A Dozen Eggs You Don't Want to Hatch!
Youth is less experienced and more easily persuaded. But at any age we can fall into traps that destroy our character, ruin our reputation, restrict our future opportunities, and may send us to prison. It's said, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." Protect Your Character and Your Future!
We can be so focused on the present and its seeming harmless enticements and never once consider the addictions, destructions, limitations, heartaches, and sufferings that we must face down the road. "Oh, if I had only known--but now it's too late!" Please take these admonitions seriously as they may save you from utter ruin.
1. Everybody's doing it. Do we know that to be a fact? Has anyone taken a survey? Maybe it seems that way because our particular friends seem to be doing it. Maybe they just say that thinking it more acceptable. Even supposing they are doing it, does that make it right? Could it have harmful consequences down the road? Will our family approve of it? Do you have to sneak around to do it?Consider these things seriously.
2. Just one time won't hurt you. Are you sure? Many have thought that and become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling that they wish a million times they never would have started. Girls can get pregnant from sex just one time and live with guilt and maybe poverty the rest of their lives. Seeming present benefits may have long term harmful effects. Does it make us wise or more adult to take on adult habits that become expensive destructive addictions we later regret? Don't let yourself be tricked.
3. Don't be a party pooper. Friends, movies, and teachers may promote and pressure immoral destructive behavior as though there's nothing wrong in it. It takes courage to stand for behaviors we know to be right. Sometimes we need to change friends to those who share our moral values. We need to feel good about ourselves, a good clean guilt free conscience can prevent anxiety and fear of exposure. Do be God's precious trooper.
4. Cutting corners is good business. It can destroy an otherwise good business. It's dishonest, risky, and eventually likely to be found out, destroy your business and prevent you from starting another business. You would resent someone cheating you. Fair and honest business produces more good business. People trust you when they know you give them a fair deal.
5. You won't know unless you try. That might be true but any harm done may be too late to correct. Adam and Eve gave us all a rebellious sinful nature. Seeking to learn more about the subject first is wise and may save us many tearful regrets. Avoid even the appearance of evil.
6. I won't tell on you. Don't put trust in people's word. They have already approved an evil act. You may have a fallen out with them and they quickly spill the beans. People may find out anyway. We can always overlook something or make a mistake. If we lie about it, we might have to tell more lies to cover up and get into deeper trouble. A temporary advantage isn't worth risking a sterling character. Trust in the Lord and do good.
7. It may be your last or only chance. Even supposing it is, gaining the whole world isn't worth losing your own soul. Good character is what enables people to trust you and give you chances. Bad character doesn't. You don't know it's your last or only chance. Surprising opportunities do occur. Believe and behave.
8. It's just borrowing and you can put it back later. Just borrowing is a lie. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing. We can never know we will not be found out or even can put it back. Conditions can change unexpectedly. Honesty is the best policy.
9. It will make you popular, successful, wealthy, or sexy. Such things are not the most important things in the world though we may selfishly think so. Good character, self-esteem, an honest living, trustworthiness, faithfulness, and loyalty are worthy of everyone's respect. We can be outstanding in areas mentioned above and not find fulfillment. Being sexy can lead to unwanted problems while real beauty is in good character. Bad behavior to obtain something may backfire later on.
10. Nobody will ever find out. We don't know that. It may turn out much different than what we ever imagined. People see things when we don't know they're around, as when Moses killed the Egyptian. Nazis who killed Jews escaped to other countries and many were found. Besides, a guilty fearful life is not good. God too knows all our secrets good and bad.
11. You deserve to get even. Two wrongs don't make a right. This life is not just, but justice will be served one day by the all knowing Lord Jesus. He who took our place, dying for our sins on the cross, is the same one to whom we will bow and give account of our lives. The nails didn't hold Him to the cross. Love for us held the perfect Son of God to the cross. He could have called ten thousand angels to his aid. Man's worst injustice, God used to bring about the world's greatest good--the Lord Jesus' death to save us unworthy sinners. Leave it in God's hands.
12. God wants us to have fun. Indeed, he does and we can in a multitude of ways. But the fun God wants us to have is not destructive of our character, our body, our mind, our family or our country. It gives us self-respect, a guilt free conscience, moral purity, and hope for good things throughout life. Party with purity.
A good name is to be chosen rather than riches (Proverbs 22:1). Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1). I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2). May I recommend that you commit yourself to the Lord each day. That's the only way we can escape the pollutions of this evil world system.
A good name is to be chosen rather than riches (Proverbs 22:1). Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1). I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2). May I recommend that you commit yourself to the Lord each day. That's the only way we can escape the pollutions of this evil world system.