Is the Lord Jesus Welcome at Your University?
The Bible says Jesus is the Lord of glory meaning he’s the way, truth, life, hope, and light of the world. But some intellectual elites claim Jesus’ teachings intolerant, absolutist, dogmatic, exclusive, authoritarian, ignorant, narrow-minded, superstitious, dangerous, and nonscientific. Why? Are these insults based upon fact, or falsehood and bias? Let’s examine some of Jesus’ teachings to see which view fits best.
Jesus clearly believed in human creation, not evolution. Jesus said, “From the beginning of creation God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6; 13:19. And his apostle Paul quoted Genesis 2:21-25 that confirmed that Adam’s body was formed directly from the ground and then Eve was made from Adam (1 Cor. 11:8-9). No one denies genetic potential for varieties of mice, monkeys, and men. But where is any proof for molecule to man evolution? Science confirms that life only comes from life, that life forms show specified complexity, and that the thousands of transitional life forms needed to prove evolution simply don’t exist. Shouldn’t we be open-minded, unafraid, and fair with the evidence? Doesn’t good science allow alternative views and let the evidence decide, even if it points to a living Creator? After all, the Christian worldview is the basis for a rational universe created by a rational God. It’s what makes science possible? See my articles on science: Ape-man or God-man? How Scientific and Open-minded Are Darwinists?
Jesus taught people have an eternal soul. Jesus said, “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:37. Apart from Jesus Christ, our only options are soulless dirt we return to, or recycled energy that after many recycles is freed from self-existence. Most people throughout the ages believe in human life after death but the only real proof is that someone dies and that cold stiff body comes back to life and activity. Eyewitness gave their lives in testimony within three decades that Jesus arose from the dead. See my articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death? Christ's Historical Resurrection. Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope!
Jesus claimed to be the only way to God and Heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Of the founders of world religions, Jesus is the only person said to be without sin, who died to pay the penalty of our sin, and who arose to confirm all his teachings true. This puts Jesus above and apart from all mere human thinking and shows him to be the God-man or Lord of glory. Mere human opinions and guesses are of no value. It’s the Creator’s exclusive right to set his requirements to enter his Heaven. His criterion is perfection, no corruption (Matt. 5:48; Rev. 21:27: 22:15). No killers, rapists, human abusers are allowed in Heaven. God’s way is that we trust in his Son dying for us on the cross to cleanse us from sin. A morally perfect God must judge all evil (Matt. 5:48; John 3:36; 1 Cor. 6:9-11).
Jesus said God’s law was that one man be married to one woman for life. He answered, “He made them male and female . . . for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Matthew 19:4-5; Mark 10:5. This is no mere cultural mores since our eternal Creator knows the end from the beginning and the best for us (Isaiah 46:10). Having sex slaves, marrying many spouses, same sex relations, and easy divorce are not God’s ideal of a one-flesh relationship for life. Jesus said it’s the hardness of our hearts that we commit these sins (Matt. 19:8). What would be the outcome if everyone were gay? What is the purpose of eyes? Of ears? Of reproductive systems? We don’t need a Ph.D. to see that men and women are designed for family relationship. Doesn’t STD’s warn us of unfaithfulness? Romans 1:24-32 is clear that sexual immorality and wickedness of every kind is rebellion against God. We are without excuse, and will be judged by the moral standards of our Maker, Owner, Life-giver, and Judge. God's warnings are due to his great concern for our well-being.
Jesus said the two greatest commandments were to love God first and our fellowman second. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind . . . You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-39). Christianity, unlike some religious, doesn’t teach hate, human abuse, murder, but love, goodness, and truth. It’s based upon a perfectly moral God to whom we will one day give account of our lives. Even our conscience tells us that lies, theft, murder, and human abuse of all kinds is wrong simply because we object and call it unjust when done to us. But if we are not in God’s mental, moral, immortal image, we really are nothing and subject to be used and abused, manipulated and murdered.
Jesus taught the Scriptures were the Word of God. Jesus said, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39). The Bible contains many fulfilled predictions of Messiah which Jesus alone could have fulfilled—his virgin birth, miracles, sinless life, death for sinners, and resurrection. This is God’s good news to us who are rebellious selfish beings. The Scriptures are God’s true and authoritative message to all humanity (Matt. 5:18). Moreover, God has made his will known to those willing to learn and obey it (John 7:17). No other scripture of any world religion can claim such things as demonstrated by Jesus. His words are not human opinion, but God’s authority.
Jesus said it is imperative that we be born again. "Do not marvel that I say to you, ‘you must be born again’ (John 3:7). We are all born as physical bodily beings. But according to the Bible, we are born with a sinful rebellious nature unable to live up to God’s perfect moral laws or enter his pure uncorrupted Heaven. We are out of tune and separated from relationship with our Maker. So we must be born with new life by the Holy Spirit of God entering into us—regeneration or new life. This is imperative to be counted just before God. Then, we have forgiveness, love for God, peace with God, desire to please God, a new outlook on life--we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17-18). Apart from this, we are useless rebels before God, desiring our own way and destined for eternal darkness, despair, tears and torments. As sinners, we must humbly trust in the Savior.
What can we rightly conclude from all the above and the uncomplimentary remarks? Is Jesus’ teachings exclusive, absolutist, authoritarian, and narrow-minded? YES! Because Jesus was not teaching human guesses, He was God who walked among us and told us truths we couldn’t know otherwise. Was Jesus intolerant, dogmatic, ignorant, and superstitious? NO! As the all-knowing and holy God, He was intolerant of and dogmatic about falsehood, deception, and evil, but He loved people. He showed the greatest love in dying to save us unworthy sinners from a Hell of darkness and torment and to have a daily relationship of love and guidance.
Christian faith is not the foe of true science, but its friend. Experimental science was largely brought about by theists and Christians who believed that a rational God made a rational universe and experimentation possible. Nature religions were superstitious and ignorant. Scientific theories change frequently and can oppose Scripture. Human interpretation of both science and Scripture can be faulty. It’s reasonable to believe that when all the facts are in and correctly interpreted, God’s Word and God’s world will be in harmony. It's unreasonable and unscientific to assume nothing of itself produced the universe, or that mindless elements can arrange themselves into plants, animals, and man no matter how much time.
Are Jesus teachings dangerous? Yes, for both Christians and Un-Christians if we want to live our lives free from God’s love, direction, and control. Christians still have the sinful nature that can show attitudes of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, arrogance, insensitivity, and an unkind rejection of others. Jesus rebuked the religious hypocrites of His day. But Jesus loved people and said Christians should too. He told us to tell them of His salvation and make disciples (Matt. 27:18-20). We actually show disobedience and unconcern to neglect telling others of the Savior of us sinners. But be warned: bad attitudes can drive persons God loves away from the Savior. And we must remember God may discipline His disobedient children even to the point of physical death (Heb. 11:6-8; 1 Cor. 11:30). Get this: history confirms Jesus is what brought the West out of barbarism.
Un-Christians need to remember that all who go to church, carry a Bible, or talk of Jesus may not be Christians. As in other religions, there are levels of commitment, understanding, and maturity. And to believe any one religion true, means all opposed religions logically are false.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Won't you humbly say, Lord Jesus I trust you now and forever to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide? Then share these articles with others who know not the Lord or the eternal life He alone gives.
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The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Won't you humbly say, Lord Jesus I trust you now and forever to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide? Then share these articles with others who know not the Lord or the eternal life He alone gives.
Let me recommend some terrific books for college students and their concerned parents.
Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.
Dr. Rick Cornish, 5 Minute Theologian.
Kenneth Boa & Larry Moody, I’m Glad You Asked.
Paul Copan, True For You, But Not For Me.
Geoffrey Simmons, M.D., What Darwin Didn't Know
Scott M. Huse, The Collapse of Evolution.
Ed Hindson & Ergun Caner, The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics.
Coral Ridge Ministries, Ten Truths About Socialism.
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Many persons want the benefits Christianity brings. But, its fruits cut from its roots in Christ and the Bible, will disappear You can serve God by sharing these articles with others..
We're learned and proud we're right. Our learned friends agree with us that Jesus can't be God. But if we never seriously and honestly consider opponents arguments, and Jesus is God, we may be in serious trouble!!