Contrasts between Christ and His Critics
The world is in conflict and always has been since Adam ate the forbidden fruit in disobedience to God. We have numerous conflicting views today all agreed in trying to dethrone Christ. Christian students entering secular and sometimes supposedly Christian colleges sit under professors doing all they can to undermine their beliefs. Statistics show that up to 80% of supposed Christian students graduating from secular colleges lose their faith. Textbooks and teachers just don’t see things the Christian way. Students are awed with such a display of knowledge thinking these teachers are smart persons with PhD's. My parents and my pastor never told me about such things. And students are expected to pass tests giving answers teachers say are correct.
Teachers may regard Christian students as bigoted, homophobic, religious fundamentalists and work to have them leave with views like their own. So much of what believing parents tried to instill in the hearts and lives of their children seems lost and the church loses them to service of Christ. While “heart” in the Bible refers to the complete inner person—mind, feelings, conscience and will, churches stress the heart hardly mentioning the mind leading persons to believe Christianity is all emotional and anti-intellectual. And church leaders rarely discuss critical issues students face in school. Sadly, these skeptical students become tomorrow’s world leaders.
What now are these contrasts between Christ and his critics? They are crucial issues with serious consequences for life and behavior, maybe even the survival of civilization. What did Jesus say contrasted with his critics?
What now are these contrasts between Christ and his critics? They are crucial issues with serious consequences for life and behavior, maybe even the survival of civilization. What did Jesus say contrasted with his critics?
Is Man Created or Evolved?
Is Man Created or Evolved?
“From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female (Mark 10:6).”
“From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female (Mark 10:6).”
But Darwin and his followers such as Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Huxley, Russell, Rorty, Dawkins, and others teach man evolved from slime. Further, they use evolution to explain everything. They see varieties in living creatures, similarities in their makeup, and can classify them in an order of complexity. They claim acquired characteristics and mutations are the mechanisms of change. Thus, life forms evolved from the simple to the complex and have a common ancestor. We don’t need to assume God to fill in the gaps in our knowledge.
But Darwin and his followers such as Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Huxley, Russell, Rorty, Dawkins, and others teach man evolved from slime. Further, they use evolution to explain everything. They see varieties in living creatures, similarities in their makeup, and can classify them in an order of complexity. They claim acquired characteristics and mutations are the mechanisms of change. Thus, life forms evolved from the simple to the complex and have a common ancestor. We don’t need to assume God to fill in the gaps in our knowledge.
Biologists know experiments demonstrate that life can only come from the living. Change is limited genetically so that dogs don’t turn into horses, worms to snakes or monkeys to men no matter how much alike they appear and are classified. Acquired characteristics and mutations simply can’t make such changes possible. Moreover, there is no simple to complex display of fossils that alone could prove such change. Specified complexity is obvious throughout life forms—each living thing has multiple complex organs and systems that work together in harmony that could never have originated by chance given any amount of time. So living things must be complete and functional from the start and to reduce even one organ or system—say liver or respiratory system--makes life impossible.
Modern experimental science originated by theists and Christians before Darwin gained ascendency. Christian belief in a rational orderly world created by a rational knowable and benevolent God is largely what made experimental science possible. Further, women are in God’s image as well as men and titled to the same dignity and respect (Gal. 3:28) but fulfill different roles. God is a better gap-filler than nature simply because it’s obvious the evidence points to a creative rational Mind--God. Good science doesn’t reject evidence and possibility but goes where the evidence leads.
Biologists know experiments demonstrate that life can only come from the living. Change is limited genetically so that dogs don’t turn into horses, worms to snakes or monkeys to men no matter how much alike they appear and are classified. Acquired characteristics and mutations simply can’t make such changes possible. Moreover, there is no simple to complex display of fossils that alone could prove such change. Specified complexity is obvious throughout life forms—each living thing has multiple complex organs and systems that work together in harmony that could never have originated by chance given any amount of time. So living things must be complete and functional from the start and to reduce even one organ or system—say liver or respiratory system--makes life impossible.
Modern experimental science originated by theists and Christians before Darwin gained ascendency. Christian belief in a rational orderly world created by a rational knowable and benevolent God is largely what made experimental science possible. Further, women are in God’s image as well as men and titled to the same dignity and respect (Gal. 3:28) but fulfill different roles. God is a better gap-filler than nature simply because it’s obvious the evidence points to a creative rational Mind--God. Good science doesn’t reject evidence and possibility but goes where the evidence leads.
Is Man both Body and Soul?
Is Man both Body and Soul?
Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell (Matt. 10:28).”
Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell (Matt. 10:28).”
Atheist psychologists such as Wundt, Watson, Skinner and others deny the existence of the human soul. They claim there are no souls and no Hell to shun. We are merely evolving sexual animals in heat seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Oh, how the deceiver and destroyer must laugh at that.
Atheist psychologists such as Wundt, Watson, Skinner and others deny the existence of the human soul. They claim there are no souls and no Hell to shun. We are merely evolving sexual animals in heat seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Oh, how the deceiver and destroyer must laugh at that.
Honest reflection can radically see man is unique and on a higher plain than animals or machines. Whether we call it mind, soul or self, man is an I who is self-conscious, with power of abstract thought, ethical discrimination, appreciation of beauty, need for worship, companionship and creative endeavors. All this is in keeping with his being in the image of God. It’s so foolish to reject the holy purposeful life Jesus offers us as seen today in every sphere--education, entertainment, government, law and science. It spells the death of human decency and the coming judgment God warned us about in the second Psalm.
Is Ethics Based on God or on Culture?
Honest reflection can radically see man is unique and on a higher plain than animals or machines. Whether we call it mind, soul or self, man is an I who is self-conscious, with power of abstract thought, ethical discrimination, appreciation of beauty, need for worship, companionship and creative endeavors. All this is in keeping with his being in the image of God. It’s so foolish to reject the holy purposeful life Jesus offers us as seen today in every sphere--education, entertainment, government, law and science. It spells the death of human decency and the coming judgment God warned us about in the second Psalm.
Is Ethics Based on God or on Culture?
Jesus said, “You are of this world, I am not of this world . . . you will die in your sins if you do not believe that I am He . . . If you abide in My word you are My disciples indeed. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:23-23, 31).”
Jesus said, “You are of this world, I am not of this world . . . you will die in your sins if you do not believe that I am He . . . If you abide in My word you are My disciples indeed. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:23-23, 31).”
Freud, Nietzsche, Rorty, Dewey, and other critics say ethics based on faith in God is weakness and insanity. Persons and cultures create their own reality and morality. The fact is that if individuals and cultures create their own morality, then there is no universal objective morality. This leads to chaos, injustice, and warfare allowing tyrants to usurp power to oppress and enslave us. There simply is no foundation for right and wrong, good and evil unless there is a personal ethical God who has set absolute standards and holds individuals and nations accountable. And this personal ethical God is exactly what biblical Christianity alone provides. We’re either governed by God or oppressed by tyrants. And only the holy loving God shown us in Christ qualifies.
God or Atheism in Practice?
Freud, Nietzsche, Rorty, Dewey, and other critics say ethics based on faith in God is weakness and insanity. Persons and cultures create their own reality and morality. The fact is that if individuals and cultures create their own morality, then there is no universal objective morality. This leads to chaos, injustice, and warfare allowing tyrants to usurp power to oppress and enslave us. There simply is no foundation for right and wrong, good and evil unless there is a personal ethical God who has set absolute standards and holds individuals and nations accountable. And this personal ethical God is exactly what biblical Christianity alone provides. We’re either governed by God or oppressed by tyrants. And only the holy loving God shown us in Christ qualifies.
God or Atheism in Practice?
Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all you mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these (Mark 12:30-31).”
Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all you mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these (Mark 12:30-31).”
Marx and Lenin deny God and say we must eliminate the bourgeois landowners by violence if necessary since they exploit and destroy the worth of the proletariat or poor people. We must establish an equitable classless society. Socialism’s promises of freedom from tyranny by landowners are deceptive. Instead, it destroys free market exchange, takes away land, private enterprise and incentive to production. It is corrupt government that controls individual lives and reduces people to poverty.
Its classless society is achieved by eliminating all who oppose the government by brutal imprisonment or a blood bath of millions. Socialists have to build walls to keep their people from escaping their tyranny and oppression. Their promised humane benefits are all lies. Every form of secular humanism destroys the dignity of people making us mere animals and even reducing us to soulless dirt that can be manipulated and murdered.
Marx and Lenin deny God and say we must eliminate the bourgeois landowners by violence if necessary since they exploit and destroy the worth of the proletariat or poor people. We must establish an equitable classless society. Socialism’s promises of freedom from tyranny by landowners are deceptive. Instead, it destroys free market exchange, takes away land, private enterprise and incentive to production. It is corrupt government that controls individual lives and reduces people to poverty.
Its classless society is achieved by eliminating all who oppose the government by brutal imprisonment or a blood bath of millions. Socialists have to build walls to keep their people from escaping their tyranny and oppression. Their promised humane benefits are all lies. Every form of secular humanism destroys the dignity of people making us mere animals and even reducing us to soulless dirt that can be manipulated and murdered.
Also, Islam is oppressive as well. The Qur'an teaches infidels who won’t submit to Allah are enemies of the state especially Christians and Jews, and they can be killed. This happens today when and where Islam is in control. Shari’ah Law derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith governs politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, social issues and private lives of citizens under Muslim control. Women too have little freedom and in some places must wear black clothing covering everything but their eyes. Strange how Muslims men say it wrong for women or wives to flaunt sex in society, but alright with all the beautify maidens they will have in paradise.
Also, Islam is oppressive as well. The Qur'an teaches infidels who won’t submit to Allah are enemies of the state especially Christians and Jews, and they can be killed. This happens today when and where Islam is in control. Shari’ah Law derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith governs politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, social issues and private lives of citizens under Muslim control. Women too have little freedom and in some places must wear black clothing covering everything but their eyes. Strange how Muslims men say it wrong for women or wives to flaunt sex in society, but alright with all the beautify maidens they will have in paradise.
All this above is radically different from the teaching of biblical Christianity and Jesus. Christ taught all persons are in God’s image entitled to the same respect, rights, and loving concern. First, love to God in obedience to his Word, and second, love shown other persons would immensely improve our individual lives and world conditions. Atheists and critics who misconstrue and misrepresent Christian teaching should be ashamed. Jesus said they are of their father, the devil (John 8:44) and if they were willing to do God’s will they would know concerning his doctrine (John 7:17).
All this above is radically different from the teaching of biblical Christianity and Jesus. Christ taught all persons are in God’s image entitled to the same respect, rights, and loving concern. First, love to God in obedience to his Word, and second, love shown other persons would immensely improve our individual lives and world conditions. Atheists and critics who misconstrue and misrepresent Christian teaching should be ashamed. Jesus said they are of their father, the devil (John 8:44) and if they were willing to do God’s will they would know concerning his doctrine (John 7:17).
Resurrection or No Afterlife?
Jesus again said, “I am the resurrection and the life . . . whoever lives and believes in me shall never die (John 11:25).”
Jesus again said, “I am the resurrection and the life . . . whoever lives and believes in me shall never die (John 11:25).”
Dewey, Rorty, Foucault, and other atheists insist there is no afterlife and life itself is an accident of nature. We don’t need a PhD to know man is more than an unconscious, unthinking rock. The only certainty about whether there is life after death is that a living person could return from the dead. This is exactly what biblical Christianity claims in Christ Jesus. Careful candid examination of the evidence, not closed-minded bias and dismissal would disclose the truth. Brilliant minds have for centuries tried to explain away Jesus’ resurrection but failed. Honest skeptics being fair with the evidence have become joyous Christians.
Heaven or Wishful Thinking?
Dewey, Rorty, Foucault, and other atheists insist there is no afterlife and life itself is an accident of nature. We don’t need a PhD to know man is more than an unconscious, unthinking rock. The only certainty about whether there is life after death is that a living person could return from the dead. This is exactly what biblical Christianity claims in Christ Jesus. Careful candid examination of the evidence, not closed-minded bias and dismissal would disclose the truth. Brilliant minds have for centuries tried to explain away Jesus’ resurrection but failed. Honest skeptics being fair with the evidence have become joyous Christians.
Heaven or Wishful Thinking?
Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:1-3).”
Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:1-3).”
Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, Feuerbach and others say religion is illusion, wishful thinking, an opiate of the masses, and pie in the sky. But subjective claims aren’t evidence. If we are open to a loving Creator desiring relationship with man made in His image, Heaven is most reasonable. It seems irrational that human hostility would deny a loving Creator. Studies of atheist backgrounds show such persons have had bad relationships with their father or serious disappointment in life. Hostility too can result from guilt and fear of judgment and Hell.
Rule of God or Government?
Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, Feuerbach and others say religion is illusion, wishful thinking, an opiate of the masses, and pie in the sky. But subjective claims aren’t evidence. If we are open to a loving Creator desiring relationship with man made in His image, Heaven is most reasonable. It seems irrational that human hostility would deny a loving Creator. Studies of atheist backgrounds show such persons have had bad relationships with their father or serious disappointment in life. Hostility too can result from guilt and fear of judgment and Hell.
Rule of God or Government?
Jesus said, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s (Matt. 22:21).”
Jesus said, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s (Matt. 22:21).”
Atheist views as humanism, socialism, secularism, naturalism don’t believe this because there is no God. So nothing belongs to God. This is an assumption that never has been proved. It would take exhaustive knowledge to prove. God is Spirit not within the scope of scientific demonstration. Visible eyewitness testimony established Jesus as the God-man. Wars between religious peoples and nations are bad but nothing like atheist government dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and numerous others. Every government operates under a worldview either constructive or destructive.
Atheist views as humanism, socialism, secularism, naturalism don’t believe this because there is no God. So nothing belongs to God. This is an assumption that never has been proved. It would take exhaustive knowledge to prove. God is Spirit not within the scope of scientific demonstration. Visible eyewitness testimony established Jesus as the God-man. Wars between religious peoples and nations are bad but nothing like atheist government dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and numerous others. Every government operates under a worldview either constructive or destructive.
Of course, a Creator and Sustainer of everything indirectly would be over everything. Secular governments that outlaw belief in a personal ethical God destroy the foundation for human dignity, restrict freedom, produce a police state, oppress and murder citizens who cry for liberty from oppression. But citizens would support fair and equitable rulers who treat them justly and uphold human dignity and rights—a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Biblical teaching realistically recognizes both the dignity and depravity of man. Following Isaiah 33:22, government under God is divided into three divisions: the judicial, legislative and executive. Recognizing wealth and power tends to corrupt politicians; each branch is assigned duties and limitations to serve as checks and balances on the others. A constitution is needed to spell out the rights and procedures the people may expect to uphold. Citizens running for limited terms of office must clearly state their aims and be held responsible to the citizens who elect them. Criticism of government is welcomed recognizing our human limitations and failures and need for citizen input.
Evils or Just Nature?
Of course, a Creator and Sustainer of everything indirectly would be over everything. Secular governments that outlaw belief in a personal ethical God destroy the foundation for human dignity, restrict freedom, produce a police state, oppress and murder citizens who cry for liberty from oppression. But citizens would support fair and equitable rulers who treat them justly and uphold human dignity and rights—a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Biblical teaching realistically recognizes both the dignity and depravity of man. Following Isaiah 33:22, government under God is divided into three divisions: the judicial, legislative and executive. Recognizing wealth and power tends to corrupt politicians; each branch is assigned duties and limitations to serve as checks and balances on the others. A constitution is needed to spell out the rights and procedures the people may expect to uphold. Citizens running for limited terms of office must clearly state their aims and be held responsible to the citizens who elect them. Criticism of government is welcomed recognizing our human limitations and failures and need for citizen input.
Evils or Just Nature?
Jesus said, “This is the condemnation that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness because their deeds were evil (John 3:19).”
Jesus said, “This is the condemnation that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness because their deeds were evil (John 3:19).”
We are hurt by natures’ calamities and moral injustices. But the fact is that if there is no good personal God to know, set standards and judge evil, then there’s no basis to call anything evil—opinions are just individual preferences. All events and behaviors are simply a normal part of nature—no way to call any happening good or evil, right or wrong, just or unjust. But aren’t even our feelings of wrongness pointers to God? Jesus’ answer to physical and moral evils was “repent or perish." (Luke 13:1-5).” Human evils began in wrong attitudes that lead to evil actions.
Life is full of unavoidable choices. The wrong choices may bring an eternity of painful torment and grief. Jesus said He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). If He meant you, won't you pray, Lord, I acknowledge I'm a sinner destined for eternal damnation unacceptable to a perfect holy God and unfit for an eternal perfect Heaven. Lord, I trust You now and forever to be my Savior and Guide through life. Help me live to please you from this day forward.
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Life is full of unavoidable choices. The wrong choices may bring an eternity of painful torment and grief. Jesus said He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). If He meant you, won't you pray, Lord, I acknowledge I'm a sinner destined for eternal damnation unacceptable to a perfect holy God and unfit for an eternal perfect Heaven. Lord, I trust You now and forever to be my Savior and Guide through life. Help me live to please you from this day forward.
Please share these vital articles God has given me. It's the best thing we can do for our fellowman.
I recommend Understanding the Times by David A. Noebel to whom I’m indebted for my outline. It's a very good book for a college philosopy course. U are welcome to link with me & get my articles.