By the Numbers

Friday, July 20, 2012

Could We Be Mistaken about Hell?

                                        Could We Be Mistaken about Hell?

If God is love and mercy how can He cast people into hell? An unending hell at that? How can He  punish serial killers equally with innocent persons in a lake of fire? I couldn't be happy in heaven knowing my loved ones were burning in God's torture chamber! Didn't Jesus teach forgiveness? Few preachers even mention hell today. Maybe they realized it's all wrong and got ashamed of it.
I don't want you to think I'm an arrogant, closed minded, know it all emotional coward unwilling to listen to reason. If you somehow think there's a case for hell, I'm willing to hear it. Put it on me!
I thought you'd never ask. If we're honest thinking persons, God can open our minds and hearts to see things we've never imagined before. I pray this will be the case now. Many arguments from both reason and the Bible show the reality of  hell. I'll list them by numbers. Thank you for your patience, open mindedness, moral courage and intellectual integrity.
1. Earth's Injustices Require Hell. A world in tears screams for justice. Dictators murder countrymen they swore to serve. Men rape helpless children. Ruthless swindlers bankrupt couples of life savings. Human justice systems never achieve full justice. Any indignity from trashing streets to destroying nations occurs. If  justice is ever to be served, it requires hell to bring it about.
2. God's Justice Requires Hell. Only a perfectly just God can insure justice is served. The Bible is clear, God knows all circumstances and judges everyone according to truth and impartially. Fact is, if there's no personal ethical God who cares about us and we're just perishing animals, justice ceases to mean anything.  Life then frees us to do whatever satisfies our desires. Like with other animals, life simply is eat or be eaten. God's principles of justice are truth, deeds, impartiality, conscience, and the gospel are in Romans 3.
3. Jesus Preached Hell. Jesus preached hell more than others, more than heaven. Jesus lived in a multicultural world as we do today. He said hell was more serious than losing an eye, hand, or foot. Could the Lord Jesus be wrong about preaching Hell? Aren't believers to follow His example? Should we be ashamed of His preaching it? Or, rather ashamed of our not obediently preaching the whole counsel of God  (Acts 20:27)? I rest my case? See Jesus' mention of Hell (Matthew 5:29-30; 10:28; 11:23; 13:40-41; 13:49-50; 22:13; 23:15, 33; 25:41; Mark 9:43-48).
 4. Life's Meaning Necessitates Hell. If there's no life after death, and we're just perishing animals, what real meaning is there to life? But if we must face a holy God and give account of our life, then every thought, word, and deed has serious consequences. We better be careful how we live. We know the holy fear of God. Now this is exactly what the Bible teaches. See Galatians 6:7-8; Romans 2:5-6; Psalm 9:17.
5. God's Love Demands Hell. Sentimentalist's idea of do good but don't judge or condemn evil is a huge mistake. Not to judge and punish evil is to allow evil to overcome and destroy good. How can we truly love good and not correct or disarm the evil that destroys it? Civilized peoples put criminals away to protect citizens. Likewise, is God less civilized to confine evil doers to stew in their own juice?  Further, all God's commandments, laws, warnings, and judgments are expressions of His love. What loving parent would not warn their child not to touch a hot stove, an electoral outlet, or not look both ways before crossing a street? If there is no penalty for evil, then good and evil cease to have meaning. Warnings of hell show God's love is real and given to save us from disaster and from hell. Hebrews 12:5-9; Psalm 119. God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
6. God's Love Rejected Requires Eternal Hell. God will forgive, reform, restore, and save all who trust in Him and His way (John 3:16, 36; 10:10). But prideful, selfish, rebels who want to do their own thing contrary to God cannot stand before a perfectly holy or ethical God. "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an eternal unforgivable sin (Mark 3:29). Persons fixed in rejection of God continue their unacceptable ways in Hell (Rev. 22:11). Hell is said to be just as everlasting as God and heaven (Matt. 18:8; 25:46; 2 Thess. 1:8-9). The wicked are not annihilated--words such as perish, destroy, waste, cease to exist, burn up mean ruined of their intended purpose being separated from God. It's like a totaled car that's ruined and junked but not annihilated. Besides, hell's degrees of punishment exclude the idea of human extinction. Jesus loves us, this we know for the Bible tells us so. Hell is our choice, not God's will (2 Peter 3:9) .
7. Human Freedom Requires Hell.  God gives us the choice  to accept Christ and heaven or to reject Christ with the alternative being Hell. A loving God can invite but not force Himself on us. Love can't be forced for force would destroy our dignity, and would dishonor God. But God invites us to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-7; Matt. 7:7-8; John 3:16-17). And, "if anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine" (John 7:17). We are without excuse as God can't force His love on us but whoever will can seek Him and find Him (Matt. 7:7-8).
8. Heaven's Existence Requires Hell. Indeed, there can be no Heaven without Hell. The Bible doesn't say God does away with the wicked (annihilation), but rather allows them their own way whose consequence is Hell. They have hated God and His ways insisting on their way as best for them, so Hell is the natural and logical alternative (Matt. 25:46). Not wanting to sing God's praises in life, they would not want to in Heaven either. They really reap what they sow (Galatians 5:19-21; 6:7). And God is fair in giving those who trust His promises, seek to live for Him and love His appearing will be rewarded with a home free of every kind of evil (Rev. 21:27; 22:15).
9. Heaven's Happiness Requires Hell. If the redeemed in Heaven cried over the the wicked in Hell, that would make a Hell out of Heaven. But the Bible is quite clear there will be no tears, death, sorrow, or agony in Heaven, all that is in Hell (Rev. 21:4). When God's true people see their Lord, they will be conformed to His image understand things exactly as He does (1 John 3:2-3). But the unredeemed would be miserable in Heaven and turn it into Hell. They didn't love God on earth and wouldn't in Heaven because they love darkness rather than light (John 3:19-21). In a real sense, God is merciful to let incorrigible rebellious sinners have their own way. Their abode is self-chosen darkness, tears and torment forever in accord with each person's sins.
10. Hell Said to be Degrees of Punishment. All sinners will not be punished equally. Each sinner's  punishment will be according to each one's works. Justice means that one reaps exactly what he or she sows (Gal. 6:7-8). A murderer deserves greater punishment than a liar though both sin. Just as Heaven has degrees of reward, Hell has degrees of punishment. See Matt. 10:15; 11:22, 24; 23:14; Mark 6:11; Luke. 12:47-48; Heb. 10:29. Some understand the lake of fire metaphorically  as God's wrath against evil (John 3:36; Romans 1:18). It will be degrees of shame, contempt, regret, torment, despair forever. But it doesn't have to be that way.
11. Human Conscience Implies Hell. All persons have a natural sense of fair play, justice, or right and wrong. We expect reward for good behavior and punishment for bad.  We may be silent or deny injustices shown others, but are quick to protest when they are shown us. Conscience makes no sense unless there exists a moral standard and an all-knowing moral Lawgiver and Judge, namely God. Conscience is an inner light leading to God if we follow it. Rom. 2:14-15; John 3:19-21.
12. God's Sovereignty Demands Hell. The Almighty who Created and Sustains the universe can have no opposition except He allows and uses it to suit His purposes. He upholds all existence--every minute particle of energy is at His command (Col. 3:16-17).  He has revealed most clearly in His Word that Satan and sinners will be caste into hell. Death and disease will be done away with (1 Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 20-21). God is very patient, but His wrath can wait only so long. A day of reckoning must come (Rev. 20:11-15). Please trust in the One who loves us more than any other.
13. God's Glory Is Confirmed by Hell. God is jealous of idols usurping His rightful place.We are to prefer nothing in our lives before the Almighty. It's not His will that we perish, but we do by living unholy lives.  We're proven wrong choosing other things above the greatest thing. Hell vindicates God's justice, truth, rightness, love, grace, mercy in His victory over evil. And apart from the Fall and God's eternal plan, we could not understand or appreciate His glory and worthiness.  Some say the wish for Heaven is illusion for it seems too good to be true. But they wish Hell's the illusion since it's so bad they don't want it to be true. Is it worth taking a chance? Delay can prove fatal.
14. Jesus Alone Saves from Hell. Founders of world religions may make wise sayings and unproven claims--for example about angels and life after death. But only Jesus claimed to be sinless, the Savior of sinners, the God-man from Heaven, the way to Heaven, and the One who will judge us for sin. Only Jesus gave visible evidences to substantiate His claims being fulfilled prophecies, miracles, transfiguration, death for sinners, resurrection, and ascension. No other religion has anything comparable. I'm not against people of other religions--I just pray they will be saved.
15. The Church's Mandate Requires Hell. Jesus said He had all authority and for His followers to make disciples of all nations, to be fishers of men, to represent him as ambassadors, and that He is the  truth, life, and only way to Heaven (John 14:6; Mark 8:38; Luke 19:10). To reject Him or refuse the light that leads to Him results in eternal Hell. We who know Christ should be ashamed of our cowardice and disobedience in not telling others in a humble, respectful, loving way as our Lord commanded (1 Pet. 3:15-6). Sharing Christ is the best thing a Christian can do for others. My readers may download my blog articles and share them with others.
16. The Bible's Authority Requires Hell. Hell is usually the first Bible teaching doubters deny. It's a mistake to think we can deny or ignore Hell and maintain other Christian teachings. Like a line of dominoes when the first is toppled the others follow. Not punishing sin makes God an imperfect untrustworthy Being. No Hell makes a Savior of sinners unnecessary. No Hell floods Heaven with unredeemed sinners and corruption. The local church becomes only a social club of do-gooders. The gospel, evangelism and missions are a waste of time and money. Each person is enthroned as their own authority and it doesn't matter what you believe or how you live. The world is without God and without hope. Could that be true with you?
17. Christ's Cross Demands Hell. There was no other way (John 3:16; 14:6; Acts 4:12), no greater love. Jesus lay down His  human life to save us.  His death paid for our sin, satisfied God's justice, opened the door to Heaven. He was beaten, cursed, ridiculed, and crucified naked before the world giving His all so we could live eternally, could be made acceptable to a perfect God and fit for a perfect Heaven. To reject Jesus is to choose eternal  Hell. We must not pass up life's greatest opportunity!
18. Tearful Compassion Proclaims Hell. Christians have been deceived and diverted by multi-- cultural opponents. We must prayerfully weep over the erring ones, care for the dying, lift up the fallen, snatch them in pity from sin and Hell. Pray God will send revival and renewal to His erring church. We may be in the last hour of the last days, but that only means we must work harder. We've a factual message to tell to the nations that can turn their hearts to the right. Lets do it!
19. Speculative Philosophies and Religions Deny Hell. Religions philosophies make dogmatic claims beyond limited human knowledge. Atheism claims to know  there's no personal ethical Spirit called God. Agnosticism does the same thing to say we can't know or don't know about God. Pantheism denies sensory experience and rationality to claim we'll be absorbed in a god of universal energy. Finite godism says God is too limited in either power, knowledge or love for us to be sure of any outcome. Panentheism claims an evolving bipolar god that isn't trustworthy or worth serious consideration. Recent so-called Christian cults twist Christian terms and teachings to teach their own ideas. Non-biblical religions are only human guesses. Feel-good preachers don't declare sinners need a Savior. All such claimants in effect deny Hell by their unwarranted and conflicting claims. Let's not be deceived.
20. Fact and Logic Confirm Hell. Unless we believe the absurd notion that nonexistence can explode into everything, the universe is the effect of an eternal, self-existent, powerful, creative intelligence and will like the God the Bible mentions in Genesis 1:1; Ex. 3:14; John 1:1-5, 14; Heb. 1:1-3. A creator of everything has no problem taking on a human nature and body. Both Bible history and secular history tell us Christians believed Jesus was God. Only an anti-supernatural bias can deny it. Jesus fulfilled ancient prophecies as a virgin birth, performed miracles, claimed to be God with us, and best of all  died to pay for our sins. Although His tomb was guarded and sealed, He arose from the dead and said all who trust in Him have life eternal. This is God's good news for you and me and our most serious issue of life--Hell is the alternative!! Please turn from darkness to light, from self and Satan to the Lord who gave Himself for us!
My reader friend, thank you for your time. Won't you say yes to the Savior who will save you from Hell, give you a new life, a new hope, a new love you never dreamed possible. All our problems won't be solved or all our questions answered. But eternal life is offered us to trust the Savior of us sinners. Say, Lord Jesus, I trust you now to forgive my sins and make me your servant now and forever. Amen.  Lord, bless and use my friend. May he/she share this good news.