By the Numbers

Friday, November 23, 2012

They have come for you, Claiming America for Islam

"They have come for you, Claiming America for Islam. But Jesus our Lord has come for them .... in Love!"


Muslim Population to Double in U.S. 

by 2030, Report Projects
Read more here

It's the day when thousands of Muslims bowed to the east , toward Mecca, on the Washington Mall. There, they publicly laid claim to the U.S. as theirs. Muslim clerics openly preached that the only thing in the way was the U.S. government, represented by the captial building.

They didn't know that Jesus had already laid claim for them and given His life to purchase for them eternal life.

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 ISLAM'S BASIS. Muhammad claimed an angel revealed the Qur'an to him making him Allah's final authoritative prophet (c.570-632). It seems anyone could claim the same thing as the Mormon Joseph Smith Jr. did centuries later (1805-1844). Muslims hope to go to heaven if they can do more good deeds than evil deeds and Muhammad is their example of virtue.
CHRISTIAN BASIS. Biblical history was accurately transmitted centuries before Muhammad by prophets and apostles often martyred in evidence of its truth. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and demonstrated it by fulfilling hundreds of detailed Messianic prophecies and by performing hundreds of visible public miracles astonishing disciples and hostile critics. We sinners are assured of heaven by trusting in Jesus who in love and to satisfy divine justice, died to pay for our sins and arose again.
For more see my article: What Did Muhammad Say About Jesus? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Best News I've Ever Heard!!

                          The Best News I've Ever Heard!!
"Sir, Mam, Friend, I'm ----------  -----------. May I share with you the best news I've ever heard?"
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Let me break this most loved Bible verse down for you in simple terms.
First, God unconditionally loves us----"God so loved the world"
My friend, we can know God loves us no matter who we are or what we've done. God wants relationship with us--that's why He made us in His image.  God knows about our sins even before we're born--He knows the end from the beginning. God, who says He loves us, cannot lie. Even the most evil persons--thieves, rapists, murders--can be forgiven. God's love can transform us to have purity, peace, guilt free, loving, purposeful lives for His glory. It happened to me! I know it can happen to you--just give Him the chance to show you. It's like filthy contaminated water made pure, clean, and fit to use. Isn't that good news?
Next, God gave His Son to save us----"that He gave His only begotten Son"
His only begotten Son means Jesus is the Son of God, the God-man who alone can take away our sin. Since all our sins are committed against God, He alone can forgive them (Psalm 51:4). God is our Creator, Owner, Lawgiver and Judge. Jesus bleeding and dying upon the cross cried, Father, forgive them. We put Jesus on the cross. He died in our place. He took the punishment for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18). Jesus is both just and justifier of us sinners who put faith in Him (Rom. 3:26). Drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, prostitutes, everyone can be washed white as snow (Titus 3:5) and do great and lasting things for the Kingdom of God. That's amazingly good news.
Now, God invites you to believe in His Son----"that whoever believes in Him"
Accepting God's love and God's way means accepting God's Son to save us. God is perfect (Matt.5:46). Heaven is perfect (Rev. 21:27). But we aren't (1 Cor. 6:9-10). So it's not our goodness, not our good deeds--it's Jesus paying for our sins that makes us acceptable to God and fit for Heaven.  God's way is faith in Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Faith is not  mere head knowledge or intellectual belief--it's a commitment of will for life to serve God according to His Word (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16).  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).
So, if you belief in Jesus,  you gain eternal life----"should not perish but have everlasting life."
Jesus came to give us abundant and eternal life (John 10:10). His resurrection proves we are not soulless dirt as atheists suppose. We are not recycled energy as pantheist religions claim. Christian life begins the very moment we believe (John 5:24). Jesus makes us new creations. He changes our way of thinking and living to love Him and obey Him (2 Cor.5:21-22). We can now see life and the world in a new dimension. Praise God! It's the best good news ever.
My dear friend, the opportunity is yours--eternal life through faith in Christ. Grab it while you have the chance. You may never be so ready to receive Christ again. Life's distractions can grab it away from you and send you to your doom. Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life. His arms of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and a new purposeful life are extended to you.
Will you pray, Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You now and forever to save me and give me a place of service in Your kingdom. Thank You, Lord. Amen (So be it.) Link, translate, and share this good news with everyone. Praise God!