By the Numbers

Monday, October 8, 2012

Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus

                    Every Knee Will Bow Before King Jesus
We're very busy doing things we feel crucial and essential to us. But will these things count or just be shameful wasted time when we bow before King Jesus to give account of our lives? Are we too busy to think about it, to know about it, to even care about it? Do we even believe it's true? We will all bow before King Jesus someday to give account of our earthly life.
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11). The Lord will laugh at the nation's kings coming against Him who are told to kiss the Son lest He be angry" (Psalm 2). All intelligent creation will worship King Jesus as Lord.
We lose cells from our body every day. Ever notice the thin skin, protruding veins and discoloration on elderly person's hands? They hold objects and wash their hands millions of times shedding cells yet the skin on their palms is still smooth, thick and clear. Why? Did mindless nature know we need increase cell production in our palms? No, it's impossible! It's a God thing as are a million other things all around us, if we take time to think honestly about them. Now allow me please to mention some things that will immensely count when we stand before the King of kings and Lord of lords to give account of our lives.
King Jesus died to save us from a fruitless wasted selfish life. Speaking of the sheep of which Jesus is their shepherd, He says "the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"John 10:10. Here we may liken this to false teachers and teaching that would steal Christ's followers away, or kill and destroy them with their teachings. But Jesus came to give his people a better life. Not one wasted by trivial or destructive pursuits. His suffering on the cross for our sin showed His real concern for our well being and should motivate us to live a life pleasing to Him, not one of empty waste and shame when we bow before Him in judgment.
King Jesus has all knowledge, wisdom, love and power that we need to help us. Unlike the rulers of this world more concerned with themselves than with their people, Jesus our Creator and God knows what we need and has resources in abundance to provide. But He never said it's going to be easy or that we will be popular, loved, and accepted with the evil world. As it rejected Him, it will reject us who try to live for Him. This requires great faith and courage to persevere in trials and temptations to avoid tobacco, alcohol, drugs, unholy sex, gambling, theft and anything that can trap us into a destructive lifestyle out of His will and purpose for our lives.
 By prayer, study of God's Word, and fellowship with God's believing people, we draw strength and courage to live Godly lives and have great rewards throughout eternity. But Christ rejectors perish in darkness, punishment, tears and torments from the lifestyle they have chosen and brought upon themselves.
King Jesus gave us instructions to guide us into an ennobling honest productive rewarding life. The "new atheists" claim God and the Bible are evil and dangerous. But if  they are as these atheists claim, how could the Bible become known as "the good Book" and God as "the good Lord"? People knowing the Bible for centuries never thought what the new atheists claim. It's only in today's world of gross Bible ignorance that people can accept such claims. 
Consider a few Bible statements. Jesus says the two greatest commandments is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself"--is that evil and dangerous? (Matt. 22:37-40). "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men . . . live peacefully with all men" (Rom. 12:17-18). "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 17:21). "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law" (Rom. 13:8). "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all" (Gal. 6:10). "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Gal. 5:22). I could easily provide a hundred other like statements of Bible teaching. Those who ignore and misrepresent Bible teaching to malign biblical Christianity have little honesty of conscience. They are the ones who I'm afraid are evil and dangerous. 
King Jesus would have us ask if humanists, socialists, pragmatists and Islamists will help or hurt us as individuals and as nations. Atheist humanists who deny God and exalt man are dogmatic and arrogant to degrade us as mere perishing soulless animals who are justified to live on a self-centered animal level. Marxist socialists promise economic security that is complete government control of our faith, family, and future driving us into economic poverty. It's dialectical materialism provides an excuse to use any adverse national situation to usurp more power and control over our lives. It has never worked in Russia, China, Cuba or elsewhere. Their citizens sought to escape such oppression in the land of the free and home of the brave. Where can they go now?
Pragmatisists, like atheism's just mentioned, seeks an immediate fix usually of throwing citizen tax money at projects that may not work with little concern for future consequences. They advocate a world government run by dictators who claim they know enough to solve the grave problems they created.  Islam's law is another government dictatorship to control every aspect of our lives.  Politically correct means we're not allowed to question anything these dictatorships  say. The Quran claims Muslims don't have to keep treaties or agreements with non-Muslims and are at war with them until the world becomes wholly Muslim. They may lie, kill and do anything that promotes the faith of Allah. Now here is a most serious thing: These above philosophies are taught as truth every day in public schools in the U.S.A. and around the world. 
The upcoming youth have been brainwashed in these ideologies for decades and are taking leadership positions in government, science, industry, entertainment, the arts, news media, and courts. Are persons who believe in human decency, freedom, and opportunity going to stand up, speak out for truth and righteousness, or sit on their hands and let further decay take place?  Nations fall into decay, moral and spiritual poverty and hardship when their people become lazy, indifferent, and cowardly. Freedom and humanity cost a terrible price. Are you willing to fight for your dignity and freedom? Ignorance and indifference will be no excuse when we kneel before King Jesus. It may be very soon!
King Jesus will win in the end of course since He is the only real King. But God allows us sinful human beings the freedom to make our own choices and reap the consequences. Our leaders may be corrupt and betray us, but we can do something to change it's course if we will. We can pray and trust God's promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14. We can vote not for a certain race, or skin color, but for persons who honestly love God, country, and their people's well being. Another thing we can do is link these articles on our internet blog and tell our friends about them. Of course, the biggest thing is to make King Jesus Lord of our lives. God bless you and your concern for truth, your moral courage, and human decency.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!

                        We Are Not Merely Perishing Animals!
The foundational question facing humanity is this: Are we mere animals living in an eat and be eaten world? Don't all worldviews say that somehow our lives will cease to be? If we're only more evolved animals within nature, then wouldn't we perish like the other animals?  Consider the following five worldviews and you decide.
1. Evolution is the belief mindless molecules arranged themselves into all life forms. This seems to be the basis of almost all non-biblical worldviews. It assumes anything can happen by chance given enough time. It assumes life spontaneously arose from mindless chemicals. It assumes all life forms evolved from molecules to man. It assumes natural selection and mutation are the mechanisms by which it all takes place. It assumes this is all scientific fact and no personal Creator God is necessary to explain the world. It says believers in God (theists) mistakenly assume a God of the gaps to explain what is completely natural. It seems worldviews conclude in one way or another that we are merely more evolved perishing animals. But not so with biblical Christianity.
Evolutionists cannot show each step in the ongoing process which would be the real proof. They show only disconnected fossils and a few disputed hoaxes. They cannot conduct experiments that demonstrate evolution occurred. They point to miner genetic changes within an animal and extrapolate this means that one animal can change into another. They ignores both scientific and  biblical evidences that seem to preclude evolution.
2. Atheists claim no god of any kind and no eternal soul exists. Atheists go under different names that put emphases upon different factors. Materialists say all is matter and nothing really spiritual exists. Naturalists claim nature is everything and nothing supernatural or outside nature exists. Physicists think that nothing beyond the physical or metaphysical exists. Secularists believe things called sacred are only superstitious ignorance. Humanists feel man is the height and standard to measure all else. Further, atheists claim to use the scientific method of observation and experiment which is the only sure way to knowledge. Evolution is the basis for atheism.
Atheists claim to be reasonable and scientific whereas others are not. They say evils disprove the existence of a good and powerful God who would eliminate such evils. And galaxies and planets outside our solar system, germs that kill millions, dinosaurs, and cave men all prove evolution and disprove God. Moreover, Christians are hypocrites who don't live as if they know God.
I'm not saying atheists are necessarily bad people.They may be respectful good citizens, friendly lovable people who try to do good, and may even appear more descent that some Christians or persons assumed or think they're Christians. I am saying that atheists and others don't have the foundational principles biblical Christianity provide that work to make a better peaceful loving world. Moreover, we none understand and apply our worldview consistently in all life situations.  
Human knowledge is a small dot in the huge circle of universal knowledge, so isn't it a bit arrogant for anyone to claim a Godlike knowledge that he knows there's no God. And if God were to eliminate all evil, wouldn't that mean all of us?  Wouldn't God show patience, mercy and grace to allow us multiple opportunities to admit our wrong doing and turn to Him for forgiveness and blessings? Perhaps God was more concerned with  His people having a loving relationship with Him than knowing about other galaxies and planets which they were not in any position to understand anyway.
The Bible says God created a good world and disobedient rebellions man corrupted it that brought disease germs and death.  I'm convinced dinosaurs probably are what were known in China and Europe as dragons and were probably killed off by man and weather conditions. Some men live in caves today but that doesn't make them primitive and had ancients built houses do you think they would survive? Ape-men are evolutionists reconstructed biased  imagination. The real evidence is for the God-man of the Bible. See my articles: Atheist Arguments Answered. Ape-man Or God-man? Human Evolution--Did We Climb from the Slime? How Scientific and Open-minded Are Darwinists?
Further, the scientific method of observation and experiment assumes logical reasoning, accuracy of our senses, honesty in research and reporting, all of which are only shown to be certain in the Creator God of the Bible. Moreover, experimental method cannot decide crucial issues of history, beauty, morality, human dignity, freedom, and life after death which are decided by other means.
Also, death only shows there is no life in the body, not that it can't have gone elsewhere. The brain is not the mind and soul is not matter. Serious differences show this. Physics textbooks never mention anything psychological, mental or spiritual. Brains can be weighted; thoughts can't. Brains can be dyed, minds or souls cannot. Matter is extended and has weight, souls have not. Matter just exists, but mind remembers and believes things true or false. Let's be real!
3. Polytheists believe little gods evolved from nature that can fight and die. Ancient peoples believed  gods evolved out of nature. Popular Hinduism believes in many gods. These gods care nothing about people and must be offered sacrifices lest they cause people harm. Mormons claim even people can become gods. But where are all these gods that we can know they exist? Mere claims they exist sure don't convince me. It would take eyewitness experiences and supernatural acts to demonstrate these gods exist. They are unlike what we have in Jesus the God-man. Isn't polytheism also a dead-in-street? And it's the outgrowth of pantheism.
4. Pantheists say that ultimately all is spiritual energy. Philosophical Hinduism, Taoism, Christian Science, New Age are forms of pantheism. Everything is god or a part of it, but it's all illusion like a wave that returns to the sea and human personality evaporates into energy, force, principle, nirvana, Brahma, or whatever. Moreover, pantheists live as though things they deny are very real. Self is absorption into universal energy and really was only an illusion.  
5. Biblical Christianity is different. It's difficult to see how Bible texts allow for evolution or even theistic evolution. Since I've discussed the biblical texts in articles mentioned above, here I want to explain the crucial differences Christian faith makes in this life and world. Rather than destroy us, the Christian worldview gives us life and hope. God created us in His image and likeness for relationship with Himself. Let me briefly mention the superior human advantages God gave man in His image that other worldviews deny or have no foundation to uphold.
(1) God made us  directly with dignity. We didn't crawl up from slime or lower life forms, but were made rational, moral, immortal persons at the outset. Adam could walk and talk with God who visited him in human form. He could name the animals recognizing their essential natures and no helpmate was found among them. We exhibit many characteristics that show an insurmountable gulf between us and the animal kingdom. We can produce literature, art, philosophy, science, write history and invent things that animals cannot. And best of all we can have loving relationship with our Maker.
(2) God gave us family. Both the man and woman were made in God's image. The man's stronger physique shows his role is to provide and protect. The woman bears children to further extend the human race. It's so apparent it's God's design that denying it is open rebellion.
(3) God gave us absolute truth. God gave our first parents the command to take care of His garden which applies to our earth today. Clearly, what God told Adam and Eve was known, understood and to be obeyed. What the all-knowing Creator and Sustainer says is absolute truth that no human subterfuge can discredit.  We know our senses furnish data and that our minds can organize, describe and know reality. It's not an illusionary world in which we're absorbed into universal energy as pantheists claim--it's a real world God made for us to care for and enjoy. There is no secular truth and religious truth--all truth is God's truth that corresponds to reality.
(4) God gave us free choice. Unlike animals we're not governed by instinct. God made us for loving relationship with Him and with each other. His commandments and instructions are for our good, but we can choose to obey or disobey them. God in love warns us of consequences if we don't obey and gives us multiply opportunities to turn from selfish rebellion to humble loving forgiveness, acceptance and restoration. As Randy Alcorn says: God loves us enough to tell us the truth.
(5) God gave us equality. We're quick to notice human differences and claim we're superior or better than other persons in some way. It may be race, gender, tribe, caste, position, nationality or whatever. But biblical teaching is that we're all descended from the same parents, and have the same blood. Geneticists studying DNA have now established that all peoples have descended from one female and one male living in the same region. Of course we differ in looks, intelligence, size, shape and so on but before God we are to be given the same equal respect and concern. To follow this would eliminate greed, hatred, wars.
(6) God gave us morality. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil lest they die. Only one tree they were to avoid in a garden of a great many trees they could freely eat. God wasn't being mean to deny them the fruit of this one tree; it was to test their obedience and trust in Him and His word. Loving parents likewise warn their children of the harmful consequences of bad behavior. Thus the Bible is filled with good advise as well as prohibitions and warnings. Deny the personal ethically perfect God of the Bible and anything is permitted--anything!!
God putting our parents out of His garden of Eden was again an act of mercy and love. God didn't want our parents to eat of the tree of life and their descendants be condemned to live in eternal separation from Him and the loving relationship He wants with us. Moral rules are God's principles for our well being. Jesus' Golden Rule of treat others the way you want to be treated would eliminate slavery, theft, deception and general human abuse. Isn't it most reasonable that the Lord who made us knows what's best for us?
(7) God gave us human government. Government is ordained of God and necessary to keep us from the evil of harming ourselves. We have a selfish evil tendency to hurt one another so  restrictions must be placed on evil doers as with theft and damage to property owners. The purpose of the state is justice and well being for its people. Laws and taxes are necessary but must be limited so not as to put citizens in slavery and poverty. Natural law should reflect God's law. The Bible uses a limited flat tax on Israel to encourage human incentive. Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people.

(8) God gave us Himself. While we were sinners, Christ died for us. He was made to be sin for us that we might live unto righteousness. There can be no greater demonstration of love. Love doesn't force, it invites and you're invited to trust the living risen Savior for eternal life. No other worldview can compare with that!
(9) God gives us hope and offers us eternal life. The things mentioned above explain the Christian worldview that enlightens, encourages, ennobles us and provides and secures our well being. Won't you say yes Jesus save me from sin and hell and make me your faithful and fruitful servant. I admit my sin and trust You now and forever to live with me and guide my life. Thank You my Lord. Amen (so be it).
(10) God gave us a rational and purposeful world. God knows the end from the beginning, the good and the evil. It's all a part of His plan and for His greater glory. He is ever active though His ways are not our ways and often are hidden from us. But all will turn out for the good of those who love Him and seek His will. God progressively reveals His will in every age and set of circumstances to test our love and obedience. What other worldview can compete with biblical Christianity?
There will only be world peace and fulfillment when King Jesus sets up his eternal kingdom. Things  are unified and make sense only when we start with God at the top, otherwise all is chaos. Won't you join us good news messengers in sharing this information with friends? Perhaps these articles can be accurately translated. God bless you and your ministry.