By the Numbers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Isn't Religion A Private Matter?

Isn’t Religion A Private Matter?

Why are people not more concerned about the crucial things of life? Not who won the ball game? What good movie have you seen lately? Should I ask Susan for a date? But questions vital to life now and maybe a thousand years from now: Is death our end? Did Muhammad give objective evidence honest thinking people can believe that the Qur'an is from God? Are Mormons correct that people can become Gods? Were Jehovah Witnesses correct to give five dates claiming Christ came back to earth? If we’re just evolving animals that perish, what’s wrong with killing dangerous people who disagree with us, especially when we’re in control or won’t get caught? Is it true that we can’t know truth?
It seems if people really believe salvation in Christ, they would want to share the gospel with persons destined for Hell.
Worldly influence has caused many persons to regarded religion as a private matter. Some church members wouldn’t think of sharing Christ with friends and loved ones. This opposes the great commission and all Christ and the Bible teaches. Do they have good reasons, or just disobedient rebellious excuses? Here is a list of explanations.
·        Church members may not be Christians. Possibly the biggest reason church members never tell others about God’s salvation in Christ is that they’ve unsaved or simply not Christians. Churches don’t give lie detector tests to everyone who wants to join a church. Persons may join for many reasons other than faith in Christ. Some want to sing in the choir, play on the ball team, socialize with friends, or make business clients. Sometimes even pastors and missionaries realize they’ve unsaved. And liberal churches don’t claim to believe all the Bible teaches.
·        Unsaved church members that have only head knowledge or intellectual belief. One can believe in God, believe Jesus is God, agree Jesus is the Savior of sinners, but go to Hell. The devil and his demons know all that. Without the transformation Jesus called the new birth or being born from above, persons cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:7).  Non-Christians view them as hypocrites and they are right.
Regeneration is God’s Holy Spirit within transforming us to have new spiritual life, new holy desires, a completely new worldview or outlook on life (2 Cor. 5:17-18). And to grow spiritually, our new life grows through worship, Bible study, and fellowship with believers and witnessing to Christ as Lord and Savior.      
·        They fear ridicule. Jesus warned Godly living will result in persecution as they killed God’s prophets and apostles. But your courageous witness will strengthen other believers. And great is your eternal reward. We can grow to be courageous witnesses if we’re willing. God tests us whether we put Him first in our life or self. We live here only a few decades; Heaven is eternal. Our faithfulness will win others to Christ and cover multitudes of sins (James 5:20). Our behavior brings eternal gain or shameful loss of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Corinthians. 3:10-15).
·        Serious sin in one’s life hinders witness. We’ll never be perfect in this life. But we can live holy lives that please the Lord. Though Christ paid for all our sins past, present, future, we still fail him every day. He knows this and promises us continued forgiveness and fellowship through honest daily confession (1 John 1:7-10).
·        It is the pastor’s job. It’s every true Christians’ job. If the Lord’s orders to make disciples  of all nations meant only the first eleven disciples they could never have reached the  world nor lived to the end of the age (Matt. 20:20-21: Acts 1:8; 8:4). Christians have  influence and contact with persons their pastor and spiritual leaders will never see. Christians have the ministry of reconciliation. Do we not care that our loved ones never hear the good news of Christ. The Bible is plain that unsaved persons spend eternity in  the darkness and torment of Hell. Persons who win others are wise (Prov. 11:30).
·        I witness by my life. Yes, we are to be the light of the world, salt of the earth, and a city on a hill. But no matter how good we live, if we never tell anyone about the Savior, then they may never know. It’s inexcusable disobedience to our Lord’s command. It’s a joy we deny ourselves not to seek the salvation of the lost.
·        We can’t force religion on anyone. Hate religions and philosophies (politically correct) do intimidate and force outward observances but not a yielded heart. They demand blind obedience and enforce it by ridicule, threats, persecution, imprisonment, torture and murder. But that’s not God’s way. His way is friendship, respect, concern.
·        Jesus is truth and love. He invites us to put our burdens on him who cares for us. The Bible is clear Christians are not to give offense (1 Cor. 10:32; 2 Cor. 6:3). But it is equally clear we are to be ready to give a defense of our faith at all times with respectful concern (1 Pet. 3:15; Acts 1:3; Phil. 1:16; Jude 3).
            One good way I’ve found to avoid conflict is first make a friend. Then ask the question: May I share with you--the good news about someone who loves us? Or, the best friend I know? Or, the opportunity of a lifetime? Or, how to get to Heaven?
            Prayerfully trust God’s Spirit and share only when they answer affirmatively. Then graciously explain the Bible verses: Romans 5:8; 3:23; 6:23; 10:9-10. Then ask your friend if you could lead him or her in prayer to receive God’s gift of eternal life. Carry a pocket New Testament with these passages underlined and some gospel tracts.
·        I don’t have time. Yes, we live busy lives but talk to people every day by phone, WWW, and everywhere we go. It’s just a matter of obedience. When we face Jesus, or in a century from now, the only thing that will matter is whether we spent time serving the Lord. What are your priorities?
We are also to expose false religions and philosophies that align themselves against God (Deut. 13:1-4; 2 Cor. 10:3-5). We should contend without being contentious, give reasons without being argumentative, and show respect and understanding. Humbly admit we’re sinners too, knowing persons don’t like to admit sin (1 John 1:8-10). But unless persons acknowledge their sin, they won’t see any need for a Savior.
These alleged reasons are rebellious, disobedient excuses. Keeping Christ’s word shows, we are in Him and love Him, especially when it requires study, prayer, concern and time (1 John 2:5). Join me as a GOOD NEWS MESSENGER sending these articles to others over the internet. Only one life and it will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

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