By the Numbers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb?

Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb?

Christianity stands tall and solid or crumbles into dust depending upon whether Jesus arose from the dead. All the tremendous benefits it alone promises humanity mean nothing if Christ is still in the grave like Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius and other religious founders are. Anyone who wants to destroy Christian belief can certainly do so by showing Jesus’ resurrection is a Christian lie. The major Christian spokesman, the Apostle Paul, admitted that if Christ is not raised, then the faith is vanity and all a lie (I Cor. 15:14-15). No resurrection means no Christianity.
First, let’s consider the barricade of facts hostile critics must knock down. Then look at the tremendous benefits Christ alone offers suffering humanity.

The Barricade of Facts that must be Explained Away.

Unless we have exhaustive knowledge, we can’t show God doesn’t exist, can’t walk among us as a man, and can’t arise from the dead. Such denial is simply metaphysical bias. So critics must show a better explanation that accounts for the facts than the actual resurrection itself. If they cannot, then honest thinking people should believe the bodily resurrection of Jesus is fact and Jesus is Lord and Savior as the Bible teaches and Christians have always believed.
The critics deny the resurrection yet refute each others theories to explain it away. Failed theories include the swoon theory that Jesus didn’t really die, the disciples went to the wrong tomb, somebody stole Jesus’ body, the disciples had a vision from Heaven, or all the disciples hallucinated. Other more recent theories are Jesus’ body was buried somewhere, Judas or somebody substituted for Jesus on the cross,  Jesus' twin was crucified in his place, or we don’t know what really happened.
A superficial explanation will show how impossible and ridiculous these theories are.
Consider these facts. The Old Testament predicted the Messiah would rise from the dead (Ps. 16:10). Jesus too predicted his death and resurrection several times. It’s clear Jesus actually died on the cross. The disciples fled in fear of their lives and were in despair. When his side was punctured with a spear, water and blood came out. His mother and disciple John who knew him well watched him die on the cross. Women who observed Jesus die went to the tomb where he was placed. A heavy two-ton stone was rolled before the tomb entrance. Roman soldiers sealed and guarded the tomb until it was opened by the angel. The guards were bribed to say the disciples stole the body while they slept. But the soldiers and Jewish authorities knew the tomb was found empty. Anybody could have investigated the tomb just outside Jerusalem. Jesus' presence was known all the while.
On Easter morning, women came to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body and found the tomb empty and the angel said Jesus was not there. Mary met Jesus thinking he was the gardener. Women first testified to Jesus’ resurrection though their testimony is legally discounted. Even though Jesus had predicted it, the disciples were astonished with unbelief.
Peter and John visited the tomb and found the grave clothes neatly folded and the headpiece laying aside. Thomas wouldn’t believe unless he saw the nail-prints and felt Jesus’ speared side. Jesus appeared to them a dozen times in different places and in varied circumstances. He ate with them and talked of the kingdom of God. They touched him several times.
The disciple’s attitude changed from despair to rejoicing. They changed Sabbath worship to Sunday worship since Jesus arose from the dead. They went everywhere preaching Jesus was God’s Son raised from the dead and formed churches. Jesus’ brother James at first doubted but became a believer. Saul the persecutor of Christians met Christ on the Damascus Road and became Paul the great preacher of Christ. He gave up a prospective leadership in Judaism to be persecuted for Christ and counted it not loss but gain. Jesus' resurrection is the only reasonable answer.
Non-Christian writers mention many of the facts of Jesus’ life including his death and resurrection. Archaeology confirms many of the personalities, places and events mentioned in the New Testament. Can honest thinking people seriously believe these early Christians experienced all these things including torturous deaths for what they knew to be a lie?
The Tremendous Benefits Only Christ’s Resurrection Can Provides Humanity.
The risen Lord Jesus Christ alone assures us of resurrected life. If atheist views such as humanism, secularism and materialism are true, then there is no hope for life beyond the grave. We are just soulless dirt without dignity and destiny that anyone who usurps authority can abuse, manipulate and murder. If monist views such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism are true, we are just recycled energy that assumes multiple life forms until completely liberated into universal energy.
Unlike other religions, only the resurrected Christ gave us visible proof of life beyond the grave. Jesus walked among us as the God-man. He claimed to be God many times and demonstrated it in many ways. He fulfilled specific ancient prophecies of the Jews Messiah and God. He walked on water, healed diseased immediately, raised the dead, accepted worship and forgave sins. Nobody but God can do such things. In Jesus, we alone have hope for life after death and rewards for godly service in this life.
The living God-man alone assures us of dignity, rights, freedom and ethical responsibility. Jesus acknowledged our creation from the beginning (Gen. 1:26-27; Matt. 19:4). Molecules can’t arrange themselves into men. We, meaning both men and women, from the beginning were made in God’s image, a little lower than the angels. How we are treated and how we treat others, we will one day give answer to God our great Lawgiver and Judge. No other worldview can assure us of these most precious of human needs.  Only where Christian influence is strongly felt is this realized. Even apart from God’s Word, we have a conscience, human compassion, and the Golden Rule to tell us of right and wrong and of human dignity and rights. Even so, when temptation is strong, detection unlikely, and ambition fierce, human abuse is likely to follow. Jesus assures us we must all stand before him one day to receive reward or punishment for deeds done in the body. My friend, are you ready?
The living loving Lord gives us other consolations. The world is real, rational and designed for us to understand, appreciate and acknowledge its Creator (Ps 19:1). It makes modern experimental science and all creative endeavors possible. In Christ, he will never leave or forsake us (Matt. 27:20). We have meaningful motivation for service (1 Cor. 15:58). No despair in death and comfort of seeing saved loved ones again (Heb. 2:14-15). Power for witnessing (Acts 1:8). And Christians have assurance of being in the new Heaven and earth. WOW! What terrific benefits!
My friend, this could be your opportunity to turn from sin to trust in the Savior. You can assure your destiny with the Lord forever. Pray, Lord forgive me and make me your child to live for you from this day forward. Scripture says quite plainly, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

1 comment:

  1. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ with His atonement are key teachings of the Christian faith. One cannot call themselves Christian and not believe these two Bible teachings. They go back to earliest creeds of the church and trustworthy translations of the Bible. Don't believe anyone who denies either teaching and says they are Christian.


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