Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
What we claim as fact, truth, reality is decided by what we believe is the ultimate or final authority for our beliefs. Equally brilliant and educated persons can reach opposite conclusions viewing the same evidence simply because they have accepted different starting points as the authority for their thinking. This can be shown with opposite answers to the above question. And people will attempt every possible explanation to justify their conclusion.
This seems to be the facts as I understand them. (1) Roosters must pregnant hens before they can have chicks. (2) Hens have a protein called ovacleidin 17 in their body needed for egg shells to form. (3) Hens must lay on the eggs 21 days to keep them warm to hatch. (4) Hens must turn the eggs over 3 or more times a day to be keep evenly warm to hatch. (5) The chicks peck their way out of their shell, and the hen protects her chicks sometimes taking them under her wings and by showing them how to get food and water. (6) Breeding chickens to produce better varieties introduces intelligence not found in nature, but even then chickens genetic makeup won't allow anything other than newborn chicks.
Now if we say the chicken came first, we are a creationist believing the Bible is our final authority and appealing to the fifth day of Genesis when God created birds, sea creatures, and every living thing to reproduce after its own kind as we see happens today (Gen. 1:20-23). Thus, the Bible is the creationist's final authority and starting point.
But if we say the egg came first, then we are an evolutionist claiming that is our final authority and starting point. Many in science today would claim evolution, but not all scientists do. Evolutionists have usurped every branch of science today and educational authorities attempt to deny creationists teaching positions in schools. What I don't understand is: If evolution is so overwhelmingly demonstrated as scientific fact, then creation teaching should be allowed, even encouraged, to show how false it really is, to settle the controversy. So let's be
clear about what we're talking about.
By evolution is meant all life forms are related biologically by common descent, being evolved by accident over billions of years from a single-celled common ancestor formed from lifeless chemicals. It's not that there can't be varieties of dogs and horses, or monkeys and men, but that every kind of life form reproduces after its own kind so there can be many varieties of dogs, but dogs don't change into horses, and many kinds of monkeys, but monkeys never evolve into people. Thus, the animals and plants we see today are descendants of the original ones God created though many have died out.
Now as a biblical creationist I have some serious problems with evolution that require good answers. Evolution has become the basis of many people's worldview that decides every issue of life and how we are to live. So we need to have a through understanding of the issues and consequences.
First, DNA is a molecule of instructions of what an organism is to become. Nothing (non being) can't create matter, and mindless matter doesn't spontaneously generate information. Mutations can't be the mechanism of change as they are only copying errors causing defects and never observed to add new instructions. The DNA molecule gives a library of information so its sender, must be an infinite mind, God. Yes, DNA in organisms can be almost identical, but what makes animals and plants different is their different DNA arrangement, not identical chemistry. All this can't be an accident of chance over billions of years as evolutionists claim.
Next, living cells show irreducible complexity like a city of biochemical machines working together. In multi-cellular organisms, cells are specialised performing different tasks enabling the organism to survive. The organisms different systems as digestive, reproductive, respiratory and it organs as eyes, legs, heart, kidneys, must all function together making it one functioning animal. If one of these systems or organs should fail, the organism would die. Thus, animals must be created complete and functional. Such complexity could never have gradually evolved by chance in billions of years. And this must be true throughout the whole animal and plant kingdoms.
Now the evolutionist usually says the chicken simply came from some earlier form of bird, but that's no satisfactory answer. That just pushes the question a step further back. And bird eggs must all be hatchet and have parents in conditions similar with hens. In fact, throughout the life kingdoms babies generally require parents to initially provide for them, especially human babies. Moreover, no reptile egg has been observed to hatch a bird. The evolutionist doesn't address the problem by saying the creationist is unscientific, stupid, ignorant, primitive, or that most scientists are evolutionists, or denying the Genesis creation account. Speculative arguments of future possibilities furnish no actual proof either. All such claims are evasions that don't answer creationists evidences and show a hateful disrespectful unchristian attitude.
Now there are yet other crucial problems with evolution that have dire consequences for our lives. Evolutionists claim there's no Almighty, all knowing, loving, personal Creator God, so there are no absolutes of truth and morals. Each person then is free to decide such things for him or her self. Now if no absolutes, how can an evolutionist claim evolution is true? No absolutes means nothing is certain truth. Has the evolutionist thought about the consequences of his claim of no absolutes and no higher authority as a personal Creator God?
Then, each persons becomes their own authority. There's no fixed morality or truth, just limited, conflicting, individual preferences. So alternative lifestyles are acceptable, and we're free to follow our desires. We then can have sex with anybody we like, lie, steal, and murder people we hate or just for fun. The only rule for animals in a jungle world is temporary survival. There is no God to tell us how to live or judge us, we're not responsible to anything but free to fulfill our desires. It's this life, then lights out, so why not have our fling? Traffic lights, prices on items, jails--and all such things are rules we really detest. We can give our own interpretation to author's books as well as everything else. It's my way, and my truth with each of us. Nobody is telling me what to do, I'm my own boss!!
If everyone applied the worldview of those who detest the biblical Christian worldview, this world would quickly become chaos, continual violence and warfare, a virtual madhouse of insecurity and insanity. Moral and epistemological relativism doesn't work, it's of the devil (John 10:9-10). Can we admit the truth? Certainly the world would be a lot better if everyone applied the Bible of our Creator God--Galatians 5:19-23; John 3:16-21).
Now I ask you, does the evolutionist really live by his philosophy? Or, does he borrow from the Christian biblical worldview of a personal Creator God? The Bible's God created us for a love-trust relationship with Him, gives us breath and abundant blessings. He invites us to a restored eternal paradise with Him. He sent His Son to pay for our sins, forgive and renew us in faith, love, hope, a meaningful life, and rewards our earthly service. Persons who can only see rules, punishments, and Hell misunderstand Bible Christianity alltogether. They have an arrogant know-it-all attitude, and their only concern is a self-centered desire to have their own way.
Of course, if we drift rebelliously toward the evolutionist's way, the world becomes a madhouse of violence (Gen. 6:5-8). So government, or whatever has power, must impose rules and authority on everyone to prevent chaos and continual warfare. Honestly, who would want such a world? It's terrifying and unliveable. Human life will have no value, no hope, and death is lights out. The truth is that the evolutionist doesn't really live as if the world is a jungle and we are all animal predators, hoping only for temporary survival. He feels guilt and shame deep down, even if he won't admit it. So he borrows human dignity and morality from the Christian biblical worldview and its Creator God.
Now space limitations forbid much discussion. But if all is relative, then there is no uniformity or dependability in nature (Gen. 8:22), everything is an accident of chance. Further, if all is only material having no mind, how can we know that the immaterial laws of logic are true, and that our senses and memory give us true information, or that we even have a soul? Evolutionists are without a factual foundation. They borrow from the Christian biblical worldview, as do others of a non-Christian worldview. They have limited conflicting imaginings, just fooling themselves in their self-centered arrogance. We really have no common ancestor, but do have a Common Designer and great purpose, hope, and love in Yeshua or Jesus.
What then if the Bible's Creator God is absolute truth? Then God made everything, upholds everything, and as the Bible teaches God made us beings of dignity in His image for a personal love-trust relationship. Human dignity, love, justice, truth, Heaven and Hell can all be realities and life has meaning, and hope. Everything we do counts. The Bible teaches God so loves us sinful people that He sent His unique son, the God-man, to pay for our sins on the cross and offer us a more abundant and eternal life (John 3:16-21; 10:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:21). Won't you say, Lord Jesus I trust you right now and forever as my Lord, Savior, and Guide to do your will until I see you after death. Now serve God by sending this article on the www as a ministry of faith and love.
By evolution is meant all life forms are related biologically by common descent, being evolved by accident over billions of years from a single-celled common ancestor formed from lifeless chemicals. It's not that there can't be varieties of dogs and horses, or monkeys and men, but that every kind of life form reproduces after its own kind so there can be many varieties of dogs, but dogs don't change into horses, and many kinds of monkeys, but monkeys never evolve into people. Thus, the animals and plants we see today are descendants of the original ones God created though many have died out.
Now as a biblical creationist I have some serious problems with evolution that require good answers. Evolution has become the basis of many people's worldview that decides every issue of life and how we are to live. So we need to have a through understanding of the issues and consequences.
First, DNA is a molecule of instructions of what an organism is to become. Nothing (non being) can't create matter, and mindless matter doesn't spontaneously generate information. Mutations can't be the mechanism of change as they are only copying errors causing defects and never observed to add new instructions. The DNA molecule gives a library of information so its sender, must be an infinite mind, God. Yes, DNA in organisms can be almost identical, but what makes animals and plants different is their different DNA arrangement, not identical chemistry. All this can't be an accident of chance over billions of years as evolutionists claim.
Next, living cells show irreducible complexity like a city of biochemical machines working together. In multi-cellular organisms, cells are specialised performing different tasks enabling the organism to survive. The organisms different systems as digestive, reproductive, respiratory and it organs as eyes, legs, heart, kidneys, must all function together making it one functioning animal. If one of these systems or organs should fail, the organism would die. Thus, animals must be created complete and functional. Such complexity could never have gradually evolved by chance in billions of years. And this must be true throughout the whole animal and plant kingdoms.
Now the evolutionist usually says the chicken simply came from some earlier form of bird, but that's no satisfactory answer. That just pushes the question a step further back. And bird eggs must all be hatchet and have parents in conditions similar with hens. In fact, throughout the life kingdoms babies generally require parents to initially provide for them, especially human babies. Moreover, no reptile egg has been observed to hatch a bird. The evolutionist doesn't address the problem by saying the creationist is unscientific, stupid, ignorant, primitive, or that most scientists are evolutionists, or denying the Genesis creation account. Speculative arguments of future possibilities furnish no actual proof either. All such claims are evasions that don't answer creationists evidences and show a hateful disrespectful unchristian attitude.
Now there are yet other crucial problems with evolution that have dire consequences for our lives. Evolutionists claim there's no Almighty, all knowing, loving, personal Creator God, so there are no absolutes of truth and morals. Each person then is free to decide such things for him or her self. Now if no absolutes, how can an evolutionist claim evolution is true? No absolutes means nothing is certain truth. Has the evolutionist thought about the consequences of his claim of no absolutes and no higher authority as a personal Creator God?
Then, each persons becomes their own authority. There's no fixed morality or truth, just limited, conflicting, individual preferences. So alternative lifestyles are acceptable, and we're free to follow our desires. We then can have sex with anybody we like, lie, steal, and murder people we hate or just for fun. The only rule for animals in a jungle world is temporary survival. There is no God to tell us how to live or judge us, we're not responsible to anything but free to fulfill our desires. It's this life, then lights out, so why not have our fling? Traffic lights, prices on items, jails--and all such things are rules we really detest. We can give our own interpretation to author's books as well as everything else. It's my way, and my truth with each of us. Nobody is telling me what to do, I'm my own boss!!
If everyone applied the worldview of those who detest the biblical Christian worldview, this world would quickly become chaos, continual violence and warfare, a virtual madhouse of insecurity and insanity. Moral and epistemological relativism doesn't work, it's of the devil (John 10:9-10). Can we admit the truth? Certainly the world would be a lot better if everyone applied the Bible of our Creator God--Galatians 5:19-23; John 3:16-21).
Now I ask you, does the evolutionist really live by his philosophy? Or, does he borrow from the Christian biblical worldview of a personal Creator God? The Bible's God created us for a love-trust relationship with Him, gives us breath and abundant blessings. He invites us to a restored eternal paradise with Him. He sent His Son to pay for our sins, forgive and renew us in faith, love, hope, a meaningful life, and rewards our earthly service. Persons who can only see rules, punishments, and Hell misunderstand Bible Christianity alltogether. They have an arrogant know-it-all attitude, and their only concern is a self-centered desire to have their own way.
Of course, if we drift rebelliously toward the evolutionist's way, the world becomes a madhouse of violence (Gen. 6:5-8). So government, or whatever has power, must impose rules and authority on everyone to prevent chaos and continual warfare. Honestly, who would want such a world? It's terrifying and unliveable. Human life will have no value, no hope, and death is lights out. The truth is that the evolutionist doesn't really live as if the world is a jungle and we are all animal predators, hoping only for temporary survival. He feels guilt and shame deep down, even if he won't admit it. So he borrows human dignity and morality from the Christian biblical worldview and its Creator God.
Now space limitations forbid much discussion. But if all is relative, then there is no uniformity or dependability in nature (Gen. 8:22), everything is an accident of chance. Further, if all is only material having no mind, how can we know that the immaterial laws of logic are true, and that our senses and memory give us true information, or that we even have a soul? Evolutionists are without a factual foundation. They borrow from the Christian biblical worldview, as do others of a non-Christian worldview. They have limited conflicting imaginings, just fooling themselves in their self-centered arrogance. We really have no common ancestor, but do have a Common Designer and great purpose, hope, and love in Yeshua or Jesus.
What then if the Bible's Creator God is absolute truth? Then God made everything, upholds everything, and as the Bible teaches God made us beings of dignity in His image for a personal love-trust relationship. Human dignity, love, justice, truth, Heaven and Hell can all be realities and life has meaning, and hope. Everything we do counts. The Bible teaches God so loves us sinful people that He sent His unique son, the God-man, to pay for our sins on the cross and offer us a more abundant and eternal life (John 3:16-21; 10:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:21). Won't you say, Lord Jesus I trust you right now and forever as my Lord, Savior, and Guide to do your will until I see you after death. Now serve God by sending this article on the www as a ministry of faith and love.