By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Bible Prophecy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Prophecy. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

Earth's Seven Year Coming Destruction!

                             Earth's Seven Year Coming Destruction! 
#great tribulation
Persons of moral discernment see the world becoming more violent, corrupt, and evil like in the days of Noah (Genesis 6:5,11). Skeptics, secularists, socialists can party, laugh, and mock the Bible's promise of Jesus' return, not acknowledging God's love and  patience for their repentance (2 Peter 3:3-4, 15). These rebels, however, will be terrified when they see Jesus coming in the eastern sky knowing their judgment is sure (Rev. 6:15-17). We who know Him rejoice in His return and will reign with Him on earth a thousand years. Let me briefly survey the events of this time of tribulation (See Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19). 
This period begins when the Lord Jesus takes away His church (John 14:1-4; 1 Thess. 4:15-17), and there is a great falling away from the faith. A world leader, an Antichrist, will arise to make a seven year treaty with the Jews allowing them to rebuild the temple and offer sacrifices (Dan. 9:27). There will be great increase in wars, famines, natural disasters, and believers martyred. This is only the beginning of sorrows  (Matt. 24:5-15). It's the time of the Gentiles and of God's judgment of the earth (Luke 21:24).

Beginning the last half of this seven year period, this world leader or Antichrist will break his treaty with the Jews, deceive the world with deceptive signs, sit in the Jews temple, claim to be God, even demand worship as God (2 Thess. 2:2-4). He will demand everyone take his mark in their right hand or on the forehead. His number is 666 and he will be a highly esteemed government official promising peace. Thus, he will gain control of the world's shaky economic system (Rev. 13:16-18). Believers who won't take his mark will be martyred. He may be in the world even now. 
During this time there will be a Satanic Trinity that will develop a global political system, a global economic system, and a global religious system. The world will make war against the Lamb. God's wrath will destroy ships at sea, cause world cities to fall into rubble, islands to disappear, mountains to be leveled, seventy-five pound hailstones to fall on the wicked and half of humanity will be slain. They will cry out in anguish and pain, but not turn from sin to God.
Seeing the bickering and deception among political candidates today shows their desire for wealth, power, and position is greater than their concern for the well-being and safety of the people they swear to serve. Don't we see our world becoming more violent, corrupt and rebellious than ever?
God will protect a remnant of Jewish believers making a way for them to escape into the wilderness the last half of the tribulation. Like Noah's family, they escape judgment to reproduce children in the 1,000 millennial kingdom of Christ's reign with us on earth. They are the sheep mentioned in Matthew 25:32-33.
Near the end of this time of Jacob's trouble, two hundred million soldiers will come from the east along with other nations (Matt. 24:9; Rev. 9:13-21; 16:12-14). They will capture Jerusalem, but God will then intervene miraculously to save Israel from utter destruction, and restore the house of David as He promised (Zech. 12:1-8). Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives to deliver His people (Zech. 14:4).
At last, the Jews will look on Him whom they pierced and accept their true Messiah (Romans 11:32-33). God's covenants with them will be fulfilled and the King of kings will reign over the world on David's thrown. Don't delay! don't get caught in this time of world devastation without hope!
Friends, God's promises are always fulfilled, but in God's time, according to God's plan, which is always the best for everyone. Won't U too trust that the Lord has a wonderful plan for your life. It starts with you admitting your sin and trusting in the Lord Jesus to save you, guide you throughout life, and take you to be with Him. Just say, Lord, I'm an unworthy sinner who now trusts YOU to save me. Share this article with others who may be saved.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can God Be Both Loving and Just?

                        Can God Be Both Loving and Just?
Persons might say God is both loving and just. But when it applies to judgment of the human race some become doubtful and squeamish. They say a God of love means there can be no Hell of punishment. Others say a God of love absolutely demands there be Hell. Which is it? Can we be open minded to honestly think through the issues in light of the Bible's teaching? First, consider some prerequisites to the question. Then, consider some ways and reasons how God is both loving and just. 

Consider Three Prerequisites. 

Who or what is the biblical God?  The Bible says God is Creator and Sustainer of everything--matter, space, time, life--so without Him everything would cease to exist. God then is self-existent, eternal, and depends upon nothing while everything else depends upon Him (Genesis 1:1; Ex. 3:14; Col. 1:17; Rev. 1:8, 17). God made us in His rational, moral, immortal image for relationship (Genesis 1:27). God loves us, knows what's best for us, and wisely works to bring it about. God then is our Life Giver, Owner, Moral Lawgiver, Judge, and Redeemer if we want Him. "In Him we live, and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). His infinite nature and will then is the moral standard for our lives and for which we will one day give account to the resurrected Lord Jesus (Acts 17:30-31).
Now suppose that there's no Hell and everyone goes to Heaven. Then--does it make any difference what we believe whether we be atheists, idolaters, or anything else? Does it make any difference how we behave--be Mother Teresa's or Hitlers, ministers or murders? Does life have any ultimate meaning if everything is reduced to the same level? Indeed, if we're not the plan of a loving God, and no more than an accident of nature as evolutionists claim, does anything really matter? These are immensely serious issues that influence our lives and should not be ignored or overlooked.
Does God's Word have authority in a cafeteria style religion? Most persons like eating in a cafeteria because they can select the foods they like and ignore the others. Now if we can accept what we agree with in God's Word and ignore the rest, then what authority does it have? None! But what authority do limited conflicting human opinions and guesses have? None! They only lead to lawless  anarchy, or to a dictator to keep the peace by eliminating those who disagree with him. Wouldn't this in fact make the whole idea of the biblical ethical God irrelevant and the world a terrorist state?
Yes, God is loving to save sinners and just to send unrepentant rebels to Hell.
1. Nations, communities, peoples everywhere jail thieves, rapists, murders, and the like to save society. God must do the same to prevent such persons from destroying Heaven (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rev. 21:27). Sentimentalists who object to Hell make God less just than sensible judges. They encourage crime and human suffering. And they don't want such criminals living next to them which means they are hypocrites. Justice is really love shown society and even to uncorrectable  criminals who often harm each other in prison and must be kept in solitary confinement.
2. Only a perfect God is worthy of our trust, love, and worship. Tribal gods, an evolving process god, a universal force, or any finite god cannot be a loving Creator. Such a god may not know our condition, can't be everywhere, have wisdom of what's best, have power to help, or even care. The biblical God is not just infinite in love, but also in knowledge, wisdom, power, goodness, and is everywhere present to help. But we must be in a love-trust relationship with Him that issues in our obedience and in His glory. He is God, not any other, His say is ultimate and final.
3. God's love is shown in great patience, blessings, and warnings. Everything good we have and enjoy is given us as He made a good world (Genesis 1). Our selfish desires is what brings sin and corruption into the world. God's nature is very patient to forgive all who turn to Him not wanting any to perish (Matt. 23:37; 2 Pet. 3:9). But, God drowned the wicked world that Noah warned for 120 years building the ark. God miraculously fed, clothed, and protected Israel's journey in the desert 40 years that faithful obedience could have been only 11 days. They continuously grumbled in unbelief.  He destroyed 23,000 complaining rebels of Israel who would be forgiven if they would only look at a snake on a pole. Like any good parent, God's warnings are expressions of His love to prevent our harm (Hebrews 12:7-11). We are to trust Him to work all things for our good and His purpose, but in His time and way (Romans 8:28).
Some say the OT God was wrathful while the Jesus God of the NT is loving--they don't know their Bible. They need to read the plagues God sends in Revelation 6-18 which almost wipes out the human race (Matt. 24:21-22). For example, those who reject God will one day call on the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb (Rev. 6:16). Some persons simply love evil, despise God and will not have Him reign over them though given many chances (Luke 19:14). But Jesus will reign on the earth with an iron scepter for a thousand years as is promised (Rev. 19:15; 20).  God's love or God's wrath--it's reality our choice.
4. Not God, but we ourselves decide our destiny. God loves us sinners, but love doesn't force obedience--it's a contradiction that robs our freedom and destroys our dignity in God's image. A loving God patiently allows us our own way and many opportunities to turn to Him. We have a conscience, laws, and we know what hurts us as a human being hurts other human beings just like us. Not doing what we know to be right, or neglecting to do it increases our guilt and shame.
We all sin or do wrong in different ways to different degrees no matter how hard we try to be and do what we believe to be right. Moreover, how much good is good enough? We can never know, nor erase our sins that separate us from God and Heaven (Isa.59:2). Further still, persons who hate God and His right ways would still despise them if forced into Heaven. The sufferings of sinners in Hell is actually self-induced by their choices or lifestyle on earth. Only those who love God can sing His praises.
Now here is something seldom preached and many sincere Bible believers fail to understand. Whether we go to Heaven or to Hell, in a real sense we reap what we sow--it's simply the principle of justice (Galatians 6:7). So while all the redeemed go to the same Heaven, they enjoy it to different degrees even as some of God's people now love and enjoy Him more than others. Life long servants of God will be greater rewarded than someone who trusted Jesus on their death bed. Also, those punished in Hell too suffer to different degrees of guilt, shame, contempt, despair, etc. Liars won't feel as bad as serial killers. Check it all out so you can be sure. See evil self punishments (Matt. 10:15; 11:22-24; Luke 12:47-48; Heb. 10:29). Good service rewards (Matt. 5:12, 29-30; 29-30; & crowns Rev. 2:10; 1 Cor. 9:25; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4). Words used as "greater reward or punishment." plainly show different degrees. No one will be able to accuse God of being unjust or unloving.
5. Clear headed persons admit they're imperfect. I've talked with persons who said they deserved Heaven, and who told me a list of their good deeds, and the bad things they didn't do including some things they think church people shouldn't do. But if asked, they usually will admit they aren't perfect. Now if they know what imperfection is, then don't they have an idea what perfection is? Of course they don't realize what God's Word says and they make up their own ethic. But only God and His Heaven are perfect. Good, even very good, isn't good enough! Even one bad thought makes us imperfect before God and unfit for His perfect Heaven. No, we can't remove the sinful stains on our soul--only Jesus the Savior and Lord can remove them.
6. We can't earn Heaven, and must come to God and His Heaven on His terms. Heaven cannot be earned by our good deeds--as rebellious sinners we have none (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Bible makes it crystal clear that Jesus' death on the cross in our place to pay for our sins is our only or exclusive way to be saved (John. 3:18; 8;24; 10:1, 9; 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 John. 5:11-12). God makes Himself known gradually to persons everywhere willing to heed His invitations. He invites us through His Holy Spirit, creation, conscience, His Word, prophets, and gives us assurance by Christ' resurrection (Acts 17:30-31). Before Christ's cross persons were saved by believing in the one true God as stated in Hebrews 11:6 and shown by the list of persons in that chapter. So the unwilling are without excuse (Romans 1; 2; John 3:19-21; 7:17).
7. God's infinite justice and love met at the cross. A God perfectly holy and just cannot excuse our sinful ways. But a God perfect in love provided a way for all who are willing to be saved. The greatest evil was Jesus' crucifixion and the greatest love was His voluntarily bearing the physically pain, but more so His spiritual separation from His Father bearing our sin. God saves us only by trusting in Jesus our Savior. God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21).
Jesus hung naked before the jeering crowds, dying as a cursed criminal, beaten, bloody, swollen almost beyond recognition. It was humanities worst evil, but God's greatest display of love. He died voluntary for sinners, you and me. You are invited now to trust Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and Guide forever? Will U say, I trust You Lord Jesus to cleanse me and make me Your child?  U will understand it all  better once U submit to the Lord and Savior.

Friday, October 11, 2013

God's Purpose in the Ages

                                God's Purpose in the Ages 

What conditions would make an ideal world? Some say scientific discovery and invention if we use it for humane and peaceful purposes. Others shout economic equality will liberate the masses. Many feel we must overcome racial prejudice that divides and degrades people. It's claimed intolerant and false religion is at fault. Increasingly, people say we need a strong leader who can unite nations and peoples to achieve our desires.
What's God's purpose and perspective throughout the ages? Could the Lord be testing our commitment and responsibility under different conditions? Does a survey of the Bible show we always drift from God and a great beginning? The Bible refers to the different ages in John 1:17; Matt. 28:20; Ephesians 2:7; 3:5, 9; Heb. 1:2; 7:11-12, but they're often translated as "world." Let's see what they are. It's not their length of time, but the principle or condition that's important.
Human Innocence. Genesis 1:27-3:6.
God created man and woman in his image as rational and moral people. He gave them responsibility to have offspring, subdue the earth, have dominion over the animals, eat vegetables and fruits, but not to eat from one tree called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They could eat from the many other trees including the tree of life and live forever. Great intelligence was shown in that Adam named the animals, and took care of this bountiful paradise called the Garden of Eden. The happy couple enjoyed wonderful fellowship with God in this good and beautiful world.
One day near the forbidden tree the devil speaking through a serpent tempted the couple to ignore all the good trees, focus on the one forbidden tree, and to doubt God's goodness in forbidding them to eat of it. But they did in disobedience to God's command. Everything changed! Fear, guilt, and shame overwhelmed them. They realized their nakedness and hid from the Lord. Unlike a growth in knowledge and freedom as some psychologists claim, it was rebellion against the goodness and wisdom of God that forever condemned their descendants with a self-centered sinful nature prone to prefer self to God (Psalm 51:5; Romans 5:18-21). They represent us today for we would be no different in their place. God clothed them with skins of a slain animal and in mercy drove them from paradise lest they eat of the tree of life and be forever condemned in sin. Because of their sin, we inherit a sinful nature, are separated from God, prone to sin, and need redemption.
This event is the Fall of man and basis for salvation taught throughout the rest of the Bible. It is written in a simple way for persons of every culture to understand. It is considered a myth only if we assume there is no God who can act in our world. Jesus referred to our first parents creation and based God's plan of marriage of one man to one woman upon it (Matt. 19:4; Gen. 1:27; 5:1-2).
Conscience as our Guide. Genesis 3:7-8:19
A perfectly good God cannot approve evil, so God brought judgments.   The serpent, representing Satan was to crawl in the dust with hostility between godly human descendants and Satan's descendants (John 8:44). Men are to work hard with nature not as productive. Women are to experience pain in childbirth and have their husband's rule. But God gave us the first promise of redemption of a future descendant who would crush Satan's head (mortal blow, Gen. 3:15; Heb. 2:14).
Man was left to be guided by his conscience and do the best he can.  Unlike the animals, people have  an objective moral law pointing to a moral Lawgiver, Judge, and to our need for redemption. Essentially, it's treat others the way you want them to treat you. It's proven in that we feel guilt, shame, and make excuses when we violate our conscience, and we object when others abuse us. But we can harden our hearts so that our conscience becomes ineffective (Rom. 2:14-15; 1 Cor. 8:7; 1 Tim. 4:2).
Persons under this test failed miserably. Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters. Cain murdered his brother Able, then married a female relative, and built a city. People became very skilled and inventive, but also very wicked. "The Lord saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Thus, he thought to destroy man from the earth, but  Enoch pleased God and was taken to heaven. Noah pleased God and was told to build a great ark or boat. God again showed his sovereign power and his grace in saving all who would believe and come into the ark. But only Noah's family came. Doubtlessly the great civilization that was built was destroyed by the judgment of the flood.
Essential Government and a New Beginning. Genesis 8:20-11:9
 God made a covenant with Noah never to destroy the world by a flood, the seasons would continue, man was to multiply, and to have dominion over animals. But now man could eat animal flesh, but not with the blood. And now God allowed the essence of government as man had the right to kill murderers which continues until today (Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17).  Again the people failed as shown in Noah's drunkenness, Ham's irreverence, and that instead of scattering out over the earth the people drifted away from God. Wanting to make a name for themselves in defiance of God, they built a tall tower in their honor. God, seeing their wickedness came down in judgment to divide and scatter them over the earth with many different languages. Have we not always put government before God?
Abraham and God's Covenant People. Genesis 11:10-Exodus 19:2
 In a world of idolatry, God made a covenant with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3). It was to be unconditional or everlasting to Abraham and his descendants (17:7, 13,19; 1 Chron. 16:16-17; Psalm 105:10). He was to become a great nation and be a blessing to peoples of the earth. Those who blessed Abraham, God would bless, and those who cursed him, God would curse.  Circumcision was the covenant sign. Israel was to be a nation forever even when scattered and to have a land forever. God's promises are yet to be completely fulfilled. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the nation Israel all failed in leaving the land, temporarily losing the land, being in bondage in Egypt, and complaining in their wilderness wanderings. Yet in this age God showed his grace or favor and his sovereign care in miraculous ways. This condition of promises in the Abrahamic covenant continue even today until God will fulfill his promises in his earthly kingdom.
The Nation Israel's Laws. Exodus 19:3-Acts 2
God's laws through Moses were only for Israel and are comprised of three parts: the commands expressing God's moral nature and will (Ex. 20:1-26), the judgments showing Israel's social and civil life (Ex. 21:1-24:11), and the ordinances about Israel's religious life (Ex. 24:12-31:18). Israel was a theocracy of God's rule through his prophets, priests, and kings. The Mosaic covenant was temporary until Christ came (Gal. 3:24-25). All the ten commandments but Sabbath keeping are mentioned in the Gospels as showing God's moral nature and will (Mark 10:19). Gentiles we're never told to offer animal sacrifices, stone adulterers, take slaves, or put a child to death who curses their parents. This age in one sense ended with the cross and concluded on the day of Pentecost (Rom. 10:4; Gal. 3:21-25). Israel rejected her Messiah, her temple was destroyed,  and the nation was scattered worldwide. 
God's Church. Acts 2-Revelation 4
The church is different from Israel in several ways. It's a mystery of Jew and Gentile together as the one body of Christ. Jesus said he would build the church and he is its Chief Cornerstone. It's built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus' death, resurrection, ascension, and the Holy Spirit's indwelling every believer marked a new age begun at Pentecost. Grace or God's unearned and undeserved favor is the condition by which true believers are to live (Gal. 3-5). We cannot keep God's moral law which shows us our sin and serves as a tutor to bring us to Christ (Gal. 3:24-25).
But the true church will end with God's people being caught away to be with Christ (1 Thess. 4:16-18). The apostate church and  world will be overcome by false teachings and demonism (1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 2 Pet. 2-3; Jude). People simply will become too busy for God doing mundane things. The Antichrist will gain world rule while 144,000 Jews (not Jehovah's Witnesses), and two great prophets will testify, and still many will be saved and martyred.  People won't be allowed to buy or sell without the mark of the Beast. There will be tribulation judgments never known in prior ages and if not stopped, no flesh would be saved. See Matthew 24 and Revelation 5-18.
Christ's Earthly Kingdom. Revelation 19-22
Jesus will reign with an iron scepter over the earth for a thousand years while Satan is confined to a bottomless pit (Rev. 19:15; 20:1-5). God cannot lie, so just as the promises made about Christ's first coming were fulfilled literally, so will those of his return to earth. God's promises to Israel of land, Messiah's rule, Israel as head nation, long lifespans, worldwide knowledge of God, and more will finally be fulfilled, (Psalm 72; Isaiah 2:1-5; 9:6-7; 11; Jeremiah33:14-17; Daniel 2:44-45; Matt. 19:28; Acts 1:5; Rev. 19-20; and many more). Divine judgment follows even then as Satan is released to deceive the nations to come against God's people but fire from heaven will devour them. All the wicked of the ages will be judged at the Great White Throne and justly punished. Tested under every condition throughout the ages, we drift from God. Nobody can say, You were unfair. Figuratively, God's saints in the new Heaven and on the new earth won't look back.
Eternity--What can we learn from God's perspective?
All God's works are known from eternity (Acts 15:18). The ways of the infinite sovereign God of the Bible are perfect, while our ways are as filthy rags (Isa. 55:7-9; 64:6). But God is gracious and merciful to all who will come to him in faith trusting his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to pay for our sin, make us new creations, give us assurance of everlasting life with him forever. The rebellious alternative is hopeless torment in darkness forever. Won't you say, Lord, forgive me the sinner. I trust You now and forever to be my Savior, Lord and Guide. Lord, give me courage and compassion to share these messages of hope, love and life eternal with others in desperate need. Anyone may link to them and share with others.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Has God Made Himself Known to Us?

                      Has God Made Himself Known to Us?.

#World-Views   #God-knowledge
Can we be honest with the facts whether we like them or not? Some statements are true and others false--opposites can't both be true in the same way at the same time. The universe either exists, or it doesn't. Some actions are right and others wrong--if it's wrong to mistreat you, it's wrong to mistreat anyone. If you as a human being have rights to your life and beliefs, then so do all human persons. Now, without these principles of human dignity, rationality, equality, ethics, and free speech can we even survive? Is there an ultimate reality we can stand on that ties it all together and insures human survival and well-being? Let's think it through. 

Aren't these ideas mistakes destructive to human life?

Atheism assumes that nothing of itself exploded into everything and that mindless atoms arranged themselves into all life forms (macroevolution). Atheism takes many forms some being as follows. Materialists say matter exists but not mind. Naturalists claim all is nature and there can't be anything supernatural such as miracles. Secularists affirm anything sacred is superstitious and to be rejected. And humanists hold there's nothing higher than we human animals. Atheist assumptions are contrary to science, logic and common sense. Further, they reduce human beings to soulless dirt, ethics to conflicting human opinions, destroy hope for life after death, and make life a chaotic and manipulative power struggle--survival of the fittest. Elites who get the biggest stick beat down all the rest of us as with laws, taxes, poverty, dependence, secret policing and maybe a blood bath revolution.
Agnosticism is either a dogmatic assumption or an unwillingness to search out the facts. Some agnostics say we can't know any kind of god exists. Now like atheism this is another dogmatic claim to exhaustive knowledge. Or, if the agnostic means, "I just don't know." this leads to the same problems and becomes a practical atheism.
Polytheism and  subjective relativism are contradictory destructive absurdities. Animism is the belief in spirits in trees, animals, and things. Polytheism raises spirits to gods that control forces of nature, are worshiped by certain tribes, or have their own domains. It's still alive and well in parts of the world.  Logically, however, there can't be but one absolute. These gods arise from nature and can cease to exist. They are finite  and give no visible evidence of their existence. So they are fears of nature's forces or projections of human desires and imagination. Makers of idols have powers to see, hear, talk, and move that their idol gods lack. It's all absurd.
Moderns have largely lost faith in one Almighty, holy and loving God. So everything becomes relative, uncertain, chaotic, subjective, competitive. The only sin is to believe in real truth and righteousness. Is this not a prescription for warfare, destruction, disease and death? And what is the philosophy of politically correct but tyranny? Is there a basis for recovery? I believe so but it would require honesty, courage, maybe death!
Monism (reincarnation philosophies and religions) is the claim that God is all that exists and the world is illusion. God is conceived as a great pool of energy whose parts stretch out temporarily to assume every form or identity plants, puppies, people, everything only to return to the pool. This happens repeatedly and things can assume different identities until final absorption. Consequently, nothing has any real identity or permanent existence. So nothing is considered real and important--all is God the great pool of energy and the material world is illusion. In effect, truth, pain, good, evil, life, death, success, failure, history, nothing is ultimately important. What will be will be--the only goal is final absorption. This results in a stagnant depressed compassionless society. It doesn't ultimately matter if we be ministers or murderers. See my article on Understanding Reincarnation.
Deism claims a Creator God who forsook us. Deists say a real personal infinite Creator God exists. For this dependent universe requires a first cause. And design throughout nature points to an intelligent Creator. But the world is a closed system of cause and effect so only natures laws guide us and can't be violated by miracles or divine revelations.. Some deists believe our spirits survive death and are rewarded if good or punished if bad.  Persons who feel their prayers go unanswered and see no evidence of God think no caring God exists. It's a sort of practical atheism like above that assumes exhaustive knowledge. Now, we need more than a Creator of stars  and planets. Can we be open to evidence that the God we need may really exist, love and want to save us?

Can we be open to God acting in our world? 

 If we've been taught a particular way of believing all our lives, or one way has been forced upon us and we've never heard anything different, how do we know there is anything different, or that God and the world is different from all that we've heard? Can we be courageous, open and honest to consider another way of seeing things that might be greatly beneficial and even true? Three great religions each claim a personal, ethical Creator God exists.
Could God's angel have made God known to Muhammad? Like Christians, Muslims believe in one God, angels good and evil, heaven, hell, and a judgment day. Muslims say the angel Gabriel told Muhammad all we need to know in the Quran. Muhammad accepted some of the Jewish Scripture and Christian New Testament, said Moses, David, and even Jesus were prophets. But Jesus is not God's Son, didn't die on the cross for our sins nor rise from the dead. There are so many problems with Islam, it's really difficult to accept and to explain in this three page article. Basically, Islam wants to force the world into submission if need be.
Could God have made Himself known to Israel? When we survey Israel's history recorded in its Scripture (O.T.), incredible events occur. Israel's God sends plagues to kill Egypt's firstborn, waters stand up in walls to let Israel through, they're fed mysterious manna in the dessert forty years while their clothes never wore out, and they defeated seven nations stronger than themselves. Now we don't know of such things happening today, but we do know of other nations claiming gods and fantastic tales so shouldn't we carefully examine such claims and try to be objective?
When we do examine them, we notice significant differences with Israel's God. He's not like spirits in trees or families of gods of the other nations--Egyptians, Canaanites, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans. Israel's God is the universe's creator who made man in his image and entered into relation with people. He is fiercely moral who imposes moral standards nobody can attain and issues warnings for disobedience. He imposes a sacrificial system to teach his people there is no forgiveness without the shedding of a blood sacrifice. He establishes unconditional covenants with Israel to become the head nation with a Messiah to bless the world. See my article, God's Unconditional Covenant Promises to Israel.
The problem with Israel is that it was always going astray. God sent prophets and warnings and promises. But like us today, Israel was sinfully human and rebellious. The predicted forerunner, John the Baptizer (Isa. 40:3-5; Matt. 3:3; John 1:29) appeared and pointed to Jesus saying, see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Wanting and expecting a political and military Messiah to deliver them from Roman oppression, the Jews had no thought of a Savior of sinners. Jesus, however, did everything the prophets said of the Messiah to die for the sins of his people. And while some rabbis were confused by prophecies of a suffering Messiah as well as a reigning king, Jesus died rejected and ridiculed by his people.
Could God have made Himself known to humanity in Jesus Christ? If there exists a great Creator God who cares for us, how can we know this? Surely not by ignoring or abandoning us. Wouldn't it call for doing things nature and men are not known to do in order to get our attention and demonstrate he is truly Lord of his creation? How about predicting events impossible for us to know or imagine like a virgin birth and ascension into heaven? How about walking on water and healing all kinds of diseases immediately? Wouldn't these do it especially with him explaining at the time that he is our God?
While Bible events are supernatural, they are not like the silly things found in other religions of once upon a time in some impossible to go place. They speak of real persons, nations, events, practices known to history. Even a time line can be established. Its heroes are very normal and imperfect. The Jews, unlike what the critics make out, knew nature's laws and were skeptical as persons today. Such events and their teachings could never have been accepted if made up stories or myths. Bible prophets and apostles would never have endured such tortures and horrible deaths had their writings been pure lies.
Only biblical Christianity supplies the needed principles mentioned in the introduction and ties them together to give us humans a foundation to stand upon. But we will sink back into barbarianism again, if we don't strongly embrace the Lord Jesus again as our Lord, Savior, and Guide for our world and our personal lives.  Won't U say YES to Jesus?
See booklist below.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What Is The Bible's Lake of Fire?

                         What Is The Bible's Lake of Fire?

Some persons simply reject Hell. To them a God who throws people into a fire to burn forever seems horribly cruel and really merciless. To them Jesus is not that kind of God! Justice is not served if the most wicked and least wicked burn together in a lake of fire. If it's true, why even try to be good.  Yes! But are there other things said of Hell that never get mentioned? Could the fire be something other than the physical fire we imagine? Can we examine arguments about this painful subject with an open mind?
1. Yes, Jesus spoke many times of Hell as eternal fire (Matt. 5:29-30; 22;13). He used vivid figures of speech to capture attention, warn us, and save us from sin that corrupts and confines us away from God and all his blessings. He explained Hell's worse than losing an eye, foot, or hand. It's outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth. Now that's not physical consuming fire; it's great loss and inconsolable grief, unremitting torment. Jesus' warnings show great compassion for human well-being.
We shutter at  Hell and  delight in  Heaven.  But if there's no Hell,  neither can there be Heaven. Unbelieving rebels would do the same wicked things  in Heaven they do here (Mark 7:21-22; Rev. 21:11). Ultimately, it wouldn't matter how we believe or behave. Laws, police and jails don't prevent our evil passions or keep us safe. Jesus,  the God-man, is our ethical authority (Matt. 25:46), or we're at the mercy of a dictator's whims and human chaos.  Wisdom then dictates we need to get it right about the prospect of Hell!
2. Are some sinners in Hell whipped more than others? In  Luke 12:47-48, Jesus said the wicked servant who knew his master's will but didn't do it will be beaten with many strips, but the one who didn't know it yet deserved punishment, would be beaten with few strips. Isn't this just a way of saying Hell  is degrees of punishment? Mom's lying about her age then would never be punished in a lake of physical fire with Hitler who caused the deaths of millions of people? So many passages that plainly teach Hell is degrees of punishment make it difficult to believe in a lake of physical fire where all would be burned, consumed, or be punished equally. For degrees see also Matt. 10:15; 11:22, 24; Mark 6:11; Hebrews. 10:29
3. The Bible says Hell was made for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41).  Angels as spirit beings who wouldn't be burned or consumed by physical fire. But later the beast, false prophet, and the devil are  said cast apparently meaning bodily into the lake of fire and brimstone forever but said only to be  tormented (Rev. 20:10). Could the fire be a metaphor used to depict its serious nature?
4. Jesus said the worm doesn't die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:44). That' s another powerful figure of speech.  Jerusalem's garbage dump was always burning dead carcasses with maggots eating rotting flesh, and fires that never went out. Jesus borrowed that loathsome sight to illustrate Hell. Of course there are no maggots in Hell. The worm is used to express contempt as used of Jacob and of Jesus (Isa. 66:24; 41:14; Ps.22:6), and the physical fire we know can go out. Could the fire then be something like the burning bush that attracted Moses because it didn't burn up (Exodus 3:2).

5. Jesus told about a rich man in Hades and Lazarus in Abraham's bosom (Luke 16:19-30). Unbelievers such as this rich man at death went to the place of torment or anxiety as  mentioned here four times.  This tormented man was concerned for his five unrepentant brothers. Jesus said that if they would not heed Moses and the prophets, they would not believe even if one rise from the dead.  His undying memories, lost opportunities, and eternal despair were agonizing. Revelation 20:10, 14 says plainly the lake of fire and brimstone where Death and Hades will be cast, is torment, forever torment. Torment is agony of mind, not torture of body as in physical fire.

6. Our Lord's brother, Jude, says several things about Hell that never seem to get mentioned. Speaking of doomed sinners, he says they are "clouds without water carried about by the winds, late autumn trees without fruit twice dead and pulled up by the roots, raging waves of the sea foaming up their own shame, wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever" (Jude 12-13).  Here persons in Hell are pictured as empty, fruitless and spiritually dead, in rage and shame, lost, and  alone in darkness forever. Daniel 12:2 and 2 Peter 2:17 say similar things. That's the meaning of Hell.
7. Pure justice is that we reap exactly what we sow. If we sow to  sinful desires it brings  corruption and death, but  to sow to the Holy Spirit leads to everlasting life (Gal. 6:7-8). Only God who knows our secrets and everything about us can ensure true justice (Gen. 18:25). According to the Bible, trusting Jesus is what decides whether we go to Heaven or Hell (John 3:16, 36). But Scripture everywhere says we're rewarded in Heaven or punished in Hell according to our works which is different with each of us. Believers are rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Cor. 3:9-15). Unbelievers condemned at the Great White Thrown (Rev. 20:11-15)
8. Bible lessons are literally true (spiritually), but not necessarily true literally. The fire is real, but not necessarily physical to burn or consume. Persons in Hell have imperishable physical bodies unaffected by fire as we know it (John 5:28-29; Rev. 20:13-15). Moreover, Jesus and others of his day used exaggerated speech or hyperbole to drive home a point. For example, Jesus said his disciples are to hate family in comparison to loving him (Luke 14:26). Strong faith  can move mountains into the sea (Mark 11:23). Lake of fire, furnace, flames, smoke, brimstone are exaggerated metaphors to get attention and drive home the point.

It's unfortunate that Hell fire is sometimes screamed at us without careful explanation. We  have trouble believing God is love when he seems represented so cruelly. Hell is not God torturing us in physical fire--it's our choice of self-torment without God alone in an eternity of darkness. When we turn from God's love, truth, righteousness, and gospel, he gives us up to uncleanness, vile passions, and a debased mind (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28). We are then without excuse (Rom. 1:20; 2:1).
What then is the Bible's lake of fire? We already seen above that rebels in Hell will have imperishable physical bodies. I believe those who won't obey the gospel experience Hell as God's fiery wrath judging sin (2 Thess. 1:7-9). They love evil, won't repent, and live in darkness (Jn. 3:19-21). John 3:36 tell us what Hell is, "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." Hell is the wrath of God felt by everyone who chooses to reject the Lord's truth, love, righteousness, and gospel (good news) of  Jesus dying on the cross to pay for our sins. Love and righteousness can't be forced. God lets unbelievers have their own way forever. So all who reject God  feel his fiery wrath in their anger, hate, guilt, contempt, shame, darkness, despair (Rev. 21:11-15). Can anything be more serious?
The Bible is clear that God is love and it's not his will that anyone perish or burn. A loving  God  doesn't and can't force us to trust him when we don't want him in our lives (2 Peter 3:9). A guilty conscience, the promptings of God's Spirit, the beauty and design of nature, the Bible, Christian witnesses, all testify to a personal ethical Creator. He is known to us as the Lord Jesus Christ. Won't U say, Lord Jesus, I trust You now as my Lord, Savior, and Guide from this moment on to live for You and to see You some day in Heaven.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What Will Heaven Be Like?

                                What Will Heaven Be Like?
Will we talk with angels who ministered to us on earth? Will our babies who died at birth be there? Is Heaven merely a state of mind or inactivity? Will we be real people doing things like we do here on earth? Is Jesus preparing each of us a mansion? Can our good deeds earn us a place in Heaven? Let's consider what the Bible says about each of these ideas.
Will we talk with angels who ministered to us on earth? Angels are said to be ministering spirits to those who are saved and there are thousands (Heb. 12:22). The Bible does speak of persons seeing angels in bodily form to bring people God's message or protection (Heb. 1:7, 14; 2 Kings 6:17).  I wish I could tell of experiences I've had with good angels, but if I've had them, I didn't recognize it. But I did mention some experiences I've had with evil or fallen angels in one of my articles. I have good reasons to believe it as corresponding with what the Bible says about demons. Yes, we will be with angels in the new Heaven on the New Earth and according to the Bible we will judge them (1 Cor. 6:3).  I recommend Billy Graham's book, Angels: God's Secret Agents.  
Will our babies who died at or after birth go to Heaven? The Bible doesn't definitely  say so perhaps because parents would then kill unwanted children thinking they sent them to Heaven. We are all born with a sin nature and told salvation comes by true faith (Ps. 51:5; Jn. 3:36). The following are reasons for believing God in mercy will save infants and those mentally incapable of understanding. (1) Isaiah 7:16 seems to teach a child is not responsible if not old enough to choose between good and evil.  (2) David, believing in the resurrection of life after death (Ps. 16:10-11), implied that he would go to his deceased infant son who would be in Heaven (2 Sam. 12:23).  (3) Jesus  seemed to say spiritually blind persons which infants would be, don't sin (John 9:41). (4) Jesus implies in Mark 10:14  that children should come to him  for of such is the kingdom of God. Heaven being the perfect place, they likely will become adults.
Is Heaven merely a state of mind and inactivity? No!  Then we will see God's face  and all His glory (the Beatific Vision), and we'll know our sufferings were worth it. Heaven's a place of greater fulfillment and activity than we could ever imagine (John 10:10; 1 Jn. 3:2-3; Rev. 22:3-4).  It's everything good and blessed of God that we experience in our lives now and a lot more. It's God's original idea for the Garden of Eden only now without the possibility of sin and its negative consequences. While this cursed world of sin and suffering is not the best world, God's wisdom knew it is the best way to the best world. In God's plan Jesus was slain before creation (Rev. 13:8). We will have new strong spiritual bodies of flesh and bone like Jesus, and made fit for Heaven with no reason to be ashamed (I Cor. 15: 35-49). Our experiences and testing here will enable us to understand and appreciate God and our new home far more than if we had never had them. God works all things together for good to those who love God, to those called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). God's apostle Paul tells us our present suffering are nothing comparable to the glory revealed in us (Rom. 8:18).  Praise God, then we'll know it was all worthwhile!  
Will we be real people doing things like we do here on earth? During the thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6) the Lord Jesus rules earth righteously with an iron scepter. The devil will be put in the bottomless pit, and the curse will be partially lifted, and so many unfulfilled Scriptures will be fulfilled. Peace, prosperity, good health, and knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth. People will live hundreds of years like in Methuselah's time (Gen. 5). Animals will be harmless even to children. There will be nations and rulers, and people do many of the things we do now only without all the bad stuff. Yes, people will have their own name and identity and will eat, drink, enjoy friendships, have good times with little sickness, pain, misery, boredom, or despair. Afterward Satan's let loose, there's  the final rebellion and judgment of the wicked. Then the New Jerusalem descends to the New Earth and eternity begins with no more curse. See just a few sample passages Psalms 2:6-9; Isa. 11:4-9; 59:20-61:11; Acts 1:6-7; Matt. 19:28; Rev. 20:1-15. Jesus came the first time as the Suffering Servant (Isa. 53), and will come again as the Reigning King in fulfillment of all God's promises (Isa. 54). His second coming will be as true and real as his first coming.
Is Jesus preparing each of us a mansion in Heaven? Jesus promised to prepare us a dwelling place perfectly suited to us and that he would return for us (John 14:2-3). But a better word to describe it is a room  or apartment rather than a mansion. Our New Jerusalem home on the New Earth will be 1400 miles square with perhaps hundreds of floors each with thousands of rooms.  The landscape of the New Earth will be radically changed so that there will be no more ocean, desserts, ice caps or wasted land. The new Heaven on the New Earth will contain many people which no one could number of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues (Rev. 7:9). If we consider Old Testament saints, those saved in all the ages, the tribulation, the millennium and babies who died in childbirth, it may add up to trillions of persons and far more than are in Hell. The broad road leading to destruction Jesus spoke of in John 7:13-14 may have applied before the Christian era. The devil is the loser. I'll say more about this in other articles. An eye opening through discussion of Heaven is Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven.
Can our good deeds earn us entrance into Heaven? No! Biblical Christianity has a different conception of man, God, Heaven and life after death from other world religions. Unlike reincarnation religions, we cannot work off karma to achieve Nirvana, or loss of identity, or be absorbed into Brahman as universal energy.  And unlike Islam, Christians cannot earn their way to Paradise with more good deeds than evil deeds (Titus 3:5). In Jihad, Muslim men defending Islam by killing Jews, Christians, and others who won't submit to Islam earn men sex in Paradise with many virgins (Surah 23:102-103; 3:195; Hadith 1:35). In contrast, the Christian Bible says seek to win others to faith in Christ, and loving service (Rom. 3;23; 5:8-9; Eph. 2:8-9).

Heaven for Christians is personal fulfillment in relationship with the God they love who loved them enough to bear their sin in his death on the cross (John 3:16; Gal. 2:16, 21). Bible teaching is that God is perfect who has prepared for us a perfect sinless Heaven. God made man--meaning both man and woman--in his image with the same dignity and for relationship with him (Gen. 1:27; Gal. 3:28), and there is no sex in Heaven (Matt. 22:30).  If we sinners choose our way rather than God's way, we're exempt from God and Heaven (Gal. 5:19-25). We must trust Jesus to save us and make us acceptable to God and fit for Heaven (2 Cor. 5:17-20). For if we want our own way rather than God and his blessings, He regretfully lets us have it in the place called Hell.
God lovingly invites everyone to accept his way for Hell is darkness, despair, and self-inflicted torment forever. Dear friends, won't you say: Lord Jesus, I'm the sinner deserving Hell, but I trust you from this moment on to be my Lord, Savior, and Guide until I go to be with You in Heaven. Thank You, dear Lord.  Now U can serve God by sharing these articles with others.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus

                    Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus
We're very busy doing things we feel crucial and essential to us. But will these things count or just be shameful wasted time when we bow before King Jesus to give account of our lives? Are we too busy to think about it, to know about it, to even care about it? Do we even believe it's true? We will all bow before King Jesus someday to give account of our earthly life.
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11). The Lord will laugh at the nation's kings coming against Him who are told to kiss the Son lest He be angry" (Psalm 2). All intelligent creation will worship King Jesus as Lord.
We lose cells from our body every day. Ever notice the thin skin, protruding veins and discoloration on elderly person's hands? They hold objects and wash their hands millions of times shedding cells yet the skin on their palms is still smooth, thick and clear. Why? Did mindless nature know we need increase cell production in our palms? No, it's impossible! It's a God thing as are a million other things all around us, if we take time to think honestly about them. Now allow me please to mention some things that will immensely count when we stand before the King of kings and Lord of lords to give account of our lives.
King Jesus died to save us from a fruitless wasted selfish life. Speaking of the sheep of which Jesus is their shepherd, He says "the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"John 10:10. Here we may liken this to false teachers and teaching that would steal Christ's followers away, or kill and destroy them with their teachings. But Jesus came to give his people a better life. Not one wasted by trivial or destructive pursuits. His suffering on the cross for our sin showed His real concern for our well being and should motivate us to live a life pleasing to Him, not one of empty waste and shame when we bow before Him in judgment.
King Jesus has all knowledge, wisdom, love and power that we need to help us. Unlike the rulers of this world more concerned with themselves than with their people, Jesus our Creator and God knows what we need and has resources in abundance to provide. But He never said it's going to be easy or that we will be popular, loved, and accepted with the evil world. As it rejected Him, it will reject us who try to live for Him. This requires great faith and courage to persevere in trials and temptations to avoid tobacco, alcohol, drugs, unholy sex, gambling, theft and anything that can trap us into a destructive lifestyle out of His will and purpose for our lives.
 By prayer, study of God's Word, and fellowship with God's believing people, we draw strength and courage to live Godly lives and have great rewards throughout eternity. But Christ rejectors perish in darkness, punishment, tears and torments from the lifestyle they have chosen and brought upon themselves.
King Jesus gave us instructions to guide us into an ennobling honest productive rewarding life. The "new atheists" claim God and the Bible are evil and dangerous. But if  they are as these atheists claim, how could the Bible become known as "the good Book" and God as "the good Lord"? People knowing the Bible for centuries never thought what the new atheists claim. It's only in today's world of gross Bible ignorance that people can accept such claims. 
Consider a few Bible statements. Jesus says the two greatest commandments is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself"--is that evil and dangerous? (Matt. 22:37-40). "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men . . . live peacefully with all men" (Rom. 12:17-18). "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 17:21). "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law" (Rom. 13:8). "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all" (Gal. 6:10). "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Gal. 5:22). I could easily provide a hundred other like statements of Bible teaching. Those who ignore and misrepresent Bible teaching to malign biblical Christianity have little honesty of conscience. They are the ones who I'm afraid are evil and dangerous. 
King Jesus would have us ask if humanists, socialists, pragmatists and Islamists will help or hurt us as individuals and as nations. Atheist humanists who deny God and exalt man are dogmatic and arrogant to degrade us as mere perishing soulless animals who are justified to live on a self-centered animal level. Marxist socialists promise economic security that is complete government control of our faith, family, and future driving us into economic poverty. It's dialectical materialism provides an excuse to use any adverse national situation to usurp more power and control over our lives. It has never worked in Russia, China, Cuba or elsewhere. Their citizens sought to escape such oppression in the land of the free and home of the brave. Where can they go now?
Pragmatisists, like atheism's just mentioned, seeks an immediate fix usually of throwing citizen tax money at projects that may not work with little concern for future consequences. They advocate a world government run by dictators who claim they know enough to solve the grave problems they created.  Islam's law is another government dictatorship to control every aspect of our lives.  Politically correct means we're not allowed to question anything these dictatorships  say. The Quran claims Muslims don't have to keep treaties or agreements with non-Muslims and are at war with them until the world becomes wholly Muslim. They may lie, kill and do anything that promotes the faith of Allah. Now here is a most serious thing: These above philosophies are taught as truth every day in public schools in the U.S.A. and around the world. 
The upcoming youth have been brainwashed in these ideologies for decades and are taking leadership positions in government, science, industry, entertainment, the arts, news media, and courts. Are persons who believe in human decency, freedom, and opportunity going to stand up, speak out for truth and righteousness, or sit on their hands and let further decay take place?  Nations fall into decay, moral and spiritual poverty and hardship when their people become lazy, indifferent, and cowardly. Freedom and humanity cost a terrible price. Are you willing to fight for your dignity and freedom? Ignorance and indifference will be no excuse when we kneel before King Jesus. It may be very soon!
King Jesus will win in the end of course since He is the only real King. But God allows us sinful human beings the freedom to make our own choices and reap the consequences. Our leaders may be corrupt and betray us, but we can do something to change it's course if we will. We can pray and trust God's promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14. We can vote not for a certain race, or skin color, but for persons who honestly love God, country, and their people's well being. Another thing we can do is link these articles on our internet blog and tell our friends about them. Of course, the biggest thing is to make King Jesus Lord of our lives. God bless you and your concern for truth, your moral courage, and human decency.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Does Tolerance Have Limits?

                                Does Tolerance Have Limits?

George was shocked to read in the newspaper of a new law allowing people to have sex with animals as long as the animals were their own and not stolen. It seemed to him that law put human beings on an even lower level than the animals. While walking through the meat market, Sue gasped to see real people on meat hooks being sold for food along with chickens and pigs. She asked the owner how he could do such a thing. He replied that people taste good when cooked and seasoned right and that they supply the nutrition our bodies need better than any other animal. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance--that's the buz word today.
Is morality merely a matter of individual perspective? Must governments arbitrary force unethical laws upon us? Will a prophet or dictator arise to force his God's way upon us as his slaves, or put us to death? Have we no way to verify good from evil? Will waring dictators turn our world over to the rats and roaches? It seems to be rapidly moving in this direction. I believe God has given us moral laws and will hold us accountable. Will you give my position in these four principles honest open consideration? Have you really thought out the consequences of tolerance?
A Created Universe Supports Every Bible Teaching Beginning with A Personal Ethical God. We know the universe is composed of  all these things: matter, energy, life, consciousness, intelligence and will. We couldn't discuss it if it isn't true. We know also the universe is expanding, running down in usable energy, that we can regress only to its beginning point, and that it all depends on a greater cause outside itself. The universe had a beginning and a beginner--it's irrational to suppose it had no cause meaning nothing caused everything.
That greater outside starting and sustaining cause must be an eternal, self-existing, unchangeable, immensely powerful intelligence and will. It is what we can call a personal Being or God. Further, as Creator, Sustainer and Owner of His universe God's will is law supreme and decisive. Now this fits well with the Bible's personal ethical God. Moreover, only one Almighty can exist.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (1:31). God made Adam first and Eve from Adam being the mother of all living (3:20). It's absurd to talk in genes and cells that no one would understand until modern times. God made only man in His image and likeness with dominion over His other creations that reproduced after their kind (1:25-6; 9:6).
All the Bible agrees with this including Christ the God-man (Gen. 2:21-22; 5:2; Psalms 8:4-6; 100:3; 1 Cor.11:7-9; 15:38-39; Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:5-6; Luke 11:50; John 17:5; Rom. 1:19-25). Dr. Geisler (Systematic Theology, Vol. 2. pg. 632)  lists 300 Bible references to Creation. It's clear the biblical writers had no concept of a mindless evolutionary process nor of thestic evolution. They believed in a living, loving, moral Creator God.
Now can we be fair and open minded about evolution, the alternative to creation? That everything arose from nothing by chance over time simply doesn't correspond with the facts. Molecules to genes is an impossible jump. Molecules have no consciousness, life, mind or will that they can arrange themselves into life forms, not even in fifteen billion years. Like the Bible says things reproduce after their own kind. We can see many varieties of dogs, horses, monkeys, and men but never see dogs turning into horses or monkeys evolving into men. If animals are changing into other animals, shouldn't we see thousands of such examples everywhere today? Are we for tolerance for  everything except what may be the truth?
 Let's face it, the gene pool won't allow it. And if it happened in the past we should see thousands of skeleton examples but we have only a few disputed specimens. Life forms appear and later disappear in the geological strata unchanged. Furthermore, there's no living animals with a partially formed digestive system or partially developed heart or lungs--everything at the outset must be completely formed and functional. And, no experiment proves evolution. So, if it all points to God and creation, why can't we be honest about it? Isn't  true science supposed to conclude what the facts suggest? Do we  have tolerance for these real facts of science?
God Has Acted Decisively in our World So We Can Know of His Presence. If an all-powerful, eternal Spirit exists everywhere even surrounds us this very moment, how could we know it? I suggest three ways. One is if God's prophets predict unknowable events that occur--like Jesus said Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed (Matt. 26:33; 69-74). Or, Samuel listed 20 signs Saul  would shortly experience verifying his being anointed king (1 Sam. 10).  Such unknowable fulfillment about persons, nations, and Israel's Messiah show God's knowledge and presence with us. Tolerance required we give this our honest consideration.
Another way is that God's messenger's do things normally impossible for nature or man to do such as immediately heal visible diseases or raise the dead. Miracles that defy nature's patterns abound in Scripture. The third way is for God Himself to appear to us, tell us in many ways He is our God and demonstrate both the above ways. This too Jesus, the God-man, did by healings, nature miracles, accepting worship, forgiving sins, commanding angels, showing divine attributes, and being transformed as light before His disciples. What more could we ask?  See my articles on Christ.
Talking about visible tests, Jesus miracles and prophecies serves that need and history is valid testimony. If we know we can accurately record events that transpire a day in our lives, that record would be true the next day and be no less true ten thousand years later. Jesus' apostles died torturous deaths in testimony there writings were true. Historians may accept two independent sources as verifying an event; the four Gospels, Acts, and the epistles are six independent sources verifying that Jesus is in fact the God-man. Honest mention of apostles faults and minor differences in the accounts further prove their integrity. More is known about Jesus historically than other persons such as Plato and Tiberius Caesar. Secular writers even give a sketch of events in His life corresponding to the Bible. See my other articles on history, prophesy, and miracles for more details.
Saying there is no God who can act in our world is not science--it's the dogmatic assumption of a closed mind. Honest science seeks the truth wherever it is found. No world religion but biblical Christianity furnishes such supernatural empirical evidence. It's absurd to ask Jesus to appear to every generation, do some miracles and die again on the cross so we can take pictures of it all for posterity? Jesus said that if we won't believe Moses and the prophets, neither will we believe if someone arose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Ironically, His resurrection is the best evidence of who He is mentioned in both secular and biblical history. Though brilliant skeptics have done their best to disprove it, or explain it away, they have not. See my articles on Jesus' resurrection.
God Has Given His Laws of How We Should Live and Will Hold Us Morally Accountable. Unlike many books, the Bible records both the noble efforts of God's heroes and their blemishes. It gives examples of how God uses righteous followers and how He punishes unrighteous ones and even uses them to punish His own people to awaken them to their sad end. God sends angels, prophets, apostles, evangelists, plagues, good seasons, great blessings, anything to get our attention and show us we need the Lord. We will be governed either by the loving God or by evil lying tyrants who likely will show us no tolerance.
God's nature demands moral purity of us: "Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God" (1 John 3:10). Nothing impure will be allowed into heaven (Rev. 21:27). Jesus said, "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man" (Matt. 15:19). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). A head knowledge won't save us. Jesus said, "You must be born again" meaning God must take up residence in us to enable us to live for Him(John 3:7). Jesus is God and God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Jesus as the Savior and Lord of us Sinners is the Starting Point. Jesus is God come into our world to save us (Luke 19:10; John 1:1-3, 14; Phil. 2:5-11). As God, He alone provides our authority, truth, dignity, freedom, morality, justice, love, ultimate purpose, and eternal life beyond the grave. Why deceive ourselves with other options that can't satisfy?  Who loves us enough  to volunteer to suffer the indignities the Savior did for us?  He was ridiculed, cursed, slapped, beaten beyond recognition, crucified naked before glaring crowds to take away our sin, make us right before a perfect God, and give us entrance into a land more beautiful and wonderful than we can ever imagine?
Do we prefer some demonized Hitler to humiliate and destroy us, our people and our land rather than Jesus? Without Jesus it can become an insane world with no limits to what it will tolerate. Human conscience and compassion can become inoperative--believe it! (Lev. 18:21-24; 1 Tim. 4:2). I beg you to trust in the only One who really loves us and can make all things new. If we don't bow to Him now in love, we will  bow one day in tears and judgment (Rom. 14:11-12). Say, Lord Jesus I trust You now to cleanse me from all sin and enable me to live that holy life pleasing to You until You come for me or I die and go to You. I  won't be degraded by when others I don't show tolerance. I want your way, not the way of tolerance that is displeasing to You.
Now tell everybody you can about the Savior. You may download this blog, tweet it, and send it to a lost and dying world on it's way to hell. This is the best thing we can do for others and to make a better world. Thank you and God bless you sincerely my dear reader. You may link my blog with yours and help others find God's love in Christ. Just check file then save and send in upper left corner.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Myths about & Realities of Heaven

                          Myths about & Realities of Heaven

The Bible mentions three heavens. One is the atmosphere around the earth or our sky. Another is outer space where the planets and stars are. The third is the abode of God. It may be some place in space or in another dimension--we don't know.
In this article I will discuss some myths or popular misconceptions about the new heaven on the new earth. Then the realities are things we're accustomed to on earth that will be missing in heaven greatly to our benefit. God has promised to make all things new. Praise God! 

The Myths.


Myth that heaven's inhabitants just sit on a cloud playing a harp. That's the Hollywood fantasy. It conveys the notion that there's nothing to do eternally but sit on a cloud playing a harp. But the Bible says God is always active doing great things and we will be also in service to Him and enjoying it always (Rev.22:3).  Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Don't allow Hollywood demons to deceive you.
Myth that heaven is an unchallenging, dull, boring place. That's like mistaking heaven for a kind of hell. As God is the Source of all goodness and love, heaven is the most beautiful, exciting, sociable fulfilling place our Lord prepared for us (John 14:1-4). It's paradise restored even more exquisite than original Eden. We will see angels, meet loved ones again, and rejoice with persons God used us to minister to and bring to Christ. Though Paul was taken to the third heaven, God wouldn't let him tell of its wonders beyond human imagination. They will be part of our joyous service to our loving Lord.
The alternative is darkness and aloneness, except perhaps in hearing the despairing moans, cries, and torments of all who rejected God, His goodness and love.
Myth that heaven is only a place of rest and contemplation. Yes, there is a heavenly rest, but it's not referring to idleness but rest from all the persecutions, tribulations, and sufferings the evil Satanic world system and its followers have inflicted upon God's people trying to live for Him (2 Thessalonians 1:4-9). Rather, it will be God's new world order.
Myth that heaven's only idealistic escapism. We naturally want to escape injustices, frustrations, failures and troubles of this life?  Strong believers in heaven work for a better world here and receive great reward there (Hebrews 11; Matthew 5:11-12).  See my four articles on Christian Heroes. But willful rejecters of God  here, to their horror find the torments of hell with  their father, the devil, inescapable (John 8:44-45). God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Myth that heaven has dull music. Mark Twain, the American humorist, said heaven's music would be the same dull hymn repeatedly. I don't believe he was in any position to know and I suspect he may now wish he could be within the sound of heaven's music. Heaven's music like everything else will be designed to give God's people's greater fulfillment than they ever could imagine. It won't be sensual music to excite and entice us to do evil, but  praise and rejoicing music expressing love and gratitude for all the goodness of our Lord. Heaven's alternative will be the moans, cries, and agonies of unholy rejection, lost opportunities and painful experiences amidst God's wrath (John 3:36: Matt. 8:12). Atheist philosopher, Bertrand Russel, said life ends in unyielding despair. Even worse, the despair is unending! But in Jesus, heaven's alternative is a loving God with His redeemed people.
                                         When we've been there ten thousand years,
                                               Bright shining as the sun,
                                        We've no less days to sing God's praise,
                                              Than when we'd first begun.
Myth that Peter guards the pearly gates. How many jokes have we heard about meeting St. Peter at the pearly gates? This is a fantasy based upon Matthew 16:18-19. Peter himself, explains that Christ is the Church's foundation (Acts 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 2:4-10; 3:18; 1 Cor. 3:11) and head (1 Pet. 2:25; Eph. 5:23).  Every church has authority to discipline its erring members (Matthew 18:15-18).
Myth that believers become angels with halos and wings. In no place does Scripture say that. Even the angels that appear to men are not described with wings. But in new bodies like Jesus, we may be able to go through doors and quickly appear in other places. God is good. 
Myth that time shall be no more. I love that old hymn that says "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more" but it just isn't true. Revelation 10:5-6 refers to the tribulation plagues on earth before Christ's return. The angel with raised arm is taking an oath to delay the plagues (not time)  no longer. Now where there's life, there's change, movement, a past, present and future and that's what we mean by time. Time doesn't cease in heaven but goes on forever in blessed experiences for God's true people.

The Realities.

No Temple. No temple is needed since God is everywhere (Revelation 21:22).. No further need for building funds, furniture, decorative objects, lights, heating. We will worship God in spirit and truth. God will be the ever present light of the world so there will be no more night or further need for the sun and moon and no more danger and fear in darkness. In God is no darkness at all.
No Sea. Almost three quarters of our planet is covered with ocean. Ancients feared sea monsters, storms, shipwrecks, exile, pirates, separations from loved ones that may never return home. No such fears and deprivations will exist on the new earth. And earth's topography will be radically altered. Our new world will be able to contain billions of inhabitants. But we will have a beautiful clear river of the water of life flowing from the thrown of God with the tree of life along its banks bearing twelve fruits every month (Revelation 22:1-2). 
No Death. Sin brought death and the curse on all nature (Genesis 3:17; Romans 5:12; 8:20-22). The earth will be cleansed from sin by fire and the elements melt so that there will be no more curse (2 Peter 2:10-13). The passage mentions the heavenS so apparently the whole universe will be transformed. Without sin there will be no need for soldiers, wars, police, jails, courts, judges, lawyers, security guards--it will be a very different world more wonderful than we can imagine.. 
No Pain. The benefits of doctors, hospitals, dentists, medicines won't be needed in heaven. We'll have no diseases, deformities, backaches, colds, forgetfulness, tiredness, pains of any kind because we will have perfect bodies (1 Cor. 15:35-51). But they will be similar to our bodies now so that we will recognize each other. Moses and Elijah were recognized on the mount of transfiguration. Physical differences as size, shape, skin color, appearances and all such things will never be a problem with God's loving, rejoicing people. WOW! What a world.
No Tears. In this life we shed many tears. Accidents, deaths of family and friends, lost loves, rejections, disappointments, failures, mistakes, sins, deprivations, griefs, depressions and on and on. God will wipe away our tears and make all things new (Revelation 21:4). Whoopee!
No Hunger or Thirst. The tribulation believers are promised what applies to all God's redeemed that we will never hunger or thirst again (Rev. 7:16). What a promise considering the starving millions with bloated bellies in Africa, India and indeed all around the world at times. Apparently, we won't have to eat with our new bodies but can if or when we want to--there will be no lack of delicious food. Praise God!
No Shut Gates. Absolutely amazing what the Almighty Creator is preparing for His redeemed people. A great city on earth 1400 miles square (Rev.21). Such a building would cover three fourths of the United States east to west and be way up above the clouds. It has rooms a plenty for all those who trusted in Him from Adam until the city descends to earth. There will be some from every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Rev. 5:9). The new heaven and earth will doubtless contain billions of inhabitants. What a joyous celebration?
Here's a Bible fact we must face honestly. Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Many other passages say similar things (Rev. 21:27; 22:15). That's God's Word, not mine. Again, God loves us enough to tell us the truth. 
We must examine ourselves to see if we are truly Christians believing and obeying God's Word. We can have a head knowledge like the demons and go to hell. Which do we really love, our self and our sin, or the Lord Jesus who died to remove our sins and enable us to live a holy pure life for Him?  
Many naively assume since we can't be perfect God will accept us if we even try. That's not what God's Word says. Sin separates us from a perfect God and perfect heaven. This is life's most crucial issue and delay can prove fatal. Won't you say, Lord forgive me and transform me to Your ways. I now trust in Jesus as paying the penalty for my sins and with Your help and guidance live for You.
If you made this commitment, then 1 Corinthians 6:11 describes your new state in Christ. You are now washed, set apart for God, justified in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God. Amen. You may link my blog to your and tell others of God's love and salvation.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What God Promised Israel

                                   What God Promised Israel
#Israel   #Tanakh
One group of people that for millennia have been hated, mistreated and murdered is the Jews. They’re like everyone else with one exception. According to the Bible, the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were given great and far-reaching promises God intended to fulfill literally. God said that if they obeyed Him they would be blessed, but if not, they would be cursed (Deut. 28). Further, God said the nations that blessed his chosen people would be blessed, but those who opposed them would be cursed (Gen. 12:3). Let me sketch the great covenant promises God gave the Jews.
A Land Forever
God told Abraham “All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.” This land extended from Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates and to Lebanon and the whole land of Canaan. It was to be an everlasting possession to Abraham and his descendants. And although Israel would periodically be exiled for disobedience, God would bring back a remnant. God’s promise of the land was unconditional and not dependent upon Israel’s obedience. See Gen. 15:18-21; 17:8; Isa. 11:11.
A Nation Forever
God promised Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation forever, repeated it to Isaac, then Jacob from which came the twelve tribes and a great nation in Egypt. Ishmael, the slave woman’s son, was not the promised son and was cast out (Gen. 21:10-12). God made Israel the only chosen nation, a kingdom of priests and holy nation giving them the covenants, the law, the prophets, the temple and promised Israel would endure forever regardless of unfaithfulness. And that one day the Messiah would come through them. See Ex. 19:5-6; Ps. 147:19-20; Isa. 65:17; 66:22; Rev. 21-22. ”Forever” means the same whether Israel or the church.
A King Forever
God alone has the knowledge, wisdom and power to make certain His promises will be kept. He has promised His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the God-man, will reign both over a political and spiritual kingdom. “To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor; Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). But in 605 B.C., Israel went into exile and has no king since. Were God’s promises annulled?
No. God’s prophets predicted this would happen. “The Israelites will live many days without king or prince” (Hosea 3:4). “I will maintain my love to him [David] forever, and my covenant with him will never fail. I will establish his line forever, his throne as long as the heavens endure” (Ps. 89:28-37). The thrown was unoccupied but the promise was not occupation but establishment forever and it will be (Matt. 24:30; 19:28).
Restoration of Israel Forever
The Tanakh, OT, repeatedly promised Israel would return to the land and have a king. See Amos 9-11; Mic. 4:7-8; Dan. 2:44; 9:24-27. Daniel predicted the king’s absence from the decree to restore Jerusalem until the Anointed ruler comes which is from 445 B.C. until Christ died in A.D. 33.
Presentation of the Messianic King
John the Baptizer, Christ, and his apostles all announced Jesus as the promised ruler (Matt. 3:1-2; 4:17; 10:5-7). Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as such and the common people received him gladly throwing palm forms before his way and recognizing him as the son of David meaning a rightful heir.
Rejection of the Messianic King
But Israel’s rulers rejected Jesus as their king calling his casting out of demons a work of the devil (Matt. 12:24). At his trial, the high priest tore his garments meaning Jesus blasphemed saying he was the Son of the Highest (Matt. 26:65). When crucified, the authorities protested that his superscription not say Jesus was king of the Jews, but that he said, he was king of the Jews (John 19:21). Jesus predicted the Jews would fall by the sword, be taken to all nations and Jerusalem would be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke 21:24). Israel won’t be restored until the full number of Gentiles has come in (Rom. 11:25). 
Restoration of the Messianic Kingdom
Thus, the kingdom without the King is postponed, but Jesus is coming to set it up (Acts 1:6-7). We are, however, not to be deceived by Jehovah’s Witnesses and others who are not the tribes of Israel but false prophets predicting the time of Christ’s return (Matt. 24:36). Meanwhile, the Jews will continue in unbelief until the tribulation when 144,000 will witness to the coming restored Messianic kingdom (Rev. 7; 14).
Israel was again declared a nation in 1948. It has always had to fight for its existence and does today. Great Britain and the United States support it today as a true democratic alley. But that support seems to be wavering because of influence from socialism and radical Islam that want to destroy it. Israel is 1/6 of 1% of the Arab world and 5.5 million Jews compared to 300 million Arabs and Muslims who want to drive her into the sea. Why such hatred of God’s chosen people? Jesus predicted a beginning of tribulation when all nations will hate Israel for Christ’s sake (Matt. 24:9) and then a great tribulation unlike anything since the beginning of the world and that if the time were not shortened no flesh would be saved (Matt. 24:21-22). This is no time to be playing church and Christian. We should be living for Christ and telling others about his wonderful salvation. It’s the world’s only deliverance from hate and Hell and means of hope.
While Israel and the church have much in common as chosen people of God, I don’t believe Israel is the church. Moses was the head of Israel; Christ is head of the church. Israel began with Abraham, the church at Pentecost. Israel was governed by law, the church by grace. Jews are born of Jacob, Christians born of Christ.
Christians are instructed to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to seek to win Jews to their Messiah (means Anointed) and Savior. God has promised that the nations that bless Israel will be blessed; those who curse her will be cursed (Genesis 12:1-3).  I believe God's promises--what about you.? Only the Lord Jesus Christ could be Israel's Messiah for only he was virgin born, without sin, died to save sinners, and rose from the dead, ascended into heaven as Scripture said Messiah would (Isaiah 7:14; 53; Psalms 22:16-18; 16:10; 68:18).   