By the Numbers

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What Might Objecting to God's Existence Really Show?

         What Might Objecting to God's Existence Really Show?
I'm going to be very honest and blunt. Even as a Christian I've doubted God's existence. Sometimes when things didn't go my way I felt God didn't act in the world and in my life. Do you sometimes feel that way? I tend to think a little bit and ask questions. I like to tell jokes but can be serious too. Well, allow me to briefly discuss ten of the things I've questioned at one time or another. Maybe it's possible you have doubted them too. Often my objections are indirect but still go to the central question of God's existence.
1. Science has disproved religion. How can that be when science boasts it demonstrates by experiment what's real and what isn't? What scientific experiment shows there's no God, miracles, Jesus can't be God, no soul-life after death, and all the rest the Bible teaches? Not all sciences can demonstrate their conclusions by repeatable observable experiments such as archaeology, geology, sociology. Moreover, science must be based upon rational explanations and honest reporting which makes sense only if a rational ethical standard of a Creator God exists. I believe honest objective research shows true science is on the side of Christian faith, not against it as some like to claim.  Beware that scientists sometimes teach their own philosophy that's not true science. See my articles on science.
2. Angels are a myth. Really! I haven't surveyed the planet or it's history that I can say angels don't exist. Certainly, if God made man and the whole universe, angels would seem to be a minor achievement. Now unless angels have wings, I can't honestly say I haven't been visited by them sometimes. But just because I haven't seen or recognized them doesn't prove anything. And, believe me, some of the utterly stupid things politicians do that harm the people they swore to serve and protect convince me demons (fallen angels) are alive and well, and that spiritual warfare and turmoil is a very real and serious worldwide problem. 
3. The Bible can't be the Word of God. Have I questioned things in the Bible? You bet I have and still do! I don't have all the answers. But the more I search, the more problems I discover have adequate answers. A good scientist doesn't give up or throw in the towel just because he encounters problems. It just means he has to work harder and try to keep an open mind of other possibilities he yet doesn't understand. We naturally expect difficulties, understanding that the Bible was written in  ancient times, other languages, and cultures. And if God breathed His truths into His prophets and apostles to record, we think it imperative that He tell us so. So, the Bible says God spoke to men thousands of times. Moreover, there can be no higher authority than our Creator, Life-giver and Judge. See article: Bible Errors or Critic's Errors? Doubts Can Have Good Honest Answers, # 1, 2.
Now in studying other worldviews, I'm increasingly convinced no other comes near biblical Christianity. Only Jesus is the perfect God-man, who in love for us was crucified to pay for our sins, arose again from the dead, and who offers us eternity in Heaven to all true believers. See my article: The Christian Worldview Makes Sense.
4. So many different religions prove none of them are true. Yes, this is a problem. But only on the most superficial level. Anybody can claim a new or true revelation, or to have talked with God, His prophet, or angel. Many make such claims. Further, we don't want to hurt people's feelings, especially our parents who raised us in their religion. We don't like to leave our friends, our comfort zone, and all their advantages. And, if we have heard only one view and never questioned it, we have no reason to think otherwise especially if we're threatened to convert to something else. So there are reasons for so many religions as we all don't have the same experiences or think alike. 

BUT, can any religion be true? There can't be thousands of gods, only two gods, one God, no god, or the universe be god?  If any one religion is true, then all that oppose it have to be false. Why do I say biblical Christianity is the true one? Because it furnishes evidences the others do not such as fulfilled prophecies, eyewitness miracles and above all the God-man who came into our world, died for our sins, and arose from the dead.. Founders of world religions can make only subjective and hearsay claims--they can't show anything like objective Christian evidences or provide the basis for human dignity and destiny.
5. But prophecies can be explained in other ways. We can recognize trends and alleged fulfillments must be history claimed as prophecy, or artificially fulfilled events, or ambiguous language taken as prophecy. Then, consider this: The Persian king Cyrus was mentioned by name a century and a half before he lived in 538 B.C.. He decreed Israel return to rebuild her temple in fulfillment of Isa. 44:28; 45:4; Ezra 1:1-3. Further, King Josiah was predicted by name to destroy the non-Levitical priests of Bethel 300 years before it occurred (1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kin.23:15-20). The Bible also mentions things centuries before science discovered them such as the circle of the earth (Isa. 40:22), that life is in the blood (Deut. 12:23), and quarantine as means of sanitation to prevent diseases (Lev. 13). You will not find such definite prophetic fulfillments like these in other religions.
The Bible predicts hundreds of detailed events fulfilled at a later time. Such things are  impossible to guess, artificially fulfill, or explain away. The prophets and apostles risked ridicule, torture, and death to substantiate these things as God's truth. No amount of fancy skeptical rhetoric can discount it as lies. It's God's evidence to us of his acts in our world. And when we get close to Him we can even see his acts in our own lives.
6. Miracles violate the laws of nature. Now how could I know that, unless I can prove there's no Creator God in control? I do know that nature behaves in certain patterns. I can't walk on water, fly without wings, jump out of a twenty story building and gently float to the ground. But if nature has a Creator and Lord, he could enable me to do such things. Because I haven't experienced miracles, doesn't prove others haven't. Even if 99.99% of the world's population haven't experienced them, that still doesn't prove they can't happen. God may allow prophets to perform miracles only at certain critical times and places that suit His purposes. Miracles were needed for Israel to believe and leave Egypt.  Miracles were necessary to show people Jesus was God's Son as He claimed.  In  essence,  it  depends on whether we accept nature or God as in control. It seems arrogant to assume we know everything when we don't even know what may be happening in the next room. 
Biblical miracles are physical exceptions to nature's normal patterns. They are necessary to get our attention and show God is Lord of His creation. How else would we know? They were performed by known spokesmen of God for a redemptive purpose who often risked their lives. Eyewitnesses,  knowing nature's laws, were shocked and  unable to discredit them. They were unlike other claims to miracles said performed by the gods away on Mt. Olympus that were bizarre freakish things as moving statues, seven headed snakes, or Neptune rising to blow ships across the sea. 
7. God never answers my prayers. So often I have felt like that! But how can I know that? God's answers may be yes, no, or later and may take a form unimaginable and that meets my needs rather than my desires. I'm forgetful and don't keep a diary to check.  But  I've had events occur that were so improbable and in line with my petitions that it gave me reason to believe God had answered my prayers. For example, Trish and I lived in the 16th story of a high rise with my mother who had Alzheimer's. Mom would wander out of our apartment and get lost when we were asleep or unaware.  We prayed earnestly about what we should do. One night she told us three times we should put her in a home since she didn't know what she was doing. We looked at several places and found a beautiful ideal place only two miles from us at a most reasonable cost and that we could check on her frequently. I believe God  helps me write these articles in answer to prayers. They surprise me as I'm not that smart. Praise God who alone deserves the glory.
8. Things didn't work out the way they should have. To be honest, I'm still a sinner, selfish, ignorant, rebellious, maybe even bias and arrogant to think my way is right. I've discovered my way is often not God's way. I've had to learn some humbling and needful lessons. Things didn't turn out the way I think they should have. Why didn't I marry that first girl I loved who loved me? Why did I have a divorce? Why did I go nine years to college and never seem to succeed at anything? Why did my sons turn out the way they did? Questions! Doubts! My understanding is like a grain of sand on the beach of God's infinite knowledge and wisdom. I hope and pray I'm learning to trust and obey Him. Thank God that although Bible characters sinned and made serious mistakes, He still loved and used them. It's that way with us too, when we don't understand. Praise the Lord!
9. God is love so there's no Hell. The Bible does say God is love (1 John. 4:16). But  it also says God is holy, just and powerful who will punish evil. Three things bother me at this point. (1) If we can accept God's love but reject his holiness that is to destroy the Bible's authority on any teaching since holiness is just as clear and definite a Bible teaching as love. (2) And, if God is love but not holy, then evil has free reign to destroy all that is good. In other words, its like saying let all the killers, rapists, robbers and such run the streets to do what they want, they shouldn't be put away or punished; let the devil have his way. How on earth can we call that love or good? In effect, it destroys both a  happy secure earth and Heaven as well (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Rev.21:27). (3) Further, true love doesn't simply caste sinners into Hell since we're all imperfect by God's perfect standards and deserve Hell. True love according to the Bible respects our dignity and freedom in God's image to choose the God life or to reject it. Hence, love can't be forced and must willingly accept the means God has provided for us to be saved in his Son paying for our sins on the cross (John. 3:16; 36).   Love and justice, Heaven and Hell are simply two sides of the same coin and each person's works decides their own rightful or just degree of reward or of punishment. See my article: How God Shows Love.
10. It's unjust for God to pay for my sins. We're the guilty sinners and Christ committed no wrong. But the Bible says that Christ suffered for our sins the just for the unjust to bring us to God (1 Pet. 3:18). God decides what's just and unjust; apart from God there is no standard. We can never undue the wicked things we've committed and that condemn us before a perfect God. So God in love paid our punishment physical, moral, spiritual so that we can be counted pure, holy, righteous, forgiven, forever free from sin's penalty. It's called grace, unconditional love, justification. It's God's right to solve our sin debt by showing both his justice and love working together. No other world religion can compare with or demonstrate either.
What then do objections to God's existence prove? I think such objections show that we can be ignorant, self-centered, arrogant and often in pain. It's been true with me and I don't believe I'm an exception. But it's the last thing in the world we may be willing to admit. It makes no sense to hate a nonexistent God because an earthly father wasn't loving like the Heavenly Father who sent his Son to die for our sins. When we're atheists, we just need more love. See my article: The Christian Worldview Makes Sense.
Now God invites us to come clean confessing we're sinners or else we will weep, whale, and gnash our teeth in agony away from God in eternal darkness. God offers us a home in the city of light with Him as His people (Rev. 22:1-6).  Won't U say, merciful Lord, forgive me, come into my life as my Savior, Lord and Guide forever.
If U did that in faith, U just became a citizen of the city of light waiting to one day see Jesus. Now work for your Lord telling others about Him. Become a witness of Jesus and a computer missionary telling friends to tell friends. "Lord, use us to tell others to receive your gift of eternal life and make a positive contribution to this world despite all our hangups, sins, and mistakes, give  us faith and courage to obey you in this most precious opportunity." We love You.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Is Christian Faith A Lie, Or Reasonable?

                        Is Christian Faith A Lie, Or Reasonable?
Despite our human differences, genetic science now confirms that we descended from one original pair that lived in the same area. The Bible gives us their names as Adam (from the red earth) and Eve (mother or life giver). This establishes that all their descendants share the same dignity, same rights, and are entitled to the same respectful concern and treatment as human beings.  If it's inherently right for one person, then it's right for all persons. Ridicule and disrespect shows bad manners, a hateful spirit, and suggests the agitator has no evidence against his opponent's position.  
Doesn't our common humanity show we all have the same right to think,  ask questions, and evaluate whether what's told us is true or false? How else can we ever learn and grow?  Now the opposite of true is false. So any statement that corresponds to the real world is true-- any that contradicts it is false. Some claim we can't know absolute truth, then expect you to accept their claim as true. Don't we all make mistakes, have misunderstandings, forget things, be misinformed, be illogical, and be told deliberate lies? If we never question a person's claims or ask for evidence to show them true, we surely will be taken advantage of  and  be deceived many times, perhaps in  serious matters of life and death.  
We love and respect our parents and teachers who taught us their religion in utter sincerity believing it true. But there are hundreds of conflicting religions all claiming to be true. If we've never examined it with honest questions or asked for reasons to confirm it as true, how can we be sure it is? Did we just happened to live in the right place, have the right teachers, and get the right religion? If our faith is true or of God,  shouldn't we be able to answer persons questions and give honest reasons to show our beliefs can stand testing?
As we all have the same right, I'm exercising my human right to express my faith, give evidence in its support, and challenge other belief's that seem to me false and detrimental. I'm a Bible believing Christian and believe no other world religion can stand testing as can Christian faith. See my other articles for fuller discussion of these issues. But let me now give answers to possible misunderstandings made about biblical Christian faith. And thank you for your honest consideration.
Christian Faith Is Unscientific. The first great scientists and inventors were theists and/or Christians who believed a loving God gave the world to explore and utilize for human good. Just a few on the long list are: Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur, Isaac Newton (even wrote Bible commentaries), Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, George Mendel, Lord Kelvin. And many today are working in fields of science. Textbooks fail to tell us their Christian background and beliefs. They leave the wrong impression that scientists must be atheists.
The Christian faith is that a rational God created a rational world that can be understood and utilized  that made experimental science possible. Greek philosophy didn't encourage experimentation.. Superstitious religions thought nature to sacred to tamper with or the gods might punish them. The biblical God is what enables us to make sense of things and call all space and time a universe.
Christians Can't Prove God. If you mean God must submit to repeatable, measurable, controlled, observable experiments, you're right. God is not likely to pose for our cameras and interviews, nor to be seen with a telescope or be put under a microscope. Christians believe God is Spirit and present everywhere. And, as Lord, we must come to Him on his terms. The Almighty is perfect in every way and He requires we come humbly confessing our wrongs and trusting Him for salvation. Atheists and skeptics who demand proof by experimental observation are simply arrogant and foolish.  Other sciences such as  archaeology, geology, sociology can't experiment and observe either.
 Different methods are necessary in other fields of knowledge such as history and law.  Atheists would have to have all knowledge to deny God, but don't know what's happening in the next building or around the corner. Based upon creation, conscience, and Christ, fair minded objective seekers of God have found such arguments reasonable once they were willing to submit to the Lord on his terms.
Belief in God Evolved from Belief in Spirits (animism) to gods (polytheism) to one God (monotheism). This is what some evolutionists have claimed. But extensive research has shown that even the most primitive peoples believing in spirits in plants and animals, still know of the one high God but feel alienated from Him. God's apostle Paul wrote they are without excuse since they do not like to retain God in their knowledge and turn to a debased mind to follow corrupt things (Romans 1).
Evolutionists Claim Science Is Fact, But Religion Is Faith. Again, if fact means experimental observation, evolution is faith as well. Nobody was present to observe when the universe began or that nothing of itself can explode into everything. No one observed gases condense into planets. No one has observed life evolve from the ground. Nobody has observed one kind of animal change into another--only that there are varieties of the same kind of animals--horses, monkeys and men. Moreover, all the once touted missing links are now admitted to be either monkeys, fakes, or real men.  Such evolutionary claims are simply faith, and the claim that future research will prove evolution is again faith.
 I believe Biblical Christian faith rests on much better more reasonable grounds. When we refuse to allow God into our thinking, we are forced to fill in the gaps with speculative evolution.  Moreover, we destroy the basis for human dignity, absolute truth, ethics, and experimental science. What a tragic loss evolution's legacy gives the world.
Christian Beliefs Are Contradictory or Wrong. Persons saying  Christianity is nonsense, not factual, contradictory, or wrong usually deny the Trinity, or Christ as the God-man, or some moral issue they disagree with. But have they honestly tried to see things the way Christians see them? See my articles, The Great Mysteries of The Christian Faith; Faith, Reason, & Revelation; The Professor's Surprise about Miracles; Doubts Can Have Good Honest Answers #1, #2.
We Have A Later Additional Revelation.  Several Bible passages warn us of  additional revelations that supersede God's authoritative Word. Jude instructs us "to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints . . . ungodly men who turn the grace of God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 3-4). Apostle John says, "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also" (1 John. 2:22-23). He again warns, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John. 4:1).
In strong words, Paul warns us, "If we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed" (Gal. 1:8). "Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:19). Apostle Peter said, "Christ also suffered  once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God" (1 Peter 3:18). Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). God's final Word is that only the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus can save us sinners from Hell.  What world religion can compare with that? NONE! NO, NOT ONE!
Since Christ's apostles, many false prophets have come with their additional revelations claiming they supersede, annul, or abrogate crucial Bible teachings. Usually these include denying the Trinity, Jesus as God's Son in the flesh and only way to salvation, salvation by grace, heaven and hell, setting dates for Christ's return. These false teachers condemn unknowing innocent persons to sinful living and hell. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15).
So I feel it imperative to mention some more aggressive ones, and/or their leaders and dates of beginning. Islam; Muhammad (AD 622); Jehovah's Witnesses (1879); Mormonism, Joseph Smith, Jr. (1830); Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, (1954), Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy (1875); Hare Krishna, (1965 based on Hinduism of 16 cent.), Thanscendental Meditation (Hinduism 1917); Baha'i World Faith, (1844). These are only a few of hundreds if not thousands of deceivers claiming to have a revelation of ultimate truth who want to imprison us in their false philosophy.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6. "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life (John. 8:12). No one but Jesus ever claimed to be God, died for sinners, arose again,  and offers all who believe eternal life (John. 10:28-33).
Won't you say, Lord, I trust You this moment as my Lord and Savior to live for You forever? Now share this with family and friends. Get with other believers. Tell them about these articles and to tell others. God bless your conviction and your courage.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can  He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not, I will not desert to the foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no, never, no, never forsake! Amen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God's Promises to Guide Us

                             God's Promises to Guide Us
Trials dark on every hand, And we cannot understand
All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed promised land;
But He'll guide us with His eye, And we'll follow till we die;
We will understand it better by and by.  Hymn When the Morning Comes by Charles A Tindley

Of great concern to committed Christians who love God is this question: what does my Lord  want me to do? I've struggled with this from my youth on since I became a Christian. I never found it an easy thing to know and felt like socking persons who seemed so certain they knew. I've asked a thousand times what should I do and what can I expect God to do? Of course I read the Bible,  what preachers and theologians said about God's guidance, and prayed, even fasted. I know the Bible lists of things we should do and shouldn't do. The Bible also gives us principles to guide us in doubtful matters such as will it please God, or  will it cause others to stumble. But what about important details such as should I go to college, get a job, join an armed  service, or maybe get married? Then the question becomes: What college? What job? Which military service? What possible spouse? 
Like I said above, I'm still struggling and don't claim to be an expert on anything, but hope my remarks will be of genuine help and assurance to you. I pray continually  that my Lord guide me to write helpful and honest articles.  Please pray for me as well. Let's consider some Bible texts and examples.
God's Covenant Promises in Abraham's Life (Genesis 12:1-25:11).
Jews, Christians and Muslims claim Abraham as their spiritual father because he proved his faith through life's great--really impossible--difficulties.  A step at a time he trusted  God's promises shown in making painful sacrifices such as his turning from idols, leaving home, country, brother Nahor's family, giving Lot the best land, refusing  riches rightfully earned in warfare, refusing as potential heirs Lot, Ishmael, then willing at God's command to sacrifice promised child Isaac believing God could raise him from the dead (Heb. 11:19). He  received God's repeated promises and blessings such as great riches, name change from  great father to father of nations, son in old age (100 years). And yes, he made mistakes as going to Egypt during famine, telling Pharaoh and later Abimelech Sarah was his sister, and taking Hagar as a wife. God, giving him choices, tested his faith and commitment repeatedly as he does ours. 
Let me suggest some lessons we may draw from this. God blesses and uses us when we turn to Him from idols--whatever separates us from God. Sacrificing things dear to us demonstrates our faith and love for God. As believers we make serious mistakes that have costly consequences. Even then we have God's forgiveness, restoration and provision. God keeps His promises though we may not see any possible way they can come true. Faith progresses a step at a time though it may have many setbacks. Though God keeps his promises, it is in His time, His way and not ours. Philosopher Soron Kierkegaard was wrong to call sacrificing Isaac "a leap into the dark," since Abraham tested God's promises multiple times and found them true--it really was a further step into the light. And just as God blessed those who blessed Abraham and cursed those who cursed him in his day, we should heed that promise and that warning to our nation and to our lives today.
Joseph, the Interpreter of Dreams (Genesis 37, 29-50).
Jacob's sons hated their seventeen year old brother to the point of trying to kill him. Jacob favored Joseph as his beloved Rachael's son of his old age, and gave him a princely tunic.  Joseph had  one dream of his brothers and then of his parents and brothers bowing down to him. And Joseph informed Jacob of his brother's misbehavior. When Jacob sent Joseph to check on the brothers sixty miles away tending the flocks, they saw him coming and plotted to kill him putting him into a pit. They dipped his fine coat in goat's blood to convince Jacob a beast had slain him. But Judah convinced them not to kill him hoped to rescue him later. But Joseph was sold as a slave to passing Ishmaelites going to Egypt.
The Ishmaelites  sold Joseph in Egypt  to Potiphar the captain of  Pharaoh's  guard. Potiphar saw the Lord  prospered all Joseph did and put him in charge of his estate.  Being handsome in form and appearance, Potiphar's wife kept asking Joseph to lie with her being by themselves in the house. He firmly refused saying he could not betray his master's confidence nor sin against God. She grabbed onto his garment, but he fled leaving it in her hands. She screamed to the servants and later told her husband Joseph attempted to seduce her who had Joseph put into the dungeon where the kings prisoners were confined.
God gave Joseph favor with the prison keeper who put him in charge of the prison. Finding fault with his chief butler and chief baker, Pharaoh had them imprisoned where Joseph was. Each man had a dream  to which Joseph said God is the interpreter of dreams (not Freud). Within three days the chief  baker (chef) was hung and the chief  butler (wine taster) was restored as Joseph said but he forget to tell Pharaoh of Joseph.
Two years later, Pharaoh had two dreams. Standing by the Nile River, he saw seven fat cows come up and be eaten by seven lean cows. In another dream, he saw a stalk of seven heads of good grain eaten by seven blighted heads of grain. This troubled Pharaoh who wanted an interpreter but none of his wise men could interpret. Then, the chief butler remembered Joseph who could interpreted dreams. Pharaoh sent for Joseph asking him if he could interpret his dreams. Joseph said, God has showed Pharaoh what He is about to do.  Egypt will have seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.  Select a wise man over the land to appoint officers and have them store a fifth of the grain in the good years to feed people in the bad years.
Seeing Joseph as God's wise man, he appointed Joseph ruler over everything except matters of the thrown and gave him expensive gifts--his signet ring, fine linen garments, gold chain around his neck, his second chariot, a Egyptian wife, new name and persons seeing him coming were to bow down before him. Joseph, seventeen years later, was now thirty and had two sons Ephraim and Manasseh who fathered tribes of Israel.
In Canaan famine was severe, so Jacob sent ten sons to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph recognized his brothers and remembered his dreams of them bowing before him. But they didn't recognize this mighty Egyptian who spoke roughly through an interpreter, asking about their father and younger brother, accusing them of being spies, and demanding they not return without brother Benjamin. He tested his brothers several times to see if their old hateful jealousy's disappeared. He revealed himself to them and later to grieving Jacob and revived Israel lived seventeen years with Joseph in Egypt and Jacob and Joseph were buried in Canaan. As God promised, Jacob had many descendants. Twelve tribes, as well as nations, kings, and Messiah came from Jacob.
What can we take away from all this?  Jacob's blatant favoritism spoiled both his life and his whole family. We can be a lowly slave but trusting God live in dignity, honor, and win respect. Sex is a powerful temptation that genuine  commitment  to God can prevent. Joseph's dream interpretations were no mystic's imagination--the predicted events occurred. Jacob (trickster) felt Joseph's death meant everything was against him, until Israel (prince with God)  discovered Joseph was alive and in fact that God was working for him all the while (Gen. 37:35; 45:28). Could Jacob have first mistakenly believed Messiah should come through Joseph's line instead of Judah's? Can a wrong belief sometimes be the cause of our problems?
We know God has a purpose for our lives as He gave us His guidebook (2 Tim. 3:16). We  couldn't endure a detailed instruction book, or have our every move programmed. That would destroy our dignity and zest, make loving obedience impossible, and make God a Tyrant. God wants our free loving response trusting Him to guide us even when we don't understand.  He may give us good times, or difficult times  may be necessary to get our attention, move us out of our comfort zone, or enable us to see our need of Him. Joseph's conclusion to his brothers was: "You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to same many people alive" (Gen. 50:20).
Who can show there is no God, or that He can't speak, or act in our lives? From an idolatrous culture to incredible sacrifices, Abraham confirmed God's covenant promises can be fulfilled. From an outcast slave to a foreign ruler, Joseph demonstrated his dream interpretations became real events, not a mere mystic's imagination. Known Egyptian names, offices, customs, and requirements further illustrate the truth of these events. Further, it becomes nonsense to explain these events as historical apart from God's intervention given in context. And later Hebrews accepted and rejoiced in them as their loving God's faithful deliverances (Psalm 105).
Many times I've felt no purpose in being  at a certain place, or doing some particular thing? I'm coming now to see why or how it could be God's preparation, plan and purpose for later and greater service. May God make you faithful and fruitful in your walk with Him and in sharing your faith even to internet friends yor may meet in heaven one day.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:5-7). Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass (Psalm 37:5). 