A Little Girl’s Question
A little girl named Susie asked her mother the question: “Mommy where did we come from?” Her mother replied, “Honey, we came from Adam and Eve our first parents who God created in his image.” She then asked her Daddy where we came from. He said, “Susie, many scientists say we came from monkeys?” That confused her, as opposites couldn’t be right. She told her mother what her Daddy said. Her mother replied, “Oh honey, the monkeys are just on your Daddy’s side of the family.”
We enjoy a good laugh at such jokes but the answers are conflicting worldviews. They are opposed ways of seeing life and the world with super serious consequences for our lives. Let’s see where each view leads and then consider its basis.
We enjoy a good laugh at such jokes but the answers are conflicting worldviews. They are opposed ways of seeing life and the world with super serious consequences for our lives. Let’s see where each view leads and then consider its basis.
If we came from monkeys or originally from a one celled animal that evolved into what we are today, then the truth is that we are only a higher evolved animal that perishes alone with all the others. We’re no special significance and must fight to survive in a world of prey and predators. Our only law is eat, or to be eaten and death ends all.
Exit life after death. Exit human dignity. Exit human rights. Exit ethics, or right and wrong behavior. Exit any life purpose but survival and satisfaction in the uncertain time we have—nothing else makes practical sense. A power grab seems the intelligent step to security, satisfaction, and individual self-worth. The ends justify the means, whatever it takes, spare no mercy. Destroy anything that gets in your way. We must make use of our time and take advantage of our power. Evolutionary humanism has no basis for humane standards and values.
If we were created rational, moral, immortal persons in the image of an eternal infinite Creator God, a much different picture emerges. Enter immortality. Enter human dignity. Enter human rights and freedom. Enter absolute ethics. Enter human equality, justice, and love. Enter ultimate purpose in service to God and man--our every thought, word and deed counts not only now but eternally. And justice and goodness will prevail God is the all-knowing, all-powerful, all wise Lord of his creation.
We came from monkeys is the view called naturalism that has been slowly taking over our world since the Renaissance. It says there is no God, angels, divine revelations, miracles, or human souls. We are completely on our own and must save ourselves. Nature is eternal and everything, the whole show. Maybe other life supporting planets exist we can go to if this one is destroyed. The universe always existed and life came into being by chance and time and there is no meaning to life except what we can make of it. Molecules somehow arranged themselves into men and that’s just the way things are. All this is scientific fact and not religious superstition or myth.
We were created in God’s image is the classic view of Judeo-Christian belief largely dominating the Western world for the last two millenniums. Though based on the Bible it is not opposed to science. In fact, modern empirical science was established by believers in God and many of them Christians—Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Boyle, Pascal to name only a few. In truth, does any human being know enough to say no God exists who can act in our world? That requires a mind completely closed to evidence, scientific, historical, or otherwise.
If empirical science is based upon experiment and observation, then Biblical Christianity has as much claim to belief as natural science. No one was present when the world, or life or man came into being to observe or experiment. Further, the known scientific data suggest creation rather than evolution for those open-minded enough to consider the evidence.
A fundamental operational principle of science and rationality is that something can’t come from nothing—the universe is a finite dependent effect. That being true, the universe’s cause is an eternal, infinite, unchangeable, immaterial Creator. That being true, life came from an eternal Life Giver. That being true, the infinite and interrelated complexity of living things came from an infinitely intelligent Mind. True science doesn’t disprove these things but rather confirms them. Further, the only real evidence molecules can arrange themselves into men would be fossils showing each step in the process. But life forms (fossils) are always found complete and unchanged. And alleged missing links are acknowledged fakes and deceptions. For example, Nebraska Man changed America’s thinking from Biblical Creation to naturalistic evolution. But it was nothing more than an extinct pigs tooth. Artists drawing in science books of cave men have deceived the public for decades. Let’s get real?
Far more empirical or scientific is the fulfilled prophecies, miracles and claims of Jesus. Jewish prophets predicted their Messiah’s deity, miracles, virgin birth in Bethlehem, death, and resurrection. These predictions are dated centuries before Jesus was born and he’s the only one who could fulfill them. The odds against their fulfillment are astronomical. Further, Jesus performed a public miracle everywhere he went for over three years probably numbering in the hundreds—that’s empirical observation. Hostile observers sought every means to discredit him but could not. And Jesus explained his miracles as a work of God. At first Jesus’ disciples didn't believe his claims to be God with us in human form. But seeing him again as the risen Lord, they gave their life's blood in testimony. The passing of time cannot discredit real events--and the risen Lord Jesus is very real. See my article: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb?
Now good science has to date events, has to observe repeated instances, and has to give the most rational explanation for the data. Given these criteria, isn’t the evidence for Jesus being God as he claimed to be immensely more probably than the few fossil fakes offered to prove evolution? Moreover, thousands of links are missing everywhere except in the naturalist’s mind. Evolution is fake, Jesus is Lord.
Believe Jesus is the true and only way. John 14:6. Your decision is most crucial for time and eternity. Say, Lord Jesus I'm trusting You to transform me into a child of God right now and forever. I trust You as my Lord, Savior, and Guide from now on. Your will, not mind. Thank U loving, forgiving Lord and Savior. So be it.
Believe Jesus is the true and only way. John 14:6. Your decision is most crucial for time and eternity. Say, Lord Jesus I'm trusting You to transform me into a child of God right now and forever. I trust You as my Lord, Savior, and Guide from now on. Your will, not mind. Thank U loving, forgiving Lord and Savior. So be it.
Friends, naturalistic science can't establish human dignity, ethics, a rational meaningful world, our life has purpose, and life exists after death--but our risen Savior and Lord did. His death for our sins proved his great love for us. The risen Lord is the foundation for experimental science that requires honesty, authority, rationality and avoids chaotic flux.