By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Sincere Searchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sincere Searchers. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ten Reasons Some Persons Deny the Biblical God

                                Ten Reasons Some Persons Deny the Biblical God
#Reasons  #Answers 
Could persons giving these reasons be assuming things that aren't true, are foolish, or not clearly thought out? And why is it the Bible's God seems most objectionable rather than some other ideas about God? Let's try to be as honest, objective, open minded and fair about this as we would want someone to be with us. Maybe there's something we overlooked or never thought about. It's possible anybody can make an honest mistake--even me.
I can't believe in a God I can't detect with my five senses. What kind of evidence do you require to believe in God? Must God be a giant man who appears to you in the sky? Must he be handsome, smell good, and be soft spoken? Or do you expect to discover God under a microscope, through a telescope, or by an experiment? Are you demanding God make himself known to you on your terms? Don't we all believe in many unknown or unheard of things that others told us about? The biblical God Christians believe in upholds the universe and is a Spirit everywhere. But He's God, not us! So we must come to Him on his terms.  He has made us in His image for loving trusting relationship. Jeremiah 29:11, 13 defines the way to that relationship: "I know the thoughts I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. . . . You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart."  
If God in some way indwells Christians why are they such hypocrites? This question involves issues far more complex than persons generally realize. Just because someone goes to church, reads a Bible, or holds a church office doesn't always mean he or she trusts in the Savior. I know of two pastors who preached the gospel, but trusted Christ sometime later. Christians have their struggles with the world, flesh, and devil like everyone else, maybe more so. New Christians don't know, believe, or act as well as mature Christians. Persons from dysfunctional families may have more problems to overcome after conversion.  Also, persons can have good habits and morals but not be a Christian. Besides there are varying degree of commitment just as in all religions. Victory in Jesus comes when we set our minds continually on positive things of God, not negative things of the world (Colossians 3:1-2; Plilippians. 3:18-21).
So we can make faulty judgments. Jesus warned of persons who said they did incredibly good works but he didn't know him (Matt. 7:21-23). Persons too can charge Christians of being hypocrites to try to relieve their own guilt feelings and hypocrisy. In truth, apart from the Christian God there is no absolute standard of judgment. Non Christians have to borrow from biblical Christian ethics to say an act is really wrong. Without God--the personal ethical God of the Bible who holds us accountable--anything is permitted. Moral standards require a personal Moral Lawgiver and Jesus is the proof He exists in His claims to be God together with His miracles and fulfilled prophecies.
Very learned professors and persons I respect say there's no such God. Intelligent learned persons with advanced degrees from prestigious universities can each claim the evidence proves exactly opposite conclusions. We have our biases, special interests, and may not want to know the truth regardless of the evidence. Persons of Jesus' day saw his miracles, heard his claims to be  God, even saw Lazarus who Jesus raised from the dead, and then plotted to have Jesus crucified. Secular historians admit many of the events in Jesus' life, but these really make no sense unless He also performed the miracles said of Him.
The "New Atheists" make misleading claims and arguments saying God is not good and the Bible is a dangerous book. Check out these books. Is God Just a Human Invention, by Sean McDowell and Jonathan Morrow. Why People Don't Believe, by Paul Chamberlain. When God Goes To Starbucks, by Paul Copan.  See my article: Is Any  Religion Objectively True & Humanly Ennobling?
God let the loved one I desperately needed die. Death is a certain reality we all must face and it can occur unexpected and at any time. We are all subject to accidents, diseases, and abuses that are very painful. In a sinful fallen world it's unavoidable. When God gives us the dignity of free will, it's subject to abuse, and often beyond our defense and control. The best thing we can do is trust the Lord, do good for others, and tell them of the Savior and Shepherd of our souls who will never leave us. One day we will have our just reward. In Christ's resurrection alone there is assurance of life beyond the grave and seeing our loved ones who are in Christ. 
I pray fervently but don't see where God answers my prayers. There are conditions that must be met before God can answer our prayers. If we have sin in our life the Lord will not hear us. If we say give me this and give me that, then God I'll believe in You and serve You. That's not acknowledging Him as Lord. God knows if He gave us what we asked, that we would have no further use for Him or even say thank you. True prayer seeks the Lord's will above our own. God may answer our prayer with a yes, no, or later. We must trust in His infinite knowledge, wisdom, power, goodness and love. Memorize Psalm 37:4-5 and repeat it daily and frequently. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."  
I can't believe in a book full of contradictions can be true or right about God. Well, I can't believe some of the ridiculous things critics call contradictions. It's in part because persons today ignorant of the Bible can be told the Bible says things or means things it doesn't. Bible believers in past days would think modern claims and rantings strange. Where did Cain get a wife when Adam and Eve had only two sons and Cain killed Abel? Genesis 5:4 says Adam had sons and daughters, but wouldn't common sense tell us it had to be that way at the start. Let me recommend a good book that answers supposed contradictions: When Critics Ask, by Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe.  See my articles: Bible Errors or Critic's Errors? Doubts Can Have Good Honest Answers # 1, 2.
I don't know much about the Bible, but I see no reasons to believe in its God. Christians in fields of science and philosophy give good reasons to believe in God, but it's the critics that get big press attention. Besides myself, there are a multitude of Christian apologists on the Internet giving good reasons for their faith. Indeed, one must have a godlike knowledge even to deny God. Atheists and critics honestly examining the biblical facts have felt compelled to become Christians. We can reject God for emotional  and social reasons. The Bible's God has a claim on our lives that other so-called gods do not. Remember, it's only the great I Am who gives us our breath and will judge us. 

Antony Flew, the leading academic atheist for fifty years (deceased 2003), came to believe in God the Creator. The big bang convinced him a beginning universe was the effect of  an eternal Beginner or God. Flew, didn't become a Christian, but honestly and openly admitted that the facts pointed to theism. No one has shown the resurrection, the ultimate evidence of Christian faith and hope to be a lie, though many have tried. Also, see my articles: The Alternative If There's No God.  Christian Love or Atheist Power. Is Atheism Best For Us?
Natures laws prevent any God acting in our world. The "New Atheists" in their best selling books are completely closed minded sighting David Hume's arguments there can be no miracle working God. If Hume's objections were true, it seems impossible we could have gone to the moon. Christian theologians have shown Hume's arguments invalid. See my articles:  Has God Made Himself Known to Us? Faith, Reason, & Revelation. Did Jesus Really Perform Miracles? Darwin's Missing Links, or Jesus' Miracles? 
How can we believe in God when so many different things are claimed about him? Many conflicting views logically mean that all can't be right. There can't be many gods, just two gods, one God, no god, or the universe be god. If any one is correct, logically it cancels out all the others. Good faith is based upon logic and fact. Just what some esteemed persons say is not evidence. Anybody can claim God or his angel talked to me and I wrote down his words in a holy book. But mere claims don't prove anything.
Unlike other religions which claim and speculate about a god off somewhere, or that might could explain things, the Bible records historical eyewitness evidences of God acting in our world supernaturally. Persons centuries later, who add to or contradict Bible teachings, are clearly false teachers. The Bible records a multitude of God's actions in the world and in human lives. Though still imperfect, Christian believers changed from destructive evil lives to loving service of God. They built hospitals, schools, rescue missions, retirement homes, helped in disaster relief, and in countless other ways persons today seem to ignore.
I have rights which means I can make my own decisions without anyone, even God telling me what to do. I'm afraid this is the underlining basis for rejection of God. All our claimed objections are really a product of looking for excuses to reject God's will on our lives. Anyone really wanting answers to difficult questions can find them in books and in my articles. Respectfully and biblically, if we're not transformed by the Lord Jesus who gives us rights and our every breath, we're in slavery to sin, Satan, and the world's system of evil.
As a Christian I have had many serious questions but always found answers in diligent honest search. My friend, what about you? Won't you say, Lord Jesus I trust You who gave Your life that I might have abundant life with You. I pray you will find sin's forgiveness, love, peace and joy in Christ others have found and share that good news with friends.
See note below.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Will Everyone Eventually Go To Heaven?

                  Will Everyone Eventually Go To Heaven?
#Universalism  #Heaven
Can our likes and dislikes, strong feelings and opinions be the basis for a universal truth that everyone will go to Heaven? Some persons can't stand the thought of Hell! They feel God would be the worst terrorist to send anyone to an eternal torture chamber such as a lake of fire. Love always forgives and restores, and God is love. It's only a bad environment that makes people go bad and Heaven is only a good environment. Persons who feel this way are called universalists. Now we ask is universalism based on fact? We answer this issue under three questions.
                                          Is Everybody Going to Heaven Realistic?
Wouldn't universalism make human beliefs insignificant? Consider the many conflicting human beliefs. Atheists claim there is no God of any kind and no reason to expect life after. death. Pantheist religions say everything is god which is universal energy or spirit that temporarily appears as stars, plants, and animals. Muslims say whoever doesn't believe that Allah's angel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad will go to Hell. Mormons believe people can become gods and have their own planet. Religious persons generally believe that if some kind of good world exists after death that you must live a good life as they define it to go to that world. Christians believe events can be accurately recorded and known and that God created the universe with man in his image for a love-trust relationship with Him.
Now if we must have the correct belief to go to Heaven, and many people have conflicting beliefs, then it seems all people can't go to Heaven. Can we even know who is right if fickle feelings or conflicting opinions is all we have to go on? Moreover, if all go to Heaven, do beliefs even matter?
Wouldn't universalism make our human behavior insignificant? We can minister to one another as Christians claim we should, or we can murder one another as often occurs. We can selfishly look after our own needs, ignore people, or use and abuse them as being of no great worth. We may even murder people we don't like feeling it's good to get them out of our way and send them to Heaven. Now, if in Heaven we're all rewarded the same, what difference does our present behavior ultimately make? Does our life  now have any purpose? 
Wouldn't universalism destroy our dignity? Sin can be fun, appetites hard to control. Some persons frankly call righteousness boring, but evil exciting and fun. They like violence, fighting, warfare, stealing, deceiving. They are good at it and conquering a part of the world gives them power and makes them feel superior. Now, if Heaven is an all good or perfect place, then it seems we imperfect people must be forced to be good, or go to a Heaven we don't like. We have no say about it. What dignity is that? Isn't the loss of freedom even to do evil a loss of dignity? Do heavenly robots have dignity?
Wouldn't universalism destroy our security? If we all go to Heaven, and it doesn't matter what we believe, or how we behave, whoopee! It's an amoral world we can do anything we like. Wouldn't it then become a madhouse of excitement? Perhaps! What if the thrill wears off? Couldn't it more likely become  a world of destruction, warfare, waste and terror? We may decide it's better to die and go to Heaven--it couldn't be worse! If universalism is true, is a personal God even necessary? Could there even be a good and caring God? Does universalism provide us any hope?
                        From a Christian Perspective Do Universalist's Arguments
                                            Show Everyone Goes to Heaven?
Universalists give theological arguments they claim prove all persons will go to Heaven. They say, God as love doesn't give up and never fails in this world or the next. God having all power cannot be stopped and can do good, even impossible things, so that people will finally accept Him. Having infinite wisdom, God can find the best way to get people to accept Him and go to Heaven. And being just, God must assure that all will be saved and none left out of Heaven. 
Biblical Christians reply, we must first understand that God is not composed of parts that can be divided, but is of simple essence so that all His perfections work together in harmony to achieve His purposes. Further, it's wrong to define God's perfections and acts different from what the Bible says. Finally, God created man in his image, immortal, and with the power of free will and moral responsibility. Right and wrong is defined by God's perfect standard and judgment, not man's fickle conflicting limited opinions. Doesn't this make far more sense rather than nonsense of universalism?
God is love and cannot force us to believe--He respects our humanity, dignity and rights. God has all power to restrain evil, but patiently allows us time to repent. We may selfishly demand our way and ignore His mercy and love. God as infinite wisdom will use the best means to bring people to accept Him. His supreme expression of love was giving His Son Jesus as sacrifice for our sins on the cross.  Before the cross, the world had no concept of a loving God--many still don't today. God is just in rewarding His faithful servants to the degree of their service--Heaven. And God is just in allowing those who despise good and godly living to have their own kind of place suited to their degree of  sin--Hell. Properly understood Heaven and Hell both show God's love and justice. Rev. 22:11-15. But to see it, we must come to the Bible with an open mind, not with a lot of false assumptions or emotional baggage.
Universalists argue the  Bible shows all persons go to Heaven. First, notice the character of these phrases below. (1) Not one of them says everybody goes to Heaven--in fact Heaven is never even mentioned. (2) All these phrases are indefinite and can be taken in more than one way. (3) While these ten uncertain texts are said to teach universalism, a great many more clear passages mentioned below teach people do go to a real conscious eternal Hell. Doesn't good sense tell us to take clear definite statements over uncertain ones? (4) While God desires all to go to Heaven, He gives us the free will to reject His will and many do (Matt.23:37).
The context in every case shows universalism is not the true meaning.  (1) Passages that speak of enemies under the Lord's feet are unbelievers forced to bow the knee and confess His authority, not believers serving Him as sons (Psalms 110:1; 1 Cor. 15:24-25; Eph. 1:10; Phil. 2:10-11). (2) Other passages mention the restoration of  all things (Acts 3:21). This probably answers Peters' question in Acts 1:9 of when Jesus would restore the kingdom to Israel. The answer is during the millennium when the apostles would sit on twelve thrones (Acts 3:25; Matt. 19:28). (3) Yet others say Christ's death justified all men (Romans 5:18-19). It gives all men opportunity to be saved but only those who believe will be (Acts 4:12; 16:31). (4) Again, God is reconciling the world to himself (2 Cor. 5:19; Rom. 11:15). But this is true only if in Christ. (5) Finally, 1 Peter 3:18-20  and 4:6 say  Jesus preached to disobedience spirits of Noah's day.  Universalists claim Jesus preached the gospel to the dead which means they have a second chance. This text says Jesus preached to a limited group of Noah's day the victory of  his resurrection. It doesn't say he preached the gospel. And Hebrews 9:27 says after death our eternal destiny is fixed.  Again, the Bible gives no case for universalism.
                                  What Does Biblical Christianity Say About It?
The Bible is crystal clear that Hell is as real and eternal as God and Heaven. Jesus said, "these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life" (Matt.25:46). The Bible gives abundant clear contrasts between the godly and ungodly and their separate eternal abodes--Heaven/Hell, saved/lost, forgiven/eternal sin,  justified/condemned,  in Christ/not in Christ, righteous/wicked, light/darkness, sheep/goats,  wheat/weeds,  narrow road/broad road,  sons of God/sons of Satan, reconciled/slaves to sin, born again/not born again, washed in the blood/unclean, accepted & beloved/condemned with the world, believed in the Son/not believed in Christ, in glory/tormented forever. It's certain that no universalism is taught in the Bible.
Hell is justice and is love in its universal social aspect. Justice means we reap what we sow (Gal. 6:7-8). People of every country have always  believed human abusers such as thieves, rapists, murderers should be punished and put away to prevent human destruction. But love, joy, peace, and goodness were praiseworthy and should be rewarded. This is why we have jails and why we reward heroes. As preventing harm to people, justice is another word meaning love. So, if it's essential to protect and preserve human well being on earth, it's just as essential in Heaven. "There shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (Rev. 21:27). See also Rev. 22:15; 1 Cor. 6:9-11.
Further, and this is important. Just as God's people are rewarded according to their different degrees of services, Satan's people are punished according to their different degrees of sins. That's what justice means (Gal. 6:7-8). Moreover, the punishment God rejecters receive is self-inflicted.  It's their self torment over their own guilt, shame, lost opportunity and eternal despair. And self-conscientiousness--the undying worm (person)--and degrees of punishment show the Bible doesn't teach annihilation--sinners still exist in their darkness and torment. We have one earthly life with opportunity for faith in Christ!  At death our destiny is sealed (Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 22:11).

The Bible repeatedly says the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, is our only way to be saved from sin and Hell. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)." The whole Jewish sacrificial system of slain animals pictured God's forgiveness of  believers sins by animals dying in their place and it pointed to Christ. Other such statements are John 1:12, 29; 3:7, 16, 36; 5:24; 8:24; 10:9-10; Acts 4:12; 16:31; Romans 5:8-9; 6:23; 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9 and a great many others. It's God alone who  has the right to set the terms of entrance to His Heaven. Truth is absolute and narrow--2 plus 2 can only = 4. It's a mind closed to truth that is prejudiced.
The Bible further teaches Heaven or Hell is our own choice. Persons who go to Hell choose to-- God pleads with them to trust Him and go to Heaven. As just mentioned in passages above whoever will may come to Christ and be saved (Isa.1:18). And yes, God knows who will and who won't come, but love cannot force  them to accept Him and His righteousness. The door to Heaven is wide open to all who want God's way. And we can sense God's Spirit inviting us to come (John 16:8-10).
It's not a bad environment that sends people to Hell, but a bad or sinful heart that rebels against God and right living. Adam and Eve were provided an idea world in the Garden of Eden and choose to disobey God anyway. God tests humanity throughout the ages and every time people turn away and meet with judgment. No sinner will have an excuse at the Great White Thrown to say God was unfair. And God's people in Heaven seeing His perfect goodness and knowing human evil, depravity, hate and destruction on earth, will want only to know their good and loving Lord. Jesus said, "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man" (Matt. 15:19-20). Can we be honest?
We are without excuse. Nature, conscience, and God's Holy Spirit speak to us. The Bible alone is a God breathed revelation (message) to us--not man's centuries later additions, subtractions, beliefs, feelings, or opinions. Unlike other religions, the Lord gave us eyewitness historical accounts of His actions mentioned by both believers and unbelieving secularists. So, ask the Lord to save you from sin and guide you throughout life. Say, I now trust you Jesus as paying the price of my sin in your death for me on the cross.  I turn from love of sin, darkness, and doom to you the Light of the would. Jesus you alone are now my Savior, Lord, and Guide throughout life (John 3:16-21).

Saturday, March 9, 2013

When Our Life Has Ultimate Meaning

                     When Our Life Has Ultimate Meaning

Yes! Family and friends give meaning to our life. We love our spouse, enjoy good times together, are eager for children, grandchildren and to guide them to know the best life. We take pride in our job, our achievements. We've important in government, the military, sports, art, acting, as a writer, farmer, newscaster, scientist, or a hundred other things. We're a good golfer, fishermen, dressmaker, homemaker, and counselor that people respect and ask our advise. Now here's the big question: Can we take anything with us beyond the grave? Does our life have ultimate meaning? Consider these five Bible teachings.

1. Our life has ultimate meaning when we recognize God as the intelligent Source of everything. We don't live in a magical world where things can appear from nothing without cause or reason and organize themselves into elements, life forms and man. Nor are there limited gods evolved from nature who fight and destroy themselves as ancient peoples believed. Things are not meaningless irrational wonders but purposefully related and  make sense  because  they originated from One infinite intelligent Source the Bible defines as our Creator and God. He deserves our abundant thanksgiving and praise. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).
2. Our life has ultimate meaning when we acknowledge God is working out everything to fulfill His great plan and we can be part of it. Unlike other religion's Holy Books, the Bible records the beginning and the end from creation (Genesis 1-2) to recreation (Rev. 21-22). For only God can know the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:9-10). God's hand is evident a thousand times throughout the Bible working to bring his great plan to fruition., Moses, the child of slaves, became the son of Pharaoh's daughter, yet was raised by his own parents, and became Israel's leader and lawgiver. Joseph, dreamed of his family bowing before him, but then everything seemed to go wrong.His brothers sold him into slavery, in a hostile he was jailed for a crime he didn't commit. But in God's time he interpreted Pharaoh's dream and became the Prince of Egypt. Abram, following God's commands against impossible circumstances, became the father of many nations. God anointed a lowly shepherd boy David to become Israel's greatest king. Saul, the great persecutor of Christians, became Paul the great preacher of Christ. Wonderful ideals impossible for us can become certain with God. Jesus said, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26).  "I know the plans I have for you" --this is the Lord's declaration--"plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). HCSB 
 I think trust in God's promises becomes relevant at this point.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil" (Prov. 3:5-7). "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly . . . but his delight is in the law of the Lord" (Ps. 1:1-2). "I am God and there is none like Me . . . saying my counsel will stand and I will do all my pleasure" (Isaiah 46:9-10). "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:15-17).  "It is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13).
3. Our life has ultimate meaning when we accept that we're accountable to our great Moral Lawgiver. If there's no personal ethical God, then there's no standard of right or wrong and our actions are accountable only to ourselves and what we can get by with. We may feel guilt, but it makes no sense. Why not have our fling?--sex, drugs, killing, whatever, passions are so strong,  all we do is ultimately meaningless as we may die any time.  Yes, we try to be nice to others so they hopefully will be nice to us. And we make laws so we can live together and survive until the end. It's so depressing we surpress it. But practical logic dictates--eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. From dirt we came and to dirt we return--without God life has no great eternal purpose.
But if we can be open minded to the evidence of God all around us we can gain a different persepective. The hairs in our nose make no sense unless God know they are needed to filter out dust particles and two nostrils are needed since one stops up. Our eyes are recessed for protection against bumps. Our head is on our shoulders with two eyes to focus vision and two ears to hear better. We have bitting teeth in front and crushing teeth in back of our mouth and a tongue to move food around with digestive acids in our stomach to digest food. Our brain is capable of far more than we ever learn. Now tell me unconscious mindless chemicals can plan and execute all this even in unlimited time! No! It's our intelligent God who did it and who loves us and wants to be Lord of our life. But he is love and never forces entrance; He stands at the door of willing hearts and knocks (Rev. 3:20).
4. Our life has ultimate meaning when we understand God has made Himself known to us in Christ. We know there's so many religions; we can't check them all out and they all claim to be right. But honesty compels us to admit that when they contradict each other, they can't all be right. Further, they are based upon the claim to have spoken with an angel, or to have spoken with God. Anybody can claim that--it proves nothing! We must have a firmer basis than just a man's statements anybody can make.
What would it take to demonstrate to honest thinking persons a religion is of God? What if someone who claimed to be God did things predicted centuries before such as be born in Bethlehem, from a virgin, have a sinless life, die for sinners, perform miracles, arise from the dead, and ascend into heaven? What if he claimed Godly characteristics such as being eternal, knowing men's minds, existing  everywhere, having power to raise the dead, command angels and demons, and judge men on the last day?  What if he could walk on water, instantly heal all manner of diseases, and raise stiff cold corpses from the dead? What's known of Jesus is never said of any other religion. And His disciples would never have rished torture and died for what they knew to be a lie.
All these things were written of Jesus in the Gospels. He had twelve followers as eyewitnesses for three and a half years. Knowing nature's patterns, they were repeatedly skeptical at first. But later endured ridicule, rejection, torture and death from their countrymen and later the Romans being so convinced Jesus was God. Secular writers, often hostile to Christianity, mention many of the same things said of Jesus. Archaeological writings and artifacts confirm the persons, places, events, and dates given in the Gospels are true to fact. Jesus' miracles were not weird things as statues moving said of the Greek and Roman gods, but natural things as multiplying food to feed hungry people as would be expected of a loving God and nature's Lord. Wouldn't all that be genuine evidence that Jesus claims to be God were true? Only in Christ can we have such great assurance, meaning and purpose in our life.
5. Our life has ultimate meaning when we trust in the only One who can assure us of Heaven. Skeptical scientists predict a meteor or asteroid stricking the earth can destroy it. Or earthquakes, volcano eruptions, or even man's awesome weapons may destroy us all. The Bible says, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness" (2 Peter 10-11).
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6)."I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" (John 11:25). "Amen, Even so, come Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen" (Revelation 22:21, 17). "WHOEVER DESIRES, LET HIM TAKE OF THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY." A faith-love relationship in life and Heaven later can be yours. It's your choice. Jesus loves and died for you, will you now say, I trust you now Lord to save me, the sinner?
Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Thro' eternal ages let His praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit's Sword, Standing on the promises of God.  --Hymn by R. Carter.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God's Promises to Guide Us

                             God's Promises to Guide Us
Trials dark on every hand, And we cannot understand
All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed promised land;
But He'll guide us with His eye, And we'll follow till we die;
We will understand it better by and by.  Hymn When the Morning Comes by Charles A Tindley

Of great concern to committed Christians who love God is this question: what does my Lord  want me to do? I've struggled with this from my youth on since I became a Christian. I never found it an easy thing to know and felt like socking persons who seemed so certain they knew. I've asked a thousand times what should I do and what can I expect God to do? Of course I read the Bible,  what preachers and theologians said about God's guidance, and prayed, even fasted. I know the Bible lists of things we should do and shouldn't do. The Bible also gives us principles to guide us in doubtful matters such as will it please God, or  will it cause others to stumble. But what about important details such as should I go to college, get a job, join an armed  service, or maybe get married? Then the question becomes: What college? What job? Which military service? What possible spouse? 
Like I said above, I'm still struggling and don't claim to be an expert on anything, but hope my remarks will be of genuine help and assurance to you. I pray continually  that my Lord guide me to write helpful and honest articles.  Please pray for me as well. Let's consider some Bible texts and examples.
God's Covenant Promises in Abraham's Life (Genesis 12:1-25:11).
Jews, Christians and Muslims claim Abraham as their spiritual father because he proved his faith through life's great--really impossible--difficulties.  A step at a time he trusted  God's promises shown in making painful sacrifices such as his turning from idols, leaving home, country, brother Nahor's family, giving Lot the best land, refusing  riches rightfully earned in warfare, refusing as potential heirs Lot, Ishmael, then willing at God's command to sacrifice promised child Isaac believing God could raise him from the dead (Heb. 11:19). He  received God's repeated promises and blessings such as great riches, name change from  great father to father of nations, son in old age (100 years). And yes, he made mistakes as going to Egypt during famine, telling Pharaoh and later Abimelech Sarah was his sister, and taking Hagar as a wife. God, giving him choices, tested his faith and commitment repeatedly as he does ours. 
Let me suggest some lessons we may draw from this. God blesses and uses us when we turn to Him from idols--whatever separates us from God. Sacrificing things dear to us demonstrates our faith and love for God. As believers we make serious mistakes that have costly consequences. Even then we have God's forgiveness, restoration and provision. God keeps His promises though we may not see any possible way they can come true. Faith progresses a step at a time though it may have many setbacks. Though God keeps his promises, it is in His time, His way and not ours. Philosopher Soron Kierkegaard was wrong to call sacrificing Isaac "a leap into the dark," since Abraham tested God's promises multiple times and found them true--it really was a further step into the light. And just as God blessed those who blessed Abraham and cursed those who cursed him in his day, we should heed that promise and that warning to our nation and to our lives today.
Joseph, the Interpreter of Dreams (Genesis 37, 29-50).
Jacob's sons hated their seventeen year old brother to the point of trying to kill him. Jacob favored Joseph as his beloved Rachael's son of his old age, and gave him a princely tunic.  Joseph had  one dream of his brothers and then of his parents and brothers bowing down to him. And Joseph informed Jacob of his brother's misbehavior. When Jacob sent Joseph to check on the brothers sixty miles away tending the flocks, they saw him coming and plotted to kill him putting him into a pit. They dipped his fine coat in goat's blood to convince Jacob a beast had slain him. But Judah convinced them not to kill him hoped to rescue him later. But Joseph was sold as a slave to passing Ishmaelites going to Egypt.
The Ishmaelites  sold Joseph in Egypt  to Potiphar the captain of  Pharaoh's  guard. Potiphar saw the Lord  prospered all Joseph did and put him in charge of his estate.  Being handsome in form and appearance, Potiphar's wife kept asking Joseph to lie with her being by themselves in the house. He firmly refused saying he could not betray his master's confidence nor sin against God. She grabbed onto his garment, but he fled leaving it in her hands. She screamed to the servants and later told her husband Joseph attempted to seduce her who had Joseph put into the dungeon where the kings prisoners were confined.
God gave Joseph favor with the prison keeper who put him in charge of the prison. Finding fault with his chief butler and chief baker, Pharaoh had them imprisoned where Joseph was. Each man had a dream  to which Joseph said God is the interpreter of dreams (not Freud). Within three days the chief  baker (chef) was hung and the chief  butler (wine taster) was restored as Joseph said but he forget to tell Pharaoh of Joseph.
Two years later, Pharaoh had two dreams. Standing by the Nile River, he saw seven fat cows come up and be eaten by seven lean cows. In another dream, he saw a stalk of seven heads of good grain eaten by seven blighted heads of grain. This troubled Pharaoh who wanted an interpreter but none of his wise men could interpret. Then, the chief butler remembered Joseph who could interpreted dreams. Pharaoh sent for Joseph asking him if he could interpret his dreams. Joseph said, God has showed Pharaoh what He is about to do.  Egypt will have seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.  Select a wise man over the land to appoint officers and have them store a fifth of the grain in the good years to feed people in the bad years.
Seeing Joseph as God's wise man, he appointed Joseph ruler over everything except matters of the thrown and gave him expensive gifts--his signet ring, fine linen garments, gold chain around his neck, his second chariot, a Egyptian wife, new name and persons seeing him coming were to bow down before him. Joseph, seventeen years later, was now thirty and had two sons Ephraim and Manasseh who fathered tribes of Israel.
In Canaan famine was severe, so Jacob sent ten sons to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph recognized his brothers and remembered his dreams of them bowing before him. But they didn't recognize this mighty Egyptian who spoke roughly through an interpreter, asking about their father and younger brother, accusing them of being spies, and demanding they not return without brother Benjamin. He tested his brothers several times to see if their old hateful jealousy's disappeared. He revealed himself to them and later to grieving Jacob and revived Israel lived seventeen years with Joseph in Egypt and Jacob and Joseph were buried in Canaan. As God promised, Jacob had many descendants. Twelve tribes, as well as nations, kings, and Messiah came from Jacob.
What can we take away from all this?  Jacob's blatant favoritism spoiled both his life and his whole family. We can be a lowly slave but trusting God live in dignity, honor, and win respect. Sex is a powerful temptation that genuine  commitment  to God can prevent. Joseph's dream interpretations were no mystic's imagination--the predicted events occurred. Jacob (trickster) felt Joseph's death meant everything was against him, until Israel (prince with God)  discovered Joseph was alive and in fact that God was working for him all the while (Gen. 37:35; 45:28). Could Jacob have first mistakenly believed Messiah should come through Joseph's line instead of Judah's? Can a wrong belief sometimes be the cause of our problems?
We know God has a purpose for our lives as He gave us His guidebook (2 Tim. 3:16). We  couldn't endure a detailed instruction book, or have our every move programmed. That would destroy our dignity and zest, make loving obedience impossible, and make God a Tyrant. God wants our free loving response trusting Him to guide us even when we don't understand.  He may give us good times, or difficult times  may be necessary to get our attention, move us out of our comfort zone, or enable us to see our need of Him. Joseph's conclusion to his brothers was: "You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to same many people alive" (Gen. 50:20).
Who can show there is no God, or that He can't speak, or act in our lives? From an idolatrous culture to incredible sacrifices, Abraham confirmed God's covenant promises can be fulfilled. From an outcast slave to a foreign ruler, Joseph demonstrated his dream interpretations became real events, not a mere mystic's imagination. Known Egyptian names, offices, customs, and requirements further illustrate the truth of these events. Further, it becomes nonsense to explain these events as historical apart from God's intervention given in context. And later Hebrews accepted and rejoiced in them as their loving God's faithful deliverances (Psalm 105).
Many times I've felt no purpose in being  at a certain place, or doing some particular thing? I'm coming now to see why or how it could be God's preparation, plan and purpose for later and greater service. May God make you faithful and fruitful in your walk with Him and in sharing your faith even to internet friends yor may meet in heaven one day.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:5-7). Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass (Psalm 37:5). 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life's Crucial Questions

                                  Life's Crucial Questions

Look at ME! Listen to My experiences. I'm so great? If all I care about is Me and My little world, then I might be in serious trouble! Three questions capture the essence of where I'm going.

Is There A God?

For many persons it's purely an academic question so when they decide a yes or no answer they can return to themselves. But what if this question decides more issues of greatest import than all else and it's simply ignored? Is that wise?
 In the world we observe many kinds of trees, plants, birds, fish, animals, creeping things. Did they create themselves? Each one is designed with a specific genetic code and is far more complex than even the most brilliant persons could ever imagine. Doesn't all this point to an intelligence and will far exceeding us?
Humans are the most intelligent creatures we know of on the planet. For sure the elements are forms of unconscious energy that can neither know nor design anything. And, isn't it absurd to say their atoms just happen to all fall in place to produce such an enormous variety of complex creatures? Aren't partial developed organs such as wings, legs, eyes, ears, arms and partially developed systems such as digestive and reproductive useless unless complete and operative from the beginning? All these things compel me to believe nothing less than a creative God is required to explain it all. Can you agree?
Common sense tells us something can't come from nothing as nothing means powerless nonexistence. We now know the universe had a beginning point suggesting a Beginner since nothing of itself explodes into everything. The universe is elongated or stretched out not spherical as an explosion would be. It is both expanding and losing useful energy. Unless it existed to create itself which is absurd, it is dependent upon an outside originating Source or Creator. Further, its present dependent existence requires such a Source to uphold its existence. Isn't all this obvious?

Is There Life After Death?

A mystic's claim that life exists after death  gives me no assurance it's true. Mystics can claim frogs can turn into people or anything else if they like. Mormons claim people can become gods and have their own planet. But I must see some examples of such things to believe them true.
The only way we can really know if life exists after death is for dead persons to come back to life. It amazes me that liberals claim persons of the Bible brought back to life were merely revived from a coma and that Jesus' death on the cross was that he merely swooned. Anybody who has ever touched dead persons know they are cold stiff corps, life has departed and body oder shortly sets in.
Do skeptics think the trained soldier executioners guarding Jesus on the cross were uncertain of his death? They overlook the fulfillment of the prophecy that no bone of his would be broken while the guards broke the legs of the two thieves to hasten death, that Jesus promised one thief would join him in paradise, and  that one guard acknowledged Jesus was the Son of God. Furthermore, they overlook Psalm 22 and 15 New Testament messianic quotations of or allusions to it which lead some in the early church to call it "the fifth gospel." If the event occurred, it doesn't matter if it was two thousand years ago or two million. The reality and meaning of it remains forever the same that Jesus died to save us sinners bearing our sin upon the cross.
But Jesus didn't remain a dead man upon the cross, but is a risen Lord and Savior of all who put their trust and hope in Him. Evidences of it abound for those willing to consider them. There is the empty sealed guarded tomb, the heavy bolder rolled from its entrance, the soldiers admitting Jesus was not there, the  neatly folded grave clothes, the angel announcing he is risen, a dozen appearances under all kinds of circumstances, Jesus eating and talking with astonished skeptical disciples talking about the kingdom of God, and his Ascension before five hundred eyewitnesses. All skeptic's theories honest with the evidence break down. See my other articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death?
What does it mean for humanity? It means the most wonderful things. Unlike others imaginings, we are not soulless dirt as atheists believe, nor recycled energy as monists believe, but we alone in God's image have basis to be beings of dignity and destiny. Because Jesus lives, we know he is the God-man as he claimed so many times and ways. We know everything he taught and approved of is God's absolute truth. A rational Lord made a rational world we can understand, care for and use for our well-being. That makes literature, philosophy, and science possible. It makes ethics, justice, love, faith, hope and human well-being possible too.
But while man is a being of dignity, it must not be overlooked that he is just as much a being of depravity--we have noble and creative potential, but also an ignoble destructive dark side to our nature. When our first parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God, it meant we inherited from them a sinful nature-- we naturally choose our desires and our will over our Maker's if we're not careful.
This means we must way our attitudes and actions most carefully in light of God and His will. Every thought, word, and deed will one day come up for judgment and reward with God in the new Heaven, or for eternal separation from all we're known to be good in this life in an eternal abode of darkness, torment and despair. It's our choice--we're not robots without dignity and our loving God can't force Himself upon us. God and His Heaven cannot be corrupted as the earth.

How Should We Then Live?

We not only have a conscience and human compassion to tell us we are to treat others as we would want them to treat us, but our God has given us His instruction book, the Bible, to inform us in specific matters. There is the Ten Commandments, The Sermon of the Mount, and many other lists of things we are and are not to do. Of course all God's instructions are based upon his holy or perfect nature which is our standard and by which we will one day be judged. To ignore all this or find excuses, or claim we're exempt as a special case is to one day face our all knowing Lord who won't except such excuses. See my article: The World's Excuses & God.
Essentially, we must avoid human abuse and encourage others to follow God's instructions. That required that we learn and apply His word, that we meet together for worship, praise, thanksgiving, and instructions with God's people. And of course, it means we tell other's of our Lord and His saving experience. One way of sharing is to tell others of these Internet blog articles. You might be the means of them coming to the Lord and making wonderful differences both now and eternally.
Probably, many reading this article know little or nothing, or have assurance  about the things discussed above. Let me invite you to relationship with your Maker, Savior, and Judge. He loves you and gave his human life to save you. Won't you enter a love-trust relationship with the Lord Jesus now that issues in obedience. He promised to never leave you and to give you eternal life with Him?
"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him (John 3:36)." Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed into life. . . . the dead will hear the voice of of God; and those who hear will live (John 5:24-25). Pray, Lord I trust You now to give me eternal life and forgive all my sin.
Years I spent in vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died On Calvary.
By God's Word at last my sin I learned; Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned To Calvary.
Now I've giv'n to Jesus every thing, Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sign Of Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan! Oh, the grace that bro't it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span At Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary.    ---Hymn by William R. Newel.
See comment below.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is Any Religion Objectively True & Humanly Ennobling?

        Is Any Religion Objectively True & Humanly Ennobling?
In our world there are hundreds of different religious beliefs and practices. Could your location on earth just happen to have been exposed to the right on? Some persons hate and murder others as infidels who don't accept or even know about their religion.
So your religion can be dangerous to your health! If your religion is the true or right one, it seems you should be able to show that in a way honest thinking rational persons could accept. May I suggest five criteria honest thinking persons may find reasonable to expect and require of a true or right religion that uplifts and ennobles human beings?
1. Such A Religion Must Be Objectively or Visibly True. We can eliminate any religion that can't meet the criteria for truth. Since the opposite of true is false no religion can have contradictions or falsehoods. Further, religion build only upon hearsay, opinion, preference, or merely a subjective claim is without  factual basis and  unworthy of belief. Wouldn't this eliminate any religion that's based on mere mystical insights, an angelic revelation claimed to be from  God, or God's prophet.? They're limited to a mere intangible unsubstantiated claim. Anybody can say God told me this--So?
Mr. Immanuel Kant, Sir you're wrong to say truths about the real world are unknowable. That very statement itself claims the real world truly exists and is knowable. Again, you're wrong to say sense data in our mind is only appearance and not reality. We can see a tree and accurately describe its height, size, trunk, limbs, leaves, colors and bump into it. We can know the truth of the real world, and it points to a real Creator.
Mr. Charles Darwin, Sir you and your followers are wrong to say the universe is eternal flux so that we can't ultimate know absolute truth. First, the facts that the universe is expanding, running down, cooling off, can't be backtracked eternally, and is presently dependent all suggests it has a beginning point and great cause. A nonexistent universe is powerless to create itself. Its Creator must be an infinite eternal unchangeable, independent self-existent Being very must like what the Bible calls God. Further, since natural elements have no mind and will to arrange themselves into life forms over any amount of time, they too depend upon a great intelligence and will. Finally, if any human act can be morally wrong, a moral standard must exist and only a moral Lawgiver or Person can know and make moral judgments. So, if reason and morality make any sense there is a personal ethical God. All this being true, such things as miracles, divine revelations, and angels are not only possible but probable.
Biblical Christianity makes no empty subjective claims that can't be verifiedJesus performed miracles before individuals and crowds everywhere He went for three and a half years. Thousands of people heard His claims to be God, and saw His hundreds of miracles close at hand in open daylight before hostile critics who couldn't deny them. Further, He fulfilled ancient prophecies impossible to fake such as His virgin birth, sinless life, death for sinners, resurrection, and ascension. His apostles endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous deaths because they knew it for certain to be true. All this is real and true verification as much as anything can be.
2. Such A Religion Must Apply to Everybody. Any religion restricted to caste, tribe, language, or a particular group cannot possible be right and evokes arrogance and hostility. If a religion is true and good for one person, then it is for all persons. Despite all our human differences such as size, shape, color, intelligence, whatever, we are a common humanity. We have the same ancestry and can interbreed. Geneticists have now established mankind descended from one woman and one man in the same locality. We wonder if there is any such religion for us all!
Yes!! Yes! The God of the Christian faith loves and died to save us everyone. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, (unique sinless God-man Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"(John 3:16). The Jews were supposed to take God's message to the world but instead arrogantly felt Gentiles unworthy. An exclusive religion shows it's a mere creation of prideful man--the Christian faith puts loving arms around all who will believe, and love doesn't threaten or force with a sword.
3. Such A Religion Must Assure Human Dignity and Ethical Responsibility. Human dignity and ethical responsibility are inseparately coupled together. For what you think about a person decides how you treat that person. So any religion that destroys the dignity of other humans cannot be of God as all humans have the same origin. Our common humanity requires all persons be regarded and treated with the same respect. And when or where this basic human principle is disregarded, hatred, strife, conflict and warfare breaks out to kill and destroy everybody. Biblical Christianity acknowledges the slave is our brother and equal under God. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28;Philemon 15, 16). Using innocent persons as human shields or murdering persons who never have even heard of your religion, is inhuman and unacceptable to persons of good conscience.
4. Such A Religion Must Confirm Life After Death. We know people who die become cold stiff corpses. But, we don't know what happens after that. Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and others claim reincarnation but it's only theory. The only way to be certain whether one lives after death is for a dead person to return to life. Further, religious claims or founders who give no objective proof of life after death really provide no sure basis for human dignity, ethics, justice, love, hope, even rational experimental science. People are reduced to soulless dirt as with atheism, or recycled energy as in monist religions and philosophies.
The only world religion that offers proof of  life after death is biblical Christianity. "He presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them (His disciples) during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). See my articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death? 
5. Such A Religion Must Provide A Worthy Example. Check out the many biblical lists of sinful and righteous acts and you will see the standard set is humanly impossible. Wicked human hearts is the world's major problem. A supernatural holy being is the required remedy which is exactly what we have only in Jesus the God-man. His accompanying disciples for more than three years testified that in Him was no sin. His victory over sin is what assures us we will one day have that complete victory too in the new Heaven on the new earth.
"We implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Cor. 5:20-21). He took our place and died to pay for our sins or wrong doings upon the cross. God's love was demonstrated, God's justice was satisfied, and Heaven's door was opened to all who turn from sin to the Savior of us sinners. 
It's the greatest offer in the world! We weak sinful human beings can be made clean and acceptable to a perfect God and given new bodies fit for a perfect Heaven. We can't stop sinning in this body, but can trust the Savior of sinners to take our sin away. "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling, save me Jesus, save me now." It's not what we do, but what He did on the cross that saves us. Our goodness is self will rebellion; His purity is God's grace and glory. John 3:36; Romans 3:23-24. 
Pray, "I trust You right now Lord Jesus to save me a sinner." If you trusted the Savior, obtain a Bible as God's instruction book. Get with other believers for instruction and encouragement, live a godly life, and share your faith. Then you may meet them in Heaven one day. Praise God!
To do God's work: link and share this blog with others. If you want to know about the Christian mysteries, see my article: The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks

                                             Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks
Are atheists brilliant and Christians ignorant and naive? We've been sold the idea skeptics show brilliance to poke holes in faith. But any superficial, misinformed or deceived person can do that. Real brilliance is shown when persevering believers plug those holes with honest in depth solutions.
The real problem may not be our brilliance or our education but our inclination of will. It takes greater courage and honesty to admit truth when it seems to go against our special interests. It's always easier to hide behind a smokescreen of pretense and appear smart. We all have plenty of experience doing that. In this article, I want to examine some emotional roadblock's to Christian faith, then what Christian faith is not, and finally what Christian faith is.
Emotional Roadblocks to Faith.
Melancholy personality. Have you known persons who always seem uncertain, questioning, worried, anxious? It seems they're trained like lawyers or accountants to always look for what can go wrong. These downcast folks find it hard to accept anything outright. But we can if we will.
 Rebellious doubter. Prideful perhaps, these persons don't want anybody or anything even God to run their life or do their thinking. Young people wanting to assert independence from their parents especially take that attitude calling their parents old folks not up with the times. But it can be true with anyone at any age. It seems to be inborn in us as part of our sinful nature. We pay a terrible price for our rebellion against God.
Disappointed believer. The Bible says to seek and you will find, ask and it will be given  you, knock and the door will be opened. Well, I did all that and didn't get what I wanted. Is God for real or not? I'm so disappointed I can't believe in God anymore. The Bible does say these things but it always assumes you're asking in God's will and according to all the Scripture says about prayer. True godly faith trusts God is wiser than we are and knows what's best for us. One man doubted God because he didn't get the wife he wanted but when he saw her twenty years later he thanked God for not answering his prayer. Disappointments are an unavoidable part of life but we can get over them.
Wounded child. Even the best parents make mistakes. Physical or sexual abuse, neglect, perfectionism, permissiveness, over strictness, rejection, inability to show love are all factors that can wound a child growing to maturity. Every child is unique so that what works well with one may not with another. We live in an imperfect world. Some of the most famous atheists were brought up in a Christian home, or their father was a pastor, or they were mistreated by persons thought to be Christians. Children in the same home with similar conditions can choose to go in opposite directions. Our freedom and limitations mean we need to pray and trust God all the more to lead us to the truth. Our choices are either for God or against Him.
Intellectually deceived. Someone can be a brilliant scientist but understand nothing about the Bible. Christians too can lead or be lead astray by false teachings. I've heard persons say God is three in one or that God is love so there can't be a hell. Neither teaching properly understood is in conflict. God as three Persons in one essence is a great mystery but no contradiction. Wouldn't an infinite Creator be beyond our limited understanding? Love without justice can only result in evil selfish desires and destruction. No liars or murders will be allowed  to corrupt God's perfect heaven. A little knowledge indeed can be dangerous and destructive.
Religion comparer. We  might think I like this religion but not that one. Or, this religion fits my beliefs and needs best. This can be a hellish mistake. The question to ask is: Does this religion or set of beliefs and practices give evidence it is of God. There are hundreds of different religions that are mere human thinking based upon contradictions, falsehoods and unethical practices. Have you given Jesus who died to save us sinners and arose from the dead serious consideration? No other religion can furnish any objective visual evidence that biblical Christianity can furnish. See article: Christ's Historical Resurrection.
 Seasonal changer. The Bible exhorts us to faithfully minister God's Word in season and out of season but that is not always easy. We may be on fire for the Lord at certain times in our lives, but things can creep in to distract us. Our spouse may discourage us, or we may be sidetracked when children come along, pressures at work mount, or bills pile up.   Please don't let the cares of the world
choke out God's Word to sidetrack us.
Adversity accuser. Why did God let my little child die? Why did a tornado destroy everything I had? Why did my husband abandoned me and our children? Adam's sin is also our choice of a world of both good and evil. God warned it would bring death, but we don't listen any more than our first parents did. We all neglect things we know we should do such as buy insurance or move  elsewhere. And we do things we know we shouldn't do such as lie, steal, murder. God doesn't program us like machines but allows us to choose and learn from our mistakes. Can we demand God exclude us from adversities affecting everyone else? We can either hate and reject God, or trust Him in spite of it all. Either choice has serious and eternal consequences.
Fearful committer. Commitment is scary. God might want me to give up something I love. Or be a missionary in some terrible place, or change my life in some way I feel is impossible. I'm not so sure I can hold out or if it's the best thing for me. Probably both Christian and non Christian think this way many times. It may be the biggest obstacle to trust in the Lord. It's fear of the the unknown. Jesus summed it up succinctly when he said its no profit to gain the whole world and loose your own soul. Even in this life we avoid guilt and frustration by trusting in God's gracious provision and promises. And we gain eternal reward in Heaven.
What Christian Faith Is Not.
Faith is not achieved perfection. The only perfect person is the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why he alone could bear our sin on the cross and intercede for us before the Father.  We must first be born of the Holy Spirit into God's family for our actions to even please the Lord. Even then we still sin as the Bible repeatedly tells God's people to sincerely repent and do right. We have a new nature that desires righteousness but still retain our old sinful nature that battles with the evil world, sinful desires and the devil's demons. Only in Heaven with our new body, holy nature and perfect surroundings will we  be completely free from sin. 
Faith is not based upon feelings. Feelings are important but fickle and can deceive us. We can have religious highs and lows. When things go well, we tend to believe God is with us and everything will be alright. Then when things don't turn out as we expected we may wonder if God even exists. The heart in the Bible is the inner person--mind, will, emotions (Matthew 9:4; Proverbs 23:26; Jeremiah. 17:9). Harry Emerson Fosdick, the leader of the old liberal theology movement, and C.S. Lewis the famous Christian apologist, both admitted how great there thinking was affected by their moods. Some persons are very emotional while others are not which means emotions are not always a good gauge of faith.
Faith is not certainty. Everything is not simply black or white but shades of grey. The man with the demon possessed son came to Jesus and exclaimed, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." Our beliefs are of varying strengths. They are not simple and certain as 2+2=4 or as repeatedly mixing 2 parts of hydrogen with 1 part oxygen gets water every time. There are always varying factors involving our past experiences, understanding, correct thinking and will to believe.
What Christian Faith Is.
Faith is based upon fact and logic. When we don't understand, faith may not seem factual or logical, at least not from our perspective. When God told Abraham, the father of the faith, to offer his son Isaac in sacrifice after God had promised him descendants as a great nation, that seemed utterly contradictory. Except, that Abraham had come to know many sacrifices and promises that turned out to justify his faith (Heb. 11:8-12). So Abraham believed God would even raise Isaac up from the dead (Heb. 11:17-19). Of course the Creator of the universe would know and be able to do things we couldn't even imagine. Faith is largely our willingness to truth in what God has said as true when we can't understand.
Faith is based upon trustworthy Bible teaching. It's often asked, how can I believe the Bible when there are so many translations through so many ancient languages. It's said the Bible has 2,000,000 mistakes. Such statements are totally misleading. Ancient writers occasionally misspelled words, omitted words, or added words as we do today. The same misspelled word in 500 manuscripts is counted 500 mistakes. But those mistakes are not contradictions or lies.
When close copies to the originals writings are placed side by side it's easy to see and correct such mistakes. And translations are not made from different languages passed down through history. They are made from early Hebrew and Greek manuscripts that Bible writers spoke. The Bible is by  far the most accurate of ancient writings because scribes believing it God's Word took pains to count the lines and letters and discard any copies found faulty. With over 5,700 manuscripts for comparison and some only decades from the original writings, the New Testament is estimated to be 95 to 99% accurate. Even the areas of difficulty don't affect doctrines
Faith begins and continues  in  a love-trust relationship with God in  Christ and is shown by our obedience. True faith and repentance is not thinking I'll ask forgiveness for sin today and go out and do it all again tomorrow.  Yes, we have sins difficult to overcome and God will forgive us times without number. But if we're not sincere in our trust in God to help us, and honest in our effort to do better, then we are not in true relationship with God--period. As a guide to the Christian life, I highly recommend the little book by Hannah Whitall Smith, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.
The Bible often says that love is shown by keeping God's commandments (1 John 2:4; 3:24), that friendship with the sinful world is enmity with God (James 4:4)  and that faith without works is dead or not real faith (James 2:18-22). Say now, do you have real Christian faith? Mere head knowledge without commitment of will is not saving faith. And a God who won't give me what I won't is simply selfishness, not faith. Trust the all-knowing loving God to know what's best for us.
If you have never trusted in the Savior of us sinners to cleanse you of  your sin debt, I urge you to humbly bow your head and in sincerity tell God you are a sinner needing His forgiveness, cleansing, and that you are trusting in Christ to save you and make you a true child of God now and forever. If you have drifted away from God after the cares of the world, I plead with you also to confess and forsake your sin and rebellion. There's plenty of room at the foot of the cross. Share your faith with others in desperate need and reap rewards both now and eternally. One way to share is simply give them this blogspot address.
Other articles you might want to check are: The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith. Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope! Twenty Reasons Christians Should Defend Their Faith.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is There Life After Death?

                                                     Is There Life After Death?
One issue of greatest concern to every person is whether there is life after death. Graves have been found to contain foods and weapons left for the dead person to use in life in the next world. Egyptians built large pyramid tombs for their pharaohs containing all kinds of precious objects for their use in the next life. Obviously, people thought or hoped we can live again in another life. But how can we know? Let's devote serious thought to this issue.
What We Believe About Life After Death Influences our Present Lives.
It's depressing and demeaning to think death means our extinction. For no matter what abilities, contributions, or efforts we put into living, we're on the same footing with the animals. There's nothing special about human life and person hood. It's just to do whatever it takes to survive as long as you can. Our legacy may consist only in a tombstone marker showing our name and dates if even that. Many die unknown and are thrown together into a common grave. We hardly count.
It's destructive to personal relationships and ethical incentive. If animals be all that we are, then logically we live like animals meaning a survival of the fittest. Life's great purpose is survival and depends largely on who gets power over their peers. It promotes selfishness and destroys ethical value. Since life is short, is a struggle, with temptation on every hand, and desires oh so strong, why not limit myself to what advances me or seems to fulfill my desire at the moment. If what I think and desire verses what you think and desire, then I'm for me and you are of little if any concern. To cheat, lie, steal, rape, even murder really doesn't mean much when our only contest is our self and our survival. And yes we might get caught, injured or killed, but what is that since our only law is survival and we animals may cease to exist at any time?
Non Biblical Faith Has No Objective Foundation or Evidence for Life After Death.
A multitude of religions exist worldwide. They're based upon what one supposedly wise man thinks verses what another supposedly wise man thinks. He may show valued insights, arguments, possibilities, and have a following who highly respect his opinions as true. But can he show a cold stiff dead corps can come back to life, or that a dead person is alive even if taken another form in another life? The sprouting spring vegetation, birthmarks, and past recollection is no proof of reincarnation as pantheist religions suppose as all have better explanations. Dying persons seeing the death angel, and out of the body experiences may prove it to those who have such experiences but these too are subjective experiences. They can be given other interpretations depending on one's worldview. These religions do not give tangible visible evidences that can be objectively verified.   
Biblical Believers Have Assurance of Everlasting Life in the Lord Jesus and His Promises.
What's the evidence? Christians have objective evidence and assurance of everlasting life beyond the grave.  Eyewitness knew Jesus was cold stiff dead when taken down from the cross and  they  saw him alive after just three days. At Pentecost only fifty days later it was known in many languages and spread abroad (Acts 2:23-28).  It was published in less than thirty years (1 Cor. 15:1-8). His resurrection was predicted by ancient prophet (Psalm 16:10), and by Jesus himself to unbelieving disciples, who died to verify it. Here's the evidence--Jesus who claimed to be God was seen alive from the dead by hundreds of people (1 Cor. 15:1-8). See my article, Did Jesus Arise from the Dead?
for further details.
What decides whether heaven or hell? Sinners faith in or rejection of the Savior decides whether they exist eternally in Heaven or in Hell.  Jesus promised that "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life" but also warned, "and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). So whether we trust in or reject the Savior makes the difference whether we go to Heaven or to Hell. 
The Kind of Life We Have After Death Is Our Choice.
It's simply the principle of justice. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal. 6:7). It would be so unfair for someone living for God most of his life and a new convert to get the same heavenly reward. Likewise it's unfair for an unemployed grocery thief who only wanted to feed his starving family to receive the same punishment as a serial killer. We all do good or evil in different areas and to different degrees. Scripture mentions repeatedly that each person is judged according to THEIR OWN works or deeds (Psalm 62:12; Matt. 16:27; Luke 12:47-48; Rom. 2:6; 1 Cor. 3:8-15; Rev. 20:13) and a multitude of other passages.
So rewards of Heaven and punishments of Hell are somewhat different with each person. Saints are said to receive crowns which they throw at Jesus' feet. I believe the crowns are metaphors acknowledging that they could perform these services only in their Lord's strength and direction. Rebel sinners are said to be caste into a lake of fire where the worm never dies and fire doesn't go out. I believe this too is a metaphor that represents the all inclusive wrath of God (John 3:36) or else it seems to teach all will be punished alike instead of according to their particular sins as clearly taught in above passages. Bible mentions degrees of sin John 19:11, and of reward 1Cor. 3:9-15.
Dear reader, this is the most crucial decision of life. We can't know all the answers but Scripture is clear on essentials. Jesus and what we decide about Him makes the difference between heaven or hell. Won't you pray, Lord come into my life, be my Savior and help me live a holy life for You. Then share this wonderful news with loved ones and others. Tell them about these important blog articles. Thank you. God bless.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

God's Gospel Truth

                                       God's Gospel Truth

 #Truth #Gospel #God #Salvation 

I'm a good person. I pay my taxes. I obey the laws. I treat people right. I work to support my family. My granddaddy was a preacher or priest. I'm a lot better than those judgmental so-called Christians and church people. They're just hypocrites anyway. If anybody goes to Heaven, I think I will because I'm a good person and I deserve it. God will appreciate me and I will tell everybody about my good accomplishments. It's all about me.
When we give reasons like those above for going to Heaven could we have overlooked something? Does our thinking agree with what God says? Shouldn't it be His Word, His criteria and His right to say who enters His HeavenIs it just about us, or really all about Him? I will discuss this under the following three questions.
                                                        What Is God's Gospel Truth?
It's Christ's death, burial and resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-8). Ancient peoples feared their gods, sacrificed to them, but never loved them. Soldiers sacrifice themselves for love of country. Mothers die for children they love. But Jesus showed supreme love giving his human life for us guilty rebels in his death on the cross (John 15:13; 2 Cor. 5:21). Though innocent, Jesus was rejected, condemned, severally beaten, ridiculed, slapped, spit on, and hung naked before staring eyes. Ancient prophets foretold it (Gen. 3:15; Psalm 2; 22; Isaiah 53). Jesus predicted it (Matt. 17:9; 27:63; Mark 8:31).  Miracles testified to it--darkness, earthquake, temple vale torn, resurrections (Matt. 27:51-53; Luke 23:44). It announced, "God so loved the world that He gave His unique Son (sinless God-man) that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). But it would be a dead hope apart from Jesus' resurrection.
Jesus' resurrection established the most crucial things. There's life after death. Jesus is the God-man with power of life and death. As God, all Jesus taught in and of Scripture is absolute truth.
Humans created in God's mental, moral immortal image have dignity and freedom. Ethics make sense--our thoughts, words, deeds are accountable to God so life has purpose. Our conscience, justice and love make sense. As created and controlled by a rational God, the world is meaningfully moving toward a climax. Experimental science is possible. No other religions provide a basis for these things.
Jesus divided our thinking about history into Before Christ and After His Death. This personal ethically perfect God offers us wayward rebels forgiveness, cleansing, and eternal life with Him forever through faith in Jesus, the Lord and Savior of us sinners. Spreading this hope and love is imperative education--without it, all is lost.
It transforms societies in many beneficial ways. Persons in Christ are new creations with new desires, a new outlook, a new hope, a new concern for human well-being (2 Cor. 5:17). And because of this, they established great universities, brought education to the masses, put in writing many of the world's languages as people needed to know the gospel. They engineered capitalism and free enterprise to raise the standard of living everywhere. They devised representative government for civil liberties to abolish slavery and oppressive elitest state dictatorships.
They experimented with nature as God created a rational world for human benefit. They elevated the dignity and value of life, of women, children, and all people in God's image. They established the Good Samaritan ethic, organizations of charity, benevolence, and rescue missions. They built hospitals to heal persons suffering from injury and disease. They sought to make laws that would eliminate destructive human behaviors such as adultery, polygamy, incest, homosexuality, prostitution, rape, sex slavery and sex with animals. They developed beautiful art, music, and literature. And most of all they sought to spread the gospel that is the power of God which is the basis and incentive to all the above.
                   "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God
                              to salvation for everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).
                             Why Then Are Some Persons Ashamed of God's Gospel Truth?
 It tells the ugly truth about us. We love our sin that brings us pleasure for a season, and makes us popular and accepted with other sinners. When confronted with our sins, we excuse our guilt blaming it on our genes, the environment, the devil, parents, even God for creating us. We take pride in our supposed moral accomplishments, never mind our sins, rebellions, and need for the Savior of us sinners. See Hebrews 11:25; Romans 1:18-32; First Corinthians 6:9-10.
It separates us from the evil world system opposed to God. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Love of the world is evidence we don't know God or do His will. Satan will tempt us but we're to resist him by knowing and abiding by God's Word. We can gain the whole world and lose our own soul. To be without Christ is to be without God and without hope. Christ came to save us from the world's evils and we are to be as salt to prevent sinful decay and as light to dispel the darkness of ignorance and evil. Many persons love neither Christians nor Christ but love the evil world and ignore or deny the consequences. See James 4:4; Matthew 4:1-11; 9:50; 1 John 2:15-17; Mark 8:36: Ephesians 2:12).
It exposes our human guesses, opinions and preferences. If God is omnipresent eternal spirit as the Bible teaches, He surrounds us and our human senses never detect His presence. Atheists can shake their fist toward Heaven and demand God appear and perform a miracle for them to believe. But if God is Lord, there is no rule He must do it for their amusement. Atheism is a foolish excuse to live a Godless life just as the Bible says (Psalm 14:1).
Reincarnation religions are based upon nature's yearly vegetation cycles, thinking birth defects unjust, and feeling we have lived former lives. But the earth's yearly revolution, genetic defects, and imagined past life recall better explain such things. Besides, karma is a brainless principle that can't know good or evil.
Muslims and Mormons base their religion upon an angel who they claim gave their founder God's revelation. Nobody but the founder has knowledge of the angel. Couldn't anybody make such a claim? God's apostle Paul warns of alleged angel gospels (Gal. 1:8-9). So such religions have no eyewitness testimony or fulfilled prophecies, prophetic miracles, or God verifications--they're just our guesses, opinions, and preferences.
It's so simple yet so difficult to believe. It doesn't matter if we live in Australia, Africa, or America, we're taught the same thing. From childhood, we're taught that if we were good, we will be rewarded, but if we were bad, we will be punished. So we grow up feeling if there's a good God and some kind of good place we can go to after death, then surely we must try to be good to go there--that seems so reasonable. Just trusting in a Savior of us sinners seems too easy. But could there be some things we don't know or haven't thought about?
Yes! The biblical God is morally perfect who regards us as unacceptable self-centered rebels. God's prophet Isaiah says, "We are all like an unclean thing and all our righteousness are like filthy rags" (Isa. 64:6; Gal. 5:19-21). Further, the biblical Heaven is perfect excluding unclean defilers (Matt. 5:48; Rev. 21:27; 22:15). The biblical teaching is that we're saved by God's grace (unearned & undeserved favor) and not by our good deeds (Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Cor. 1:29-31; Titus 3:5). So God's ways and our ways go in different directions which make sense with an all-knowing perfect God and ignorant wicked people (Isa. 55:7-9; Rom. 11:6; Gal. 2:16). The Bible is abundantly clear and rational to all willing to receive God's message that Jesus alone is our Savior (John 1:29; 3:36; 7:16; Acts 4:12; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 1:18; 2:24; 3:18).
                                                    Why is the Gospel Such Good News?
The gospel is God's authoritative Word supported by rational fact. We could not know God's salvation except given us by God's apostles and prophets who saw the risen Lord (Eph.2:20; 3:5). People were living at the time Scripture was published who knew Jesus, his fulfilled prophecies, miracles, claims to be God, and resurrection.
Secular writers also wrote details about his life. Archaeologists uncovered artifacts verifying Scripture. His disciples were tortured and murdered for their faith. No world religion has any Scripture or any founder like Jesus. The Bible is history, not some made up stories centuries later. (Luke 1:1-3; Acts 1:1-3; 2:22-24; 4:33; 1 Cor. 15:3-8; 2 Pet. 1:16). Moreover, it's translated from comparative copies of early original languages with the highest degree of accuracy of any ancient documents. We have every reason to trust in the Bible as God's authority and truth, and in Jesus as the sinless God-man sent to give us abundant life and save us from Hell (Luke 19:10; John 10:10; 3:36; 7:16; 8:24).
The gospel is God's power for worship, walk and witness. The harder we try to do right, the more aware we become that we cannot be perfect. God's great apostle Paul, admitted he couldn't fulfill God's law and that we have deliverance only through Christ (Rom. 6). Realizing our sinful estate and God's forgiveness, love, and sustaining grace in Christ, lifts us up to worship, walk, witness for Him (Rom. 8). God is our power in the gospel to live and share the love of Christ.
The gospel is God's offer of abundant life now and of Heaven's reward after death. This is the gospel truth and the best news ever. It respects our dignity and freedom of choice. There can be no better offer than abundant and eternal life. The alternative is the self-chosen eternal death of darkness, despair, tears, and torments. Won't you pray, Lord Jesus I trust You as my Lord, Savior, and Guide forever? Now share God's gospel with those without Christ, without God, and without hope. Ephesians 2:12-13. Be a good news messenger. God bless.