The Ultimate Cause of Human Sufferings!
The Ultimate Cause of Human Sufferings is our Human Free Will Rejection of God. Even those who claim science shows we are programmed expect you to freely believe their arguments against free will-- Say, isn't this being a bit hypocritical? Free will means our mind can weigh alternatives and make rational choices. No free will makes us either instinctual animals or programmed machines without dignity, freedom, purpose, destiny, or hope. We struggle to survive, reproduce, and then our lights go out.
Our acts then can't be either praised or blamed, and all sense of responsibility degenerates into lawless anarchy and warfare until some strong man and group usurp control and dictates who lives or dies by their rules. That seems to be the way we're headed.
Our acts then can't be either praised or blamed, and all sense of responsibility degenerates into lawless anarchy and warfare until some strong man and group usurp control and dictates who lives or dies by their rules. That seems to be the way we're headed.
We reject the God made known to us in creation, conscience, and Christ. Most scientists today admit that, like a wound-up clock, the universe is running down. That means it's not permanent, but had a beginning and will have an end. Nothing (no non existent thing), can create itself, and any beginning thing must have a cause.
What then is required of the sourse or cause of the universe's origion? It must exist prior to and independently of the space, time, and matter it created. It would be outside time, eternal, and unchanging, thus self-existent. An immense universe of energy too, would require its sourse be a power that exists throughout the universe. And the source would be an infinite mind and will to account for things showin undeniable specific complex design of means adapted to ends. No mindless force, nor random process, can be the source of our universe. Just as red, white, and blue, confetti thrown from an airplane billions of times for billions years is unlikely to form the American flag.
Creation's source, then seems to exhibit these characteristics. The source of the universe's origion is self-existent, eternal, immutable, immaterial, outside time, everywhere present, and an infinitely powerful, everpresent, intelligent mind and will. Now, if we consult the Bible with an honest, open mind, isn't this exactly the sort of things its describes about God as creation's Source. Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14; Col. 1:15-17; John 1:1-4, and multitudes of others?
Can non living mindless chemicals organize themselves into all the specified complex life forms we see on our planet? Didn't Louis Pasture and others demonstrate long ago that life only comes from life? Isn't there incredible genetic steps mindless molecules by random process must overcome? Isn't what we actually know, biologically, that mutations are usually destructive, are weeded out, and would require a multiple simultaneous changes to occur at once to make real permanent change? Isn't the supposed genetic tree an unproved "evolutionary gaps argument?" Do extinct dinosaur bones prove anything more than that some animals died out as some are becoming extinct today? What do artist drawings of a monkey becoming an erect man prove other than a lack of real evidence to support a dogmatic theory? We see every day that animals reproducee after their own kind as dogs birth verities of dogs, but never horses? We know life forms are genetically programmed to have limits.
And what does our human conscience showing compassion, guilt, and shame mean? Yes, we can harden our hearts to the point of indifference, yet conscience seems to be a natural, rational, objective trait in everyone. Everywhere people show moral beliefs saying some acts are not fair, shouldn't happen, etc. We unavoidably make moral judgments. Such moral judgments point to an ultimate standard to judge our behavior as right or wrong. It is a moral law, we feel constrained to make excuses when we break it. We feel guilt and shame when we do. It's not like mathematics, but discovered, not invented. We may risk our own lives in a sense of duty to save others. Acts of genocide and rape are regarded as evil in all cultures. And we condemn others who would cheat, steal, kill and betray us.
Christians say this moral standard or law doesn't make sense unless there is a higher Moral Standard we're all responsible to. The forces of nature or nothing in the natural world can know our actions or motives. Atheists admit evils abound but nothing can we absolutely right or wrong if limited, conflicting human opinion of dying persons are all we have as a basis. Science can only describe what is, not tell us how things ought to be. Monist religions that claim everything is God have no basis to say anything is really good or evil. The only thing that makes sense is that the infinite Creator God exists as our Moral Standard and Righteous Lawgiver. He would know all our acts and motives, and could hold us accountable. Yes! a Righteous Judge is scary! And still leaves crucial questions unanswered.
A Creator God can explain the universe as rational, understandable, accounts for specified complex life forms, for our human conscience, and does make sense of so much of our world. But even supposing this God exists, the big unanswered questions are: Does he love us? Can he make himself know to us in personal relationship? Is there hope we human beings don't just reproduce and die, lights out?
Only Biblical Christianity can answer all those questions affirmatively in the person of Jesus Christ. "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son (the sinless God-man), so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes (surrenders themselves in truth). But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact. God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants (John 3:16-21). "For the Son of man came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10)." Only Jesus arose from the dead, we who trust ourselves to Him will arise too and live with him forever. I love you Lord, praise you, and thank you Lord.
Dear reader friend, from our first parents unto today the ultimate cause of suffering is our choice to reject God. He offers us dignity & destiny, not of compulsion, but of love. Eternal fulfillment are offered you in relationship with God in Christ now and forever in Heaven. But if you prefer your way, the Bible calls it darkness, torment, and Hell. God loves you. Jesus died to save you. Trust in God's love and light. Won't you say, "I trust you now Lord Jesus to forgive my sins, save me, and guide me as your child." Now get a Bible to learn God's will for you. Get with God's people for encouragment and ministry. God bless.
Christians say this moral standard or law doesn't make sense unless there is a higher Moral Standard we're all responsible to. The forces of nature or nothing in the natural world can know our actions or motives. Atheists admit evils abound but nothing can we absolutely right or wrong if limited, conflicting human opinion of dying persons are all we have as a basis. Science can only describe what is, not tell us how things ought to be. Monist religions that claim everything is God have no basis to say anything is really good or evil. The only thing that makes sense is that the infinite Creator God exists as our Moral Standard and Righteous Lawgiver. He would know all our acts and motives, and could hold us accountable. Yes! a Righteous Judge is scary! And still leaves crucial questions unanswered.
A Creator God can explain the universe as rational, understandable, accounts for specified complex life forms, for our human conscience, and does make sense of so much of our world. But even supposing this God exists, the big unanswered questions are: Does he love us? Can he make himself know to us in personal relationship? Is there hope we human beings don't just reproduce and die, lights out?
Only Biblical Christianity can answer all those questions affirmatively in the person of Jesus Christ. "God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son (the sinless God-man), so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes (surrenders themselves in truth). But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact. God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants (John 3:16-21). "For the Son of man came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10)." Only Jesus arose from the dead, we who trust ourselves to Him will arise too and live with him forever. I love you Lord, praise you, and thank you Lord.
Dear reader friend, from our first parents unto today the ultimate cause of suffering is our choice to reject God. He offers us dignity & destiny, not of compulsion, but of love. Eternal fulfillment are offered you in relationship with God in Christ now and forever in Heaven. But if you prefer your way, the Bible calls it darkness, torment, and Hell. God loves you. Jesus died to save you. Trust in God's love and light. Won't you say, "I trust you now Lord Jesus to forgive my sins, save me, and guide me as your child." Now get a Bible to learn God's will for you. Get with God's people for encouragment and ministry. God bless.