By the Numbers

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can God Be Both Loving and Just?

                        Can God Be Both Loving and Just?
Persons might say God is both loving and just. But when it applies to judgment of the human race some become doubtful and squeamish. They say a God of love means there can be no Hell of punishment. Others say a God of love absolutely demands there be Hell. Which is it? Can we be open minded to honestly think through the issues in light of the Bible's teaching? First, consider some prerequisites to the question. Then, consider some ways and reasons how God is both loving and just. 

Consider Three Prerequisites. 

Who or what is the biblical God?  The Bible says God is Creator and Sustainer of everything--matter, space, time, life--so without Him everything would cease to exist. God then is self-existent, eternal, and depends upon nothing while everything else depends upon Him (Genesis 1:1; Ex. 3:14; Col. 1:17; Rev. 1:8, 17). God made us in His rational, moral, immortal image for relationship (Genesis 1:27). God loves us, knows what's best for us, and wisely works to bring it about. God then is our Life Giver, Owner, Moral Lawgiver, Judge, and Redeemer if we want Him. "In Him we live, and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). His infinite nature and will then is the moral standard for our lives and for which we will one day give account to the resurrected Lord Jesus (Acts 17:30-31).
Now suppose that there's no Hell and everyone goes to Heaven. Then--does it make any difference what we believe whether we be atheists, idolaters, or anything else? Does it make any difference how we behave--be Mother Teresa's or Hitlers, ministers or murders? Does life have any ultimate meaning if everything is reduced to the same level? Indeed, if we're not the plan of a loving God, and no more than an accident of nature as evolutionists claim, does anything really matter? These are immensely serious issues that influence our lives and should not be ignored or overlooked.
Does God's Word have authority in a cafeteria style religion? Most persons like eating in a cafeteria because they can select the foods they like and ignore the others. Now if we can accept what we agree with in God's Word and ignore the rest, then what authority does it have? None! But what authority do limited conflicting human opinions and guesses have? None! They only lead to lawless  anarchy, or to a dictator to keep the peace by eliminating those who disagree with him. Wouldn't this in fact make the whole idea of the biblical ethical God irrelevant and the world a terrorist state?
Yes, God is loving to save sinners and just to send unrepentant rebels to Hell.
1. Nations, communities, peoples everywhere jail thieves, rapists, murders, and the like to save society. God must do the same to prevent such persons from destroying Heaven (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rev. 21:27). Sentimentalists who object to Hell make God less just than sensible judges. They encourage crime and human suffering. And they don't want such criminals living next to them which means they are hypocrites. Justice is really love shown society and even to uncorrectable  criminals who often harm each other in prison and must be kept in solitary confinement.
2. Only a perfect God is worthy of our trust, love, and worship. Tribal gods, an evolving process god, a universal force, or any finite god cannot be a loving Creator. Such a god may not know our condition, can't be everywhere, have wisdom of what's best, have power to help, or even care. The biblical God is not just infinite in love, but also in knowledge, wisdom, power, goodness, and is everywhere present to help. But we must be in a love-trust relationship with Him that issues in our obedience and in His glory. He is God, not any other, His say is ultimate and final.
3. God's love is shown in great patience, blessings, and warnings. Everything good we have and enjoy is given us as He made a good world (Genesis 1). Our selfish desires is what brings sin and corruption into the world. God's nature is very patient to forgive all who turn to Him not wanting any to perish (Matt. 23:37; 2 Pet. 3:9). But, God drowned the wicked world that Noah warned for 120 years building the ark. God miraculously fed, clothed, and protected Israel's journey in the desert 40 years that faithful obedience could have been only 11 days. They continuously grumbled in unbelief.  He destroyed 23,000 complaining rebels of Israel who would be forgiven if they would only look at a snake on a pole. Like any good parent, God's warnings are expressions of His love to prevent our harm (Hebrews 12:7-11). We are to trust Him to work all things for our good and His purpose, but in His time and way (Romans 8:28).
Some say the OT God was wrathful while the Jesus God of the NT is loving--they don't know their Bible. They need to read the plagues God sends in Revelation 6-18 which almost wipes out the human race (Matt. 24:21-22). For example, those who reject God will one day call on the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb (Rev. 6:16). Some persons simply love evil, despise God and will not have Him reign over them though given many chances (Luke 19:14). But Jesus will reign on the earth with an iron scepter for a thousand years as is promised (Rev. 19:15; 20).  God's love or God's wrath--it's reality our choice.
4. Not God, but we ourselves decide our destiny. God loves us sinners, but love doesn't force obedience--it's a contradiction that robs our freedom and destroys our dignity in God's image. A loving God patiently allows us our own way and many opportunities to turn to Him. We have a conscience, laws, and we know what hurts us as a human being hurts other human beings just like us. Not doing what we know to be right, or neglecting to do it increases our guilt and shame.
We all sin or do wrong in different ways to different degrees no matter how hard we try to be and do what we believe to be right. Moreover, how much good is good enough? We can never know, nor erase our sins that separate us from God and Heaven (Isa.59:2). Further still, persons who hate God and His right ways would still despise them if forced into Heaven. The sufferings of sinners in Hell is actually self-induced by their choices or lifestyle on earth. Only those who love God can sing His praises.
Now here is something seldom preached and many sincere Bible believers fail to understand. Whether we go to Heaven or to Hell, in a real sense we reap what we sow--it's simply the principle of justice (Galatians 6:7). So while all the redeemed go to the same Heaven, they enjoy it to different degrees even as some of God's people now love and enjoy Him more than others. Life long servants of God will be greater rewarded than someone who trusted Jesus on their death bed. Also, those punished in Hell too suffer to different degrees of guilt, shame, contempt, despair, etc. Liars won't feel as bad as serial killers. Check it all out so you can be sure. See evil self punishments (Matt. 10:15; 11:22-24; Luke 12:47-48; Heb. 10:29). Good service rewards (Matt. 5:12, 29-30; 29-30; & crowns Rev. 2:10; 1 Cor. 9:25; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4). Words used as "greater reward or punishment." plainly show different degrees. No one will be able to accuse God of being unjust or unloving.
5. Clear headed persons admit they're imperfect. I've talked with persons who said they deserved Heaven, and who told me a list of their good deeds, and the bad things they didn't do including some things they think church people shouldn't do. But if asked, they usually will admit they aren't perfect. Now if they know what imperfection is, then don't they have an idea what perfection is? Of course they don't realize what God's Word says and they make up their own ethic. But only God and His Heaven are perfect. Good, even very good, isn't good enough! Even one bad thought makes us imperfect before God and unfit for His perfect Heaven. No, we can't remove the sinful stains on our soul--only Jesus the Savior and Lord can remove them.
6. We can't earn Heaven, and must come to God and His Heaven on His terms. Heaven cannot be earned by our good deeds--as rebellious sinners we have none (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Bible makes it crystal clear that Jesus' death on the cross in our place to pay for our sins is our only or exclusive way to be saved (John. 3:18; 8;24; 10:1, 9; 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 John. 5:11-12). God makes Himself known gradually to persons everywhere willing to heed His invitations. He invites us through His Holy Spirit, creation, conscience, His Word, prophets, and gives us assurance by Christ' resurrection (Acts 17:30-31). Before Christ's cross persons were saved by believing in the one true God as stated in Hebrews 11:6 and shown by the list of persons in that chapter. So the unwilling are without excuse (Romans 1; 2; John 3:19-21; 7:17).
7. God's infinite justice and love met at the cross. A God perfectly holy and just cannot excuse our sinful ways. But a God perfect in love provided a way for all who are willing to be saved. The greatest evil was Jesus' crucifixion and the greatest love was His voluntarily bearing the physically pain, but more so His spiritual separation from His Father bearing our sin. God saves us only by trusting in Jesus our Savior. God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21).
Jesus hung naked before the jeering crowds, dying as a cursed criminal, beaten, bloody, swollen almost beyond recognition. It was humanities worst evil, but God's greatest display of love. He died voluntary for sinners, you and me. You are invited now to trust Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and Guide forever? Will U say, I trust You Lord Jesus to cleanse me and make me Your child?  U will understand it all  better once U submit to the Lord and Savior.

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