By the Numbers

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Is Jesus About to Come FOR His Bride?

                      Is Jesus About to Come FOR His Bride? 

I'm aware of the different views of Bible prophecy regarding Jesus' coming and His reign on the earth. Christian essentials are that the Bible is God's true authoritative Word, that there is only one God in three persons, that Jesus is the God-man who alone saves us from sin by faith in his death and resurrection, that our salvation is unmerited favor which we show through good deeds, and that there is a real Heaven and Hell. Our different backgrounds, teachers, and inclinations cause us to differ about some of our beliefs. So we need to practice the principle--In essentials, unity; in non essentials, liberty; in everything love one another until we all come into full complete understanding.
Now with regard to Bible prophecy, Christians differ as things aren't as explicit as we would like. I believe, the far greater evidence is that Jesus will first come for His Bride, the Church, to take us to Heaven to be judged for our rewards and to celebrate the marriage supper (1 Cor. 3:10-15; 15:50-57; Rev. 19:5-9). During that same time on earth seven years of tribulation will take place such as never seen before (Mt. 24-21-22;25;  Rev. 3:10; 7:14; 6-18). Then Jesus will come with His saints to earth the second time to destroy His enemies and reign a thousand years. At the end of the millennium, Jesus will destroy earth's final rebellion, judge all the unsaved at the great white throne, and restore a new eternal Heaven and earth ( 2 Peter 3:10-13; Rev. 20-22).
Jesus told his disciples troubling news that he was going to leave them. Peter asked the Lord where he was going. Jesus told them, "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am" (John 14:1-3 NLT). Jesus was promising his people here that he would return TO TAKE THEM BACK TO HIS FATHER'S HOUSE WHICH IS HEAVEN.
Similarly, Paul answers the Thessalonians question of what happens to those who have died (1 Thess. 4:16-18). "The Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive on the earth will be CAUGHT UP in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words.
It seems clear Jesus is coming in the air to rapture or snatch away His Bride to Heaven. The Bible says so many times that it will be unexpected like a thief in the night and nobody but the Father knows the day or hour. It's imminent or can happen anytime so we are to be alert and ready as shown by our holy lives. See Mt. 24:42,44; 25:13; Luke 12:40; 1 Thess. 5:1-6; Rev. 16:15. Dr. Norman Geisler gives us a chart showing some of the contrasts between  the Rapture and the Second coming. 

                           The  Rapture
                     The Second Coming
    Meeting them in the air    (1 Thess. 4:17 )
  Taking them to earth (Zach. 14:4; Acts 1:11)
    Taking believers to Heaven   (John 14:3)
   Bringing believers back to earth  (Rev. 19:14)
    Coming for His saints    (2 Thess. 2:1)
   Coming with His saints   (Jude 14)
    Only Believers see Him   (1 Thess. 4:17)
   All people see Him   (Rev. 1:7)
    No signs precede it   (1 Thess. 5:1-3)
   Many signs precede it   (Matt. 24:3-30)
   The Tribulation begins    (2  Theses. 1:6-9)
   The Millennium Begins   (Rev. 20:1-7)
This is all known at the pretribulational premillennial dispensational interpretation of Scripture. It's based upon a natural ordinary meaning of language applied to prophecy the same as to the other Scripture. It recognizes God has introduced new elements throughout His providential working with humanity. It's the understanding that God's relationship with man in the Garden of Eden was changed after the Fall, different also with Abraham promising him a land and both physical and spiritual descendants, different again under God's theocratic rule of Israel under Mosaic law, a priesthood, temple sacrifices, and circumcision, different again from Pentecost in Acts 2 with a new Christian brotherhood, the Holy Spirit's indwelling all believers with direct access to God with Jesus being the only sacrifice for sin. Paul said it was a mystery unknown in the Tanakh or OT that the church of Jew and Gentile would become one body (Eph. 3:6).
Finally, sin's curse will be partially lifted during Christ's millennial reign. God's promises to Israel  of their land and Messiah are finally to be fulfilled (Isaish 11; Zach. 14; Rom. 11:25-27: 1 Cor. 10:32). Israel and the Church are kept separate throughout the Bible in God's plans for both. In the Old Testament Israel meant Israel as also 65 times in the New Testament (i.e., Matt. 19:28; Acts 1:6; Rev. 7:4). The Church is a Christian brotherhood under grace (Rom.11:6). We shouldn't read God's Old Testament unfulfilled promises to Israel as fulfilled in the Church or in the millennium.  If God doesn't keep his promises to Israel, how can we trust Him to keep his saving promises with the Church?
Now Jesus gave no signs of the rapture just of His second coming (Matt. 24-25) Jesus, however, rebuked the supposed biblical experts of his day, the Pharisees and Sadducee's, as not discerning the signs of the times all around them showing he was their Messiah (Isaiah 35:5-6; Matt. 16:1-3). Could there be signs of our times that must take place before Jesus' comes? Wouldn't they alert us that the rapture is even closer and that we better be ready living Godly lives and telling people about the Savior of us sinners?
What might such signs be? (1) The rebirth of Israel. Ezekiel 37 is the prophecy of the valley of dry bones that are the restored people of Israel in their land in unbelief with one king over all. No one ever dreamed it would happen. But in 1948 to every one's surprise Israel became a nation again after being scattered among the Gentile nations for 1,878 years. The Roman General Titus had his legion destroy Israel's temple and Jerusalem in AD 70. Jesus had predicted the destruction until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (Luke 21:20-24). Then Jesus gave signs of his second coming (Luke 21:25-36). So it seems after cosmic disturbances Armageddon is on the way (Joel 2:28-29) which will lead Israel to be converted (Zach. 12:2-9; Rev. 6:12-13).
(2) A growing apostasy or false teachings within the church. It's not uncommon today to see on the Internet once pastors and leaders of the church teaching atheism. Paul warns Timothy and us today, this will happen (1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Tim. 4:3-5). We are to be watchful and be evangelists. We're warned these deceivers will deny the teachings of God (2 Tim 3:4-5), Christ (1 John 2:18), Christ's return (2 Pet. 3:3-4), morals (2 Tim. 3:1-8), and God's authority (2 Tim. 3:4). Essentially, they reduce us to perishing predatory animals without God and without hope devouring each other.
That's all the more reason we who love our Lord must be disciplined and diligent telling people about Jesus wherever we go. I do. It's a sad fact so many persons who are church members for years, and claim to be Christians never tell anyone Jesus is the Lord who died to save us from slavery to sin, death, and Hell. We will one day stand before the Savior who then will be our Judge to give account of our earthly service. How faithful or unfaithful are you? Excuses of business and faithlessness won't mean a thing before Jesus. We manage to do what we really want to do. Will we have any rewards in heaven? Or did sports, computer games, television, and trivial things take up all our time?
The Internet gives us an unprecedented opportunity to reach our world for Christ. Faithful Christians have sacrificed to go to Bible college, the university, seminary, learn another language in loving obedience to their Lord hoping to go to another country to win unchurched people to Christ. We have an unprecedented opportunity today to reach people for Christ worldwide. We can post Christian articles wherever we are to reach people for Christ. Let's defeat the devil--be bold and faithful, loving and resourceful.
I invite you to join me in a Covenant of Praise. I'm praying for God's enabling to keep me healthy of body and mind to share His grace and glory worldwide. I'm praying for 300 articles, 1,000+ arguments for Christian faith, 7 million good news messengers, 70 million converts, 200 countries reached. God can do it if everyone will link, and pray that hearts, minds, lives be changed for His glory. Tell professors, pastors, classes, insert in church bulletins that they are welcome and invited to use God's articles. Lord, make us faithful and fruitful loving evangelists. We will rejoice with those won to Christ in Heaven one day with strong beautiful bodies. I don't ask for donations, but for your faithful prayers that God use us as His good news messengers in lives of humble, loving, obedient service. Is there anything better we can do for another human being? Praise Father! Praise Son! Praise the Holy Spirit! Praise You triune God, and thank You ever so much. We love, trust, and obey YOU.

(3) The craving for peace in the Middle East. The entire Middle East has been at war  60 years. I'm looking at a list of eleven wars not counting the ones going on now. Things seem to be getting worse, the news is depressing. People have such little regard for human life and moral principles. Let's tell people about Jesus' purpose and defeat the devil terrorist's. Jesus said, "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." (John 10:10 Life Application Study Bible, New Living Translation).
(4) A revived Roman Empire. Daniel 2;7 tells of four past world kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece under Alexander the Great, and the Roman Empire. But the end times is also evident here as the Roman Empire never consisted of a ten-nation confederacy. Antichrist emerges from this new confederacy to dominate the world in a kind of unified government. Now aren't we moving toward a one world currency system which seems required as a first step? What about governments controlling our communication systems? It seems a dominate world government is required to solve our horrendous international problems and force peace on violent sinful nations? 
(5) Globalism. Alert persons can see we are becoming more and more a one-world community. Our global communication systems and rapid means of travel will make us one people in every area. We are increasingly dependent with similar policies in business, trade, commerce, environment, technologies,  population control, entertainment, science, medicine, and so on. World problems are escalating as depletion of oil, Middle East conflict, terrorism, overpopulation, starvation, pollution, national and international crime, sex slavery, cyber warfare, economic instability, and others.
It seems that a great and capable leader is needed who can solve these otherwise insurmountable problems. That is when the Antichrist takes complete control. He will impose a anti-God global union with himself to be worshipped as God. The Antichrist will impose a one-world political system, a one-world monetary policy, and a one-world false religion (Rev. 13). He may be alive and waiting somewhere in the world today to soon take charge.
Friend, these are ominous times for our world. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you best cry out. Lord, I'm a sinner, save me!! I deserve Hell but I trust Jesus has paid for my many sins and to forgive and wash me in His cleansing blood shed for me on the cross. Help me Lord live a holy God-honoring life until you take me home.  And help me courageously and faithfully share my faith in your healing cleansing blood. 