Earth's Seven Year Coming Destruction!
#great tribulation
Persons of moral discernment see the world becoming more violent, corrupt, and evil like in the days of Noah (Genesis 6:5,11). Skeptics, secularists, socialists can party, laugh, and mock the Bible's promise of Jesus' return, not acknowledging God's love and patience for their repentance (2 Peter 3:3-4, 15). These rebels, however, will be terrified when they see Jesus coming in the eastern sky knowing their judgment is sure (Rev. 6:15-17). We who know Him rejoice in His return and will reign with Him on earth a thousand years. Let me briefly survey the events of this time of tribulation (See Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19).
This period begins when the Lord Jesus takes away His church (John 14:1-4; 1 Thess. 4:15-17), and there is a great falling away from the faith. A world leader, an Antichrist, will arise to make a seven year treaty with the Jews allowing them to rebuild the temple and offer sacrifices (Dan. 9:27). There will be great increase in wars, famines, natural disasters, and believers martyred. This is only the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24:5-15). It's the time of the Gentiles and of God's judgment of the earth (Luke 21:24).
Beginning the last half of this seven year period, this world leader or Antichrist will break his treaty with the Jews, deceive the world with deceptive signs, sit in the Jews temple, claim to be God, even demand worship as God (2 Thess. 2:2-4). He will demand everyone take his mark in their right hand or on the forehead. His number is 666 and he will be a highly esteemed government official promising peace. Thus, he will gain control of the world's shaky economic system (Rev. 13:16-18). Believers who won't take his mark will be martyred. He may be in the world even now.
During this time there will be a Satanic Trinity that will develop a global political system, a global economic system, and a global religious system. The world will make war against the Lamb. God's wrath will destroy ships at sea, cause world cities to fall into rubble, islands to disappear, mountains to be leveled, seventy-five pound hailstones to fall on the wicked and half of humanity will be slain. They will cry out in anguish and pain, but not turn from sin to God.
Seeing the bickering and deception among political candidates today shows their desire for wealth, power, and position is greater than their concern for the well-being and safety of the people they swear to serve. Don't we see our world becoming more violent, corrupt and rebellious than ever?
God will protect a remnant of Jewish believers making a way for them to escape into the wilderness the last half of the tribulation. Like Noah's family, they escape judgment to reproduce children in the 1,000 millennial kingdom of Christ's reign with us on earth. They are the sheep mentioned in Matthew 25:32-33.
Near the end of this time of Jacob's trouble, two hundred million soldiers will come from the east along with other nations (Matt. 24:9; Rev. 9:13-21; 16:12-14). They will capture Jerusalem, but God will then intervene miraculously to save Israel from utter destruction, and restore the house of David as He promised (Zech. 12:1-8). Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives to deliver His people (Zech. 14:4).
At last, the Jews will look on Him whom they pierced and accept their true Messiah (Romans 11:32-33). God's covenants with them will be fulfilled and the King of kings will reign over the world on David's thrown. Don't delay! don't get caught in this time of world devastation without hope!
Friends, God's promises are always fulfilled, but in God's time, according to God's plan, which is always the best for everyone. Won't U too trust that the Lord has a wonderful plan for your life. It starts with you admitting your sin and trusting in the Lord Jesus to save you, guide you throughout life, and take you to be with Him. Just say, Lord, I'm an unworthy sinner who now trusts YOU to save me. Share this article with others who may be saved.
Beginning the last half of this seven year period, this world leader or Antichrist will break his treaty with the Jews, deceive the world with deceptive signs, sit in the Jews temple, claim to be God, even demand worship as God (2 Thess. 2:2-4). He will demand everyone take his mark in their right hand or on the forehead. His number is 666 and he will be a highly esteemed government official promising peace. Thus, he will gain control of the world's shaky economic system (Rev. 13:16-18). Believers who won't take his mark will be martyred. He may be in the world even now.
During this time there will be a Satanic Trinity that will develop a global political system, a global economic system, and a global religious system. The world will make war against the Lamb. God's wrath will destroy ships at sea, cause world cities to fall into rubble, islands to disappear, mountains to be leveled, seventy-five pound hailstones to fall on the wicked and half of humanity will be slain. They will cry out in anguish and pain, but not turn from sin to God.
Seeing the bickering and deception among political candidates today shows their desire for wealth, power, and position is greater than their concern for the well-being and safety of the people they swear to serve. Don't we see our world becoming more violent, corrupt and rebellious than ever?
God will protect a remnant of Jewish believers making a way for them to escape into the wilderness the last half of the tribulation. Like Noah's family, they escape judgment to reproduce children in the 1,000 millennial kingdom of Christ's reign with us on earth. They are the sheep mentioned in Matthew 25:32-33.
Near the end of this time of Jacob's trouble, two hundred million soldiers will come from the east along with other nations (Matt. 24:9; Rev. 9:13-21; 16:12-14). They will capture Jerusalem, but God will then intervene miraculously to save Israel from utter destruction, and restore the house of David as He promised (Zech. 12:1-8). Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives to deliver His people (Zech. 14:4).
At last, the Jews will look on Him whom they pierced and accept their true Messiah (Romans 11:32-33). God's covenants with them will be fulfilled and the King of kings will reign over the world on David's thrown. Don't delay! don't get caught in this time of world devastation without hope!
Friends, God's promises are always fulfilled, but in God's time, according to God's plan, which is always the best for everyone. Won't U too trust that the Lord has a wonderful plan for your life. It starts with you admitting your sin and trusting in the Lord Jesus to save you, guide you throughout life, and take you to be with Him. Just say, Lord, I'm an unworthy sinner who now trusts YOU to save me. Share this article with others who may be saved.