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Showing posts with label Jesus and Bible Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus and Bible Benefits. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

More Reasons Trusting Christ Secures Heaven

             More Reasons Trusting Christ Secures Heaven

Some Christians say the Bible teaches we can lose our salvation and Heaven: 1. A holy God won't allow serious continued sin. 2. There's an unpardonable sin. 3. God would be unjust to reward the faithful and unfaithful alike. 4. I know Christians who denied the faith and lost their salvation and Heaven. 5. If we're free to receive Christ, then aren't we free to reject Him. Now consider my response to these five statements, and then my reasons. You might also check my former article: Seven Reasons Trusting Jesus Guarantees Heaven. Limited space requires me to summarize texts.
 My Response to the above Introduction.
1. A holy God gives true believers freedom to sin, but His grace secures Heaven. Our Creator God is holy, and the Standard and Judge of right and wrong. But He also is love which means He cannot force us to be good. No Bible character is morally perfect. Israel's lawgiver, Moses, murdered an Egyptian. Israel's great King David, a man after God's heart committed adultery, and had her husband, a loyal soldier, murdered. God's great Apostle Paul admitted imperfection. God's people are never morally perfect. That's why salvation cannot depend on us, but on the perfect righteousness of Christ as bearing all our sin on His cross (2 Cor. 5:21). Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more so righteousness and eternal life is in Jesus Christ (Romans 5:19-20).
2. The unpardonable sin is rejecting the Holy Spirit's witness to the Savior. We all sin so we all need a Savior and to say we don't sin we deceive ourselves (1 John 1:8,10). To blaspheme the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-30)  results in eternal condemnation or loss of Heaven. It seems to mean that the blasphemer has completely rejected the Holy Spirit's witness to him or her about Christ being the Savior. That's the only unpardonable sin. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8-11). If you fear you have committed this sin, it's unlikely that you have. But if you even think you have, say Lord Jesus I trust You now and forever as my Savior.
3. God doesn't reward the faithful and unfaithful alike.  That's true, He doesn't. But God's discipline may take the physical life of unfaithful useless believers (1 Cor. 11:27-32; Heb. 12:5-8). Also, His faithful servants will be rewarded more than persons making deathbed professions. There are degrees of reward pictured as gold, silver, precious stones, or loss of rewards due to neglected opportunities or evil deeds as wood, hay, straw.  But the foundation for eternal rewards in Heaven is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:9-14; Rev. 22:12). Heaven's rewards differ as Hell's punishments differ--it's the principle of God's justice to each individual (Gal. 6:7-8).
4. We can't always know who is and who isn't saved. Matthew 7:21-23 mentions many great works of some who call Jesus Lord. They are said to preach, cast out demons, perform wonders in His name. But Jesus told them to depart from Him as they didn't do the Father's will and He never knew them. There will be surprises in both Heaven and Hell. I know preachers who were saved in later ministry. Judas was chosen as Jesus disciple, appointed to keep the group's money, said to cast out demons, perform miracles and apparently thought well of by all the disciples. But it's clear Judas was not saved as Jesus said he was a devil and the only one of the twelve that was lost in fulfillment of prophecy (John 6:70; 17:12; Psalm 41:9; Acts 1:20).  All who profess Christ, don't possess Him.

5. But if we're free to receive Christ, then aren't we free to reject Him? I know true believers who were led astray by skeptic college professors or contact with cultists. Others who some tragic experience caused them to deny belief in a good God. Yes, we have to say this happens. The Bible says we are saved by an act of faith in Christ; it doesn't say we have a constant attitude of faith. We know faith can be strengthen or weakened by arguments or by adversities. May I admit this honestly? If my salvation depended on me having constant strong faith, with all the questions and doubts I've had, I could have died many times and been lost. But as I understand the Bible, my salvation doesn't depend on me keeping strong faith, but on God's keeping me by His grace and power. Strong faith grows by keeping our focus on our Lord and daily fellowship with Him. Further, Christian faith has solid factual foundations for those willing to seek and find.
Five More Reasons Trusting Christ Secures Heaven.
God's gift of salvation is not subject to recall. The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable (Rom. 11:29). God gives believers in Christ salvation unconditionally--no if, but, maybe, or hope so about it. Like God's covenant with Israel, His covenant with the Church is eternal. God's infinite unchanging power and integrity assure its certainty. God would have to deny himself to allow it. He must keep His promises or we could never trust Him. See also 1 Peter 1:4-5.
All God declares just will be glorified (Rom. 8:29-30). God knows the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10). So from God's all-knowing perspective everything is predestined, even our free choices, and He declares whoever He calls will be justified and glorified--made fit to receive Heaven. First Peter 1:2 says much the same thing. So to God who sees the future our salvation is a certain reality.
Believers are eternally sealed by God's Spirit.  When we trusted in Christ, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise who guarantees  our inheritance. It already a done deal at the moment of faith until the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). God's sealing makes our salvation a permanent  purchased inheritance. No power or persuasion can break God's guaranteed seal.
Nothing can separate believers from the love of God (Rom. 8:37-38). Here God's Apostle Paul gives a list of every created thing present and future and affirms nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus too, having all authority, said he is with us (believers) always until the end of the age (Matt. 28:20).  If any words can convey certainty of salvation, these do.
The risen Christ insures Christian labor is not in vain. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). If Christ is not risen our faith is vain or useless. But His resurrection means Christians will have a new powerful body in Heaven with Him and this should spur us on to always work harder. Five hundred people saw the risen Christ making Christian faith the only world religion that gives proof of life after death and of Heaven for followers. Hallelujah, praise God!
What tremendous promises and guarantees Christians have that unbelievers don't! Our eternal well-being is the most crucial concern of our earthly life. God's Spirit speaking through God's Word may be giving an opportunity you may never have again. Please don't harden your heart and ignore God's voice of love, assurance, and eternal life. Say, I trust You Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior now and forever. I look forward to receive my reward in Heaven. Thank You, Lord.
Now tell your friends, circles, and others of your new found faith. Share these articles so they come to trust, love, and serve our Savior. Let's pray, share, and work for a better world.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Is the Christian Bible Believable?

                                        Is the Christian Bible Believable?

So many holy books exist, each claimed as the authority for world religion--Book of Mormon, Qur'an, Vedas, New World Translation, Spiritualist Manual--to mention only a few. So isn't authority for any holy book just narrow-minded arrogance? How can we even be certain about past events? What about all the different translations and interpretations? Can we know they are anything more than human opinions or guesses? It all seems incredible! I can't answer every question that arises, but with respect to the above will you give my answers fair consideration? Thank you and I hope I'm helpful.
Events Accurately Recorded Are True Millenniums Later. If you accurately listed and discussed the events in your day, wouldn't they be true millenniums later? If others observing you from their perspective added more details, wouldn't supplementary facts form an even clearer picture?  We don't have to know everything to know some things. In case of the Bible, many eyewitnesses claimed true events. The prophets and apostles who predicted judgement on hostile evil rulers risked their lives. Many persons knew Jesus was tried, crucified, and then 500 eyewitnesses later saw Him alive as He predicted. Hostile skeptical writers record events of Jesus' life and mention that he was believed to be God and risen from the dead. There is nothing like this in other religious holy books.
Humans Naturally Use Figurative Speech to Communicate. History, prose, poetry, metaphors are commonly used to communicate in human languages. Understanding requires we acknowledge the type of literature represented. Spiritual darkness means moral evil and ignorance. Washed in the blood means we're saved by Jesus' death on the cross. He was made sin for us says Jesus in love took our place to pay for our sin. Only begotten refers to Jesus as the unique sinless God-man. The  soul can stand for a person, or spiritual part of a person. Jesus as the door speaks of His being the only way into God's perfect Heaven.
Biblical Events Are Not the Character of Myths. Myths speak of freakish imaginative things said to exist long ago in inaccessible places. For example, Cupid's arrows, Thor's lightening bolts, Poseidon's rising from the sea to blow the winds, moving statues. Medusa's hair of snakes. But Bible miracles are signs traced on a historical time line with consequences evident to persons seeing them. Persons, places, and events known to secular history as well as failures of Bible characters all verify the Bible is reliable and true. Unlike freakish myths, Bible miracles are events that are normal within nature such as water becoming wine, the blind gaining sight, skin diseases healed, food multiplied. All show God's grace, power, authority, and Lordship over nature.
Many Translations Are Necessary Because Languages Are Always Changing. No translation is perfect as single words can have several meanings. To believe in Jesus means to trust in, rely upon, depend on, and commit to Him. Translators may can't convey the complete meaning. Further, language is always changing so new translations are needed every generation and for every language group.  Meaning of words and ways of expressing them change. New words come into being and old words lose or change their meaning. And yes, translators and readers can be bias. Though scholarship improves, we may feel reluctant to use a newer or unfamiliar translation that may be even better.
Understand that new translations are not made from old translations. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek, so translations are made from those manuscripts.  Scripture writers believing they were conveying God's Word, were extremely careful counting the letters across the page and the lines down. They would discard a manuscript if they found any mistakes. Now, unlike other ancient accepted classic writings with few copies dated centuries later, Bible manuscripts number in the thousands and are dated only decades after publication. When scholars lay these manuscripts side by side, it's easy to correct  misspellings, word omissions, and word repeats which mistakes we all make. That is why Bible translations are known to be the most accurate of any ancient documents.The New Testament is estimated to be as high as 99% accurate.
Many Interpretations Arise Because We Humans Have Diverse Backgrounds, Likes, and Beliefs We Don't Like to Give Up. We are all naturally influenced by our age, culture, family, and religious background. It's easier to believe or accept some teachings over others. Our teachers may emphasize some teachings and ignore others. Human sinful nature too can lead us toward legalism--a rigid do or don't behavior system, or one that almost any behavior is O.K. Some Bible passages aren't clear, or their meaning is lost to our culture. The real problem may be that we simply don't want God to tell us what to do and look for an excuse! Could that be true with you?
The Christian Bible Gives Good Evidences of a Creator Who Has Spoken to Us in Ways We Can Recognize or Understand. Jesus could read minds of persons he just met. Although he dared challenge hostile critics to find sin and fault in him, they could not. He fulfilled detailed centuries earlier predictions of the Jews Messiah. He showed himself Lord over natures forces, angels, demons, disease and death, all the while claiming to be God who walked among us. Absolutely no other religious prophet, wise man, or holy book, gives evidence of one who could do such things and claim to be God, but Jesus did in New Testament history.
Jesus alone is our Light and Life out of  darkness. He promises us an eternally fulfilled life--John 5:24; 10:10. Such clear evidences show the Bible is God's Word, and Jesus is our only Savior. Astonishing visible evidences are necessary to get our attention, eliminate human guesses and excuses, and to show us a real God acts in our real world and in our human lives.
Will U Acknowledge the only Savior of Your Soul? Though without sin, Jesus paid for our sin by His death on the cross. By trusting in Him we will be made clean, counted righteous in Him, receive eternal life to one day live in His sin free Heaven in a complete and fulfilled life. Won't you now commit to Him. Say, Lord, I trust You now and forever to be with me, and guide my steps until I go to be with You.  Thank You most holy, just, good, and loving Lord.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Earth's Heavenly Visitor!

                                   Earth's Heavenly Visitor!
#Earth'sVisitor  #Jesus
Don't be deceived by science fiction travel through a wormhole! Space travel  would require a spaceship like the Enterprise of the Star Trek TV series. It must be huge with many decks, have hundreds of personnel of various skills and duties, and travel at warp speed. Besides unknown dangers, it must avoid multiple known ones  such as comets, asteroids, wondering planets, gamma rays, gravity, solar flairs, black holes, magnetic forces, and space junk as even a speeding pebble can penetrate and destroy the ship.  But unknown to much of the world's population, our earth has been visited by One greater than any possible alien we can imagine. Let's investigate this matter.

Who is this visitor? Jesus, speaking of himself to Nicodemus said, "No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is the Son of Man who is in heaven (John 3:13)." There can be no  doubt Jesus was a real man who once lived in Israel. While three contemporary accounts are accepted as historical fact, the  four Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles are six independent historical accounts of Jesus' life. Non-Christian critics mention details of his life contained in the Gospel accounts. More is said of Jesus than of Tiberius Caesar his contemporary. Even calendar dating of the Western World verify his existence from B.C. to A.D. 
Yes, Jesus was the Son of Man,  but more than that, he gave clear evidence of being the Son of God who came down from heaven even while still in heaven. How can this be? The Bible gives us the answer. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). See also Jn. 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17).
Scientists today generally admit that everything we know depends for its existence on something prior, and that we can't trace existence back eternally. So the material universe had a beginning and its  cause must be immaterial, eternal, unchanging, and of immense power. Such a cause is not so different from what the Bible describes as the Great Eternal I Am who spoke to Moses out of the burning  bush and that Jesus claimed many times and ways to be.  See John 6:35; 8:12, 58; 11:25.
Does anyone know enough to show the cause of the universe cannot be the personal ethical, loving triune God of the Bible who made us in His image? Or, that the Almighty could not take on a human body and nature? And wouldn't the cause of  all intelligent life forms have to be an intelligent person?
The Apostle Peter said, "Men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know--Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it (Acts 2:22-23).
Thousands of persons close at hand, including skeptical disciples and hostile critics for over three years, witnessed Jesus do things only God's power could do. All the while he claimed to be God and asked  others to believe in him. Jesus walked on water, stilled a storm, changed water to wine, immediately healed blindness, lameness, skin diseases, and even raised the dead. Now that's good honest evidence he's God for persons with an open mind willing to look at the evidence. Who would preach to Israel what Peter preached, unless it be true and the hearers knew it?
Of course we have a problem understanding how Jesus could be God and man in the same person. That is by no means easy and it took the church centuries to figure it out. It required a careful and logical appraisal of all the Bible said about him even then not pretending to understand it all. There's no contradiction since person, essence or nature are used in different senses. In being man, Jesus for our sake laid aside his glory with the Father becoming a servant and our example. I can't cite a lot of evidence trying to keep my articles simple and limited to 3 pages.
The Bible teaches only one God in essence as three Persons known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the Incarnation the eternal God did not become a man--that's impossible. But as the second Person of the Trinity, he added a human body and nature to his divine Person. Jesus' human nature has limitations of knowledge, power, and presence while his divine nature has no such limitations. Sometimes the Person Jesus Christ speaks from his limited human nature and at other times through his divine nature without such limitations. Theologians call Jesus the theanthropic Person or God-man, and the two natures together in the one Person as the hypostatic union.  
Consider these amazing things about Jesus. While lying as helpless baby in an animal feed trough, he yet was the Almighty upholding the universe. As real man he was tempted at all points as we are who can identify with us, but as God could not be tempted and can be the Savior of sinners. While limited to a human body and nature, as God he is with us always and is even in Heaven. Being man he didn't know the time of his return, but as God He knows all things even our thoughts.
Isaac Watts wrote these precious words:

Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing.
Can the joyless troubled world be because it's not willing to receive the Lord as its King? Heaven and earth doesn't sing about Santa Clause. Jesus came unto his own and his own rejected him. Are we any different today? Xmas is not Christmas. Do we teach our children the myth of Santa Clause and ignore or lie about the Lord who walked among us. I'm not saying we can't have a Christmas tree or give gifts. I am saying telling others about the Savior is the greatest thing we can do for loved ones and friends. It's what will count when we see Jesus and will be rewarded in eternity when other things will not. Jesus' death and resurrection is the proof He's our God and all He taught is God's truth and the world's only hope. No other religion can give us such assurance. Do U know Him? Won't U trust Him and tell loved ones and friends about Him?
Please link to articles & share others on right side or scrole down to those below. God bless.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jesus asked, Who Do You Say that I Am?

                      Jesus asked, Who Do You Say that I Am?

#Jesus  #Questions  #Prophecy

From his day to ours, people have called Jesus various things: prophet, teacher, good man, lunatic, deceiver, legend, Son of God, Lord. According to our assumptions, knowledge, belief system, we think different things. Who would you say Jesus is? The answers to these four questions below may help you decide.
Can Centuries Earlier (700-400 B.C.) Biblical Predictions apply to Anyone but Jesus? He was born of a virgin, Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18, 21. In Bethlehem of Judea, Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:1. Forerunner announced, Mal. 3:1; Luck. 1:17. God's Son, Psalm 2:7; Heb. 1:5-6. Work miracles, Isa. 35:5-6; Matt. 11:4-6. Betrayed by a friend, Psalm 41:9; John 13:18-21. Disciples forsake him, Zech. 13; Matt.26:56. Sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:15. Nailed to a cross, Psalm 22:16, John. 19:18, 20:25. Given gall & vinegar to drink, Psalm 69:21, Matt. 27:34. Suffered for peoples sins, Isa. 53:4-6, Matt.20:28. Garments parted & lots cast for his vesturee34:20;  John. 19:33, 36. Pierced, Zech. 12:10, Jn. 19:34, 37. Buried with the rich, Isa. 53:9, Matt. 27:57-60. Raised from the dead, Ps. 16:10, Lk. 24:6, 31-34.
These 17 predictions are such detailed events impossible to guess, artificially fulfill, or be accidental, and Jesus is the only known person in history to whom they could apply. Nothing like this is known in other world religion founders. Nothing like this can be said of Buddha, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Mahavira, Nanak, Confucius, or any other. This is God knowing the future and acting in our world. Its denial seems to require a closed and bias mind and a dogmatic claim to have all or absolute knowledge no such God exist..
Can Anyone Make Such Claims together with Such Actions Other than God? Conservative systematic theology texts list several pages with references showing who Jesus is. I can briefly mention only a few things the Bible says about him. Jesus is called by names of deity--God, Son of God, Lord, and the Word. He claimed to have the attributes of God--all knowledge, power, be everywhere, be unchangeable, and eternal. He claimed to be from Heaven, be one with the Father, be the Creator and Upholder of the universe. He showed power over demons, disease, death, and nature. He was without sin, forgave sins, raised the dead, accepted worship, died for sinners, commanded angels and demons, and would judge men at the last day. All this could only be true of God. He asked people to believe in him and recognize his miracles as proofs of his claims.
The Jews recognized his claims to deity and called them blasphemy. His disciples knowing nature's natural patterns where constantly astonished and rebuked for not believing his miracles and who he was, until after his resurrection. Such things are said of no other persons in history. His followers endured torture and death to testify to its truth. What we believe about who Jesus is may be the crucial belief of our life! 
Can We Trust the New Testament Statements about Jesus to be True? Only if we assume there's no personal ethical God and refuse to view the evidence  can we say N.T. documents are incredible, unhistorical, or lies. Five hundred people saw the resurrected Jesus, many who were still alive, plus the 12 disciples, plus skeptics Paul and James (1 Cor. 15:1-8) which is the confirming proof Jesus is Lord and all he taught is true. Scholars say Paul received this from very early sources along with other hymns and creeds possibly even before A.D. 40. Jesus died A.D. 33. Non Christian, even hostile sources, mention Jesus and many of the events of his life. His name is mentioned more than Tiberius Caesar who lived  at the same time. Gospels mention embarrassing things about him as he was born of fornication and didn't know the time of his return. It's far more reasonable to believe a multitude of eyewitnesses who risked persecution, torture, death, and eternal damnation who gave up the beliefs of their people for 2,000 years, than believer a skeptic far removed from the scene. See The Historical Jesus, by Gary Habermas. Also, my article, Modern Opinions about Jesus Christ.
What Benefits Did Jesus Bring Humanity? No one but the God-man can give people abundant and eternal life, dignity, equality, real moral standards and moral victory, freedom, justice, love, absolute truth, a rational world, experimental science. No God, a limited god, evolving god, tribal god, speculative god/s can't provide such benefits and hope. No one and nothing can stand beside the Lord Jesus Christ. Few people realize the darkness, sufferings, and despair that would engulf us if Jesus had not come. See What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. What Has Christianity Ever Done For Us? by Jonathan Hill. The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success, by Rodney Stark. 
This is why Christians have shown such great compassion to humanity and making a better world. Jesus said, "I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me . . . Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. (Matt. 25: 35-36, 40).  
Christians have set the example to support orphans, widows, the sick, prisoners, the disabled and others. They built countless schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers.They promoted child labor laws, Christian relief organizations such as YMCA, The Salvation Army, Food for the Hungry, World Vision, Medical Teams International, Samaritan's Purse, and others. They have fought against killing babies, abandoning children, female abuse, sexual slavery. They have fought for political reforms, just laws, and human freedoms, and rights. Christians are usually the first to relieve human suffering wherever found. They are not perfect, but they sure enter the fight to relieve suffering and build a better world. Jesus give us the reason to do so.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is? The evidence above points to his being the Son of God who walked among us to save us both in this life and one to follow. What other people think or say won't count when we stand before Jesus at the Judgment. Forsaking sin and trusting Jesus will give purity and purpose to life and the assurance of one day living with him in his beautiful world. Will you say what millions of others say? Jesus is Lord and from now on,  Jesus is my Lord.
We can do a thousand things important to us, but only the things we do out of love and obedience to Jesus will have eternal value--like telling others Jesus died to save us from sin and be our Lord and Guide. Be a true follower of Jesus who said, "follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men" Matthew 4:19.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Best News I've Ever Heard!!

                          The Best News I've Ever Heard!!
"Sir, Mam, Friend, I'm ----------  -----------. May I share with you the best news I've ever heard?"
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Let me break this most loved Bible verse down for you in simple terms.
First, God unconditionally loves us----"God so loved the world"
My friend, we can know God loves us no matter who we are or what we've done. God wants relationship with us--that's why He made us in His image.  God knows about our sins even before we're born--He knows the end from the beginning. God, who says He loves us, cannot lie. Even the most evil persons--thieves, rapists, murders--can be forgiven. God's love can transform us to have purity, peace, guilt free, loving, purposeful lives for His glory. It happened to me! I know it can happen to you--just give Him the chance to show you. It's like filthy contaminated water made pure, clean, and fit to use. Isn't that good news?
Next, God gave His Son to save us----"that He gave His only begotten Son"
His only begotten Son means Jesus is the Son of God, the God-man who alone can take away our sin. Since all our sins are committed against God, He alone can forgive them (Psalm 51:4). God is our Creator, Owner, Lawgiver and Judge. Jesus bleeding and dying upon the cross cried, Father, forgive them. We put Jesus on the cross. He died in our place. He took the punishment for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18). Jesus is both just and justifier of us sinners who put faith in Him (Rom. 3:26). Drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, prostitutes, everyone can be washed white as snow (Titus 3:5) and do great and lasting things for the Kingdom of God. That's amazingly good news.
Now, God invites you to believe in His Son----"that whoever believes in Him"
Accepting God's love and God's way means accepting God's Son to save us. God is perfect (Matt.5:46). Heaven is perfect (Rev. 21:27). But we aren't (1 Cor. 6:9-10). So it's not our goodness, not our good deeds--it's Jesus paying for our sins that makes us acceptable to God and fit for Heaven.  God's way is faith in Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Faith is not  mere head knowledge or intellectual belief--it's a commitment of will for life to serve God according to His Word (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16).  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).
So, if you belief in Jesus,  you gain eternal life----"should not perish but have everlasting life."
Jesus came to give us abundant and eternal life (John 10:10). His resurrection proves we are not soulless dirt as atheists suppose. We are not recycled energy as pantheist religions claim. Christian life begins the very moment we believe (John 5:24). Jesus makes us new creations. He changes our way of thinking and living to love Him and obey Him (2 Cor.5:21-22). We can now see life and the world in a new dimension. Praise God! It's the best good news ever.
My dear friend, the opportunity is yours--eternal life through faith in Christ. Grab it while you have the chance. You may never be so ready to receive Christ again. Life's distractions can grab it away from you and send you to your doom. Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life. His arms of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and a new purposeful life are extended to you.
Will you pray, Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You now and forever to save me and give me a place of service in Your kingdom. Thank You, Lord. Amen (So be it.) Link, translate, and share this good news with everyone. Praise God!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Secular Religions Or Biblical Christianity?

                 Secular Religions Or Biblical Christianity?

By secular religions I refer to secular minded persons who have little or no acquaintance with the Bible and its teachings. Perhaps only that they once attended the wedding or funeral of a Christian friend. Secular folks nevertheless may have strong beliefs or opinions about religious and ethical issues which is their right.
We realize that many differing beliefs and practices exist in our culture and world. It's a mark of an educated  person to be acquainted with these differing beliefs. We respect others right to hold their beliefs and in turn expect that same right be shown our beliefs. This doesn't mean, however, that we can't use our minds to examine how differing beliefs relate to reality. Certainly, we wouldn't affirm anyone has the right to harm or murder persons. In this article I will discuss six secular attitudes and contrast them with biblical Christianity in its claim of a real God who acts in our real world.
Consider Secular Religious Attitudes Positive and Negative.
All religions are essentially the same. This simply isn't so for two reasons. First, every religion is exclusive with its core beliefs which distinguishes it from all others. Consider Islam and Hinduism as examples. Popular Hinduism is the most accepting of religions. You can believe almost anything about god or in many gods and be a Hindu. But you can't deny the caste system and reincarnation. Islam, however, is belief in Allah (God) and the worst sin is (shirk) to say there are other Gods. So Islam and Hinduism are both exclusive and neither believes the same as the other. Second, if any religion is true, all religions that oppose it must be false since the opposite of true is false. So people who say religions are essentially the same are either uninformed or play down the differences to avoid possible disputes. 
Positive thinking and self-help books are all we need. It's popular even with some preachers. Self-help books do give good suggestions for improvement in various areas. For example, be kind and loving to people is good advise that will win friends and influence people. But negatives such as don't lie, don't steal, don't murder are needed to further define what good and loving means. The Bible's positive statements in Matthew 22:37-40 and Philippians 4:8 are defined by all the rest of biblical teaching. Without the Bible's teaching on sin we wouldn't know we are rebelling against a morally perfect God, and need Christ's deliverance from sin and offer of Heaven. Even our good deeds apart from Christ are rebellion and for self-glory.
What's popular, or  what the majority thinks, is alright with me. Philosophies, doctrines, fads, traditions come and go and may be contradictory. Because something is popular doesn't mean it's true or right. Even when it seems to work it may not be true or good and lead to troubles later on. Political correctness doesn't necessarily mean  correctness with God. But God's will is what will count in the end and for eternity. What elitists make correct today, their replacements may make incorrect tomorrow and punish.  Elitists sometimes kill their dictators to take their place and force their form of correctness. Oppression of free thought and actions leads to slavery. Socialist denial of God brings on rules, taxes, unemployment, poverty, crime and destruction. No god but Caesar leads to slavery.
Don't be a religious fanatic. Put your religion on the back burner and don't promote it. People may think you strange, or be offended at you, or even persecute you.  Of course we're to be respectful and not give offense. But to worship God one hour on Sunday and do our own thing the rest of the time is not pleasing to the One who gave his life that we might have life eternal. Such religion is just a dot in our big circle of  life. But Jesus is to be Lord of all of life. His true disciples are to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. If we're ashamed of Jesus, at his return, He will be ashamed of us. Christians are to be in the world as salt and light but not be part of it's evil system (Matt.5:14). Our every thought, word, and deed will be our eternal reward or loss at his judgment and in eternity (1 Cor.3:9-12).
Christians are hypocrites, legalists, and condemners of others. Yes, indeed sins (bad behavior) of Christians dishonors Christ and His church. But consider these things before you judge and condemn Christians. Not everyone thought or claimed Christian, is Christian. Some profess Christ who don't possess Him (Matt. 6:21-23). People can go to church for other than spiritual reasons. Christians face the same temptations, difficulties and limitations as non-Christians. Just becoming a Christian doesn't immediately make anyone perfect, or knowledgeable, or  godly, or fully committed. Churches don't always teach right  beliefs and practices either. All these factors weigh in to fair evaluation. Further, non-Christians commit the same sins and condemning Christians doesn't excuse them (Matt. 7:1-5; Rom. 2:1). But only Christians have assurance of God's forgiveness and of Heaven (John 3:36).
I don't like Christians.. The prophets, Christ, and His apostles were condemned and killed for godly behavior (Matt. 23:37; John 15:18-25; Acts 7:58-59). Jesus parable of the killing of the landowners servants gave a stern warning to those who did it (Matt. 22:33-46). He said that persons without the wedding garment (not of Christ's church) will be cast into outer darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 22:1-14). Godly behavior is a rebuke to ungodly behavior. But God so loved the world that He gave his unique sinless Son to die to save us unworthy sinners (John. 3:16). And God alone can make our hearts right with Him and with others.
Biblical Christianity Claims A Real Ethical God Who Acts In Our Real World.
It's an unwarranted, dogmatic, even arrogant assumption to claim there's no personal, ethical God who can act in our world. We know scientifically the universe had a beginning, and since nothing can't create something, the universe must be the effect of a great creative mind and will like what the Bible calls God (Gen. 1:1). Moreover, it's a much lessor thing for a Creator of the universe to act in extraordinary ways we would call miracles. He could even take on a human nature and body like what is claimed of Jesus Christ. And there's no rule the Lord of creation must show Himself in accord with out demands but could appear in recognizable ways at selected times as recorded in the Bible. It's up to us as honest thinking persons to openmindedly examine Christian claims to see if they be true. It makes no sense to say mindless elements can arrange themselves into plants, animals, and man no matter how much time.  
Further, God is disclosed as a Trinity of love. Anything different from what God has told us about Himself  is  limited  unauthorative human guesses. The Bible statements teach God is love (1 John 4:8) which means personal relationships. In eternity God existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  in relationship which means He can have loving relationship with us made in His image.
What God has told us about Himself is what we must believe. Any denial of this is not biblical Christianity but another belief contrary to what is taught in the Bible and has always been affirmed by true Christian churches.
The nature of God is not in conflict but is beyond human understanding. We can understand how God can be one essence but not how God can at the same time be three persons that can communicate with each other. But that is exactly what the Scriptures teach about God. Jesus talked to his Father and sent the person of the Holy Spirit to us. When we can't comprehend all the grandeur and mysteries of the universe, how can we expect to understand the even greater God who created them? See my article on The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
Now certainly biblical history deserves honest openminded reading. It reads like real history telling the faults and failures of even it best characters. And it tells of God acting in our real world in surprising ways. So much of it is verified by archaeologists digging up artifacts telling of kings, priests, places, dates and events described in detail in the Bible. People were always astonished and doubtful at biblical miracles showing people then knew nature's patterns as well as we do today. Its prophets were persecuted for revealing the abuses and secrets of the wicked. Bible history is all so natural with world conditions and human nature to be anything fake or made up. It's God's truth.
 God the Father sent his Son Jesus, the promised Messiah and Savior, to all who believe in Him. Many persons testify they have come to have a new heart of love, peace in God's forgiveness, and hope of eternal life unimaginable before. This wonderful event can happen to you too. Won't you say, Lord, I trust you to forgive my wrong doing (sin). You paid for my evil actions by your death on the cross. Now Lord, save me from sin and hell to live for and serve You forever. Thank You Lord for saving me.
Now as a new follower of Christ I want to read Your Word, obey Your commands, and share my new faith with others who don't know You. Help me follow Your great plan for my life. I pray others I tell on Facebook or tweet will come to trust in You as well. I want to do what I can to make a better world and show people how to go to heaven.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is Postmodernitry Subjective Suicide?

               Is Postmodernity Subjective Suicide?

A foreboding crisis of faith darkens the Western world. Traditional institutions seem unable to reach their goals. Capitalism hasn’t reduced disparity between the wealthy and the poor. Wasteful throwaway societies trash earth’s resources and environment. Science and technology haven’t solved our problems. Governments tax citizens into poverty taking their money, or wasting it on ineffective projects. Special interests usurp democratic systems making them unresponsive to citizens. Nations hoard weapons of mass destruction threatening to devastate each other. Greed and corruption appear everywhere. Traditional religions don’t improve the situation and fight among themselves. We fear global warming, an asteroid from space, or that aliens among us may destroy us. We no longer believe in absolute authority, truth, and morality. Let’s look at five stages of change. Change can be either progressive or regressive and in different ways.
Pre-Christian Barbarism.
 Before Christ, it was a brutal world where human life had little value. Half the world were slaves of no concern, dignity, or rights. They could be beaten, raped, sold or killed at their master’s will. They usually were put to death when their master died. Women were considered their husband’s property and animals might be thought more valuable.
Unwanted babies were thrown away to be starved or eaten. Children could be put to death without pity or not live beyond the age of eight. Women could die in childbirth and men in war. City-states, tribes and empires fought all the time and authority rested in whoever had superior weaponry and army to dominate the others.
People thought killing was the way to gain your enemies strength. Cannibalism, human sacrifice, sexual orgies, sometimes sex with animals were part of many people’s lives and used in worship of their gods. Their gods were as brutal, indifferent, jealous and cruel as were their worshippers. They knew of the one high God but felt estranged from him as isolated peoples do today. Plato (350 B.C.) made an amazing statement, “We wait for one be he a God or an inspired man to instruct us in our duties and to take away the darkness from our eyes.”
The West’s Hope in Jesus and the Bible until 1960.
The death and resurrection of Jesus as taught in the Bible radically changed the Western world’s thinking. Ancient peoples feared their gods, sacrificed to them, but never loved them. Soldiers sacrifice themselves for love of country. Mothers died for children they loved. But Jesus showed supreme love giving His human life for us guilty rebels in his death on the cross (2 Cor. 5:21).
Though innocent, Jesus was rejected, condemned, severally beaten, ridiculed, slapped, spit on, and hung naked before staring eyes. Ancient prophets foretold it (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 2; 22; Isa. 53). Jesus predicted it (Matt. 17:9; 27:63; Mark 8:31). Miracles testified to it—darkness, earthquake, temple vale torn, resurrections (Matt. 27:51-53; Luke. 23:44). It announced, “God so loved the world that He gave His unique Son (sinless God-man) that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But it would be a dead hope apart from Jesus’ resurrection.
Jesus resurrection established the most crucial things. There’s life after death. Jesus is the God-man with power of life and death. As God, all Jesus taught in and of Scripture is absolute truth. Humans created in God’s mental, moral immortal image have dignity and freedom. Ethics make sense—our thoughts, words, deeds are accountable to God so life has purpose. Our conscience, justice and love make sense.
As created and controlled by a rational God, the world is meaningfully moving toward a climax. Experimental science is possible. Jesus divided our thinking about history into Before Christ and After His Death. This personal ethically perfect God offers us wayward rebels’ eternal life with Him forever through faith in Jesus, the Lord and Savior of sinners. Spreading this hope and love is imperative education--without it, all is lost.
We could not know all this except for the Bible. Christians collected the Gospels written about Jesus and the letters of His apostles before A.D. 100. People were living at the time Scripture was published who knew Jesus, his fulfilled prophecies, miracles, claims to be God, and resurrection. Secular writers wrote details about his life. His disciples were tortured and murdered for their faith. No world religion has any Scripture or any founder like Jesus.
The Bible is history, not some made up stories centuries later (Luke 1:1-3; Acts 1:1-3; 2:22-24; 4:33; 1 Cor. 15:3-8). Moreover, it’s translated from comparative copies of early original languages with the highest degree of accuracy of any ancient documents. We have every reason to trust the Bible as God’s authority and truth and in Jesus as the sinless God-man sent to give us abundant life and save us from Hell (Luke. 19:10; John 10:10; 3:36; 7:16; 8:24). All the unparalleled benefits Christianity bring without commitment to Christ and the Bible will pass away to pre-Christian barbarism.
Modernity’s Self-sufficient Rejection of the Christian Worldview by 1990.
Like waves pounding shoreline rocks turning them to sand, unbelief relentlessly pounds Godly faith intent on beating it to pieces. We decided we don’t need God—evolution explains everything. Scientific method and logical reasoning will lead us to truth and progress. Our objective thinking can make things right, save us, and make us free. Jesus, the Bible, and divine authority haven’t worked. Though imperfect, we quickly excuse ourselves pointing the finger at persons struggling to live God honoring lives.
We blame the world’s evils and sufferings upon superstitious belief in God though we bring them about ourselves. We decided the Bible’s miracles were only imaginative tales of later prescientific writers--it contains numerous absurdities and contradictions—never mind checking out any facts. We were confident our new gods of science, technology, democratic government, law, diplomacy, a good economy, and a strong military could correct any adverse conditions. But then adverse conditions seem to pile up to overwhelm us without relief and without faith.
Postmodernity’s Lost Faith in Human Achievements from 1991 to today.
Loss of faith in the personal ethical God demonstrated in Jesus and the Bible has brought about loss of faith altogether. If we’re only evolving animals that return to dirt, we have no great dignity or destiny. If no personal ethically perfect Creator exists who knows and guides our lives, each person’s purpose is freedom to please them self. But it’s a freedom to destroy us. God warns us, “All who hate me love death (Prov. 8:36).
To follow Darwin, Marx, Muhammad, or some other dictator will lead us to poverty, virtual slavery, and possibly a blood bath. Check it out in history. When we have no objective authoritative guide, we call good evil and evil good. C. S. Lewis in Christian Reflections warned us of the poison of subjectivism that can remove all restraints to evil. Politically correct lays the groundwork for government takeover and imposition of tyranny. It destroys honest objective thinking.
Science and technology cannot save us and may even destroy us. It is what has enabled us to build weapons of mass destruction but gives no guidelines about using them. Terrorism increasingly stalks our lands. Could the real problem be that we ignore the selfishness, greed, overindulgence, injustice and indifference of our rebellious hearts? With little thought for others, all we care about is our being happy and having life’s good things on our terms. Is our self-occupation and self-sufficiency all we need to make things right? Where are our limited, conflicting, self-centered lives leading us? Those who make the subjective claim there’s no absolute truth and morals, believe they’re making a true statement, and that makes them liars and opens the door to every evil.
What Does the Future Hold?
As I see it, we have three options. One, the West can avoid barbarism and return to its former glory of the Christian worldview with serious commitment to Jesus as Savior, Lord, and the Bible to Guide us as we are so prone to sin. Sin is the basis of all our problems. Then, the Lord will hear and bring healing, renewal, and restore us as light to the nations (2 Chron. 7:14; Isa. 55:6-7). God may rise up strong godly national leaders such as Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Daniel.
Two, it may be that since the West turned its back on the Lord, God will give the East opportunity it’s not had before (Rom. 1:28; Acts 16:6-10). Many in the East are coming to Christ. Three, many believe we’re near the rapture, the revealing of the Anti-Christ, and world domination and persecution of everything Godly. Then, the Bible predicts a Golden Age like the Garden of Eden ending in a final conflict of good over evil. More will be said about these things in God’s later articles.
Dear friends, thank you for reading my articles and for your concern. Let me plead with you again. We never know how much time we have left. Turn to the Lord Jesus who can save us sinners and be our Guide for life. He alone has given us evidence He’s real, not just conflicting human guesses, opinions and preferences. He’s humanity’s only hope, authority, and absolute truth. Everything else is subjective suicide. Pray, Lord Jesus, save me and control my life.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Jesus Gave Human Life Value

How Jesus Gave Human Life Value

Few people realize that Jesus has transformed human life in every area His influence is felt. Jesus brought the West out of barbarianism. But, it’s not mentioned in revised history. It’s attacked by the liberal media, and scoffed at by atheists and skeptics. It’s not valued in cold backslidden churches, and hardly known or realized even by true believing Christians. Let’s look at the many areas where Jesus has lifted humanity out of barbarianism giving human life value.
Jesus saved the life of children. Jesus said whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me (Matt. 18:5). 
Child sacrifice was common in the ancient world. We read in the Bible of the Baal and Ashtoreth worshippers who practiced child sacrificed. Archaeologists digging up a cemetery a few feet from their temple uncovered jars containing remains of infants. Human life was cheap in the East as in classical Greece, Rome, Europe, India, Japan and China so that abortion, infanticide, abandonment, and exposure were commonplace.
Infirm and unwanted babies would be taken to the forest or the mountainside to be eaten by wild animals, or starved, or picked up by strange people who crept around at night for whatever suited their desires. Then as now, it was more often the human life of female babies considered inferior. Of course, many children were born since men of all ages slept with their slaves. And due to famine, illness, and exposure, only about half of the many children born lived past the age of eight. In ancient Rome, a father held absolute authority over his children. He could kill them, sell them as slaves, marry them off, divorce them, or confiscate their property. It was indeed dangerous to be born in ancient times. Human life was so cheap in the ancient world.
When the Son of God took on the nature and body of a human child, he established human dignity created in God’s image. So, Christian believers in Rome saved many of the castaway babies to bring them up in the Christian faith. Abortion and abandonment disappeared in the early Church. Christians began foundling homes and orphanages to save children. When Jesus said God was our Father that radically altered the attitudes fathers should have toward their children. Based on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, it laid the foundation and brought about our laws of child protection in the West we today call normal and natural. The church fought and overcame abortion repeatedly to save human life but it always returns when Christian influence wanes.
The only choice today’s Planned Parenthood gives pregnant girls is killing their baby on Wednesday or on Friday, and of cutting their helpless screaming infant in pieces, burning them with acid, or sticking a stake in the back of their head. Who knows but that that murdered human life might have become a genius making great contributions to our world. And the girls experience trauma, guilt and regret the rest of their lives.
Jesus elevated the position of women. The men who caught the woman in the act of adultery were shamed and walked away unable to caste a stone at her. Jesus asked her where her accusers were. When she replied there were none, Jesus said, “neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (John 8:9-11). The woman of Samaria said to Jesus, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans (John 4:9). Since the woman was caught in the act of adultery, so was the man. But nothing was done about him. Why? If the woman deserved stoning, so did the man according to Jewish law and being guilty of the same sin. Isn’t this an unfair double standard? Also, notice that Jesus didn’t treat the Samaritan woman with contempt as his fellow Jews, but with respect even though a sinner. Jesus is to be the Christian’s example.
Women have always been abused throughout the world. And it can’t be blamed on Eve’s sin. Since Adam was to be head of the family and God specifically warned him about eating the forbidden fruit, he should have stopped Eve from eating. Moreover, the husband being bigger and stronger and the wife being helpless in pregnancy, shows he is to protect and provide for his family and she is to nurture it. Except for gender, both receive genes from both parents so neither is inferior to the other but made for essential rolls that happen to be different. Men abusers are without excuse.
Aristotle thought a woman’s status somewhere between a free man and a slave. Plato believed cowardly men would be reincarnated as a woman. In ancient times, women were the property of their husbands. The Quran of Islam says women can be denied sex, beaten, and divorced, but wives can’t divorce husbands. Some Muslim countries degrade women requiring them to wear a black gown with only their eyes showing. Often they aren’t permitted to drive a vehicle or go to school. In Christ all persons are to be shown respect and the dividing wall is broken down (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11; Eph. 2;14). Jesus elevates human life everywhere his teachings are believed and practiced.
Modern missionaries were shocked and horrified by the treatment of women in Eastern countries. In India, Hindus practiced suttee that meant that a wife was to be burned to death on her husband’s funeral pyre. Young girls could be killed or made temple prostitutes. In Africa, the chieftain’s wives and concubines (sex slaves) were killed when he died. Men may even use a woman hitched with an ox to plow a field. It’s hard to understand why modern feminists berate Christianity when historically it freed and ennobled womanhood.
Jesus’ influence overtime eradicates slavery. Slavery came about through people captured in wars, inheritance, or voluntarily submission to pay a dept. Slavery was common in all the ancient world but Jews gave them rights, had humane laws, and freed them if injured and in the year of Jubilee. It’s estimated a third to half of the Roman Empire was slaves and the slave owner could kill his slave at whim. Slaves had no dignity and no rights in society or the state. They could be beaten, sold, or murdered. If their master was murdered, all his slaves were put to death maybe fed to alligators.
Aristotle referred to slaves as a “living tool.” Female slaves were given for nightly convenience of guests. People of the same race enslaved each other and the gods had no pity on them. Gladiators were slaves who hacked themselves to pieces in the coliseum until the fifth century monk Telemachus jumped into the arena pleading for them to stop. He was stoned for interfering with the crowd’s amusement but the emperor then put a stop to it and made him a Christian martyr. Muslims still take slaves in Africa today.
Skeptics of Christianity criticize it for not abolishing slavery. Biblical Christianity laid the basis of abolishing slavery but it was slow to take root in our depraved prideful hearts. Plantation owners in the southern states of America argued that slavery existed in Bible times so it was justified. But the real reason was that slaves make their owners rich. Had the civil war not occurred, slavery might have died out. Many Christians and ministers helped runaway slaves escape through the underground railroad. Had the apostles told Christian slave owners to free their slaves, the Roman Caesars would have crucified both the Christians and the slaves just as the Spartacus slave rebellion was crushed and thousands of slaves crucified. Those skeptics seem to ignore all this and give Jesus no credit for giving dignity to human life.
The Bible argues against slavery and for human freedom. All persons are created in God’s image, descended from the same parents, have the same blood, thus have the same rights to dignity, respect, and fair treatment (Gen. 1:27; Acts 17:26). God’s apostle Paul told Philemon to treat his runaway now Christian slave Onesimus as a beloved brother (Phil. 15-16). In Christ, masters are to treat slaves, as they would want the Lord to treat them. We’re to show no difference among peoples (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:8-10; Eph. 6:5-9). All this was unthinkable in the ancient world. The great evangelical statesman, William Wilberforce, fought in the English parliament to free the slaves and on his deathbed-received word the bill was passed and 700,000 British Empire slaves were freed.
The Christian biblical faith alone frees us from slavery to every sin. It gives us motives and power to live Godly lives in this wicked world. Jesus’ teaching eliminates barbarianism and establishes human dignity, rights, and ethical standards. Human babies were dumped outside ancient city walls so the poorest people could find something to cook for food. Aztecs and others killed thousands of their enemies as offerings to their gods. People too believed that killing their enemies gave them their enemy’s strength. Where the gospel has not penetrated and leaders know nothing of God’s love and grace, they may take their own lives rather than face the shame and disgrace of failure. Pontius Pilate, the Emperors Nero and Hadrian, the Stoic philosopher Seneca and others did this. The ancient Stoic philosophy was that suicide was a person’s choice. The Japanese thought it an honor to show how a Samurai could die with a sword in his belly.
Human life had little value until the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ came to dwell in human hearts and lives. Few persons today realize conditions prevalent in ancient times. They have little or no idea of the impact Jesus and the Bible have had on the western world. In ancient cultures, it was common to have human sacrifice, cannibalism, head hunting, suicide. If we human beings are of little worth, what could be wrong with such things? If cows or pigs are worth more to you than babies or women, or slaves, why be concerned with what happens to them? If killing another person brings you his power, then that’s to your advantage. If we are all just another kind of animal that returns to the dirt, why care? If gaining power and control is your only concern, then why not lie, steal, or murder to gain it? And, if evolution is true, then your murderer is the fittest. With Christian influence waning in the West, we are once again returning to this way of thinking and acting which will have disastrous consequences.  Tyranny and slavery will be the result. Our lives will mean nothing.
Jesus and the Bible lifted us out of this to a higher plane but that has not been passed on to following generations. We have succumbed to evolutionary naturalism. The Bible warns, “He who sins against me (God) wrongs his own soul’; All those who hate me love death” (Prov. 8:36).
The Christian worldview teaches we are created in the mental moral immortal image of God. We will answer to God for how we obeyed his moral law. This gives us all dignity, rights and a moral standard to uphold. We cannot long enjoy the fruits of Christianity by cutting ourselves off from their roots in Jesus and the Bible. Thinking ourselves wise in rejecting Jesus and God’s Word, we are descending into darkness. The value of human life will diminish, and all the evils of pre-Christian influence will return.
There is still time if we will turn to real faith in the Lord and forsake our sin. Commitment of life to the Savior of sinners will restore our Godly heritage, human value, and avert disaster. Won’t you make an honest commitment to trust in the Savior, have Him for your life Guide, and tell others about His deliverance from sin and Hell?
These researched books further substantiate other articles showing the benefits of Jesus & the Bible.
Dr. D. James Kennedy & Jerry Newcombe. What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?
Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. What if the Bible Had Never Been Written?
Jerry Newcombe. The Book That Made America.
Earle E. Cairns. Christianity In The United States.
John W. Whitehead. The Stealing Of America.
Erwin W. Lutzer. When A Nation Forgets God.
Newt Gingrich. Rediscovering God in America.
Mike Huckabee. Do the Right Thing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb?

Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb?

Christianity stands tall and solid or crumbles into dust depending upon whether Jesus arose from the dead. All the tremendous benefits it alone promises humanity mean nothing if Christ is still in the grave like Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius and other religious founders are. Anyone who wants to destroy Christian belief can certainly do so by showing Jesus’ resurrection is a Christian lie. The major Christian spokesman, the Apostle Paul, admitted that if Christ is not raised, then the faith is vanity and all a lie (I Cor. 15:14-15). No resurrection means no Christianity.
First, let’s consider the barricade of facts hostile critics must knock down. Then look at the tremendous benefits Christ alone offers suffering humanity.

The Barricade of Facts that must be Explained Away.

Unless we have exhaustive knowledge, we can’t show God doesn’t exist, can’t walk among us as a man, and can’t arise from the dead. Such denial is simply metaphysical bias. So critics must show a better explanation that accounts for the facts than the actual resurrection itself. If they cannot, then honest thinking people should believe the bodily resurrection of Jesus is fact and Jesus is Lord and Savior as the Bible teaches and Christians have always believed.
The critics deny the resurrection yet refute each others theories to explain it away. Failed theories include the swoon theory that Jesus didn’t really die, the disciples went to the wrong tomb, somebody stole Jesus’ body, the disciples had a vision from Heaven, or all the disciples hallucinated. Other more recent theories are Jesus’ body was buried somewhere, Judas or somebody substituted for Jesus on the cross,  Jesus' twin was crucified in his place, or we don’t know what really happened.
A superficial explanation will show how impossible and ridiculous these theories are.
Consider these facts. The Old Testament predicted the Messiah would rise from the dead (Ps. 16:10). Jesus too predicted his death and resurrection several times. It’s clear Jesus actually died on the cross. The disciples fled in fear of their lives and were in despair. When his side was punctured with a spear, water and blood came out. His mother and disciple John who knew him well watched him die on the cross. Women who observed Jesus die went to the tomb where he was placed. A heavy two-ton stone was rolled before the tomb entrance. Roman soldiers sealed and guarded the tomb until it was opened by the angel. The guards were bribed to say the disciples stole the body while they slept. But the soldiers and Jewish authorities knew the tomb was found empty. Anybody could have investigated the tomb just outside Jerusalem. Jesus' presence was known all the while.
On Easter morning, women came to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body and found the tomb empty and the angel said Jesus was not there. Mary met Jesus thinking he was the gardener. Women first testified to Jesus’ resurrection though their testimony is legally discounted. Even though Jesus had predicted it, the disciples were astonished with unbelief.
Peter and John visited the tomb and found the grave clothes neatly folded and the headpiece laying aside. Thomas wouldn’t believe unless he saw the nail-prints and felt Jesus’ speared side. Jesus appeared to them a dozen times in different places and in varied circumstances. He ate with them and talked of the kingdom of God. They touched him several times.
The disciple’s attitude changed from despair to rejoicing. They changed Sabbath worship to Sunday worship since Jesus arose from the dead. They went everywhere preaching Jesus was God’s Son raised from the dead and formed churches. Jesus’ brother James at first doubted but became a believer. Saul the persecutor of Christians met Christ on the Damascus Road and became Paul the great preacher of Christ. He gave up a prospective leadership in Judaism to be persecuted for Christ and counted it not loss but gain. Jesus' resurrection is the only reasonable answer.
Non-Christian writers mention many of the facts of Jesus’ life including his death and resurrection. Archaeology confirms many of the personalities, places and events mentioned in the New Testament. Can honest thinking people seriously believe these early Christians experienced all these things including torturous deaths for what they knew to be a lie?
The Tremendous Benefits Only Christ’s Resurrection Can Provides Humanity.
The risen Lord Jesus Christ alone assures us of resurrected life. If atheist views such as humanism, secularism and materialism are true, then there is no hope for life beyond the grave. We are just soulless dirt without dignity and destiny that anyone who usurps authority can abuse, manipulate and murder. If monist views such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism are true, we are just recycled energy that assumes multiple life forms until completely liberated into universal energy.
Unlike other religions, only the resurrected Christ gave us visible proof of life beyond the grave. Jesus walked among us as the God-man. He claimed to be God many times and demonstrated it in many ways. He fulfilled specific ancient prophecies of the Jews Messiah and God. He walked on water, healed diseased immediately, raised the dead, accepted worship and forgave sins. Nobody but God can do such things. In Jesus, we alone have hope for life after death and rewards for godly service in this life.
The living God-man alone assures us of dignity, rights, freedom and ethical responsibility. Jesus acknowledged our creation from the beginning (Gen. 1:26-27; Matt. 19:4). Molecules can’t arrange themselves into men. We, meaning both men and women, from the beginning were made in God’s image, a little lower than the angels. How we are treated and how we treat others, we will one day give answer to God our great Lawgiver and Judge. No other worldview can assure us of these most precious of human needs.  Only where Christian influence is strongly felt is this realized. Even apart from God’s Word, we have a conscience, human compassion, and the Golden Rule to tell us of right and wrong and of human dignity and rights. Even so, when temptation is strong, detection unlikely, and ambition fierce, human abuse is likely to follow. Jesus assures us we must all stand before him one day to receive reward or punishment for deeds done in the body. My friend, are you ready?
The living loving Lord gives us other consolations. The world is real, rational and designed for us to understand, appreciate and acknowledge its Creator (Ps 19:1). It makes modern experimental science and all creative endeavors possible. In Christ, he will never leave or forsake us (Matt. 27:20). We have meaningful motivation for service (1 Cor. 15:58). No despair in death and comfort of seeing saved loved ones again (Heb. 2:14-15). Power for witnessing (Acts 1:8). And Christians have assurance of being in the new Heaven and earth. WOW! What terrific benefits!
My friend, this could be your opportunity to turn from sin to trust in the Savior. You can assure your destiny with the Lord forever. Pray, Lord forgive me and make me your child to live for you from this day forward. Scripture says quite plainly, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).