By the Numbers

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Letter of Encouragement & Hope

                        A Letter of Encouragement & Hope        

Dear friends,
Persons are not soulless dirt as atheists believe, nor recycled energy, as pantheists believe. We are beings of dignity and destiny, as Christians believe. Biblical Christianity alone provides the objective basis and evidence to establish this. Read my articles that explains all this.
Far from giving someone the winning lottery ticket, we can do the most vital thing for others and make lasting differences in this world and forever. Bringing people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and making them disciples is the most important thing we can do in life.
Without exposure, most persons understand little or nothing about the Christian faith and what it says about our relationship to our Maker. These blog articles explain the Christian faith, the obstacles or problems persons can have in understanding and accepting it, and they help people to realize the peril we are all in by not having a relationship with our Creator.
According to God's message, the Bible, we will all give an account of our lives to our Maker and whether or not we have lived for Him or for ourselves. If we lived for God in Christ, we will be rewarded eternally living with our Lord and all who trust in Him forever in the new Heaven on the new earth with a perfect body and nature.
If we have not lived for God through faith in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Anointed One or Messiah), then we by our rejection of God's salvation go into eternal torment and darkness away from God and all the good things He has made for us to enjoy in life on earth. A pure and perfect God and Heaven cannot be tainted with evil. So, it's our choice which way we will go. We're not robots and our God of love cannot force us to accept Him. But He invites us to come to Him. So, if you are open to His invitation come to Him now. God lovingly pleads with us to accept the truth. Just pray sincerely, Lord Jesus, I come trusting You to forgive my sins and to be my Lord, Savior and Guide now and forever. Thank You. Amen. 
Now you are invited to become a Good News Messenger to share this good news (gospel) with others. It really counts, in human lives making crucial differences both now and eternally. It's not physical food that we can eat and die, but spiritual food that we eat and live eternally. Jesus is the Bread of Life. He changes our whole outlook on life to what our Maker intends us to be. We gain a new understanding of the purpose of life, what we're supposed to be and do. We gain a peace with God in a new sense of cleanness and wholeness. We gain a new love for our fellow man and desire to share this precious new faith with him.
Won't you join me and all the others who accept  this wonderful adventure of faith and labor of love. Jesus said that if we gained the whole world but lost our own soul everything would be useless eternal darkness and torment because of the wasteful rebellious selfish life we chose to live.
Friends, brothers and sisters trusting in our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, let's pray, and share Jesus with others every day our Lord gives us strength and direction. Thank you so much for your prayers for me writing the articles. Lord, bless and multiply faithful fruitful disciples who in love take these messages of life and love, and hope to a desperate needy world in darkness and ignorance. Thank you, Lord. We Love You, Lord and You love us enough to tell us the truth.
 I pray God will enable me to write 300 articles and you will be one of  7 million Good News Messengers who will saturate the globe with these messages of life and hope in Christ. Thank you so much for your help. We will meet many we told of the Savior walking that wide golden street one day. Please feel free to link my blog onto your and use my articles to win others to our loving Lord.
Sincerely in Christ’s love and service,
Another Good News Messenger
P.S. Praise God! Thank you Lord for all your good news messengers joining me in the greatest thing one human being can do for another.