Is Hitler in Heaven?
Many persons have a problem believing in Hell. They feel a truly loving God would never send anyone to what they call an eternal torture chamber. We live in a “slap on the hand world”.
We overlook evil, think people odd to mention sin, ridicule people with morals as being “holier than thou”. Television teaches us that sex is fun as if we didn’t already know that, that everybody does it, and that it’s just natural even with our own sex. Deception, betrayal, corruption among our national leaders and examples are commonplace. We’re told to go with the flow. Maybe even Hitler is in Heaven. It all comes down to what each person says is sin—or does it? Are there any reasons to say anything is wrong anymore? I say, there sure is! If Hitler isn't in Hell, nothing makes sense. There's no hope for humanity.
We overlook evil, think people odd to mention sin, ridicule people with morals as being “holier than thou”. Television teaches us that sex is fun as if we didn’t already know that, that everybody does it, and that it’s just natural even with our own sex. Deception, betrayal, corruption among our national leaders and examples are commonplace. We’re told to go with the flow. Maybe even Hitler is in Heaven. It all comes down to what each person says is sin—or does it? Are there any reasons to say anything is wrong anymore? I say, there sure is! If Hitler isn't in Hell, nothing makes sense. There's no hope for humanity.
Hitler Would Destroy Heaven.
Hitler sought to impose the Third Reich for a thousand years. He sought to eliminate anybody not of Nordic blood claiming they were inferior. I wonder what the Japanese thought of that! Anyway that meant six million murdered Jews, millions of Gypsies, and anyone who didn’t believe in his policies. He had doctors tie women’s legs together who were about to have babies to observe the results. But Hitler is no exception; he’s only one in a long list of conquers on every continent who merciless murdered men, women and children. They destroy farms, houses and lands wherever they went. It’s our inhuman history worldwide since Cain killed Able. And without regret or remorse, such persons take pride in and brag about their destructive accomplishments.
Now if there were no Hell, such persons would seek to do the same thing in Heaven they prided themselves doing on earth. They would destroy peace, land and life in Heaven as well. Simply put, there could be no Heaven with Hitler-minded tyrants there—they would turn it into the Hell their lustful desires dictate. And our inherited sin nature makes us all under tempting circumstances capable of becoming another Hitler.
“There is none righteous, no, not one;
There is none who understands;
There is none who seeks after God.
They have all turned aside;
They have together become unprofitable;
. . . Destruction and misery are in their ways;
And the way of peace, they have not known;
There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Romans 3:10-12; 16-18
Hitler in Heaven Would Annul God’s Promise to His People.
Biblical authority, which is our only divinely revealed guide on the afterlife, teaches UNREPENTANT Hitlers won’t inhabit Heaven. Further, it gives true repentant believers in Christ the assurance of Heaven for they have names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and they are justified, washed, set apart unto God. Only Heaven’s Creator, Owner and our Life-Giver could insure such a promise.
“But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, not revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Hitler in Heaven Would Destroy Moral Incentive on Earth.
What about human hope and moral incentive? Many persons hope and long for a better world of peace, love, and happiness. They believe in some kind of Heaven or better world they can go to after death and no longer endure all the frustration, failure, heartache and suffering they experienced here. If Heaven is run by Hitlers, all is despair.
Many feel why even try to follow any rules of human decency? Why try to treat persons with respect? Why not do anything and everything our devilish desires might dictate? There’s no reward for trying to be good. Sin can be fun even if it’s only seasonal and destroys one’s body and mind. No hope for a better future turns this life into even more of a Hell. We have the promise of forgiveness, purity and new life in Christ and in him alone.
“You should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance . . . that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you have not so learned Christ.” Ephesians 4:17-20
Hitler in Heaven Would Defy the Holiness and Sovereignty of God.
The Bible is unmistakably plain that God is holy or perfect and right in all his ways. He is too good to look upon sin. And God is the Almighty Creator in control of every particle of matter or energy in the universe. God does what He pleases in Heaven and on earth. Nothing can defy Him. But if it is not so, we humans have no hope. The universe is out of control and any calamity or evil may occur.
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” Revelation 4:8
“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.” Revelation 4:11
Hitler in Heaven Ignores the Evidence of Creation and Conscience.
All creation testifies to the greatness and grandeur of God. The specific arrangement of the elements testifies to God’s intelligence. The immensity of the universe demonstrates his power. Every plant and animal has a specified complexity or genetic plan. Further, life systems are interrelated and irreducibly complex showing life had to be complete and function at the outset. Such marvels cannot be a product of mindless chance and time; open-minded evaluation points not to nature, but to nature’s God. Nature couldn’t make man anymore than nature could form the four faces on Mount Rushmore.
Conscience in everyone tells us to treat others with the same respect and concern we would want to be treated. Of course, conscience can become insensitive; we can harden our hearts toward others. But let someone mistreat, abuse, or ridicule us and immediately we scream unfair! Not right! Abuse! Let’s not fool ourselves but be honest about it. Conscience testifies to a real right and wrong but makes no ultimate sense unless there’s an ethical standard and personal ethical God to execute judgment. An Absolute Moral Lawgiver and Judge render us without excuse.
Hitler in Heaven Would Nullify the Atonement of Christ.
Christ showed himself in our space-time world claiming to be fully man and fully God, the God-man. Unlike other religious leaders, Jesus gave us repeated rational proofs of who he is. Jesus was virgin born, lived without sin, fulfilled ancient prophecies of a coming Messiah promised to be God, performed multiple miracles before astonished disciples and hostile critics, died for our sins on the cross and arose from the dead. History testified to these things for any honest seeker really wanting to know.
This most loving Lord willingly paid the supreme sacrifice for us and warned us about a real Hell more than anybody else did. What further proof could we possibly require? Hell is real and we had better make our peace with it. That peace comes only when we trust in the Savior of sinners as our Lord.
But of course, if UNREPENTANT Hitler is in Heaven, that means there’s no Hell and everyone goes to Heaven if we can any longer call it that. So then, how we live in this world or what we believe about God or anything else doesn’t really matter. And the death of the Lord Jesus is of no avail. All hope in the good Lord is dead. The universe becomes an irrational, depressing and a morally meaningless joke on us.
But!! Hitler is in Hell, which shows our serious mistake to deny the utter necessity of Hell. More serious yet, everyone without faith in Christ will one day be with Hitler. I wonder how friendly the Jews and other unsaved persons he murdered will be to him there! But friend, you don’t have to be with the Hitlers of this world in eternity. Won’t you say--- I commit to you now Jesus as my Lord and Savior from sin from this day forward. I give myself to You Lord who in love gave Yourself for me. And now Lord, I want to share these messages of Your truth and love with such needy sinful people. You may link my blog to your computer and use my articles to win others to the Savior. God bless.
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