By the Numbers

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks

                                             Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks
Are atheists brilliant and Christians ignorant and naive? We've been sold the idea skeptics show brilliance to poke holes in faith. But any superficial, misinformed or deceived person can do that. Real brilliance is shown when persevering believers plug those holes with honest in depth solutions.
The real problem may not be our brilliance or our education but our inclination of will. It takes greater courage and honesty to admit truth when it seems to go against our special interests. It's always easier to hide behind a smokescreen of pretense and appear smart. We all have plenty of experience doing that. In this article, I want to examine some emotional roadblock's to Christian faith, then what Christian faith is not, and finally what Christian faith is.
Emotional Roadblocks to Faith.
Melancholy personality. Have you known persons who always seem uncertain, questioning, worried, anxious? It seems they're trained like lawyers or accountants to always look for what can go wrong. These downcast folks find it hard to accept anything outright. But we can if we will.
 Rebellious doubter. Prideful perhaps, these persons don't want anybody or anything even God to run their life or do their thinking. Young people wanting to assert independence from their parents especially take that attitude calling their parents old folks not up with the times. But it can be true with anyone at any age. It seems to be inborn in us as part of our sinful nature. We pay a terrible price for our rebellion against God.
Disappointed believer. The Bible says to seek and you will find, ask and it will be given  you, knock and the door will be opened. Well, I did all that and didn't get what I wanted. Is God for real or not? I'm so disappointed I can't believe in God anymore. The Bible does say these things but it always assumes you're asking in God's will and according to all the Scripture says about prayer. True godly faith trusts God is wiser than we are and knows what's best for us. One man doubted God because he didn't get the wife he wanted but when he saw her twenty years later he thanked God for not answering his prayer. Disappointments are an unavoidable part of life but we can get over them.
Wounded child. Even the best parents make mistakes. Physical or sexual abuse, neglect, perfectionism, permissiveness, over strictness, rejection, inability to show love are all factors that can wound a child growing to maturity. Every child is unique so that what works well with one may not with another. We live in an imperfect world. Some of the most famous atheists were brought up in a Christian home, or their father was a pastor, or they were mistreated by persons thought to be Christians. Children in the same home with similar conditions can choose to go in opposite directions. Our freedom and limitations mean we need to pray and trust God all the more to lead us to the truth. Our choices are either for God or against Him.
Intellectually deceived. Someone can be a brilliant scientist but understand nothing about the Bible. Christians too can lead or be lead astray by false teachings. I've heard persons say God is three in one or that God is love so there can't be a hell. Neither teaching properly understood is in conflict. God as three Persons in one essence is a great mystery but no contradiction. Wouldn't an infinite Creator be beyond our limited understanding? Love without justice can only result in evil selfish desires and destruction. No liars or murders will be allowed  to corrupt God's perfect heaven. A little knowledge indeed can be dangerous and destructive.
Religion comparer. We  might think I like this religion but not that one. Or, this religion fits my beliefs and needs best. This can be a hellish mistake. The question to ask is: Does this religion or set of beliefs and practices give evidence it is of God. There are hundreds of different religions that are mere human thinking based upon contradictions, falsehoods and unethical practices. Have you given Jesus who died to save us sinners and arose from the dead serious consideration? No other religion can furnish any objective visual evidence that biblical Christianity can furnish. See article: Christ's Historical Resurrection.
 Seasonal changer. The Bible exhorts us to faithfully minister God's Word in season and out of season but that is not always easy. We may be on fire for the Lord at certain times in our lives, but things can creep in to distract us. Our spouse may discourage us, or we may be sidetracked when children come along, pressures at work mount, or bills pile up.   Please don't let the cares of the world
choke out God's Word to sidetrack us.
Adversity accuser. Why did God let my little child die? Why did a tornado destroy everything I had? Why did my husband abandoned me and our children? Adam's sin is also our choice of a world of both good and evil. God warned it would bring death, but we don't listen any more than our first parents did. We all neglect things we know we should do such as buy insurance or move  elsewhere. And we do things we know we shouldn't do such as lie, steal, murder. God doesn't program us like machines but allows us to choose and learn from our mistakes. Can we demand God exclude us from adversities affecting everyone else? We can either hate and reject God, or trust Him in spite of it all. Either choice has serious and eternal consequences.
Fearful committer. Commitment is scary. God might want me to give up something I love. Or be a missionary in some terrible place, or change my life in some way I feel is impossible. I'm not so sure I can hold out or if it's the best thing for me. Probably both Christian and non Christian think this way many times. It may be the biggest obstacle to trust in the Lord. It's fear of the the unknown. Jesus summed it up succinctly when he said its no profit to gain the whole world and loose your own soul. Even in this life we avoid guilt and frustration by trusting in God's gracious provision and promises. And we gain eternal reward in Heaven.
What Christian Faith Is Not.
Faith is not achieved perfection. The only perfect person is the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why he alone could bear our sin on the cross and intercede for us before the Father.  We must first be born of the Holy Spirit into God's family for our actions to even please the Lord. Even then we still sin as the Bible repeatedly tells God's people to sincerely repent and do right. We have a new nature that desires righteousness but still retain our old sinful nature that battles with the evil world, sinful desires and the devil's demons. Only in Heaven with our new body, holy nature and perfect surroundings will we  be completely free from sin. 
Faith is not based upon feelings. Feelings are important but fickle and can deceive us. We can have religious highs and lows. When things go well, we tend to believe God is with us and everything will be alright. Then when things don't turn out as we expected we may wonder if God even exists. The heart in the Bible is the inner person--mind, will, emotions (Matthew 9:4; Proverbs 23:26; Jeremiah. 17:9). Harry Emerson Fosdick, the leader of the old liberal theology movement, and C.S. Lewis the famous Christian apologist, both admitted how great there thinking was affected by their moods. Some persons are very emotional while others are not which means emotions are not always a good gauge of faith.
Faith is not certainty. Everything is not simply black or white but shades of grey. The man with the demon possessed son came to Jesus and exclaimed, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." Our beliefs are of varying strengths. They are not simple and certain as 2+2=4 or as repeatedly mixing 2 parts of hydrogen with 1 part oxygen gets water every time. There are always varying factors involving our past experiences, understanding, correct thinking and will to believe.
What Christian Faith Is.
Faith is based upon fact and logic. When we don't understand, faith may not seem factual or logical, at least not from our perspective. When God told Abraham, the father of the faith, to offer his son Isaac in sacrifice after God had promised him descendants as a great nation, that seemed utterly contradictory. Except, that Abraham had come to know many sacrifices and promises that turned out to justify his faith (Heb. 11:8-12). So Abraham believed God would even raise Isaac up from the dead (Heb. 11:17-19). Of course the Creator of the universe would know and be able to do things we couldn't even imagine. Faith is largely our willingness to truth in what God has said as true when we can't understand.
Faith is based upon trustworthy Bible teaching. It's often asked, how can I believe the Bible when there are so many translations through so many ancient languages. It's said the Bible has 2,000,000 mistakes. Such statements are totally misleading. Ancient writers occasionally misspelled words, omitted words, or added words as we do today. The same misspelled word in 500 manuscripts is counted 500 mistakes. But those mistakes are not contradictions or lies.
When close copies to the originals writings are placed side by side it's easy to see and correct such mistakes. And translations are not made from different languages passed down through history. They are made from early Hebrew and Greek manuscripts that Bible writers spoke. The Bible is by  far the most accurate of ancient writings because scribes believing it God's Word took pains to count the lines and letters and discard any copies found faulty. With over 5,700 manuscripts for comparison and some only decades from the original writings, the New Testament is estimated to be 95 to 99% accurate. Even the areas of difficulty don't affect doctrines
Faith begins and continues  in  a love-trust relationship with God in  Christ and is shown by our obedience. True faith and repentance is not thinking I'll ask forgiveness for sin today and go out and do it all again tomorrow.  Yes, we have sins difficult to overcome and God will forgive us times without number. But if we're not sincere in our trust in God to help us, and honest in our effort to do better, then we are not in true relationship with God--period. As a guide to the Christian life, I highly recommend the little book by Hannah Whitall Smith, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.
The Bible often says that love is shown by keeping God's commandments (1 John 2:4; 3:24), that friendship with the sinful world is enmity with God (James 4:4)  and that faith without works is dead or not real faith (James 2:18-22). Say now, do you have real Christian faith? Mere head knowledge without commitment of will is not saving faith. And a God who won't give me what I won't is simply selfishness, not faith. Trust the all-knowing loving God to know what's best for us.
If you have never trusted in the Savior of us sinners to cleanse you of  your sin debt, I urge you to humbly bow your head and in sincerity tell God you are a sinner needing His forgiveness, cleansing, and that you are trusting in Christ to save you and make you a true child of God now and forever. If you have drifted away from God after the cares of the world, I plead with you also to confess and forsake your sin and rebellion. There's plenty of room at the foot of the cross. Share your faith with others in desperate need and reap rewards both now and eternally. One way to share is simply give them this blogspot address.
Other articles you might want to check are: The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith. Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope! Twenty Reasons Christians Should Defend Their Faith.


1 comment:

  1. We may find problems with Christian faith, but far worse problems exist with non Christian faiths. For example, with Hinduism how did karma get started & it does away human personality. With Islam, God who hates sinners, only based upon Muhammad's subjective claim, & imprisons women. Atheism unprovable & does away with all Christ provides--truth, justice, love, afterlife, Heaven, empirical science.


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