By the Numbers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dr. Evangelical Speaks at Darwin University

Dr. Evangelical Speaks at Darwin University

#Darwin     #Secular
Darwin University President, Dr. Secular, introduces the speaker.  With administrative approval and as president, it’s my privilege to introduce my longtime friend and our speaker today. He holds to a faith and worldview opposed to what we believe and teach here at Darwin University. This should challenge the thinking of those who believe we secular humanists devoted to Darwin are too closed-minded and arrogant to allow a speaker even hinting at God, religious authority and freedom.
Dr. Norman Evangelical (Norman L. Geisler) is a well-known and highly esteemed educator who founded an evangelical theological seminary. He has written seventy some books, numerous articles in scholarly journals, and for many years taught philosophy, logic, ethics, Bible and theology. He’s widely known for his Baker Encyclopedia on Christian Apologetics and his Systematic Theology. He fearlessly debates us secular scholars in the U.S.A. and around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker and philosopher-theologian Dr. Norman Evangelical. --Boo. Boo. Boo.
Thank you my friend, Dr. Secular. I’m not here to survey the arguments for God’s existence, or to present the arguments against mindless molecules evolving or arranging themselves into men. I do hold to those arguments, however, and intellectual integrity requires we consider them seriously. I’m here today to show contrasts between two faiths, two opposing worldviews, and the crucial differences they make for our lives. These two opposing views are secular humanism and biblical Christianity. Each has the most serious and practical consequences.
I don’t believe any mystic’s mere claims to be God or tell us about God whether it’s Zoroaster, Muhammad, Moses, or Jesus. You or I could make the same claim. The radical difference with Jesus is no mere claim. Jesus did things we can only ascribe to God such as heal various diseases immediately, walk on water and raise the dead. And his disciples published these events not centuries later but within three decades or less while living persons hostile to Jesus would have utterly repudiated all false claims. Jesus’ skeptical disciples didn’t stupidly believe in fairy tales, would not change their Jewish faith to risk being caste into Hell, and would not endure rejection, persecution, and torturous deaths for what they knew to be a lie. So, based upon arguments alluded to above and upon Jesus, I present four crucial contrasts between the two worldviews. My topic is:

                          The Essential Foundations of Human Existence.

First, consider human dignity. The Bible teaches all persons are descendants of our first parents, Adam and Eve, created in God’s image, immortal, a little lower than the angels. This gives all humanity great dignity and the same equality. No inherent difference exists between a person’s race, color, nationality, age, belief—all are persons. So we should show all the same great respect and care. But secular humanism says soulless man is here by accident. He’s only a more sophisticated animal crawled up from the slime pit to which he returns at death. Nietzsche and Hitler enacted evolutionary humanism, Mother Teresa and Salvation Army’s General Booth divine creation. Secularism regards us dispensable soulless dirt; Christianity mandates God’s creations be treated with dignity.
Next, consider ethics. The Bible teaches a Personal Creator, Life Giver, and Moral Lawgiver set standards to insure our health and happiness, our security and sanity and that abuse of God’s standards results in his just but loving discipline. Humanity has God’s witness of conscience and God’s Holy Spirit reflected in peoples’ acknowledging a moral code and strongly protesting when abuses such as deception, robbery, rape, murder turn upon them. But evolutionary humanism suppresses these witnesses and denies God’s existence. Thus, evolutionary humanism has no basis for ethical standards--nature's is can't tell us ethics ought. Without a personal ethical absolute authority anything is permitted. Right and wrong is just limited, conflicting human opinions which boil down to might makes right. Whoever gets the big stick can enslave others helpless to resist. Such tyrants can order the extermination of millions, which is exactly what 20th century Godless dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and others did.
Further, consider marriage. . In biblical teaching God made Adam directly a living soul and Eve from him since no suitable mate existed among the animals. Jesus was clear that the one flesh marriage at the beginning is permanent. God hates divorce and it only shows the hardness of human hearts. That one flesh marriage excludes a person’s having many spouses despite its flagrant abuse in biblical times and today. One man cannot show proper attention to many wives and it’s terribly unfair to men without wives. Further, male and female bodies show God designed us with compatible anatomies for a one-flesh relationship to have children, and that’s something evolutionists find difficult to explain.
Evolving secularism has no sexual bounds. Same sex marriage even people having sex with animals is now being considered; after all that's all we are.  Homosexuality carried out consistently would eradicate the human race and it provides no true family model of both genders. God married Adam to Eve, not Steve. And God meant man to be head and loving leader of his wife and to discipline their children. God created both genders in his likeness but for different roles clearly shown by man’s physiology being bigger and stronger and woman’s being helpless during pregnancy and nurturing babies. Women are in God’s image and entitled to good treatment as much as men.
Finally, consider government. The Bible teaching is that God ordains governments to enact laws, which protect citizens and secure their well-being. It includes raising taxes and use of the sword or capital punishment for violators. Christian citizens are to obey government laws except when they annul God’s higher moral laws and freedom to preach the good news of Christ as Lord and Savior. Bur secular governments can ignore God’s laws. They decide what is true, what’s law, who lives, and do so without moral boundaries as human dignity, marriage, sex. They are tyrants and world history confirms it.
Friends, fight for survival of our family, of our children, of human dignity, of human freedom, and of human life. Please, work with me to raise the Christian flag in this human crises and cultural war. In Christ, we can save human dignity and equality, save ethical decency, save marriage, and have a just and compassionate government. The Darwinian philosophy of molecule to man can only enslave and destroy us, make us worthless dirt to be manipulated and murdered.
Thank you for having me. I’ll be happy to answer any questions in your lounge next door. In addition to my books mentioned above, check out my others books on the table below. Again, thank you so much for having me.

1 comment:

  1. Miracles and the Modern Mind.
    Introduction to Philosophy.
    Is Man the Measure?
    In Defense of the Resurrection.
    Making Sense of Bible Difficulties.
    Correcting the Cultists.
    Chosen But Free.
    Answering Islam.


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