By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Christian Teachings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Teachings. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Seven Reasons Trusting In Jesus Guarantees Heaven

              Seven Reasons Trusting In Jesus Guarantees Heaven
Some Christians point to human experiences and Bible texts they say show we can lose our salvation. Others explain that these Bible texts refer to other things such as mere intellectual belief, moral reformation, loss of rewards, only that Christian faith is better than others, or are texts taken out of context. With space limitation, I can only mention the tremendous loss Christians experience by unbelief and sinful living, and give Bible reasons that show faith in Jesus alone does guarantee believers go to Heaven.
Perish the thought heavenly security frees one to godless living!
Sinful living forfeits so many tremendous benefits Christians enjoy. Sinful living forfeits the intimate love-trust fellowship they gain when focused upon their Lord that brings them peace, love, joy and give Him glory. It hardens their heart, corrupts their conscience, darkens their mind toward evils, quenches the Spirits guidance, prevents bearing spiritual fruit, burdens them with guilt and shame, and destroys their godly testimony and influence. Sins of commission and omission destroy God's peace and joy and forfeit heavenly rewards. Moreover, continued willful sin can bring God's discipline to the point of physical death, but doesn't destroy believer's relationship with God.
What Bible reasons give Christians belief in the Savior's assurance of heaven?
Salvation is of the Lord. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31. This is a plain, unmistakable promise from God. Unless God is a liar, we have to take it at face value. Moreover, if God is deceiving us in this crucial issue, there's no reason to believe anything else He might have to say. This was the answer God's apostle Paul gave in the Philippian jail to the jailer who was desperate and about the kill himself thinking his prisoners had escaped. He couldn't go to a priest, join a church, get baptized, or any other thing--he had to know the simple truth that moment or plunge his sword into his body.  Now the Gospel of John written to the world at large says the same thing with no strings or conditions attached more than a hundred times. Can't we just believe it?
Salvation is God's gift, not our attainment. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9. We can only receive the Lord's sacrifice on the cross for our sins as a gift through faith. It's not of ourselves or anything we can do. John 1:13. If we add anything we could do to that, we have cause for boasting--''I did my part which got me saved." In effect that makes us our own Savior, and cancels salvation as God's gift. See also Titus 3:5; Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16.
Believers already regarded citizens of heaven. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body. Phil. 3:20-21. This couldn't be said if we had to wait until death to see if we were faithful and worthy. We become and remain citizens of heaven the moment we believe.
Believers passed from death to life, and can't come into judgment. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24. Unbelievers are spiritually dead, but when they believe the Father sent the Son, they receive unending spiritual life. Since Christ died for us before we were even born, SHALL NOT COME excludes judgment of believers from all our sin past, present, and future. See also Rom. 8:34; John 3:18.
Believers can know they have eternal life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:13. God's apostle didn't say this knowledge of having eternal life was based on our good feelings, or good deeds, but on our belief in the Son of God. My friend, that's all it takes. Only God can give eternal life.
Believers are born into God's eternal family. As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. John 1:12. In receiving Christ we are born again into God's family, which will never change. Jesus said we must be born again spiritually (John 3:7-8). Just as physical birth happens only once, so spiritual birth into God's family occurs once. The Bible never says sin can make us unborn or repeatedly born. But we must be born again spiritually to be in God's forever family. Yes, like with our parents we can have disagreements with the Lord and His love discipline us as sons, but that never severs relationship. Hebrews 12:5-11
Believers are kept by God's almighty power. Peter speaking of the inheritance reserved in Heaven for us, says who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:5. No power can match God's power as God upholds all existence and it's that almighty power that keeps us saved and will be revealed some day. Yes, skeptics, mockers, cultists, the devil can cause us confusion and doubts. I know, I've had plenty, but they can't altogether destroy faith and there are answers if we will trust God, seek them, pray and believe in His timing and His way. These articles God gave me answer the questions and doubts I once had.
Is God speaking to you, my friend? Are you willing to trust the Savior as your Savior? You don't have to have all the answers now and you will understand better in time. We grow in our knowledge, love, and relationship with the Lord. Won't U humbly admit you are not all you should be and trust Jesus to take your sin away and make you God's person now and forever. Just say Lord, I believe You died for me and I trust You now to save me, be with be forever and receive me into heaven. Thank You.
Now you can do the best thing a Christian can do for someone else. Sent them these articles that answer the crucial questions of life and invite them to trust in your loving Savior. God bless U in faith and love ministry. We may see many in Heaven we prayed for and ministered to.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jesus' Cross, Plus Nothing!

                              Jesus' Cross, Plus Nothing!

#Jesus  #theCross
The grace of God is hard to believe and accept. We've been taught all our lives that to get anything, or get anywhere in this world, you have to work for it, earn it. So God's grace seems too simple, too easy, even incredible. Yet we freely walk on the Creators' ground, breath his air, enjoy the beauties of his creation without earning it, or even saying thank You. Still we wonder, how can God offer us a beautiful wonderful trouble free Heaven and we not do something--not even a little thing--to earn it? Consider answers to the two following questions. And thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Why Can't We Add Our Good Deeds to Christ's Cross? 
1. Jesus said, "It is finished" ( John 19:30). The Lord's work in His death completely paid for all our sins past, present, and future. The Greek word translated finished was used when anyone finished paying off a dept and meant "paid in full". Jesus died before we were born to pay for all our sins. He further confirmed this when he said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believed Him who sent Me has eternal life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life" (John. 5:24). Jesus assured every believer they have eternal life at the moment of belief (not at death), and they can't be condemned no matter what happens. This leaves no possible room for doubt that faith is the only requirement. Salvation is sole faith, sole grace.
2. Jesus told the thief on the cross next to him, "Today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:42-43). This thief admitted he was a sinner and looking to Jesus in faith was given assurance of Paradise. There is no way he could do anything more than believe. He could not get baptized, or do some good deed of any kind. Those who object that it was the dispensation of law and not the church age that came at Pentecost miss the point. Faith as revealed in the one true God saves in every age from righteous Able until today (Hebrews 11). 
3. The Bible says salvation is God's gift freely received through faith. "By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast"  (Ephesians 2:8-9). We must receive salvation as a gift. It is not of our doing, not our good deeds. If we had even the slightest part in it we could brag that God couldn't do it without me doing my part. So as a gift, all credit goes to the giver. The receiver can only reach out his hand in acceptance. Again we read in Titus 3:5, "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us".  Further, Romans 4:4-5 says good works are wages not a gift. It's trusting God that justifies the wicked and is counted as righteousness. Romans 6:23 assures us "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." And Romans 11:6 declares that works would cancel grace and no longer be by faith. If righteousness comes through the law (keeping rules), then Christ died in vain (Gal.2:21). Could anything be clearer? Faith in Christ alone saves. But once saved, good works do follow and are rewarded on earth and in Heaven.
Initial faith in the Savior is what saves us, or makes us right with God. Then we can gain God's perspective and power to perform deeds acceptable to the Lord. Don't be misled by passages that speak of our being rewarded for good deeds--they are fruits of the Christian life, but the foundation is our original faith in Christ (1 Cor. 3:9-14). Further, we must continue to submit to God in faith and patience for the Holy Spirit to direct us to do His good works and not fall away into the error of legalism. We can make up a set of rules but can't live by them--who can even keep New Years resolutions? The Galatians did this and were condemned at the Jerusalem council (Gal. 3:2-5; Acts 15:22-29). If our good deeds were the final say, Jesus could never be our Savior. And, we could never know if we did enough, or did the right things to earn Heaven.
4. God's apostle Paul declares the gospel by which we are saved, "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and rose again the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4). If doing something for God other than believing in Christ was necessary, he surely misled everyone not mentioning it.

5. The Bible repeatedly says everyone who believes in Jesus is justified."Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" (Acts  16:31). Faith and justification occur at the same moment neither prior to the other. Otherwise, someone could have saving faith but not be saved, or be saved without having saving faith. So many Bible passages say whoever believes will be saved (John 1:12; 3:16; 18; 36; 5:24, 40; Acts 13:39; Romans 1:17; 3:22; 36; 4:3, 5; 5:1. Faith is turning to God in Christ while repentance is acknowledging sin is what keeps us from God. If our doing good works is ultimately what saves us, then surely it would never have been omitted in so many passages.
6.  Peter, like Paul and John, taught faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus alone was what saves sinners.  Peter said Jesus "bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness"  (1 Pet. 2:24). He said, "Christ also suffered once for sins the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit (1 Pet. 3:18). "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). If salvation ultimately depends upon our good deeds, shouldn't it have been explained to those wanting to be saved? 
And yes, God has elected all believers. If you have any doubts whether you are elect, just get down on your knees and say: Lord, I'm an unacceptable sinner before You a perfect God, and unfit for Your perfect Heaven. You promised me that if I believe in the Savior as a sinner that I will be saved. Lord, I now trust You to save me, count me righteous in Christ, and guide me through the rest of my life. Thank You, Lord. Woo pie!
7. Bible gives examples of persons who were saved by faith in Christ alone. To the Ethiopian, Phillip preached Jesus, and when he asked to be baptized, he was told he could if he believed with all his heart in Jesus  (Acts 8:35-37). When the Philippine jailer asked what he must do to be saved, Paul said, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved"(Acts 16:25-34). He believed and later was baptized. The Lord opened Lydia's heart when Paul preached the gospel before she was baptized (Acts 16:14-15). Cornelius was saved receiving the Holy Spirit when he believed, then afterward was baptized (Acts 10:43-47).
What Good Deeds Do People Want to Add to Jesus' Cross?
You must live a moral life. Yes, we should live a perfect life, but nobody can or has but Jesus. We loose God's joy, peace, security, heavenly rewards, and are subject to our Father's discipline when we don't. Thank God we don't have to depend on our goodness, but on Christ's righteousness credited to our account. Rather than keeping rules, we need to focus on our love-trust relationship with Him. We're not robots and a God of love won't force us to do what's right. Our sinful tendency, shows us we constantly need to turn to Him who still loves us.
You must obey God's commandments in the Bible. Yes, but again we can't, and most of us scarcely know what they are. The golden rule of love God and man with all our being will guide us in most cases. It's the love-trust relationship and humble repentance that keeps us in focus with God's will, not keeping rules we imperfect humans can't keep very long.
You must join a Christian church. Yes, that's important too. We need encouragement from other like believers and they need our support as well. But some places and conditions we can't be with others of like faith to worship together. And some congregations don't believe and teach God's Word. We must be sure that our name is written in God's Lamb Book of Life (Revelation 20:11-15).
You must be baptized. Yes, but as we've shown above salvation can't be what we do that saves us. Admittedly, there are some passages which have been taken to teach this. But the Bible isn't  contradictory when we understand it correctly. Paul thanked God he baptized only a few as God sent him not to baptize, but to preach the gospel (Cor. 1:17). The church's greatest missionary could hardly say this if baptism was so essential.  Peter taught a good conscience toward God comes only through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:21). Water baptism can't achieve that at any age, and can  be best explained as an outward symbol, confession, or testimony of God's inner work of grace similar to the wedding ring on a person's hand.
Everyone and anyone who trusts Jesus to save them  a sinner will immediately be forgiven, cleansed, adopted as a child of God, and be admitted into God's kingdom, with the righteousness of Christ. The Christian life is to be a positive love-trust relationship with the Lord that results in loving obedience and God's glory. It is not keeping a set of rules in the hope we have done enough to be accepted with God. Christian growth is a process, a step at a time in faith and love. God prosper you in growth. Share this, the opportunity for life everlasting, with others.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bible Passages for Happy Godly Living

                     Bible Passages for Happy Godly Living

Below I'm listing some important Bible passages with a commitment statement that can wonderfully transform us when they become a focal part of our everyday living. I suggest you memorize the Scripture and prayerfully and continually repeat it with the commitment statement throughout the day. God's Word will wonderfully transform our way of thinking and living to faithful and fruitful  life in Christ. You may want to copy, cut out and attach some of these passages to your dressing mirror and review them until they become a part of you.
Genesis 1:1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I trust in the Almighty Creator God of the Bible as humanities only standard of truth and right living.
Hebrews 11:6. It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Lord, I admit that I can be misinformed, misguided, and mistaken, so I humbly trust in your infinite knowledge, wisdom, goodness and love. 
Psalm 119:11. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. I choose to obey God's Word and not sin against the Lord.
Psalm 119:33. Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by any evil. Lord, I trust you to guide me a step at a time even when I don't understand.
Genesis 1:27. God created people in his own image. I obey God to respect the dignity and rights of human beings He created directly in His mental and moral image.
Acts 16:31. Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. I believe there is no one but the Lord Jesus who died for us sinners and arose from the dead who can save us from sin and hell.                   .
Romans 6:23. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I accept eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ understanding salvation is God's gift that I can neither earn  nor deserve.
John 14:6. Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus, the God-man, is the only way to His Father for everyone willing to believe.  
Romans 12:2. Don't copy the behavior and customs of the world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. I trust you Lord to transform my thinking and living to be honoring and pleasing in your sight.
Romans 8:1. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Praise God! I now belong to Christ Jesus and am no longer condemned for my wicked deeds. 
Philippians 3:12. I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be. Like God's apostle Paul, I'm not perfect but I am counted righteous, or right with God in Christ.
Galatians 5:22-23. When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Holy Spirit of God, I humbly submit my spirit to You trusting You to produce this precious fruit in my life. Thank you, Lord.
Romans 1:16. I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. I am trusting in the power of God and not ashamed to tell others that Christ died to save us sinners.
Matthew 28:18-19. Jesus said, "I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." As a true and obedient disciple under your authority Lord, I will try to make disciples of all nations in the name of the triune God of the Bible.
Romans 8:28. God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. I love you Lord and trust you to work things together for good according to your good purpose for my life.
Romans 8:18. What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later. Lord, I look forward to the beautiful new heaven and earth you are preparing for our eternal abode.
Romans 8:39. Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  I trust Lord, not in my weakness, but in your forgiveness and faithfulness.
Revelation 22:12. I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay all according to their deeds. I trust Lord in your direction and help, and look forward to your coming to reward my efforts to serve you.
Moses and God's prophets wrote the Old Testament mostly in Hebrew; Paul and God's apostles wrote the New Testament in Greek. Thus, the Bible must be translated for each new generation and in every modern language for God's Word to be meaningful to us today. I recommend as a study Bible the Life Application Study Bible. It's an easy to understand translation, it's a very informative commentary, and its many meaningful applications make it an excellent source for preachers, Bible teachers, and devotional study.

Friday, March 22, 2013

God's Instructions for A Better World

                    God's Instructions for A Better World

 Jesus and the Bible tell us of a God who loves us, became a man among us, lived a perfect life, died to save us, and rose again to show us it's all true. This teaching has been Christianity's  light through the darkness and it's standard of hope.  But Creation, the Bible, prayer in Jesus' name, the Ten Commandments, moral absolutes, the Cross, Jesus, and Christians are often ridiculed and banned. Evolution, moral relativism, corruption, condoms, the pill, S.T.D.'S, abortions, homosexuality, pornography, rape, divorce, violence, crime, poverty, suicide, and disregard for human life is taking their place in many areas. Why? Let me share reasons I believe it's true and what we can do about it.
Why Such Spiritual and Moral Decline?
1.  The atheist philosophy of evolution destroys everything Christian faith provides. No God means by chance and time we evolved as soulless animals without a basis for dignity, rationality, ethics, ultimate purpose and life after death. True, we can't perform an experiment to prove God, but we can't prove evolution that way either. If the missing links between life forms were found, that would prove evolution, but the fact that they're missing suggests they may never have existed, and that points to creation and God. We know too that life forms have genetic limits which again points to the Bible's claim that God created everything to reproduce after its own kind. Moreover, irreducible complexity among life forms shows they all must be complete and functional from the outset as none can exist with  partially developed reproductive, circulation, and digestive systems and organs to see, hear, and move. Now shouldn't reason and our most crucial benefits be preferred to unscientific prejudice? Shouldn't good science seek the truth wherever it's found?
According to the Bible, God created the universe, then man in his image distinct from the animals. This gives us the basis for a rational world, human dignity, ethics, life after death, responsibility to God, justice, love, truth, even experimental science. Biblical Christianity gives abundant evidence of creation to those with open minds to receive it. Our conscience too makes no sense unless there's a God we're responsible to. Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, is right that it doesn't ultimately matter how many human heads he puts in his refrigerator if there's no God. Christ's fulfilled prophecies, miracles, claims to be God are based upon good history for those willing to check out the evidence both biblical and secular. But denials and unwilling excuses may prove fatal while chaos covers our lands and insecurity grips our people.
2. Hollywood entertainment is demoralizing the United States and the world. One doesn't have to have lived long to discern the moral lapse of Hollywood entertainment. Profanity, adultery, nudity, betrayal, sex, seduction, violence, murder--things we would have been horrified to witness decades ago are standard shows now. Shooting the "walking dead" is just one example of dehumanizing human life. Hardly any pictures portray moral examples to solve our problems and guide our lives.
3. Corrupt politicians that promise reform but promote their own agenda. They may be well meaning at first, but when politicians can raise their own salaries, cater to special interests that benefit them and enhance their power, prestige and wealth, the temptations are enormous. History is replete with emperors, dictators, kings and tyrants who live in palaces, suppress citizen's freedom, keep them poor and dependent with taxes, restrictions, and secret police so they can control them. They promote some ideologies such as socialism, communism, racial liberation, or Islam they claim will help their people, but it is a false hope and means to usurp power and control citizens. 
4. Exploding Islam imposing Islamic Law on the world. Growing Islam is based upon Muhammad's claim that the angel Gabriel gave him the Qur'an making him Allah's final prophet or authority.  Knowledgeable people know Muhammad lived centuries after Jesus and His apostles yet claimed meticulous devout Jews and Christians changed God's Word which he corrected in the Qur'an. Muslim ethics is do whatever Allah's prophet Muhammad did to establish Islam. Muhammad robbed caravans, broke promises, and had persons killed with the sword who didn't submit to Islam (means submission). Women are denied rights given to men. Muslim teaching is that there's only two worlds: Islam and those who oppose it. And, there's no separation of Islam from the state and its duty to impose Islamic Law on every aspect of life by force if necessary.
5. The wicked world system. "Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh,  lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of God (1 John. 2:15). He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John. 3:36).
6.  The devil and his demons. Certainly, if the universe's Creator exists who made man, there's no reason He could not create spirit beings or angels as well. To deny God is to give place to the devil. The Bible calls him the god of this world, the prince and power of the air, the originator of evil, and a mighty angel. He can appear as an angel of light to deceive us about the the truth of God and the gospel (Gal. 1:8). But he can't be everywhere or know everything as God. He and his fallen angels or demons can be resisted by prayer and submission to God. Satan will one day empower the Antichrist to temporarily deceive and take over the world (Rev. 13:3-8).  But he is under God's power, his evil  included within God's purposes, and for God's greater glory. Praise our sovereign Lord!
What Can God's People Do About It?
 If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by My name. Threw out the ages people thought and called religious persons God's people who were not His people. God's people must have the true faith in the one true God (John 1:1-4; Heb. 1:1-3; 11:1-2; 6).  Today God's people are believers in Christ as Lord and Savior and called Christians. It's true all people are God's creation, but few people know God in redemption, and that makes an eternity of difference. Jesus said, "You must be born again" (John 3:7).
Will humble themselves. Christians are to turn from self-promotion to God promotion. The lust of the flesh mentioned above is our attempts to satisfy our sinful nature in opposition to God.  Instead, we must trust, love and obey God seeking his kingdom first, then our heavenly Father will provide our basic needs such as food, drink, and clothing (Matt. 6:31-33). Others may not esteem our godly living as it makes them feel guilty about their rebellious lifestyle. Yes, we are to strive for excellence but beware of arrogance. Worldly positions of greatness people admire may be least in God's kingdom as it's not how many serve us, but how many we serve (Mark 9:34-35). "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James 4:10). 
And pray and seek My face. A selfish, rebellious heart wants nothing to do with God. And it's not men of standing, but men of kneeling who please God. "Confess your tresspasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" (James 4:16). Good king Jehoshaphat set up reforms throughout his land and when an overwhelming army came up against him, he turned eyes unto the Lord acknowledging the God of heaven who ruled the nations. He told his people to "Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe the prophets, and you shall prosper." When they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against his enemies and they were defeated." When God's people get right, God acts  (2 Chronicles 20:6, 20, 22).  2 Chron. 19 and 20 are most inspiring.
And turn from their wicked ways. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear" (Ps. 66:18). God who designed us knows what's best for us. His Word can speak to us about our family life, our work, our relationships, our financies, our temptations, fears, successes, failures and opportunities (Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim. 3:16).  Following His instructions enable us to accomplish things that make a huge difference in the world for good and that count for eternity. We are to be as salt that keeps the world from moral and spiritual decay and light that penetrates the darkness of ignorance and evil.  We need the Lord but we must turn from our wicked ways (Isiah. 55:6-7; Jeremiah 33:3).
Then I will hear from heaven. "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes" (Prov. 21:1). The Lord can turn the king's heart and any heart to do His will but the Lord works through His people. Of the serious problems above and others I've not mentioned, I believe Christians themselves are the biggest hindrance to God's work. The Lord's final words were to tell others He Saves us sinners (Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15; Lk. 24:46-47; Jn. 20:30-31). Acts 1:12).  Jesus said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19). Are you obeying Jesus telling others of the Lord and Savior that can make a better world?
We can make a dozen excuses to keep from following and obeying the One we call Lord. I don't have time, but may watch hours of TV, play computer games, or something else. That's for qualified pastors or theologians, but we've heard the gospel many times and they can only reach a few. My friends will think I'm a religious fanatic, but that means we're ashamed of the One who loves us most.  Even those on my blog without pictures show more fear than faith. I witness by my life, but only the gospel can save people from hell. The loving Jesus warned us more about hell than any other and if it doesn't exist, then it doesn't ultimately matter how we believe and behave. Modern technology enables us to witness in ways previous Christians could never imagine. Such as letters, telephone, radio, TV, and the internet in addition to warm loving face to face attention.
We can win others to the Savior simply by explaining any Bible passage such as John 1:12-13; 29; 3:16; 3:36; 5:24; 11:25; 14:6; Rom. 5:8-9; 6:23; 10:9-10; Eph. 1:29; 2:8-9 and others.  Young people join the military knowing they may give their life for their country, how much better for time and eternity to give our lives for Christ. We can avoid being ashamed when we stand before the judgment seat of the Lord Jesus Christ to answer how we conducted our life (1 Cor. 3:7-15). Let's pray and trust God to enable us to tell others of our Lifegiver wherever we go.
And will forgive their sin and heal their land. God is looking for gap men on behalf of the land or He's sure to bring judgment (Ezek. 22:30-31). Are you willing to be one? Considers how God made proud King Nebuchadnezzar a beast in the field until he acknowledged God as king (Dan. 4). How the Lord stirred up Cyrus, king of Persia, to build the temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1-3). "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know (Jer. 33:3).
Would you do service for Jesus your King? There's power in the blood, pow'r in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.
There is pow'r pow'r, Wonder working pow'r in the blood of the Lamb.  Hymn by Lewis E. Jones

Monday, February 20, 2012

Things Impossible for God to Do

                                          Things Impossible for God to Do
Jesus said, "With God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26). Then could God make a stone too heavy for Him to lift? If He can, then could there be some other things impossible for God to do? Let's ponder the possibility.
The Biblical God is the simple, unified, infinite creator and sustainer of the universe.
God cratered and sustains the material universe--hence He always existed in essence as personal spirit not composed of parts as material things that can come apart, come into being, change in being, or cease to be. God's nature is forever the same without change--pure spiritual essence. So God can be said to be uncaused, self-existent, eternal, unchangeable..
 All God's attributes or perfections exist and act as a unified whole with no conflict among them. Thus, God is and acts with both justice and love, exists apart from His universe yet upholds and acts within it. Further, God's essence is infinite so all His attributes or perfections are infinite such as His infinite power, presence, knowledge, truth, love and so on.  Hence, for the Bible's God nothing actually possible is impossible.  
Abundant statements of Scripture teach this. "In beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). See also Gen. 1:21; John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11; Acts 17:25. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deut. 6:4). Moreover, it is impossible to have more than one infinite or absolute Being. See also Isa. 45:18; Mark 12:29. God informed Moses, "I Am Who I Am" (Exodus 3:14). This speaks of the eternal self-existing God as confirmed in John 8:58-59). "Says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Rev. 1:8).
But the Biblical God can't do anything actually impossible, illogical, or immoral.
God can't do things actually impossible. Can God make a stone to heavy for Him to life? Whatever God can make, the Almighty can move, destroy, or recreate in another place. He can lift anything finite, but He cannot make another infinite as there cannot be two absolutes or infinities.
 On the cross, the God-man Jesus Christ could have called ten thousand angels to come to His rescue, but it was impossible having come to do His Father's will and to save us wicked rebellious sinners. His love for us wouldn't allow it--"Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). And yet, "God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him" (Rom. 5:8-9). 
God can't do things illogical. God can't do things absurd or contradictory such as make a sensitive stone, a square triangle, or anything contradictory. Such things impose no limits upon God as they are really nonexistent and one would eliminate the other. Moreover, there's no contradiction between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as they are three persons but the same essence. Also, the spiritual body described in First Corinthians 15:40-46 is a heavenly body incorruptible, powerful, and gloriously adapted for believers heavenly life.
God can't do things immoral. "It is impossible for God to lie" (Heb. 6:18) or to "deny Himself"" (2 Timothy 2:13). While we are often unfaithful, our Lord cannot do anything contrary to His holy nature and will. That's something we can depend on. Sin or wrong doing  makes no sense unless there be a standard of right doing with which to compare it. Our creator God unlike ourselves can have no threats or temptations as He alone is King of kings and Lord of lords. He knows our thoughts, words, deeds and holds us accountable. "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil" (1 Pet. 3:12). Eyes, ears, face are anthropomorphic expressions--God is spirit but we will see Jesus embodied in Heaven. So we violate God's Word or our conscience when we do wrong being imperfect before a perfect God and future perfect Heaven. Jesus never did any wrong and could challenge His enemies to disclose any sin in him."Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me?" (John 8:46). So we must look to Jesus the sacrificial "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
And God has done crucial things we desperately need to know.
"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God (Luke 18:27). With all our efforts, we cannot become perfect or take away even one sin--so Heaven doesn't depend on our goodness. God can do something far more wonderful than lifting a great stone. He can melt our stony hearts with love, joy and peace when we come to Him in faith confessing our sin and trusting Him to cleanse, save and guide our lives from now on.
Won't you ask the Lord Jesus to do this for you today? Pray, Lord Jesus, I come to You as a sinner condemned deserving of eternal life. But now I trust You to give me eternal life, make me a child of God, forgiven and accepted with You and fit for Heaven. Thank You, Lord. 
From Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him (Rev. 1:5-7). "Without faith it  is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thought Questions Test Christian Faith

Questions that Test Christian Faith

Dear friend, if one person has a right to their beliefs, we all do, as we’re a common humanity. But I realize we humans are afraid of truth for it may make demands upon us we dislike. I believe with all my heart people neither are soulless dirt nor recycled energy but beings of dignity and destiny.
I’m commissioned to share this and to obey and honor the Lord I love most who loves me. We must speak truth in love but unavoidably some take offense. If you understand and are interested in crucial life issues and people being saved rather than just light chitchat, send these articles to others selectively. Encourage them to work through the questions. It will enable them to see the logic and foundation of the Christian system of beliefs or worldview.
Your honest  answers and working through this list of questions will give you a clear understanding of some of the most crucial issues of life. http: //www.

Challenging Question One-line Summaries of Many of My Articles

1.       Is the opposite of true- false, and of right- wrong?

2.       If truth is NOT what corresponds to reality, can there be a lie?

3.       Aren’t true statements (e.g. the earth is round) the same for everybody, everywhere, at all times?

4.       If the universe constantly changes with no outside source, can any statement be absolutely true?

5.       Does the universe operate on the principle of cause and effect and can it give what it doesn’t have?

6.       Did the universe originate without a cause, order from an explosion, life from nonlife, mind from the mindless, personality from the impersonal, information without an informer, or morality from the amoral?

7.       If the universe is an effect, could its cause be an unlimited, eternal, all-powerful unchanging, self-existing God?

8.       Do the parts of things that change go out of existence?

9.       Can man made gods of wood, metal or stone know, care, or do anything in our behalf?

10.   Can world religions that claim many gods, two gods, one god, a limited god, no god, or the universe is god, all be logically true?

11.   Can there be two or more  identical gods, or more than one Almighty?

12.   Is treating others, as you would want them to treat you (the golden rule) practical expediency, an absolute law, or what?

13.   Does an ethical act require an absolute ethical standard to be more than human opinion and be judged ethical?

14.   Can mindless molecules arrange themselves into men if useful  energy of the universe dissipates, only life produces life, no experiment shows one life form can change into another (worms to snakes or monkeys to men), the gene pool is fixed, mutations are destructive, millions of needed transitions don’t exist, a common designer can explain evolution, and it’s only basis is a naturalistic preference that denies God?

15.   If survival of the fittest is nature’s law, does that encourage people to live lovingly and ethically?     

16.   Does the dependent dissipating universe give evidence of an infinite personal ethical God?

17.   Does beauty in nature and conscience in man suggest anything about God?

18.   Is there design in nature (e.g. DNA arrangement & the anthropic principle), and could it suggests a great designer--a mind and will?

19.   Does denial of a personal ethical God and of an afterlife destroy the basis for human dignity, absolute morals, truth, and lead to chaos, a tyrannical police state of laws, and maybe a blood bath of dissenters?

20.   Should we base our lives upon sayings of a wise man, Hindu holy man, someone who claimed an angel spoke to him, or a sinless God-man, who fulfilled many ancient prophecies, performed many miracles, promised believers eternal life, died to save sinners, and arose from the dead?

21.   Do human evils (sins) and natural evils (plagues) prove there’s no God, or are there better explanations? What might they be?

22.    Does what we learn from nature (universe) correspond largely with what the Bible says about God?

23.   If God knows everything past, present and future so that to Him all is predestinated, does that have to mean we have no free will, or only that God knows our free will choices in advance as may Bible prophecies seem to establish? 

24.   Are we in large part the cause of our problems but blame other people and things for our mistakes, bad choices, and wrong doings?

25.   If God were the infinite ethically perfect person and standard, would these be sins against His nature and will-- ingratitude, self-righteousness, rebellion, idolatry, demon worship, Wicca, fornica- tion, adultery, divorce, homosexuality, sex with animals, human abuse, incest, to lie, cheat, steal, lust, rape, murder?

26.   If God made us for a love-trust relationship with Him issuing in obedience, would just admitting His existence or worshipping Him occasionally be all that’s required or constitutes relationship?

27.   Could a Creator come among us as a sinless God-man with a message of love, forgiveness, and eternal life?

28.   Are pangs of conscience just social conditioning, just guilt feelings, or the effect of real evil actions against an absolute standard and knowing Person?

29.   If a loving God controls nature, could miracles and revelations sometimes suit His purposes?

30.   If centuries earlier Jewish prophets said their coming Messiah would be virgin born, in Bethlehem, sinless, perform miracles, be God with us, die for people’s sins, arise again, and if Jesus alone did such things, wouldn’t that be good evidence Jesus alone is the Messiah and a God-man?

31.   If Jesus claimed to come from Heaven, exist before earth, forgive sin, return to earth some day, judge all men, and was crucified on charge of a mere man claiming to be God, doesn’t all  that show he did claim to be God?

32.   If Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine, healed every disease immediately, raised the dead, said he was God, and ascended into Heaven before many eyewitnesses, wouldn’t that show he is God?

33.   If Jesus’ apostles were astonished at his miracles, repeatedly rebuked for unbelief, given power to do miracles themselves, risked rejection and persecution for writing about them, and experienced torturous deaths for claiming it true, wouldn’t that be good evidence it is true?

34.   Does any sacred literature describe a founder of religion that says anything like the Bible says of Jesus--sinless God-man, atoning risen Savior and coming Judge?

35.   If Jesus showed he is God from Heaven, claimed to be God's only way to Heaven, died to save and cleanse sinners for Heaven, arose and ascended before 500 eyewitnesses into Heaven, then aren't Christians unbiased, fair, tolerant, truthful, and most loving to insist only repentent believers in the Lord Jesus Christ go to Heaven?

36.   If Jesus died on the cross, was buried in a sealed guarded tomb found empty 3 days later then appeared 12 times to skeptical disciples who touched him, ate with him, discussed God’s kingdom, and 500 eyewitness saw him ascend into Heaven, doesn’t that assure us (1) he is the sinless God-man, (2) all he said is true, (3) and all who trust in Him have eternal life?     

37.   Would an all-powerful morally perfect God approve of evil doers or allow them to corrupt His perfect Heaven?

38.   If the Lord Jesus gives us forgiveness, love for others, power to serve Him, and Heaven-- is anything better?

39.   If the Bible teaches true faith decides Heaven or Hell, but our acts and motives decide our degree of rewards in Heaven or torments in Hell, then isn’t every moment of life abundantly purposeful?

40.   If we earn Heaven by our good deeds and lifestyle, why does the Bible say it’s God’s gift, not good deeds, one sin condemns us, makes us unacceptable to a perfect God, unfit for a perfect Heaven, that Jesus is the Savior, the only way, His death paid for our sins, we must trust Him alone, and be born again of the Holy Spirit to go to Heaven?

REMEMBER these articles may put persons in danger. If you know interested persons, prayerfully and selectively email, mail, phone, or fax them these articles. You may thereby do the greatest thing of your life and for eternity.
Let me select just a few good books that discuss the topics above. The Bible. Without a Doubt, by Kenneth Richard Samples. Many Infallible Proofs, by Henry M. Morris. The Case For A Creator, by Lee Strobel. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, by Phillip E. Johnson. What Darwin Didn’t Know, by Geoffrey Simmons.The Collapse of Evolution, by Scott M. Huse. The Christian Combat Manual; Defending Your Faith, both by Dan Story. Handbook of Christian Apologetics, by Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli. Why I Am A Christian, Edited by Norman L. Geisler & Paul K. Hoffman. True For You, But Not For Me, by Paul Copan. Exploring The Myths That Could Destroy America, by Erwin W. Lutzer. World Religions, edited by Dean C. Halverson. Cults, World Religions, And You, by Kenneth Boa. The Kingdom Of The Cults, edited by Ravi Zacharias. Islam And The Bible, by David Goldmann. They Must Be Stopped, by Brigitte Gabriel. He Walked Among Us, by Josh McDowell & Bill Wilson. I’m Glad You Asked, by Kenneth Boa & Larry Moody. The New Atheism and the Erosion o f Freedom, by Robert A. Morey. What IF The Bible Had Never Been Written? and What IF Jesus Had Never Been Born? both by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, by Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics, edited by Ed Hindson & Ergun Caner.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Did Jesus Really Perform Miracles?

                                                Did Jesus Really Perform Miracles?
#miracles   #Jesus   #supernatural-faith 
The universe’s expansion, it’s running down, the impossibility of eternal backtracking, and its complexity, all point to its being the effect of a self-existing, eternal, infinite, unchanging intelligence and will which best explains the world and is rightly called God. And since this Creator God exists, it’s a small thing for him to perform miracles or even take on a human nature and body and walk among us as said of Jesus. Several factors require honest consideration.

Jesus’ Miracles Require Open-minded Consideration

Some object saying that’s religious, bias and unfair. But isn’t government refusal of research grants to religious universities biased? Isn’t Bible study and prayer illegal in public schools biased? Isn’t forbidding discussion of Christian ethics on TV and radio biased? Isn’t politically correct secular legislation against the Bible, prayer and Jesus biased? Isn’t a judge’s opinion contrary to a nation’s will biased? Secular politically correct philosophy is what's biased and unfair--God made us with the right to free speech and to know the truth.

Some claim nature’s laws make miracles impossible and it would destroy science.  Ridiculous! A rocket going to the moon didn't destroy gravity or make science impossible. Jesus' turning water to wine, walking on water, feeding the hungry demonstrated he was nature's Lord. Unless God did extraordinary astonishing things beyond nature’s usual patterns, we would never recognize his presence and power.  Nature’s regularity is required in order to identify miracles as exceptions and Jesus as its Lord. Miracles show conclusively there is a God who can act in our world.

Others claim the scientific empirical method alone leads us to knowledge as only repeated experiments under controlled conditions can insure a predictable outcome. Scientific method can’t prove ethics, history, macro evolution, or even the scientific method itself. And there’s no rule the Almighty must submit to our controlled experiments for us to believe in him. God could be the primary sustaining Cause and nature’s patterns secondary causes. We can’t show nature is everything
without exhaustive knowledge. Do we even know what's taking place in the house next door?

Good objective science doesn’t exclude God and miracle before investigation. Science’s role is to describe what is, not prescribe what can and cannot be. supernatural--that's a closed-minded, biased, unscientific dogmatism. Beware of biased scientists who say there's no God and no miracles. 

The skeptic philosopher David Hume said miracles were impossible but he never weighed the evidence of Jesus’ miracles. He assumed overwhelming evidence of natural events outweighed their possibility. He said miracles would violate nature’s laws. No wise man, only ignorant superstitious persons in some unknown corner believes them. Hume claims also that miracles occur in all religions alike that discredits their opposed teachings. He never examined the exceptional nature of Bible miracles.

Hume’s objection would eliminate the possibility of any unknown or exceptional event even when we know it occurs, such as walking on the moon. Unlike other miracle accounts, Jesus’ disciples were eyewitnesses and martyred for their belief. Jesus’ miracles astonished his disciples and his  hostile  critics couldn’t deny them, which shows all knew nature’s laws. We know miracles impossible only if we  know no miracle working God exists and that requires exhaustive knowledge we don’t have.

Naturalistic philosophy makes us soulless material manipulative dirt without dignity, worth or rights. Pantheism makes us illusion cycles of energy awaiting absorption into nothingness. If Jesus arose bodily from the grave, it assures everybody’s vital human needs and rights. For only Jesus showed life beyond the grave. Since only God the Creator has power over death, we can know Jesus Christ is the incarnate God-man who walked among us. God grants us the right to life, dignity, and free speech as created in His image for His glory and for relationship with Him.

What basic momentous things did Jesus teach? The Bible is God’s message to man. We’re beings of great value in God’s rational, moral, immortal image. God gave us laws, justice, love and his human life to save us. Jesus alone can save us from sin. Heaven and Hell are eternal realities-- we decide our destiny. Jesus makes history climactic, life ultimately meaningful, truth and ethics realities, the world understandable, experimental science possible, and our daily choices crucial. Wow! Can speculative philosophy and religion match that? No way!

Now, let’s examine Christ’s miracles. Our present well being and eternal destiny could be at stake. Unless we have irrefutable proof it can’t be true, we’re most wise to give it utmost honest consideration. Jesus’ miracles were God’s exceptional acts within nature showing his claims true.

Jesus’ Miracles Are True History

Several lines of evidence establish Jesus’ miracles as real historical events showing he was the God-man who walked among us. But even then, it requires open-minded consideration.

Historians accept two primary sources as verifying events and three as excellent. Jesus has six independent sources each telling the same general events but with different details: the four gospels, the sermons of Acts and statements of Paul and Peter in their epistles. Except for an anti-supernatural bias, that alone would establish historical fact.

Matthew and John were Jesus’ disciples for over three years. Mark was a close associate of his chief apostle Peter while Luke was Paul’s disciple and an extensive eyewitness researcher. That’s immediate documentation. And while other historical events have few manuscripts to document them with the New Testament there are thousands.

The Gospels mention well-known persons, places, dates, events, and customs. Archaeological and historical research has repeatedly verified the Gospels as history. Luke mentions thirty prominent names of that time and place known to secular writers and archaeologists. For example, Tiberius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, Herod Antipas, Herod the Great, Pilate, and high priests as Caiaphas and Ananias. An ossuary or bone box recently found may contain Caiaphas’s bones. He mentions social Jewish customs, laws, places, feasts verified as true to the time. Fiction writers dare not mention things fact hunters would expose.

Published by A.D. 100, the whole New Testament amazingly circulated among churches less than seventy years after Christ. The few copies of other ancient documents are dated hundreds of years after publication. Over five thousand Greek copies, thousands of copies in other languages and New Testament quotes of all but eleven verses of the church fathers give far greater evidence of accurate history than the few surviving ancient secular documents. Scholars point to creeds and hymns of the early church the apostles received and incorporated in their letters (Rom. 1:3-4; 1 Cor. 11:23-33; 15:3-8; Phil. 2:6-11; Col. 1:15-18; 1Tim. 3:16; 2 Tim. 2:8; 1 Pet. 3:18-22; 1 Jn. 4:2-3). They date them as early as A.D. 33 to 48, which rules out any legendary and imaginary embellishment. So the accounts of Jesus’ miracles then are true history.

Jesus’ Miracles Show He Is God

Biblical prophets and apostles performed miracles grouped around three crucial periods in Israel’s history. During slavery in Egypt, Israel needed miracles to establish Moses as their leader to the Promised Land. Again, miracles group around Elijah and Elisha to save Israel from Baal worship. Finally, miracles occur with Christ and the apostles to show God’s new revelation. Of course, the Creator can heal and provide miracles any time. But these grouping in crises times show they are not everyday occurrences. What’s different about Jesus’ miracles is that he alone claimed to be Israel’s predicted Messiah and humanity’s God. What is the character of Jesus’ miracles that elicit faith?

First, the Gospels mention only 35 miracles but Jesus performed hundreds if not thousands (John. 3:2; 21:25). Individuals and groups requested healing for over three years wherever he went between towns, in people’s homes, by the seaside and at the temple. Hostile critics accused Jesus of blasphemy claiming to be God, said his miracles were Satanic, but could never deny them even when challenged to do so (John. 10:33; 11:47-48).

Second, Jesus performed visible close-up miracles before watching crowds and critics in the daylight. Sleight of hand tricks in darkness or at a distance and freakish accidents or anomalies of nature were simply impossible.

Third, wherever Jesus went both individuals and crowds requested healing, and they were healed on the spot (Luke 4:40). He healed the nobleman’s son (Jn. 4:46-53) and the centurion’s son (Matt. 8:5-13) from a distance. Preplanned healings among strangers might be faked, but not spontaneous healings among well-known townspeople and relations.

Fourth, Jesus’ miracles were of varies kinds and in four categories. He did nature miracles such as stilling the storm, walking on the water, cursing the fig tree and ascending into Heaven—no magic or anomalies of nature here. He healed obvious visible ailments such as blindness, deafness, leprosy, dropsy, and paralysis—no deception or hypnotism possible here. Demons acknowledged Jesus as the holy one of God who cast them into pigs restoring the possessed to sanity. Jesus raised three stiff cold people from the dead. He visibly showed control of all nature, disease, demons and death. Natural causes can’t explain away Jesus’ miracles.

Fifth, Jesus works identify him as God. Only the God-man could live without sin, forgive sins, and die to save sinners. Only God could fulfill scores of detailed ancient prophecies of a divine Messiah. Only God could come down from Heaven, existed before creation, raise the dead, command angels and demons, knew people’s inner motives, change into Light. Only God could claim to be the only way, truth and life to the Father. Jesus showed himself the self-existing I Am of the unconsumed burning bush. No sorcerer or anyone was like Jesus.

Sixth, Jesus’ miracles stand alone in the world’s knowledge. Modern medicine can’t heal every disease and do it instantly as did Jesus. World religions don’t claim anything like Jesus’ supernatural actions. Jesus’ miracles were not freakish bizarre myths like moving statues, one-eyed giants, snake headed Medusas or flying carpets in some far away land. Jesus turning water into wine, multiplying food and catching fish in great abundance show the natural order. What better visible proof could we have that Jesus is in fact nature’s Lord and our God? He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

But, the decisive question is this: Is Jesus your Lord and Savior from sin, self, Satan and Hell? As rebellious sinners before a morally perfect God, we face an eternity of darkness, despair, tears and torments. Or, we can have an eternity of love, fulfillment, joy and service with our Maker. Won’t you humbly say, Lord, I’m an unworthy sinner deserving Hell? But I trust Jesus taking my place bearing my sin upon the cross. I accept you right now as my Savior, Lord and Guide throughout life. Thank you Lord. Help me live a life pleasing to you and share my godly faith with others according to your Word. So be it. Feel free to link & share these blog articles, even translate them into other languages.