He said if that's true, then the devil's kingdom is devided and he is fighting against himself and will fail. Further, they know Jesus performed good miracles.
Did Jesus logically expose the clever traps of His adversaries? Jesus slid through the horns of a dilemma. giving a third option. King Herod's supporters asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not. A yes answer meant he put Caesar above God. A no answer meant he was opposed to Caesar, so either answer was a trap. Holding a Roman coin with Caesar's inscription, Jesus astonished everyone when he said give to Caesar what belongs to him and to God what's his due.  
Did Jesus demonstrate His logical arguments to be God were empirical fact related to the real world?  Yes abundantly! Jesus miracles contrary to nature's patterns confirmed his claims to be God. He performed miracles during daylight, before large crowds close at hand, often upon request, sometimes at great distances, often before hostile eyewitnesses seeking to discredit him. He did this at the temple, seaside, at large gatherings, passing through little towns, and in homes for more than three years. John said the books couldn't be written to describe them all (John 21:24-25).
Jesus' miracles showed he is Lord. He had power over nature turning water to wine, walking on water, stilling a storm, cursing the fig tree, twice catching many fish, and Peter going to find coin for tax in fish's mouth, twice multiplying food. And there was his virgin birth, transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension. He immediately healed various bodily ailments. There were several with visible skin diseases, paralysis, blindness, deafness, a woman with issue of blood, man with dropsy, severed ear of Malchus. He restored five demon possessed persons and raised three dead people. 
Some founders of other religions are also said to perform miracles. But devoted disciples made that  claim centuries after their deaths. .Jesus gospel miracles were published just decades while eyewitnesses were still alive. New Testament epistles included hymns and creeds used in churches from the beginnings. If Jesus' miracles were true events, then they would be no less true today or a thousands years later. We can't demand Jesus appear and walk on water  every decade before we can believe. Jesus said if anyone wants to do God's will, he will know the teaching. Do U want God's will? That's the crucial question! God gives U the right to choose being alone with your madness under his wrath in eternal darkness weeping and gnashing teeth! Matthew 8:12; John 3:36.
Which group is really logical and empirical, Jesus' once astonished skeptical disciples, or His modern critics? Modern critics with naturalistic assumptions say they can easily explain Jesus' miracles. Demons are just bad attitudes or insanity. The dead people were just in a coma. Jesus hypnotic personality  convinced people they were not really sick. Ancient people were ignorant of nature's laws. Mystery religions abounded in that day of men being gods performing miracles, and arising from the dead. Jesus was some kind of trickster.  Are the modern skeptics right?
I think not!  Demoniacs are distinguished from diseases. If diseases, Jesus could heal them immediately while modern doctors cannot. Demons recognized Jesus as the holy one of God even before the disciples. Possessed can speak other languages, show exceptional strength, and different personalities. Jesus exhibited a visible empirical event when the demons were caste into the pigs. It amazes me that liberals explain dead bodies raised as comas.  Since Adam and Eve people know dead bodies are cold, pale, and stiff. Jesus' can't hypnotize persons born blind to receive sight, skin diseases to disappear, deaf and dumb to gain these faculties--only God's power can do such things. Jesus disciples knew natures laws that people don't walk on water, raise the dead, or ascend into heaven. They were skeptical, often astonished, and Jesus often rebuked their unbelief.
Jesus miracles proceeded the mystery religions. They in fact may have borrowed from him as modern cults do today. No monotheistic Jew would accept religions about Greek or Roman gods. The mysteries were mostly fertility religions related to yearly crop cycles. Only Jesus was virgin born holy, lived without sin, died to pay for our sins, and arose to make believers God's redeemed people. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount teaching is the epitome of ethics. He challenged his bitter enemies to find fault with him, and when they couldn't, they plotted his death.  After his resurrection his at first skeptical disciples, then died horrible deaths not for a lie but to affirm Him as the holy Lord of glory.
What we choose to believe about Jesus is the crucial ultimate decision of our life and destiny! The Bible doesn't say Christians are without sin, but does say true believers are counted right with God because Jesus loved us enough to give his human life for us and the Holy Spirit in us to make us increasing better persons as we focus on God's truth, forgiveness, love, and power. God's love can't be forced. We're not programmed but can freely choose Jesus with the peace, love, and joy he can bring to our life, with heaven to boot. Won't U say, Lord Jesus, I trust You now to save me the sinner and always be my Guide until I go to be with You. Amen! (So be it).  Now serve your Lord and minister to others sending an article on the www every day.   See my note below.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Danger of Losing Human Rights!

The Danger of Losing Human Rights!

All over the world, we human beings feel we are born with certain rights. We have the right to life, the right to have a family, the right to own land, the right to earn a living at any trade or business we like, and the right to common respect and compassion. We further have the right to say what we believe is honest and true and the right to religious belief and worship in a manner that is productive of these rights. We feel within it's not right to tread us as slaves with no rights.

 We shouldn’t have to live in fear of a secret police taking us away to be killed or never seen again because we exercise our rights. And it shouldn’t matter what gender, color, race, or religion we happen to be--just being a human being gives us these rights. Yet, it seems certain philosophies, religions, or worldviews deny or destroy our human rights. The United States seems to respect human rights more than any other nation, and people risk their lives to go there. But now that seems to be changing. What could it be that is the basis of human rights?   
Is there a Basis for Human Rights in Evolutionary Atheism? Atheists also called humanists, secularists, materialists, anti-theists and naturalists believe there is no God, human soul or anything supernatural. They believe we somehow evolved from the dirt we return to at death and that is the end of us.  Life is cheap and almost worthless when people are regarded no more than soulless dirt. Some places you can sell or buy a  human being for a couple of animals. The only meaning to life then is what you can make of it in the present since there is no future life. There is no ultimate standard of right and wrong, only what you, as an individual prefer to believe.  Without objective universal moral standards, anything harmful can exit and does.
It seems impossible to see any basis for human rights in this view of life. On this basis, how can anyone say robbery, rape, murder, genocide or anything imaginable is really right or wrong or that any human rights exist? Each person then becomes their own god to do as they please or what they can get by with—which often is anything in a meaningless amoral world. In honesty, the atheist, Jean-Paul Sartre said that suicide was the only serious question. Sanity and security disappear as chaos and rebellion appear. So atheists believe in enforcing strong government in which they control and decide what freedoms they will allow and what opposition they must eliminate. The opposition is those ignorant religious people who believe in a higher moral standard and power—a personal ethical God.  
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Islam? Islam means submission. Islam is an upside down pyramid based upon belief in Muhammad’s claim that the angel Gabriel revealed the Qur’an to him. No one but Muhammad was present when this occurred to verify Muhammad’s claim. Even he doubted it at first until convinced by his favorite wife. And since he came after the Jewish prophets and Christian apostles, this made him the seal of the prophets. Anything previously said that different from what he now says is incorrect. Ironically, Joseph Smith Jr. said the angel Moroni spoke to him. And, since he came after Muhammad, wouldn’t Muhammad’s reasoning make Smith the final prophet?
Muhammad was a caravan trader between Egypt and Syria who met Jews and Christians who no doubt told him Bible teachings and stories. He sought to win Jews to his new beliefs but they rejected him as a false prophet because his teaching about the Jewish Tanakh (O.T.) was incorrect. One example is his claim that Abraham would have sacrificed Ishmael instead of Isaac. Muhammad then had his followers bow toward Mecca instead of Jerusalem. Christians also rejected Muhammad as a false prophet because he said Jesus didn’t die on the cross and was not the Son of God. God does not have companions which is blasphemy (shirk). But not only the Bible, but also church fathers and three Christian creeds teach the Trinity centuries before Muhammad.
Muhammad won converts by use of the sword while Jesus said put up the sword and love your neighbor as yourself. The Qur’an says to slay unbelievers who won’t submit to Allah, don’t trust unbelievers as your protectors, and break treaties if it advances Islam. Muslims forbid proselytizing and even slay relatives who convert to other faiths. Moreover, Muslim nations are ruled by secular and religious dictators who allow them limited freedom. They treat their women as low class citizens denying them education, can beat them and deny them sex. Where is the basis for human rights in demanding submission to Islam?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Pantheism? Pantheists or monists believe everything is spiritual energy that takes different forms and they call it god. Spiritual energy can take the form of a dog in one life and a person in another and in the end is simply united into universal energy. With variations, this is the basis of world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christian Science, Unity, and New Age. In India and places where this is believed people suffer great sickness, starvation, and poverty. Compassion is not shown for its believed this would interfere with their karma that would only prolong their suffering. Hospitals and human welfare institutions are found only among Christians. Where is any basis for human rights and concern in pantheism?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in our Common Humanity? People universally have basic moral beliefs. We unavoidably have to make moral judgments. We must have an idea of justice in order to know injustice. Without a standard of moral rightness we cannot say whether we progress or regress. We make excuses when breaking the moral law. We suffer guild to break the moral law. We cannot invent but only discover the moral law. We act contrary to our natural and strongest instinct to survive when we risk our life to save other lives. We find some actions seem wrong such as lying robbery, rape, and murder. We object to such things done to us. Other actions seem right such as human respect, kindness, and compassion. If a behavior is right or wrong for one person, isn’t it for all persons since we are a common humanity? Genetics has now established all persons have descended from one woman and one man located in the same region.
Yet, in spite of all this, we have a dark evil side, want our way above all else, and can find reasons to justify any behavior. So, why not have our flings since it’s an ultimately meaningless world and our lives end in extinction?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Biblical Christianity? I don’t mean the so-called Christianity of liberalism, but the Christianity of the Bible. True science points directly to the God of Genesis 1:1. That God revealed Himself in our history in many unmistakable supernatural ways. Only a willful prejudice can deny that it’s true. The Bible is plain that God made man directly in His mental, moral, immortal image that gives us great value. We are not just dirt evolved up from the slime. Even apart from the Bible, our perfect Creator has given us universal objective moral standards discussed immediately above in our common humanity. That in itself is a basis for human laws that provides for and respects human dignity and freedom. Yet, God knew this is still not enough. We know it too when we’re honest.
Knowing our dark sinful propensity, God also gave us His Word to help us further know His perfect will. The Almighty has a great plan; He is carrying it out in our world. We have opportunity to take part in that plan with eternal reward. That’s what makes life meaningful--our every thought, word, and deed counts. Yet, more wonderful, God actually came into our world adding to Himself the nature and body of a man and walked among us. He fulfilled ancient prophecies that foretold what he would be like and do. He did things normally impossible for neither men nor nature. He walked on water, raised the dead, transformed Himself into light, and ascended into Heaven. Best of all, to satisfy God’s justice and demonstrate God’s love, Jesus took our place on the cross paying the price of our sin and opening the door to Heaven for all who believe. And, Jesus arose from the dead proving He is the God-man and that all He said is God’s truth. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). That’s the only basis of human rights since it's God's truth that makes us accountable to God at the judgment.

Yes, in the Lord Jesus Christ alone we can have dignity, rights, freedom, justice, love, truth, and assurance of life after death. But it’s our choice how we live and where we go—Heaven or Hell. The God of love allows us to have our sinful ways and doesn’t perform a miracle to save us every time we do something stupid. But he pleads with us in love to come to him to be saved. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10). None of the views above can provide such rights and give such hope.

This may be your opportunity of a lifetime to say YES to the Savior of sinners and become a child of God with all its rights and prospects. Jesus, the God-man died for you and me. I’ve trusted Him to save me. How about YOU? The Lord and Savior pleads with you to come to Him now. Won't you say yes Lord Jesus, I trust in You now and forever as my Lord, Savior, and Guide? If you have now trusted the only Savior of us sinners, won't you link this blog and share it with others? God bless you in your new life and ministry of love, faith and hope.