By the Numbers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Human Evolution--Did We Climb from the Slime?

Human Evolution--Did We Climb from the Slime?

Even though we are regarded as experts in our field of science, philosophy, theology, or whatever, we still may have biases. We can feel so certain we're right about the facts but they turn out not to be facts at all.  We may so intensely want something to be true that we stretch the truth and dismiss alleged contrary evidence as foolish. Even the great Albert Einstein so wanted the universe to be self-existent that he miscalculated his theory of General Relativity because it implied a definite beginning of time, matter and space. He didn’t like the fact that a beginning implied a self-existent Beginner or Creator.
Our bias may be peer pressure from our colleagues, a prestigious good paying job we don’t want to lose, too much pride to admit we’re wrong, or other series consequences affecting our lives. Sometimes it takes real integrity and courage to be honest.
Now it’s often said science is fact, but religion is mere theory and preference. Well, are you sure? I know that what’s often been called scientific fact in one decade is found to be error the next. And what has sometimes been called theological nonsense at one time was discovered later to be true and known before science discovered it. For example, science a century ago discovered what the Bible said centuries before that life is in the blood and that quarantine of diseases prevents their spread. Isn't that an amazing fact? That being true but unknown to science, might other Bible teachings be true and worthy of honest investigation?
I believe I can show several reasons we didn’t climb from the slime and that God created us with a dignity and destiny evolution won’t allow. In this article, I will discuss evolutionist’s unproved assumption, spurious arguments, ignoring of evidence, and human destruction.
Naturalistic Evolutionist's Unproved Assumption
Yes, multiple life forms exist, but that they all by chance descended from one single cell millions of years ago can't be demonstrated by science. No scientific experiment proves it. No fossible remains exist to show all the necessary steps in evolution and the divisions animals and plants take. No spontaneous generation is known to occur from dead chemicals. The probability against the right chemicals combining is immense.  As far as we know every life form descends from it's own kind though verities of kinds exist within the genetic pool. Naturalistic evolution is only an assumption.
For three reasons it seems impossible for  naturalistic evolutionists to say no Creator who made man directly and in his image exists or can act in our world. One, in the universal circle of knowledge our knowledge is limited to a small dot. We don't even know what exists or may occur in the next room, outside our office, or down the road. Two, if God be an all pervading Spirit everywhere as the Bible teaches, then he is all around us and our limited senses can't detect him. Three, if God be a Creator upon which the world and life depends, then he designed and made all things conform to his will and can change them any way any time he so desires.
If God exists people may have souls, angels may appear, God may speak,  and miracles may occur. For a Creator of the universe, miracles and God’s intervention and revelation would be trivial. God could do anything He desires, any place He chooses, for any reason He thinks best. Only an unwarranted bias could deny a supernatural God. So such things must be demonstrated by honest credible eyewitness testimony and cannot be dismissed by philosophical prejudice. See my other articles for evidence of God and his actions within our world.
Evolutionist’s Spurious Arguments
Good science is demonstrated by repeatable measurable controlled experiment. Experiments were conducted on fruit flies since they had a very short lifespan. All that many generations of fruit flies proved was that they can be made to have mutated and handicapped wings and legs but not become anything other than fruit flies. Evolution failed the experiment and isn't based on experiment.
Evolutionary theory is that life forms are improving in ability to survive. A law of physics (Second Law of Thermodynamics) is that things naturally deteriorate. Breeding can improve life forms but only from what is already in their genes as no new genetic material is created. Acquired characteristics and mutations are not a sufficient mechanism to change one life form into another. Genes are fixed by inheritance. A great many mutations designed to function together would be required. But mutations are detrimental and are not passed on. So atoms didn't on their on accord arrange themselves into Adam--God made us. and in His rational, moral, immortal image.
Useless appendages are said to be a carryover from evolution. But that is an argument from ignorance. It was once thought there were over a hundred useless such appendages such as the appendix. But further research demonstrated these appendages have been found to have specific uses in an animal’s life cycle after all. Only a small number are in doubt today. Another evolutionist's argument based on ignorance.
We can classify similarities of life forms in an order of complexity that shows evolution. We could if creation were true as well. And yes, a monkey’s arm is similar to a man’s arm; life forms have similar organs, systems, fluids and DNA. But there’s no rule God must make every life form different. Indeed, birds must have wings to fly, land animals legs to walk, fish fins and a tail to swim and all require lungs, mouth, and a reproductive system and so on. What really needs explanation is how sex differences throughout the animal and plant kingdoms could come about except by or from a Creator. This is a problem evolutionists are without answer while creationists do--the almighty will of God. 
 The human embryo’s development shows the steps of transition from its animal ancestors. Absurd! What was once thought to be a fish’s gills and a monkey’s tail were no more than undeveloped parts of a human baby. Abortionists use this silly argument to torture with acid or cut up and murder human babies without mercy. Evolution doesn't enhance human dignity but diminishes it and leads to human destruction. Aren't the Brits correct to call it EVILution?
We know varieties of animals exist and so given enough time we are all related to a common ancestor. Yes, there are varieties of dogs, horses, monkeys, and men. But we don’t know that dogs change into horses or monkeys evolve into men. Genetic limitations forbid it. Microevolution (limited change) is known fact; macroevolution is speculative theory. And the real evidence can best be explained by a  Common Designer, not a common ancestor. Dead mindless molecules can’t arrange themselves into men no matter how much time. Design requires a Designer—a Living Intelligence and will.
Missing links show man descended from a lower form of life. That would be the real proof of evolution. But even the term “missing links” is prejudicial influencing persons to believe evolution. That molecules can arrange themselves into men would require thousand of bones demonstrating it step by step. But all we have is a few disputed hoaxes. Paleontologists occasionally announce they have found the missing link to enjoy world fame for a brief time until their find is shown to be only some kind of monkey form. The Tennessee Scopes trial convinced Americans Nebraska man was the missing link that proved evolution. So science was right and religion wrong and shouldn’t be allowed to be taught in school textbooks. The fossil found turned out to be an extinct pigs tooth. Still in many minds it caused God and morality to take a nose dive. Get real! The alleged ape-men turn out to be either monkeys or men. Why not give human dignity and destiny serious and honest consideration with all the evidence for the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Evolutionist’s Ignoring of Evidence
First, evolutionists know only life can produce other life. There’s no spontaneous generation from the non-living, but this is required in evolution theory. Further, everything that is alive must have been designed to be that way from the start or what is termed specified complexity. Imagine a single celled amoeba taking on multi-cells, developing legs to walk outside water and eyes to see where it’s going and somewhere along the line a brain to control everything. And what about when these things are only partially developed—a partial eye, leg, digestive or reproductive system? It seems ridiculously funny but that must be what must take place. If any one of those organs or systems were destroyed, the organism would become helpless. Do unconscious, mindless chemicals arrange themselves into people? That’s what evolutionists must believe.
Evolutionist’s Theory of Human Destruction
If the theory of evolution is true, then we’re only soulless dirt. We come from the elements of the ground to which we return. People’s skin even takes the colors we see in dirt being brown, black,  white, red and yellow. As soulless dirt, somehow evolved by chance from slime, we are only a more evolved animal. Our only law is survival of the fittest, which means we must exercise power over weaker animals. Whoever gains power can manipulate and murder us without remorse. What a terribly sad wicked state evolution has brought to us!
The Savior and Lord who died and rose again, Jesus Christ, gives back everything evolution takes away—absolute truth, human dignity, rights, ethics, justice, love, Heaven. Doesn’t it make more sense to trust our lives into His care?
If we don't knell before our Savior now, we will knell before Him as Judge at the great white thrown. So will you knell now and say, Jesus I come to You as a humble sinner and trust You  as my Lord and Savior right now and forever. So be it.  Sharing these blog articles can bring about immense good in people's lives both now and eternally. Just link them with your blog.

1 comment:

  1. Call me prejudiced, unscientific, and irrational if U like, but I like the benefits Jesus gives much better than slime. And I think an objective outlook shows his claims, miracles and resurrection to be more reasonable than the slime alternative.


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