Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecies of the Jewish Messiah?
Several persons have claimed to be the Jewish Messiah. So a mere claim doesn't mean anything. The question is: what does the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) say about the Messiah? Does it give identifying descriptions of the Messiah that people could recognize him when he appeared? And did it describe what the New Testament says about Jesus?.
What is required to confirm an actual fulfillment of a Bible Prophecy? The prophet's prediction made in the name of the Lord must come true as predicted, otherwise he is a false prophet. Short term predictions fulfilled during the time of persons living then confirmed a prophet as a true representative of God. For example, Samuel predicted twenty things that confirmed himself as a prophet and Saul's kingship that very day (1 Samuel 10:1-9). And later prophets must agree with former prophets known to be of God. In this way people living then and later can know the true prophets and believe their predictions. Consider Daniel's predictions 536 B.C. of the four world kingdoms. The fifth world kingdom is Messiah's rule and predictions pointing to it are converging in our day (Daniel 2:4b-7:28; 9:24-25, 69 weeks).
Does what is said in the Tanakh of the Jew's Messiah point to Jesus? Understand this, there are 400 years between Malachi and Matthew, other prophets
even centuries earlier. The Dead Sea scrolls contain portions of all the books of the Tanakh except Esther written 200 years before Jesus. They have been compared with modern manuscripts and shown to agree almost letter for letter. Most of the differences being merely in the spelling of names. Now let's give an honest examination of the centuries between what the Tanakh says and what the Christian New Testament says about the Messiah showing whether he could be Jesus.
.What are the signs the Jews were to look for to identify the coming Messiah? He is to be born in Bethlehem of Judea, Micah 5:2; Matt. 2:1; the seed of a woman, Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4; 1 Jn. 3:8; a descendant of David, Jer. 23:5; Rom. 1:3-4; announced by a forerunner, Malachi 3:1; Luke 1:17; John 1:29; to perform miracles, Isa. 35:5-6; Matt. 11:4-6; to enter Jerusalem as king on a donkey, exact day predicted, Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:5; Daniel 9:20-27; to be acclaimed King of Jews, Ps. 2:6; John 18;3-37; be betrayed by a friend, Ps 41:9; John 13:18-21; sold for 30 pieces of silver, Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26:15; rejected by Israel, Isa. 8:14; Luke. 2:34; his hands & feet pierced, Ps. 22:16; John. 20:25; disciples forsake him, Zech. 13; Matt. 26:56; to die for sinners, Isa 53:4-6, 10-12; Matt. 20:28; have no bones broken, Ps. 34:20; Jn. 19:36; cast lots for his clothes; Ps. 22:18; Mark 15;24; grave with the rich Isa. 53:9; Matt. 27:57-60; raised from death Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:25-28; ascend into heaven, Ps. 68:18; Luke 24:51. Most of Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 speaks of the Messiah and his suffering for the sins of the people. It describes crucifixion centuries before it was the means of Roman execution. And there are easily a hundred more fulfilled facts we didn't mention.
No one could guess or artificially fulfill these Tanakh predictions of Israel's Messiah. Chances against their fulfillment in one person are impossible. God make these things known to his prophets centuries before and brought them about. And no one after Jesus can claim to be the Messiah because Israel's birth records were destroyed with Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans in A.D. 70. No one but Jesus can show his descent from Abraham and David giving him right to be Israel's King (Matthew 1; Luke 3:23-38).
Why then did the religious leaders of Jesus' day ignore predictions of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant? Because they only cared about the Reigning King Messiah to overthrow Rome's suppressive rule and they were envious of Jesus taking their place (Mark 15:10; John 11:48).
No one could guess or artificially fulfill these Tanakh predictions of Israel's Messiah. Chances against their fulfillment in one person are impossible. God make these things known to his prophets centuries before and brought them about. And no one after Jesus can claim to be the Messiah because Israel's birth records were destroyed with Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans in A.D. 70. No one but Jesus can show his descent from Abraham and David giving him right to be Israel's King (Matthew 1; Luke 3:23-38).
Why then did the religious leaders of Jesus' day ignore predictions of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant? Because they only cared about the Reigning King Messiah to overthrow Rome's suppressive rule and they were envious of Jesus taking their place (Mark 15:10; John 11:48).
What predictions did Jesus make demonstrating his deity and Messiah ship? There are 5,700 Greek N.T. manuscripts which show a thousand times more
documentation than the few copies of the works of Aristotle, Plato, and the ancient classics dated centuries later. What man could make such predictions as the following? These are real historical events, not made up stories as critics like to have us believe.
Jesus predicted this of himself and his followers. His apostles will be persecuted (Matt.10:17-23). All but John would be martyred for their faith (John 21:18). Jesus said he would die and rise three days later (Matt. 12:40). Jerusalem and the temple will be destroyed (Matt. 24:22). Judas would betray him (Matt. 26:24). Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed (Matt. 26:24). His disciples would flee at his death (Matt. 26:31). Lazarus would be raised from the dead (John 11:4-40). The disciples who fished all night and caught nothing would catch fish on the other side of the boat (John 21:6). Who but God could know such things? And the Jews knew Jesus claimed to be God accusing him of blasphemy (Matt. 26:62-65; Luke 22:66-71; John 10:36).
Now did Jesus predict things future in his day that would occur from his time until today? YES! His church will never be destroyed (Matt. 16:18). Enemies from his day until today have tried, but it still exists. The Word of God will abide forever (Matt 5:18). Bible burners and critics try to destroy it, but it's the world's best seller. The twelve apostles will reign with Jesus over the tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28). The Jews rejection of Jesus brings the Gentiles into his kingdom (Rom. 11:11-12, 25) .Christ may return anytime with his angels to reward his followers (Matt. 16:27). Are you a follower of Jesus Messiah (Matt. 25:13)?
This is Jesus' most serious prediction, warning, invitation. He made us for loving trusting fulfilling eternal relationship with Him. But love doesn't force, it invites. To reject Jesus Messiah is to choose outer darkness alone from the light and truth of God forever. Dear friend, won't you say, "I trust you Lord Jesus as my Messiah and Lord to take away my rebellion, guilt, and shame, and replace them with your love, forgiveness, purity and peace from this day and forever. I receive you as my God, Savior, Messiah, Lord. Thank You and praise You Lord Jesus, my Messiah and King (John 3:16-21; 14:6) .
Jesus predicted this of himself and his followers. His apostles will be persecuted (Matt.10:17-23). All but John would be martyred for their faith (John 21:18). Jesus said he would die and rise three days later (Matt. 12:40). Jerusalem and the temple will be destroyed (Matt. 24:22). Judas would betray him (Matt. 26:24). Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed (Matt. 26:24). His disciples would flee at his death (Matt. 26:31). Lazarus would be raised from the dead (John 11:4-40). The disciples who fished all night and caught nothing would catch fish on the other side of the boat (John 21:6). Who but God could know such things? And the Jews knew Jesus claimed to be God accusing him of blasphemy (Matt. 26:62-65; Luke 22:66-71; John 10:36).
Now did Jesus predict things future in his day that would occur from his time until today? YES! His church will never be destroyed (Matt. 16:18). Enemies from his day until today have tried, but it still exists. The Word of God will abide forever (Matt 5:18). Bible burners and critics try to destroy it, but it's the world's best seller. The twelve apostles will reign with Jesus over the tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28). The Jews rejection of Jesus brings the Gentiles into his kingdom (Rom. 11:11-12, 25) .Christ may return anytime with his angels to reward his followers (Matt. 16:27). Are you a follower of Jesus Messiah (Matt. 25:13)?
This is Jesus' most serious prediction, warning, invitation. He made us for loving trusting fulfilling eternal relationship with Him. But love doesn't force, it invites. To reject Jesus Messiah is to choose outer darkness alone from the light and truth of God forever. Dear friend, won't you say, "I trust you Lord Jesus as my Messiah and Lord to take away my rebellion, guilt, and shame, and replace them with your love, forgiveness, purity and peace from this day and forever. I receive you as my God, Savior, Messiah, Lord. Thank You and praise You Lord Jesus, my Messiah and King (John 3:16-21; 14:6) .