By the Numbers

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why Forbidden Fruit in Paradise?

Why Forbidden Fruit in Paradise?

This account of our first parents in the Garden of Eden has always intrigued and fascinated us (Genesis 2-3). Some have claimed the whole problem was the apple on the tree while others said no it was the PARE on the ground. Ignorance misrepresents the text that never mentions any apple. Since Adam and Eve made aprons of fig leaves to cover their nakedness, more likely the forbidden fruit was figs. And the sin of the PARE on the ground was not sex as some imagine, but disobedience to God. But all this is only a sidelight.
Now some persons think the account a fictitious story or myth since it seems utterly fantastic for trees to have properties to give eternal life or knowledge of good and evil and a talking snake is impossible. But we don’t have to understand the account that way.
The trees didn’t have to have such properties but only to represent such properties and to provide mankind the choice of a beautiful and completely good world in fellowship with God or a world mixed with good and evil. And the serpent the Bible explains is a fallen angel or spirit called Satan. Spirit beings can inhabit persons and animals and speak through them as we see when Jesus caste the demons out of Legion and they went into the pigs causing them to wildly jump into water and drown. Persons today who have witnessed demon possession know it’s real. I’m one such witness.
It’s crucial that we take the account as historical fact in a prescientific setting that peoples everywhere and all times can understand. The rest of the Bible takes the temptation account as historical fact (Gen. 5:1; 1 Chron. 1:1; Luke 3:38; Rom. 5:12-21). Jesus Christ, the God-man who lived in our world took it as fact (Mark 10:6; John 8:44). Paul, his inspired apostle, took it as fact (1 Cor. 15:39, 45; 1 Tim. 2:13).
If the account’s fiction, then there’s no sin, no need of a Savior, no Heaven or Hell, no need even for God. In fact, the whole world and life becomes nonsensical—absolute truth, human dignity and rights, ethics, justice, purpose in life, life after death--all become baseless hopeless futility. Everything is accident and chance. Think about it.
The real problem is why Adam and Eve who lived in a perfect world, decided to ignore God’s warning and disobey God. Had they not sinned we would not have inherited our sinful nature or tendency to be self-centered caring little for God and our fellowman. Had they not sinned the world would not be such a mess of good and evil, joy and sorrow. Had they not sinned they could have lived eternally with God and maybe our exploding population could inhabit other planets. Could that be why other planets exist, or is there another reason? And wouldn't we have not sinned in our parent’s place?
Why then did God allow evil in to corrupt his paradise? God cursed Adam, Eve, the serpent, even the ground. Why did he do that? He even expelled our first parents from paradise. Was he just being mean? The Bible says God is holy and can’t sin but he sure can allow us to do it.
But don’t we have several ways to justify our sins? We say it’s not my fault since God made me. Or, the devil makes me to it. Or, I was raised--actually lowered--by a bad environment and deserve to compensate my loss. Or, my genes have programmed me this way and I can’t help it. They are all lies of course, but we try not to feel guilty. Could our guilt feelings be telling us something? Does real guilt make any sense without a perfect standard of righteousness and a moral Lawgiver who can know and judge our actions?
God certainly could have prevented Adam’s sin; he prevented sin many times as Pharaoh’s sin of taking Abraham’s wife Sarah into his harem (Gen. 12:17-20). A sovereign God upholds the existence of every atom in the universe. But in God’s mind, Jesus was the Lamb slain before He created the world—it was part of His perfect plan (Rev. 13:8). Everything falls out according to God’s plan, “Known to God from eternity are all His works” and God’s works and ours are interrelated (Acts 15:18; Luck 19:10). Jesus described the details of his death before hand even telling Judas to do his part (John13:26-27). Every fulfilled Bible prophecy demonstrates God knows all and is in control.
Here is the answer to the great mystery so few people can understand, accept and value. The Fall of man and the most heinous things men can conceive and do throughout history is worth it for two momentous reasons. And I feel so inadequate at this point.
God’s promises of the new paradise right here on our renewed earth will be far more glorious than the Garden of Eden. This isn’t the best world but the necessary way to the best world. And Jesus is its Door.
“Eye has not seen, no ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which  God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Cor. 2:9

“The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which  hall    be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
 “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” 2 Cor. 6:17

 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. 1  Cor. 10:31.

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