By the Numbers

Friday, March 7, 2014

What's The Abundant Christian Life?

                                          What's The Abundant Christian Life?
 #Christian-Life  #spiritual-fruit
Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it abundantly" (John 10:10). But some say, I don't see where Christians are any better off than I am, or have anything I would want! They seem to have the same problems, difficulties, sicknesses, unhappiness, and are no more perfect than me, maybe even worse in some ways. How can I ever think being a Christian is any better? Thank you for sharing your honest truthful thinking. It deserves good honest answers which I hope to supply.
Let me first say what being a Christian doesn't mean necessarily. It doesn't mean that everyone who goes to a Christian church, is a member in one, reads the Bible, prays, claims to believe in Jesus, or is even a preacher, is a Christian. Persons can do any of those things but still not trust in Jesus. They do these things to be socially accepted, join the church ball team, sing in the choir, have business connections, or for some other reason. So external things don't prove one is in right standing with God. I even know of preachers who were came to trust in Christ in their later ministry. For these reasons persons can take a negative attitude about the church and persons who aren't even Christians.
It means Christians like everyone else have problems, difficulties, sicknesses, unhappiness, and aren't morally perfect. Yes, Christian have struggles with all these things too and maybe worse struggles as opposed to the evil world system, the devil, and their own sinful nature. God has not promised to exempt Christians from these things, but will see us through them in faith  (Matt. 28:20)
It means Christians may not be more wealthy, successful, popular, wise, or talented than non Christians. Some may be, but others are not. Although true Christians should seek to be and do their best for the Lord. Moreover, Christians and non Christians may share the same external interests as sports, politics, school, work, and so on.
It doesn't mean a Christian will know, understand, accept or live by all the Bible teaches though the Bible as God's Word should be his or her authority for faith and practice. Christians are at different levels of maturity and understanding. Persons from dysfunctional homes have special difficulties. Bible teachers and preachers don't teach or emphasize all the same doctrines. Some Bible passages can be misunderstood or interpreted differently. There is room for differences on non essentials.
Let me explain how a person becomes a Christian and receives God's gift of eternal life. According to the Bible, to become a Christian we must first admit to a perfect God our wicked ways are unacceptable and they make us unfit for His perfect Heaven. Only then are we ready to trust in Jesus, God's holy Son and God's way to save us from our sending ourselves to a permanent jail, or rather Hell . We are warned repeatedly of separation from God and all His benefits (John 16:8-10; Rom. 2:14-16; 1 Cor. 6:7-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:27). The all-knowing God is love, and as such doesn't force but allows us our way to matter how selfish, stupid and destructive it may be.
But God will save all who are willing--"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31). Saving belief is trust in Jesus alone to cleanse us of sin and count us in right standing with Him (Rom. 5:18-21; 2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life (John 5:24 MacArthur Study Bible). Salvation is not just an intellectual admission Jesus is God and the Savior--even the demons believe that (James 2:19; Matt. 8:29). Real faith will make positive differences in our life (James 2:22).
Consider the radical differences in persons showing the lusts of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit which is the abundant life Jesus and New Testament writers discuss (Gal. 5:22-23). The lusts of the flesh consist of adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, hatred, murders, drunkenness, gossip, theft, and others. We put such persons in jail to protect society. Can we blame God for putting their burning evil passions away (Rev. 21:8; 27) to protect His Heaven? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. The fruit of the Spirit is the abundant life only achieved through true commitment. 
But why don't we see more of these wonderful spiritual qualities in Christian's lives? Unlike instinctive animals, humans have choice either to follow our sinful desires which lead to eternal torment in God's jail--Hell. Or, we can  yield to God's Holy Spirit that brings abundant life (Gal. 5:16-18; John 15:5: 16:16-18). Victory comes when we positively focus on our relationship with God and His grace, not on keeping laws which no one can keep perfectly (Phil.4:8). It is God who works in us to will and do His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). Trusting prayer and serious Bible study gives us greater insight. Patient waiting shows our faith and love for the Lord is real--like Job (James 5:11).
It's good to meditate and memorize passages that tell us how to have victory in Christ. But lots of factors go into how we behave, so that Christians are not always recognized. People can do the same things from purely selfish  motives and attitudes, or from a desire to please their Lord. While it's not always obvious, God is always working things our for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). Many Christians will testify they are not all they should be, but in Christ are far better than what they used to be. Thank God for His grace and glory.
But what if  there's no God and we are just soulless dirt. Or, that everything is god and we will be recycled into the energy of the universe. Both mean the world is an accident of chance, we have no real dignity, no sure basis for  right and wrong, and no ultimate purpose to live beyond the thrill of the moment--we're only somehow a more highly evolved animal. Biblical Christian faith is the record of God's entrance into our world who performed miracles, fulfilled prophecies all the while saying he is our God so we are without excuse.  Trust Jesus now as your Savior, Lord and Guide of us sinners and be eternally blessed.