By the Numbers

Showing posts with label Social Concerns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Concerns. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

God's Ten Commandments

                                                 God's Ten Commandments
Evolutionists who absolutely reject God  have no alternative but to make the ridiculous claim that the universe brought itself into existence. Julian Huxley, once the leader of Darwinism, was asked on Merv Griffin talk show why people believe in evolution. Huxley answered honestly, "The reason we accepted Darwinism even without proof, is because we didn't want God to interfere with our sexual mores." (Quoted in D. James Kennedy, Skeptics Answered, p. 154). Darwinism gives us freedom to do as we please, but makes us perishing animals, destroys any basis for morality other than individual opinion, and enslaves humanity to the terrorism and control of those who produce the most fearsome weapon. Now the question is: what do God's Ten Commandments do for our world.
You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3; Acts 14:15.
"You should turn from these useless things (idols) to the living God who made heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things" (Acts 14:15). There can be only One Almighty since any claim to another almighty is a contradiction and any lessor god is not almighty. Moreover, a nonexistent universe can't created itself. And like adding books to the shelf, if we could backtrack in an  unending universe, we couldn't arrive at today. Material creation clearly points to an infinite eternal, unchangeable, self-existent mind and will. Alleged gods are their worshipers own imaginings. Further, the atheist would have to know everything to say there's no God. Respectfully, does he even know the people next door?
The specified irreducible complexity of living things, the conscience of man, and the historic presence of the God-man affirm the personal, ethical, triune Almighty God of the Bible. Jesus said, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29;1 Cor. 8:5-6; Matt. 19:18-19). See my article on The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image. Ex. 20:4; 1 John 5:21.
In 1 John 5:21, we read, '"Little children, keep yourselves from idols." Idols cannot represent the Almighty and are his enemy being demon spirits enticing people to godless practices such as sacrifice their children, have same sex partners, even sex with animals, and such existed all over the ancient world (1 Cor.10:20; Rev. 9:20; Rom. 1:18-32). God's people were told to shun such  practices and live separated to God alone. Wouldn't an idol you can see be severely limited to time, place, power and knowledge? Moreover, worshipers make their own idols and must protect them from damage and thief. How could such a god be dependable and trustworthy? The universe's Almighty Creator has no such limitations and really could be the only God.   
Such paganism is returning today where Christ's influence isn't felt or believed and demonic ideologies prevail. We can easily succumb to pressures in a pluralist society devoid of moral standards. We must study God's Word and keep his commandments for the safety and sanity of society.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Ex. 20:7; James 5:12.
"Do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your "Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No," lest you fall into judgment (James 5:12).  Our name reflects our character. A bad character can't be trusted. God is our Life-giver and Judge to whom we must one day give account of our lives. God's name should only be spoken with the highest affection, gratitude, praise and honor. To dishonor God's name is to drag down human value and life to an animal level. Apart from being in God's image and Christ's resurrection, is a perishing person ultimately worth more than a pig?
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Ex. 20:8; Colossians 2:16 nullifies it.
 Sabbath means "rest" and it speaks of the six day's of creation and God's rest on the seventh. It was a  sign of God's covenant with Israel to the other nations (Ex. 31:12-17).  Christians worship on the first day of the week in honor of their Lord's resurrection (John 20:19, 26; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). But the principle of rest one day in seven still stands (Col. 2:16-17; Gal. 4:1-11; Rom. 14:1-15:7).
Honor your father and your mother. Ex. 20:12; Ephesians. 6:1.
"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right" (Eph. 6:1). Loving fathers discipline their children to correct them as God does us (Heb. 12:5-12). Wild unruley children are a shame to their parents, their community, and their nation. Further, we should appreciate  elder persons for their wisdom and contributions. How we treat them today may determine how we will be treated tomorrow. The elderly is the only outcast group everybody expects to join since nobody wants the alternative. Rebellion toward parents can only lead to a fearful destructive society.
You shall not murder. Ex. 20:13. 1 John 3:15.
"Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him" (1 John 3:15). Because we are made in God's image, murder is an attack against God (Gen. 1:26-27; 9:6). While murder is a capitol offense, unintentional accidents are not. Unless we regard human life as a sacred gift of God, nobody at any age is safe. Atheist religion makes it a chaotic animal eat animal world with survival of the fittest--meaning those who survive. Those who hate God love death (Pr. 8:36). God alone who gives, sustains, and owns us has the right to take life, especially those who attenpt to destroy His plan for redemption of mankind.
You shall not commit adultery. Ex. 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will  inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:9-10). We can't omit or excuse our particular sin from God's list without being self-deceived and bringing doom upon ourselves. Marriage partners tend to overlook their mates virtues and get irritated with their faults. We all have both and should keep check on ourselves that we show each other respect and loving concern--what we give is often what is returned. The home is the foundation for good or evil for us as individuals and as nations.  See my articles: God's Instructions to Christian Husbands. Effective Loving Families. 

You shall not steal. Ex. 20:15; Genesis 2:15; Ephesians 4:28.
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it" (Gen. 2:15). From beginning until today, God provided man this world to take care of and we all have the right to  own property and things. Government taxes don't make sense otherwise (Rom. 13). "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give him who has need" (Eph. 4:28). It's God's world and unless we are His good caretakers, we become thieves even destroying ourselves. One can steal in many ways simply by not being completely honest and fair.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Ex. 20:16; Colossians 3:9.
"Do not lie to one another"  (Col. 3:9). Lying  is usually our attempt to benefit us in some way or to avoid  trouble. It's a selfish unconcern toward others. It takes many forms such as gossip, slander, half truths, denials, excuses, exaggerations, etc. It too can be a means to save face or avoid someone having hurt feelings. And one lie can trap us into telling others. But isn't compassionate truth the best policy? Satan's lies can send us to Hell!

You shall not covet. Ex. 20:17; Matthew 15:19.

This commandment goes to the heart of the matter. God isn't pleased with outward acts that hide an inward attitude of self desires and indifference toward others. Jesus put it in true perspective, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man" (Matt. 15:19). Indeed our heart can be deceitful, disobedient, depraved before God.

How can  some persons claim God's Ten Commandments are outdated and pernicious superstitions that should be eradicated to make the world safe for the human race? They are the one thing that can save us!  Moreover, how unfair and deceitful of the "new atheists" to lump God's teachings with other religions as no different! And how immoral of Muslims to kill unbelievers even those ignorant of Islam  (jihad)  thinking it will help them get to paradise! Those who claim God's Ten Commandments outdated would cry foul if  others stole, lied, cheated, or somehow abused them. They are hypocrites who can't abide by the atheism they claim others should observe.  Honest thoughtful persons cannot accept and should stand against such nonsense. These Ten Commandments are basic to human decency, morality and security, and sanity.
God's Ten Commandments while given to Israel reflect the moral principles of God's moral nature and will that make it possible for persons to live together in helpful beneficial ways and not destroy themselves. They insure the most freedom, protection, security, and happiness of all peoples and nations who implement and uphold them. But apart from the Bible's God who gave them, they have no basis or power to insure human well being--we're then shut up to limited conflicting human opinions. Deny the biblical God and you destroy the basis for a sane and secure, healthy and happy humanity. That breath giving, patient, but just Lord, will one day set everything right. Don't regretfully let it take you by surprise. 
Here is the crucial fact we don't like to face: we're selfish rebellious people who don't like anyone telling us how to live our lives, not even God. We want to do things our own way with our own desires. Nobody but Jesus has ever kept God's Ten Commandments and that's why He alone can save us who break them all the time in attitude if not also in act. Unless we trust the Lord Jesus to save us weak sinful persons we have little chance of pleasing our Maker and no chance of seeing Him in Heaven. The fact that we can't keep God's Ten Commandments, no matter how hard we try, is proof positive we need the Savior who alone kept them.
Won't you say, Lord Jesus, I trust You now and forever to save me a selfish sinner and be my Lord and Guide from now own. I want to learn and live Your Word and tell others about You. God bless you in your new life of faith, hope and love in Christ and your service to others.
You may share God's Word and Gospel simply by telling others to look at these articles. God bless your life saving worldwide ministry. U can make a tremendous difference for good in this world and in the world to come. God bless.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!

                        We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!
The foundational question facing humanity is this: Are we mere animals living in an eat and be eaten world? Don't all worldviews say that somehow our lives will cease to be? If we're only more evolved animals within nature, then wouldn't we perish like the other animals?  Consider the following five worldviews and you decide.
1. Evolution is the belief mindless molecules arranged themselves into all life forms. This seems to be the basis of almost all non-biblical worldviews. It assumes anything can happen by chance given enough time. It assumes life spontaneously arose from mindless chemicals. It assumes all life forms evolved from molecules to man. It assumes natural selection and mutation are the mechanisms by which it all takes place. It assumes this is all scientific fact and no personal Creator God is necessary to explain the world. It says believers in God (theists) mistakenly assume a God of the gaps to explain what is completely natural. It seems worldviews conclude in one way or another that we are merely more evolved perishing animals. But not so with biblical Christianity.
Evolutionists cannot show each step in the ongoing process which would be the real proof. They show only disconnected fossils and a few disputed hoaxes. They cannot conduct experiments that demonstrate evolution occurred. They point to miner genetic changes within an animal and extrapolate this means that one animal can change into another. They ignores both scientific and  biblical evidences that seem to preclude evolution.
2. Atheists claim no god of any kind and no eternal soul exists. Atheists go under different names that put emphases upon different factors. Materialists say all is matter and nothing really spiritual exists. Naturalists claim nature is everything and nothing supernatural or outside nature exists. Physicists think that nothing beyond the physical or metaphysical exists. Secularists believe things called sacred are only superstitious ignorance. Humanists feel man is the height and standard to measure all else. Further, atheists claim to use the scientific method of observation and experiment which is the only sure way to knowledge. Evolution is the basis for atheism.
Atheists claim to be reasonable and scientific whereas others are not. They say evils disprove the existence of a good and powerful God who would eliminate such evils. And galaxies and planets outside our solar system, germs that kill millions, dinosaurs, and cave men all prove evolution and disprove God. Moreover, Christians are hypocrites who don't live as if they know God.
I'm not saying atheists are necessarily bad people.They may be respectful good citizens, friendly lovable people who try to do good, and may even appear more descent that some Christians or persons assumed or think they're Christians. I am saying that atheists and others don't have the foundational principles biblical Christianity provide that work to make a better peaceful loving world. Moreover, we none understand and apply our worldview consistently in all life situations.  
Human knowledge is a small dot in the huge circle of universal knowledge, so isn't it a bit arrogant for anyone to claim a Godlike knowledge that he knows there's no God. And if God were to eliminate all evil, wouldn't that mean all of us?  Wouldn't God show patience, mercy and grace to allow us multiple opportunities to admit our wrong doing and turn to Him for forgiveness and blessings? Perhaps God was more concerned with  His people having a loving relationship with Him than knowing about other galaxies and planets which they were not in any position to understand anyway.
The Bible says God created a good world and disobedient rebellions man corrupted it that brought disease germs and death.  I'm convinced dinosaurs probably are what were known in China and Europe as dragons and were probably killed off by man and weather conditions. Some men live in caves today but that doesn't make them primitive and had ancients built houses do you think they would survive? Ape-men are evolutionists reconstructed biased  imagination. The real evidence is for the God-man of the Bible. See my articles: Atheist Arguments Answered. Ape-man Or God-man? Human Evolution--Did We Climb from the Slime? How Scientific and Open-minded Are Darwinists?
Further, the scientific method of observation and experiment assumes logical reasoning, accuracy of our senses, honesty in research and reporting, all of which are only shown to be certain in the Creator God of the Bible. Moreover, experimental method cannot decide crucial issues of history, beauty, morality, human dignity, freedom, and life after death which are decided by other means.
Also, death only shows there is no life in the body, not that it can't have gone elsewhere. The brain is not the mind and soul is not matter. Serious differences show this. Physics textbooks never mention anything psychological, mental or spiritual. Brains can be weighted; thoughts can't. Brains can be dyed, minds or souls cannot. Matter is extended and has weight, souls have not. Matter just exists, but mind remembers and believes things true or false. Let's be real!
3. Polytheists believe little gods evolved from nature that can fight and die. Ancient peoples believed  gods evolved out of nature. Popular Hinduism believes in many gods. These gods care nothing about people and must be offered sacrifices lest they cause people harm. Mormons claim even people can become gods. But where are all these gods that we can know they exist? Mere claims they exist sure don't convince me. It would take eyewitness experiences and supernatural acts to demonstrate these gods exist. They are unlike what we have in Jesus the God-man. Isn't polytheism also a dead-in-street? And it's the outgrowth of pantheism.
4. Pantheists say that ultimately all is spiritual energy. Philosophical Hinduism, Taoism, Christian Science, New Age are forms of pantheism. Everything is god or a part of it, but it's all illusion like a wave that returns to the sea and human personality evaporates into energy, force, principle, nirvana, Brahma, or whatever. Moreover, pantheists live as though things they deny are very real. Self is absorption into universal energy and really was only an illusion.  
5. Biblical Christianity is different. It's difficult to see how Bible texts allow for evolution or even theistic evolution. Since I've discussed the biblical texts in articles mentioned above, here I want to explain the crucial differences Christian faith makes in this life and world. Rather than destroy us, the Christian worldview gives us life and hope. God created us in His image and likeness for relationship with Himself. Let me briefly mention the superior human advantages God gave man in His image that other worldviews deny or have no foundation to uphold.
(1) God made us  directly with dignity. We didn't crawl up from slime or lower life forms, but were made rational, moral, immortal persons at the outset. Adam could walk and talk with God who visited him in human form. He could name the animals recognizing their essential natures and no helpmate was found among them. We exhibit many characteristics that show an insurmountable gulf between us and the animal kingdom. We can produce literature, art, philosophy, science, write history and invent things that animals cannot. And best of all we can have loving relationship with our Maker.
(2) God gave us family. Both the man and woman were made in God's image. The man's stronger physique shows his role is to provide and protect. The woman bears children to further extend the human race. It's so apparent it's God's design that denying it is open rebellion.
(3) God gave us absolute truth. God gave our first parents the command to take care of His garden which applies to our earth today. Clearly, what God told Adam and Eve was known, understood and to be obeyed. What the all-knowing Creator and Sustainer says is absolute truth that no human subterfuge can discredit.  We know our senses furnish data and that our minds can organize, describe and know reality. It's not an illusionary world in which we're absorbed into universal energy as pantheists claim--it's a real world God made for us to care for and enjoy. There is no secular truth and religious truth--all truth is God's truth that corresponds to reality.
(4) God gave us free choice. Unlike animals we're not governed by instinct. God made us for loving relationship with Him and with each other. His commandments and instructions are for our good, but we can choose to obey or disobey them. God in love warns us of consequences if we don't obey and gives us multiply opportunities to turn from selfish rebellion to humble loving forgiveness, acceptance and restoration. As Randy Alcorn says: God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
(5) God gave us equality. We're quick to notice human differences and claim we're superior or better than other persons in some way. It may be race, gender, tribe, caste, position, nationality or whatever. But biblical teaching is that we're all descended from the same parents, and have the same blood. Geneticists studying DNA have now established that all peoples have descended from one female and one male living in the same region. Of course we differ in looks, intelligence, size, shape and so on but before God we are to be given the same equal respect and concern. To follow this would eliminate greed, hatred, wars.
(6) God gave us morality. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lest they die. Only one tree they were to avoid in a garden of a great many trees they could freely eat. God wasn't being mean to deny them the fruit of this one tree; it was to test their obedience and trust in Him and His word. Loving parents likewise warn their children of the harmful consequences of bad behavior. Thus the Bible is filled with good advise as well as prohibitions and warnings. Deny the personal ethically perfect God of the Bible and anything is permitted--anything!!
God putting our parents out of His garden of Eden was again an act of mercy and love. God didn't want our parents to eat of the tree of life and their descendants be condemned to live in eternal separation from Him and the loving relationship He wants with us. Moral rules are God's principles for our well being. Jesus' Golden Rule of treat others the way you want to be treated would eliminate slavery, theft, deception and general human abuse. Isn't it most reasonable that the Lord who made us knows what's best for us?
(7) God gave us human government. Government is ordained of God and necessary to keep us from the evil of harming ourselves. We have a selfish evil tendency to hurt one another so  restrictions must be placed on evil doers as with theft and damage to property owners. The purpose of the state is justice and well being for its people. Laws and taxes are necessary but must be limited so not as to put citizens in slavery and poverty. Natural law should reflect God's law. The Bible uses a limited flat tax on Israel to encourage human incentive. Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people.

(8) God gave us Himself. While we were sinners, Christ died for us. He was made to be sin for us that we might live unto righteousness. There can be no greater demonstration of love. Love doesn't force, it invites and you're invited to trust the living risen Savior for eternal life. No other worldview can compare with that!
(9) God gives us hope and offers us eternal life. The things mentioned above explain the Christian worldview that enlightens, encourages, ennobles us and provides and secures our well being. Won't you say yes Jesus save me from sin and hell and make me your faithful and fruitful servant. I admit my sin and trust You now and forever to live with me and guide my life. Thank You my Lord. Amen (so be it).
(10) God gave us a rational and purposeful world. God knows the end from the beginning, the good and the evil. It's all a part of His plan and for His greater glory. He is ever active though His ways are not our ways and often are hidden from us. But all will turn out for the good of those who love Him and seek His will. God progressively reveals His will in every age and set of circumstances to test our love and obedience. What other worldview can compete with biblical Christianity?
There will only be world peace and fulfillment when King Jesus sets up his eternal kingdom. Things  are unified and make sense only when we start with God at the top, otherwise all is chaos. Won't you join us good news messengers in sharing this information with friends? Perhaps these articles can be accurately translated. God bless you and your ministry.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope!

                Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope!
We see life, intelligence, and purpose all around us, and since it's impossible for a nonexistent universe to created itself, all must be the effect of a great intelligence and will we rightfully call God. But once we admit a personal creator of the universe, we have opened the door to everything in the Bible and Christian faith. All this becomes possible--the Trinity, the devil, angels, fulfilled prophecies, miracles, the incarnate Christ, His atonement, Heaven and Hell.
Further, the incarnate Christ is our authority--our only authority--for absolute truth, human dignity, ethics, rights, equality, justice, love, a rational and purposeful world, and objective science. All fits within the circle of a personal creator God. And it all rests upon the reality of the resurrected Christ. It in turn eliminates all atheistic humanisms and pantheistic religions.
Jesus "presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3; see also 2:22-39; 17:30-31; Luke 1:1-4; 1 Cor. 15:3-8; 2 Peter 1:16 )." See my other articles for evidence of Jesus resurrection: Is There Life After Death? Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Recent Theories to Disprove Jesus' Resurrection.
Worldviews have a tremendous impact upon our everyday lives. We may not be aware of or understand  secularism, humanism, pantheism, pragmatism, and others, but  their implications drastically decide what we believe and how we behave for happiness or harm, good or evil. So it becomes crucial that we be concerned with them and their consequences. Jesus resurrection is the foundation and major evidence for biblical Christianity. If Jesus arose from the grave, Christianity has consequences for our world and our lives that no other way of thinking possibly could. Please consider its central tenant:
 Jesus died to save us from the penalty of our sins, arose to make us right with God, and every knee will one day kneel before Him to confess He is Lord. What then in life really matters that we should give it our time, energy and attention? This article attempts to explain the crucial implications of Jesus' resurrection for our world and our personal lives. Consider these five applications. 
1. Jesus' resurrection declared Him to be the Son of God and the God-man. He was declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead (Rom. 1:4). As such all he says and approves becomes authoritative and a must for our lives. There can be no higher authority. And Jesus put his approval on both the books of the Old Testament (Luke 24:27, 44) and the New that he knew were yet to be written (John 14:25-26; 16:13). The church is built upon the foundation of his apostles and eyewitnesses who gave their lives to testify to its truth (Ep2:20).
 Jesus acknowledged people are made in the image of God (Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6; Gen. 1:27). This assures that everyone before God has the same dignity, value and deserves equal rights, and freedom to do God's will. There can be no discrimination due to race, color, gender, social status, caste, tribe, location, or otherwise (Acts 17:26; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).  Now consider some of his teaching.
When Jesus finished the Sermon of the Mount he declared he alone fulfilled the law and his Word would not pass away (Matt. 5-7). Moreover, as God, he expanded his law to what's most basic--it's  not just the outward evil act, but the inward good attitude to prevent evil whether it be murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, love, good deeds, prayer, fasting, wealth, judging and faith requests. There can be no more practical ethical maxim that his Golden Rule: "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets (7:12).
 And just before his ascent into Heaven, he said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age" (Matt. 7:18-20).  
2. Jesus' resurrection revealed His power over death and our afterward destiny. He said there were two ways of life--the way to destruction and the way to life which few find. When he ended his saying, the people were astonished because he taught them having authority and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:13-14). Two vital messages of his authority are (1) Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).  (2) Some persons "will  go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life" (Matt. 25:24).
3. Jesus' resurrection demonstrated His supremacy over human religions and philosophies. Founders of human religions taught us some important truths. Buddha showed compassion for others in pain. Zoroaster realized there were two great forces good and evil in conflict. Confucius gave us wisdom in how we should be courteous and respectful to each other. Muhammad realized there could be only one God as a great Creator and Lawgiver. But where are all these greats today? They're dead! Only Jesus arose and that makes all the difference in the world.
We have had great philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Decartes, Kant, and others who made a vital impact upon the world. But they are limited human beings, understand things only partially, often contradict each other and can never agree.  For example, determinism verses freedom, matter verses mind. In the Father and Christ "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col . 2:3).
4. Jesus' resurrection confirmed God's providence throughout history.  The Bible differs in crucial ways from other sacred books. It presents world history in sequence from creation to recreation. It's not mythical stories of gods dwelling in some inaccessible place, but factual history of real people and events occurring in Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Italy. God interacts with people in visual physical ways we can see and know such as miracles, predicted events that transpire, God's visitations and conversations with people. Its events are dated, and artifacts found testify to its persons, places, events that are collaborated in secular history. The Bible shows great diversity in 40 writers, their styles, genre, occupations, personalities, locations over 1,500 years, yet it contains a unity of themes, ethics and plan of redemption amidst such great diversity. History is His story. Hebrews sums it up well:
"God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds, who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high." Hebrews 1:1-3.
5. Jesus' resurrection provides for our redemption, resurrection and reward. If we fail to acknowledge a personal ethical God who holds us accountable for our actions, there is little if anything we can call wrong--the only law in an animal world is survival, it's eat and be eaten. Even the so-called "new atheists" recognize that the liberal's God accommodated to the unbelieving secular world doesn't really matter. The only God who matters is the supernatural personal ethical God who will judge us. Jesus' resurrection is our only sure hope of eternal life.
John the baptizer's advise is to look to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). And John the apostle warns us that no corrupt thing shall enter the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:27). "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still, he who is holy, let him be holy still" (Rev. 21:11-12).  Then Jesus says, "behold I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me, to give every one according to his work (Rev. 21:13). "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
 My dear reader, are you ready for Jesus' return? Do you know Him? There can be no greater love than His giving His life for us unworthy sinners. Won't you say yes! I trust you Lord Jesus to save me now, and forever be my Guide. And I'll tell others about you. You can share these articles with friends and loved ones. Just link them to your computer. God bless you and your ministry. You will help them learn the Bible and learn of the Savior.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Warfare in the Quran & in the Bible

                         Warfare in the Qur'an & in the Bible 


Since the terrorist 9/11 assault on symbols of American wealth and power secularists have come to feel that devotion to the God of any holy book is a dangerous thing. Postmodernists believe everything is in flux, socially estranged and requires their authoritative interpretation. They despise any hint of objective religious authority. They may know little if anything about either holy book but equate the God of both as the cause of religious wars. Can we know the truth about this important matter? 
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One thing they seem to overlook is that the twenty century socialists/communists and Nazis denying God and religion have caused more deaths and destroyed more lands in wars than all the previous religious wars put together. I wonder how they can casually dismiss that as insignificant. Are we right to assume religious wars are all on the same footing? Is there no difference between Muslim terrorists and biblical Christians, between Quran's hate teaching to fight and slay pagans where you find them (Surah 9:5) and Jesus' commandments to love God and man (Matt. 24:37-40)?
Warfare in the Quran.
Islam is a state religion bent on conquering the world. It seems impossible to separate the religion from the government or from Islamic society. They are one indivisible community that regards all infidels who won't summit as their enemy. This is the plain teaching of the Quran and the Hadith and gives Islamic soldiers dying in battle for Allah (God) assurance of going to paradise where all their sensual desires will be satisfied--wine, many beautiful women, song and every comfort of life (Surah 37:40-48; 60:10-40; 76:10-21). Nothing is said about their wives having virgins.
Muhammad is known at the prophet of the sword and his life is the pattern Muslims are to follow (Surah 33:21; 68:4). Islam began in conquest, and has a history of warfare with its objective to impose its religion and law upon the world. When in a minority, Muslims cite their annulled  verse in the Quran that teaches no compulsion in religion and claim peace (Surah 2:256). But when they gain a majority, they enforce the multiple passages that plainly teach to kill all infidels who will not submit to Islam.
Any unbelieving nation and people who won't summit to Islam is their enemy and if not subdued by persuasion must be by force. Jews and Christians are not Allah's friends or protectors (Surah 5:51; 60:1). Even treaty obligations with pagans may be dissolved (Surah 9:1, 3; 16:101). Muslims with head bowed to the ground facing Mecca are taught to pray five times a day and that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. That's instilled in them from cradle to grave and difficult to renounce.
Their ideal of peace cannot be achieved until all nations are brought under Islamic rule. Muslim states rich in oil enable them to equip Jihadist terrorists to use violent destruction all over the world. Islamic law oppresses any personal opinion (Surah 33:36). It governs all political, social, military and family life. Unlike biblical Christianity, basic Islam does not promote human dignity, equality, freedom, love and peace.
While not all Muslims agree with this, they are not very vocal to protest it. Islamic schools and mosques teach hatred of unsubmissive infidels and fearful threats to Muslims who would convert to another religion. Committed parents will disown or even kill their own children who accept another religion. Consider three of  over a hundred plain terrorist statements of the Quran and the Hadith.
Sura 8:12, 17. "I will instill terror into the infidels, smite them above their necks; smite all their fingertips off them. It is not you who slay them but Allah."
Sura 9:14. "Kill the infidels, God will torment and cover them with shame."
Hadith 1:35. "The person who participates in Allah's cause (namely, in battle), . . will be recompensed by Allah either with reward or booty or will be admitted to Paradise."
Warfare in the Jewish Tanakh or Old Testament..
Israel was a theocracy or state religion directed by God that sought justice and peace in the world. But fairness requires we understand several factors. First, its recorded killings aren't always approved biblical teaching. It records Moses unlawfully killed the Egyptian. Warfare among kings may be simply stated without expressed approval or disapproval. Second, Israel's just God does  command warfare as one means of judgment. He drowned Pharaoh's army in the sea, used Joshua to defeat the Canaanites living in Israel's promised land, later used Israel's leaders called judges to defeat their warring neighbors. But Israel too was subject to God's judgments for wrong doing. Among them God slew 24,000 idolaters in a plague (Num. 25:9), complainers against God over  age 20 weren't allowed into the promised land, Israel's defeat at Ai, and her later captivity.
Third, unlike other nations Israel's rules of warfare were most humane (Deut. 20). A priest would tell soldiers God would give them victory and officers would tell those afraid to go home. The army coming against a city was to offer them peace and to pay tribute but if they didn't accept, only then to kill the soldiers and put others under subjection. Among the Canaanites living in the land promised to Israel, God commanded everything be utterly destroyed except believers in the true God such as Rahab. Even then God gave the Canaanites 400 years to repent before judgment. He knew they would  lead Israel from God into idolatry, astrology, homosexuality, child sacrifice, and bestiality (Ex. 22:18-20; Lev. 18:20-23). Further, Canaanites practices were unsanitary and productive of disease.
Surely postmodernists don't forbid governments to oppose evil, or do they? Sometimes war is necessary to put down evil. Hitler unopposed would have subjected the world to death or slavery. Isn't it the state's duty to arrest criminals, burglars, rapists, murders, child abusers and the like for public safety and security? But if there is no personal ethical God as a standard, then anything can happen for the worse.
Warfare in the New Testament.
Biblical Christianity is not a state religion but a worldwide spiritual brotherhood of all who acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and the Bible teachings as their authority and guide. It's true that some nations have been called "Christian" but that is subject to interpretations. Never in any nation could all be called Christians in the biblical sense just mentioned. Even where a majority claimed the Christian faith it may mean only their belief in a personal ethical God and Christian ethics as the accepted norm. The Crusades of the middle age were called holy wars to retake lands Muslims had taken from them but this clearly is not the teaching of the New Testament. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight"John 18:36.
Unlike Muhammad who brandished the sword to kill many people who saw him as a false prophet, Jesus told Peter to put away the sword because he could have twelve legions of angles come to his rescue but then the Scriptures of his dying to save us sinners would not be fulfilled (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27; Matthew 26:52-54; Ephesians 1:7).
New Testament warfare and armor is described in Ephesians 6:10-19. "But on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places".
Further explanation metaphorically represents the pieces of armor in spiritual  concepts of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. These are the weapons New Testament believers are to fight with and they are powerful to bring down strongholds.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:4-5). These articles are supreme examples of Christian spiritual warfare. In uncensored libraries and bookstores many books can be found mentioning the same things said here, even in some books by Muslims. See books below and the article: They have come for us, Claiming America for Islam.
Saul, the first great persecutor of Christians was transformed into Paul, the first great preacher of Christ. It's happened many times and can happen many more times. Brothers and sisters around the globe, let's take courage, put on the gospel armor and witness what great things God will do through us. Jesus alone is Lord and Savior of us sinners. 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Is the Lord Jesus Welcome at Your University?

Is the Lord Jesus Welcome at Your University?

The Bible says Jesus is the Lord of glory meaning he’s the way, truth, life, hope, and light of the world. But some intellectual elites claim Jesus’ teachings intolerant, absolutist, dogmatic, exclusive, authoritarian, ignorant, narrow-minded, superstitious, dangerous, and nonscientific. Why? Are these insults based upon fact, or falsehood and bias? Let’s examine some of Jesus’ teachings to see which view fits best.
Jesus clearly believed in human creation, not evolution. Jesus said, “From the beginning of creation God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6; 13:19. And his apostle Paul quoted Genesis 2:21-25 that confirmed that Adam’s body was formed directly from the ground and then Eve was made from Adam (1 Cor. 11:8-9). No one denies genetic potential for varieties of mice, monkeys, and men. But where is any proof for molecule to man evolution? Science confirms that life only comes from life, that life forms show specified complexity, and that the thousands of transitional life forms needed to prove evolution simply don’t exist. Shouldn’t we be open-minded, unafraid, and fair with the evidence? Doesn’t good science allow alternative views and let the evidence decide, even if it points to a living Creator? After all, the Christian worldview is the basis for a rational universe created by a rational God. It’s what makes science possible? See my articles on science: Ape-man or God-man? How Scientific and Open-minded Are Darwinists?
Jesus taught people have an eternal soul. Jesus said, “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:37. Apart from Jesus Christ, our only options are soulless dirt we return to, or recycled energy that after many recycles is freed from self-existence. Most people throughout the ages believe in human life after death but the only real proof is that someone dies and that cold stiff body comes back to life and activity. Eyewitness gave their lives in testimony within three decades that Jesus arose from the dead. See my articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death? Christ's Historical Resurrection. Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope! 
Jesus claimed to be the only way to God and Heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Of the founders of world religions, Jesus is the only person said to be without sin, who died to pay the penalty of our sin, and who arose to confirm all his teachings true. This puts Jesus above and apart from all mere human thinking and shows him to be the God-man or Lord of glory. Mere human opinions and guesses are of no value. It’s the Creator’s exclusive right to set his requirements to enter his Heaven. His criterion is perfection, no corruption (Matt. 5:48; Rev. 21:27: 22:15). No killers, rapists, human abusers are allowed in Heaven. God’s way is that we trust in his Son dying for us on the cross to cleanse us from sin. A morally perfect God must judge all evil (Matt. 5:48; John 3:36; 1 Cor. 6:9-11).
Jesus said God’s law was that one man be married to one woman for life. He answered, “He made them male and female . . . for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Matthew 19:4-5; Mark 10:5. This is no mere cultural mores since our eternal Creator knows the end from the beginning and the best for us (Isaiah 46:10). Having sex slaves, marrying many spouses, same sex relations, and easy divorce are not God’s ideal of a one-flesh relationship for life. Jesus said it’s the hardness of our hearts that we commit these sins (Matt. 19:8). What would be the outcome if everyone were gay? What is the purpose of eyes? Of ears? Of reproductive systems? We don’t need a Ph.D. to see that men and women are designed for family relationship. Doesn’t STD’s warn us of unfaithfulness? Romans 1:24-32 is clear that sexual immorality and wickedness of every kind is rebellion against God. We are without excuse, and will be judged by the moral standards of our Maker, Owner, Life-giver, and Judge. God's warnings are due to his great concern for our well-being.
Jesus said the two greatest commandments were to love God first and our fellowman second. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind . . . You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-39). Christianity, unlike some religious, doesn’t teach hate, human abuse, murder, but love, goodness, and truth. It’s based upon a perfectly moral God to whom we will one day give account of our lives. Even our conscience tells us that lies, theft, murder, and human abuse of all kinds is wrong simply because we object and call it unjust when done to us. But if we are not in God’s mental, moral, immortal image, we really are nothing and subject to be used and abused, manipulated and murdered.
Jesus taught the Scriptures were the Word of God. Jesus said, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39). The Bible contains many fulfilled predictions of Messiah which Jesus alone could have fulfilled—his virgin birth, miracles, sinless life, death for sinners, and resurrection. This is God’s good news to us who are rebellious selfish beings. The Scriptures are God’s true and authoritative message to all humanity (Matt. 5:18). Moreover, God has made his will known to those willing to learn and obey it (John 7:17). No other scripture of any world religion can claim such things as demonstrated by Jesus. His words are not human opinion, but God’s authority.
Jesus said it is imperative that we be born again. "Do not marvel that I say to you, ‘you must be born again’ (John 3:7). We are all born as physical bodily beings. But according to the Bible, we are born with a sinful rebellious nature unable to live up to God’s perfect moral laws or enter his pure uncorrupted Heaven. We are out of tune and separated from relationship with our Maker. So we must be born with new life by the Holy Spirit of God entering into us—regeneration or new life. This is imperative to be counted just before God. Then, we have forgiveness, love for God, peace with God, desire to please God, a new outlook on life--we are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17-18). Apart from this, we are useless rebels before God, desiring our own way and destined for eternal darkness, despair, tears and torments. As sinners, we must humbly trust in the Savior.
What can we rightly conclude from all the above and the uncomplimentary remarks? Is Jesus’ teachings exclusive, absolutist, authoritarian, and narrow-minded? YES! Because Jesus was not teaching human guesses, He was God who walked among us and told us truths we couldn’t know otherwise. Was Jesus intolerant, dogmatic, ignorant, and superstitious? NO! As the all-knowing and holy God, He was intolerant of and dogmatic about falsehood, deception, and evil, but He loved people. He showed the greatest love in dying to save us unworthy sinners from a Hell of darkness and torment and to have a daily relationship of love and guidance.
Christian faith is not the foe of true science, but its friend. Experimental science was largely brought about by theists and Christians who believed that a rational God made a rational universe and experimentation possible. Nature religions were superstitious and ignorant. Scientific theories change frequently and can oppose Scripture. Human interpretation of both science and Scripture can be faulty. It’s reasonable to believe that when all the facts are in and correctly interpreted, God’s Word and God’s world will be in harmony. It's unreasonable and unscientific to assume nothing of itself produced the universe, or that mindless elements can arrange themselves into plants, animals, and man no matter how much time. 
Are Jesus teachings dangerous? Yes, for both Christians and Un-Christians if we want to live our lives free from God’s love, direction, and control. Christians still have the sinful nature that can show attitudes of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, arrogance, insensitivity, and an unkind rejection of others. Jesus rebuked the religious hypocrites of His day. But Jesus loved people and said Christians should too. He told us to tell them of His salvation and make disciples (Matt. 27:18-20). We actually show disobedience and unconcern to neglect telling others of the Savior of us sinners. But be warned: bad attitudes can drive persons God loves away from the Savior. And we must remember God may discipline His disobedient children even to the point of physical death (Heb. 11:6-8; 1 Cor. 11:30). Get this: history confirms Jesus is what brought the West out of barbarism.
Un-Christians need to remember that all who go to church, carry a Bible, or talk of Jesus may not be Christians. As in other religions, there are levels of commitment, understanding, and maturity. And to believe any one religion true, means all opposed religions logically are false.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). Won't you humbly say, Lord Jesus I trust you now and forever to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide? Then share these articles with others who know not the Lord or the eternal life He alone gives.
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Let me recommend some terrific books for college students and their concerned parents.
Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.
Dr. Rick Cornish, 5 Minute Theologian.
Kenneth Boa & Larry Moody, I’m Glad You Asked.
Paul Copan, True For You, But Not For Me.
Geoffrey Simmons, M.D., What Darwin Didn't Know
Scott M. Huse, The Collapse of Evolution.
Ed Hindson & Ergun Caner, The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics.
Coral Ridge Ministries, Ten Truths About Socialism.
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Many persons want the benefits Christianity brings. But, its fruits cut from its roots in Christ and the Bible, will disappear You can serve God by sharing these articles with others..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Effective Loving Families

Effective Loving Families

Is love purely an emotional thing we can fall into before marriage and fall out of after? Or, is love something we must always work at, gain understanding of, and grow into? When over 50% of marriages end in delusion, disappointment, and divorce, isn’t it a vital question we need to address.
 “I’ve fallen in love,” said Betty, “and I know it’s the real thing because I’ve never felt this way before. He’s the most wonderful man. I think of him morning, noon, and night. Nothing else matters. I feel we just belong together. I could never hurt him. He’s so good looking, kind, and understanding. I just want to be with him. He makes me happy and we have so much in common.”
Never mind that others who know him see all kinds of flaws in his character. He’s been divorced twice, has a fierce temper, likes to pal around with the boys, and has trouble holding down a job. Psychological research on the in-love phenomenon concludes that the average romantic obsession lasts two years. 
I’m indebted to and recommend you purchase and practice the advice in this most helpful book, The Five Love Languages. Dr. Chapman’s thesis is that we all have a love tank that can be empty to full. Our love language greatly affects how we treat other people and how they treat us. We can be deeply loved, but not feel loved or respond lovingly. Our parents, spouse, or children may have a different love language than we do. Let’s look at the five love languages realizing that while we have a primary one, we may have combinations of the others. 
We show love by words of affirmation. Jill had been after her husband to paint the bedroom for nine months, but although he had plenty of time, he would do anything but paint it. He put gas in the car, wiped the bugs off the windshield, paid the bills, cut the grass, and took out the garbage. Saturday, his day off work, he spent the whole day washing and waxing the car. But, he wouldn’t do the one thing I wanted. Dr. Chapman’s advice was not to mention it again, but to compliment him and show appreciation every time he does some good thing. She began doing this and he soon painted the bedroom. She learned that love shown by affirming words motivates good behavior when a critical nagging spirit doesn’t.
Encouragement inspires the insecure. Allison always liked to write but was a history major in college. She sent an article to a magazine publisher but received a rejection slip and never tried again. Keith, her husband, eager to climb the corporate ladder paid no attention to her writing but later realized Allison’s interests were important too. When he read one of her articles, he realized this is good stuff. He enthusiastically encouraged her to send it to a publisher. Her style was clear, in vivid pictures, fascinating, and she had gained greater experience and imagination over time. She submitted an article and became a recognized writer. Perhaps a loved one in your family just needs your words of encouragement. Show empathetic enthusiasm in their interest, believe in them, and rejoice in their accomplishments. Perhaps it’s to take up a hobby, lose weight, build something, start a flower garden, join a club, sing in the church choir, teach a Bible class.
Dr. Chapman suggests we make a list of our loved one’s virtues, and add to our list as new ones are discovered, and praise a virtue twice a week. We need words of affirmation—compliments, praise, enthusiastic appreciation show love. Often say, “I love you, precious.” Shame on the man who said, “I told my wife I loved her the day we married and I haven’t changed my mind since.”
We show love by quality time. I mean looking at and talking to our loved one with undivided attention. Sometimes talkers marry listeners. After being married awhile, couples tend to take each other for granted—they have heard each other’s stories. They tend to settle down for home life and don’t plan exciting times together as in their courting days. Financial expense can limit vacations and entertainment. This deadens family relationships.
Families can plan fun activities members enjoy together such as outdoor walks, camping, vacations, skating, boating, beach, mountains, national park, museums. This keeps families alive and gives them experiences to remember, share, and cherish. Business, neglect, and routine empty spouses’ and children’s love tank, especially if one’s love language is quality time. Wives complain we never talk anymore and children say daddy just watches T.V. sports in the lounge chair and doesn’t pay attention to me. Baby wants to roll the beach ball in the floor with dad. Big junior wants to shoot baskets with him. Mom wants to tell him what happened at work or home and son or daughter want to share their concerns.
Some persons don’t talk because they’re not in touch with their feelings. Parents can teach their children to deny their feelings. So children can’t tell parents, “I’m angry, hurt, disappointed, upset” and grow up handicapped communicators. Parents can actually say, “Shut up you dumb kid, or why do you say such crazy things, or I don’t have time to listen to you.” That same parent may wonder why their child won’t talk to them, shows bad personality, and gets into trouble. Criticisms can keep families from eating together. Family members who neglect or don’t talk lovingly with each other hurt from empty love tanks and that leads to marital affairs and troubled rebellious children.
Quality time is sharing one’s experiences, thoughts, feelings, and desires with loved ones. It’s maintaining eye contact, giving undivided attention, listening for feelings, observing body language, and refusing to interrupt. It’s loved ones talking and sharing both good times and bad in an understanding and supportive way. It’s laughing and crying together. Family members who take twenty minutes or more a day to talk to each other will feel more loved and get along better.
We show love by giving gifts. Physical presence of spouse in crises times is our most important gift. Donna complained her husband Don loved softball more than he loved her. After her baby’s birth, she lay in the hospital all afternoon. Don was with her for only ten minutes and left to play softball with the guys. And on the day of her mother’s funeral, he played softball and didn’t even come to the house with her brothers and sisters. She felt deserted and felt deeply hurt when she greatly needed him. Fifteen years later, she felt just as hurt as though it were yesterday.
But acts of service were Don’s love language so he viewed the two events differently. He was there when Donna was in labor, took pictures of his newborn son, and proudly showed them to his friends on the softball team. And before her mother died, he took a week off to spend with her at the hospital and to help clean up her mother’s house. He felt there was no more he could do. Playing softball with his friends was his way to relieve stress and he didn’t think Donna would mind. Dr. Chapman advises that if physical presence is important to you, that you tell that to your spouse.
Gifts come in every size, shape, color, and cost and can be purchased, found, or made. The important thing is that it’s accepted, appreciated, and is a physical symbol of your love. It could be a picked wildflower, a beautiful worded card, a picture, whatnot, or something you’ve made. Just a note left on the kitchen table mentioning the things you appreciate about your spouse would be greatly appreciated. A lady told me her boyfriend won her heart when he gave her a single red rose every day for a week. If your loved one lights up, thanks you enthusiastically, shows your gifts proudly to others, and is not critical, then that’s likely his or her love language. So you give appropriate gifts, ask him or her to give you a list of items they would especially like to receive. An occasional gift will fill their love tank.
We show love through acts of service. Anything can be an act of service your loved one values and appreciates. Opening doors, dusting furniture, changing the baby’s diaper, making the bed, painting the house, keeping up the car, cleaning the garage, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, walking the dog, vacuuming the carpet, setting the table, washing the dishes, cleaning the commode, removing white spots off the mirror, washing and ironing clothes, folding and putting them away. Jesus showed us a loving servant attitude when he washed his disciples’ feet. He said the greatest in his kingdom would be humble servants.
But to make our loved one feel loved we must do things that he or she values and appreciates. Further, our acts of service are acts of love only if we don’t feel forced to do them. Persons often do things in courtship that make each other feel loved. But they may radically change after marriage. They expected their spouse to do things like their mom or dad. But that is not each other’s love language. Mary felt unloved because Mark, being a meat and potatoes man, didn’t appreciate her gourmet cooking. She had learned to cook that way from her mother. Her father lavishly praised and appreciated that cooking so she felt her husband should too. Such couples should discuss calmly caringly what has changed since marriage and how they can reestablish each other’s love language.
We show Love by physical touch. Our bodies are sensitive to touch. If your beloved’s love language is physical touch, you can fill their tank by tender touches, gentle pats, back rubs, holding hands, hugs, sitting close together, kisses, brushing their hair, sitting in one’s lap, caresses, playing footsies or leg touches under the table. You can brush in passing and give a warm smile. You can hug or kiss those you love before they leave home and when they return. Women especially need hugs during a crises experience. Babies too who are touched, held, patted, rocked and kissed thrive while those who are not die.  Jesus rebuked His disciples when they forbade the children to come to Him.
While sex can be a tremendous expression of love, it can be more a release from tension if that’s not one’s love language. Sexual touching can be appropriate or inappropriate depending on the time, place, circumstances, and your loved one’s needs. Sometimes it can be irritating--your loved one is its best instructor. Of course, it’s inappropriate to unmarried persons who want to please God in their lives. And a harsh slap can be devastating to someone whose primary love language is touch.
In summary, Dr. Chapman agrees with St. Paul that love is kind, patient, and shown by our actions. We can share our hurt, pain, disappointment, even anger in a calm, empathetic manner. No loud, harsh voice and hostile raised fist and expression express love. But our understanding their situation, confessing wrongdoing, asking forgiveness, and not keeping a record of wrongs, does express love. Love commits to forgive, not to hold grudges, or get even. Love makes requests, not demands nor threats. Our attentive sensitive attitude attracts and affirms love; an arrogant one detracts and repels intimacy. We can’t erase the past but can live differently in the future. We all make mistakes and have failings, but these don’t make us a failure and we can learn one another’s love language and do better next time.
Your answers to these questions will identify your primary love language. Is it: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch? Which answer to the five love languages comes up the most is your primary one. Remember, the love language we show others is likely the one we want them to show us. You may occasionally want to evaluate how full your love tank is on a scale of 0 to 10. A below seven score indicates some readjustments are needed and loved ones need to talk tenderly and openly about how they can bring them about.
.ü  What makes me feel most loved?
.ü  What makes me feel most unloved?
.ü  What loved one’s action do I praise?
.ü  What loved one’s action do I criticize?
.ü  What do I most desire?
.ü  What do I least desire?
.ü  What does my loved one do or not do that hurts me the most?
.ü  How do I express my love?
.ü  How does my loved one express his or her love to me?
.ü  What do I most often request of my loved one?
.ü  What does he or she most often request of me?
.ü  Which one did my father most and least value?
.ü  Which one did my mother most and least value?
.ü  What is my primary love language based on the answers above?
.ü  What might be my secondary love language?
.ü  What might be the primary and secondary love languages of my loved ones?
Now what are you going to do about it to make your loved ones a happier more loved family? I will provide a vital service to my family. I’ll buy Dr. Chapman’s book for study, or download and print out this article. My loved ones and I can go over it occasionally just to affirm our commitment to meet each other’s love needs. We must, of course, be honest with each other and ask forgiveness for our mistakes. Also, we can tell our friends about this article and about this blog spot to help people know all the good news worldwide. With diligent practice we can all improve our family relationships..