Questions that Test Christian Faith
Dear friend, if one person has
a right to their beliefs, we all do, as we’re a common humanity. But I realize
we humans are afraid of truth for it may make demands upon us we dislike. I believe with all my heart people
neither are soulless dirt nor recycled energy but beings of dignity and destiny.
I’m commissioned to share this and to obey and honor the Lord I love most who loves me. We must speak truth in love but unavoidably some take offense. If you understand and are interested in crucial life issues and people being saved rather than just light chitchat, send these articles to others selectively. Encourage them to work through the questions. It will enable them to see the logic and foundation of the Christian system of beliefs or worldview.
Your honest answers and working through this list of questions will give you a clear understanding of some of the most crucial issues of life. http: //www.
.I’m commissioned to share this and to obey and honor the Lord I love most who loves me. We must speak truth in love but unavoidably some take offense. If you understand and are interested in crucial life issues and people being saved rather than just light chitchat, send these articles to others selectively. Encourage them to work through the questions. It will enable them to see the logic and foundation of the Christian system of beliefs or worldview.
Your honest answers and working through this list of questions will give you a clear understanding of some of the most crucial issues of life. http: //www.
Challenging Question One-line Summaries of Many of My Articles
Is the opposite of true- false, and of right-
If truth is NOT what corresponds to reality,
can there be a lie?
Aren’t true statements (e.g. the earth is
round) the same for everybody, everywhere, at all times?
If the universe constantly changes with no
outside source, can any statement be absolutely true?
Does the universe operate on the principle
of cause and effect and can it give what it doesn’t have?
Did the universe originate without a cause, order
from an explosion, life from nonlife, mind from the mindless, personality from
the impersonal, information without an informer, or morality from the amoral?
If the universe is an effect, could its
cause be an unlimited, eternal, all-powerful unchanging, self-existing God?
Do the parts of things that change go out of
Can man made gods of wood, metal or stone
know, care, or do anything in our behalf?
Can world religions that claim many gods,
two gods, one god, a limited god, no god, or the universe is god, all be logically true?
Can there be two or more identical gods, or more than
one Almighty?
Is treating others, as you would want them
to treat you (the golden rule) practical expediency, an absolute law, or what?
Does an ethical act require an absolute
ethical standard to be more than human opinion and be judged ethical?
Can mindless molecules arrange themselves
into men if useful energy of the universe dissipates, only life produces life, no experiment
shows one life form can change into another (worms to snakes or monkeys to men),
the gene pool is fixed, mutations are destructive, millions of needed
transitions don’t exist, a common designer can explain evolution, and it’s only
basis is a naturalistic preference that denies God?
If survival of the fittest is nature’s law,
does that encourage people to live lovingly and ethically?
Does the dependent dissipating universe give
evidence of an infinite personal ethical God?
Does beauty in nature and conscience in man suggest
anything about God?
Is there design in nature (e.g. DNA
arrangement & the anthropic principle), and could it suggests a great
designer--a mind and will?
Does denial of a personal ethical God and of
an afterlife destroy the basis for human dignity, absolute morals, truth, and
lead to chaos, a tyrannical police state of laws, and maybe a blood bath of
Should we base our lives upon sayings of a
wise man, Hindu holy man, someone who claimed an angel spoke to him, or a sinless
God-man, who fulfilled many ancient prophecies, performed many miracles,
promised believers eternal life, died to save sinners, and arose from the dead?
Do human evils (sins) and natural evils (plagues)
prove there’s no God, or are there better explanations? What might they be?
what we learn from nature (universe) correspond largely with what the Bible
says about God?
If God knows everything past, present and future so that to Him all is predestinated, does that have to mean we have no free will, or only that God knows our free will choices in advance as may Bible prophecies seem to establish?
Are we in large part the cause of our
problems but blame other people and things for our mistakes, bad choices, and
wrong doings?
If God were the infinite ethically perfect
person and standard, would these be sins against His nature and will--
ingratitude, self-righteousness, rebellion, idolatry, demon worship, Wicca, fornica- tion,
adultery, divorce, homosexuality, sex with animals, human abuse, incest, to lie,
cheat, steal, lust, rape, murder?
If God made us for a love-trust relationship
with Him issuing in obedience, would just admitting His existence or worshipping
Him occasionally be all that’s required or constitutes relationship?
Could a Creator come among us as a sinless God-man
with a message of love, forgiveness, and eternal life?
Are pangs of conscience just social
conditioning, just guilt feelings, or the effect of real evil actions against
an absolute standard and knowing Person?
If a loving God controls nature, could miracles
and revelations sometimes suit His
If centuries earlier Jewish prophets said their
coming Messiah would be virgin born, in Bethlehem, sinless, perform miracles,
be God with us, die for people’s sins, arise again, and if Jesus alone did such
things, wouldn’t that be good evidence Jesus alone is the Messiah and a God-man?
If Jesus claimed to come from Heaven, exist
before earth, forgive sin, return to earth some day, judge all men, and was
crucified on charge of a mere man claiming to be God, doesn’t all that show he did claim to be God?
If Jesus walked on water, turned water to
wine, healed every disease immediately, raised the dead, said he was God, and
ascended into Heaven before many eyewitnesses, wouldn’t that show he is God?
If Jesus’ apostles were astonished at his
miracles, repeatedly rebuked for unbelief, given power to do miracles
themselves, risked rejection and persecution for writing about them, and
experienced torturous deaths for claiming it true, wouldn’t that be good
evidence it is true?
Does any sacred literature describe a founder
of religion that says anything like the Bible says of Jesus--sinless God-man, atoning
risen Savior and coming Judge?
If Jesus showed he is God from Heaven, claimed to be God's only way to Heaven, died to save and cleanse sinners for Heaven, arose and ascended before 500 eyewitnesses into Heaven, then aren't Christians unbiased, fair, tolerant, truthful, and most loving to insist only repentent believers in the Lord Jesus Christ go to Heaven?
If Jesus died on the cross, was buried in a
sealed guarded tomb found empty 3 days later then appeared 12 times to
skeptical disciples who touched him, ate with him, discussed God’s kingdom, and
500 eyewitness saw him ascend into Heaven, doesn’t that assure us (1) he is the
sinless God-man, (2) all he said is true, (3) and all who trust in Him have
eternal life?
Would an all-powerful morally perfect God approve
of evil doers or allow them to corrupt His perfect Heaven?
If the Lord Jesus gives us forgiveness, love
for others, power to serve Him, and Heaven-- is anything better?
If the Bible teaches true faith decides Heaven
or Hell, but our acts and motives decide our degree of rewards in Heaven or torments
in Hell, then isn’t every moment of life abundantly purposeful?
If we earn Heaven by our good deeds and
lifestyle, why does the Bible say it’s God’s
gift, not good deeds, one sin condemns us, makes us unacceptable to a
perfect God, unfit for a perfect Heaven, that Jesus is the Savior, the only
way, His death paid for our sins, we must trust Him alone, and be born again of
the Holy Spirit to go to Heaven?
REMEMBER these articles may
put persons in danger. If you know interested persons, prayerfully and
selectively email, mail, phone, or fax them these articles. You may thereby do the greatest thing of your
life and for eternity.
Let me select just a few good
books that discuss the topics above. The Bible. Without a Doubt, by Kenneth Richard Samples. Many Infallible Proofs, by Henry M. Morris. The Case For A Creator, by Lee Strobel. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, by Phillip E. Johnson. What Darwin Didn’t Know, by Geoffrey
Simmons.The Collapse of Evolution, by Scott M. Huse. The Christian Combat Manual;
Defending Your Faith, both by Dan
Story. Handbook of Christian Apologetics,
by Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli. Why
I Am A Christian, Edited by
Norman L. Geisler & Paul K. Hoffman. True
For You, But Not For Me, by Paul Copan. Exploring The Myths That Could Destroy America, by Erwin W. Lutzer. World Religions, edited by Dean C.
Halverson. Cults, World Religions, And
You, by Kenneth Boa. The Kingdom Of
The Cults, edited by Ravi Zacharias. Islam
And The Bible, by David Goldmann. They
Must Be Stopped, by Brigitte Gabriel. He
Walked Among Us, by Josh McDowell & Bill Wilson. I’m Glad You Asked, by Kenneth Boa & Larry Moody. The New Atheism and the Erosion o f Freedom,
by Robert A. Morey. What IF The Bible Had
Never Been Written? and What IF Jesus
Had Never Been Born? both by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist,
by Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek. The
Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics, edited by Ed Hindson & Ergun