By the Numbers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cultural Norms or Foolish Destructive Absurdities?

           Cultural Norms or Foolish Destructive Absurdities?
People today don’t think the same way as when under Christian biblical influence and the Christian worldview. Let’s evaluate a few ways some think today in our postmodern generation.
Truth is only a social construct for the powerful to maintain their power. If that is so true, ask the person making this claim to test his statement by jumping in front of an oncoming vehicle. Could this denial of truth be the attempt to usurp power? Without absolute truth, no statement can be a lie. Without an absolute standard, we have no sure basis of judgment. God revealed in Jesus Christ is our only possible standard and authority--human opinions and preferences lead to chaos and dictatorship.
Truth and morality are relative. Then nobody has reason to complain when spouses can have an affair, doctors are right to lie to their patients about their health, politicians don’t have to keep their campaign promises, students do well to cheat through school to get better jobs to serve the public. The list is unending. 
If people really believed this and acted on it in everyday life, think what the world would become. Could it be that people say this as an excuse to justify what they want to do even when they know it’s wrong? Might they be the first to scream unfair when someone applies it to them? What is just and fair for one human being is just and fair for all because of our common humanity. But what if we all have to give an account of our lives to the loving Savior who died to save us from sin and who we despised? Matt. 12:36; Rom. 14:12; 1 Cor. 1:28-31 
There’s no absolute truth. Then why should I believe you’re telling the truth? You’re own statement self-destructs. Jesus gave rational empirical evidences He is the truth. John 14:6.
All ideas have equal merit. So we should be tolerant of everyone’s views. Then we can claim slavery is as good as freedom, dictatorship as democracy, death as life, wealth as poverty, sickness as health, Hell as Heaven, God as Satan. Then you have no reason to complain when people lie or mistreat you. We create our own chaotic godless terrorist world. "We will not have this man reign over us" (Luke 19:14).  "Crucify him" (Luke 23:22).
All religions are equally good. Then Aztec’s sacrificing people to the sun god is equal to Jesus, the Son of God, sacrificing Himself for our sins and opening the door to receive His gift of eternal life? Then, is Islam’s taking people as slaves equal to Christians giving slaves freedom? And then, is Muslims sending their children through mine fields to die for Allah to clear the area for their soldiers as good as Christians telling their children about the love of the Lord Jesus dying to save them from sin? But only the Son of man came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).
Women are inferior to men. Some religions such as Islam teach this and deny women equal rights of men. But this is not what the Bible teaches or the Christian way (Gen. 1:27; Gal. 3:28). God gave the sexes different roles and distinctive gifts. Adam knew not to eat the forbidden fruit and should have stopped Eve from eating it. But he didn’t, and so is equally guilty as Eve if not more so since he is head of the family. Nations that restrict women’s freedom such as in education, and knowing how to drive a car, deprive their country of great benefits. Every person receives half of their genetic potential from their father and the other half from their mother. So logically it can’t be said one sex is inferior or superior to the other--rather God designed them for different roles.
Christians are hypocrites. They don’t live completely in accord with the Bible. Then unbelievers who profess no such moral standards can’t be judged as immoral. But could casting blame on others be an attempt to relieve their own guilt? Nobody can live by God’s laws all the time. Unless we know, understand, and apply them correctly, we can’t begin to live by all of them. This is why we continually need to come before the Lord in humble repentance and confession (1 John 1:8-10) and Bible study (2 Timothy 2:15). God will judge us all so nobody has any excuse (Romans 2:1).
Christians are not to judge others behavior says Matthew 7:1-5. Wrong! See Matt. 18:15-16; Rom. 16:17; Gal. 6:1; 1 John 4:1. This text is taken out of context. Persons who criticize Christians want to shut them up since they feel the heat of guilt themselves. The text is speaking of hypocritical judgment not all judgment. It tells the critic to get the plank out of his or her own eye first before condemning the speck in anther's eye. Certainly, teachers, police, judges, parents, and others must make critical evaluations of people’s actions every day. Even the accusation “you’re judging” is a judgment. Who then is the real hypocrite and judge here?
We must not punish poor criminals. They had a bad environment or were tempted and mistreated by their victims. If that isn’t warped logic, I can’t imagine what can be. Why don’t you move your loved ones in with these poor mistreated thieves, rapists, killers? Whatever they do, don’t mistreat them or suggest they do wrong so you can prove your point? What will civilization become if we allow the murders to do their thing and punish ministers who try to correct and help people?
We shouldn’t condemn homosexuality. These poor individuals are born this way. They can’t help it. NOT TRUE! They feel born homosexual but studies made in this area indicate we’re not born homosexuals anymore than born murderers. Homosexuality is a learned behavior that can be unlearned. Kinsey report decades ago misled the public with skewed information saying 10 % of the population was homosexual. It presented the act as a natural part of life and people were deceived by his report. He interviewed people in jail who are more prone to the practice.
Objective studies since indicate it’s more like 2 % and there are factors that influence homosexuality such as sexual abuse, or neglect or harsh treatment by a parent of the same sex. It’s known that strong pressure by the homosexual community and not objective studies of the problem decided the American Psychiatric Association to claim the practice normal. God who knows all things says its sin (Gen. 19; Lev.18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). God’s intent is marriage of one man to one woman and children. And yes, we’re all sinners in one way or another and to varying degrees. As Christians, we are to respect and care about all sinners but hate the sin that displeases God and destroys us. Not society, but God says what's right and will judge us accordingly.
A loving God simply can’t send people to an eternal Hell. Do you want thieves, child molesters, rapists, murders, and their ilk living next door to your family? Is it your desire they do their thing in Heaven also? That would destroy Heaven.
Some persons rebel against laws and right behavior to the end. Civilized people put such persons away for the sanity and safety of society. Are you claiming God is wrong to do the same thing? Not to punish injustice is to condone and promote it.
A truly loving God doesn’t force people who hate him to obey him. So sinners who hate God and His right ways are allowed their own choice away from them forever. Our free will is what gives us dignity above animals acting on instinct and machines programmed to respond in particular ways. 
Yet, while we are sinners hating God and wanting only our own way, God loves us and sent His Son to save us in a love-trust relationship with Him forever. I invite U to say, Lord save me a sinner--if U mean it with all your heart. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.

1 comment:

  1. We gain nothing as individuals or as society to live a life of deception and wickedness. Righteousnes exalts us as human beings and as a nation. Pray and fight for God's way and one day we will receive our reward.


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