By the Numbers

Friday, August 10, 2012

Myths about & Realities of Heaven

                          Myths about & Realities of Heaven

The Bible mentions three heavens. One is the atmosphere around the earth or our sky. Another is outer space where the planets and stars are. The third is the abode of God. It may be some place in space or in another dimension--we don't know.
In this article I will discuss some myths or popular misconceptions about the new heaven on the new earth. Then the realities are things we're accustomed to on earth that will be missing in heaven greatly to our benefit. God has promised to make all things new. Praise God! 

The Myths.


Myth that heaven's inhabitants just sit on a cloud playing a harp. That's the Hollywood fantasy. It conveys the notion that there's nothing to do eternally but sit on a cloud playing a harp. But the Bible says God is always active doing great things and we will be also in service to Him and enjoying it always (Rev.22:3).  Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Don't allow Hollywood demons to deceive you.
Myth that heaven is an unchallenging, dull, boring place. That's like mistaking heaven for a kind of hell. As God is the Source of all goodness and love, heaven is the most beautiful, exciting, sociable fulfilling place our Lord prepared for us (John 14:1-4). It's paradise restored even more exquisite than original Eden. We will see angels, meet loved ones again, and rejoice with persons God used us to minister to and bring to Christ. Though Paul was taken to the third heaven, God wouldn't let him tell of its wonders beyond human imagination. They will be part of our joyous service to our loving Lord.
The alternative is darkness and aloneness, except perhaps in hearing the despairing moans, cries, and torments of all who rejected God, His goodness and love.
Myth that heaven is only a place of rest and contemplation. Yes, there is a heavenly rest, but it's not referring to idleness but rest from all the persecutions, tribulations, and sufferings the evil Satanic world system and its followers have inflicted upon God's people trying to live for Him (2 Thessalonians 1:4-9). Rather, it will be God's new world order.
Myth that heaven's only idealistic escapism. We naturally want to escape injustices, frustrations, failures and troubles of this life?  Strong believers in heaven work for a better world here and receive great reward there (Hebrews 11; Matthew 5:11-12).  See my four articles on Christian Heroes. But willful rejecters of God  here, to their horror find the torments of hell with  their father, the devil, inescapable (John 8:44-45). God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Myth that heaven has dull music. Mark Twain, the American humorist, said heaven's music would be the same dull hymn repeatedly. I don't believe he was in any position to know and I suspect he may now wish he could be within the sound of heaven's music. Heaven's music like everything else will be designed to give God's people's greater fulfillment than they ever could imagine. It won't be sensual music to excite and entice us to do evil, but  praise and rejoicing music expressing love and gratitude for all the goodness of our Lord. Heaven's alternative will be the moans, cries, and agonies of unholy rejection, lost opportunities and painful experiences amidst God's wrath (John 3:36: Matt. 8:12). Atheist philosopher, Bertrand Russel, said life ends in unyielding despair. Even worse, the despair is unending! But in Jesus, heaven's alternative is a loving God with His redeemed people.
                                         When we've been there ten thousand years,
                                               Bright shining as the sun,
                                        We've no less days to sing God's praise,
                                              Than when we'd first begun.
Myth that Peter guards the pearly gates. How many jokes have we heard about meeting St. Peter at the pearly gates? This is a fantasy based upon Matthew 16:18-19. Peter himself, explains that Christ is the Church's foundation (Acts 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 2:4-10; 3:18; 1 Cor. 3:11) and head (1 Pet. 2:25; Eph. 5:23).  Every church has authority to discipline its erring members (Matthew 18:15-18).
Myth that believers become angels with halos and wings. In no place does Scripture say that. Even the angels that appear to men are not described with wings. But in new bodies like Jesus, we may be able to go through doors and quickly appear in other places. God is good. 
Myth that time shall be no more. I love that old hymn that says "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more" but it just isn't true. Revelation 10:5-6 refers to the tribulation plagues on earth before Christ's return. The angel with raised arm is taking an oath to delay the plagues (not time)  no longer. Now where there's life, there's change, movement, a past, present and future and that's what we mean by time. Time doesn't cease in heaven but goes on forever in blessed experiences for God's true people.

The Realities.

No Temple. No temple is needed since God is everywhere (Revelation 21:22).. No further need for building funds, furniture, decorative objects, lights, heating. We will worship God in spirit and truth. God will be the ever present light of the world so there will be no more night or further need for the sun and moon and no more danger and fear in darkness. In God is no darkness at all.
No Sea. Almost three quarters of our planet is covered with ocean. Ancients feared sea monsters, storms, shipwrecks, exile, pirates, separations from loved ones that may never return home. No such fears and deprivations will exist on the new earth. And earth's topography will be radically altered. Our new world will be able to contain billions of inhabitants. But we will have a beautiful clear river of the water of life flowing from the thrown of God with the tree of life along its banks bearing twelve fruits every month (Revelation 22:1-2). 
No Death. Sin brought death and the curse on all nature (Genesis 3:17; Romans 5:12; 8:20-22). The earth will be cleansed from sin by fire and the elements melt so that there will be no more curse (2 Peter 2:10-13). The passage mentions the heavenS so apparently the whole universe will be transformed. Without sin there will be no need for soldiers, wars, police, jails, courts, judges, lawyers, security guards--it will be a very different world more wonderful than we can imagine.. 
No Pain. The benefits of doctors, hospitals, dentists, medicines won't be needed in heaven. We'll have no diseases, deformities, backaches, colds, forgetfulness, tiredness, pains of any kind because we will have perfect bodies (1 Cor. 15:35-51). But they will be similar to our bodies now so that we will recognize each other. Moses and Elijah were recognized on the mount of transfiguration. Physical differences as size, shape, skin color, appearances and all such things will never be a problem with God's loving, rejoicing people. WOW! What a world.
No Tears. In this life we shed many tears. Accidents, deaths of family and friends, lost loves, rejections, disappointments, failures, mistakes, sins, deprivations, griefs, depressions and on and on. God will wipe away our tears and make all things new (Revelation 21:4). Whoopee!
No Hunger or Thirst. The tribulation believers are promised what applies to all God's redeemed that we will never hunger or thirst again (Rev. 7:16). What a promise considering the starving millions with bloated bellies in Africa, India and indeed all around the world at times. Apparently, we won't have to eat with our new bodies but can if or when we want to--there will be no lack of delicious food. Praise God!
No Shut Gates. Absolutely amazing what the Almighty Creator is preparing for His redeemed people. A great city on earth 1400 miles square (Rev.21). Such a building would cover three fourths of the United States east to west and be way up above the clouds. It has rooms a plenty for all those who trusted in Him from Adam until the city descends to earth. There will be some from every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Rev. 5:9). The new heaven and earth will doubtless contain billions of inhabitants. What a joyous celebration?
Here's a Bible fact we must face honestly. Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Many other passages say similar things (Rev. 21:27; 22:15). That's God's Word, not mine. Again, God loves us enough to tell us the truth. 
We must examine ourselves to see if we are truly Christians believing and obeying God's Word. We can have a head knowledge like the demons and go to hell. Which do we really love, our self and our sin, or the Lord Jesus who died to remove our sins and enable us to live a holy pure life for Him?  
Many naively assume since we can't be perfect God will accept us if we even try. That's not what God's Word says. Sin separates us from a perfect God and perfect heaven. This is life's most crucial issue and delay can prove fatal. Won't you say, Lord forgive me and transform me to Your ways. I now trust in Jesus as paying the penalty for my sins and with Your help and guidance live for You.
If you made this commitment, then 1 Corinthians 6:11 describes your new state in Christ. You are now washed, set apart for God, justified in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God. Amen. You may link my blog to your and tell others of God's love and salvation.

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