By the Numbers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Effective Loving Families

Effective Loving Families

Is love purely an emotional thing we can fall into before marriage and fall out of after? Or, is love something we must always work at, gain understanding of, and grow into? When over 50% of marriages end in delusion, disappointment, and divorce, isn’t it a vital question we need to address.
 “I’ve fallen in love,” said Betty, “and I know it’s the real thing because I’ve never felt this way before. He’s the most wonderful man. I think of him morning, noon, and night. Nothing else matters. I feel we just belong together. I could never hurt him. He’s so good looking, kind, and understanding. I just want to be with him. He makes me happy and we have so much in common.”
Never mind that others who know him see all kinds of flaws in his character. He’s been divorced twice, has a fierce temper, likes to pal around with the boys, and has trouble holding down a job. Psychological research on the in-love phenomenon concludes that the average romantic obsession lasts two years. 
I’m indebted to and recommend you purchase and practice the advice in this most helpful book, The Five Love Languages. Dr. Chapman’s thesis is that we all have a love tank that can be empty to full. Our love language greatly affects how we treat other people and how they treat us. We can be deeply loved, but not feel loved or respond lovingly. Our parents, spouse, or children may have a different love language than we do. Let’s look at the five love languages realizing that while we have a primary one, we may have combinations of the others. 
We show love by words of affirmation. Jill had been after her husband to paint the bedroom for nine months, but although he had plenty of time, he would do anything but paint it. He put gas in the car, wiped the bugs off the windshield, paid the bills, cut the grass, and took out the garbage. Saturday, his day off work, he spent the whole day washing and waxing the car. But, he wouldn’t do the one thing I wanted. Dr. Chapman’s advice was not to mention it again, but to compliment him and show appreciation every time he does some good thing. She began doing this and he soon painted the bedroom. She learned that love shown by affirming words motivates good behavior when a critical nagging spirit doesn’t.
Encouragement inspires the insecure. Allison always liked to write but was a history major in college. She sent an article to a magazine publisher but received a rejection slip and never tried again. Keith, her husband, eager to climb the corporate ladder paid no attention to her writing but later realized Allison’s interests were important too. When he read one of her articles, he realized this is good stuff. He enthusiastically encouraged her to send it to a publisher. Her style was clear, in vivid pictures, fascinating, and she had gained greater experience and imagination over time. She submitted an article and became a recognized writer. Perhaps a loved one in your family just needs your words of encouragement. Show empathetic enthusiasm in their interest, believe in them, and rejoice in their accomplishments. Perhaps it’s to take up a hobby, lose weight, build something, start a flower garden, join a club, sing in the church choir, teach a Bible class.
Dr. Chapman suggests we make a list of our loved one’s virtues, and add to our list as new ones are discovered, and praise a virtue twice a week. We need words of affirmation—compliments, praise, enthusiastic appreciation show love. Often say, “I love you, precious.” Shame on the man who said, “I told my wife I loved her the day we married and I haven’t changed my mind since.”
We show love by quality time. I mean looking at and talking to our loved one with undivided attention. Sometimes talkers marry listeners. After being married awhile, couples tend to take each other for granted—they have heard each other’s stories. They tend to settle down for home life and don’t plan exciting times together as in their courting days. Financial expense can limit vacations and entertainment. This deadens family relationships.
Families can plan fun activities members enjoy together such as outdoor walks, camping, vacations, skating, boating, beach, mountains, national park, museums. This keeps families alive and gives them experiences to remember, share, and cherish. Business, neglect, and routine empty spouses’ and children’s love tank, especially if one’s love language is quality time. Wives complain we never talk anymore and children say daddy just watches T.V. sports in the lounge chair and doesn’t pay attention to me. Baby wants to roll the beach ball in the floor with dad. Big junior wants to shoot baskets with him. Mom wants to tell him what happened at work or home and son or daughter want to share their concerns.
Some persons don’t talk because they’re not in touch with their feelings. Parents can teach their children to deny their feelings. So children can’t tell parents, “I’m angry, hurt, disappointed, upset” and grow up handicapped communicators. Parents can actually say, “Shut up you dumb kid, or why do you say such crazy things, or I don’t have time to listen to you.” That same parent may wonder why their child won’t talk to them, shows bad personality, and gets into trouble. Criticisms can keep families from eating together. Family members who neglect or don’t talk lovingly with each other hurt from empty love tanks and that leads to marital affairs and troubled rebellious children.
Quality time is sharing one’s experiences, thoughts, feelings, and desires with loved ones. It’s maintaining eye contact, giving undivided attention, listening for feelings, observing body language, and refusing to interrupt. It’s loved ones talking and sharing both good times and bad in an understanding and supportive way. It’s laughing and crying together. Family members who take twenty minutes or more a day to talk to each other will feel more loved and get along better.
We show love by giving gifts. Physical presence of spouse in crises times is our most important gift. Donna complained her husband Don loved softball more than he loved her. After her baby’s birth, she lay in the hospital all afternoon. Don was with her for only ten minutes and left to play softball with the guys. And on the day of her mother’s funeral, he played softball and didn’t even come to the house with her brothers and sisters. She felt deserted and felt deeply hurt when she greatly needed him. Fifteen years later, she felt just as hurt as though it were yesterday.
But acts of service were Don’s love language so he viewed the two events differently. He was there when Donna was in labor, took pictures of his newborn son, and proudly showed them to his friends on the softball team. And before her mother died, he took a week off to spend with her at the hospital and to help clean up her mother’s house. He felt there was no more he could do. Playing softball with his friends was his way to relieve stress and he didn’t think Donna would mind. Dr. Chapman advises that if physical presence is important to you, that you tell that to your spouse.
Gifts come in every size, shape, color, and cost and can be purchased, found, or made. The important thing is that it’s accepted, appreciated, and is a physical symbol of your love. It could be a picked wildflower, a beautiful worded card, a picture, whatnot, or something you’ve made. Just a note left on the kitchen table mentioning the things you appreciate about your spouse would be greatly appreciated. A lady told me her boyfriend won her heart when he gave her a single red rose every day for a week. If your loved one lights up, thanks you enthusiastically, shows your gifts proudly to others, and is not critical, then that’s likely his or her love language. So you give appropriate gifts, ask him or her to give you a list of items they would especially like to receive. An occasional gift will fill their love tank.
We show love through acts of service. Anything can be an act of service your loved one values and appreciates. Opening doors, dusting furniture, changing the baby’s diaper, making the bed, painting the house, keeping up the car, cleaning the garage, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, walking the dog, vacuuming the carpet, setting the table, washing the dishes, cleaning the commode, removing white spots off the mirror, washing and ironing clothes, folding and putting them away. Jesus showed us a loving servant attitude when he washed his disciples’ feet. He said the greatest in his kingdom would be humble servants.
But to make our loved one feel loved we must do things that he or she values and appreciates. Further, our acts of service are acts of love only if we don’t feel forced to do them. Persons often do things in courtship that make each other feel loved. But they may radically change after marriage. They expected their spouse to do things like their mom or dad. But that is not each other’s love language. Mary felt unloved because Mark, being a meat and potatoes man, didn’t appreciate her gourmet cooking. She had learned to cook that way from her mother. Her father lavishly praised and appreciated that cooking so she felt her husband should too. Such couples should discuss calmly caringly what has changed since marriage and how they can reestablish each other’s love language.
We show Love by physical touch. Our bodies are sensitive to touch. If your beloved’s love language is physical touch, you can fill their tank by tender touches, gentle pats, back rubs, holding hands, hugs, sitting close together, kisses, brushing their hair, sitting in one’s lap, caresses, playing footsies or leg touches under the table. You can brush in passing and give a warm smile. You can hug or kiss those you love before they leave home and when they return. Women especially need hugs during a crises experience. Babies too who are touched, held, patted, rocked and kissed thrive while those who are not die.  Jesus rebuked His disciples when they forbade the children to come to Him.
While sex can be a tremendous expression of love, it can be more a release from tension if that’s not one’s love language. Sexual touching can be appropriate or inappropriate depending on the time, place, circumstances, and your loved one’s needs. Sometimes it can be irritating--your loved one is its best instructor. Of course, it’s inappropriate to unmarried persons who want to please God in their lives. And a harsh slap can be devastating to someone whose primary love language is touch.
In summary, Dr. Chapman agrees with St. Paul that love is kind, patient, and shown by our actions. We can share our hurt, pain, disappointment, even anger in a calm, empathetic manner. No loud, harsh voice and hostile raised fist and expression express love. But our understanding their situation, confessing wrongdoing, asking forgiveness, and not keeping a record of wrongs, does express love. Love commits to forgive, not to hold grudges, or get even. Love makes requests, not demands nor threats. Our attentive sensitive attitude attracts and affirms love; an arrogant one detracts and repels intimacy. We can’t erase the past but can live differently in the future. We all make mistakes and have failings, but these don’t make us a failure and we can learn one another’s love language and do better next time.
Your answers to these questions will identify your primary love language. Is it: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch? Which answer to the five love languages comes up the most is your primary one. Remember, the love language we show others is likely the one we want them to show us. You may occasionally want to evaluate how full your love tank is on a scale of 0 to 10. A below seven score indicates some readjustments are needed and loved ones need to talk tenderly and openly about how they can bring them about.
  What makes me feel most loved?
.ü  What makes me feel most unloved?
.ü  What loved one’s action do I praise?
.ü  What loved one’s action do I criticize?
.ü  What do I most desire?
.ü  What do I least desire?
  What does my loved one do or not do that hurts me the most?
.ü  How do I express my love?
.ü  How does my loved one express his or her love to me?
.ü  What do I most often request of my loved one?
.ü  What does he or she most often request of me?
  Which one did my father most and least value?
.ü  Which one did my mother most and least value?
.ü  What is my primary love language based on the answers above?
.ü  What might be my secondary love language?
.ü  What might be the primary and secondary love languages of my loved ones?
Now what are you going to do about it to make your loved ones a happier more loved family? I will provide a vital service to my family. I’ll buy Dr. Chapman’s book for study, or download and print out this article. My loved ones and I can go over it occasionally just to affirm our commitment to meet each other’s love needs. We must, of course, be honest with each other and ask forgiveness for our mistakes. Also, we can tell our friends about this article and about this blog spot to help people know all the good news worldwide. With diligent practice we can all improve our family relationships..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can We Have Ultimate Authority?

Can We Have Ultimate Authority?

A black man protested violently to a white man that white people mistreated and enslaved his people and that it wasn’t fair or right. But if he preferred his people and they were in charge, do we know blacks would be any different?
What is the basis for human life and authority? Why should we act one way and not another? When life is short, why shouldn’t I be most concerned about myself? Let’s consider two lines of reasoning about ultimate authority, a most crucial of human questions.
The Limits of Human Inquiry and Equality.
Human philosophies and religions are limited and conflicting human guesses. If idealism is true, then all is mind, but if materialism, then only matter exists. Phenomenalism verses realism claims that things aren’t real unless we perceive them; they can just pop in and out of existence. Conflicting philosophies can’t both be right. Religions make conflicting claims that there’s no God, one God, two opposing Gods, a multitude of gods, or nature is god. If any claim is true, it cancels out all the others. One who makes any truth claim must show objective evidence that only his view is correct or more than mere subjective opinion. Otherwise, all such ideas are mere human guesses without authority.
Testable science is limited to physical data and explanation. We use science as a valuable means of obtaining much useful knowledge. When experiments are controlled, repeatable, and measurable, a high degree of probably is attained. But science is limited to nature and can tell us nothing about morals, or life’s purpose, or human worth and destiny. As such, science is not an ultimate authority for our lives.
Everything in flux has no finality and authority. If evolution is the ultimate key to understanding the universe, then we can’t depend on anything ever being the same. Things that can’t be nailed down as final aren’t settled and dependable. We can’t be sure what might happen the next moment nor if our minds are even rational and dependable..
The good of common humanity goes only so far. Practical reason dictates we should practice the Golden Rule or treat all human being with equal respect, dignity, and fairness. Persons come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, appearances, and abilities, but we are all of one blood, essentially no different, and are a common humanity.
In honesty, we have a selfishly dark side to our nature—we want our own way regardless. It’s difficult to treat others with the same respect we want to be treated, especially when they’re disagreeable and mean, when they’re not our kind of people, when we don’t feel well, or when it’s greatly benefits us to take advantage of them. After all, don’t we naturally prefer ourselves? So, we justify our deception, robbery, rape, murder, and warfare. It’s our common lot until death ends everything. Self-centered human nature trumps right reason most every time. Why is it we must lock doors and have a police force?
Naturalistic human inquiry has no ultimate authority—it leads to anarchy and tyranny. Humanity is anything but secure and sane in a personal and social context. We naturally prefer our way and those who obtain position, prestige and power are naturally tempted to use it to their advantage and fight to hold it at all costs. With no ultimate and final authority, anything goes and goes toward greed and corruption. Someone must step in to restore civility and decency and impose his rule on everyone else. And, all who disagree or oppose those elite authorities can be eliminated. It’s the history of man and a natural outcome of a one-world community on the way down.
Our Need for a Transcendent Source.
We need a basis for truth and finality. When all is evolving we have no basis for final or absolute truth, chaos is inevitable. Each person becomes his or her own authority and fights for control, even for life. Our safety is always in jeopardy. We may not side with the winning side. Even when we do, things beyond our control can suddenly change. We need a transcendent source of truth greater than limited, conflicting, fickle, biased, human opinions and practices. We need a wise, knowing and caring power source who can tell us the truth with authority that our subjective opinions could never make certain. Without it, we surely will perish.
We need a basis for love and justice. Love considered what’s best for people as a whole is justice. Love requires we put away destructive persons from society. It’s like the surgeon who must extract the cancer to save the body. But without a standard of truth and authority as a guide, his limited human reasoning could never be sure just what the cancer is. He might find violence more exciting than peace, or favor his kind of people above others, be brutally cruel and unjust bringing about a blood bath against resisters.
We need a basis for human dignity and destiny. If we come from the chemicals in the ground that we return to, how can we ultimately be of more value than dirt? Oh yes, we value those we love more than dirt. But why should others value us when we may mean little to them and even oppose their efforts? Human history is brutal and destructive.
Much of unbiased science points to the God we need. While we cannot snap out fingers and make God appear, we do have much that open honest science must admit points to God. We know that something doesn’t come from nothing, and since the universe is running down, it must have had a beginning. We can’t backtrack eternally or else we wouldn’t be here today. The universe then must be presently dependent for its existence upon an immaterial, eternal, unchangeable, self-existent, infinite power, intelligence and will to sustain the complexity of living and nonliving things we observe all around us. This Creator-Sustainer God is described in Genesis 1:1. This being so, unless we have exhaustive knowledge of the universe, we can have no objection to supernaturalism be it angels, miracles, souls or revelations. The universe’s Source can be the answer to our questions and the solution to our needs—it all fits together.
Reaasonable objective history says that God walked among us. It's difficult to believe Moses, the prophets and apostles simply made up all the supernatural events they describe in the Bible—they had nothing to gain by that. The prophets and apostles were often, criticized, persecuted and killed for their preaching. Biblical miracles are not bizarre unrealistic myths like flying carpets, snake-headed Medusas, one-eyed giants and moving statues. They are a speeding up or redirection of natural forces demonstrating God is Lord of nature. Even Bible characters were skeptical and astonished showing they knew the same patterns of nature we experience. Unlike other history, Scripture is candid to tell both the virtues and vises of God’s spokesmen and leaders. Archaeology has verified many of the places, persons, events and chronology of Bible events.
 If we can read the Bible with an open mind, we can see its God’s message for our problem. It’s God’s authority for right living and offered us in the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s our God who walked among us; He’s the only hope and authority to change this wicked world.
In Christ, we have the only kind of evidence God could give if we are to know of His existence. With all our modern knowledge, we cannot predict exact details of a person’s life hundreds of years before. But the Jews knew many details of their expected Messiah, and should have recognized him. They were blinded by their desire for a king to throw off their problem of oppressing Romans and ignored the Savior of sinners. Are we in our pride any different? Further, they saw Jesus miracles, admitted their reality, but refused to acknowledge that they pointed to the God-man among them. Are we just as blind and self-willed as they were?
In Jesus, we have a Savior from all sin, peace with God in forgiveness of our guilt and shame, and the greatest love demonstrated in his death for us. We have assurance of eternal life in his resurrection, dignity knowing we’re in God’s image, and purpose in serving him and receiving eternal reward. No world religion or philosophy can assure us of these things—only Jesus. He gives us the motivation to live a clean, pure holy life and tell others of his grace. We have the Scripture to guide our lives. Won’t U submit to His authority? He will give U a better way of living and thinking and be your everpresent Guide throughout life. Say I trust U Lord Jesus Christ to be my Lord, Savior and Guide forever. You promised to never leave me (Matthew 28:19-20). Now I want to tell others of your great love, forgiveness and Heaven.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Europe & America in Transition

Europe & America in Transition

Europe and America seem to be changing from a once strong biblical Christian influence to atheism pantheism, and Islam. The steps of denial seem to be the justice of Hell, God as Moral Lawgiver, absolute truth and ethics, life after death, and the value of human life. Hang with me and see what you think.

The Worldviews of Atheism and Pantheism

The Justice of Hell. To some people Hell is unthinkable of a good and loving God. It’s utterly cruel to caste every sinner together in an eternal lake of fire. They think persons aren’t so bad and would be good if encouraged and given ideal circumstances. And others don’t know, don't care and don't believe in the Christian biblical God and Hell. Pantheists believe in their working off their karma through many self-centered lives that end in absorption into universal energy.
I blame the church in part for unbiblical preaching on God’s justice, love, and Hell. Fire and damnation gets people’s attention but can turn them away from the church. Persons go to Hell for their eternal rejection of God and His righteousness in Christ. Each is punished according to his or her own degree of knowledge and sin. Hell is God’s wrath against sin and the sinners own mental torments, not God physically torturing everyone equally in a lake of fire. God’s love is giving sinners witness in nature, conscience, the Bible, the Holy Spirit and godly people who tell them of the Savior dying to pay for our sin and give us His righteousness and eternal life. Justice and love are both sides of the same coin. So sin cannot be allowed in to corrupt God’s perfect Heaven and sinners must be confined to their own kind of place--Hell. See my other articles on Hell, God, and Heaven. Jesus said, “If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority" (Jn. 7:17). See also Jn. 3:36; 16:8-10; Luke 12:47-48; Jn. 19:11; Rom. 2:5-6; Heb. 10:29.
God as a Moral Lawgiver. When God seems unjust as above, or as an impersonal principle or force as in pantheism, then we have no good reason to believe in a Moral Lawgiver. We may become passionate about some area of moral reform to give our life meaning. But when we believe the Bible’s teaching that God is a sovereign, holy, loving, wise and just Creator and universal Sustainer, then we have a sound foundation for moral law. We will never live without sin, but we will have understanding that a personal, ethical God exists who is our Authority and Guide. We can know His forgiveness, love, and look to being in Heaven with Him someday. Romans 2 give God’s principles of judgment.
Absolute Truth and Morals. When we see no reason to believe in God as a person and Moral Lawgiver, we are shut up to nature and preference as our basis for truth and morals. Human conscience and compassion can dissolve. We can believe anything we like as true and right since there is no higher authority and all is flux. Human history is worship of ancestors, idols, rats, snakes. It’s sacrificing our children in fire; hunt other people’s heads, and killing enemies to receive their power. Pantheists are unconcerned with ministering to others and care only to work off their own karma to be better off in the next life. And the pantheist impersonal force can’t furnish ethical standards, nor reward or punish our behavior. How can we even know what karma demands? All such things occur in history and practices today in various places. Without a Moral Lawgiver and Judge, nothing matters, life is without ultimate purpose. See Romans 1:18-32.
Life after Death. When persons die, lights out, they’re dead, and the worms take over. What happened to the life in them? Did it cease to exist, take another form, or go somewhere? Atheists say it ceased to exist so there’s no hope for live beyond the grave. Pantheists say it takes other forms until absorption. Christians say it went to another place either with God or in Hades awaiting resurrection and judgment. It’s difficult to see how atheism and pantheism provide any basis for life’s having any great purpose or value.  
The Value of Human Life. If in death we cease to exist, or assume many lifetimes in various forms until absorption, what then are human beings value? Christians believe persons have great value being in the mental, moral, immortal image of God, being responsible to God, and existing eternally beyond the grave. All we do counts within time and for eternity. We must answer to God for how we treat our fellow man that gives persons ultimate responsibility and worth. But what value is soulless dirt or recycled energy waiting absorption? When persons are of little worth it doesn’t greatly matter how we mistreat and manipulate them.
Selfishness seems the logical and practical outcome. So lying, cheating, stealing, killing, lawlessness, manipulation, and immorality seem reasonable. Do whatever you feel like doing that would seem to benefit you. When the general population sinks to this level, anarchy results. Thus, tyrants with grandiose promises arise claiming to correct the situation.
 It seems that is where Europe and America is headed. Either a socialist or a Muslim government will gain control by gradual degrees using freedom to destroy freedom and claiming tolerance until they gain control to suppress all dissent. Or, it will come by open revolution and a blood bath. Tyrannical governments must secure control by suppressing freedom of speech and the press as well as religion. No higher power than government will be allowed. And education and wealth must be controlled as well. Knowledge and wealth are means of power and the government must be the only power. It decides who lives or dies, and what laws people must obey. Citizens will live in fear of a police state or of their own relations who will persecute, maim or murder them. It seems incredible that citizens rise up to destroy themselves, but it seems to be happening. Is there no chance to recover sanity, sense, decency and civility?

The Biblical Christian Worldview
The Jesus of History Arose from the Dead Showing He is the God-man. There can be no doubt Jesus is a person in history who claimed to be God and arose from the dead. The four Gospels, sermons in the Book of Acts, and Paul’s letters written A.D. 33-70 tells about the resurrected Christ. And the N.T. letters contain creeds and hymns used in the early churches from 3-7 years after Christ’s death confirming His deity (i.e. 1 Cor. 11:23; 15:1-8: Romans 1:1-4; Phil. 2:6-8; Col. 1:15-18 and others).
Those who would deny God exists and can take human form must furnish good evidence, not just spout their bias naturalist claim. At first skeptical Jews, often rebuked for being astonished at Jesus’ miracles, would never risk damnation in turning from Moses’ laws to worship the Triune God and meet on Sunday in honor of His resurrection, unless it was true. And let’s give them credit, they had more sense than to endure persecution and die brutal deaths for a known lie.
Then, there is Life beyond the Grave. Because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow with hope of one day living with Him in the new Heaven and new earth. From God’s perspective, His Son’s death paid for our sin, satisfied God’s wrath, brought forgiveness of sin, opened the door to Heaven, and defeated the devil. His resurrection demonstrated its all true. Though critics proposed a dozen or so theories to disprove His resurrection, all are shown to be leaky buckets.
No world religion has eyewitness and early accounts of anything like it--not the Avatars of Hinduism, the myths of mystery religions, the divine claims of Caesars, or the philosophers’ arguments are anything that can stand up to Jesus’ resurrection. Praise God, He lives and so we know we can too!
Jesus then is the God-man Who Walked among Us. What could prove God to us? Yes, science furnishes good evidence that points to God’s existence and shows evolution a hoax. Evils and conscience make sense only if there is a Moral Lawgiver.
 But even supposing all that’s true, how can we be assured this God cares for us? And how must we live in relation to Him? Jesus set the example of pure clean living pleasing to the Father. He not only told us right and wrong; He showed us in our sweat, blood, and tears world. He knows what we go through since He endured more than we ever will. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him (Romans 5:8-9).
As God-man, Jesus affirmed the Bible is God’s Message to Humanity. Whatever God says is final authority. Jesus is God who walked among us; both told and showed us He is God. “The Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God” (John 5:18). Jesus later said to them, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (Jn. 5:39). See also John 14:25.
The Recovery of Decency and Civility Requires a Change of Heart. Jesus said, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things” (Luck 24:46).
If Europe and America will return to God and righteousness, they will be restored to moral freedom and prosperity. People the world over respected America as a land of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity. They would risk their lives to escape tyranny in their own lands. The government is what the people allow. So a corrupt government is only a reflection of a corrupt citizenry. Christians should run for office and make their voices known.
Repentance must begin with the church that has grown lax in its beliefs and behaviors, its attitudes and actions. Few church people know the Bible and live any different from the world system of evil.
 Christians must not be afraid or ashamed to speak out for righteousness. Let others know what the Bible says on moral and social issues. Dr. Carl Henry, a leading evangelical theologian, warned Christians would lose a voice unless they engage teachers, journalists, lawyers, politicians, scientists, artists, entertainers and every leader on both social issues and the gospel. With internet technology, Christians can now reach the world with God’s message of truth, love and hope. Pray and work to do this and see it all turn around. BECOME GOOD NEWS MESSENGERS.
Let me recommend a New York Times bestselling author warning people about radical Islam’s program and objectives. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Could Jesus Be God?

Could Jesus Be God?

We live in an enlightened age. We’ve gone to the moon, and explored the planets. We’ve invented cars, planes, phones, radios, and the internet that enable us to travel and communicate around the world. We’ve discovered how to cure diseases; transplant organs, clone animals, and who knows what marvels await us. In this age of science and technology, can we seriously believe in gods and miracles of ancient superstitious peoples? Let’s ask some critical questions that shed light on this that may be the crucial issue of our lives.
Can We Say No God Exists Who Can Act in our World?

Isn’t exhaustive knowledge required to say that? We would have to turn over every stone, look behind every tree, and search the stars to know no such God exists. But just in case a Creator, Lifegiver, and Judge might exist, it may be wise to be on good terms with Him. Honest, open-minded science as well as human experience point to such a God. See my other articles. Isn’t it then a closed-minded, dogmatic, even arrogant attitude to claim a God who acts in our world is impossible? Still we need good evidence to believe it.

What Would Convince Us of God?
Persons who deny God may never ask what would convince them of Him—they just desire to deny Him. Mormons believe Adam became god, and that we too can become gods. I would like to see them convince me of that. We can shake our fist at heaven and tell God to show Himself and we’ll believe. But is there a rule the Almighty must obey our command? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Why do persons become atheists? Some, like Sigmund Freud, ignorantly associate their cruel earthly father with God the Father, and then reject Him who sent his Son in love to save them from sin, Satan and self. Others like Madolyn Murry O'Harra deny God because of unanswered prayers and disappointments. Given their desire might have been an even worse fate. We do ask God for such foolish, childish, regretful things. Perhaps many like Aldous Huxley dislike the restraints a moral God places on them and seek reasons to reject Him. If this life is a mere drop in the eternal ocean, this is the height of foolishness. Difficult times actually draw more people to God than easy prosperous times.
If the exalted title “God” means anything, it means someone who can do things greater than what people do or what nature can do. What if someone could walk on water, multiply food, immediately heal all kinds of diseases, raise the dead, and he claimed to be God? Wouldn’t that get our attention and give us reason to think this person may be God? Well, that in fact is exactly what Jesus is said to have done and he claimed to be God! Read the Gospels.
Also, if someone did specific things predicted of a coming Messiah centuries earlier, wouldn’t that too give us good reason to believe this person is someone we had better investigate. The Jewish prophets predicted their Messiah would be God (Isa. 9:6), would be virgin born (Isa. 7:14), in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) would die for the sins of his people (Isa. 53:6), and would be raised (Ps. 16:10). Who has or who can fulfill these predictions but Jesus? There are more than two hundred of such prophecies about the coming Messiah but the Jews could only envision those of the reigning King to throw off the yoke of the Romans. Sometimes we have eyes to see but our will can limit what we look for.
Of course, if one’s mind is closed to evidence, then he or she won’t believe. Jesus said that if anyone didn’t believe the Scriptures, they wouldn’t believe even if someone should rise from the dead (Luck 16:31). Many in Jesus’ day saw his miracles and didn’t believe. Even his disciples for over three years were often rebuked for unbelief. We too can have vested interests, selfish attachments, and unholy pride that may be the real reason for our unbelief.
Why Was Jesus’ Disciples Always Astonished at His Miracles?
It’s often claimed that Jesus lived in an age of ignorance and superstition. His disciples were prescientific in their thinking and couldn’t understand things as we do today. Nothing could be further from the truth. An honest inspection of the Gospels shows Jesus’ disciples were always skeptical and having to be rebuked for unbelief. There had been no prophets for four hundred years. People were not going around performing miracles every day. They knew nature’s laws as we do today. Consider some examples.
Mary was astonished at the angelic announcement she was to have a child. She asked, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” Luke 1:34. Joseph too didn’t know what to make of it since they had not been together and he was a just man. He thought to put her away secretly until the angel explained Jesus’ birth was of God (Matt. 1:18-24).  
When the disciples were rowing across the Sea of Galilee in the moonlight, they saw a man walking on the water toward them and thought he was a ghost. How natural and honest is this record. The disciples would never forget Peter walking on the water to Jesus and sinking when his faith failed (Mark 6:45-52; John 6:15-23). And the word "ghost" would never have been mentioned unless true and  is too humanly natural to be faked.
Jesus took Peter, James and John upon a high mountain to be transfigured before them. His face and clothes shown and showed He was the God of light. Moses and Elijah appeared to them and they heard the Father’s voice saying He was well pleased with His Son. The disciples fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. This was such a natural yet supernatural event that Jesus told his disciples not to tell anyone until the Son of Man is risen from the dead. They didn’t understand about Jesus’ resurrection. And like modern critics, the skeptical Jews would have laughed at the disciples and thought them somehow deceived. The disciples knowing it would be ridiculed never would have recorded it, unless it just happened to be true (Mark 9:2-23; Luke 9:28-36). Years later Peter affirmed it (2 Pet 1:16-18) and was crucified to testify to its truth. These were not stupid superstitious people who didn't know nature's patterns as critics like to claim.
Do Persons Die For A Known Lie?
Acts 7 is the account of Stephen’s address to the Jews who stoned him. He boldly told how the Jews always resisted the Spirit of God, persecuted the prophets, rejected and murdered their Messiah. Stephen could have agreed with the Jews and been accepted. He had been a devout Jew and taught the Tanakh (O.T.) from birth. He had followed Moses and the law. But being filled with the Spirit and the truth chose instead to be stoned and be true to his new beliefs in Jesus his Lord. He saw Jesus in the sky at the right hand of the Father. Jesus gave him a standing ovation. Stephen died crying with a loud voice, as did his Lord, “Lord do not charge them with this sin” (Acts 7:60).
Yes, others die for their beliefs, but not for a known lie. Millions of others who have come to know and love the Lord Jesus have willingly given their lives to Him and for Him who died to save them. Jesus is no lie. But supposing he is, it would be the one lie that by far has brought the most good to this world. No other religion gives objective historical evidence of spiritual truth. No other religion demonstrates God's love and forgiveness. No other religion has a risen Savior to assure us of eternal life.
Why Would Loyal Jews Change to Christianity?
The parents of the man born blind who Jesus gave sight too wouldn’t answer all the Jews questions for fear of being put out of the synagogue. This would mean damnation to Hell. But the man’s testimony of Jesus was clear—“Once I was blind, but now I see.” The Jews were blinded by their false traditions. But when Jesus asked the healed man “Do you believe in the Son of God?” “He asked who is He.” Jesus said, “You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you. Then he said, Lord I believe! And he worshipped Him” (John 9). Yes, we can be blinded by modern traditions and assumptions as well. But God’s Spirit can open willing eyes to see His truth and receive eternal life.
It was not easy for loyal Jews strongly steeped in their God and Moses’ law to change their beliefs to Jesus being God incarnate, God being a Trinity, worship on Sunday rather than the Sabbath, and risk rejection, ridicule, even death to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. It’s not easy today either since true discipleship means self-denial, taking up the cross, and following Jesus. Jesus warned us these very same things can happen. But Jesus said it’s far better than to gain the whole world than lose your own soul (Matt. 16:26).
Isn’t This An Issue of Life and Death?
We can’t prove God in the same way we can prove 2 + 2 = 4. But nothing else in the world makes sense unless God exists and we know he cares and acts in our world. According to the Bible, Jesus is the God-man who walked among us, told us he is our God, and showed it in many astonishing ways. He died to pay for our sins, satisfy God’s justice, grant us forgiveness, and eternal life. He arose again to assure us it’s all true.
If you are a sincere seeker, this is what you need and what you’ve been seeking. Jesus alone is come that we may trust in God’s promises of forgiveness and live with Him  forever. Won’t you say, Lord I trust you now to save me from the penalty of sin, make me pure and be present with me as my Guide through live until I go to be with You in Heaven? Thank you, Lord.
Now share this terrific news of hope, love, and eternal life with friends and loved ones. Link these articles to your computer and reach out to a desperate disparing world. God bless your crucial ministry. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Danger of Losing Human Rights!

The Danger of Losing Human Rights!

All over the world, we human beings feel we are born with certain rights. We have the right to life, the right to have a family, the right to own land, the right to earn a living at any trade or business we like, and the right to common respect and compassion. We further have the right to say what we believe is honest and true and the right to religious belief and worship in a manner that is productive of these rights. We feel within it's not right to tread us as slaves with no rights.

 We shouldn’t have to live in fear of a secret police taking us away to be killed or never seen again because we exercise our rights. And it shouldn’t matter what gender, color, race, or religion we happen to be--just being a human being gives us these rights. Yet, it seems certain philosophies, religions, or worldviews deny or destroy our human rights. The United States seems to respect human rights more than any other nation, and people risk their lives to go there. But now that seems to be changing. What could it be that is the basis of human rights?   
Is there a Basis for Human Rights in Evolutionary Atheism? Atheists also called humanists, secularists, materialists, anti-theists and naturalists believe there is no God, human soul or anything supernatural. They believe we somehow evolved from the dirt we return to at death and that is the end of us.  Life is cheap and almost worthless when people are regarded no more than soulless dirt. Some places you can sell or buy a  human being for a couple of animals. The only meaning to life then is what you can make of it in the present since there is no future life. There is no ultimate standard of right and wrong, only what you, as an individual prefer to believe.  Without objective universal moral standards, anything harmful can exit and does.
It seems impossible to see any basis for human rights in this view of life. On this basis, how can anyone say robbery, rape, murder, genocide or anything imaginable is really right or wrong or that any human rights exist? Each person then becomes their own god to do as they please or what they can get by with—which often is anything in a meaningless amoral world. In honesty, the atheist, Jean-Paul Sartre said that suicide was the only serious question. Sanity and security disappear as chaos and rebellion appear. So atheists believe in enforcing strong government in which they control and decide what freedoms they will allow and what opposition they must eliminate. The opposition is those ignorant religious people who believe in a higher moral standard and power—a personal ethical God.  
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Islam? Islam means submission. Islam is an upside down pyramid based upon belief in Muhammad’s claim that the angel Gabriel revealed the Qur’an to him. No one but Muhammad was present when this occurred to verify Muhammad’s claim. Even he doubted it at first until convinced by his favorite wife. And since he came after the Jewish prophets and Christian apostles, this made him the seal of the prophets. Anything previously said that different from what he now says is incorrect. Ironically, Joseph Smith Jr. said the angel Moroni spoke to him. And, since he came after Muhammad, wouldn’t Muhammad’s reasoning make Smith the final prophet?
Muhammad was a caravan trader between Egypt and Syria who met Jews and Christians who no doubt told him Bible teachings and stories. He sought to win Jews to his new beliefs but they rejected him as a false prophet because his teaching about the Jewish Tanakh (O.T.) was incorrect. One example is his claim that Abraham would have sacrificed Ishmael instead of Isaac. Muhammad then had his followers bow toward Mecca instead of Jerusalem. Christians also rejected Muhammad as a false prophet because he said Jesus didn’t die on the cross and was not the Son of God. God does not have companions which is blasphemy (shirk). But not only the Bible, but also church fathers and three Christian creeds teach the Trinity centuries before Muhammad.
Muhammad won converts by use of the sword while Jesus said put up the sword and love your neighbor as yourself. The Qur’an says to slay unbelievers who won’t submit to Allah, don’t trust unbelievers as your protectors, and break treaties if it advances Islam. Muslims forbid proselytizing and even slay relatives who convert to other faiths. Moreover, Muslim nations are ruled by secular and religious dictators who allow them limited freedom. They treat their women as low class citizens denying them education, can beat them and deny them sex. Where is the basis for human rights in demanding submission to Islam?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Pantheism? Pantheists or monists believe everything is spiritual energy that takes different forms and they call it god. Spiritual energy can take the form of a dog in one life and a person in another and in the end is simply united into universal energy. With variations, this is the basis of world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christian Science, Unity, and New Age. In India and places where this is believed people suffer great sickness, starvation, and poverty. Compassion is not shown for its believed this would interfere with their karma that would only prolong their suffering. Hospitals and human welfare institutions are found only among Christians. Where is any basis for human rights and concern in pantheism?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in our Common Humanity? People universally have basic moral beliefs. We unavoidably have to make moral judgments. We must have an idea of justice in order to know injustice. Without a standard of moral rightness we cannot say whether we progress or regress. We make excuses when breaking the moral law. We suffer guild to break the moral law. We cannot invent but only discover the moral law. We act contrary to our natural and strongest instinct to survive when we risk our life to save other lives. We find some actions seem wrong such as lying robbery, rape, and murder. We object to such things done to us. Other actions seem right such as human respect, kindness, and compassion. If a behavior is right or wrong for one person, isn’t it for all persons since we are a common humanity? Genetics has now established all persons have descended from one woman and one man located in the same region.
Yet, in spite of all this, we have a dark evil side, want our way above all else, and can find reasons to justify any behavior. So, why not have our flings since it’s an ultimately meaningless world and our lives end in extinction?
Is there a Basis for our Rights in Biblical Christianity? I don’t mean the so-called Christianity of liberalism, but the Christianity of the Bible. True science points directly to the God of Genesis 1:1. That God revealed Himself in our history in many unmistakable supernatural ways. Only a willful prejudice can deny that it’s true. The Bible is plain that God made man directly in His mental, moral, immortal image that gives us great value. We are not just dirt evolved up from the slime. Even apart from the Bible, our perfect Creator has given us universal objective moral standards discussed immediately above in our common humanity. That in itself is a basis for human laws that provides for and respects human dignity and freedom. Yet, God knew this is still not enough. We know it too when we’re honest.
Knowing our dark sinful propensity, God also gave us His Word to help us further know His perfect will. The Almighty has a great plan; He is carrying it out in our world. We have opportunity to take part in that plan with eternal reward. That’s what makes life meaningful--our every thought, word, and deed counts. Yet, more wonderful, God actually came into our world adding to Himself the nature and body of a man and walked among us. He fulfilled ancient prophecies that foretold what he would be like and do. He did things normally impossible for neither men nor nature. He walked on water, raised the dead, transformed Himself into light, and ascended into Heaven. Best of all, to satisfy God’s justice and demonstrate God’s love, Jesus took our place on the cross paying the price of our sin and opening the door to Heaven for all who believe. And, Jesus arose from the dead proving He is the God-man and that all He said is God’s truth. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). That’s the only basis of human rights since it's God's truth that makes us accountable to God at the judgment.

Yes, in the Lord Jesus Christ alone we can have dignity, rights, freedom, justice, love, truth, and assurance of life after death. But it’s our choice how we live and where we go—Heaven or Hell. The God of love allows us to have our sinful ways and doesn’t perform a miracle to save us every time we do something stupid. But he pleads with us in love to come to him to be saved. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10). None of the views above can provide such rights and give such hope.

This may be your opportunity of a lifetime to say YES to the Savior of sinners and become a child of God with all its rights and prospects. Jesus, the God-man died for you and me. I’ve trusted Him to save me. How about YOU? The Lord and Savior pleads with you to come to Him now. Won't you say yes Lord Jesus, I trust in You now and forever as my Lord, Savior, and Guide? If you have now trusted the only Savior of us sinners, won't you link this blog and share it with others? God bless you in your new life and ministry of love, faith and hope.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Do You See Life and the World?

                      How Do You See Life and the World? 

Philosophically, we may live in a twostory house and can move a few minor upstairs furnishings, but have trouble making any major changes. We may never have thought deeply about the foundational supports downstairs.  But we feel strongly about our beliefs. All our life experiences, teachers, and circumstances have lead us to believe this way. We never questioned it. Unless brought into context with a different way of thinking we may never realize we could we wrong. Or. that there may be a better and truer way to think, feel, and believe. Let's honestly and courageously consider the three mayor ways people see life and the world. They are called worldviews.
I’m an atheist.
I believe I somehow evolved from dirt and return to dirt. There is no God of any kind nor angels, miracles, human souls, or divine revelations. We're on our own and can believe freely as we like. Persons call us materialists, naturalists, humanists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists, secularists, antisupernaturalists, and physicalist's. Death is the end of life--lights out.
My belief is justified. Nothing over time produced everything. Unconsciousness assumed conscientiousness. Non life sprang into life spontaneously. Chaos acquired ordered information. Mindlessness became reason. Molecules arranged themselves into men over time and by chance. My belief alone is scientific fact and reasonable. I'm free to think as I like  since the universe is always evolving or in change nothing  can be absolute. 
I’m a pantheist or monist.
I believe I’m recycled energy and have many lives (reincarnations). The universe is energy that takes many forms like waves of the sea. But they are all illusion since none of them has permanent existence. Persons call us Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Scientologists, New Agers,  followers of Unity School of Christianity, Transcendental Meditation, and Christian Science.  Though these religions differ somewhat, they all believe in many life cycles and eventual reabsorption into universal energy.
My belief is justified. It’s shown in yearly seasons of life dying and returning—never mind about the earths tilts circling the sun. It’s justice is shown by abnormalities in animals and persons—never mind natural genetic defects. It’s shown by past life recall—it just seems I’ve been here and done this before or maybe I dreamed it. I was a big potato in my last life. How do I know I’m right? I’m god and I’m enlightened. If you meditate long enough, you will become enlightened too.
I’m a Christian.
 I have a love-trust relationship with Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of sinners. Some persons call me Catholic or Protestant. Others call me bigoted, intolerant, narrow-minded, arrogant, mean spirited, absolutist, even unchristian and other names I won’t mention. Following the Bible I alone have a basis for absolute truth, human dignity, rights, freedom, ethical responsibility, and the choice of an eternal existence with or without God. My faith in practice avoids tyranny, slavery, dispair,  manipulation, Hell.
My belief is justified. The atheist’s claims are his unscientific unproven naturalistic assumptions. Nothing can’t produce everything because it’s non-being--it doesn’t exist. Mindless, unconscious molecules can’t arrange themselves in any amount of time into intelligent men. Things can’t give what they don’t have to give. The pantheist’s claims are not enlightenment but his unenlightened imagination. The universe is rational and purposeful being the effect of a self-existent, immutable, infinite Mind. Science points to creation. Conscience shows we're more than animals. Biblical Christianity alone centered in the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, can explain everything in terms of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.
I alone have ultimate authority in my Maker, Redeemer, and Judge. I'm assured of eternal life, dignity, and freedom  through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who in love paid for my sins in His death upon the cross. and who arose again to assure me of its truth. If you believe the Christian biblical explanation makes more sense and explains all life better, Trust in the Lord, Savior, and Guide of us sinners. Pray, Lord I ask You to forgive me of wrong deeds or sin. I trust You now forever. See my articles about the death of Jesus and his resurrection.
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How Can Jesus Christ Help Me?

How Can Jesus Christ Help Me?

Is there something that can give us an entirely different outlook on life? You become the esteemed leader of the world, die, and discover it really meant nothing. You proudly lead your nation to defeat all its enemies, save your people from utter destruction, die, and forever weep in sorrow. You are regarded the enlightened person of the East, die, and discover it was only darkness. You gain world acclaim as an athlete piling up goal metals in the Olympics, die and feel it was all an utter waste. Why? How could I have missed life's essential?
Could such things be possible? Is there some vital piece of news we don’t know that can completely revolutionize our lives? I’ve found that there is, and I want to share it with you. And it doesn’t mean we have to be the world’s greatest. It’s in a man who walked among us long ago, who said and did things no other man could. His name is Jesus Christ. 
Jesus Christ alone assures human beings of life after death. Is there life after death? Some persons believe that when you die, you’re dead, lights out, that’s it. Others claim we are reincarnated into many lives. But what proof is there for that? We’re born with no memory of past lives. Babies can’t understand anything but to cry for warmth, food or release. And if they were a frog in their last life or will be in their next life as monists claim, how is that any proof? The only objective evidence of life after death is for some well-known person to die and come back from the dead.
This is exactly what Jesus is claimed to do and with good evidence for it. Among these evidences are Jesus’ predictions of it, his sealed and guarded tomb, his grave-clothes left, angels, soldiers’ testimony, disciple’s initial unbelief, Jesus many appearances, and the impossibility of skeptics disproving it. See my articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death?      
Jesus Christ alone assures us of absolute truth. If the universe is only a matter of chance and always in flux as atheists claim, then there is no absolute truth, or at least spiritual or metaphysical truth. Everything can be explained by evolution and we don’t need a Creator and Sustainer God. But the universe is not eternal according to modern scientific discoveries, that means it had a beginning.
 Now we know something can’t come from nothing-- it doesn’t exist. Something that doesn’t exist can’t bring itself into existence. So a beginning universe requires a Beginner or self-existing Cause sufficient to account for the power and design everywhere present in the universe. In other words, a Self-existent, eternal, Almighty, Person or God exists. That God showed himself in Jesus Christ, the God-man who walked on water, healed all manner of diseases immediately, and arose from the dead. As God-man everything Jesus said and approved, is absolute truth.
Jesus Christ alone assures us we have value. If atheism is true, we are soulless dirt that can be manipulated and murdered without dignity, rights, ethics, justice, or hope. If pantheism is true, we are recycled energy eventually to be reabsorbed into spiritual energy of the universe. Jesus Christ, the God-man said we are made in God’s image which gives us great dignity, rights, justice, love,  and those who would harm us will one day answer to God (Gen. 1:27; Psalm 8:5-6).
Jesus Christ alone assures us we have rights. The one God of all creation gave us humans rights. Do not commit adultery. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not bear false witnesses. Honor your father and your mother” (Luck 18:19-20; 2 Thess. 1:7-9). God’s commandments impose obligations on us to respect the rights of others, as we would want them to respect our rights. Rights always entail responsibilities. And God will punish those who deny us our God-given rights (2 Thess. 1:7-9). There can be no ultimate authority, truth, human dignity, rights, and ethics apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. The God-man is our only Lord and Savior.
Jesus Christ alone assures us we can be forgiven and counted clean. For He (God) made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21). “ (Jesus) who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we might live for righteousness” (1 Pet. 2:24). God’s sent Paul to turn Jews and Gentiles “from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18).
Jesus Christ alone assures us we can be rewarded at the judgment. The Lord Jesus who in love died to pay for our sins and appease the Father’s wrath against sin will judge both believers and unbelievers. Believers will be given rewards for deeds of service done in the body. ”Each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If any one’s work, which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward” (1 Cor. 3:13-14). Unbelievers throughout all the ages will be judged by their works and anyone’s name not found in the Book of Life will be caste into Hell (Rev. 20:11-15).
I love this passage in Revelation 21:3-4. “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
This is the most serious matter of life. God is completely just and knows our secrets and everything about us—whether we’ve entered a love-trust relationship with Him or not. Each of us will be rewarded or punished forever according to our degree of service or rejection—it’s Heaven or Hell forever. What is your choice? Pray Lord Jesus, I have done wrong many times and deserve eternal Hell. But I trust You now to save me from all my sins, to be my Savior and Guide throughout life, and to join you in the new Heaven one day. Thank you, the only Lord God.
U may want to translate these articles and send them to friends to know of the Lord and Savior. We may be busy with a thousand things important to us, but can they be more important than telling others of the Savior when we stand before him at the judgment?