By the Numbers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

College Students Question Biblical Christianity!

                        College Students Question Biblical Christianity!  
We've grown up hearing what our parents and religious teachers said was true.  College professors often challenge that view. We want to base our beliefs upon good evidence and logic?
 Too often, we base what we think upon hearsay, bias, misunderstandings, or falsehoods. That's not fair or right with any ones beliefs. Honest thinking persons' ask these questions and they deserve good answers. They concern the most serious issues of our lives so we should give these questions our utmost attention and thoughtful consideration.
What Are the Consequences of Denying Existence of the Biblical God?
Affirming the biblical God has seriously good consequences. Nature, an impersonal force,  carved pieces of wood or stone, can be called gods But they are dead objects that can neither know nor care about us. But the Bible's God is a Creator and Upholder of the universe who is personally and ethically aware of everything we think or do. His will is that we live in obedience to Him. We will one-day kneel before Him who will either condemn or commend our every action. Biblical Christianity makes all life purposeful and bursting with meaning. It gives people dignity, freedom, ethical responsibility, security, purpose, hope, love, joy, and a destiny of their choice.
Denying the Bible's God has terribly serious consequences. It means as far as we know there's no life after death. Ethics has no higher authority than each person's preference--some eat chicken, others prefer to eat people. The world will one-day be destroyed and our lives have no purpose except to satisfy our own desires. Everything is evolving so there's no final or ultimate truth--my truth verses your truth. We're all just evolving animals waiting to die--lights out!
What  Arguments Supposedly Show Non-existence of the Biblical God?
One major argument is that evil disproves God. If there is a good and powerful God, then why is there so much evil? If God were good, He would destroy evil, and if He is almighty, He could destroy evil, but evil remains--so no good or powerful God exists. But if so, why do some atheists seem to hate a non-existent deity? Do they demand God tailor all life to their interests? Is it the true God they hate? Could God have a good reason for delay?
Several replies deserve mention. First, God didn't bring evil into the world--man did and still does. Evil is a corruption of the good world God made like blindness in an eye made to see. We often blame God for the evil and suffering we cause. Second, if there is no God, evil has no meaning--it's just the way things are. Third, evil is always an alternative option when we have free choice. But our having free choice gives us dignity and is far better than being robots. Fourth, if God destroyed evil, he would have to destroy us all since we're none perfect. And, any degree of evil is always up for objection. Fifth, our Lifegiver, Owner, and Lawgiver's purpose and plan is sovereign over all. Finally, our infinite Creator may have a purpose we self-centered limited people have overlooked--such as His greater glory. Apart from our fall into sin and salvation in Christ, we're unable to understand experiencially God's great forgiveness, purity, goodness, mercy, love, peace, truth, joy, or even our need of Him. Praise the Lord for His gracious provision for our limited understanding!
The other major argument is that evolution makes God unnecessary. Evolution is the belief that all life originated by chance over time from one primary life form. In other words, molecules arranged themselves over time  into all life forms including man. Evolutionists claim we don't need God since evolution explains everything. Just a thought: If there's no God, does anything we think or do ultimately matter? 
But does evolutions explain everything? Evolution destroys human dignity reducing us to soulless evolving dirt. It destroys hope for life after death. It reduces ethics to each person's preference--deception, adultery, rape, murder, incest, sodomy, sex slaves, sex with animals--there can be no absolute law against them. It destroys absolute truth as everything is in flux. It results in the irrational chaotic destructive world that we see increasing today. Doesn't evolution ultimately make us mindless matter? 
The evolution claim ignores all the facts that disprove it. First, this dependent universe with all its galaxies and design didn't pop into existence from a powerless nothing--it took a cause that is eternal, self-existent, intelligent all-powerful will or person or God to bring it about. Second, we know scientifically that heat energy is cooling and that we can't backtrack eternally. Third, we know life doesn't arise from non-living chemicals over any amount of time but requires a Life-giver. Four, we know that life forms left alone don't improve but break down which shows evolution impossible. Fifth, we know life forms show specified irreducible complex systems and organs working together. Animals can't exist with partly developed reproductive or digestive systems, eyes and legs. Such had to exist and be functional at the outset. They cannot be attributed to blind mindless chance, but require an intelligent mind and will--God.
Sixth, no known mechanism exists for evolution to take place--natural selection doesn't add anything new to the gene pool and mutations are destructive mistakes like a monkey wrench thrown into a machine. Seventh, breeding is selective design. we do observe small adaptations within microbes, monkeys, and men, but they don't change into different life forms. And, of course, some life forms didn't adapt to a changing environment and died out. Eight if true science proves its theories by experimentation, what experiment proves evolution? NONE! Nine, the real proof of evolution would be thousands of intermediate fossils showing each step in the evolutionary process. But with millions of fossils found since Darwin only a handful are claimed to show anything and even they are disputed. Tenth, what we actually know is best explained by a Divine Designer throughout life's forms rather than by a common ancestor. Evolution is based upon naturalistic philosophy, not true scientific research. Moreover, it takes away everything good biblical Christianity gives humanity--the biblical God is the most reasonable.
Why Couldn't a Creator of the Universe Take on a Human Nature, Body and Walk Among Us?
In agreement with the above, the Bible says, "All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist (Col. 1:16-17).  The Creator and Upholderer of this vast universe of matter, space, and time can do anything that suits His purpose. He is an infinite, self-existent, perfect Spirit everywhere present with all power, knowledge, wisdom, goodness, and truth. The Bible further says, "God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27). So while God created all things, only man was created in God's image because God wanted relationship with us.
God walked and talked with man in the garden paradise and gave him instructions to test his obedience whether he would trust and love God above all else. But man failed. So God set in motion His plan and purpose to save us self-centered rebellious persons hinted at in Genesis 3:15. Satan's seed is unbelievers (John 8:44), and the woman's seed is Christ and believers who will one day defeat them (Rom. 16:20; Heb.2:14-15; Rev. 20:10). God tests us human beings every day in the thoughts we allow and decisions we make for or against Him. Are our thoughts of love and gratitude for our Life-giver and one day Judge?
Why couldn't Jesus the God-man die for sinners and arise from the dead it that's His will? "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21). In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians. 1:7). There's no problem for man's Maker to take on a human nature and body in a holy virgin birth (Matt. 1:18-23). Jesus walked among us experiencing firsthand all that we do, yet without sin qualifying Him to be our Savior. Jesus" death for our sins was God's plan and purpose. Foolishness calls  Jesus bearing our sin and counting believers righteous unjust. As our omniscient Creator, He alone qualifies as the standard of justice and the Judge to execute it. Limited, conflicting, changing human opinions amount to very little.
What benefits does Christ's resurrection mean for our world? There's life after death. Jesus is the God-man with power of life and death. As God, all Jesus taught in and of Scripture is absolute truth. Humans created in God's mental, moral immortal image have dignity and freedom. Ethics made sense--our thoughts, words, deeds are accountable to God so life has purpose. Our conscience, justice and love make sense. As created and controlled by a rational God, the world is meaningfully moving toward a climax. Experimental science is possible.
Jesus divided our thinking about history into Before Christ and After His Death. This personal ethically perfect God offers us wayward rebels forgiveness, cleansing, and eternal life with Him forever through faith in Jesus, the Lord and Savior of sinners. Spreading this hope and love is imperative education--without it, all is lost.
We decide how we want to live whether for self, the world and the devil. or for the God who loves us and died to give us abundant and eternal life. We're never going to be perfect in this life (Jn.  8:7; 1 Jn. 1:8-10). We're never going to understand everything (Isa. 55:6-9; 1 Cor. 13:12). We can experience peace, love, joy in Christ but should not depend upon feelings but upon our love-trust relationship with Him that issues in obedience (John 15).

Won't you say, Lord Jesus Christ, I turn from sin to trust in You as my Savior, Lord and Guide throughout life? If you pray this honestly trusting in Him, you will become a child of God. Then grow in Christ through prayer, study of God's Word, worship with His people, and sharing this good news with others. NOW, God bless you on your journey to the promised land, Heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Sharing this information with loved ones, friends and everyone without Jesus is doing God's will and your actions may be the reason you will see them in the new Heaven and new earth some day where there is no tears or torments but only peace, joy and service of our Lord who gave His life that we may have life eternal with Him. God bless your service.


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