By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Worldviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worldviews. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Isn't God Universal Energy?

Isn’t God Universal Energy?

.#Pantheism #Monism
Things appear vastly different to us as plants, animals, persons and stars. But these apparently different things in size, shape, color, temperature and density are all forms of energy. Everything is dying and being reborn or always changing form.
 It is simply illusion to think there’s any one permanent substance other than universal energy. I am part of that energy that will die and take other forms thousands of times. Everything forever moves round and round in cycles (samsarah). It is reality and so obvious it hardly needs proof. If all is ultimately, one substance we call energy, and what’s ultimate we call god, then as part of it, I can say I am god and there can be any number of gods.
We call this viewpoint monism because it claims that ultimately all is one substance and pantheism because that ultimate substance we call god. This is the view of Hinduism and religions derived from this way of thinking such as Buddhism, Taoism, New Age Religion, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity. While these religions differ on some particular points and applications, they are essentially as described above. I trust I have stated this way of thinking accurately.
 As a Christian and Bible believer, however, I have reasons to think it is not the whole truth or reality. Also, I have reasons to believe my Christian faith is truth, fact and reality. I’m not open to discuss  the pantheist view  as I don't want to waste my time with e-mails. God's ministry is too vital. People need to know and share the truth of God's Word which is the hope of humanity--period!
Reasons to think the pantheist way of thinking is not the whole truth or reality
 First, unlike pantheists I don’t deny the realty of pain, sickness and death. These things exist in reality and we must cope with them, not excuse them with the idea of karma. Karma is the concept that we get what we earned in a former life and to interfere with karma only delays the inevitable. How do we even know we had a former life or lives?
Even supposing the world of things is ultimately illusion it is not presently illusion. Pantheists cannot live as though the world or all existence is mere illusion (maya). They like everyone else must wear clothes, take baths, eat, make purchases, look in the mirror, look both ways for coming traffic and bury the dead. Our human senses tell us these things are not illusions and we must act on them even if they will one day disappear. How can such a philosophy or worldview be illusiion when we cannot consistently apply to our lives?
Second, our human conscience and compassion tell us otherwise. When we all experience sickness, pain and agony, and see these same things in our friends and relations, how can we harden our hearts and turn our backs on such appalling need? Would we not appreciate someone honoring our thirst with a drink of water? In countries where pantheism is dominant persons are seen everywhere in need and passed by without conscience or compassion. Indeed, these persons treat wild beasts with more respect than themselves. Cows are treated better than real people!
Third, mind precedes and transcends matter. A real and distinct difference exists between mind and matter, the physical and the immaterial. Matter is compact energy but is not the same as mind and requires mind to explain it. A rock is not the same as a person--that should be obvious.
Unconscious energy has no capacity and will to plan and create complex life forms we see everywhere in plants and animals. From beginning to end, the structure of life forms requires planning of an infinite intelligence and will. Moreover, everything must begin complete and functional. No living thing can survive with a partially developed digestive system, reproductive system, lungs, eyes, ears, arms, legs, wings. No evidence exists that mutations and acquired characteristics will bring it about--mindless molecules do not arrange themselves into men even if in eternity. Think about it.
Frankly, if I didn’t know about Christian faith and all the evidences and benefits it brings human lives, I might think pantheism made ultimate sense, but at the same time have heartless despair. Pantheism destroys human personality, rationality, human dignity, social concern, absolute truth and ethics. If we are only energy that ends in absorption into Brahma, the World Soul (Atman is Brahman), then what purpose or incentive to life can there be? It seems only escape from a terrible human existence.
Reasons to believe Biblical Christianity is reality
History reveals Jesus is our Creator, Redeemer, and Judge.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him  nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men . . .   And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as   of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:1-4, 14. 
 In 350 B.C., the great philosopher, Plato, said this: “We wait for one, be he a God or an  inspired man to instruct us in our duties and to take away the darkness from our eyes.”
 “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the  prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son . . . when He had by Himself  purged our sins.” Hebrews 1:1, 3-4.
 “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be  spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing  witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit,  according to His own will?” Hebrews 2:3-4.
“He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was  ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.”  Acts 10:42.
First, Jesus is Creator. It is reasonable that a finite dependent universe requires an eternal, infinite, independent Creator. Energy dispersion points to a beginning point. Human conscience suggests a moral order. But besides creation and conscience, do we have any personal, visible, objective evidence God exists? Yes, but only in Christian faith. Our planet earth has been invaded by the man from Heaven—the God-man, our Creator and King.
It is no problem for the universe’s Creator to become a man. Jesus Christ not only told us He is God, He demonstrated it visibly in fulfilling ancient prophecies of the Jew’s Messiah, in living a perfect sinless life, in performing hundreds of public miracles spontaneously before astonished disciples and hostile critics, and in predicting his own death and resurrection.
Besides the Bible, more historical evidence exists for Jesus Christ than for Aristotle or Julius Caesar. Check it out. Read, He Walked Among Us, by Josh McDowell & Bill Wilson, or The Historical Jesus, by Gary R. Habermas. The resurrection is the crucial test and while brilliant skeptics have industriously applied their wit to demolish it, the resurrection defies every attack—Jesus is God.  
Hear Peter, the chief apostle of Christ and traveling companion more than three years. He told the Romans to crucify him upside down because he didn’t feel worthy to die the same way as his Lord. Peter would never have died if he knew Jesus-the God-man was only a lie!

 "We did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power  and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2 Peter  1:16.
Unlike pantheism, things make sense since we have a personal, ethical Creator as the source and foundation of everything. He provides all we need and cherish—human dignity, rights, ethics, purpose, hope, love, truth, rationality, justice, life beyond the grave and the basis for science and creativity that arise from this.
Second, Jesus is Redeemer. Secular professors and dreamy optimists can talk about the goodness of man all they want to--it just “ain’t so.”  Earth’s soil is drenched in human blood. Human history records the decimation of properties and peoples, violence, rape, murder, crime, everywhere. Why do all nations have armies, jails, police, judges, locks on doors, security guards? Is it because everybody’s so good and trustworthy? Certainly not! Why do people everywhere steal, lie, cheat, fight, hate, gossip? The list of human abuse is unending.
We ignore our sin and blame God for the world’s evils when God created a good world and paradise for man. Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan still deceives us to deny God and have our own self-centered rebellious way. Many people mention God’s name but in profanity rather than in praise and thanksgiving.
We need a Redeemer and only the sinless God-man qualifies. Only the willfully blind would deny it. Try as we may, we cannot keep God’s perfect standards. We cannot even keep our own standards, which are much lower. We tend to criticize other’s sins while blind to our own. And we find ways to justify our habitual sins or claim I’m working on them.
 Moreover, any human notion of an imperfect God won’t do. How can we trust an imperfect God? He might betray us, have problems he can’t handle, be too busy for our concerns, or lose patience with us. Good deeds that outweigh bad deeds are unacceptable to a perfect God. Only 51% goodness cannot assure us of a sinless Heaven. Most religions don't believe in an ethically perfect God and that we can make it on our own.  Are they realistic about the real world around them? Sinful human nature cannot attain perfection--we need a loving forgiving Savior. 
Being God, Jesus can save us. Tested in all points like ourselves as a human being, Jesus proved worthy to be our Savior and assure us of a perfect Heaven. His bloodshed on the cross paid for our sins, made us acceptable with God and worthy of Heaven.   
And finally, Jesus is Judge. The risen Lord promised our every thought, word and deed exposed before Him will receive justice. Jesus, the all-knowing, perfect Ruler of the universe offered us forgiveness, His purity and eternal life. Now we receive our eternal reward or punishment for deeds done in the body and for our acceptance or rejection of Him, the only Savior. Our goodness will not avail. We must humble ourselves and trust the Savior alone as our only answer to sin, death, and Hell.

"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36).  Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6). Friend, won't you acknowledge your sin, and say Lord I trust You now and forever to be my Saviour and Guide.


Friday, March 18, 2011

World Religions Ten Question Quiz

World Religions Ten Question Quiz
A world religion is a recognized system of beliefs or official group statement about God, man, ethics, man’s problem/solution and the afterlife. I use the term Biblical Christianity or Bible Christians to differentiate it from beliefs called Christian but that deny plain Bible teachings.

1.      Which religion denies reincarnation?
Hinduism; Biblical Christianity; New Age; Buddhism; Unity School of Christianity.

2.      Which religion denies a personal God, says man’s problem is desire & solution eightfold path and nirvana. Transcendental Meditation; Hinduism; Buddhism; Taoism; New Age.

3.      Which religion below denies belief in more than one god?
Popular Hinduism; Mormonism; Biblical Christianity; Greek Mythology; Shinto.

4.      Which persons deny that we can be saved or liberated by performing good deeds?
Jehovah’s Witnesses; Bible Christians; Mormons; Hindus; Jews.

5.       Which group believes in the human soul and eternal existence after death?
Naturalists; Atheists; Marxists; Materialists; Bible Christians.

6.      Which religion believes in Muhammad, the Quran, Allah, angels, prophet Jesus, jihad, Paradise, & Hell?
Islam; Unity School of Christianity; Christian Science; Wicca; Confucianism.

7.      Which religion says that things are illusion and ultimately god is the energy of the universe?
Hinduism; Buddhism; Transcendental Meditation; New Age; All of them.

8.      Which belief gives objective visible proof that there is life after death?
Hinduism; Islam; New Age; Biblical Christianity; Humanist Atheism.

9.      Which religion says imperfect people are unacceptable to a perfect God & unfit for a perfect Heaven?
Mormonism; Jehovah’s Witnesses; Islam; Unification Church; Biblical Christianity.

10.  Which religion says Jesus is God, took a human body, died to save sinners, & arose from the dead?
Unification Church; Christian Science; Secular Humanism; Bible Christianity; Marxism.
I recommend these materials for class & discussion. For summary of key beliefs: Christianity, Cults & Religions by Rose Publishing. For more in dept study the classic: The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. And more critical: The Compact Guide to World Religions by Dean C. Halverson.
Answers: 1. B.C. 2. Buddhism. 3. B.C. 4. B.C. 5. Bible Christians. 6. Islam. 7. All of them. 8. B. C. in Bible’s accuracy, trustworthiness, historical Jesus, his claims to deity, fulfilled prophecies, sinless life, miracles. 8. B.C. in Jesus’ resurrection. 9. B.C.—Matt. 5:48; Rom. 6:23; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rev. 21:8, 27. 10. B.C. 1 Peter 3:18; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Cor. 15.

Understanding Reincarnation

                                            Understanding Reincarnation
Reincarnation is the belief of Western religions stemming from Hinduism and Buddhism. Variations exist in different religions but generally, it means that after death the soul inhabits another body and carries with it karma or the result of what happened in the former life. Souls inhabit as many bodies as it takes to become perfect and attain release from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). In other words, each new life reaps what it sewed in the former life until released from the cycle.
According to one American survey, about one in four Americans believe in reincarnation, one in three college students and one in five persons who attend church regularly. It’s the belief among popular American stars such as Shirley MacLaine, Glenn Ford, Anne Francis, Sylvester Stallone, General George Patton, Henry Ford, Mark Twain and John Denver. Let me answer some important questions about reincarnation.
What Religions Teach Reincarnation? 
The Eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism and Hare Krishna teach reincarnation. It took form in new Western religions such as Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Theosophical Society and New Age. One big difference with the West is that souls only go into human bodies. Unlike the Easterners, the Westerners can’t accept souls going into the body of a worm, roach, rat, snake, monkey. The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Plotinus taught reincarnation as do the famous modern philosophers of religion Geddus MacGregor and John Hick.
How Do Reincarnationists Argue For Their Belief? 
Reincarnationists give three lines of argument for their belief: immortality of the soul, evidence of past lives, and that reincarnation achieves justice.
First, Plato believed the soul immortal--it existed before birth and continues to exist after we die. But others believe eventually the soul will be either absorbed into the World Soul as a wave returns into the sea or annihilated in nirvana. “Christians” who believe in reincarnation think that if a person trusts in Christ that at death he will go immediately into God’s presence without further lives. 
Next, they appeal to psychological evidences of past lives. They claim phobias, abnormal tendencies, sexual identity confusion, birthmarks, déjà vu, past life memories, deformities and inherited diseases are a carryover from their former life. Reincarnation is like the cycles of nature as vegetation comes to life in the spring and dies in the fall.
Third, they claim reincarnation achieves justice. “Christian” reincarnationists feel an eternal Hell incompatible with God’s love. Further, it’s cruel, harsh, unjust punishment for a finite amount of sin. But if our sufferings can work off the bad deeds committed in our former life, it removes the damnation of Hell. It relieves God’s responsibility for our sufferings. It protects our freedom by giving us more lives to accept Christ--his love it not forced upon us. And it assures everyone’s eventual salvation. Besides, it’s unjust for innocent Christ to pay for our sins, unjust when we don’t pay for them, and unjust for us to pay for Adam’s sin.
Now Christians respond to these three lines of argument in this way. Plato couldn’t know the soul is immortal. But even supposing the soul immortal, there’s no empirical evidence it takes on multiple bodies. Souls may inhabit only one body, as theists believe. Unknown to ancient peoples, hereditary and environmental factors can best explain cultural influence, hypnotic suggestion, forgotten childhood memories and fears, defective genes and diseases, and the earth’s tilt that causes the seasons. 
Further, reincarnation doesn’t solve the problem of justice; it merely pushes it back to the first bad act and can give no explanation why it occurred. Besides, the impersonal law of karma is an act-consequence process devoid of moral content. It’s very unjust to punish someone for actions in a former life when they haven’t a clue as to what the actions were or how to rectify them.
Doesn’t the Bible Teach Reincarnation?
Reincarnationists claim three main biblical proof texts. In Matthew 11:14, Jesus said John the Baptizer had already come or been reincarnated in the form of Elijah. In John 3:3, Jesus told Nicodemus that unless he was born the second time he would not see the kingdom of God. And in John 9:1-3, Jesus claimed the man born blind has not sinned nor his parents so he had to have sinned in a former life. These are clear Bible teachings and it’s wrong of Christians to distort or deny that they teach reincarnation.
Reincarnationists overlook numerous facts. First, it’s known that Jews of Jesus day believed in resurrection, not reincarnation (Dan. 12:2; Matt. 22:28; John 11:24; 1 Cor. 15). Second true interpretation doesn’t snatch phrases out of context and impose on them a different meaning. Third, many practical and biblical teachings we’ll discuss shortly show reincarnation simply unacceptable. 
Now let’s look at these texts carefully. Jesus didn’t say John came in the form of Elijah but in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17). Actually, Elijah never died, so he couldn’t have returned in another body (2 Kings 2:11). And when the Jews asked John if he was Elijah, he promptly and emphatically denied it (John 1:21).
When Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again (John 3:1-8), he meant spiritual birth as plain in verse 8 contrasting the physical birth with the spiritual. Moreover, we are never said to be born repeatedly, but born once physically and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
In John 9:1-3, Jesus said the purpose of this man’s blindness was so that he could heal him to glorify God. The glory of the Creator and our Life Giver transcends everything else. The blind unconscious force reincarnationists call god is no basis for either life or ethics, and reduces us to animals fighting for survival in a meaningless world.   
 Why Do Bible Believing Christians Reject Reincarnation?
Christians reject reincarnation for practical reasons. (1) Reincarnation has no moral basis or way to tell good from evil. It doesn’t matter ultimately if you give persons a drink of water or slit their throats. Pantheistic systems may encourage voluntary rules of expediency such as don’t steal, lie or kill. But an impersonal force has no such ethical standards. Without some absolute right, nothing can be actually right or wrong. (2) It has no social compassion. India’s streets, littered with poor, crippled, maimed, homeless, starving people, if helped would only extend their sufferings to the next life. (3) It has no scientific basis. We know when a male sperm penetrates a female egg that a new individual develops with both body and soul who never existed before. (4) It shows no evidence of moral progress. If reincarnation were correct, we should see improvement. Instead, we’ve gone from fighting with sticks and stones to ballistic missiles with atomic warheads—human hatred, cruelty, and barbarism are alive and well. (5) It requires either an infinite regress of lives or a first life with free will. But we know an eternal regress of time is impossible or we would not be here at its end today. And, to acknowledge a first life with free will is what theists believe. 
But Christians not only have practical reasons for rejecting reincarnation, but biblical reasons as well. (1) Unlike non-Christian religions, our Creator has come into our world as the God-man and Lord Jesus Christ demonstrating supernatural evidence (Gen. 1; John 1:1-3, 14; Heb. 1:1-4; 2 Pet. 1:16). This immediately voids all subjective imaginations, myths, guesses, preferences and claims to authority in other religions—what the real God says is final and every man will one day bow the knee. (Phil. 2:10). (2) At death, the soul passes into the spirit world awaiting the resurrection (2 Cor. 5:8). (3) At the resurrection, the soul receives its new permanent incorruptible body making us a soul-body unity (1 Cor. 15). (4) Human beings die only once followed by judgment (Heb. 9:27). (5) The one judgment is final not a series of judgments of each life (Luke. 16:26; 2 Thess. 1:9). Grace is God’s forgiveness and gift of salvation as opposed to the law of karma that is self-effort (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:8-9). (6) The end of reincarnation is absorption into universal energy or annihilation while Christian resurrection is eternal joy and love with the Lord and his redeemed servants that biblical Christians find eternally better (Rev. 21: 1-4).
Pantheistic systems (monism) are utterly opposed to Christian theism and offer none of the Christian advantages. And some “so-called Christians” are very mixed up or likely aren’t Christians at all. God decides what’s just as based upon his holy nature. Apart from the biblical God, there’s no basis for justice, truth, love, or life after death. Only Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
If you don't know Jesus as Savior or Lord, won't you pray, Lord, I'm a sinner unacceptable to you and unfit for a perfect Heaven. Lord, I trust you now to transform me by your Holy Spirit into a child of God and be my Lord and Guide until I go to be with Your or You come for me. Amen. Show love to unbelievers & help them come to know the Savior who alone is life eternal.

Three Major Ways People Understrand Life

Three Major Ways People Understand Life

Is the world moving toward a grand climax? Are we humans just evolving animals that return to soulless dirt, or mere cyclic energy awaiting absorption, or beings of eternal dignity and worth? Can we have a good life beyond the grave if we try to live a good life now? Does life have any ultimate meaning? Honest thinking people deserve good answers. There are three major ways people worldwide view these issues. Let me explain them.
                                                               The Atheist View
Atheists are called by many names: secular humanists, evolutionary naturalists, socialists/ communists, materialists, antitheists. They all mean that there is no God of any kind, or angels, supernatural revelations, miracles, human souls or anything beyond nature. We are merely evolving animals that return to soulless dirt and life’s meaning is whatever you can make of it. There can be no absolute truth and ethics since everything evolved by chance over billions of years. So we are shut up to conflicting human opinions, preferences and guesses as man is his own highest authority and savior—hence “anything goes” leading to chaos and anarchy unless wise strong persons take control to keep the peace and dictate policy. An atheist plan of big government and economic control becomes imperative to wipe out religious ignorance and force compliance through education, law and police surveillance for the general wellbeing of humanity. The government has the wealth and power and the population must obey or be penalised or eliminated.
Atheists claim science and reason demonstrate nature is everything. They know scientifically that the material universe had a beginning—it’s expanding, running down and since nothing creates nothing it couldn’t have created itself. They know (anthropic principle) well over a hundred precise conditions for human life to exist are unique to planet earth. Such conditions as earth’s position, size, distance in the galaxy to other kinds of stars, one moon, earth’s revolution, rotation, gravity, water, air composition, crust thickness, temperature, magnetism, seismic activity, and multiple others. But atheists’ dogmatic naturalism won’t allow them to admit the material universe and earth is the effect of an eternal, unchangeable, infinite, self-existent Mind rightfully called God and who can best explain everything.
Atheists know, but won’t admit other crucial scientific facts. Life forms don’t spontaneously pop into existence from nonlife and all have genetic limitations. Acquired characteristics and mutations cannot change one life form into another. Unconscious blind molecules have no mind to arrange themselves into men. Life forms show design of an intelligent cause. And to destroy a major organ or system is to kill it so it had to be complete and functional from the start. Randomness results in chaos not order. Living cells are enormously complex and compact, a literal city of machines demonstrating design implying an infinite Designer or God. No scientific experiment demonstrates evolution. Fossils’ showing each step of change is necessary to prove evolution but exists nowhere except in the evolutionist’s mind. Not true science and reason, but an entrenched naturalistic philosophy has been deceiving the public about such things for decades.
The Pantheist View
Pantheists (or monists) believe the universe is reoccurring cycles of energy that can take any form such as stars, planets, gods, plants, animals and people. What our senses perceive as real is ultimately illusion without permanent substance like a wave that returns into the sea. Justice is shown in karma or what is sown in one life is reaped in the next life. So sickness, pain, good, evil, death, life have no real or abiding existence. Giving aid to someone only interrupts and delays the inevitable cycle. The only hope to get off the endless cycle is absorption into nothingness (liberation). Thus, all history and life, people and experiences are meaningless changing cycles.  
This is a general pantheist view and there are varied versions and religions. I wonder how nothing became a universe of illusion. Science is pointless and impossible if the material universe is illusion without real existence--it operates on the premise that’s its real. Calling ourself god confers no special dignity above anyone else. Further, what dignity if we’re all simply a small piece of universal energy that may be a maggot or dirt in the next life. Pantheists act as though the world is very real—they wear clothes, look in the mirror, eat, bathe, avoid oncoming vehicles and obey prescribed rules. But if pantheists are correct, it makes no ultimate difference if we minister to persons or murder them. Pantheism is an abstract system devoid of human dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope. Is there a more hopeful realistic view of life?
The Biblical Christian View
Any religion claiming to be Christian that denies the original church teaching of Christ and his apostles is not Christian. Historians accept three independent sources as authentic history while the four Gospels, Acts, and the New Testament letters are six independent sources giving double evidence of Christ as the incarnate God-man. And only an anti-supernatural prejudice can deny a universe’s Creator can take on human form and walk among us. Jesus’ resurrection established Christianity and that all his teaching is true. See my article on Jesus’ resurrection.
THE BIG QUESTION: If a personal ethical God exists, what would it take to prove his existence? We know nature acts in unalterable fixed patterns. What would we think if someone appeared who could altar these known patterns? Wouldn’t we be astonished? And wouldn’t our good sense tell us this person has power over nature beyond mortal men? And what if he told us many times and many ways he is our God and Creator? Do we have any honest reason to say it’s impossible? But it would take abundant repeated eyewitness evidence to be established fact.
This is exactly what Jesus did. He walked on water, raised the dead, cured diseases immediately, caste out demons all the while explaining that he was our God and nature’s Lord. He did such things perhaps hundreds of times before astonished disciples and hostile critics who couldn’t deny them. Moreover, accounts of Jesus’ miracles were published within thirty years while persons still living and knew the events would have disputed them and prevented Christianity from being established. Disciples even asked unbelievers to acknowledge the truth they knew about Jesus.
The whole thing seems utterly impossible to us today, but must God appear in like manner to every generation? These first century Jews and Christians were not stupid people. The fact they were always astonished at Jesus’ miracles shows they knew natures laws as we do today. They too were put out of the synagogues that in their view condemned them to Hell. Moreover, they and their families were ridiculed, tortured and murdered for their new belief. Jewish rituals and Gentile polytheism was transformed—both peoples went everywhere preaching Christ is the Son of God and Savior of sinners. The New Testament is incredible unless its many details are solid fact. Further, history can’t be discounted since it’s written down and passed on from person to person and not buried in dirt as monists might claim.
With all our sophisticated weather technology, we can’t always predict just when and where disaster might strike. What about our predicting details about persons and events centuries in advance? The Christian Old Testament mentions numerous predictions of the coming Jewish Messiah (Christ). He was to be God, and man, born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, perform miracles, die for the people and arise from the dead. These are specific details many which the rabbis recognized. And they mention supernatural things only God could accomplish. No guessing, postdating, artificial fulfillment and ambiguity can explain them away. Jesus’ miracles and fulfilled prophecies can establish truth to open-minded persons.
Jesus resurrection proved he is our God and all he said is true. He is the basis for human dignity, truth, ethics, justice, love, that history will have a great climax, life exists after death and has ultimate purpose—Heaven and Hell are realities. Intellectual belief is good, but it takes an act of faith and repentance to become a child of God. The ball is in your court. Rejection of the Savior is your choice of Hell.
“God . . . commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).
Friend, won't you say, Lord Jesus, Son of God, I don't understand everything. But I know I have done many things I'm ashamed of and deserve to be punished for. You loved unworthy me enough to die in my place on the cross to satisify God's justice and deliver me from Hell. Lord, I trust in You right now to save me the sinner and make me Your child forever. Lord, be my Master and Guide from this day until I walk the golden streets in Heaven. Thank you Lord.


The Christian Worldview: Nonsense, Or Good Sense?

The Christian Worldview: Nonsense, Or Good Sense?

What are the basic beliefs of the Christian worldview? They’re sensible explanations of life, more logical, scientific, intellectually satisfying and defensible as Jesus publically claimed and demonstrated He was the God-man in this real world. Unless we have all knowledge of space and time, it’s an unwarranted assumption to claim no personal ethical God exists. To claim the Christian worldview arrogant, one must provide evidence to show their alternative view superior. Or, to claim we can’t know absolute truth is itself a truth claim. Look at the evidence and be objective.

The infinite personal, ethical Creator and Upholder God of the Bible is the only source, foundation, and unifying factor that makes sense of everything—truth, logic, life, mind, freedom, love, justice, human dignity, human rights, ethics, a meaningful world, history, a life of purpose and life after death.

Put another way, science operates on a cause and effect basis meaning atoms didn’t just pop into existence. Everything began must have a Beginner. So this finite dependent changing universe requires an eternal infinite Creator. We know also that an infinite regress of time would prevent me being here today. But here I am a living thinking person writing this article—it’s a God thing.

. THEOLOGY. There is only one true eternal, personal, ethical, triune God who is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and Judge revealed to us in creation, conscience, Christ, Scripture and history. Human belief in atheism, deism, dualism, pantheism, panentheism (process thought), and a finite God give us no hope of a real God who acts in our world for our good.

·   PHILOSOPHY. Thought is not composed of matter. The universe had a non-material origin. So mind necessarily precedes and explains matter. Intelligent design and irreducible complexity throughout nature points to a personal God. Mindless molecules can’t arrange themselves into life and mind in any amount of time. We destroy ourselves to deny God.

·  ETHICS. Right and wrong are universal, knowable, objective absolutes only if based upon one infinite, personal, holy and loving God.  Human judgment is faulty not knowing all the facts, being biased and unable to make right decisions. Conscience is a guide but can be suppressed and nullified. We will one day face our Maker and Judge who as man in love sacrificed himself to pay for our sins and give us eternal life. That's the only basis for responsible unselfish living.

·   BIOLOGY. An infinite, eternal Creator fits the evidence better than spontaneous generation or macro-evolution. Life must exist to produce life and life has genetic plans with limitations—nature’s random selected characteristics and mutations are inadequate mechanisms. Life forms exhibit a planed complex rather than slow natural process—it’s the faces on Mt. Rushmore compared to the water eroded Niagara Falls. A complete fossil record would establish a slow blind process of evolution, but we find only a few hoaxes and simultaneously sudden major complex changes in life forms suggesting creation. Evolution is naturalistic speculative theory, not scientific experimental fact.

.  PSYCHOLOGY. Humans are both material and spiritual, body and soul in God’s image, immortal with dignity, but fallen needing a Savior and Lord. A guilt free humanity building a perfect utopia is contrary to all history and sinful human nature.  Both human dignity in God's image and human depravity as a fallen self-centered rebel is crucial to true understanding.
·  SOCIOLOGY. Family consists of father, mother and children for human protection, provision and stability. Trial marriage, polygamy and same-sex marriage defies fairness and common sense. Compatibility, commitment and love in marriage do make sense. Homosexuality is not nature’s design and carried out consistently would destroy the human race. What is learned can be unlearned. 'I can’t help it,' is an unacceptable argument--a thief or murderor could say the same thing.

·  LAW. A holy or perfect God has set just standards that promote justice, order, law-abiding citizens and a safe and secure society. God mandated capital punishment. Godly living promotes a healthy and happy citizenry without excessive laws and force. To pamper criminals, abort unborn human beings, and ration health care produces crime, death, heartbreak, guilt and despair. We are both victims and perpetrators. Citizens should know and hold lawmakers and courts accountable to their constitution.

·  POLITICS. All men share human rights equally given by their Creator and as descendant from one original couple. The state can’t give human rights and has no business taking them away. A clear conscience makes practical sense of natural law (what I call universal human law), but apart from the biblical God makes no ultimate sense. Overpaid politicians serve themselves and special interests, not the citizens. Positive law of finite, fickle, conflicting, selfish human interests leads to chaos, anarchy and tyranny. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

·  ECONOMICS. Private property, free enterprise and responsible use of money glorify God and prosper nations. State ownership, welfare and central planning can’t accommodate supply and demand. It destroys citizen freedom, responsibility and incentive to work. Secular governments pretend to help citizens, but tax them into poverty and hardship. Its theft and violates human dignity and rights. To attain the classless society, the state must eliminate opposing classes. It’s a bloody nightmare people risk their lives to escape. Compare the Marxist and free sides of the Berlin Wall.

·   HISTORY. Fulfilled Bible prophecies show God’s in charge of his world no matter what men do. History’s not meaningless cycles, or utopian schemes men attempt, and always fail bringing devastation and death. History as God’s providence began with Creation and the Fall, continued with the God-man’s incarnation, atonement and resurrection, and will climax in the renovated heavens and earth. Understandings of God’s actions are as diverse as the five parties who viewed our Lord’s crucifixion carrying out his Father’s will. Everyone will bow the knee and confess our righteous Judge is Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve read to the end of God's Book. You’d be wise to do likewise. God connects the dots for his glory.
I’ve adopted and modified these points from David A. Noebel’s excellent book Understanding The Times, p. 129. I highly recommend it for persons wanting a clear presentation of five views: Islam, secular humanism, Marxist-Leninism, Cosmic Humanism, and Postmodernism. Further, the five views are discussed under each of the above headings. This book is an excellent college text.
Please do yourself, others, and your country humanitarian service by sharing this article to others. Jesus alone is the way, truth, and life--trust in Him. Thank you & God bless.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Little Girl's Question

A Little Girl’s Question

A little girl named Susie asked her mother the question: “Mommy where did we come from?” Her mother replied, “Honey, we came from Adam and Eve our first parents who God created in his image.” She then asked her Daddy where we came from. He said, “Susie, many scientists say we came from monkeys?” That confused her, as opposites couldn’t be right. She told her mother what her Daddy said. Her mother replied, “Oh honey, the monkeys are just on your Daddy’s side of the family.”
We enjoy a good laugh at such jokes but the answers are conflicting worldviews. They are opposed ways of seeing life and the world with super serious consequences for our lives. Let’s see where each view leads and then consider its basis.


If we came from monkeys or originally from a one celled animal that evolved into what we are today, then the truth is that we are only a higher evolved animal that perishes alone with all the others. We’re no special significance and must fight to survive in a world of prey and predators. Our only law is eat, or to be eaten and death ends all.
Exit life after death. Exit human dignity. Exit human rights. Exit ethics, or right and wrong behavior. Exit any life purpose but survival and satisfaction in the uncertain time we have—nothing else makes practical sense. A power grab seems the intelligent step to security, satisfaction, and individual self-worth. The ends justify the means, whatever it takes, spare no mercy. Destroy anything that gets in your way. We must make use of our time and take advantage of our power. Evolutionary humanism has no basis for humane standards and values.
If we were created rational, moral, immortal persons in the image of an eternal infinite Creator God, a much different picture emerges. Enter immortality. Enter human dignity. Enter human rights and freedom. Enter absolute ethics. Enter human equality, justice, and love. Enter ultimate purpose in service to God and man--our every thought, word and deed counts not only now but eternally. And justice and goodness will prevail God is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all wise Lord of his creation. 


We came from monkeys is the view called naturalism that has been slowly taking over our world since the Renaissance. It says there is no God, angels, divine revelations, miracles, or human souls. We are completely on our own and must save ourselves. Nature is eternal and everything, the whole show. Maybe other life supporting planets exist we can go to if this one is destroyed. The universe always existed and life came into being by chance and time and there is no meaning to life except what we can make of it. Molecules somehow arranged themselves into men and that’s just the way things are. All this is scientific fact and not religious superstition or myth.


We were created in God’s image is the classic view of Judeo-Christian belief largely dominating the Western world for the last two millenniums. Though based on the Bible it is not opposed to science. In fact, modern empirical science was established by believers in God and many of them Christians—Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Boyle, Pascal to name only a few. In truth, does any human being know enough to say no God exists who can act in our world? That requires a mind completely closed to evidence, scientific, historical, or otherwise.
If empirical science is based upon experiment and observation, then Biblical Christianity has as much claim to belief as natural science. No one was present when the world, or life or man came into being to observe or experiment. Further, the known scientific data suggest creation rather than evolution for those open-minded enough to consider the evidence.
A fundamental operational principle of science and rationality is that something can’t come from nothing—the universe is a finite dependent effect. That being true, the universe’s cause is an eternal, infinite, unchangeable, immaterial Creator. That being true, life came from an eternal Life Giver. That being true, the infinite and interrelated complexity of living things came from an infinitely intelligent Mind. True science doesn’t disprove these things but rather confirms them. Further, the only real evidence molecules can arrange themselves into men would be fossils showing each step in the process. But life forms (fossils) are always found complete and unchanged. And alleged missing links are acknowledged fakes and deceptions. For example, Nebraska Man changed America’s thinking from Biblical Creation to naturalistic evolution. But it was nothing more than an extinct pigs tooth. Artists drawing in science books of cave men have deceived the public for decades. Let’s get real? 
Far more empirical or scientific is the fulfilled prophecies, miracles and claims of Jesus. Jewish prophets predicted their Messiah’s deity, miracles, virgin birth in Bethlehem, death, and resurrection. These predictions are dated centuries before Jesus was born and he’s the only one who could fulfill them. The odds against their fulfillment are astronomical. Further, Jesus performed a public miracle everywhere he went for over three years probably numbering in the hundreds—that’s empirical observation. Hostile observers sought every means to discredit him but could not. And Jesus explained his miracles as a work of God. At first Jesus’ disciples didn't believe his claims to be God with us in human form. But seeing him again as the risen Lord, they gave their life's blood in testimony. The passing of time cannot discredit real events--and the risen Lord Jesus is very real. See my article: Did  Jesus Arise from the Tomb?
Now good science has to date events, has to observe repeated instances, and has to give the most rational explanation for the data. Given these criteria, isn’t the evidence for Jesus being God as he claimed to be immensely more probably than the few fossil fakes offered to prove evolution? Moreover, thousands of links are missing everywhere except in the naturalist’s mind. Evolution is fake, Jesus is Lord.
Believe Jesus is the true and only way. John 14:6. Your decision is most crucial for time and eternity. Say, Lord Jesus I'm trusting You to transform me into a child of God right now and forever. I trust You as my Lord, Savior, and Guide from now on. Your will, not mind. Thank U loving, forgiving Lord  and Savior.  So be it.