By the Numbers

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is There Life After Death?

                                                     Is There Life After Death?
One issue of greatest concern to every person is whether there is life after death. Graves have been found to contain foods and weapons left for the dead person to use in life in the next world. Egyptians built large pyramid tombs for their pharaohs containing all kinds of precious objects for their use in the next life. Obviously, people thought or hoped we can live again in another life. But how can we know? Let's devote serious thought to this issue.
What We Believe About Life After Death Influences our Present Lives.
It's depressing and demeaning to think death means our extinction. For no matter what abilities, contributions, or efforts we put into living, we're on the same footing with the animals. There's nothing special about human life and person hood. It's just to do whatever it takes to survive as long as you can. Our legacy may consist only in a tombstone marker showing our name and dates if even that. Many die unknown and are thrown together into a common grave. We hardly count.
It's destructive to personal relationships and ethical incentive. If animals be all that we are, then logically we live like animals meaning a survival of the fittest. Life's great purpose is survival and depends largely on who gets power over their peers. It promotes selfishness and destroys ethical value. Since life is short, is a struggle, with temptation on every hand, and desires oh so strong, why not limit myself to what advances me or seems to fulfill my desire at the moment. If what I think and desire verses what you think and desire, then I'm for me and you are of little if any concern. To cheat, lie, steal, rape, even murder really doesn't mean much when our only contest is our self and our survival. And yes we might get caught, injured or killed, but what is that since our only law is survival and we animals may cease to exist at any time?
Non Biblical Faith Has No Objective Foundation or Evidence for Life After Death.
A multitude of religions exist worldwide. They're based upon what one supposedly wise man thinks verses what another supposedly wise man thinks. He may show valued insights, arguments, possibilities, and have a following who highly respect his opinions as true. But can he show a cold stiff dead corps can come back to life, or that a dead person is alive even if taken another form in another life? The sprouting spring vegetation, birthmarks, and past recollection is no proof of reincarnation as pantheist religions suppose as all have better explanations. Dying persons seeing the death angel, and out of the body experiences may prove it to those who have such experiences but these too are subjective experiences. They can be given other interpretations depending on one's worldview. These religions do not give tangible visible evidences that can be objectively verified.   
Biblical Believers Have Assurance of Everlasting Life in the Lord Jesus and His Promises.
What's the evidence? Christians have objective evidence and assurance of everlasting life beyond the grave.  Eyewitness knew Jesus was cold stiff dead when taken down from the cross and  they  saw him alive after just three days. At Pentecost only fifty days later it was known in many languages and spread abroad (Acts 2:23-28).  It was published in less than thirty years (1 Cor. 15:1-8). His resurrection was predicted by ancient prophet (Psalm 16:10), and by Jesus himself to unbelieving disciples, who died to verify it. Here's the evidence--Jesus who claimed to be God was seen alive from the dead by hundreds of people (1 Cor. 15:1-8). See my article, Did Jesus Arise from the Dead?
for further details.
What decides whether heaven or hell? Sinners faith in or rejection of the Savior decides whether they exist eternally in Heaven or in Hell.  Jesus promised that "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life" but also warned, "and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). So whether we trust in or reject the Savior makes the difference whether we go to Heaven or to Hell. 
The Kind of Life We Have After Death Is Our Choice.
It's simply the principle of justice. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal. 6:7). It would be so unfair for someone living for God most of his life and a new convert to get the same heavenly reward. Likewise it's unfair for an unemployed grocery thief who only wanted to feed his starving family to receive the same punishment as a serial killer. We all do good or evil in different areas and to different degrees. Scripture mentions repeatedly that each person is judged according to THEIR OWN works or deeds (Psalm 62:12; Matt. 16:27; Luke 12:47-48; Rom. 2:6; 1 Cor. 3:8-15; Rev. 20:13) and a multitude of other passages.
So rewards of Heaven and punishments of Hell are somewhat different with each person. Saints are said to receive crowns which they throw at Jesus' feet. I believe the crowns are metaphors acknowledging that they could perform these services only in their Lord's strength and direction. Rebel sinners are said to be caste into a lake of fire where the worm never dies and fire doesn't go out. I believe this too is a metaphor that represents the all inclusive wrath of God (John 3:36) or else it seems to teach all will be punished alike instead of according to their particular sins as clearly taught in above passages. Bible mentions degrees of sin John 19:11, and of reward 1Cor. 3:9-15.
Dear reader, this is the most crucial decision of life. We can't know all the answers but Scripture is clear on essentials. Jesus and what we decide about Him makes the difference between heaven or hell. Won't you pray, Lord come into my life, be my Savior and help me live a holy life for You. Then share this wonderful news with loved ones and others. Tell them about these important blog articles. Thank you. God bless.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Unconcerned Anti-intellectual Christians

                                     Unconcerned Anti-intellectual Christians
The American President Barack Obama said on public TV that Americans are fat and lazy. I agree  that many are undisciplined in both mind and body. Many Christians are indifferent toward vital spiritual issues. But is life  just fun and party when people's health, well-being and very lives are at stake? Spiritual matters are the foundations that have momentous consequences for our everyday lives. The big question is: How far should we limit our concern on spiritual matters?
Should We Limit Our Concern to Our Own Family?
Our families are our immediate concern. There may be no time for the porch rocking chair to watch the grass grow. Dad's making a living takes us most of his time and he flops down to rest when he comes home at night. Mom wants to socialize. Daughter is concerned whether she looks well at school in her jeans. Son wants to be on the winning team at school. And if they feel up to it, they may make it to church or mass this Sunday. Of course, limited finances  can curtail  many activities. It's me, my wife, my son, my daughter, us four no more.  But that's not the Bible teaching.
But should family be our only concern? Don't we largely take time for the things we give priority too? According to the Bible, we will all face God one day and give account of how we spent our lives and how we used our God-given time, talents, and opportunities. Does our concern go any further than ourselves, our family, our local situation? Jesus said regarding helping others, "Assuredly, I say to you inasmuch as you did it to me of the lease of these My brethren, you did it to Me" (Matt. 25:40). What will the real important issues be when we face God?
Should We Limit Our Concern to Surface Issues?
Persons hold widely different views today. With so many divorces, a  marriage license is just an unnecessary piece of paper. Different beliefs between couples isn't really important as people have a right to their own thinking. Those rich guys should pay all the taxes to support us nonworking people. The government will take care of us if we be politically correct.  I'm not sure  atheism is wrong since I haven't seen God and if He exists there wouldn't be so much evil in the world. The Bible warns, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom. 12:2). Shouldn't Christians be more concerned with the Lord's biblical instructions than what the world thinks?
Do our beliefs have a logical factual beneficial basis? Have we thought about how such beliefs affect other persons?  Do we consider  our behavior  honest, fair, and compassionate? Do we want others to treat us in these ways? Where do such beliefs lead? Do limited, fickle, selfish desires and opinions lower us to an animal level?
What if we're overlooked something and atheism isn't right? Can we prove no personal ethical God exists? Don't government dictators enclave and impoverish their citizens? Do we just die like dogs, lights out?  We may realize one day too late we were absolutely wrong! The Bible warns, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).
Further, isn't there a definite connection between creed and conduct? If the Bible's God doesn't exist, then how we believe and behave has no moral significance. We're just evolving soulless dirt or recycled energy. No authoritative foundation exists to guide our lives or give us hope of life after death. It's just each person's feelings, opinions, and preferences. But according to the Bible, we are made in the mental, moral, immortal image of God. And if a personal ethical God exists, that calls for our personal ethical decisions based upon God's Word (2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16).
Should We Limit Our Concern to Our Own Religious Connection?
Isn't religion a personal private matter? I'm of the -----------------------------  faith. I've been that all my life. I'll never change. My dead parents would turn over in their graves if they knew I changed my beliefs. Besides, my family would persecute, or disown, or murder me. I could lose my job, my good standing in the community. I would be thought a fool or fanatic.
According to the Bible the King of kings said, "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell . . . and he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" (Matt. 10:28-39). With all the different beliefs, how can we know and show our particular beliefs alone are correct? In Christ alone we have divine claims and definite eyewitness evidences.
But what about non Christians religions? They can have some good principles we can agree with --for example the negative Silver Rule: Don't do things to others you wouldn't want them do to you. They may even have arguments there is only one true personal ethical God, though revelation alone shows that one God is a Trinity. 
We should always be respectful and caring about persons and their right to their religious beliefs as long as they're not humanly hostile or destructive. When believers don't support each other's right to their beliefs, persons opposed to such beliefs will eradicate each group one by one. Strength and security is found for all in unity.
Christians are to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:13-15). But unlike other religions, Jesus gave definite visible evidences that show He alone is the sinless God-man.  He alone died to save us from sin and give us life eternal. His resurrection is the only real proof of an afterlife.
After His resurrection, Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always to the end of the age. So be it." (Matt. 28:19-20).
Shouldn't We Christians Limit Our Chief Concern to Clear Christian Essentials?
I mean what C.S. Lewis called "Mere Christianity." What are the essentials on which Christians can stand? So-called authorities in many fields disagree somewhat on issues and Christians are no exception. May I suggest some biblical essentials clearly taught by the apostles of the Bible?
We Christians  believe  our expanding cooling dependent universe shows its Creator's eternal self-existence and  glory.  He made us directly in His mental, moral, immortal image. God revealed Himself in history as one God in three personal distinctions called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Jesus the Son is the God-man born of a virgin, who lived a perfect life, died to atone for our sins, and arose from the dead. Before many eyewitnesses, He fulfilled ancient prophecies, performed numerous miracles, claimed to be God with us, promised to return, and ascended into Heaven.
All who trust  Jesus as their Savior and Guide will live a more Godly life, escape Hell, and one day dwell with Him in the new Heaven and earth. Though imperfect, we should strive to live holy lives in accord with the Scriptures.  In God's grace and for His glory, we declare this apostolic teaching absolute truth. See Col. 1:17; John 1:1-5, 14; Matt. 1:23; 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 11:7; Eph. 4:23-24; Col. 3:10;  2 Cor. 5:21; John 21:24-25; Acts 4:12; 16:31; Cor. 15:1-8; 1 John 4:1-7; 1 Peter 1:18; 2:24; 3:15-18; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Rev. 21:1-8, 27;  Gal. 5:16-26 and numerous others .
I suggest a few books from time to time but can't possibly include a bibliography and footnote everything in a 3-4 page article. Moreover, so-called experts can be quoted on both sides of an issue. I'm more interested in facts than in so-called expert opinions.