By the Numbers

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Alternatives If There's No God

The Alternatives If There's No God

When I speak of God, I don’t mean anybody’s idea of God. I don’t mean the pantheist god of universal energy or force. I don’t mean the intellectual’s irrelevant process god. I don’t mean god as our highest ideal. I don’t mean a deistic Creator of the world who then abandoned it. I don’t mean the imperfect god who allows us 51% good deeds to enter Heaven--maybe. I don’t mean a god who is exclusively love and excuses every wicked thing we might do. I don’t mean conflicting limited temporary gods derived from nature.
I do mean the self-existent, infinite perfect personal ethical God of biblical Christianity. I mean the Creator God who gave abundant evidence he walked among us. Who in love died to save us from sin and its consequences, and who rose again. Only this God is God and worth our time, worship and service. But unbelief claims this God doesn’t exist. What then are the alternatives?
The Universe Originated By Chance
Chance or accident is our only explanation for the universe’s beginning. So before the universe popped into existence no physical forces existed and no matter, time or space. But science and good sense accepts as obvious fact that nothing can’t produce something. So everything that begins must have an adequate cause. The universe’s expansion, it’s running down, and that it’s impossible to backtrack eternally, all point to a time of beginning. So the universe must be the effect of a self-existing infinite unchangeable immaterial Intelligence we may rightfully call God. Chance origins don’t make scientific nor biblical sense. But in beginning, God created does.
The Universe Will Die
What popped into being by chance is not eternal and can pop out of being anytime. I’ve already mentioned the universe is dying a heat death—the stars are dying out, it's called the second law of thermodynamics. But further, the earth can be destroyed at anytime. I saw ten disasters on the science TV channel that could destroy the earth--a big asteroid, volcanic eruptions, solar flares, earthquakes, ice caps melting. Christians, however, believe God is in control and will destroy the universe by fire.
“Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (2 Pet. 3:12-13).   
Human Life Is the Product of Chance Evolution
In the first place, spontaneous generation of life from dead, mindless chemicals is impossible—something can’t give what it doesn’t have. Life forms are genetically fixed within limits from the start. There are no transitional links between animals—but those who won’t allow God can’t admit that. Further, without a heart, reproductive capacity, breathing system or some vital organ animals could never survive, so it’s obvious all must be present and functional from the start. These known scientific facts eliminate any possibility of evolution and point to God.
Human Life Has No Ultimate Purpose
Without God to sustain it, all life will cease to exist. What then is the meaning of life? Even supposing life came to earth for an outside source or that we may go to other planets our lives will end and soon be forgotten memories. Will we even have a tombstone with our name inscribed? The Grim Reaper may be knocking at our door even now. All our aspirations, hopes, achievements will cease to exist. That is unless Jesus is the God-man who told us God’s truth and can give us everlasting life. Some atheists such as Bertrand Russell admit this.
Morality, Ethics, Right and Wrong Doesn’t Make Ultimate Sense
Life is short and seems to fly by faster every year. Why not ‘live it up’ and do just what I want?Passions are strong. I’m often weak. Sexual tension drives me up the wall. No God means no judgment or Hell. Evolution proves we’re just animals anyway. So why not do what animals do? People get in my way. Why should I care about them? Yes laws and humane treatment work better and makes us feel saver and saner, but I want my way and I’m going to have it. Responsibility to others doesn’t make much sense to me. And if I’m clever, I can get by with lots of things. But . . .
“They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting . . . who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who do such things are deserving of death. You are inexcusable, O man (Rom. 3:28, 32; 2:1).”
Human Dignity, Rights and Freedom Mean Little for Soulless Dirt
We know that at death we return to the dirt we are--our skin even shows the same colors as white, black, brown, red, and yellow dirt. We’re soulless animals of no greater value than dirt. In a chaotic relativist world, whoever can make great promises and usurp government control can rule the world. We are moving closer to that every day. Communication and travel improvements bring us together as one world awaiting the AntiChrist destroyer.
“And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:7-8).”
There’s No Basis for Absolute Justice, Mercy, Love or Truth
A godless world has no place for moral absolutes. Justice, mercy, love and truth is what you make of them or what will be forced upon you. There is no authoritative standard above limited, fickle, conflicting, biased human opinions and preferences. Tyrants rule and people are at their mercy. Conscience, guilt feelings, and shame are universal but make no sense without a Moral Lawgiver.
“When Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel (Rom. 2:14-16).”
Experimental Science Is Without Foundation
Experimental science developed in medieval Christian Europe, which supplied the necessary conceptual framework. Apart from biblical Christianity, it’s unlikely we would have modern experimental science. Paganism thought nature scared and tampering with it disturbing its gods. Mystical pantheism regarded the world cyclic and unreal illusion. Plato and the philosophers gained knowledge through reason not experimental testing. Ancient civilizations believed interference of the gods make the world illogical and unpredictable. Even Islam’s Allah was arbitrary.
 But Christians believed God created a real world that was good, orderly, intelligible, and made for exploration, study, dominion and development. The heavens declared the glory of God and the earth is his handiwork. It is no accident that the pioneers of science were committed Christians. These include Johannes Kepler, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday and a list to long to name. Science textbooks don’t mention their men’s religious beliefs and practices. For example, the great Isaac Newton wrote Bible commentaries. Naturalistic science borrowed its foundation from Christianity and disowned its forbearer.
All Religions Can Be Classified Into Two Categories
All human ideas of God can fit into two major categories: subjective or objective. Subjective ideas of God are based upon human imaginations, fears and speculations—persons make claims about them but furnish no real objective tangible evidence they exist. For example, god is universal energy—philosophical Hinduism and Buddhism. Many gods—popular Hinduism and Mormonism. God is what an angel told me—Islam and Mormonism. A good god and an evil god must exist to explain good and evil in the world--Zoroastrianism. No god exists because I haven’t seen anything that convinces me but I honor my beloved ancestors—Confucianism and Shinto.
An objective religion would furnish evidence that honest open-minded thinking people can examine to see if God actually exists. Without apology, I claim that the Judao-Christian faith alone of all religions meets this test.
 Before you accuse me of being an arrogant, narrow-minded, bigot, please here me out. First, many conflicting religions can’t all be right no matter what they claim—God can’t be all the different things mentioned above. I don’t mean this to put anyone down but just to be truthful. Second, if any one religion is true and of God, everyone is in his or her rights to ask for rational factual evidence. Now I’ve given good reason a personal ethical God exists. Is there any reason the universe’s Creator cannot become a man and walk among us? Could Jesus be the God-man?     
Jesus is said to claim and do things that could only be true of God. First, he fulfilled detailed Messianic predictions made centuries before he lived on earth. Such predictions as Messiah would be God, born in Bethlehem, perform miracles, die for people’s sins and rise from the dead—only God could fulfill such prophecies. Second, Jesus did things only God’s power would enable anyone to do. He walked on water, healed all kinds of diseases immediately, caste out demons, ascended into the sky. Third, all the while Jesus said things only God would say: He came from Heaven, existed before creation, performed miracles, forgives sins, could give eternal life, is the only way to Heaven. Now if these things are true, wouldn’t the conclusion have to be: Jesus is God? And if good honest evidence supports it, wouldn’t we be fools to ignore it? And isn’t the burden of proof on us to prove it false?
Yes, others are claimed to be God and perform miracles. But in writings centuries after their deaths by adoring disciples and not in primary documents or in teaching of the founders. That’s altogether different from eyewitness accounts within three decades of Jesus death and of disciples who endured torturous deaths to verify Jesus is the risen Lord. Moreover, Jesus’ disciples lived in the real world and were as astonished at his claims, fulfilled prophecies and miracles as we are today. In trusting Jesus to save us, our only loss is desire to sin and eternity in Hell. 
 It’s your choice? Heaven’s love and fulfillment, or Hell’s darkness and torments? This is our life's most serious decision. Trust the Lord now. You may never have this chance again. I pray U will say, Lord forgive me the sinner, and be my Savior, Lord and Life Guide.
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