Interview with Professor Mater Atheos
Chris Theon arrived for his two o’clock appointment at Professor Atheos’ office in the administrative building at secular university. Knock. Knock.
“Come in, Mr. Theon.” Opening the door, the professor greeted Chris with a casual smile and invited him in to sit across from him at the little round table. Looking around the office Chris was much impressed. He said, “You sure have a lot of earned and honorary degrees and honors professor. You have filled your wall with them. You must be quite a knowledgeable man.”
“Ha, ha. Oh, I’m just a humble person who worked hard and persevered. I understand you want to interview me about my beliefs.”
“Yes, and thank you so much for giving me some of your time. I believe you’re called by many names.”
“Yes, ha, ha. Some people think I’m an antichrist in league with the devil because of my beliefs. They call me atheist, humanist, materialist, naturalist, secularist, antitheist and some other things I won’t mention. They all mean I don’t believe in any God, miracles, angels, divine revelations, human souls or any religions and superstitions. The universe is eternal and self-sustaining. There’s no God and we should justify our beliefs by science and reason. I believe the scientific method of laboratory controlled, repeated, observable experiments is the only way to gain knowledge.”
“Yes professor that’s certainly true in physics and chemistry. But wouldn’t you say archaeology, paleontology, geology and forensics qualify as sciences and give us knowledge as well? All these depend upon data of intelligent design in nature. Moreover, we can’t subject past events to laboratory controlled, repeated, observable experiments. And suppose there’s a Creator God who’s an infinite Spirit. Do you think he would submit to our laboratory, controlled, repeated, observable experiments so we can know he’s real? And who was around to observe and report on what happened at Creation. But here again scientists now know the universe is not eternal and this points to a personal intelligence to account for the persons and things we observe in the world.”
“Ha, ha, well Chris I think evolution answers this whole question of God and creation and shows we no longer need God to account for things. Who can deny that evolution is a proven fact?”
“Of course Dr. Atheos, if by evolution you mean many varieties of dogs and monkeys exist (microevolution). But, that’s no evidence that dogs change into horses and monkeys evolve into men (macroevolution).Where’s the evidence in nature that molecules can come alive, develop intelligence and arrange themselves into men? If it happened, shouldn’t we see thousands of fossils or transitional steps that would decisively prove it true? Besides, life forms are genetically programmed. Mutations are detrimental defects and don’t accumulative over generations. Enormously complicated animals and plants would have to be alive and functional from the start. So is evolution proven fact or mere speculative theory?”
“Hum! (Professor Atheos became tight-lipped and raised his voice). Young man if a God of infinite goodness exists, he would desire to purge evil and suffering from the earth. And a God of infinite power could fulfill his desire. But evil and suffering exists. I think that does away with any notion of such a God.”
“Professor, Sir, you’re right that this is a serious problem and I don’t think we limited humans have answers in specific cases. But we have some general answers that show it’s reasonable that a good God and providence exists. First, to prevent evil and suffering, God would have to create us as robots without free choice to either accept or reject him. That’s no honor to us or glory to him. Also, if God is infinitely good and powerful, then he certainly can defeat evil and suffering. Do we know he doesn’t have a good reason for the delay? Further, we’re all sinners who brought evil and suffering into the world, destroying them would be destroying us. So shouldn’t we be grateful for God’s delay? The Bible says God is patient and it’s not his will that any should perish but all come to the truth. Finally, if there be no God, everything is a given or just is, how can we even define good or evil as anything more than just our individual preference?”
“Ah haw! You’re a Christian believer in the Bible. Well, I don’t believe in that heinous book. It’s full of evils like warfare, murders, and lies even of its supposedly holy people. It’s not the so-called ‘good book.’ How can you accept such literature and say it’s inspired by God?”
“I’m glad you asked professor, sir. You are right the Bible is full of these things. But God doesn’t approve the lies, adulteries, murders, human sacrifices, sex with animals and other evils committed by persons in the Bible. He had them recorded to show they bring death and just retribution. God’s servants provide Bible lists showing how God wants us to live for our best interests. Consider the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount and others.”
“If we reject God’s authority for chance and evolution, then limited, conflicting, human opinions, and guesses are the result--we have no absolute truth or authority to say what’s good or evil. We’re without human dignity, without ethical standards, without human rights, without ultimate purpose, and without hope for an afterlife. Isn’t that what atheist philosophy offers us professor Atheos—chaos and complete despair?”
“In atheist countries, it starts with lying promises of hope and citizen reforms followed with indiscriminate merciless human slaughter. Atheist countries destroy prosperity, human rights and belief in a higher authority in order to establish control. They have to build walls to prevent brave citizens from escaping their tyranny to a land where God is honored and people prosper.”
“I’ve had enough of your impudence, Christian! The interview is over. Leave! “.
As Chris walked out the door, he heard it slam behind him and Professor Atheos scream--“Christians are arrogant, narrow-minded, ignorant, intolerant, bigoted and just plain evil. They don’t believe in science and reason. Christians are atheist-phobic. How dare that upstart make me look bad?” With head held high, “I’m the professor with all the degrees and awards. He’s nothing. He’s just a piece of soulless dirt and . . !!”
Chris left sadden that Professor Atheos was closed-minded in naturalistic philosophy. He prayed the professor would be willing to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who died to save us from our sins and give us a new understanding and help us make a better world here until we live with Him in the new Heaven on the new earth.
Chris left sadden that Professor Atheos was closed-minded in naturalistic philosophy. He prayed the professor would be willing to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who died to save us from our sins and give us a new understanding and help us make a better world here until we live with Him in the new Heaven on the new earth.
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