By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Social Concerns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Concerns. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Europe & America in Transition

Europe & America in Transition

Europe and America seem to be changing from a once strong biblical Christian influence to atheism pantheism, and Islam. The steps of denial seem to be the justice of Hell, God as Moral Lawgiver, absolute truth and ethics, life after death, and the value of human life. Hang with me and see what you think.

The Worldviews of Atheism and Pantheism

The Justice of Hell. To some people Hell is unthinkable of a good and loving God. It’s utterly cruel to caste every sinner together in an eternal lake of fire. They think persons aren’t so bad and would be good if encouraged and given ideal circumstances. And others don’t know, don't care and don't believe in the Christian biblical God and Hell. Pantheists believe in their working off their karma through many self-centered lives that end in absorption into universal energy.
I blame the church in part for unbiblical preaching on God’s justice, love, and Hell. Fire and damnation gets people’s attention but can turn them away from the church. Persons go to Hell for their eternal rejection of God and His righteousness in Christ. Each is punished according to his or her own degree of knowledge and sin. Hell is God’s wrath against sin and the sinners own mental torments, not God physically torturing everyone equally in a lake of fire. God’s love is giving sinners witness in nature, conscience, the Bible, the Holy Spirit and godly people who tell them of the Savior dying to pay for our sin and give us His righteousness and eternal life. Justice and love are both sides of the same coin. So sin cannot be allowed in to corrupt God’s perfect Heaven and sinners must be confined to their own kind of place--Hell. See my other articles on Hell, God, and Heaven. Jesus said, “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority" (Jn. 7:17). See also Jn. 3:36; 16:8-10; Luke 12:47-48; Jn. 19:11; Rom. 2:5-6; Heb. 10:29.
God as a Moral Lawgiver. When God seems unjust as above, or as an impersonal principle or force as in pantheism, then we have no good reason to believe in a Moral Lawgiver. We may become passionate about some area of moral reform to give our life meaning. But when we believe the Bible’s teaching that God is a sovereign, holy, loving, wise and just Creator and universal Sustainer, then we have a sound foundation for moral law. We will never live without sin, but we will have understanding that a personal, ethical God exists who is our Authority and Guide. We can know His forgiveness, love, and look to being in Heaven with Him someday. Romans 2 give God’s principles of judgment.
Absolute Truth and Morals. When we see no reason to believe in God as a person and Moral Lawgiver, we are shut up to nature and preference as our basis for truth and morals. Human conscience and compassion can dissolve. We can believe anything we like as true and right since there is no higher authority and all is flux. Human history is worship of ancestors, idols, rats, snakes. It’s sacrificing our children in fire; hunt other people’s heads, and killing enemies to receive their power. Pantheists are unconcerned with ministering to others and care only to work off their own karma to be better off in the next life. And the pantheist impersonal force can’t furnish ethical standards, nor reward or punish our behavior. How can we even know what karma demands? All such things occur in history and practices today in various places. Without a Moral Lawgiver and Judge, nothing matters, life is without ultimate purpose. See Romans 1:18-32.
Life after Death. When persons die, lights out, they’re dead, and the worms take over. What happened to the life in them? Did it cease to exist, take another form, or go somewhere? Atheists say it ceased to exist so there’s no hope for live beyond the grave. Pantheists say it takes other forms until absorption. Christians say it went to another place either with God or in Hades awaiting resurrection and judgment. It’s difficult to see how atheism and pantheism provide any basis for life’s having any great purpose or value.  
The Value of Human Life. If in death we cease to exist, or assume many lifetimes in various forms until absorption, what then are human beings value? Christians believe persons have great value being in the mental, moral, immortal image of God, being responsible to God, and existing eternally beyond the grave. All we do counts within time and for eternity. We must answer to God for how we treat our fellow man that gives persons ultimate responsibility and worth. But what value is soulless dirt or recycled energy waiting absorption? When persons are of little worth it doesn’t greatly matter how we mistreat and manipulate them.
Selfishness seems the logical and practical outcome. So lying, cheating, stealing, killing, lawlessness, manipulation, and immorality seem reasonable. Do whatever you feel like doing that would seem to benefit you. When the general population sinks to this level, anarchy results. Thus, tyrants with grandiose promises arise claiming to correct the situation.
 It seems that is where Europe and America is headed. Either a socialist or a Muslim government will gain control by gradual degrees using freedom to destroy freedom and claiming tolerance until they gain control to suppress all dissent. Or, it will come by open revolution and a blood bath. Tyrannical governments must secure control by suppressing freedom of speech and the press as well as religion. No higher power than government will be allowed. And education and wealth must be controlled as well. Knowledge and wealth are means of power and the government must be the only power. It decides who lives or dies, and what laws people must obey. Citizens will live in fear of a police state or of their own relations who will persecute, maim or murder them. It seems incredible that citizens rise up to destroy themselves, but it seems to be happening. Is there no chance to recover sanity, sense, decency and civility?

The Biblical Christian Worldview
The Jesus of History Arose from the Dead Showing He is the God-man. There can be no doubt Jesus is a person in history who claimed to be God and arose from the dead. The four Gospels, sermons in the Book of Acts, and Paul’s letters written A.D. 33-70 tells about the resurrected Christ. And the N.T. letters contain creeds and hymns used in the early churches from 3-7 years after Christ’s death confirming His deity (i.e. 1 Cor. 11:23; 15:1-8: Romans 1:1-4; Phil. 2:6-8; Col. 1:15-18 and others).
Those who would deny God exists and can take human form must furnish good evidence, not just spout their bias naturalist claim. At first skeptical Jews, often rebuked for being astonished at Jesus’ miracles, would never risk damnation in turning from Moses’ laws to worship the Triune God and meet on Sunday in honor of His resurrection, unless it was true. And let’s give them credit, they had more sense than to endure persecution and die brutal deaths for a known lie.
Then, there is Life beyond the Grave. Because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow with hope of one day living with Him in the new Heaven and new earth. From God’s perspective, His Son’s death paid for our sin, satisfied God’s wrath, brought forgiveness of sin, opened the door to Heaven, and defeated the devil. His resurrection demonstrated its all true. Though critics proposed a dozen or so theories to disprove His resurrection, all are shown to be leaky buckets.
No world religion has eyewitness and early accounts of anything like it--not the Avatars of Hinduism, the myths of mystery religions, the divine claims of Caesars, or the philosophers’ arguments are anything that can stand up to Jesus’ resurrection. Praise God, He lives and so we know we can too!
Jesus then is the God-man Who Walked among Us. What could prove God to us? Yes, science furnishes good evidence that points to God’s existence and shows evolution a hoax. Evils and conscience make sense only if there is a Moral Lawgiver.
 But even supposing all that’s true, how can we be assured this God cares for us? And how must we live in relation to Him? Jesus set the example of pure clean living pleasing to the Father. He not only told us right and wrong; He showed us in our sweat, blood, and tears world. He knows what we go through since He endured more than we ever will. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him (Romans 5:8-9).
As God-man, Jesus affirmed the Bible is God’s Message to Humanity. Whatever God says is final authority. Jesus is God who walked among us; both told and showed us He is God. “The Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God” (John 5:18). Jesus later said to them, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (Jn. 5:39). See also John 14:25.
The Recovery of Decency and Civility Requires a Change of Heart. Jesus said, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things” (Luck 24:46).
If Europe and America will return to God and righteousness, they will be restored to moral freedom and prosperity. People the world over respected America as a land of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity. They would risk their lives to escape tyranny in their own lands. The government is what the people allow. So a corrupt government is only a reflection of a corrupt citizenry. Christians should run for office and make their voices known.
Repentance must begin with the church that has grown lax in its beliefs and behaviors, its attitudes and actions. Few church people know the Bible and live any different from the world system of evil.
 Christians must not be afraid or ashamed to speak out for righteousness. Let others know what the Bible says on moral and social issues. Dr. Carl Henry, a leading evangelical theologian, warned Christians would lose a voice unless they engage teachers, journalists, lawyers, politicians, scientists, artists, entertainers and every leader on both social issues and the gospel. With internet technology, Christians can now reach the world with God’s message of truth, love and hope. Pray and work to do this and see it all turn around. BECOME GOOD NEWS MESSENGERS.
Let me recommend a New York Times bestselling author warning people about radical Islam’s program and objectives. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

No Clear Understanding of Hell

No Clear Understanding of Hell

 Most believers and unbelievers have no clear understanding of Hell. They’re hung-up on God casting all persons together into a literal lake of fire forever. The fire is all they have ever heard about Hell. Picturing burning flesh horrifies them. “If that’s what Jesus said and what the Bible teaches, its heartless cruelty, it’s unjust. I can’t believe a loving God would do that,” they say. Let’s look at what the Bible actually teaches about Hell.
The Biblical Hell is Separation from God.
Sin is unacceptable to a holy or perfect God and a pure or perfect Heaven. Being infinite and perfect none other is like God or can come into his presence in self-centered rebellion. “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” (Rev. 4:8). “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you” (Isa. 59:2). “No fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” (Eph. 5:5). God must separate the wheat from the tares less it choke out the wheat.
The Biblical Hell is Mental Torments, Not Physical Torture.
“They will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Rev. 20:10). The Bible uses many metaphors or pictures to communicate the nature of Hell. Yes, a fiery furnace, lake of fire even flames are mentioned (Matt. 13:42; Lk. 16:24; Rev. 21:8). But fire is only one of many pictures. Fire as we know it consumes human flesh. But the worm is not consumed since persons in Hell have imperishable bodies (Mk. 9:44; Jn.5:28; Rev. 20:13-15). The fire then must be non-literal representing God’s all-present wrath and judgment which abides on evil doers forever (Jn. 3:36; Deut. 4:24; Ps. 18:8; 2 Thess. 1:7-9). The Bible teaches degrees of punishment—that’s impossible if all were thrown together in a lake of fire. Bible teachings are literally true, but not necessarily true literally. Like other languages, the Bible uses symbols and figures of speech. For example, are we canabals actually eating Christ's body and drinking his blood or is it meant as symbol and memorial (Matt. 26:26-28).
We cannot dismiss all the other pictures that give a fuller description of the nature of Hell. Jude 12-13 gives several pictures of Hell as clouds without water, trees without fruit twice dead, raging waves of the sea, wandering stars reserved in blackness forever. Outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth are other pictures (Matt. 8:12; Acts 7:54). Hell is worse than loss of eyes or limbs (Matt. 5:29-30). All these pictures seem to represent torments such as the sense of guilt, loss, shame, emptiness, deadness, corruption, aloneness, anger, despair of everlasting destruction.  
 The Biblical Hell is Punishment According to Knowledge and Degrees of Sin.
If all sinners are thrown together into a lake of fire, it seems all get the same punishment without distinction. No human judge would give the same sentence to both a man who stole food to feed his starving family and a serial killer. That would be most unjust. Would the all-knowing and completely just God do any less? Even the picture of being beaten with many stripes or with few is a metaphor of degree (Luke 12:47-48). The torments of Hell are self-inflicted. Sinners in Hell reap only what each sowed throughout life (Gal. 6:7-8). They didn’t want truth, God, and righteousness, so God let’s them have their way (Rom. 1:18-32). Scriptures phrases show degrees of punishment in accord with each person’s sins—more tolerable (Matt. 11:22-24), according to his deeds (Rom. 2:6), worse punishment (Heb. 10:29).
The Biblical Hell is the Undying Worm in Outer Darkness.
 Worm in the Bible is a term of contempt to those thought vile and despicable. “The son of man who is a worm (Job 25:6). “ But I am a worm and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people. All those who see Me ridicule Me” (Ps. 22:6-7). This was prophesied of Jesus bearing our sins dying in our place on the cross (Matt. 27:39-44).
Darkness in the Bible stands for deception, Satan and sin that are unlike God who is truth and righteousness. Persons jest that they will party in Hell with their friends, but that’s not biblical teaching. Outer darkness is away from the city of God’s light and glory. Black darkness is being confined to a self-made prison alone forever. There will be no more beautiful sunsets and landscapes, no more warm sunshine or cool breezes, no more good times with loving family and friends, no more exciting sports or fulfilling activities. Persons who didn’t thank, appreciate and praise God for his goodness to them in life will find it all taken away. There’s no goodness and love in Hell—only God’s wrath and self-inflicted torments.
The Biblical Hell is God’s Eternal Wrath.
Hell is day and night meaning forever or no respite or relief. The Bible doesn’t teach annihilation, a second chance, or reincarnation into many lives as some like to claim. Our choice to accept or reject God is fixed or sealed at death (Rev. 22:11).The Bible is clear that Hell is eternal punishment. “These will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life (Matt. 25:46).
Weeping and gnashing of teeth means Hell is eternal conscious punishment, not annihilation. Hell lasts as long as God and Heaven last. Life’s sins receiving eternal judgment is not overkill since sinful human nature in Hell is unrepentant, unchanged. And yes, God is a hundred percent for reformation—it’s called life--the Holy Spirit speaks to sinners about it throughout their lives (Jn. 16:8-11). Sinners in Hell still despise their Lifegiver as much as they ever did if not more. There is no second chance. “As it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment (Heb. 9:27; Rev. 22:11). Moreover, reincarnation into multiple lives is absurd. Can we seriously believe a frog knows about its karma in past lives or a person will know their karma if they become a frog? And what is karma but an abstract impersonal principle that knows nothing and can judge nothing?  
Can saints be happy knowing a loved one may be in Hell? Can they enjoy a meal knowing many people in the world are starving? Without sin and Satan we will see things completely God’s way. Our theology is to be based upon what God has told us in his Word or we’re shut up to human guesses without authority. Scripture is plain that the future Heaven promised to God’s people is a place on the new earth of beauty, service, worship, security and fulfillment without death, sorrow or pain for there will be no sin in Heaven (Jn.14:1-4;, 2 Pet. 3:12-13; Rev. 21; 22). But we can’t help being sinners! That’s the reason we need a Savior (1 Jn. 1:8-10). And God gives us abundant warnings and invitations through plagues, sicknesses, judgments, preachers, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, abundant facts, logic, conscience, nature, dreams, visions, even this article. So mankind is without excuse. God didn’t create people to go to Hell and even though He knows who will.
Hell proves God is holy, just, and Lord over evil. His promises of Heaven and warnings of Hell are true. Persons created in his image have dignity, rights, freedom, responsibility, and ethical mandates. Everything we think and do has ultimate consequences and meaning. God is fulfilling his great plan that is wise, powerful and good beyond our understanding.   
Dear friend, if I may call you that. In trusting Christ as Lord and Savior, we’re not going to be perfect. I can’t guarantee you things will go your way or work out better for you in this life. But based upon the authority of God’s Word, I can guarantee you can enter a love-trust relationship with our Life-giver, Judge, and King of the universe and that we can fellowship together one day in the new Heaven and new earth. It will be more wonderful than we can ever dream.
Won’t you now say, “Lord, I’m the sinner deserving Hell? But I trust in the Lord Jesus dying for me bearing my sin and I take him as my Savior and Guide from now on. Thank you, Lord. Now live for Him and share Him with others. You may want to send these articles to others who may trust our Lord for forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life. God bless your ministry of faith, love and hope. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jesus, Faith & Knowledge

Jesus, Faith, & Knowledge

#Knowledge   #epistemology
I don’t claim to be a philosopher, theologian, scientist or logician. But I know something about each of these fields. And, if one human being has the right to think, ask questions and have an opinion, then all do because of our common humanity. I’m a Christian, but the same would be true if I were a Hindu, atheist, or Muslim.
Of course, we can be threatened and forced to say we believe only particular truths, but really believe things much different from what we’ve been forced to believe. And if we can gain our freedom, we can then be ethical and honest as our common humanity dictates. And while we may hold particular views, we are wise to be somewhat open to other views since we make mistakes and can gain greater knowledge. Moreover, we’re wise also to have some reasons or evidence to justify our belief; otherwise, we may look foolish, may even have an erroneous faith.
This article is an attempt to understand the relationships between faith and knowledge. It’s called epistemology that deals with the nature, scope, and validity of knowledge. And I take responsibility for my views. 
We begin with a childlike faith. As children, our parents and teachers provide, protect and teach us. We have little understanding of the world and must depend upon them. In growing up, we become able to think for ourselves and may come to see things a bit different from what we’ve been taught. Conditions too may change calling for different beliefs and ways of doing things. We become individuals in our own right. I became a Christian at an early age. But as a youth, I questioned things about God, the Bible, and Christianity. About the only thing, I didn’t at some time doubt was Proverbs 27:1, which said not to boast about tomorrow for we don’t know what a day may bring forth. I struggled with issues about science, philosophy, biblical criticism, other religions, and the evils and injustices I saw. I wanted some honest answers that made sense. Yes, we must test the spirits, but unbridled skepticism tends to torment and self-destruct us.
To save space let me list some things I’ve come to believe are universally and objectively true. Equals added to equals are equal—2 + 2 = 4. Absolute truth is not only possible, but is assumed in its denial. All rational thinking depends upon correspondence to reality, is not contradictory, and so the opposite of true is false. In other words, truth is the same everywhere, for everyone, all the time--the world is either round or it isn't. Sense experience is valid—seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling gives true knowledge, although things like seeing a crooked stick in water or a mirage need further testing.
Further, everything begun must have a cause—things can’t just appear or occur without cause. Things can’t give something they don’t have. There are different kinds of things and mind must exist to affirm matter. Without a higher standard of moral behavior, we are left with limited conflicting human opinions. I must exist to affirm all this. Sincerely, how can anyone avoid or deny any of these things and live honestly in this world?
Now am I unbiased, without vested interests, and always think correctly? No! But I don’t believe anyone else is either, no matter how earnest, educated or expert someone may be. So it’s wise to maintain a degree of openness to new thought and ways of seeing things. It’s wise to show respect and kindness to others that we would want them to show us. Now may I present my epistemological view? I call it Christohistological Revelationalism. And it may be presented in four principles.

The Metaphysical Principle.

First, without sufficient evidence, we can’t say spiritual things unknown to us or beyond our physical senses—sight, touch, etc.—are impossible or can’t exist. Thus, we can’t say a Creator and of the universe can’t exist. We can’t say a personal ethical God, angels, miracles, divine revelation or human souls, can’t exist. We can’t say a Creator God can’t take on a human nature and body as God-man and walk among us. And if nature’s uniformity is sustained by God, limited human beings can’t say what the Almighty can and cannot do, or where and when he must do it. In the nature of the case, all such things depend upon valid testimony given us through human senses. The burden of proof rests upon anyone who would deny spiritual things. But even with proof of them, we must have an open mind to receive and understand them. Denial then is a closed-minded, unwarranted prejudiced and arrogant claim to exhaustive godlike knowledge we simply don’t have.
Further, science is the friend of Scripture teaching, not its foe as critics like to claim. True open-minded science unbiased by a naturalistic prerequisite takes us where the evidence leads. That evidence points to a self-existent, immensely powerful, infinite Mind that created and sustains our dependent and incredibly complex universe. Moreover, an infinite Creator lacks nothing, so there can’t be more than one infinite being (God). This being true, pantheism, polytheism, and atheism logically must be false. Scripture provides the rational basis for an orderly and understandable universe making experimental science possible. See my articles on science.
The Empirical Principle.
Human beings have the capacity to communicate. And if we’re creatures God made with this capacity, there can be no possible reason our Maker can’t communicate with us, any time, any place, any way He might choose. He can communicate with us through events, angels, visions, dreams, insights, even visible appearances and direct speech. If He chose to, He could take human form, tell us He is God, and demonstrate it in many surprising ways. Naturalism and the uniformity of nature have no say against it. Further, if Jesus is the God-man who walked among us, that would show us He is God and constitutes a final authority above human guesses and opinions.
Jesus is claimed to fulfilled numerous ancient prophecies about a coming Jewish Messiah who would be born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, live without sin, claim to be God, perform miracles, accept worship, forgave sins, die for sinners, and rise from the dead. As prophecies, they are specific not vague, could not be artificially fulfilled, were predicted centuries before fulfillment, and cannot be a misinterpretation since Jesus is the only historical person said to do these above events. As miracles, there were hundreds since He performed them everywhere He went over three years in public before crowds and skeptical critics standing by who could not deny them. These eyewitness critics and disciples were always astonished proving they were as knowledgeable of nature’s laws as we are today. Jesus’ followers were put out of the synagogue that meant damnation. They were ridiculed, persecuted, tortured, and died in testimony to their faith. They are real true factual events.
Neither eyewitness prophetic fulfillments nor miracles are known in other sacred literature. Yes, devoted followers of other religions do claim miracles in literature written centuries after their founders. But the founders never claimed miracles and their pantheistic or atheist religions simply wouldn’t allow it or make sense. An unbiased mind cannot dismiss Jesus as a mere teacher, wise man, good man or deceiver, His prophetic fulfillments and miracles require He be the God-man as He claimed numerous times and ways .
Again, this is not a mere man’s claim or human philosophy devoid of proof. This is not Confucius’s wisdom, Buddha’s remedy for pain, Muhammad’s claim an unseen angle spoke to him. This is the God-man speaking to all humanity about a love-trust relationship and a real eternal Heaven and Hell and our lives residing eternally in one or the other. It’s no honor to admit God exists—even the demons in Hell believe that!.
The Historical Principle.
Pantheists make little of history since they believe the world is merely recycled energy that takes various forms. Yet Hindus depended upon the history of persons preserving and passing down historic documents—the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad-Gita--written by ancient men who held these historic beliefs. These writings contain conflicting views of god/gods and are the limited opinions and reasoning’s of mortal men. Others have claimed to be a prophet of God or that an angel revealed God’s will to them but could not show the angle to be more than an empty claim anybody could make. Atheist’s claim evils prove there’s no God but can’t define evils without assuming a perfect standard that would have to be a personal and holy God. I see no reason to base our lives upon their mere empty claims, limited human reasoning’s and conflicting imaginings.
Further, while we know death occurs, we don’t know and can’t show that human bodies are not animated by eternal souls that survive death. Both pantheist and atheist denial of eternal souls surviving death is mere limited human opinion. Pantheists make us recycled energy released to nothingness and atheists make us soulless dirt of no great value. If there is good historical evidence that we are beings of dignity and destiny whatever it be, wouldn’t we be wise to give it honest consideration?
Of course, we don’t have exhaustive knowledge of the past. That’s no reason to say we don’t have some knowledge. Archaeologists have discovered monuments, documents, and artifacts that tell us much about the past and that confirm mention of many of the characters and events of the Bible. As I’ve discussed in other articles, Jesus is a real person who walked among us. Six independent scriptural sources, early church fathers and creeds describe and quote him. Besides, many secular and even hostile sources describe events of Jesus’ life including his miracles, sayings, and claims to deity. There is more evidence for Jesus’ historical reality than for many unquestioned persons such as Plato and Tiberius Caesar. Only an unwarranted bias can deny it.
The Revelation Principle.
Critics claim 2,000-year-old documents translated repeatedly into different languages can’t be accurate. But Bible translations are made into modern languages from early Hebrew and Greek copies placed together. And unlike only a handful of other ancient writings, we have thousands of biblical manuscripts. This makes it easy to correct obvious misspellings and added or deleted words. The New Testament all but eleven verses can be reconstructed from writings of the church fathers. The New Testament is seen to be as much as 99% accurate, which is far greater than any other ancient document. And no essential teaching is in doubt. And yes, the Bible uses figures of speech to communicate as in other languages. Only an unwarranted anti-supernatural bias prevents objective consideration and denial of God acting in our real world. Intellectually, we have a high degree of probability. But God’s Spirit can open us to experiential knowledge and the assurance we need.
Abundant evidence shows Jesus is the God-man who alone saves us from sin and eternal Hell, puts forgiveness, love and peace in our lives. Won’t you ask him to save you? Say, Lord Jesus Christ, “I trust you now who died to save me from sin (my evil thoughts, words and deeds) and Hell (eternal imprisonment in darkness and torment) and to guide me to live for you and be with you forever. Thank you Lord.” See my other articles.
Space forbids further discussion. I discuss related issues in other articles. But I recommend two outstanding books in English discussing these issues. Normal L. Geisler and Frank Turek’s book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. And Paul Copan’s book, Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion. These books present the biblical Christian worldview of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Recreation, answer questions, and present Christianity’s tremendous unequalled benefits. Please link my blog and share these articles with others to come to know the Savior. Their knowing the Lord who died to save them is eternally better than winning the lottery ticket and going to Hell. Also, see my other article on epistemology: Faith, Reason & Revelation. Thank you. God bless.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is Knowing Jesus Essential for Heaven?

Is Knowing Jesus Essential for Heaven?
At an Urbana Christian missions conference 8,000 questionnaires were distributed and 5,000 responded and returned. Thirty-seven percent said the gospel of Jesus wasn’t essential to go to Heaven. This is a most serious issue for Christian faith from a world perspective.
Persons who believe Jesus was a good person but not essential for Heaven think as follows. People can be utterly sincere in following the only religion they know. It’s not their fault they haven’t heard of Christ. There’s truth in all religions. God may be called by different names. You can find good descent people everywhere and in all religions. Religions essentially teach be good or follow the golden rule. Jesus said God loves, forgives, and doesn’t want anyone to perish. It’s shameful to imagine a cruel God who would fry good innocent people in Hell. I wouldn’t treat a dog that way. Some Christians are too judgmental. This viewpoint seems so reasonable to some persons.
Many persons exposed to only Christian teachings believe in God and good works. They see no essential differences between Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Catholics or other Christian churches. They are cultural “Christians” not Bible Christians. They believe Jesus was a good man and example we should follow. They may have heard things about non-Christian religions but not taken them seriously. “People aren’t all that bad,” they say. So, what’s the big deal?”
Can we consider the issues involved realistically? Can we be open to facts we might find distasteful? There are hundreds of religions in the world. How do we know the particular one we were taught or exposed to is correct when they all differ?
Doesn’t the fact that world religions contradict show all can't be correct? A study of world religions shows they have radically different views about God, man, man’s problem, its solution, ethics and the afterlife. They teach:  no God, universe is god, many gods, a finite god, deist God. They teach man has a soul, no soul, afterlife, no afterlife. If any one view is correct all opposing views must necessarily be incorrect. That's a basic fact of logic we can't deny.
Isn’t it obvious some religions are more productive of human life and well-being than are others? Some world religions are atheistic, others pantheistic, or teach hate and murder to those who won’t submit to their beliefs. You may believe anything and be a Hindu but you must stay within your caste and work off bad karma to achieve the enlightenment that you are a part of the universe’s energy or god. Buddha’s philosophy was release from pain in his four noble truths and eightfold path. Essentially, it was to deny a personal God and attachment to all desires and follow his philosophy to achieve nirvana--personal extinction. Socialist’s teach there’s no God and that elites must seize control and keep the ignorant masses under control even if some must be eliminated.
Some Muslims stress the Quran’s one statement on no religious compulsion (Surah 2:256). But they somehow fail to mention the Quran’s other teachings. Non-Muslim religions are unacceptable (Surah’s 3:85). Jews and Christians are not friends and protectors (Surah 5:51, 33). Treaty obligations with non-Muslims may be resolved (Surah 9:3). And Muslims are to fight and slay non-submissive infidels (Surah’s 9:5, 29; 123; 47:4). Now can we honestly believe all religions agree and teach the golden rule? Muhammad was the prophet of the sword. Jesus said put up the sword and love your neighbor as yourself.
The Christianity of the Bible is the only world religion that gives objective empirical evidence that it is of God. I’m not saying non-Christians don’t have some profound and spiritual truths. But Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Nanak performed no eyewitness miracles, fulfilled no specific ancient prophecies. These founders usually denied a personal God and some avid followers’ centuries’ later ascribed miracles and deity to them. What evidence is there that their religions are anything more than human thinking even imagination? What basis do they provide for life after death, human dignity, rights, freedom, ethics, and hope?
Jesus alone lived without sin, claimed to be God, fulfilled many ancient prophecies of the coming Messiah (Christ or Annointed One), performed many miracles, died in place of us sinners, and arose from the dead to establish his claims to be our God. No other world religion can claim anything like that. 
The Apostle Peter’s statement about the Lord Jesus Christ makes more sense than all others. “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). We must trust humanities only Savior from our sins and giver of eternal life. Then share Him with others. Jesus is the Lord we all must bow to one day at the judgment. We had best know Him as our Savior and Lord now. Won't you pray, Lord I trust You now and forever to forgive my sins, make me a child of God, and guide me through life until death or You come for me. Now the best thing you can do is share these blog articles with others who may come to know the Savior and be with you in Heaven.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are World Religions Purely Human Inventions?

Are World Religions Purely Human Inventions?

Thomas laughed at religious people thinking them fools. He felt superior knowing that God, angels, human souls, and life after death exist only in ignorant superstitious minds, not in the real world. Even supposing they exist in a spiritual realm; it would be beyond our physical senses not subject to scientific experimentation that is the only way to prove anything. So these ignorant religious “kooks” should make their peace with it.   

But he felt it unfair, anti-intellectual to discount religious beliefs without knowing their basis and teachings. So he set out to learn and to prove all religion wrong. He devised three criteria to test religious claims: logical consistency, objective fact and livability.

Thomas knew that in today’s multicultural world persons ridicule Christians as bias, intolerant, judgmental, uncooperative, absolutist, and other despicable labels to say any religious belief is more true or right than another—except their own. But that’s dishonest and playing intellectual let’s pretend games. Any honest inspection of world religions shows they differ in their teachings about God, man, morals, salvation, and life after death. So it’s a fact that if one religion is true, then all who oppose it must logically be false. It’s just like saying a black cat can and cannot exist at the same time and in the same way. World religions can’t all be true. Criteria exist to show which religion if any is true.

Millions in China acknowledge Confucius’s wisdom. As a government official, he taught people to treat each other with respect and that the government should rule by power of virtue and moral example. That’s seems good philosophy but Confucian religion consists in honoring ancestors and worship of numerous spirits through magical ceremonies. It’s just superstition. Shintoism of Japan is another unproved superstition being worship of nature, many gods, ancestors and obedience to the emperor. Both are merely speculative human philosophy.

Hinduism began about 3,000 years ago. It is mystical thought that says the universe is god that is a single unity, that extends itself into the multiplicity of forms, but all are illusion (maya). Like the cycles of nature things come alive, reproduce, and die repeatedly. Persons may live thousands of lives until finally absorbed into Brahma, the World Soul, or spiritual energy of the universe.

Thomas saw that Hinduism and all pantheist religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, New Age, Christian Science, and Unity are only some persons’ interpretation of nature. Far from being a single unity, they speak of a multiplicity of conflicting forms such as ignorance and enlightenment, absorption and no absorption, truth and falsehood, good and bad karma. And nobody can live as though the world is illusion—people must eat, sleep, wear clothes, avoid oncoming vehicles, pay debts, and obey laws. Such religions deny what they know through their senses and must live by, yet affirm god is merely impersonal energy.  

Thomas acknowledged that secular humanisms—Nazism, communism, socialism, fascism--too are religious. They uphold man’s supremacy as the standard to judge all else. Soulless man is the chance product of evolution’s process whose end is to return to dirt. So to improve human chances of survival it makes good sense to eliminate the weaker beings to product higher quality. The stronger always eats the weaker--nature is red in tooth and claw. Hitler—following Darwin--understood this clearly and set about to achieve the super race. Ethics, truth, quality of life, even who lives or dies is what the ruling party says. It’s scary but its human history.

Microevolution is certainly true—we know verities of dogs and trees exist. But genetic limits preclude macroevolution. No consistent path of fossil finds demonstrate one plant or animal can change into another that would be the real proof of evolution. Scientists know spontaneous generation of life doesn’t happen. Nobody was around when the universe and life came into being. No experiment can demonstrate what happened. Entropy produces chaos, not organization. And chance supposedly mindless molecules magically arranging themselves over billions of years into man—computer data show its infinity impossible. Isn’t evolutionary humanism blind faith when everything we know scientifically says otherwise?

The basis of Islam is Muhammad’s claim God’s angel spoke to him alone making him the final prophet. The Mormon, Joseph Smith Jr., later said the same thing. Who are we to believe--if either? Can’t anybody claim the same thing?

Judaism claims one almighty Creator God revealed in human history through miracles, theophanies and fulfilled prophecies. That would be visible, recognizable, factual evidence of God, not like the unseen gods living on Mount Olympus or the gods residing only in mystics’ heads. But their predicted Messiah or deliver didn’t show and the Jews scattered among the nations in unbelief. 

Christianity claims the Jew Jesus actually is the predicted Messiah who fulfilled the ancient prophecies and performed miracles proving he’s God. Whether this is true or not would seem to depend upon whether Bible history meets historical standards. But not only the Gospels and Epistles tell about Jesus,’ but many secular and often hostile writers of that time mention details of his life such as Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, Celsus, Julian the Apostate and many others. In fact, more mention is made of Jesus than of Tiberius Caesar or Aristotle.

Archaeology has uncovered many artifacts supporting biblical statements of persons, places and events once thought fictions. When the Bible is correct in physical matters, we should consider it could be true about spiritual matters such as God, miracles, fulfilled prophecies and Jesus’ claims. Unless we have all knowledge, it’s pure prejudice to dismiss a God who can act in our world. Jesus changed world history even dating time. Millions still endure torturous deaths to vouch for his atoning death and resurrection, our only empirical proof of life after death as well as other vital issues as human dignity, freedom, ethical responsibility, ultimate purpose and Heaven.

So while non-Christian religions give us only human wisdom and speculative philosophy. Biblical Christianity alone gives us a historical factual basis for a real God who walked among us, died for us, and rose again. And he alone can offer us life eternal and forgiveness of sin. I caste my lot with Him. How about you?

Will Good Finally Conquer Evil?

Will Good Finally Conquer Evil?

Many persons consider this world a contest between good and evil to see which one will finally win out. Persons usually call robbery, rape, murder and war human evils and fear man will one day destroy himself. Another evil is natural calamities such as volcanoes, floods and earthquakes that kill millions of people and devastate lands. And yet another evil is that everything deteriorates called the physical law of entropy. That is metals rust, wood rots, animals and persons die.
But we can see these as unavoidable evils. Consider bad human choices are better than no choice that would make us robots without freedom, dignity and true humanity. Calamities destroy untold lives and property, yet are earth’s necessary healing adjustments to keep its forces in balance. For example, movement of tectonic plates causes earthquakes but raise continents and mountains otherwise covered with water. Floods and volcanoes enrich lands making crops more productive. And if metals didn’t rust, wood rot, animals and people die what enormous population and problems would develop?
I want first to briefly discuss three worldviews that are disqualified in the contest of good versus evil. Then, to show how the biblical Christian worldview alone assures us that good will finally conquer evil. Finally, to show how Jesus Christ, the incarnate God-man, has given us visible proof of conquering evil and will one day rid its presence from the earth.
Three Disqualified Contenders.
Pantheism. This worldview says god is universal energy that makes personality, pain, death, and evil illusion. It must deny sense knowledge to claim world illusion but pantheists wear clothes, look in the mirror, eat, feel pain, die, and avoid oncoming vehicles that prove the world’s no illusion. It claims karma (reap what you sew) and reincarnation demonstrate justice. Pantheists base these claims upon nature’s cycles and human defects that can be better explained by heredity and environment. And its justice is an impersonal principle without rational standards, knowledge and judgment. Further, pantheists (or monists) make distinctions between things and can’t explain how the world illusion began. Pantheism doesn’t qualify for ethical consideration—it’s the illusion including Hinduism and all its kindred religious and secular philosophies.
Evolutionary humanism. This worldview is disqualified because it denies absolutes. It’s based upon the universe popping into existence by chance and evolving into what we see today. All our thinking is absurd if everything mysteriously came by accident from nothing. Evolutionary natural science knows but ignores that matter, life, personality, truth, logic, and ethics must be effects of a personal ethical cause we can rightfully call God. Things didn’t simply appear mysteriously from a void. This begun dependent universe must have an independent, infinite self-existent cause that can explain all these things. Otherwise, ethics and all else are only conflicting human guesses and preferences without the final authority of an infinite God. Limited, conflicting, human opinions are without authority and can only result in warfare. 
Finite godism. A limited god gives us no assurance of defeating evil. Whether limited power, knowledge, or compassion, any one of these defects can mean evils or universal forces can defeat him. That makes him unworthy of our worship, devotion and service. Furthermore, a finite dependent god himself requires an infinite Creator and Sustainer who would be the real God, the standard or measure of good and which makes a finite god either human imagination or an unnecessary creation that may cease to exist.
Only the Bible’s God Can Conquer Evil.
The Bible’s God is the universe’s Creator, Sustainer and man’s Life-giver and Judge. Numerous Bible passages teach these things. The point here is that God’s having these powers means all evils are under His control. God does, however allow evils to test whether we will choose a love-trust relationship with Him that issues in our obedience and His glory. God created a good world mentioned seven times in the creation account (Genesis 1). And God and man were in right relationship until man chose to distrust and disobey God and corrupt the world with sin and death (Gen. 3). So, our Creator God gave us free will, but our bad choices cause evil and corruption. Yes, evils abound today, but God’s power, wisdom and goodness assure us He’ll conquer them in His time, according to His wise plan. And we are deceived and foolish to blame the evil we choose to do on God, who gave us the freedom to do them. That's accusing God without cause as we are accountable to Him for the evils.
Evil and sin is a corruption of the good. It’s not a substance in itself, but the privation of a good substance or relationship. It’s like rust to a car, rot in a tree, moth-holes in a garment, blindness in a person. It’s the absence of something real and good that ought to be there. So man brought sin or evil into the world. Our sin destroys our relationships with others and with our Creator, Life-giver and Judge.
Now, our rebellious, prideful, self-centered attitude is part of the evil. We humans think and act as though it’s all about us.We thing 10,000 thoughts a day but seldom give God a thought. We focus on our happiness, our success, our security, our glory. If things don’t go our way, if we don’t get the things we want, we feel it’s an evil world and God’s the cause--if He even exists. What we fail to understand is that it’s not about us--it’s all about God and His will—without our Creator and His purpose, there would be nothing. Our every breath depends upon Him. And what we think evil can actually teach us humility, faith, and human compassion. God’s plan allows for evils He can work for His glory and our good (Rom. 8:28). Our salvation is in Jesus who came to seek and save what was lost (Luck 19:10).
Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God-man, Has Already Conquered Every Evil.
Without all knowledge, we’ve no basis to say man’s Creator can’t take on a human nature and body. And any so-called god unwilling to walk with us, get his hands dirty with our problems, doesn’t care much about us. The Lord Jesus, the God-man, experienced our worst troubles and evils first-hand. He was tempted in all points like us, yet without sin. He shed blood, sweat and tears in our behalf—that’s love. But how did Jesus defeat every kind of evil?
Jesus defeated the devil and his demons. Unbelief claims “evil spirit beings” either are just the principle of evil in the world or simply human imagination. But alternative explanations don’t disprove they exist and can put concepts in our minds. Today they’re called spirit guides and chandlers. Being vulnerable after fasting forty days, Satan tempted Jesus in the same ways that caused Adam’s fall: the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. But Jesus, the last Adam, defeated Satan by believing and obeying God’s Word, as we should do (Matt. 4:1-11).
When Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee, naked, shouting, unbound violent men living among tombs, and cutting themselves with stones, fell before Jesus’ feet. These men knew things then unknown even to Jesus’ disciples—that Jesus was the Son of God with power to cast the demons into the pit of torment. But at their request, Jesus sent the demons into a herd of pigs that drowned in the Sea. Town’s people found the men calm, clothed, and in their right minds. Neither Jesus nor the demoniacs were playacting. It was visible and verbal proof that Jesus’ power defeated the devil (Matt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39). See also Job 1:12; Rev. 20:2-3, 10).
Jesus conquered sin. Twelve men followed Jesus for over three years and found no sin in him. Jesus’ dared to challenge his critics to find sin in him. Because they could not, they desperately plotted his death. At his trials, his only crime was admitting his deity (Matt. 26:59-66). His perfect purity shows His power ovr sin and why He alone qualifies to be the Savior of us sinners (1 Peter 3:18).
Jesus controlled nature. What nature’s laws won’t allow and man cannot do, Jesus did showing He’s nature’s Lord. He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), walked on the Sea (6:19), multiplied food to feed thousands (Luke 9:10-17), and ascended into Heaven (Luke 24:50-51). People talked with and observed Him in every case. There can be no mistake or trickery.
Jesus cured diseases. He healed a man’s withered hand (Luck 6:6-10), a man born blind (John 9), a deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37), cleansed ten lepers (Luke 17:12-14), and restored Malchus cut off ear (Luke 22:51). There’s no way to explain away these miracles by hypnotism or fraud. They were immediate, spontaneous, certain cures before many eyewitnesses.
Jesus defeated death. He raised three persons from the dead whose bodies were stiff and cold and in Lazarus’ case was already in decay. They were the widow of Nain’s son, Jairus’ daughter, and Lazarus whose body was already in decay. He predicted his death and resurrection on numerous occasions giving details of people involved and how it would take place. And many infallible proofs confirmed his resurrection. See my articles on Jesus’ resurrection.
Jesus is coming again to claim his bride. Jesus visibly demonstrated his divine power, goodness, and love. He defeated every enemy of man. But that’s not the end. Jesus will return to claim his Bride, the Church. He will judge all those who reject him. Those who refused to submit in this life will bow before the King of kings to acknowledge He is Lord. Dear friend, I invite you to enter a love-trust relationship with Jesus that issues in obedience now and not suffer eternal loss. Then you can do great good by linking my blog to your computer and sharing these articles with others who can know the Savior and eternal life. God bless you and thanks.

What's Different about Christian Counseling?

What’s Different about Christian Counseling?

God’s apostle Paul was sensitive to human need as persons should be. He said we should not just please ourselves but bear the weaknesses and carry the burdens of those who are weaker and thus fulfill the law of Christ which is love (Rom. 15:1; Gal. 5:14; 6:2). There may be as many theories and approaches to counseling as there are counselors. And even the best-trained counselors may not help counselees to improve.
We are imperfect, limited people living in a complex, confusing world. We need an empathetic friend with a listening ear who will keep confidences, help us gain new insights, guide us to weigh alternatives and make wise decisions for our lives. We have crippling emotions, inner conflicts, self-defeating attitudes and habits, pressures and issues that try our souls. God’s intent is that Christians be available to listen, care, understand, encourage and help fellow human beings unload and overcome our burdens to find new and fulfilling direction for our lives.
But while Christian counseling has some things in common with non-Christian counseling, there are some crucial differences. Let’s look at them.

Different Christian Assumptions

Human counselors bring their assumptions to the counseling process that influences our judgments and comments. For example, a secular humanist counselor believes we live in a universe indifferent to our fate. This viewpoint excludes so much that Christians believe true and necessary to human well-being—a compassionate sovereign God, prayer, the Bible, divine forgiveness, and life after death.
While Christians can vary in theology, to be truly Christian they have definite beliefs about the attributes of God, human nature, the authority of Scripture, the reality of sin, God’s forgiveness, and hope for the future. These beliefs make a world of difference in their counseling. Consider the teaching of Hebrews 1:1-4 as an example.
“God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds, who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person , and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”

Different Christian Goals

Secular counselors encourage persons to change self-defeating behavior, attitudes, values and perceptions. They encourage counselees to develop social skills, express emotions, accept responsibility, solve problems and become mature productive persons.
In addition to these goals, Christian counselors challenge counselees to confess sin and experience divine forgiveness, give their lives to Christ, model Christian biblical standards, attitudes, values, lifestyles, and share their faith with others.
Critics, of course, will complain that’s teaching religion. But religion is unavoidably taught whether it be godly and Christian, or ungodly and anti-Christian. We can’t compartmentalize our lives and be whole persons. And unlike some others, Christians are to respect human free will and not try to force their beliefs on others. We are to be honest, respectful people helpers.

Different Christian Methods

All counselors seek to show help is possible, correct false beliefs, develop competence in social living, and help persons see themselves as persons of worth.
 Unlike social humanists, Christian counselors don’t regard persons as merely perishing animals. This destroys the basis for absolute truth, a higher dignity, human rights, moral absolutes, and life after death—it provides no basis to draw an ethical stopping point. But in Christ, the revealed God-man, we can show concern and respect for persons yet disapprove of destructive behaviors such as violence, abusive language, abusing others, premarital sex, extra marital affairs, homosexuality, incest, sex with animals, and murder. And of course, prayer, Scripture reading and sharing, Bible teaching, and local church involvement are vital therapies. Sacrificial love for God and love for man is the heart of being a Christian people helper.

Different Christian Characteristics

Empathetic friends and pastors can handle many everyday problems. Unlike secular counselors, God gives Christians a spiritual gift such as teaching, preaching, exhortation and so on to aid them in ministry (1 Cor. 12:7). Also, Christians have the Holy Spirit with us who convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8-10). But deep longstanding mental and emotional disturbances require skilled professionally trained counselors.
Perspective counselors need to ask themselves some questions concerning those they might help. (1) Ask them what their problem is. But realize that the real problem may surface later. (2) Is this something I can handle with my knowledge and skill? Determine how serious and how long this person might need counsel. (3) Would someone else be more qualified to help? Sometimes referrals are best. (4) Devise a plan or approach to help with this particular problem.
Christian colleges give courses and grant degrees in psychological counseling. The counselor’s personality plays a vital part of his effectiveness. Is he or she a warm, sensitive, understanding, patient, caring person willing to confront the counselee when needed? Does the counselor show qualities such as trustworthiness, emotional health, honesty and competence? Knowledge and skills are necessary to resolving serious psychological problems.

Difference in Jesus as our Role Model

Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God (Isa. 9:6). He used different methods in different circumstances. Sometimes he simply listened and gently asked questions and made requests as with the woman caught in the act of adultery and the woman at Jacob’s well. At other times, he boldly rebuked sins and abuses as with the Pharisee legalists who made up their own laws circumventing God’s laws being a burden on the people. He debated hostile skeptics trying to trap him with what they thought was an unanswerable question—taxes to Caesar and whose wife in the resurrection. He told stories such as the good Samaritan and prodigal son to illustrate God’s love. He accepted sinners and ate with them whom others rejected such as Zaccheus the despised tax collector. And Jesus preached sermons on ethics (Sermon on the Mount) and prophecy (Olivet Discourse) to change lives as well.
One book I’m indebted to and highly recommend to counselors is, Christian Counseling, A Comprehensive Guide by Dr. Gary R. Collins. He explains both biblical teaching and proven counseling methods.