By the Numbers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Isn't Religion A Private Matter?

Isn’t Religion A Private Matter?

Why are people not more concerned about the crucial things of life? Not who won the ball game? What good movie have you seen lately? Should I ask Susan for a date? But questions vital to life now and maybe a thousand years from now: Is death our end? Did Muhammad give objective evidence honest thinking people can believe that the Qur'an is from God? Are Mormons correct that people can become Gods? Were Jehovah Witnesses correct to give five dates claiming Christ came back to earth? If we’re just evolving animals that perish, what’s wrong with killing dangerous people who disagree with us, especially when we’re in control or won’t get caught? Is it true that we can’t know truth?
It seems if people really believe salvation in Christ, they would want to share the gospel with persons destined for Hell.
Worldly influence has caused many persons to regarded religion as a private matter. Some church members wouldn’t think of sharing Christ with friends and loved ones. This opposes the great commission and all Christ and the Bible teaches. Do they have good reasons, or just disobedient rebellious excuses? Here is a list of explanations.
·        Church members may not be Christians. Possibly the biggest reason church members never tell others about God’s salvation in Christ is that they’ve unsaved or simply not Christians. Churches don’t give lie detector tests to everyone who wants to join a church. Persons may join for many reasons other than faith in Christ. Some want to sing in the choir, play on the ball team, socialize with friends, or make business clients. Sometimes even pastors and missionaries realize they’ve unsaved. And liberal churches don’t claim to believe all the Bible teaches.
·        Unsaved church members that have only head knowledge or intellectual belief. One can believe in God, believe Jesus is God, agree Jesus is the Savior of sinners, but go to Hell. The devil and his demons know all that. Without the transformation Jesus called the new birth or being born from above, persons cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:7).  Non-Christians view them as hypocrites and they are right.
Regeneration is God’s Holy Spirit within transforming us to have new spiritual life, new holy desires, a completely new worldview or outlook on life (2 Cor. 5:17-18). And to grow spiritually, our new life grows through worship, Bible study, and fellowship with believers and witnessing to Christ as Lord and Savior.      
·        They fear ridicule. Jesus warned Godly living will result in persecution as they killed God’s prophets and apostles. But your courageous witness will strengthen other believers. And great is your eternal reward. We can grow to be courageous witnesses if we’re willing. God tests us whether we put Him first in our life or self. We live here only a few decades; Heaven is eternal. Our faithfulness will win others to Christ and cover multitudes of sins (James 5:20). Our behavior brings eternal gain or shameful loss of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Corinthians. 3:10-15).
·        Serious sin in one’s life hinders witness. We’ll never be perfect in this life. But we can live holy lives that please the Lord. Though Christ paid for all our sins past, present, future, we still fail him every day. He knows this and promises us continued forgiveness and fellowship through honest daily confession (1 John 1:7-10).
·        It is the pastor’s job. It’s every true Christians’ job. If the Lord’s orders to make disciples  of all nations meant only the first eleven disciples they could never have reached the  world nor lived to the end of the age (Matt. 20:20-21: Acts 1:8; 8:4). Christians have  influence and contact with persons their pastor and spiritual leaders will never see. Christians have the ministry of reconciliation. Do we not care that our loved ones never hear the good news of Christ. The Bible is plain that unsaved persons spend eternity in  the darkness and torment of Hell. Persons who win others are wise (Prov. 11:30).
·        I witness by my life. Yes, we are to be the light of the world, salt of the earth, and a city on a hill. But no matter how good we live, if we never tell anyone about the Savior, then they may never know. It’s inexcusable disobedience to our Lord’s command. It’s a joy we deny ourselves not to seek the salvation of the lost.
·        We can’t force religion on anyone. Hate religions and philosophies (politically correct) do intimidate and force outward observances but not a yielded heart. They demand blind obedience and enforce it by ridicule, threats, persecution, imprisonment, torture and murder. But that’s not God’s way. His way is friendship, respect, concern.
·        Jesus is truth and love. He invites us to put our burdens on him who cares for us. The Bible is clear Christians are not to give offense (1 Cor. 10:32; 2 Cor. 6:3). But it is equally clear we are to be ready to give a defense of our faith at all times with respectful concern (1 Pet. 3:15; Acts 1:3; Phil. 1:16; Jude 3).
            One good way I’ve found to avoid conflict is first make a friend. Then ask the question: May I share with you--the good news about someone who loves us? Or, the best friend I know? Or, the opportunity of a lifetime? Or, how to get to Heaven?
            Prayerfully trust God’s Spirit and share only when they answer affirmatively. Then graciously explain the Bible verses: Romans 5:8; 3:23; 6:23; 10:9-10. Then ask your friend if you could lead him or her in prayer to receive God’s gift of eternal life. Carry a pocket New Testament with these passages underlined and some gospel tracts.
·        I don’t have time. Yes, we live busy lives but talk to people every day by phone, WWW, and everywhere we go. It’s just a matter of obedience. When we face Jesus, or in a century from now, the only thing that will matter is whether we spent time serving the Lord. What are your priorities?
We are also to expose false religions and philosophies that align themselves against God (Deut. 13:1-4; 2 Cor. 10:3-5). We should contend without being contentious, give reasons without being argumentative, and show respect and understanding. Humbly admit we’re sinners too, knowing persons don’t like to admit sin (1 John 1:8-10). But unless persons acknowledge their sin, they won’t see any need for a Savior.
These alleged reasons are rebellious, disobedient excuses. Keeping Christ’s word shows, we are in Him and love Him, especially when it requires study, prayer, concern and time (1 John 2:5). Join me as a GOOD NEWS MESSENGER sending these articles to others over the internet. Only one life and it will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Courageous Witnesses, Or Faithless Cowards?

Courageous Witnesses, Or Faithless Cowards?

Statistics show that most church members for decades who claim to be Christian believers in the Savior never tell anyone about the Lord Jesus Christ in our multicultural world. They fear being called ugly names, thought fanatic, extremists, troublemakers. They fear being asked questions they can’t answer. They fear rejection, job loss, persecution, maybe even martyrdom. They say it's the pastor's job and they're too busy.
After His resurrection, Jesus said, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:18-20).
Are there good reasons to tell people about Jesus in spite of all these things? YES! A thousand times more reason. Can you dare to be honest and courageous?
Tell People about Jesus because He Alone Is the unique God-man.
Non-Christian religions are only subjective human opinions. They have no evidence they are of God. Moreover, they can’t show we are anything more than soulless dirt. Pantheists such as Hindus, Buddhists, Taoism, New Age, Unity, claim we have many lives based upon repeated changing seasons, human defects, and past life recall. These pantheists (monists) say the world is illusion so we’re just energy that assumes many forms (reincarnations). But it’s all human speculation better explained as the earth’s tilt circulating the sun, human genetic defects, and fantasizing. Ancient peoples lacked such knowledge.
Islam is based upon Muhammad’s claim to be God’s final prophet having seen the angel Gabriel who told him the Qur'an. Nobody saw the angel but Muhammad. A crazy man could claim the same thing. In fact, centuries later Joseph Smith Jr. claimed he saw an angel and was God’s final prophet. Even when world religions claim miracles to make good their beliefs, the miracles are claimed not by eyewitnesses but by adoring disciples in writings centuries later that contradict the founders own claims. Now understand this: Non-Christian religions have nothing to show that their religious claims are anything more than human opinions and speculations.
What’s different about Jesus? Many historical sources testify to Jesus being a real person. We have the six independent accounts: the Gospels, Acts and New Testament letters. Besides the New Testament, secular sources and church fathers testify as well. They even give us an outline of events in Jesus’ life. There’s more reason to believe in Jesus than believe in Plato and Tiberius Caesar whom no historian would question.
But here is the vital point: Jesus claimed in many ways to be God. The Jews understood this and that’s why they said he blasphemed and why they crucified him. Furthermore, before eyewitnesses, Jesus walked on water, raised the dead, and immediately healed all kinds of diseases—only God’s power can do such things. He fulfilled ancient prophecies of the Jew’s Messiah, the great I Am or God. No such things exist in non-Christian literature or world religions. Jesus alone is God and spoke the truth of God—we know because he visibly demonstrated his deity before eyewitnesses who died to affirm it.

Tell People about Jesus Since He Alone Gives Us Dignity, Rights, and Ethical Accountability. 


Apart from Jesus, his death for our sins on the cross and his bodily resurrection, there is no evidence that we are more than soulless dirt. Neither atheism nor pantheist religions give us a basis for human dignity, rights, freedom or ethical accountability.

As both a just and loving God, Jesus took our place on the cross to satisfy God’s justice and to show God’s love. Because Jesus arose from the dead, we have assurance of our most vital and basic human needs. First, we know there is life after death which is essential to all else. Second, we know the resurrected Jesus is the God-man who walked among us as he said. That being true all he said is absolute truth, not just human guesses as in non-Christian religions. Third, Jesus said the Scriptures were God’s Word and true. The Scriptures teach God created us rational, moral beings eternally accountable to God. That means we’re not just soulless dirt but persons of dignity, rights, and ethical accountability. And No world religions nor philosophy can assure us of that.
Tell People about Jesus Because He Raises the Moral Status of Society
Where Christian teaching prevails with its influence strongly felt, practices such as cannibalism, baby killing, slavery, abuse of women and children, immorality, adultery, illiteracy, and crime gradually diminish. People understand we’re not just soulless dirt to abuse and discard. We’re responsible to each other and are accountable to God who one day will judge our actions. In Christ human dignity, rights, ethics and responsibility make sense so there’s hope for achieving a better world.
Where Christian teaching is believed and Christ’s influence felt, churches, schools, hospitals, orphanages, homes for the aged appear. Christians believe in helping people because we’re in God’s image—we count. God created a good and rational world we can understand, explore and enjoy. We have a basis for invention, logic, truth, philosophy, and experimental science. Christian beliefs inspire works of art as literature, poetry, and painting. Christ makes just and humane government and laws imperative as well since rulers are accountable to their people and to God.  

Tell People about Jesus Because Believers Gain Present and Eternal Rewards

Committed Christians naturally want to please the Lord who loves and saves them. They want to live lives of faith, love and obedience. They are happy to lead loved ones and friends to trust the Savior, see them grow in their spiritual and moral lives; see them become Christian leaders one day themselves. And they anticipate joy to hear Jesus say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Jesus said, “I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). It’s no profit to gain the whole world and lose your own soul. Only one life; it will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.

Tell People about Jesus Because It May Save Them from Unending Torments in Hell.

People ask how can God be love and have an eternal Hell of torments. Good question. People don’t want to acknowledge that a holy or perfect God and Heaven exist and that we are rebellious self-centered sinners unacceptable to God and unfit for Heaven. Honesty compels us to admit that we can’t live perfect lives; we justly deserve punishment. Each person’s daily rejections of God earn the torments he or she will receive in Hell. It’s all our free choice and God respects our dignity and grants our decision. If we don’t want God and his will on earth, God won’t force it on us but let us have our way apart from him in eternal darkness and torment. Prideful rebellious human nature apart from God never changes and can’t be allowed to corrupt God’s perfect Heaven.
God shows his love in keeping his promise of providing an eternal pure Heaven to those who love and serve him. He too shows love to unbelievers by numerous witnesses—his Holy Spirit, logic, nature, conscience, the Bible, preachers, blessings, even plagues as warnings. Unbelievers are without excuse (John 7:17; Romans 2:1). He warns unbelievers, “If you don’t believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” (John 8:24). We want our loved one and friends to die in Christ, not in sins to endure torment, darkness and despair alone eternally.
Jesus warns believers as well, “Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels” (Mark 9:38). I’m not ashamed. Are you? Our witness or lack thereof shows whether we are courageous witnesses or faithless cowards. Join me in being a GOOD NEWS MESSENGER to planet earth. Share these messages WWW and tell loved ones, friends, and neighbors. What a joy  it will be to hear Jesus say, "well done good, faithful servant" and meet the many persons our Lord used us to tell of Him who is life eternal.

Clean Christian Jokes

Clean Christian Jokes

Christians can use good clean jokes as a means to gain a warm reception for the good news of Christ. Expressive body language and a surprise punch line ensure a good laugh and help establish friendships. I’ve found this true many times. But not knowing what jokes you might receive in return, it’s good to set the right relationship with a big friendly smile, introducing yourself and asking if your acquaintance would like to hear some good clean jokes. Almost invariable they do. Afterward, ask if you may share the greatest news you’ve ever heard. You have earned a chance to present the good news of Christ. Of course, always be in prayer for God’s grace, wisdom, leading and power. When appropriate, ask if you can lead your new friend in a definite prayer of commitment. Have him or her repeat phrases of the gospel. For example--
---Lord, I’m a sinner deserving Hell. But you died on the cross to pay for all my sins and make me right with a perfect God. I trust you now to save me, make me a child of God, and give me your gift of eternal life. Thank you Lord. Amen (so be it). Share assurance passages—Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 16:31. Invite him or her to a Bible believing church or take them to yours. Give them a Bible if they need one.
Young Girl Who Married Her Hero.
This young lady admired this young man for his broad shoulders. She thought I've got to have him to be my hero. So she married him and discovered he was as dumb as a brick! Her hero turned to zero.
The lesson here is that we need to ask thoughtful relevant questions about our relationships, not jump into a relationship, and not let our emotions overwhelm and reason. We will learn things in marriage about our spouse that we may never think of in dating.
Jesus Is Watching You. A man was robbing a house in the dark with his flashlight. He heard a voice behind him say, Jesus is watching you. He turned around but didn't see anyone. Continuing to put treasures in his bag he again heard the voice say, Jesus is watching you. Turning quickly around he saw a parrot in a cage. He thought it's just a dumb parrot. Again collecting items he heard, Jesus is watching you and felt a warm breath on his neck. Turning around quickly he saw this big black bull dog with big menacing white teeth snarling at him. Jesus truly was upon him.
Yes, Jesus is watching and we all will see Him one day at the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive our rewards for service, or at the Great White Thrown that decides our just degree of punishment for preferring our way to the holy perfect will of God. I sincerely hope and pray you my friend, will choose Jesus who in love died to save us sinners. 
This man in a crowd of people asked the guy next to him if he knew how to stop the hiccups’. He said yes he could help him and to come with him. He took him around the corner away from the crowd. Then he slapped the fire out of the man. With face stinging bewilderment, he asked why in the world did you do that? "To get rid of your hiccups," the man replied, “But it’s my wife who’s got the hiccups.” May I share some good news with you?
No matter how well intentioned, we all make mistakes that can cause harm. We live in an imperfect world and can’t live a perfect life. The perfect God who created us knows all about it. That’s why we need his Son the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Savior. What we can’t do, the God-man demonstrated He can do for us. Jesus’ death in our place on the cross displayed God’s love and satisfied God’s justice. Only in trusting Christ can we be sure to one day have perfect bodies, live in a perfect world, and not make mistakes and sins even when not intentioned. My friend, would you like to make sure you enter this new world by trusting the Savior today? May I lead us in a commitment prayer of faith and repentance? Repeat these words after me if you really mean it.
Student told teacher a whale swallowed Jonah. No, teacher said a whale couldn’t swallow a man.
Student said the Bible says the whale swallowed Jonah. Teacher said I don’t believe the Bible.
Student said Jesus said the fish swallowed Jonah. Teacher said I didn’t believe in Jesus.
Student said when I get to Heaven I’ll ask Jonah. Teacher said but what if Jonah went to Hell.
Student said then you ask him. My friend, may I share with you the greatest news I’ve ever heard?
I’m no theologian who has all the answers. I know only that one day I trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It made me a child of God and I have God’s assurance that when absent from this body, I will be with my Lord. And anyone who honestly admits his sinfulness and asks Christ to be his Lord and Savior, will find God’s forgiveness, peace and love are real. The Bible says all who call upon the Lord will be saved. Can I lead you in a prayer to be saved?” “Not today.” Then, thank you sir, for your time. May I give you this gospel tract?
Two ladies discussed their parakeets. One said she had the nicest little lovebird that has a wonderful vocabulary. He says, let’s pray. Let’s pray. Other lady said her bird has a terrible vocabulary. She says, “Let’s neck. Let’s neck.” First lady said she would bring her bird over to teach the other lady’s bird a better vocabulary. She did the next day. When she opened the cage doors, the male lovebird hopped up on the perch next to the female. He looked at her and she looked at him and said, “Let’s neck, let’s neck”. He said, “My prayers have been answered.” My friends, may I share with you the most wonderful loving thing I know?
You know many persons have honestly acknowledged they fall far short of God’s perfect moral standard. And they offered this simply prayer with sincerity. Lord, I know I’m a sinner deserving hell. But the Lord Jesus in love died to save me from all my sins. Lord, right now I trust Jesus to save me, give me His gift of eternal life, make me a true child of God to live for and serve Him the rest of my life. Amen. This is the best thing of my life. I want to share Jesus with my loved ones and friends.
This wicked man went for a walk in the woods and came upon this big ferocious bear. He was so scared he fell on his knees and prayed—“Lord if you’ll save me from this big ferocious bear, I’ll trust in Jesus and try to be a good Christian”. Looking up he saw the bear with folded hands and bowed head praying. The sinner said, “never mind Lord it’s a Christian bear”. Then he heard the bear pray thank you Lord for bringing this good meal to me today. My friends, may I share with you the best news ever? It wonderfull changed my life.
We don’t know when our end will come. But we can know we will go to live in the new Heaven on the new earth. Quote First John 5:11-13 and Revelation 21:4. Now Roman 6:23 says it all.
A Bible believing seminary student on school break attended a post-modern church. He knew he had made a mistake when he heard the pastor say, "All religious beliefs were true." The seminary student squirmed in his seat feeling most uncomfortable. The pastor again assured his congregation that all religious beliefs were in fact true. Sermon over, the student hoped to slip quietly out the door unnoticed. But the pastor grabbed him, gave him a bear hug, and asked if he lived in the area. The student said, “No sir, I’m a seminary student attending your church during school break.” “Seminary student, wonderful!” said the pastor. And what do you believe young man.” “I’d rather not say sir," was his reply. Oh, you can tell me the pastor insisted, “I believe all religious beliefs are true.” “Alright then” the student respectfully leaned toward the pastor and whispered, “Sir, I believe you are going to hell.” Shocked and red faced, the pastor said, “Well, I guess I don’t believe all religious beliefs are true after all.” That's true of all who don't know Jesus. And, we can show people the way to heaven and eternal life. What greater news is there in all the world?
Apart from the Bible’s God visibly shown to us in the God-man, Jesus Christ, we have no assurance we’re anymore than perishing animals. God, absolute truth, freedom, human dignity, moral standards, life after death, and ultimate purpose of life are crucial human needs. But, we know they are true only if Jesus, the God-man, died for our sins on the cross and arose again. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). That’s not our way, but it’s God’s way. And all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior from sin find it’s true. We can be God's faithful servants just telling others about this blog.
Standing at the edge of a cliff with a two-hundred foot drop, Adam admired the beautiful scene below. Suddenly the rocky edge gave way and he felt himself plunging to his death. He grabbed a hanging limb and held on for dear life. Looking up he called. “Is there anybody up there who can save me?” “Yes, a powerful voice said I’m the Lord and I can save you.” “Thank you Lord, throw me a rope, yelled the doomed man.” But the Lord said, “To save you, you must TRUST ME AND DO WHAT I SAY”. “Oh yes, I’ll do whatever You say Lord. “ Then let go of the limb,” said the Lord.” After some hesitation, the limb hanger said, “Is there anybody else up there that can save me? Of course, it’s a fearful thing to trust the Lord. My friends, May I share with you what I’ve discovered in thinking about this subject?
I know it’s scary to trust God. But I’ve discovered many good reasons to do so. Jesus left Heaven to show us God is love and really cares about our well-being. And since He experienced trial and temptations similar to us, He understands our needs. He defeated every evil and promised that in Him, we can too. The greatest love anyone can show is to give their life for another—that’s what Jesus did for us even as imperfect unworthy sinners. Nothing in this world is worth having or doing, if we lose our own soul. I trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He’s given me forgiveness of sin and assurance of heaven. Wouldn’t you also like to trust Jesus to receive His forgiveness and gift of eternal life? I can lead us in a prayer of commitment. (Have him or her repeat phrases of the gospel after you as given above in green. Then give her\him this blog address so he can share how to learn Bible teaching and share this good news with the world.) Your doing that will count more with God and for eternity than having the winning lottery ticket.
 A Boy and A Dog.
Upon coming to the store, Mr. Assume saw a boy sitting in a chair beside the door and a dog lying beside him. He casually asked, "Son, does your dog bite." The body looked him in the eye and answered, "No sir, my dog doesn't bite." Mr. Assume reached out to pet the dog who bit his hand. Surprised! his hand drew back, "You said your dog doesn't bite." The boy said, "That's not my dog."
Can we make some false assumptions? Consider these examples: Nothing can evolve into everything, so no eternal self-existent Creator exists.  A Creator of the universe wouldn't take human form as Jesus to tell us He loves us. No heaven and hell exist. Death means our spirits die with our bodies.  We can earn our way to heaven by being good. A little sin won't keep us from heaven. Jesus was just a good man. Christians can furnish evidence all these examples are false assumptions not true. Check it out in the articles in this blog.

 Dear friend, won't you bow your head and say this in your heart--Lord Jesus, I trust you now and forever to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide throughout life. Amen.
 Now get a Bible and study it to learn God's will for your life. And, meet to worship with God's people to be encouraged and show your faith is real. You can share these blog articles with others and lead them to know the Savior. You can even link them to your blog. In reading and sharing them, we not only learn answers to the crucial questions of life, not only have logical factual evidence absent in other faiths, but we can win others to the Lord, and make this a better world. We may one day rejoice to meet others on heaven's streets and discover God used us to introduce them to the Savior. What could be better? Praise God! Lord, bless and use this Your servant's ministry.
Please understand: I don't write all my articles the same way (genre), or at the same specified length of time. My older articles are good too. I depend upon God's way, God's time, God's glory. Please pray with me that they be God's articles and God's will--I'm human. Thank you.
Dear friends, please, please, please help me by giving others the address of these blog articles. I greatly need U to help me tell your friends and for them to tell their friends. I'm limited to the few friends I know in my immediate area. If they don't share the life giving message, it stops with us--we may go to Heaven and others who could not go at all. We have the greatest opportunity in the history of the world to share God's love in Christ through modern technology. Playing computer games and idle chit chat is fun, but being computer missionaries is what will count at the judgement seat of Christ and for all eternity. Others use the computer for evil, let's use it for good. Thank you for your commitment and courage. "Lord, bless your faithful computer missionaries with abundant fruit."

World Religions Ten Question Quiz

World Religions Ten Question Quiz
A world religion is a recognized system of beliefs or official group statement about God, man, ethics, man’s problem/solution and the afterlife. I use the term Biblical Christianity or Bible Christians to differentiate it from beliefs called Christian but that deny plain Bible teachings.

1.      Which religion denies reincarnation?
Hinduism; Biblical Christianity; New Age; Buddhism; Unity School of Christianity.

2.      Which religion denies a personal God, says man’s problem is desire & solution eightfold path and nirvana. Transcendental Meditation; Hinduism; Buddhism; Taoism; New Age.

3.      Which religion below denies belief in more than one god?
Popular Hinduism; Mormonism; Biblical Christianity; Greek Mythology; Shinto.

4.      Which persons deny that we can be saved or liberated by performing good deeds?
Jehovah’s Witnesses; Bible Christians; Mormons; Hindus; Jews.

5.       Which group believes in the human soul and eternal existence after death?
Naturalists; Atheists; Marxists; Materialists; Bible Christians.

6.      Which religion believes in Muhammad, the Quran, Allah, angels, prophet Jesus, jihad, Paradise, & Hell?
Islam; Unity School of Christianity; Christian Science; Wicca; Confucianism.

7.      Which religion says that things are illusion and ultimately god is the energy of the universe?
Hinduism; Buddhism; Transcendental Meditation; New Age; All of them.

8.      Which belief gives objective visible proof that there is life after death?
Hinduism; Islam; New Age; Biblical Christianity; Humanist Atheism.

9.      Which religion says imperfect people are unacceptable to a perfect God & unfit for a perfect Heaven?
Mormonism; Jehovah’s Witnesses; Islam; Unification Church; Biblical Christianity.

10.  Which religion says Jesus is God, took a human body, died to save sinners, & arose from the dead?
Unification Church; Christian Science; Secular Humanism; Bible Christianity; Marxism.
I recommend these materials for class & discussion. For summary of key beliefs: Christianity, Cults & Religions by Rose Publishing. For more in dept study the classic: The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. And more critical: The Compact Guide to World Religions by Dean C. Halverson.
Answers: 1. B.C. 2. Buddhism. 3. B.C. 4. B.C. 5. Bible Christians. 6. Islam. 7. All of them. 8. B. C. in Bible’s accuracy, trustworthiness, historical Jesus, his claims to deity, fulfilled prophecies, sinless life, miracles. 8. B.C. in Jesus’ resurrection. 9. B.C.—Matt. 5:48; Rom. 6:23; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rev. 21:8, 27. 10. B.C. 1 Peter 3:18; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Cor. 15.

What Did Muhammad Say About Jesus?

What Did Muhammad Say About Jesus?

Surprising to some persons Muhammad taught things which both Muslims and Christians agree. Unlike secular society, both Muslims and Christians believe in God, heaven, hell, angels, prayer and absolute truth. Muhammad taught that Jesus was a great prophet of God, the Messiah, the Word of God, performed miracles, and even was virgin born but like Adam.
So far tyrants don’t rule Western governments forcing persons to hold a particular religion, both committed Muslims and committed Christians protest Western culture’s appalling moral decay. Fragmented homes, drunkenness, disrespect shown old people, gambling, pornography, immodesty of dress, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and same sex marriage evidence such decay. Ideally, in Western governments, a separate but cooperative relationship exists between church and state for mutual benefit.
Please understand that I believe all human beings have the right to think and seek the truth. I affirm the human right to disagree and be unharmed. I have no ill will against Islam, Muslims, Muhammad or the Qur'an. I don’t believe all Muslims are terrorists but that most are descent, respectful, law-abiding citizens who only want to make a living, raise their families and enjoy the freedoms Western nations allow. And I believe Christians should show Muslims the same respect they would want Muslims to show them. But I find some teachings of the Qur'an, Islam’s holy book, difficult to believe as follows.
Muhammad believed the angel Gabriel told him to recite the Qur'an while alone in a cave. He first thought Gabriel was a demon, but a favorite wife convinced him he was truly God’s chosen prophet. Muhammad then preached he was seal or final authoritative prophet of the one true God--Allah.
The first five books of the Bible were complete for eighteen centuries before Muhammad and known today to be very accurate. They differ from what Muhammad said in the Qur'an. He said Noah’s Ark rested on Mt. Judi, not Mt. Ararat (Surah 11:44). Abraham’s father was Azar, not Terra (Surah 6:74). Not Pharaoh’s daughter, but his wife adopted Moses (Surah 28:8-9). Abraham attempted to sacrifice Ishmael, not Isaac (Surah 37:100-112). Abraham was not a Jew, but a Muslim because Allah, not Yahweh, is the only true God. Dozens more deviations exist from the Jewish Torah or Christian Pentateuch. I’m using Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s English translation whose notes tries but fails to explain away these difficulties.
Jewish scribes, however, meticulously preserved and transmitted Israel’s history, the Torah, going back to Moses’ time around 1400 B.C. The Dead Sea scrolls discovered in 1948 dated back to the  time before Christ verify biblical accuracy. Scribes had carefully counted the letters in a line, the number of lines, and discarded any scroll found with a mistake. Muhammad at first favored Jews and Christians as people of the Book. But when he didn’t correctly explain the Torah, Jews rejected him as a false prophet. Muhammad claimed the Jews were wrong and he corrected their biblical mistakes. He then had his followers bow toward Mecca rather than Jerusalem. But surely Jews knew their own teaching and could easily recognize whether Muhammad was correct, confused or misinformed. Some persons Muhammad recited the Qur'an to, died before it was compiled  twenty years after his death. Moreover, some Qur'an teachings are abrogated by other later teachings.
Crucial conflicts between the Qur'an and the Christian New Testament also abound. Christians believe the Creator of the universe is bigger than limited human minds can conceive and who revealed Himself as ONE GOD in three persons--the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But Muhammad said three gods is unforgivable blasphemy (shirk) because Allah has no companions (Sura 4:171; 5:72). Further, it seems Muhammad believed the Trinity was the Father, Mary and Jesus (Sura 5:73, 116).  Moreover, Allah doesn't fellowship with or love sinners. Allah commands you obey his rules and he might decide you can go to paradise.  Men in paradise have abundant sexual partners.         
Astonishingly, as a baby in his cradle, Jesus said he was the servant of Allah, and not God himself or his son (Surah 19:29-30). Jesus was born under a palm tree, not in a cave (Surah 19:22-23). It was only as Allah’s servant that Jesus performed miraculous healing, raising the dead, and unknown to scripture formed clay into a bird (Surah 3:49; 5:110). The Qur'an claims Jesus, son of Mary, promised to send Muhammad to his disciples (Surah 61:6). But how can this be since not Muhammad but the Holy Spirit came to Jesus disciples. The Christian foundation is the death and resurrection of Jesus, but the Qur'an denies Jesus’ crucifixion and that Allah took Jesus directly into heaven (Surah 4:157-8; 3:55).  See book list below & my other articles: They have come for us, Claiming America for Islam. 
Honest, logically thinking people realize such conflicting views can’t both be correct. Further, the Mormon, Joseph Smith Jr., around 1800 A.D. claimed an angel likewise revealed the golden plates to him making him God’s final prophet. Which man are we to believe? Moreover, since no one else saw either angel, how do we know but that both men were somehow mistaken?
It’s impossible to see how Christians could be mistaken about the Trinity with Bible manuscripts written just decades after Christ. All three names are mentioned together and called God. And many times each name is separately called God. Centuries before Muhammad, the church fathers who followed the apostles, Polycarp, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian and others discussed the Trinity in their writings. The Apostles Creed, the Council of Constantinople and then the Council of Chalcedon all before Muhammad arrived on the scene confirmed the Trinity teaching.
Further, abundant evidence exists for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Old Testament prophets predicted the Messiah’s death for sinners and resurrection, which only Jesus could have fulfilled. Jesus himself predicted these events several times. There was no time either Judas or Simon of Siren substituted for Jesus as Muslim traditions suppose. People who knew Jesus watched him die on the cross, including his disciple John and his mother. They never could have been deceived about his identity and death. Moreover, the guards securing his burial, the tomb found empty, the separate grave clothes, the angel's announcement that he is risen, his many appearances, the transformed disciples, the established church, martyrs dying for the truth, the changed calendar, the fact that no theory has disproved His resurrection--all seem to establish Jesus arose and is the Son of God as he claimed.
In conclusion, Muhammad acknowledged Jesus a prophet who performed miracles while he did not when asked several times. Miracles would conclusively have established Muhammad as a true prophet of God. But abundant early historical, visible, supernatural eyewitness evidence establish Jesus to be God—his claims to be God, prophecies, miracles and resurrection. With Muhammad, however, all we have is his empty claim that an angel spoke to him which he even doubted as first and which anybody can make as Joseph Smith Jr. coming after him in fact did. Considering the abundant evidence, who must be deceived?
Peter says of Jesus, "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" Acts 4:12. That means Jesus is our only way to God and Heaven. We are needy sinners before a perfect God and unfit for a perfect Heaven. Won't you trust Jesus the living Savior for forgiveness and eternal life. There is no greater love or greater hope given to everyone who trusts in Him. Jesus came to give us life eternal (John 3:36; 10:10).
Now God can use you to share this message of eternal life with Muslim friends and others. Just link this blog with yours and tell others about it. God bless  you in telling others of the living Lord and Savior of all willing to enter a love-trust relationship with Him. Jesus said to put away the sword of endless hatred, death, and despair and accept Him who offers us love, forgiveness and life eternal. God bless your ministry of faith, hope, and love.

Understanding Reincarnation

                                            Understanding Reincarnation
Reincarnation is the belief of Western religions stemming from Hinduism and Buddhism. Variations exist in different religions but generally, it means that after death the soul inhabits another body and carries with it karma or the result of what happened in the former life. Souls inhabit as many bodies as it takes to become perfect and attain release from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). In other words, each new life reaps what it sewed in the former life until released from the cycle.
According to one American survey, about one in four Americans believe in reincarnation, one in three college students and one in five persons who attend church regularly. It’s the belief among popular American stars such as Shirley MacLaine, Glenn Ford, Anne Francis, Sylvester Stallone, General George Patton, Henry Ford, Mark Twain and John Denver. Let me answer some important questions about reincarnation.
What Religions Teach Reincarnation? 
The Eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism and Hare Krishna teach reincarnation. It took form in new Western religions such as Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Theosophical Society and New Age. One big difference with the West is that souls only go into human bodies. Unlike the Easterners, the Westerners can’t accept souls going into the body of a worm, roach, rat, snake, monkey. The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Plotinus taught reincarnation as do the famous modern philosophers of religion Geddus MacGregor and John Hick.
How Do Reincarnationists Argue For Their Belief? 
Reincarnationists give three lines of argument for their belief: immortality of the soul, evidence of past lives, and that reincarnation achieves justice.
First, Plato believed the soul immortal--it existed before birth and continues to exist after we die. But others believe eventually the soul will be either absorbed into the World Soul as a wave returns into the sea or annihilated in nirvana. “Christians” who believe in reincarnation think that if a person trusts in Christ that at death he will go immediately into God’s presence without further lives. 
Next, they appeal to psychological evidences of past lives. They claim phobias, abnormal tendencies, sexual identity confusion, birthmarks, déjà vu, past life memories, deformities and inherited diseases are a carryover from their former life. Reincarnation is like the cycles of nature as vegetation comes to life in the spring and dies in the fall.
Third, they claim reincarnation achieves justice. “Christian” reincarnationists feel an eternal Hell incompatible with God’s love. Further, it’s cruel, harsh, unjust punishment for a finite amount of sin. But if our sufferings can work off the bad deeds committed in our former life, it removes the damnation of Hell. It relieves God’s responsibility for our sufferings. It protects our freedom by giving us more lives to accept Christ--his love it not forced upon us. And it assures everyone’s eventual salvation. Besides, it’s unjust for innocent Christ to pay for our sins, unjust when we don’t pay for them, and unjust for us to pay for Adam’s sin.
Now Christians respond to these three lines of argument in this way. Plato couldn’t know the soul is immortal. But even supposing the soul immortal, there’s no empirical evidence it takes on multiple bodies. Souls may inhabit only one body, as theists believe. Unknown to ancient peoples, hereditary and environmental factors can best explain cultural influence, hypnotic suggestion, forgotten childhood memories and fears, defective genes and diseases, and the earth’s tilt that causes the seasons. 
Further, reincarnation doesn’t solve the problem of justice; it merely pushes it back to the first bad act and can give no explanation why it occurred. Besides, the impersonal law of karma is an act-consequence process devoid of moral content. It’s very unjust to punish someone for actions in a former life when they haven’t a clue as to what the actions were or how to rectify them.
Doesn’t the Bible Teach Reincarnation?
Reincarnationists claim three main biblical proof texts. In Matthew 11:14, Jesus said John the Baptizer had already come or been reincarnated in the form of Elijah. In John 3:3, Jesus told Nicodemus that unless he was born the second time he would not see the kingdom of God. And in John 9:1-3, Jesus claimed the man born blind has not sinned nor his parents so he had to have sinned in a former life. These are clear Bible teachings and it’s wrong of Christians to distort or deny that they teach reincarnation.
Reincarnationists overlook numerous facts. First, it’s known that Jews of Jesus day believed in resurrection, not reincarnation (Dan. 12:2; Matt. 22:28; John 11:24; 1 Cor. 15). Second true interpretation doesn’t snatch phrases out of context and impose on them a different meaning. Third, many practical and biblical teachings we’ll discuss shortly show reincarnation simply unacceptable. 
Now let’s look at these texts carefully. Jesus didn’t say John came in the form of Elijah but in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17). Actually, Elijah never died, so he couldn’t have returned in another body (2 Kings 2:11). And when the Jews asked John if he was Elijah, he promptly and emphatically denied it (John 1:21).
When Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again (John 3:1-8), he meant spiritual birth as plain in verse 8 contrasting the physical birth with the spiritual. Moreover, we are never said to be born repeatedly, but born once physically and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
In John 9:1-3, Jesus said the purpose of this man’s blindness was so that he could heal him to glorify God. The glory of the Creator and our Life Giver transcends everything else. The blind unconscious force reincarnationists call god is no basis for either life or ethics, and reduces us to animals fighting for survival in a meaningless world.   
 Why Do Bible Believing Christians Reject Reincarnation?
Christians reject reincarnation for practical reasons. (1) Reincarnation has no moral basis or way to tell good from evil. It doesn’t matter ultimately if you give persons a drink of water or slit their throats. Pantheistic systems may encourage voluntary rules of expediency such as don’t steal, lie or kill. But an impersonal force has no such ethical standards. Without some absolute right, nothing can be actually right or wrong. (2) It has no social compassion. India’s streets, littered with poor, crippled, maimed, homeless, starving people, if helped would only extend their sufferings to the next life. (3) It has no scientific basis. We know when a male sperm penetrates a female egg that a new individual develops with both body and soul who never existed before. (4) It shows no evidence of moral progress. If reincarnation were correct, we should see improvement. Instead, we’ve gone from fighting with sticks and stones to ballistic missiles with atomic warheads—human hatred, cruelty, and barbarism are alive and well. (5) It requires either an infinite regress of lives or a first life with free will. But we know an eternal regress of time is impossible or we would not be here at its end today. And, to acknowledge a first life with free will is what theists believe. 
But Christians not only have practical reasons for rejecting reincarnation, but biblical reasons as well. (1) Unlike non-Christian religions, our Creator has come into our world as the God-man and Lord Jesus Christ demonstrating supernatural evidence (Gen. 1; John 1:1-3, 14; Heb. 1:1-4; 2 Pet. 1:16). This immediately voids all subjective imaginations, myths, guesses, preferences and claims to authority in other religions—what the real God says is final and every man will one day bow the knee. (Phil. 2:10). (2) At death, the soul passes into the spirit world awaiting the resurrection (2 Cor. 5:8). (3) At the resurrection, the soul receives its new permanent incorruptible body making us a soul-body unity (1 Cor. 15). (4) Human beings die only once followed by judgment (Heb. 9:27). (5) The one judgment is final not a series of judgments of each life (Luke. 16:26; 2 Thess. 1:9). Grace is God’s forgiveness and gift of salvation as opposed to the law of karma that is self-effort (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:8-9). (6) The end of reincarnation is absorption into universal energy or annihilation while Christian resurrection is eternal joy and love with the Lord and his redeemed servants that biblical Christians find eternally better (Rev. 21: 1-4).
Pantheistic systems (monism) are utterly opposed to Christian theism and offer none of the Christian advantages. And some “so-called Christians” are very mixed up or likely aren’t Christians at all. God decides what’s just as based upon his holy nature. Apart from the biblical God, there’s no basis for justice, truth, love, or life after death. Only Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
If you don't know Jesus as Savior or Lord, won't you pray, Lord, I'm a sinner unacceptable to you and unfit for a perfect Heaven. Lord, I trust you now to transform me by your Holy Spirit into a child of God and be my Lord and Guide until I go to be with Your or You come for me. Amen. Show love to unbelievers & help them come to know the Savior who alone is life eternal.