Is Postmodernity Subjective Suicide?
A foreboding crisis of faith darkens
the Western world.
Traditional institutions seem unable to reach their goals. Capitalism hasn’t
reduced disparity between the wealthy and the poor. Wasteful throwaway societies
trash earth’s resources and environment. Science and technology haven’t solved our
problems. Governments tax citizens into poverty taking their money, or wasting
it on ineffective projects. Special interests usurp democratic systems making
them unresponsive to citizens. Nations hoard weapons of mass destruction
threatening to devastate each other. Greed and corruption appear everywhere. Traditional
religions don’t improve the situation and fight among themselves. We fear
global warming, an asteroid from space, or that aliens among us may destroy us.
We no longer believe in absolute authority, truth,
and morality. Let’s look at five
stages of change. Change can be either progressive or regressive and in
different ways.
Pre-Christian Barbarism.
Christ, it was a brutal world where human life had little value. Half the world
were slaves of no concern, dignity, or rights. They could be beaten, raped, sold
or killed at their master’s will. They usually were put to death when their
master died. Women were considered their husband’s property and animals might
be thought more valuable.
Unwanted babies were thrown away to be starved or eaten. Children could be put to death without pity or not live beyond the age of eight. Women could die in childbirth and men in war. City-states, tribes and empires fought all the time and authority rested in whoever had superior weaponry and army to dominate the others.
People thought killing was the way to gain your enemies strength. Cannibalism, human sacrifice, sexual orgies, sometimes sex with animals were part of many people’s lives and used in worship of their gods. Their gods were as brutal, indifferent, jealous and cruel as were their worshippers. They knew of the one high God but felt estranged from him as isolated peoples do today. Plato (350 B.C.) made an amazing statement, “We wait for one be he a God or an inspired man to instruct us in our duties and to take away the darkness from our eyes.”
Unwanted babies were thrown away to be starved or eaten. Children could be put to death without pity or not live beyond the age of eight. Women could die in childbirth and men in war. City-states, tribes and empires fought all the time and authority rested in whoever had superior weaponry and army to dominate the others.
People thought killing was the way to gain your enemies strength. Cannibalism, human sacrifice, sexual orgies, sometimes sex with animals were part of many people’s lives and used in worship of their gods. Their gods were as brutal, indifferent, jealous and cruel as were their worshippers. They knew of the one high God but felt estranged from him as isolated peoples do today. Plato (350 B.C.) made an amazing statement, “We wait for one be he a God or an inspired man to instruct us in our duties and to take away the darkness from our eyes.”
The West’s Hope in Jesus and the Bible
until 1960.
death and resurrection of Jesus as taught in the Bible radically changed the
Western world’s thinking.
Ancient peoples feared their gods, sacrificed to them, but never loved them. Soldiers
sacrifice themselves for love of country. Mothers died for children they loved. But Jesus showed supreme love giving His human life for us guilty rebels in his
death on the cross (2 Cor. 5:21).
Though innocent, Jesus was rejected, condemned, severally beaten, ridiculed, slapped, spit on, and hung naked before staring eyes. Ancient prophets foretold it (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 2; 22; Isa. 53). Jesus predicted it (Matt. 17:9; 27:63; Mark 8:31). Miracles testified to it—darkness, earthquake, temple vale torn, resurrections (Matt. 27:51-53; Luke. 23:44). It announced, “God so loved the world that He gave His unique Son (sinless God-man) that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But it would be a dead hope apart from Jesus’ resurrection.
Though innocent, Jesus was rejected, condemned, severally beaten, ridiculed, slapped, spit on, and hung naked before staring eyes. Ancient prophets foretold it (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 2; 22; Isa. 53). Jesus predicted it (Matt. 17:9; 27:63; Mark 8:31). Miracles testified to it—darkness, earthquake, temple vale torn, resurrections (Matt. 27:51-53; Luke. 23:44). It announced, “God so loved the world that He gave His unique Son (sinless God-man) that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But it would be a dead hope apart from Jesus’ resurrection.
resurrection established the most crucial things. There’s
life after death. Jesus is the God-man with power of life and death. As God, all Jesus taught in and of Scripture is
absolute truth. Humans created in God’s mental, moral immortal image have
dignity and freedom. Ethics make sense—our thoughts, words, deeds are accountable
to God so life has purpose. Our conscience, justice and love make sense.
As created and controlled by a rational God, the world is meaningfully moving toward a climax. Experimental science is possible. Jesus divided our thinking about history into Before Christ and After His Death. This personal ethically perfect God offers us wayward rebels’ eternal life with Him forever through faith in Jesus, the Lord and Savior of sinners. Spreading this hope and love is imperative education--without it, all is lost.
As created and controlled by a rational God, the world is meaningfully moving toward a climax. Experimental science is possible. Jesus divided our thinking about history into Before Christ and After His Death. This personal ethically perfect God offers us wayward rebels’ eternal life with Him forever through faith in Jesus, the Lord and Savior of sinners. Spreading this hope and love is imperative education--without it, all is lost.
could not know all this except for the Bible. Christians collected the
Gospels written about Jesus and the letters of His apostles before A.D. 100. People
were living at the time Scripture was published who knew Jesus, his fulfilled
prophecies, miracles, claims to be God, and resurrection. Secular writers wrote
details about his life. His disciples were tortured and murdered for their
faith. No world religion has any Scripture or any founder like Jesus.
The Bible is history, not some made up stories centuries later (Luke 1:1-3; Acts 1:1-3; 2:22-24; 4:33; 1 Cor. 15:3-8). Moreover, it’s translated from comparative copies of early original languages with the highest degree of accuracy of any ancient documents. We have every reason to trust the Bible as God’s authority and truth and in Jesus as the sinless God-man sent to give us abundant life and save us from Hell (Luke. 19:10; John 10:10; 3:36; 7:16; 8:24). All the unparalleled benefits Christianity bring without commitment to Christ and the Bible will pass away to pre-Christian barbarism.
The Bible is history, not some made up stories centuries later (Luke 1:1-3; Acts 1:1-3; 2:22-24; 4:33; 1 Cor. 15:3-8). Moreover, it’s translated from comparative copies of early original languages with the highest degree of accuracy of any ancient documents. We have every reason to trust the Bible as God’s authority and truth and in Jesus as the sinless God-man sent to give us abundant life and save us from Hell (Luke. 19:10; John 10:10; 3:36; 7:16; 8:24). All the unparalleled benefits Christianity bring without commitment to Christ and the Bible will pass away to pre-Christian barbarism.
Modernity’s Self-sufficient Rejection of
the Christian Worldview by 1990.
waves pounding shoreline rocks turning them to sand, unbelief relentlessly
pounds Godly faith intent on beating it to pieces. We decided we don’t need God—evolution
explains everything. Scientific method and logical reasoning will lead us to
truth and progress. Our objective thinking can make things right, save us, and
make us free. Jesus, the Bible, and divine authority haven’t worked. Though imperfect,
we quickly excuse ourselves pointing the finger at persons struggling to live
God honoring lives.
We blame the world’s evils and sufferings upon superstitious belief in God though we bring them about ourselves. We decided the Bible’s miracles were only imaginative tales of later prescientific writers--it contains numerous absurdities and contradictions—never mind checking out any facts. We were confident our new gods of science, technology, democratic government, law, diplomacy, a good economy, and a strong military could correct any adverse conditions. But then adverse conditions seem to pile up to overwhelm us without relief and without faith.
We blame the world’s evils and sufferings upon superstitious belief in God though we bring them about ourselves. We decided the Bible’s miracles were only imaginative tales of later prescientific writers--it contains numerous absurdities and contradictions—never mind checking out any facts. We were confident our new gods of science, technology, democratic government, law, diplomacy, a good economy, and a strong military could correct any adverse conditions. But then adverse conditions seem to pile up to overwhelm us without relief and without faith.
Postmodernity’s Lost Faith in Human
Achievements from 1991 to today.
of faith in the personal ethical God demonstrated in Jesus and the Bible has
brought about loss of faith altogether. If we’re only evolving animals that return to dirt,
we have no great dignity or destiny. If no personal ethically perfect Creator exists
who knows and guides our lives, each person’s purpose is freedom to please them
self. But it’s a freedom to destroy us. God warns us, “All
who hate me love death (Prov. 8:36).
To follow Darwin, Marx, Muhammad, or some other dictator will lead us to poverty, virtual slavery, and possibly a blood bath. Check it out in history. When we have no objective authoritative guide, we call good evil and evil good. C. S. Lewis in Christian Reflections warned us of the poison of subjectivism that can remove all restraints to evil. Politically correct lays the groundwork for government takeover and imposition of tyranny. It destroys honest objective thinking.
Science and technology cannot save us and may even destroy us. It is what has enabled us to build weapons of mass destruction but gives no guidelines about using them. Terrorism increasingly stalks our lands. Could the real problem be that we ignore the selfishness, greed, overindulgence, injustice and indifference of our rebellious hearts? With little thought for others, all we care about is our being happy and having life’s good things on our terms. Is our self-occupation and self-sufficiency all we need to make things right? Where are our limited, conflicting, self-centered lives leading us? Those who make the subjective claim there’s no absolute truth and morals, believe they’re making a true statement, and that makes them liars and opens the door to every evil.
To follow Darwin, Marx, Muhammad, or some other dictator will lead us to poverty, virtual slavery, and possibly a blood bath. Check it out in history. When we have no objective authoritative guide, we call good evil and evil good. C. S. Lewis in Christian Reflections warned us of the poison of subjectivism that can remove all restraints to evil. Politically correct lays the groundwork for government takeover and imposition of tyranny. It destroys honest objective thinking.
Science and technology cannot save us and may even destroy us. It is what has enabled us to build weapons of mass destruction but gives no guidelines about using them. Terrorism increasingly stalks our lands. Could the real problem be that we ignore the selfishness, greed, overindulgence, injustice and indifference of our rebellious hearts? With little thought for others, all we care about is our being happy and having life’s good things on our terms. Is our self-occupation and self-sufficiency all we need to make things right? Where are our limited, conflicting, self-centered lives leading us? Those who make the subjective claim there’s no absolute truth and morals, believe they’re making a true statement, and that makes them liars and opens the door to every evil.
What Does the Future Hold?
I see it, we have three options.
the West can avoid barbarism and return to its former glory of the Christian
worldview with serious commitment to Jesus as Savior, Lord, and the Bible to Guide
us as we are so prone to sin. Sin is the basis of all our problems. Then, the
Lord will hear and bring healing, renewal, and restore us as light to the
nations (2 Chron. 7:14; Isa. 55:6-7). God may rise up strong godly national leaders
such as Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Daniel.
Two, it may be that since the West turned its back on the Lord, God will give the East opportunity it’s not had before (Rom. 1:28; Acts 16:6-10). Many in the East are coming to Christ. Three, many believe we’re near the rapture, the revealing of the Anti-Christ, and world domination and persecution of everything Godly. Then, the Bible predicts a Golden Age like the Garden of Eden ending in a final conflict of good over evil. More will be said about these things in God’s later articles.
Two, it may be that since the West turned its back on the Lord, God will give the East opportunity it’s not had before (Rom. 1:28; Acts 16:6-10). Many in the East are coming to Christ. Three, many believe we’re near the rapture, the revealing of the Anti-Christ, and world domination and persecution of everything Godly. Then, the Bible predicts a Golden Age like the Garden of Eden ending in a final conflict of good over evil. More will be said about these things in God’s later articles.
Dear friends, thank you for reading my articles and for your
concern. Let me plead with you again. We never know how much time we have left.
Turn to the Lord Jesus who can save us sinners and be our Guide for life. He alone
has given us evidence He’s real, not just conflicting human guesses, opinions
and preferences. He’s humanity’s only hope, authority, and absolute truth.
Everything else is subjective suicide. Pray, Lord Jesus, save me and control my