By the Numbers

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

God's Ten Commandments

                                                 God's Ten Commandments
Evolutionists who absolutely reject God  have no alternative but to make the ridiculous claim that the universe brought itself into existence. Julian Huxley, once the leader of Darwinism, was asked on Merv Griffin talk show why people believe in evolution. Huxley answered honestly, "The reason we accepted Darwinism even without proof, is because we didn't want God to interfere with our sexual mores." (Quoted in D. James Kennedy, Skeptics Answered, p. 154). Darwinism gives us freedom to do as we please, but makes us perishing animals, destroys any basis for morality other than individual opinion, and enslaves humanity to the terrorism and control of those who produce the most fearsome weapon. Now the question is: what do God's Ten Commandments do for our world.
You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3; Acts 14:15.
"You should turn from these useless things (idols) to the living God who made heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things" (Acts 14:15). There can be only One Almighty since any claim to another almighty is a contradiction and any lessor god is not almighty. Moreover, a nonexistent universe can't created itself. And like adding books to the shelf, if we could backtrack in an  unending universe, we couldn't arrive at today. Material creation clearly points to an infinite eternal, unchangeable, self-existent mind and will. Alleged gods are their worshipers own imaginings. Further, the atheist would have to know everything to say there's no God. Respectfully, does he even know the people next door?
The specified irreducible complexity of living things, the conscience of man, and the historic presence of the God-man affirm the personal, ethical, triune Almighty God of the Bible. Jesus said, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29;1 Cor. 8:5-6; Matt. 19:18-19). See my article on The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image. Ex. 20:4; 1 John 5:21.
In 1 John 5:21, we read, '"Little children, keep yourselves from idols." Idols cannot represent the Almighty and are his enemy being demon spirits enticing people to godless practices such as sacrifice their children, have same sex partners, even sex with animals, and such existed all over the ancient world (1 Cor.10:20; Rev. 9:20; Rom. 1:18-32). God's people were told to shun such  practices and live separated to God alone. Wouldn't an idol you can see be severely limited to time, place, power and knowledge? Moreover, worshipers make their own idols and must protect them from damage and thief. How could such a god be dependable and trustworthy? The universe's Almighty Creator has no such limitations and really could be the only God.   
Such paganism is returning today where Christ's influence isn't felt or believed and demonic ideologies prevail. We can easily succumb to pressures in a pluralist society devoid of moral standards. We must study God's Word and keep his commandments for the safety and sanity of society.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Ex. 20:7; James 5:12.
"Do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your "Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No," lest you fall into judgment (James 5:12).  Our name reflects our character. A bad character can't be trusted. God is our Life-giver and Judge to whom we must one day give account of our lives. God's name should only be spoken with the highest affection, gratitude, praise and honor. To dishonor God's name is to drag down human value and life to an animal level. Apart from being in God's image and Christ's resurrection, is a perishing person ultimately worth more than a pig?
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Ex. 20:8; Colossians 2:16 nullifies it.
 Sabbath means "rest" and it speaks of the six day's of creation and God's rest on the seventh. It was a  sign of God's covenant with Israel to the other nations (Ex. 31:12-17).  Christians worship on the first day of the week in honor of their Lord's resurrection (John 20:19, 26; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). But the principle of rest one day in seven still stands (Col. 2:16-17; Gal. 4:1-11; Rom. 14:1-15:7).
Honor your father and your mother. Ex. 20:12; Ephesians. 6:1.
"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right" (Eph. 6:1). Loving fathers discipline their children to correct them as God does us (Heb. 12:5-12). Wild unruley children are a shame to their parents, their community, and their nation. Further, we should appreciate  elder persons for their wisdom and contributions. How we treat them today may determine how we will be treated tomorrow. The elderly is the only outcast group everybody expects to join since nobody wants the alternative. Rebellion toward parents can only lead to a fearful destructive society.
You shall not murder. Ex. 20:13. 1 John 3:15.
"Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him" (1 John 3:15). Because we are made in God's image, murder is an attack against God (Gen. 1:26-27; 9:6). While murder is a capitol offense, unintentional accidents are not. Unless we regard human life as a sacred gift of God, nobody at any age is safe. Atheist religion makes it a chaotic animal eat animal world with survival of the fittest--meaning those who survive. Those who hate God love death (Pr. 8:36). God alone who gives, sustains, and owns us has the right to take life, especially those who attenpt to destroy His plan for redemption of mankind.
You shall not commit adultery. Ex. 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will  inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor. 6:9-10). We can't omit or excuse our particular sin from God's list without being self-deceived and bringing doom upon ourselves. Marriage partners tend to overlook their mates virtues and get irritated with their faults. We all have both and should keep check on ourselves that we show each other respect and loving concern--what we give is often what is returned. The home is the foundation for good or evil for us as individuals and as nations.  See my articles: God's Instructions to Christian Husbands. Effective Loving Families. 

You shall not steal. Ex. 20:15; Genesis 2:15; Ephesians 4:28.
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it" (Gen. 2:15). From beginning until today, God provided man this world to take care of and we all have the right to  own property and things. Government taxes don't make sense otherwise (Rom. 13). "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give him who has need" (Eph. 4:28). It's God's world and unless we are His good caretakers, we become thieves even destroying ourselves. One can steal in many ways simply by not being completely honest and fair.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Ex. 20:16; Colossians 3:9.
"Do not lie to one another"  (Col. 3:9). Lying  is usually our attempt to benefit us in some way or to avoid  trouble. It's a selfish unconcern toward others. It takes many forms such as gossip, slander, half truths, denials, excuses, exaggerations, etc. It too can be a means to save face or avoid someone having hurt feelings. And one lie can trap us into telling others. But isn't compassionate truth the best policy? Satan's lies can send us to Hell!

You shall not covet. Ex. 20:17; Matthew 15:19.

This commandment goes to the heart of the matter. God isn't pleased with outward acts that hide an inward attitude of self desires and indifference toward others. Jesus put it in true perspective, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man" (Matt. 15:19). Indeed our heart can be deceitful, disobedient, depraved before God.

How can  some persons claim God's Ten Commandments are outdated and pernicious superstitions that should be eradicated to make the world safe for the human race? They are the one thing that can save us!  Moreover, how unfair and deceitful of the "new atheists" to lump God's teachings with other religions as no different! And how immoral of Muslims to kill unbelievers even those ignorant of Islam  (jihad)  thinking it will help them get to paradise! Those who claim God's Ten Commandments outdated would cry foul if  others stole, lied, cheated, or somehow abused them. They are hypocrites who can't abide by the atheism they claim others should observe.  Honest thoughtful persons cannot accept and should stand against such nonsense. These Ten Commandments are basic to human decency, morality and security, and sanity.
God's Ten Commandments while given to Israel reflect the moral principles of God's moral nature and will that make it possible for persons to live together in helpful beneficial ways and not destroy themselves. They insure the most freedom, protection, security, and happiness of all peoples and nations who implement and uphold them. But apart from the Bible's God who gave them, they have no basis or power to insure human well being--we're then shut up to limited conflicting human opinions. Deny the biblical God and you destroy the basis for a sane and secure, healthy and happy humanity. That breath giving, patient, but just Lord, will one day set everything right. Don't regretfully let it take you by surprise. 
Here is the crucial fact we don't like to face: we're selfish rebellious people who don't like anyone telling us how to live our lives, not even God. We want to do things our own way with our own desires. Nobody but Jesus has ever kept God's Ten Commandments and that's why He alone can save us who break them all the time in attitude if not also in act. Unless we trust the Lord Jesus to save us weak sinful persons we have little chance of pleasing our Maker and no chance of seeing Him in Heaven. The fact that we can't keep God's Ten Commandments, no matter how hard we try, is proof positive we need the Savior who alone kept them.
Won't you say, Lord Jesus, I trust You now and forever to save me a selfish sinner and be my Lord and Guide from now own. I want to learn and live Your Word and tell others about You. God bless you in your new life of faith, hope and love in Christ and your service to others.
You may share God's Word and Gospel simply by telling others to look at these articles. God bless your life saving worldwide ministry. U can make a tremendous difference for good in this world and in the world to come. God bless.

Friday, November 23, 2012

They have come for you, Claiming America for Islam

"They have come for you, Claiming America for Islam. But Jesus our Lord has come for them .... in Love!"


Muslim Population to Double in U.S. 

by 2030, Report Projects
Read more here

It's the day when thousands of Muslims bowed to the east , toward Mecca, on the Washington Mall. There, they publicly laid claim to the U.S. as theirs. Muslim clerics openly preached that the only thing in the way was the U.S. government, represented by the captial building.

They didn't know that Jesus had already laid claim for them and given His life to purchase for them eternal life.

posted for:

 ISLAM'S BASIS. Muhammad claimed an angel revealed the Qur'an to him making him Allah's final authoritative prophet (c.570-632). It seems anyone could claim the same thing as the Mormon Joseph Smith Jr. did centuries later (1805-1844). Muslims hope to go to heaven if they can do more good deeds than evil deeds and Muhammad is their example of virtue.
CHRISTIAN BASIS. Biblical history was accurately transmitted centuries before Muhammad by prophets and apostles often martyred in evidence of its truth. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and demonstrated it by fulfilling hundreds of detailed Messianic prophecies and by performing hundreds of visible public miracles astonishing disciples and hostile critics. We sinners are assured of heaven by trusting in Jesus who in love and to satisfy divine justice, died to pay for our sins and arose again.
For more see my article: What Did Muhammad Say About Jesus? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Best News I've Ever Heard!!

                          The Best News I've Ever Heard!!
"Sir, Mam, Friend, I'm ----------  -----------. May I share with you the best news I've ever heard?"
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Let me break this most loved Bible verse down for you in simple terms.
First, God unconditionally loves us----"God so loved the world"
My friend, we can know God loves us no matter who we are or what we've done. God wants relationship with us--that's why He made us in His image.  God knows about our sins even before we're born--He knows the end from the beginning. God, who says He loves us, cannot lie. Even the most evil persons--thieves, rapists, murders--can be forgiven. God's love can transform us to have purity, peace, guilt free, loving, purposeful lives for His glory. It happened to me! I know it can happen to you--just give Him the chance to show you. It's like filthy contaminated water made pure, clean, and fit to use. Isn't that good news?
Next, God gave His Son to save us----"that He gave His only begotten Son"
His only begotten Son means Jesus is the Son of God, the God-man who alone can take away our sin. Since all our sins are committed against God, He alone can forgive them (Psalm 51:4). God is our Creator, Owner, Lawgiver and Judge. Jesus bleeding and dying upon the cross cried, Father, forgive them. We put Jesus on the cross. He died in our place. He took the punishment for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18). Jesus is both just and justifier of us sinners who put faith in Him (Rom. 3:26). Drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, prostitutes, everyone can be washed white as snow (Titus 3:5) and do great and lasting things for the Kingdom of God. That's amazingly good news.
Now, God invites you to believe in His Son----"that whoever believes in Him"
Accepting God's love and God's way means accepting God's Son to save us. God is perfect (Matt.5:46). Heaven is perfect (Rev. 21:27). But we aren't (1 Cor. 6:9-10). So it's not our goodness, not our good deeds--it's Jesus paying for our sins that makes us acceptable to God and fit for Heaven.  God's way is faith in Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Faith is not  mere head knowledge or intellectual belief--it's a commitment of will for life to serve God according to His Word (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16).  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).
So, if you belief in Jesus,  you gain eternal life----"should not perish but have everlasting life."
Jesus came to give us abundant and eternal life (John 10:10). His resurrection proves we are not soulless dirt as atheists suppose. We are not recycled energy as pantheist religions claim. Christian life begins the very moment we believe (John 5:24). Jesus makes us new creations. He changes our way of thinking and living to love Him and obey Him (2 Cor.5:21-22). We can now see life and the world in a new dimension. Praise God! It's the best good news ever.
My dear friend, the opportunity is yours--eternal life through faith in Christ. Grab it while you have the chance. You may never be so ready to receive Christ again. Life's distractions can grab it away from you and send you to your doom. Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life. His arms of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and a new purposeful life are extended to you.
Will you pray, Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You now and forever to save me and give me a place of service in Your kingdom. Thank You, Lord. Amen (So be it.) Link, translate, and share this good news with everyone. Praise God!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus

                    Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus
We're very busy doing things we feel crucial and essential to us. But will these things count or just be shameful wasted time when we bow before King Jesus to give account of our lives? Are we too busy to think about it, to know about it, to even care about it? Do we even believe it's true? We will all bow before King Jesus someday to give account of our earthly life.
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11). The Lord will laugh at the nation's kings coming against Him who are told to kiss the Son lest He be angry" (Psalm 2). All intelligent creation will worship King Jesus as Lord.
We lose cells from our body every day. Ever notice the thin skin, protruding veins and discoloration on elderly person's hands? They hold objects and wash their hands millions of times shedding cells yet the skin on their palms is still smooth, thick and clear. Why? Did mindless nature know we need increase cell production in our palms? No, it's impossible! It's a God thing as are a million other things all around us, if we take time to think honestly about them. Now allow me please to mention some things that will immensely count when we stand before the King of kings and Lord of lords to give account of our lives.
King Jesus died to save us from a fruitless wasted selfish life. Speaking of the sheep of which Jesus is their shepherd, He says "the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"John 10:10. Here we may liken this to false teachers and teaching that would steal Christ's followers away, or kill and destroy them with their teachings. But Jesus came to give his people a better life. Not one wasted by trivial or destructive pursuits. His suffering on the cross for our sin showed His real concern for our well being and should motivate us to live a life pleasing to Him, not one of empty waste and shame when we bow before Him in judgment.
King Jesus has all knowledge, wisdom, love and power that we need to help us. Unlike the rulers of this world more concerned with themselves than with their people, Jesus our Creator and God knows what we need and has resources in abundance to provide. But He never said it's going to be easy or that we will be popular, loved, and accepted with the evil world. As it rejected Him, it will reject us who try to live for Him. This requires great faith and courage to persevere in trials and temptations to avoid tobacco, alcohol, drugs, unholy sex, gambling, theft and anything that can trap us into a destructive lifestyle out of His will and purpose for our lives.
 By prayer, study of God's Word, and fellowship with God's believing people, we draw strength and courage to live Godly lives and have great rewards throughout eternity. But Christ rejectors perish in darkness, punishment, tears and torments from the lifestyle they have chosen and brought upon themselves.
King Jesus gave us instructions to guide us into an ennobling honest productive rewarding life. The "new atheists" claim God and the Bible are evil and dangerous. But if  they are as these atheists claim, how could the Bible become known as "the good Book" and God as "the good Lord"? People knowing the Bible for centuries never thought what the new atheists claim. It's only in today's world of gross Bible ignorance that people can accept such claims. 
Consider a few Bible statements. Jesus says the two greatest commandments is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself"--is that evil and dangerous? (Matt. 22:37-40). "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men . . . live peacefully with all men" (Rom. 12:17-18). "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 17:21). "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law" (Rom. 13:8). "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all" (Gal. 6:10). "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Gal. 5:22). I could easily provide a hundred other like statements of Bible teaching. Those who ignore and misrepresent Bible teaching to malign biblical Christianity have little honesty of conscience. They are the ones who I'm afraid are evil and dangerous. 
King Jesus would have us ask if humanists, socialists, pragmatists and Islamists will help or hurt us as individuals and as nations. Atheist humanists who deny God and exalt man are dogmatic and arrogant to degrade us as mere perishing soulless animals who are justified to live on a self-centered animal level. Marxist socialists promise economic security that is complete government control of our faith, family, and future driving us into economic poverty. It's dialectical materialism provides an excuse to use any adverse national situation to usurp more power and control over our lives. It has never worked in Russia, China, Cuba or elsewhere. Their citizens sought to escape such oppression in the land of the free and home of the brave. Where can they go now?
Pragmatisists, like atheism's just mentioned, seeks an immediate fix usually of throwing citizen tax money at projects that may not work with little concern for future consequences. They advocate a world government run by dictators who claim they know enough to solve the grave problems they created.  Islam's law is another government dictatorship to control every aspect of our lives.  Politically correct means we're not allowed to question anything these dictatorships  say. The Quran claims Muslims don't have to keep treaties or agreements with non-Muslims and are at war with them until the world becomes wholly Muslim. They may lie, kill and do anything that promotes the faith of Allah. Now here is a most serious thing: These above philosophies are taught as truth every day in public schools in the U.S.A. and around the world. 
The upcoming youth have been brainwashed in these ideologies for decades and are taking leadership positions in government, science, industry, entertainment, the arts, news media, and courts. Are persons who believe in human decency, freedom, and opportunity going to stand up, speak out for truth and righteousness, or sit on their hands and let further decay take place?  Nations fall into decay, moral and spiritual poverty and hardship when their people become lazy, indifferent, and cowardly. Freedom and humanity cost a terrible price. Are you willing to fight for your dignity and freedom? Ignorance and indifference will be no excuse when we kneel before King Jesus. It may be very soon!
King Jesus will win in the end of course since He is the only real King. But God allows us sinful human beings the freedom to make our own choices and reap the consequences. Our leaders may be corrupt and betray us, but we can do something to change it's course if we will. We can pray and trust God's promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14. We can vote not for a certain race, or skin color, but for persons who honestly love God, country, and their people's well being. Another thing we can do is link these articles on our internet blog and tell our friends about them. Of course, the biggest thing is to make King Jesus Lord of our lives. God bless you and your concern for truth, your moral courage, and human decency.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!

                        We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!
The foundational question facing humanity is this: Are we mere animals living in an eat and be eaten world? Don't all worldviews say that somehow our lives will cease to be? If we're only more evolved animals within nature, then wouldn't we perish like the other animals?  Consider the following five worldviews and you decide.
1. Evolution is the belief mindless molecules arranged themselves into all life forms. This seems to be the basis of almost all non-biblical worldviews. It assumes anything can happen by chance given enough time. It assumes life spontaneously arose from mindless chemicals. It assumes all life forms evolved from molecules to man. It assumes natural selection and mutation are the mechanisms by which it all takes place. It assumes this is all scientific fact and no personal Creator God is necessary to explain the world. It says believers in God (theists) mistakenly assume a God of the gaps to explain what is completely natural. It seems worldviews conclude in one way or another that we are merely more evolved perishing animals. But not so with biblical Christianity.
Evolutionists cannot show each step in the ongoing process which would be the real proof. They show only disconnected fossils and a few disputed hoaxes. They cannot conduct experiments that demonstrate evolution occurred. They point to miner genetic changes within an animal and extrapolate this means that one animal can change into another. They ignores both scientific and  biblical evidences that seem to preclude evolution.
2. Atheists claim no god of any kind and no eternal soul exists. Atheists go under different names that put emphases upon different factors. Materialists say all is matter and nothing really spiritual exists. Naturalists claim nature is everything and nothing supernatural or outside nature exists. Physicists think that nothing beyond the physical or metaphysical exists. Secularists believe things called sacred are only superstitious ignorance. Humanists feel man is the height and standard to measure all else. Further, atheists claim to use the scientific method of observation and experiment which is the only sure way to knowledge. Evolution is the basis for atheism.
Atheists claim to be reasonable and scientific whereas others are not. They say evils disprove the existence of a good and powerful God who would eliminate such evils. And galaxies and planets outside our solar system, germs that kill millions, dinosaurs, and cave men all prove evolution and disprove God. Moreover, Christians are hypocrites who don't live as if they know God.
I'm not saying atheists are necessarily bad people.They may be respectful good citizens, friendly lovable people who try to do good, and may even appear more descent that some Christians or persons assumed or think they're Christians. I am saying that atheists and others don't have the foundational principles biblical Christianity provide that work to make a better peaceful loving world. Moreover, we none understand and apply our worldview consistently in all life situations.  
Human knowledge is a small dot in the huge circle of universal knowledge, so isn't it a bit arrogant for anyone to claim a Godlike knowledge that he knows there's no God. And if God were to eliminate all evil, wouldn't that mean all of us?  Wouldn't God show patience, mercy and grace to allow us multiple opportunities to admit our wrong doing and turn to Him for forgiveness and blessings? Perhaps God was more concerned with  His people having a loving relationship with Him than knowing about other galaxies and planets which they were not in any position to understand anyway.
The Bible says God created a good world and disobedient rebellions man corrupted it that brought disease germs and death.  I'm convinced dinosaurs probably are what were known in China and Europe as dragons and were probably killed off by man and weather conditions. Some men live in caves today but that doesn't make them primitive and had ancients built houses do you think they would survive? Ape-men are evolutionists reconstructed biased  imagination. The real evidence is for the God-man of the Bible. See my articles: Atheist Arguments Answered. Ape-man Or God-man? Human Evolution--Did We Climb from the Slime? How Scientific and Open-minded Are Darwinists?
Further, the scientific method of observation and experiment assumes logical reasoning, accuracy of our senses, honesty in research and reporting, all of which are only shown to be certain in the Creator God of the Bible. Moreover, experimental method cannot decide crucial issues of history, beauty, morality, human dignity, freedom, and life after death which are decided by other means.
Also, death only shows there is no life in the body, not that it can't have gone elsewhere. The brain is not the mind and soul is not matter. Serious differences show this. Physics textbooks never mention anything psychological, mental or spiritual. Brains can be weighted; thoughts can't. Brains can be dyed, minds or souls cannot. Matter is extended and has weight, souls have not. Matter just exists, but mind remembers and believes things true or false. Let's be real!
3. Polytheists believe little gods evolved from nature that can fight and die. Ancient peoples believed  gods evolved out of nature. Popular Hinduism believes in many gods. These gods care nothing about people and must be offered sacrifices lest they cause people harm. Mormons claim even people can become gods. But where are all these gods that we can know they exist? Mere claims they exist sure don't convince me. It would take eyewitness experiences and supernatural acts to demonstrate these gods exist. They are unlike what we have in Jesus the God-man. Isn't polytheism also a dead-in-street? And it's the outgrowth of pantheism.
4. Pantheists say that ultimately all is spiritual energy. Philosophical Hinduism, Taoism, Christian Science, New Age are forms of pantheism. Everything is god or a part of it, but it's all illusion like a wave that returns to the sea and human personality evaporates into energy, force, principle, nirvana, Brahma, or whatever. Moreover, pantheists live as though things they deny are very real. Self is absorption into universal energy and really was only an illusion.  
5. Biblical Christianity is different. It's difficult to see how Bible texts allow for evolution or even theistic evolution. Since I've discussed the biblical texts in articles mentioned above, here I want to explain the crucial differences Christian faith makes in this life and world. Rather than destroy us, the Christian worldview gives us life and hope. God created us in His image and likeness for relationship with Himself. Let me briefly mention the superior human advantages God gave man in His image that other worldviews deny or have no foundation to uphold.
(1) God made us  directly with dignity. We didn't crawl up from slime or lower life forms, but were made rational, moral, immortal persons at the outset. Adam could walk and talk with God who visited him in human form. He could name the animals recognizing their essential natures and no helpmate was found among them. We exhibit many characteristics that show an insurmountable gulf between us and the animal kingdom. We can produce literature, art, philosophy, science, write history and invent things that animals cannot. And best of all we can have loving relationship with our Maker.
(2) God gave us family. Both the man and woman were made in God's image. The man's stronger physique shows his role is to provide and protect. The woman bears children to further extend the human race. It's so apparent it's God's design that denying it is open rebellion.
(3) God gave us absolute truth. God gave our first parents the command to take care of His garden which applies to our earth today. Clearly, what God told Adam and Eve was known, understood and to be obeyed. What the all-knowing Creator and Sustainer says is absolute truth that no human subterfuge can discredit.  We know our senses furnish data and that our minds can organize, describe and know reality. It's not an illusionary world in which we're absorbed into universal energy as pantheists claim--it's a real world God made for us to care for and enjoy. There is no secular truth and religious truth--all truth is God's truth that corresponds to reality.
(4) God gave us free choice. Unlike animals we're not governed by instinct. God made us for loving relationship with Him and with each other. His commandments and instructions are for our good, but we can choose to obey or disobey them. God in love warns us of consequences if we don't obey and gives us multiply opportunities to turn from selfish rebellion to humble loving forgiveness, acceptance and restoration. As Randy Alcorn says: God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
(5) God gave us equality. We're quick to notice human differences and claim we're superior or better than other persons in some way. It may be race, gender, tribe, caste, position, nationality or whatever. But biblical teaching is that we're all descended from the same parents, and have the same blood. Geneticists studying DNA have now established that all peoples have descended from one female and one male living in the same region. Of course we differ in looks, intelligence, size, shape and so on but before God we are to be given the same equal respect and concern. To follow this would eliminate greed, hatred, wars.
(6) God gave us morality. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lest they die. Only one tree they were to avoid in a garden of a great many trees they could freely eat. God wasn't being mean to deny them the fruit of this one tree; it was to test their obedience and trust in Him and His word. Loving parents likewise warn their children of the harmful consequences of bad behavior. Thus the Bible is filled with good advise as well as prohibitions and warnings. Deny the personal ethically perfect God of the Bible and anything is permitted--anything!!
God putting our parents out of His garden of Eden was again an act of mercy and love. God didn't want our parents to eat of the tree of life and their descendants be condemned to live in eternal separation from Him and the loving relationship He wants with us. Moral rules are God's principles for our well being. Jesus' Golden Rule of treat others the way you want to be treated would eliminate slavery, theft, deception and general human abuse. Isn't it most reasonable that the Lord who made us knows what's best for us?
(7) God gave us human government. Government is ordained of God and necessary to keep us from the evil of harming ourselves. We have a selfish evil tendency to hurt one another so  restrictions must be placed on evil doers as with theft and damage to property owners. The purpose of the state is justice and well being for its people. Laws and taxes are necessary but must be limited so not as to put citizens in slavery and poverty. Natural law should reflect God's law. The Bible uses a limited flat tax on Israel to encourage human incentive. Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people.

(8) God gave us Himself. While we were sinners, Christ died for us. He was made to be sin for us that we might live unto righteousness. There can be no greater demonstration of love. Love doesn't force, it invites and you're invited to trust the living risen Savior for eternal life. No other worldview can compare with that!
(9) God gives us hope and offers us eternal life. The things mentioned above explain the Christian worldview that enlightens, encourages, ennobles us and provides and secures our well being. Won't you say yes Jesus save me from sin and hell and make me your faithful and fruitful servant. I admit my sin and trust You now and forever to live with me and guide my life. Thank You my Lord. Amen (so be it).
(10) God gave us a rational and purposeful world. God knows the end from the beginning, the good and the evil. It's all a part of His plan and for His greater glory. He is ever active though His ways are not our ways and often are hidden from us. But all will turn out for the good of those who love Him and seek His will. God progressively reveals His will in every age and set of circumstances to test our love and obedience. What other worldview can compete with biblical Christianity?
There will only be world peace and fulfillment when King Jesus sets up his eternal kingdom. Things  are unified and make sense only when we start with God at the top, otherwise all is chaos. Won't you join us good news messengers in sharing this information with friends? Perhaps these articles can be accurately translated. God bless you and your ministry.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope!

                Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope!
We see life, intelligence, and purpose all around us, and since it's impossible for a nonexistent universe to created itself, all must be the effect of a great intelligence and will we rightfully call God. But once we admit a personal creator of the universe, we have opened the door to everything in the Bible and Christian faith. All this becomes possible--the Trinity, the devil, angels, fulfilled prophecies, miracles, the incarnate Christ, His atonement, Heaven and Hell.
Further, the incarnate Christ is our authority--our only authority--for absolute truth, human dignity, ethics, rights, equality, justice, love, a rational and purposeful world, and objective science. All fits within the circle of a personal creator God. And it all rests upon the reality of the resurrected Christ. It in turn eliminates all atheistic humanisms and pantheistic religions.
Jesus "presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3; see also 2:22-39; 17:30-31; Luke 1:1-4; 1 Cor. 15:3-8; 2 Peter 1:16 )." See my other articles for evidence of Jesus resurrection: Is There Life After Death? Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Recent Theories to Disprove Jesus' Resurrection.
Worldviews have a tremendous impact upon our everyday lives. We may not be aware of or understand  secularism, humanism, pantheism, pragmatism, and others, but  their implications drastically decide what we believe and how we behave for happiness or harm, good or evil. So it becomes crucial that we be concerned with them and their consequences. Jesus resurrection is the foundation and major evidence for biblical Christianity. If Jesus arose from the grave, Christianity has consequences for our world and our lives that no other way of thinking possibly could. Please consider its central tenant:
 Jesus died to save us from the penalty of our sins, arose to make us right with God, and every knee will one day kneel before Him to confess He is Lord. What then in life really matters that we should give it our time, energy and attention? This article attempts to explain the crucial implications of Jesus' resurrection for our world and our personal lives. Consider these five applications. 
1. Jesus' resurrection declared Him to be the Son of God and the God-man. He was declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead (Rom. 1:4). As such all he says and approves becomes authoritative and a must for our lives. There can be no higher authority. And Jesus put his approval on both the books of the Old Testament (Luke 24:27, 44) and the New that he knew were yet to be written (John 14:25-26; 16:13). The church is built upon the foundation of his apostles and eyewitnesses who gave their lives to testify to its truth (Ep2:20).
 Jesus acknowledged people are made in the image of God (Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6; Gen. 1:27). This assures that everyone before God has the same dignity, value and deserves equal rights, and freedom to do God's will. There can be no discrimination due to race, color, gender, social status, caste, tribe, location, or otherwise (Acts 17:26; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).  Now consider some of his teaching.
When Jesus finished the Sermon of the Mount he declared he alone fulfilled the law and his Word would not pass away (Matt. 5-7). Moreover, as God, he expanded his law to what's most basic--it's  not just the outward evil act, but the inward good attitude to prevent evil whether it be murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, love, good deeds, prayer, fasting, wealth, judging and faith requests. There can be no more practical ethical maxim that his Golden Rule: "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets (7:12).
 And just before his ascent into Heaven, he said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age" (Matt. 7:18-20).  
2. Jesus' resurrection revealed His power over death and our afterward destiny. He said there were two ways of life--the way to destruction and the way to life which few find. When he ended his saying, the people were astonished because he taught them having authority and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:13-14). Two vital messages of his authority are (1) Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).  (2) Some persons "will  go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life" (Matt. 25:24).
3. Jesus' resurrection demonstrated His supremacy over human religions and philosophies. Founders of human religions taught us some important truths. Buddha showed compassion for others in pain. Zoroaster realized there were two great forces good and evil in conflict. Confucius gave us wisdom in how we should be courteous and respectful to each other. Muhammad realized there could be only one God as a great Creator and Lawgiver. But where are all these greats today? They're dead! Only Jesus arose and that makes all the difference in the world.
We have had great philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Decartes, Kant, and others who made a vital impact upon the world. But they are limited human beings, understand things only partially, often contradict each other and can never agree.  For example, determinism verses freedom, matter verses mind. In the Father and Christ "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col . 2:3).
4. Jesus' resurrection confirmed God's providence throughout history.  The Bible differs in crucial ways from other sacred books. It presents world history in sequence from creation to recreation. It's not mythical stories of gods dwelling in some inaccessible place, but factual history of real people and events occurring in Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Italy. God interacts with people in visual physical ways we can see and know such as miracles, predicted events that transpire, God's visitations and conversations with people. Its events are dated, and artifacts found testify to its persons, places, events that are collaborated in secular history. The Bible shows great diversity in 40 writers, their styles, genre, occupations, personalities, locations over 1,500 years, yet it contains a unity of themes, ethics and plan of redemption amidst such great diversity. History is His story. Hebrews sums it up well:
"God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds, who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high." Hebrews 1:1-3.
5. Jesus' resurrection provides for our redemption, resurrection and reward. If we fail to acknowledge a personal ethical God who holds us accountable for our actions, there is little if anything we can call wrong--the only law in an animal world is survival, it's eat and be eaten. Even the so-called "new atheists" recognize that the liberal's God accommodated to the unbelieving secular world doesn't really matter. The only God who matters is the supernatural personal ethical God who will judge us. Jesus' resurrection is our only sure hope of eternal life.
John the baptizer's advise is to look to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). And John the apostle warns us that no corrupt thing shall enter the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:27). "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still, he who is holy, let him be holy still" (Rev. 21:11-12).  Then Jesus says, "behold I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me, to give every one according to his work (Rev. 21:13). "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
 My dear reader, are you ready for Jesus' return? Do you know Him? There can be no greater love than His giving His life for us unworthy sinners. Won't you say yes! I trust you Lord Jesus to save me now, and forever be my Guide. And I'll tell others about you. You can share these articles with friends and loved ones. Just link them to your computer. God bless you and your ministry. You will help them learn the Bible and learn of the Savior.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Do Chrfistians Have the Right to Proclaim Their Faith?

             Do Christians Have the Right to Proclaim Their Faith?
Persons today say these things are true. A loving God would never send anybody to hell. There is no absolute truth. It's my right to believe and do as I please. Restrictions should not be placed on the way people enjoy sex. Muslim men defending their faith killing Jews and Christians are more likely to go to paradise and have many virgins. And they can use their own women and childen as human shields in warfare. Christianity is a dangerous violent religion. We should be tolerant of other people's beliefs. Jesus was only a wise man like Confucius. Nothing can evolve into everything. If others can say what they believe, don't Christians have the same human right to speak their beliefs? Indeed, unless we have open discussion of our beliefs we can't be sure we know the truth.
If Christians hearing such Biblically destructive views remain silent about their Christian beliefs, how long do you think they will have any Christian beliefs? If non-Christians have a right to their beliefs, shouldn't Christians have that same right? After all, if one human has rights, then all would as well. We're told to contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3).
Now Christian beliefs cannot be demonstrated in a deductive mathematical way nor in a scientific experiment. In other words, Christianity can't be proved in the same way as 2 + 2 = 4 or that two parts of hydrogen mixed with one part oxygen will give you water every time--it requires faith. But non-Christian beliefs require faith as well. Any system of belief requires honest open consideration of the evidence offered in its behalf. Christians believe they can show objective logical factual evidence in its behalf whereas non-Christian belief systems, or worldviews cannot. I can only briefly mention reasons in this article. See my other articles for greater discussion and evidence. 

                             Consider these Teachings of Christian Faith.

1. God caused the universe. It is illogical for the universe to cause itself. What doesn't exist can't explode into everything. So this dependent material universe is the effect of an eternal, self-existent, unchangeable, powerful, Spiritual Mind and Will or what we know as person. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1.
2. God is a Spirit Being. Since we now know the material universe had a beginning, its cause must be an immaterial or Spirit Being as Biblical Christians believe. Thus we can't expect experimental science to find God by mixing chemicals, or by observing Him through a microscope, telescope or other instruments.  This doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it means God may be known by other means. Honest seekers of truth won't deny this, and it is in our best interest to give God honest open inquiry. God's promise: "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13. See also Matthew 7:7-8 and Hebrews 11:6.
3. God is beyond our full comprehension. How many elements exist, how they work together, and a million other things are yet mysteries in this utterly complex universe. Certainly the Creator who sustains  them is greater yet, and would be way beyond our mind's comprehension. To sustain all creation, God would have to be everywhere, know everything and have all power. So we cannot prescribe in advance what God cannot be or do which may include surprises. For example, Christians believe God has make Himself known as One God in three persons namely Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that this is taught throughout the Bible, i.e. Isaiah 63:7-10; Matthew 28:19. Further, that God has taken on a human body and nature and walked among us both telling us who He is and demonstrating His deity (John 1:1-3, 14). "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isiah 55:9. Jesus said, "I and My Father are One" John 10:30-33.
4. God is the Author of absolute truth and righteousness. We can say this as God is the universe's Creator, Controller, and Owner. God's absolute morally perfect nature and will is the deciding factor of everything. If the universe always existed and was eternally in flux, we could not say this. Truth and righteousness would then be relative as many atheists claim. "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? Genesis 18:25. "Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments" Rev. 16:7.
5. Human conscience and compassion point to God. Conscience makes no sense unless there is a personal ethical God who knows everything about us and will one day require we give account of our lives. We can deny our conscience or try to explain it away or overlook it when we see wrongs done to others. But let someone treat us unjustly and we're quick to protest. It's not what we say but how we act that confirms our conscience. Yet our conscience can be seared as with a hot iron becoming inoperative (1 Timothy 4:2). All the useless wars, killings and using people for human shields prove this. "The Gentiles . . . show the work of  the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, . . . in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus according to my (Paul's) gospel." Romans 2:15-16.
6. The all knowing holy God will one day judge our every thought, word and deed. Saying there's no judgment and no hell or that God is evil to forbid certain acts we may find pleasurable amounts to a claim of having all knowledge. Isn't it a bit silly to think anyone can have more knowledge than the One who designed the universe and our bodies and minds to work in a certain way? Separating love from justice leads to the destruction of both. Without a righteous God and judgment, morality has no meaning, anything is permitted (Proverbs 14:12; Psalm 14:1). "I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God . . . and the dead were judged according to their works. Revelation 20:12.
7. It's God's prerogative to say who goes to His heaven and why. No doubt you've heard the claim there are many ways to heaven or all persons go to heaven eventually. Now I ask how does one know that? Some religions believe neither in a personal God nor in heaven. Could this claim be based upon ignorance of world religions and false assumptions of an imperfect tolerant God and of goodness in man? Like a virus even one sin allowed into heaven would infect the whole. "There shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Revelation 21:27.
8. God entered world history as Jesus Christ. Philosophers such as Bertrand Russell can deny it but only show their prejudice. Besides the Bible secular writers furnish enough facts to outline many of the events in Jesus' life. More is known about Jesus than about undoubted persons such as Plato or Tiberius Caesar. The impact of Christ set the dates for the Western World. Further, it's simply impossible to extract the supernatural claims and elements in Jesus' life without rendering their historical content nonsense. Many eyewitnesses heard Jesus' claims to be God that were confirmed by His fulfilling ancient prophecies and performing multiple miracles. And many died in testimony that Jesus is in fact the God-man from heaven and the Savior of all who trust in Him (John 1:1-3, 14: 14:6). "The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven." 1 Cor. 15:47.
9. God's entrance requirement to heaven is faith in Jesus alone. Turning from sin that God hates to trust His Son who paid for our sin on the cross is God's way. Good deeds, being a good person, being sorry for sin doesn't make us perfect or holy before God nor fit for a perfect heaven. We can do good deeds with selfish motives, still have a rebellious heart, still not know or understand God's laws. We can't undo our bad deeds. And if we could get to heaven doing good deeds, Jesus never would have to be crucified. God's only way is Jesus. "A man is not justified by works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ" (Gal. 2:16). "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
10. Mindless molecules can't arrange themselves into men. No matter how much time takes place, stuff never produces order. Gardens uncared for become useless weeds. Life doesn't pop into being from non-life. Further, genetic limits won't allow life forms to become different forms.  If it were so we would see it happening today everywhere. If it happened in the past we would see it in countless  fossils in the geological record. Fact is that life forms appear and disappear in the geological column no different. The universe is running down, not building up. An impossible gap exists between man and the other animals (1 Cor. 15:38-39).  Can't we give all these facts open unbiased consideration? "God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." Genesis 1:26
11. The Creator of man's mind and body surely can communicate with him.  Deconstruction, reconstruction, or claiming the plain obvious meaning of a text means what you want it to mean is neither scholarship nor honesty. C.S. Lewis, who has studied and written myths and fables throughout his literary career, says his critics misunderstand his stories. Biblical events and miracles are written as sober history accepted as true by later biblical writers and by Jesus. Those who claim subjective interpretation expect us to accept it of other writers but to take them literally. "God spoke all these words, saying: I am the Lord your God, who brought you  out of the land of Egypt" Ex. 20:1-2. Jesus said, "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead." Luke 16:31.
12.  The Bible is God's final revelation. God gave us his Word to guide his people. He has confirmed it by multiple fulfilled prophecies and miracles. His true prophets and apostles endorsed one another. So all centuries later self-claimed prophets that contradict, alter, or abrogate God's previous message are false prophets and deceivers. They claim their teacher has additional revelation that supersedes the Bible. They often deceive using Christian terms with their own meanings. They deny the Trinity, Christ's deity, atonement, hell and set dates for Christ's return.
13. The Bible says Christians are to defend their faith. Jude exhorts us to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Several passages speak of this--Acts 22:1; 25:16; 1 Cor. 9:3; Phil. 1:7, 17; 2 Tim. 4:16. We're to be committed unto the Lord "and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed." 1 Peter 3:15-16.   
14. Defending Christian faith brings tremendous benefits. We're to glorify God in all we do and defending the faith does that big time (1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17). Giving objective logical factual evidence strengthens the faith of believers (Acts 1:3). Second century apologists corrected  pagan charges of atheism, incest and cannibalism as Christians were thought to eat the body of Christ. Misunderstandings of persons both within the church and without need correction.
Christians who never try to win others to Christ and live in an unchallenged environment may not see the need for apologetics. But their children attending secular schools likely will turn from the faith if not given good answers to the challenges they encounter.Winning persons to Christ is difficult when Christians can't give an intelligent response to someone's honest questions. Jesus is our mentor in defending Scripture (Luke 24:46-47).  Peter said,"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Matt. 16:16.
15. Fulfilled prophecy is one unanswerable evidence. We can make bets on who will win the ball game, but its uncertain. The Bible tells of future events short range so those living at the time can know it's of God as 20 signs given Saul that he would be anointed king (1 Sam. 10). It also tells of future events to occur centuries later so people living then can know they are of God such as Messiah's virgin birth, place of birth, sinlessness, death for sinners, and resurrection. Fulfilled prophecy doesn't exist in non-biblical religions. These events showed Jesus is Israel's Messiah and they can't be explained away. The great Jewish Messianic scholar, Dr. Alfred Edersheim, in his book, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah lists in his appendix 456 O.T. passages ancient Jewish writers applied to their coming Messiah. "Beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." Luke 24:27.
16. Miracles are a sure defense in their biblical context of prophetic credentials and claims. Jesus claimed to be  the bread of life when he fed the 5,000, to be the resurrection and life when He raised Lazarus, to be from heaven and He ascended into heaven before many witnesses. The claim Jesus walked on water would destroy science is nonsense. To call events natural doesn't discredit miracles--in fact it's necessary to recognize an exceptional event as a miracle. Nature's laws are subject to nature's Lord and there can be no law God can't use miracles any time it suits His purposes. Witnesses of Christ's miracles were always astonished which shows they were well aware of nature's laws. Skeptics must disprove God to disprove miracles. Jesus said, "This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent" (John 6:29).  Jesus is the God-man sent from heaven (Jn. 3:13, 6:33).
17. Jesus' sinlessness is unique. He was virgin born and overshadowed by the Holy Spirit to prevent corrupting his human nature (Matt. 1:18-24; Luke 1:26-37). Like us, he was tempted at all points only He never sinned. He explained sin clearly as moral impurity of heart--evil thoughts, thefts, false witness, blasphemies, adulteries, deceit, murder (Matt. 15:19; Mk. 7:21). Twelve disciples who observed him more than three years said he committed no sin. This can't be said of any other esteemed person--not Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Muhammad. Jesus dared to challenge his hostile critics to convict him of sin and they could not (John 8:46). This evidence has a momentous explanation: "He (God the Father) made Him who knew no sin (Jesus Messiah) to be (counted or imputed) sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
18. Jesus died to pay for our sins. It's all about God's grace and glory and nothing we can do or goodness we don't have (Eph. 2:8-9). God alone decides how He will save sinners and if there were any other way than Jesus paying the penalty for us, he would never have had to be crucified. "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God." 1 Peter 3:18.
19. Jesus arose again to make us acceptable to God and fit for heaven. Apart from the resurrection humanity would be without God and without hope. Jesus' resurrection assures us that there is life after death, that we human beings have dignity, that how we believe and behave counts as we will give account of our lives to God, and that  the world is rational and achieving God's purposes. We have the choice of life with our loving God or without Him in eternal darkness, tears, and torments. Skeptics through the centuries have desperately tried to disprove the resurrection but don't even come close. "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57.
20. Christian faith can't be explained away as delusions of the mind. Can God put thoughts in our minds? I don't see any way to show it impossible. Bible says both God and the devil can (Matt. 16:16-17; Acts 5:5). We dare not follow these Satanic delusions: Nietzsche said belief in God is dead and Christianity makes us weaklings. Darwin implied God is unnecessary and we are perishing animals. Marx's theory of economic equality makes us slaves in poverty under government oppression. Freud claimed faith in God a delusion of fatherly comfort.  Jesus promised the devil and death would not prevale against His Church  (Matt. 16:18; Heb. 2:14). I've read the back of the book that says the former things will pass away and God will make a new heaven and a new earth and live with his people in righteousness forever (Revelation 21). Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
All the evidence in the world cannot convince someone against their will. Evidences are tools to open our mind but only God can save us. Pray that God's Spirit will convict our sinful world and the Father will draw people to the point of trusting Christ (John 6:44; 16:8-11).  We can have a head knowledge but apart from God's gracious invitation reject Christ altogether (1 Cor. 2:14; John 1:12-13). May you be faithful and fruitful to declair and defend the Christian biblical faith boldly and lovingly and to confirm it in consistent godly living. Amen. God bless.
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Please feel free to link my blog to yours so that others you introduce to it may be won to Christ, or be strengethend in Christian faith and understanding. This is the most crucial thing we can do for others and to make a better world. Again, God bless you in your work of faith and labor of love ministry. By telling our friends and circles over the internet we reach people in countries all over the world with the message of life, hope, and love that only salvation in Christ can give.
See comment and articles below & on right side. God bless.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Does Tolerance Have Limits?

                                Does Tolerance Have Limits?

George was shocked to read in the newspaper of a new law allowing people to have sex with animals as long as the animals were their own and not stolen. It seemed to him that law put human beings on an even lower level than the animals. While walking through the meat market, Sue gasped to see real people on meat hooks being sold for food along with chickens and pigs. She asked the owner how he could do such a thing. He replied that people taste good when cooked and seasoned right and that they supply the nutrition our bodies need better than any other animal. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance--that's the buz word today.
Is morality merely a matter of individual perspective? Must governments arbitrary force unethical laws upon us? Will a prophet or dictator arise to force his God's way upon us as his slaves, or put us to death? Have we no way to verify good from evil? Will waring dictators turn our world over to the rats and roaches? It seems to be rapidly moving in this direction. I believe God has given us moral laws and will hold us accountable. Will you give my position in these four principles honest open consideration? Have you really thought out the consequences of tolerance?
A Created Universe Supports Every Bible Teaching Beginning with A Personal Ethical God. We know the universe is composed of  all these things: matter, energy, life, consciousness, intelligence and will. We couldn't discuss it if it isn't true. We know also the universe is expanding, running down in usable energy, that we can regress only to its beginning point, and that it all depends on a greater cause outside itself. The universe had a beginning and a beginner--it's irrational to suppose it had no cause meaning nothing caused everything.
That greater outside starting and sustaining cause must be an eternal, self-existing, unchangeable, immensely powerful intelligence and will. It is what we can call a personal Being or God. Further, as Creator, Sustainer and Owner of His universe God's will is law supreme and decisive. Now this fits well with the Bible's personal ethical God. Moreover, only one Almighty can exist.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (1:31). God made Adam first and Eve from Adam being the mother of all living (3:20). It's absurd to talk in genes and cells that no one would understand until modern times. God made only man in His image and likeness with dominion over His other creations that reproduced after their kind (1:25-6; 9:6).
All the Bible agrees with this including Christ the God-man (Gen. 2:21-22; 5:2; Psalms 8:4-6; 100:3; 1 Cor.11:7-9; 15:38-39; Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:5-6; Luke 11:50; John 17:5; Rom. 1:19-25). Dr. Geisler (Systematic Theology, Vol. 2. pg. 632)  lists 300 Bible references to Creation. It's clear the biblical writers had no concept of a mindless evolutionary process nor of thestic evolution. They believed in a living, loving, moral Creator God.
Now can we be fair and open minded about evolution, the alternative to creation? That everything arose from nothing by chance over time simply doesn't correspond with the facts. Molecules to genes is an impossible jump. Molecules have no consciousness, life, mind or will that they can arrange themselves into life forms, not even in fifteen billion years. Like the Bible says things reproduce after their own kind. We can see many varieties of dogs, horses, monkeys, and men but never see dogs turning into horses or monkeys evolving into men. If animals are changing into other animals, shouldn't we see thousands of such examples everywhere today? Are we for tolerance for  everything except what may be the truth?
 Let's face it, the gene pool won't allow it. And if it happened in the past we should see thousands of skeleton examples but we have only a few disputed specimens. Life forms appear and later disappear in the geological strata unchanged. Furthermore, there's no living animals with a partially formed digestive system or partially developed heart or lungs--everything at the outset must be completely formed and functional. And, no experiment proves evolution. So, if it all points to God and creation, why can't we be honest about it? Isn't  true science supposed to conclude what the facts suggest? Do we  have tolerance for these real facts of science?
God Has Acted Decisively in our World So We Can Know of His Presence. If an all-powerful, eternal Spirit exists everywhere even surrounds us this very moment, how could we know it? I suggest three ways. One is if God's prophets predict unknowable events that occur--like Jesus said Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed (Matt. 26:33; 69-74). Or, Samuel listed 20 signs Saul  would shortly experience verifying his being anointed king (1 Sam. 10).  Such unknowable fulfillment about persons, nations, and Israel's Messiah show God's knowledge and presence with us. Tolerance required we give this our honest consideration.
Another way is that God's messenger's do things normally impossible for nature or man to do such as immediately heal visible diseases or raise the dead. Miracles that defy nature's patterns abound in Scripture. The third way is for God Himself to appear to us, tell us in many ways He is our God and demonstrate both the above ways. This too Jesus, the God-man, did by healings, nature miracles, accepting worship, forgiving sins, commanding angels, showing divine attributes, and being transformed as light before His disciples. What more could we ask?  See my articles on Christ.
Talking about visible tests, Jesus miracles and prophecies serves that need and history is valid testimony. If we know we can accurately record events that transpire a day in our lives, that record would be true the next day and be no less true ten thousand years later. Jesus' apostles died torturous deaths in testimony there writings were true. Historians may accept two independent sources as verifying an event; the four Gospels, Acts, and the epistles are six independent sources verifying that Jesus is in fact the God-man. Honest mention of apostles faults and minor differences in the accounts further prove their integrity. More is known about Jesus historically than other persons such as Plato and Tiberius Caesar. Secular writers even give a sketch of events in His life corresponding to the Bible. See my other articles on history, prophesy, and miracles for more details.
Saying there is no God who can act in our world is not science--it's the dogmatic assumption of a closed mind. Honest science seeks the truth wherever it is found. No world religion but biblical Christianity furnishes such supernatural empirical evidence. It's absurd to ask Jesus to appear to every generation, do some miracles and die again on the cross so we can take pictures of it all for posterity? Jesus said that if we won't believe Moses and the prophets, neither will we believe if someone arose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Ironically, His resurrection is the best evidence of who He is mentioned in both secular and biblical history. Though brilliant skeptics have done their best to disprove it, or explain it away, they have not. See my articles on Jesus' resurrection.
God Has Given His Laws of How We Should Live and Will Hold Us Morally Accountable. Unlike many books, the Bible records both the noble efforts of God's heroes and their blemishes. It gives examples of how God uses righteous followers and how He punishes unrighteous ones and even uses them to punish His own people to awaken them to their sad end. God sends angels, prophets, apostles, evangelists, plagues, good seasons, great blessings, anything to get our attention and show us we need the Lord. We will be governed either by the loving God or by evil lying tyrants who likely will show us no tolerance.
God's nature demands moral purity of us: "Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God" (1 John 3:10). Nothing impure will be allowed into heaven (Rev. 21:27). Jesus said, "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man" (Matt. 15:19). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). A head knowledge won't save us. Jesus said, "You must be born again" meaning God must take up residence in us to enable us to live for Him(John 3:7). Jesus is God and God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Jesus as the Savior and Lord of us Sinners is the Starting Point. Jesus is God come into our world to save us (Luke 19:10; John 1:1-3, 14; Phil. 2:5-11). As God, He alone provides our authority, truth, dignity, freedom, morality, justice, love, ultimate purpose, and eternal life beyond the grave. Why deceive ourselves with other options that can't satisfy?  Who loves us enough  to volunteer to suffer the indignities the Savior did for us?  He was ridiculed, cursed, slapped, beaten beyond recognition, crucified naked before glaring crowds to take away our sin, make us right before a perfect God, and give us entrance into a land more beautiful and wonderful than we can ever imagine?
Do we prefer some demonized Hitler to humiliate and destroy us, our people and our land rather than Jesus? Without Jesus it can become an insane world with no limits to what it will tolerate. Human conscience and compassion can become inoperative--believe it! (Lev. 18:21-24; 1 Tim. 4:2). I beg you to trust in the only One who really loves us and can make all things new. If we don't bow to Him now in love, we will  bow one day in tears and judgment (Rom. 14:11-12). Say, Lord Jesus I trust You now to cleanse me from all sin and enable me to live that holy life pleasing to You until You come for me or I die and go to You. I  won't be degraded by when others I don't show tolerance. I want your way, not the way of tolerance that is displeasing to You.
Now tell everybody you can about the Savior. You may download this blog, tweet it, and send it to a lost and dying world on it's way to hell. This is the best thing we can do for others and to make a better world. Thank you and God bless you sincerely my dear reader. You may link my blog with yours and help others find God's love in Christ. Just check file then save and send in upper left corner.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Myths about & Realities of Heaven

                          Myths about & Realities of Heaven

The Bible mentions three heavens. One is the atmosphere around the earth or our sky. Another is outer space where the planets and stars are. The third is the abode of God. It may be some place in space or in another dimension--we don't know.
In this article I will discuss some myths or popular misconceptions about the new heaven on the new earth. Then the realities are things we're accustomed to on earth that will be missing in heaven greatly to our benefit. God has promised to make all things new. Praise God! 

The Myths.


Myth that heaven's inhabitants just sit on a cloud playing a harp. That's the Hollywood fantasy. It conveys the notion that there's nothing to do eternally but sit on a cloud playing a harp. But the Bible says God is always active doing great things and we will be also in service to Him and enjoying it always (Rev.22:3).  Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Don't allow Hollywood demons to deceive you.
Myth that heaven is an unchallenging, dull, boring place. That's like mistaking heaven for a kind of hell. As God is the Source of all goodness and love, heaven is the most beautiful, exciting, sociable fulfilling place our Lord prepared for us (John 14:1-4). It's paradise restored even more exquisite than original Eden. We will see angels, meet loved ones again, and rejoice with persons God used us to minister to and bring to Christ. Though Paul was taken to the third heaven, God wouldn't let him tell of its wonders beyond human imagination. They will be part of our joyous service to our loving Lord.
The alternative is darkness and aloneness, except perhaps in hearing the despairing moans, cries, and torments of all who rejected God, His goodness and love.
Myth that heaven is only a place of rest and contemplation. Yes, there is a heavenly rest, but it's not referring to idleness but rest from all the persecutions, tribulations, and sufferings the evil Satanic world system and its followers have inflicted upon God's people trying to live for Him (2 Thessalonians 1:4-9). Rather, it will be God's new world order.
Myth that heaven's only idealistic escapism. We naturally want to escape injustices, frustrations, failures and troubles of this life?  Strong believers in heaven work for a better world here and receive great reward there (Hebrews 11; Matthew 5:11-12).  See my four articles on Christian Heroes. But willful rejecters of God  here, to their horror find the torments of hell with  their father, the devil, inescapable (John 8:44-45). God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Myth that heaven has dull music. Mark Twain, the American humorist, said heaven's music would be the same dull hymn repeatedly. I don't believe he was in any position to know and I suspect he may now wish he could be within the sound of heaven's music. Heaven's music like everything else will be designed to give God's people's greater fulfillment than they ever could imagine. It won't be sensual music to excite and entice us to do evil, but  praise and rejoicing music expressing love and gratitude for all the goodness of our Lord. Heaven's alternative will be the moans, cries, and agonies of unholy rejection, lost opportunities and painful experiences amidst God's wrath (John 3:36: Matt. 8:12). Atheist philosopher, Bertrand Russel, said life ends in unyielding despair. Even worse, the despair is unending! But in Jesus, heaven's alternative is a loving God with His redeemed people.
                                         When we've been there ten thousand years,
                                               Bright shining as the sun,
                                        We've no less days to sing God's praise,
                                              Than when we'd first begun.
Myth that Peter guards the pearly gates. How many jokes have we heard about meeting St. Peter at the pearly gates? This is a fantasy based upon Matthew 16:18-19. Peter himself, explains that Christ is the Church's foundation (Acts 4:11-12; 1 Pet. 2:4-10; 3:18; 1 Cor. 3:11) and head (1 Pet. 2:25; Eph. 5:23).  Every church has authority to discipline its erring members (Matthew 18:15-18).
Myth that believers become angels with halos and wings. In no place does Scripture say that. Even the angels that appear to men are not described with wings. But in new bodies like Jesus, we may be able to go through doors and quickly appear in other places. God is good. 
Myth that time shall be no more. I love that old hymn that says "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more" but it just isn't true. Revelation 10:5-6 refers to the tribulation plagues on earth before Christ's return. The angel with raised arm is taking an oath to delay the plagues (not time)  no longer. Now where there's life, there's change, movement, a past, present and future and that's what we mean by time. Time doesn't cease in heaven but goes on forever in blessed experiences for God's true people.

The Realities.

No Temple. No temple is needed since God is everywhere (Revelation 21:22).. No further need for building funds, furniture, decorative objects, lights, heating. We will worship God in spirit and truth. God will be the ever present light of the world so there will be no more night or further need for the sun and moon and no more danger and fear in darkness. In God is no darkness at all.
No Sea. Almost three quarters of our planet is covered with ocean. Ancients feared sea monsters, storms, shipwrecks, exile, pirates, separations from loved ones that may never return home. No such fears and deprivations will exist on the new earth. And earth's topography will be radically altered. Our new world will be able to contain billions of inhabitants. But we will have a beautiful clear river of the water of life flowing from the thrown of God with the tree of life along its banks bearing twelve fruits every month (Revelation 22:1-2). 
No Death. Sin brought death and the curse on all nature (Genesis 3:17; Romans 5:12; 8:20-22). The earth will be cleansed from sin by fire and the elements melt so that there will be no more curse (2 Peter 2:10-13). The passage mentions the heavenS so apparently the whole universe will be transformed. Without sin there will be no need for soldiers, wars, police, jails, courts, judges, lawyers, security guards--it will be a very different world more wonderful than we can imagine.. 
No Pain. The benefits of doctors, hospitals, dentists, medicines won't be needed in heaven. We'll have no diseases, deformities, backaches, colds, forgetfulness, tiredness, pains of any kind because we will have perfect bodies (1 Cor. 15:35-51). But they will be similar to our bodies now so that we will recognize each other. Moses and Elijah were recognized on the mount of transfiguration. Physical differences as size, shape, skin color, appearances and all such things will never be a problem with God's loving, rejoicing people. WOW! What a world.
No Tears. In this life we shed many tears. Accidents, deaths of family and friends, lost loves, rejections, disappointments, failures, mistakes, sins, deprivations, griefs, depressions and on and on. God will wipe away our tears and make all things new (Revelation 21:4). Whoopee!
No Hunger or Thirst. The tribulation believers are promised what applies to all God's redeemed that we will never hunger or thirst again (Rev. 7:16). What a promise considering the starving millions with bloated bellies in Africa, India and indeed all around the world at times. Apparently, we won't have to eat with our new bodies but can if or when we want to--there will be no lack of delicious food. Praise God!
No Shut Gates. Absolutely amazing what the Almighty Creator is preparing for His redeemed people. A great city on earth 1400 miles square (Rev.21). Such a building would cover three fourths of the United States east to west and be way up above the clouds. It has rooms a plenty for all those who trusted in Him from Adam until the city descends to earth. There will be some from every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Rev. 5:9). The new heaven and earth will doubtless contain billions of inhabitants. What a joyous celebration?
Here's a Bible fact we must face honestly. Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Many other passages say similar things (Rev. 21:27; 22:15). That's God's Word, not mine. Again, God loves us enough to tell us the truth. 
We must examine ourselves to see if we are truly Christians believing and obeying God's Word. We can have a head knowledge like the demons and go to hell. Which do we really love, our self and our sin, or the Lord Jesus who died to remove our sins and enable us to live a holy pure life for Him?  
Many naively assume since we can't be perfect God will accept us if we even try. That's not what God's Word says. Sin separates us from a perfect God and perfect heaven. This is life's most crucial issue and delay can prove fatal. Won't you say, Lord forgive me and transform me to Your ways. I now trust in Jesus as paying the penalty for my sins and with Your help and guidance live for You.
If you made this commitment, then 1 Corinthians 6:11 describes your new state in Christ. You are now washed, set apart for God, justified in the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God. Amen. You may link my blog to your and tell others of God's love and salvation.