By the Numbers

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Secular Religions Or Biblical Christianity?

                 Secular Religions Or Biblical Christianity?

By secular religions I refer to secular minded persons who have little or no acquaintance with the Bible and its teachings. Perhaps only that they once attended the wedding or funeral of a Christian friend. Secular folks nevertheless may have strong beliefs or opinions about religious and ethical issues which is their right.
We realize that many differing beliefs and practices exist in our culture and world. It's a mark of an educated  person to be acquainted with these differing beliefs. We respect others right to hold their beliefs and in turn expect that same right be shown our beliefs. This doesn't mean, however, that we can't use our minds to examine how differing beliefs relate to reality. Certainly, we wouldn't affirm anyone has the right to harm or murder persons. In this article I will discuss six secular attitudes and contrast them with biblical Christianity in its claim of a real God who acts in our real world.
Consider Secular Religious Attitudes Positive and Negative.
All religions are essentially the same. This simply isn't so for two reasons. First, every religion is exclusive with its core beliefs which distinguishes it from all others. Consider Islam and Hinduism as examples. Popular Hinduism is the most accepting of religions. You can believe almost anything about god or in many gods and be a Hindu. But you can't deny the caste system and reincarnation. Islam, however, is belief in Allah (God) and the worst sin is (shirk) to say there are other Gods. So Islam and Hinduism are both exclusive and neither believes the same as the other. Second, if any religion is true, all religions that oppose it must be false since the opposite of true is false. So people who say religions are essentially the same are either uninformed or play down the differences to avoid possible disputes. 
Positive thinking and self-help books are all we need. It's popular even with some preachers. Self-help books do give good suggestions for improvement in various areas. For example, be kind and loving to people is good advise that will win friends and influence people. But negatives such as don't lie, don't steal, don't murder are needed to further define what good and loving means. The Bible's positive statements in Matthew 22:37-40 and Philippians 4:8 are defined by all the rest of biblical teaching. Without the Bible's teaching on sin we wouldn't know we are rebelling against a morally perfect God, and need Christ's deliverance from sin and offer of Heaven. Even our good deeds apart from Christ are rebellion and for self-glory.
What's popular, or  what the majority thinks, is alright with me. Philosophies, doctrines, fads, traditions come and go and may be contradictory. Because something is popular doesn't mean it's true or right. Even when it seems to work it may not be true or good and lead to troubles later on. Political correctness doesn't necessarily mean  correctness with God. But God's will is what will count in the end and for eternity. What elitists make correct today, their replacements may make incorrect tomorrow and punish.  Elitists sometimes kill their dictators to take their place and force their form of correctness. Oppression of free thought and actions leads to slavery. Socialist denial of God brings on rules, taxes, unemployment, poverty, crime and destruction. No god but Caesar leads to slavery.
Don't be a religious fanatic. Put your religion on the back burner and don't promote it. People may think you strange, or be offended at you, or even persecute you.  Of course we're to be respectful and not give offense. But to worship God one hour on Sunday and do our own thing the rest of the time is not pleasing to the One who gave his life that we might have life eternal. Such religion is just a dot in our big circle of  life. But Jesus is to be Lord of all of life. His true disciples are to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. If we're ashamed of Jesus, at his return, He will be ashamed of us. Christians are to be in the world as salt and light but not be part of it's evil system (Matt.5:14). Our every thought, word, and deed will be our eternal reward or loss at his judgment and in eternity (1 Cor.3:9-12).
Christians are hypocrites, legalists, and condemners of others. Yes, indeed sins (bad behavior) of Christians dishonors Christ and His church. But consider these things before you judge and condemn Christians. Not everyone thought or claimed Christian, is Christian. Some profess Christ who don't possess Him (Matt. 6:21-23). People can go to church for other than spiritual reasons. Christians face the same temptations, difficulties and limitations as non-Christians. Just becoming a Christian doesn't immediately make anyone perfect, or knowledgeable, or  godly, or fully committed. Churches don't always teach right  beliefs and practices either. All these factors weigh in to fair evaluation. Further, non-Christians commit the same sins and condemning Christians doesn't excuse them (Matt. 7:1-5; Rom. 2:1). But only Christians have assurance of God's forgiveness and of Heaven (John 3:36).
I don't like Christians.. The prophets, Christ, and His apostles were condemned and killed for godly behavior (Matt. 23:37; John 15:18-25; Acts 7:58-59). Jesus parable of the killing of the landowners servants gave a stern warning to those who did it (Matt. 22:33-46). He said that persons without the wedding garment (not of Christ's church) will be cast into outer darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 22:1-14). Godly behavior is a rebuke to ungodly behavior. But God so loved the world that He gave his unique sinless Son to die to save us unworthy sinners (John. 3:16). And God alone can make our hearts right with Him and with others.
Biblical Christianity Claims A Real Ethical God Who Acts In Our Real World.
It's an unwarranted, dogmatic, even arrogant assumption to claim there's no personal, ethical God who can act in our world. We know scientifically the universe had a beginning, and since nothing can't create something, the universe must be the effect of a great creative mind and will like what the Bible calls God (Gen. 1:1). Moreover, it's a much lessor thing for a Creator of the universe to act in extraordinary ways we would call miracles. He could even take on a human nature and body like what is claimed of Jesus Christ. And there's no rule the Lord of creation must show Himself in accord with out demands but could appear in recognizable ways at selected times as recorded in the Bible. It's up to us as honest thinking persons to openmindedly examine Christian claims to see if they be true. It makes no sense to say mindless elements can arrange themselves into plants, animals, and man no matter how much time.  
Further, God is disclosed as a Trinity of love. Anything different from what God has told us about Himself  is  limited  unauthorative human guesses. The Bible statements teach God is love (1 John 4:8) which means personal relationships. In eternity God existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  in relationship which means He can have loving relationship with us made in His image.
What God has told us about Himself is what we must believe. Any denial of this is not biblical Christianity but another belief contrary to what is taught in the Bible and has always been affirmed by true Christian churches.
The nature of God is not in conflict but is beyond human understanding. We can understand how God can be one essence but not how God can at the same time be three persons that can communicate with each other. But that is exactly what the Scriptures teach about God. Jesus talked to his Father and sent the person of the Holy Spirit to us. When we can't comprehend all the grandeur and mysteries of the universe, how can we expect to understand the even greater God who created them? See my article on The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
Now certainly biblical history deserves honest openminded reading. It reads like real history telling the faults and failures of even it best characters. And it tells of God acting in our real world in surprising ways. So much of it is verified by archaeologists digging up artifacts telling of kings, priests, places, dates and events described in detail in the Bible. People were always astonished and doubtful at biblical miracles showing people then knew nature's patterns as well as we do today. Its prophets were persecuted for revealing the abuses and secrets of the wicked. Bible history is all so natural with world conditions and human nature to be anything fake or made up. It's God's truth.
 God the Father sent his Son Jesus, the promised Messiah and Savior, to all who believe in Him. Many persons testify they have come to have a new heart of love, peace in God's forgiveness, and hope of eternal life unimaginable before. This wonderful event can happen to you too. Won't you say, Lord, I trust you to forgive my wrong doing (sin). You paid for my evil actions by your death on the cross. Now Lord, save me from sin and hell to live for and serve You forever. Thank You Lord for saving me.
Now as a new follower of Christ I want to read Your Word, obey Your commands, and share my new faith with others who don't know You. Help me follow Your great plan for my life. I pray others I tell on Facebook or tweet will come to trust in You as well. I want to do what I can to make a better world and show people how to go to heaven.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Dozen Eggs You Don't Want to Hatch!

                  A Dozen Eggs You Don't Want to Hatch!
Youth is less experienced and more easily persuaded. But at any age we can fall into traps that destroy our character, ruin our reputation, restrict our future opportunities, and may send us to prison. It's said, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." Protect Your Character and Your Future!
We can be so focused on  the present and its seeming harmless enticements and never once consider the addictions, destructions, limitations, heartaches, and sufferings that we must face down the road. "Oh, if I had only known--but now it's too late!" Please take these admonitions seriously as they may save you from utter ruin.
1. Everybody's doing it. Do we know that to be a fact? Has anyone taken a survey? Maybe it seems that way because our particular friends seem to be doing it. Maybe they just say that thinking it more acceptable. Even supposing they are doing it, does that make it right? Could it have harmful consequences down the road? Will our family approve of it? Do you have to sneak around to do it?Consider these things seriously.
2. Just one time won't hurt you. Are you sure? Many have thought that and become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling that they wish a million times they never would have started. Girls can get pregnant from sex just one time and live with guilt and maybe poverty the rest of their lives. Seeming present benefits may have long term harmful effects. Does it make us wise or more adult to take on adult habits that become expensive destructive addictions we later regret? Don't let yourself be tricked.
3. Don't be a party pooper.  Friends, movies, and teachers may promote and pressure immoral destructive behavior as though there's nothing wrong in it.  It takes courage to stand for behaviors we know to be right. Sometimes we need to change friends to those who share our moral values. We need to feel good about ourselves, a good clean guilt free conscience can prevent anxiety and fear of exposure. Do be God's precious trooper.
4. Cutting corners is good business. It can destroy an otherwise good business. It's dishonest, risky, and eventually likely to be found out, destroy your business and prevent you from starting another business. You would resent someone cheating you. Fair and honest business produces more good business. People trust you when they know you give them a fair deal.
5. You won't know unless you try. That might be true but any harm done may be too late to correct. Adam and Eve gave us all a rebellious sinful nature. Seeking to learn more about the subject first is wise and may save us many tearful regrets. Avoid even the appearance of evil.
6. I won't tell on you. Don't put trust in people's word. They have already approved an evil act. You may have a fallen out with them and they quickly spill the beans. People may find out anyway. We can always overlook something or make a mistake. If we lie about it, we might have to tell more lies to cover up and get into deeper trouble. A temporary advantage isn't worth risking a sterling character. Trust in the Lord and do good.
7. It may be your last or only chance.  Even supposing it is, gaining the whole world isn't worth losing your own soul. Good character is what enables people to trust you and give you chances. Bad character doesn't. You don't know it's your last or only chance. Surprising opportunities do occur. Believe and behave.
8. It's just borrowing and you can put it back later. Just borrowing is a lie. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing.  We can never know we will not be found out or even can put it back. Conditions can change unexpectedly. Honesty is the best policy.
9. It will make you popular, successful, wealthy, or sexy. Such things are not the most important things in the world though we may selfishly think so. Good character, self-esteem, an honest living, trustworthiness, faithfulness, and loyalty are worthy of everyone's respect. We can be outstanding in areas mentioned above and not find fulfillment. Being sexy can lead to unwanted problems while real beauty is in good character. Bad behavior to obtain something may backfire later on.
10. Nobody will ever find out. We don't know that. It may turn out much different than what we ever imagined. People see things when we don't know they're around, as when Moses killed the Egyptian. Nazis who killed Jews escaped to other countries and many were found. Besides, a guilty fearful life is not good. God too knows all our secrets good and bad.
11. You deserve to get even. Two wrongs don't make a right. This life is not just, but justice will be served one day by the all knowing Lord Jesus. He who took our place, dying for our sins on the cross, is the same one to whom we will bow and give account of our lives. The nails didn't hold Him to the cross. Love for us held the perfect Son of God to the cross. He could have called ten thousand angels to his aid. Man's worst injustice, God used to bring about the world's greatest good--the Lord Jesus' death to save us unworthy sinners. Leave it in God's hands.
12. God wants us to have fun. Indeed, he does and we can in a multitude of ways. But the fun God wants us to have is not destructive of our character, our body, our mind, our family or our country. It gives us self-respect, a guilt free conscience, moral purity, and hope for good things throughout life. Party with purity.
A good name is to be chosen rather than riches (Proverbs 22:1). Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come (Ecclesiastes 12:1). I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2). May I recommend that you commit yourself to the Lord each day. That's the only way we can escape the pollutions of this evil world system.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Did God Feed Israel Manna In The Wilderness?

             Did God Feed Israel Manna In The Wilderness?

Those ancient Jews lived in a prescientific era unable to understand things we do today. Their Bible stories were just myths, or ignorant imaginings. If miracles happened then, we would see them happen today, but we don't.
This thinking may seem so reasonable to us today but let's give it fair open-minded consideration. Perhaps we've never given it serious thought that ancient people could know more than we realize. In this article, I want to challenge what may be our erroneous assumptions and to expound some unusual characteristics of this biblical event.
Consider five assumptions some persons think make biblical miracles incredible or impossible.
Some assume no Creator of the universe exists. But we know the universe didn't exist and didn't create itself, so something had to create it. That creator had to be self-existent, eternal and unchanging or else it would cease to exist. It had to be immaterial or spiritual since it brought matter, space-time into existence. It had to be an infinite living Mind and will in order to explain all the living intelligent things we see around us daily. Something can't give what it doesn't have. In other words, it has to be what we would describe as the Almighty, all knowing God. Moreover, there can be no more than one God or absolute. 
Some too assume nature's laws would prevent a Creator God from acting in our world. But it's not difficult for the universe's Creator to do much lesser things. The Lord of nature can direct his laws to act in any way at any time it suits his purpose.Thus, extraordinary things as miracles and prophecies are his prerogative. But can we recognize such things if they occur?
Others assume we couldn't know or identify God acting supernaturally in our world. People have always recognized nature's usual patterns. But if a spokesman for God waves his staff and water forms walls for people to walk between, we know that's of God. People can't walk on water, but if they see a man doing it and claiming to be God, that's decisive. If a woman becomes pregnant not having known a man, that takes an act of God. If a person's ear is severed by a sword and someone who claims he existed before the world did restores it back normal, that's God in action. The Bible is filled with such things. Skeptical astonished persons knowing nature's ordinary patterns but seeing such extraordinary events came to believe God does indeed act in our world. Further, if men claiming God spoke to them of things impossible to know come to pass, that too is another way to know God acts in our world. Clearly God acted--such things can't be considered accidents of chance or anomalies or ignorance or superstition or fraud--they're the real thing.
Again, some assume God wouldn't take on human form to tell us who he is. Who can make a rule that man's Creator can't take on a human nature and body to tell us and show us who he is? Certainly, we see we are the highest form of creation above other living things.  God being a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who before creation enjoyed fellowship as  persons sharing the same essence, then it's reasonable he made us in his  rational, moral, immortal image for relationship with him and to bring him glory. See my article on Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
Lastly, some assume the Jews would endure torture and death knowing all the while the miracles were lies.  For their faith biblical writers were ridiculed, beaten, tortured, imprisoned, murdered. Zechariah was stoned, Isaiah  sawed in two, Uriah killed with the sword, as were others  (Heb. 11:36-37). Jesus assured faithful believers they would be persecuted (Matt. 5:12). John the baptizer, Peter, Paul and others met horrible deaths. Can we seriously believe they would endure such treatment knowing their writings and testimony were all a lie? It's simply incredible.
Now let's look at the particular characteristics of God feeding Israel manna in the dessert.
The manna's appearance seems an undeniable historical event.  The wilderness setting, conditions, places, names, descriptions all correspond with what is known of that region today. Israel's difficulties, complaints, unbelief, and rebellion  illustrate human nature under such conditions. Frequent Bible references confirm Israel considered it a real event in their history (Ex. 16:1-5, 14; Num. 11:1-9; Neh. 9:15, 20; Josh. 5:12; Ps. 78:20, 22-25; 105:40; Jn. 6:22-59; Heb. 9:4).  This can't be a once upon a time in a far away land made up child's story. It really happened.
The manna's unique nature. It was a small round flaky substance that appeared on the ground when the dew melted.  It could be made into cakes and stewed or baked. It looked like white  seed and tasted like honey wafers or like pastry prepared with oil. It was nutritious and may have been suited to each person's taste. 
It's perennial appearance. God promised Israel food from heaven. When discovered, the people asked, "What is it?" Although they had been living in the area two and a half months, this was something new they had not seen before. It was seen when the sun melted the dew. The manna appeared all seasons and ever place Israel camped for 40 years.
It's  six day appearance and spoilage. It came consistently six days a week but not on the seventh. The manna was to be gathered in the mornings and completely eaten each day with none left over or else it stank and became wormy. But the people were to gather up twice as much on the sixth day to last over the Sabbath and then it didn't spoil. God was teaching them the seventh was to be their day of rest and worship and they were to honor him with their obedience.
It's constant quantity. Regardless of how much or how little manna was gathered there was always  enough to feed two million people. Everyone in each household was fed but had to be eaten that day. While Israel had other foods this was the bread God promised them from Heaven.  
It was a promised sign. Israel never regarded the manna as a mere product of nature. It was a gift and sign of God's presence and provision to her in her need. It was designed as a test of their faith and belief in it may serve as a test of our faith today. Critics try to explain it away as the sweet-tasting excretion left by insects on the twigs of the tamarisk trees. But that appeared only in June and July and did not spoil in 24 hours. The manna, however, came all year around everywhere Israel camped and must be eaten that day. Also, the manna appeared two and a half months after Israel had been in the wilderness and stopped forty years later when Israel ate from the promised land of milk and honey.
It was a perpetual memorial. Three quarts of manna were placed in a jar in the ark of the covenant. It was kept there unspoiled  for future generations to see. This was unspoiled undeniable evidence to future generations of God's presence and supply of the people's need in the dessert wilderness.
It's verification by the Lord Jesus. The wilderness manna was a type or representative of the spiritual food only Jesus can give. Manna fed physical bodies that perished, but Jesus is spiritual food bringing eternal life. He is the true bread come down from Heaven to give life to every believer.
Dear reader, if you feel this is God's truth that you should trust in Jesus for spiritual and eternal life, that's God speaking to you in love offering you forgiveness of sins, acceptance and peace with God. Won't you open your heart now by saying: Lord, I trust you now and forever to forgive me, be with me, and guide me through this life and help me live for You until I die or You come to receive me. Thank you my loving Lord Jesus and Messiah. Amen (so be it).
Now get into the Bible which is God's instructions of how we can live to please our Mastor. Pray and worship with God's believing people, and share your new faith with friends and loved ones. Sharing these articles too can bring them to the Lord in an exciting new life, hope, and joy in Jesus. God bless.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Could Unbelievers Fear A Real God?

                        Could Unbelievers Fear A Real God?

Ha! Ha! That question seems ridiculous, even stupid! I see trees, birds, animals, people, stars, but no God, or anything suggesting God. God is nothing but a figment of ignorant peoples' imagination, maybe their attempt to comfort themselves in difficult circumstances.
Not so fast! Could we have mistaken notions about what God must be? Could we be looking in the wrong places? Or, maybe be blind to what we see? Could we even be deceiving ourselves? Let's think openly, honestly and courageously about these following questions.
Could God Be An Invisible Spirit?
 So we don't see anything we would call God. Honestly, it's good that we don't. For if we did see some physical being, animal, or man, alleged to be God, it would likely be severely limited to occupying one spot on earth and one place in time like all other things do. If God were an animal as a lion, or insect like an ant, we likely could never think God was anything to be concerned about and that we might kill god as an inferior being and pest. And if God were a man, we could probably communicate with him. But being no more than a man he would have our same limitations and we would see no reason to worship or  to expect anything more from him than from ourselves. But the word "God" is used to mean much more than mere human limitations.
If people everywhere can pray to God, worship God, seek to obey God, and expect God to do far greater things, even things impossible for man, then God must be several things more than a mere man. A God everybody can pray to is not a physical thing limited to one spot, time, or language and must know everything. His knowledge would be astronomical maybe infinite. That's the kind of God taught in the Bible and the Christian faith. The Bible's God is an infinite Spirit existing throughout time and space. Any man made idol of wood, stone, or metal would greatly misrepresent him making him worthless.
Could God Be A Creative Person?
Now we don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that nothing can't create something. Nothing means nonexistence without mind, will, and power. We know the universe hasn't always existed but came into being at some point when matter, space and time began. So if it didn't exist, something else must have existed to bring it into being. That something must be equally great or greater than its material creation since something can't give what it doesn't have. So the Bible says,"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).
We know also that life doesn't magically spontaneously spring into being from non life. Non life has no mind, will, and power to create itself in any amount of time. Atoms can't decide let's arrange ourselves into germs, virus, plants, animals and man. Again, the facts require that that creative something have life and to always have been living without change. God must be an eternal, self-existent, intelligent, living, planning creative being or person. This is what is meant in the Bible by the word--God.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,  and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." John 1:1-5.    
Could We Miss Other Pointers To God?
Some persons claim we don't need God since evolution can explain everything. But can it? Nonexistence can't explode and evolve into anything. Anything begun requires a Beginner. Numerous things require a creative mind and will outside the mindless elements of nature. Eggs require chickens to lay on them before they hatch and the chicken has a chemical necessary for eggs to form. Everything that breathes requires just the right combination of gases and density of atmosphere. Nature can't know birds need wings to fly, animals need legs to walk, fish need fins to swim, men need arms to make things. Male and female gender is tremendously complicated, had to exist together at the same time, and exists in myriad life forms throughout the animal kingdom. No closed-minded faith as evolutionary naturalism can account for these things and a million others. Everything points to God.
Our eye beholding things of breathtaking beauty inspire a sense of awe and wonder giving us the impression something more than nature exists, and that it must be good and love us. Just as things which thirst have a need for water, there is water. Loneliness means we have a need for companionship, and compatible companions exist. Our sense of incompleteness implies something exists to complete us. Our need for purpose is pointless unless there is an ultimate purpose or Purposer. Even truth is irrational unless there's an ultimate truth to make it rational. All such things point to God and make no sense unless the biblical kind of God exists.
Could God Be A Moral Person?
Would you be appalled to see your loved ones used for target practice, or see human beings hung on meat hooks to be purchased and roasted for food?  Would you not object to others lying, stealing, deceiving, and cheating you? Since we are a common humanity, if such things are wrong for one  person, they would be wrong for us all.
Can we believe human life has no more value than that? No, something inside us cringes at such things knowing they can't be right and are terribly unjust. It's called a conscience. But if there's no ethical God to whom we must give account of our lives, concepts of justice and love make no sense for merely perishing animals. This too points to a just but loving God to whom we must one day give account of our lives.
Could God Walk Among Us?
Now if God be creator of all the universe and made us in his rational, moral, immortal image for relationship with us, what could possibly be difficult for him to take on a human nature and body to communicate with us? But how could we recognize him if he came among us and was no different than any other ordinary man? We couldn't in that case recognize him. He would have to not only claim to be our God but do extraordinary things to get our attention and demonstrate his claims true. What would that require?
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotton of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). See my article, The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.
Consider these things. What if Jesus claimed to be God and could predict things months even years before they occurred? What if he did specific things predicted centuries earlier that only God could know and do? What if he could do astonishing things nature's patterns cannot normally allow? Such things beyond human ability would definitely show he was more than man and must be a God-man!
Jesus predicted Peter's denial three times before the roaster crowed, Judas' betrayal, his death and resurrection after three days. He fulfilled centuries earlier prophecies that Messiah would be God, perform miracles, live without sin, die for sinners and be raised from the dead. His disciples and his critics were astonished at his miracles and couldn't deny them. All these things are impossible if Jesus be a mere man. (For more detail, see my articles on Jesus' prophecies and miracles.)    
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).
 Nothing but arguments are sometimes used to ridicule Christians with pretense of knowledge one doesn't have and sense of self-importance not pleasing to God. If we could gain the whole world but lose our own soul, would that be wise? Everywhere we look is evidence pointing to the biblical God. Human dignity and real justice exists only if God exists and Jesus demonstrated he is our God who walked among us. Heaven is where God's perfect love is made known. We are given the choice to trust Jesus to forgive our sins, save us from Hell, and follow Him in life. You are invited to become right now a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ seeking His will the rest of your life. Say, Lord Jesus I trust You to save me and show me Your will for my life from now on. Trust Jesus as your loving Lord. Follow the Bible. Don't be afraid!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Warfare in the Quran & in the Bible

                         Warfare in the Qur'an & in the Bible 


Since the terrorist 9/11 assault on symbols of American wealth and power secularists have come to feel that devotion to the God of any holy book is a dangerous thing. Postmodernists believe everything is in flux, socially estranged and requires their authoritative interpretation. They despise any hint of objective religious authority. They may know little if anything about either holy book but equate the God of both as the cause of religious wars. Can we know the truth about this important matter? 
. .
One thing they seem to overlook is that the twenty century socialists/communists and Nazis denying God and religion have caused more deaths and destroyed more lands in wars than all the previous religious wars put together. I wonder how they can casually dismiss that as insignificant. Are we right to assume religious wars are all on the same footing? Is there no difference between Muslim terrorists and biblical Christians, between Quran's hate teaching to fight and slay pagans where you find them (Surah 9:5) and Jesus' commandments to love God and man (Matt. 24:37-40)?
Warfare in the Quran.
Islam is a state religion bent on conquering the world. It seems impossible to separate the religion from the government or from Islamic society. They are one indivisible community that regards all infidels who won't summit as their enemy. This is the plain teaching of the Quran and the Hadith and gives Islamic soldiers dying in battle for Allah (God) assurance of going to paradise where all their sensual desires will be satisfied--wine, many beautiful women, song and every comfort of life (Surah 37:40-48; 60:10-40; 76:10-21). Nothing is said about their wives having virgins.
Muhammad is known at the prophet of the sword and his life is the pattern Muslims are to follow (Surah 33:21; 68:4). Islam began in conquest, and has a history of warfare with its objective to impose its religion and law upon the world. When in a minority, Muslims cite their annulled  verse in the Quran that teaches no compulsion in religion and claim peace (Surah 2:256). But when they gain a majority, they enforce the multiple passages that plainly teach to kill all infidels who will not submit to Islam.
Any unbelieving nation and people who won't summit to Islam is their enemy and if not subdued by persuasion must be by force. Jews and Christians are not Allah's friends or protectors (Surah 5:51; 60:1). Even treaty obligations with pagans may be dissolved (Surah 9:1, 3; 16:101). Muslims with head bowed to the ground facing Mecca are taught to pray five times a day and that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. That's instilled in them from cradle to grave and difficult to renounce.
Their ideal of peace cannot be achieved until all nations are brought under Islamic rule. Muslim states rich in oil enable them to equip Jihadist terrorists to use violent destruction all over the world. Islamic law oppresses any personal opinion (Surah 33:36). It governs all political, social, military and family life. Unlike biblical Christianity, basic Islam does not promote human dignity, equality, freedom, love and peace.
While not all Muslims agree with this, they are not very vocal to protest it. Islamic schools and mosques teach hatred of unsubmissive infidels and fearful threats to Muslims who would convert to another religion. Committed parents will disown or even kill their own children who accept another religion. Consider three of  over a hundred plain terrorist statements of the Quran and the Hadith.
Sura 8:12, 17. "I will instill terror into the infidels, smite them above their necks; smite all their fingertips off them. It is not you who slay them but Allah."
Sura 9:14. "Kill the infidels, God will torment and cover them with shame."
Hadith 1:35. "The person who participates in Allah's cause (namely, in battle), . . will be recompensed by Allah either with reward or booty or will be admitted to Paradise."
Warfare in the Jewish Tanakh or Old Testament..
Israel was a theocracy or state religion directed by God that sought justice and peace in the world. But fairness requires we understand several factors. First, its recorded killings aren't always approved biblical teaching. It records Moses unlawfully killed the Egyptian. Warfare among kings may be simply stated without expressed approval or disapproval. Second, Israel's just God does  command warfare as one means of judgment. He drowned Pharaoh's army in the sea, used Joshua to defeat the Canaanites living in Israel's promised land, later used Israel's leaders called judges to defeat their warring neighbors. But Israel too was subject to God's judgments for wrong doing. Among them God slew 24,000 idolaters in a plague (Num. 25:9), complainers against God over  age 20 weren't allowed into the promised land, Israel's defeat at Ai, and her later captivity.
Third, unlike other nations Israel's rules of warfare were most humane (Deut. 20). A priest would tell soldiers God would give them victory and officers would tell those afraid to go home. The army coming against a city was to offer them peace and to pay tribute but if they didn't accept, only then to kill the soldiers and put others under subjection. Among the Canaanites living in the land promised to Israel, God commanded everything be utterly destroyed except believers in the true God such as Rahab. Even then God gave the Canaanites 400 years to repent before judgment. He knew they would  lead Israel from God into idolatry, astrology, homosexuality, child sacrifice, and bestiality (Ex. 22:18-20; Lev. 18:20-23). Further, Canaanites practices were unsanitary and productive of disease.
Surely postmodernists don't forbid governments to oppose evil, or do they? Sometimes war is necessary to put down evil. Hitler unopposed would have subjected the world to death or slavery. Isn't it the state's duty to arrest criminals, burglars, rapists, murders, child abusers and the like for public safety and security? But if there is no personal ethical God as a standard, then anything can happen for the worse.
Warfare in the New Testament.
Biblical Christianity is not a state religion but a worldwide spiritual brotherhood of all who acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and the Bible teachings as their authority and guide. It's true that some nations have been called "Christian" but that is subject to interpretations. Never in any nation could all be called Christians in the biblical sense just mentioned. Even where a majority claimed the Christian faith it may mean only their belief in a personal ethical God and Christian ethics as the accepted norm. The Crusades of the middle age were called holy wars to retake lands Muslims had taken from them but this clearly is not the teaching of the New Testament. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight"John 18:36.
Unlike Muhammad who brandished the sword to kill many people who saw him as a false prophet, Jesus told Peter to put away the sword because he could have twelve legions of angles come to his rescue but then the Scriptures of his dying to save us sinners would not be fulfilled (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27; Matthew 26:52-54; Ephesians 1:7).
New Testament warfare and armor is described in Ephesians 6:10-19. "But on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places".
Further explanation metaphorically represents the pieces of armor in spiritual  concepts of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. These are the weapons New Testament believers are to fight with and they are powerful to bring down strongholds.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:4-5). These articles are supreme examples of Christian spiritual warfare. In uncensored libraries and bookstores many books can be found mentioning the same things said here, even in some books by Muslims. See books below and the article: They have come for us, Claiming America for Islam.
Saul, the first great persecutor of Christians was transformed into Paul, the first great preacher of Christ. It's happened many times and can happen many more times. Brothers and sisters around the globe, let's take courage, put on the gospel armor and witness what great things God will do through us. Jesus alone is Lord and Savior of us sinners. 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life's Crucial Questions

                                  Life's Crucial Questions

Look at ME! Listen to My experiences. I'm so great? If all I care about is Me and My little world, then I might be in serious trouble! Three questions capture the essence of where I'm going.

Is There A God?

For many persons it's purely an academic question so when they decide a yes or no answer they can return to themselves. But what if this question decides more issues of greatest import than all else and it's simply ignored? Is that wise?
 In the world we observe many kinds of trees, plants, birds, fish, animals, creeping things. Did they create themselves? Each one is designed with a specific genetic code and is far more complex than even the most brilliant persons could ever imagine. Doesn't all this point to an intelligence and will far exceeding us?
Humans are the most intelligent creatures we know of on the planet. For sure the elements are forms of unconscious energy that can neither know nor design anything. And, isn't it absurd to say their atoms just happen to all fall in place to produce such an enormous variety of complex creatures? Aren't partial developed organs such as wings, legs, eyes, ears, arms and partially developed systems such as digestive and reproductive useless unless complete and operative from the beginning? All these things compel me to believe nothing less than a creative God is required to explain it all. Can you agree?
Common sense tells us something can't come from nothing as nothing means powerless nonexistence. We now know the universe had a beginning point suggesting a Beginner since nothing of itself explodes into everything. The universe is elongated or stretched out not spherical as an explosion would be. It is both expanding and losing useful energy. Unless it existed to create itself which is absurd, it is dependent upon an outside originating Source or Creator. Further, its present dependent existence requires such a Source to uphold its existence. Isn't all this obvious?

Is There Life After Death?

A mystic's claim that life exists after death  gives me no assurance it's true. Mystics can claim frogs can turn into people or anything else if they like. Mormons claim people can become gods and have their own planet. But I must see some examples of such things to believe them true.
The only way we can really know if life exists after death is for dead persons to come back to life. It amazes me that liberals claim persons of the Bible brought back to life were merely revived from a coma and that Jesus' death on the cross was that he merely swooned. Anybody who has ever touched dead persons know they are cold stiff corps, life has departed and body oder shortly sets in.
Do skeptics think the trained soldier executioners guarding Jesus on the cross were uncertain of his death? They overlook the fulfillment of the prophecy that no bone of his would be broken while the guards broke the legs of the two thieves to hasten death, that Jesus promised one thief would join him in paradise, and  that one guard acknowledged Jesus was the Son of God. Furthermore, they overlook Psalm 22 and 15 New Testament messianic quotations of or allusions to it which lead some in the early church to call it "the fifth gospel." If the event occurred, it doesn't matter if it was two thousand years ago or two million. The reality and meaning of it remains forever the same that Jesus died to save us sinners bearing our sin upon the cross.
But Jesus didn't remain a dead man upon the cross, but is a risen Lord and Savior of all who put their trust and hope in Him. Evidences of it abound for those willing to consider them. There is the empty sealed guarded tomb, the heavy bolder rolled from its entrance, the soldiers admitting Jesus was not there, the  neatly folded grave clothes, the angel announcing he is risen, a dozen appearances under all kinds of circumstances, Jesus eating and talking with astonished skeptical disciples talking about the kingdom of God, and his Ascension before five hundred eyewitnesses. All skeptic's theories honest with the evidence break down. See my other articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death?
What does it mean for humanity? It means the most wonderful things. Unlike others imaginings, we are not soulless dirt as atheists believe, nor recycled energy as monists believe, but we alone in God's image have basis to be beings of dignity and destiny. Because Jesus lives, we know he is the God-man as he claimed so many times and ways. We know everything he taught and approved of is God's absolute truth. A rational Lord made a rational world we can understand, care for and use for our well-being. That makes literature, philosophy, and science possible. It makes ethics, justice, love, faith, hope and human well-being possible too.
But while man is a being of dignity, it must not be overlooked that he is just as much a being of depravity--we have noble and creative potential, but also an ignoble destructive dark side to our nature. When our first parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God, it meant we inherited from them a sinful nature-- we naturally choose our desires and our will over our Maker's if we're not careful.
This means we must way our attitudes and actions most carefully in light of God and His will. Every thought, word, and deed will one day come up for judgment and reward with God in the new Heaven, or for eternal separation from all we're known to be good in this life in an eternal abode of darkness, torment and despair. It's our choice--we're not robots without dignity and our loving God can't force Himself upon us. God and His Heaven cannot be corrupted as the earth.

How Should We Then Live?

We not only have a conscience and human compassion to tell us we are to treat others as we would want them to treat us, but our God has given us His instruction book, the Bible, to inform us in specific matters. There is the Ten Commandments, The Sermon of the Mount, and many other lists of things we are and are not to do. Of course all God's instructions are based upon his holy or perfect nature which is our standard and by which we will one day be judged. To ignore all this or find excuses, or claim we're exempt as a special case is to one day face our all knowing Lord who won't except such excuses. See my article: The World's Excuses & God.
Essentially, we must avoid human abuse and encourage others to follow God's instructions. That required that we learn and apply His word, that we meet together for worship, praise, thanksgiving, and instructions with God's people. And of course, it means we tell other's of our Lord and His saving experience. One way of sharing is to tell others of these Internet blog articles. You might be the means of them coming to the Lord and making wonderful differences both now and eternally.
Probably, many reading this article know little or nothing, or have assurance  about the things discussed above. Let me invite you to relationship with your Maker, Savior, and Judge. He loves you and gave his human life to save you. Won't you enter a love-trust relationship with the Lord Jesus now that issues in obedience. He promised to never leave you and to give you eternal life with Him?
"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him (John 3:36)." Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed into life. . . . the dead will hear the voice of of God; and those who hear will live (John 5:24-25). Pray, Lord I trust You now to give me eternal life and forgive all my sin.
Years I spent in vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died On Calvary.
By God's Word at last my sin I learned; Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned To Calvary.
Now I've giv'n to Jesus every thing, Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sign Of Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan! Oh, the grace that bro't it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span At Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary.    ---Hymn by William R. Newel.
See comment below.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Darwinian Atheist Challenges Bible-Thumping Christian

Darwinian Atheist Challenges Bible-Thumping Christian

Matter Unbeliever knew science and reason proved evolution beyond all doubt to be fact. He couldn’t believe his ears when he heard his co-worker and friend, Chris Believer, claim true science points to God.
 He invited Chris to his home to play chess and have ice cream. Matter’s real intent is to convert Chris to his enlightened belief in atheistic evolution. After all, schools, news media, Hollywood, the American Civil Liberties Union--everybody believes it.
Ring. Ring. Matter opens the door. “Hello, Chris. Come in and sit here at the kitchen table.The chess set is already set up and I’ll get the chocolate ice cream in a little while. How have you been?”
“Oh, good as usual I suppose. Thanks friend for inviting me to play chess with you. I like the game and I like ice cream. You can move your pawn first.”
 “Okay. Chris, I heard you say the other day that true science points to God. Surely you don’t believe in God today with so much evidence against it, do you?”
“Yes, Matter, I do and I don’t know any compelling evidence against my belief.”
Just as I suspected, Matter thought. Chris is one of those dumb Bible-thumpers ignorant of the abundant evidence against God. He only believes the teachings of some funny-mentalist church and Sunday school.
“Well Chris, scientific method of repeatable experiments is our only way of knowing anything with certainty. People never see God or anyone walking on water, raising the dead, or ascending into Heaven today; it’s unreasonable to think such occurred in the past. Natures’ laws prohibit miracles and miracles would make science impossible. But if you can show me a miracle, I’ll believe. True science has shown evolution is fact which means we don’t have to believe in God anymore.”
“Chris, you’re an intelligent person. Can’t you see now my friend how ignorant, unreasonable and unscientific it is to believe in God today? Ha! Ha! Come of age, Chris. Don’t get hung up on that backward Sunday school church stuff.”
“Matter, you’re trying to proselytize me with a barrage of objections thinking believers in God don’t have supporting evidence. And then you patronize me with ridicule to make me feel stupid and shut me up. Character assignation and precluding answers may be an atheist tactic, but it’s not a fair, respectful, godly treatment of a fellow human being. And while most Christians can’t answer your objections, that doesn’t mean there aren’t answers. Besides, unless challenged, Christians don't think seriously about such things. Our faith in Christ gives us the sense of love and security we didn't know existed before."
“Matter, can scientific experiments tell us what you ate for breakfast last week? No. And they can’t tell us about history, human rights, ethics, love and all the vital things of life. Because I haven’t seen any miracles doesn’t prove they can’t happen, or didn’t happen, or that God doesn’t exist. And Bible miracles usually are grouped around special crises periods."
“Are you serious Matter that miracles would make nature chaotic and destroy science? Nature remained unchanged except in particular cases of Jesus’ miracles. Miracles aroused people’s attention, enabling them to understand Jesus’ claims to be God as true. Even their astonishment showed they were much aware of nature's laws. If God created this material universe, He’d be the Spiritual Being controlling everything. And God’s not required to submit to repeated experiments, nor skeptic’s whims. Besides, God doesn't force anyone to believe. That's not the way love acts. People come to God only when they really want to know Him."
“Science’s method today is closed-minded--it assumes nature’s everything. Nature’s self-sustaining, eternal, impersonal, valueless, and allows only natural causes. But good education and true science fearlessly encourages and examines alternative views. No one was present to observe when the universe came into being. Scientifically, creation is an open question. It has as much right to consideration as evolution. If it’s fantasy rather than fact, why aren’t creationist arguments refuted in science textbooks? Why don’t naturalists win in creation science debates? Remember the Nebraska man turned public opinion to evolution. That evolutionist’s proof turned out to be an extinct pig’s tooth.”
“Ouch! Your knight captured my queen. You’re better at this than I imagined. And you stand up for your faith and give answers. I thought Christians . . . “
“You mean Christians are ignorant, or are cowards. To be honest with you Matter, I think most are, or they just never think about it unless challenged. And like non-Christians so many other things occupy their time."
“Well Chris, didn’t Jesus say turn the other cheek, don’t judge, and he who is without sin caste the first stone.”
“Yes, Matter, but like the devil people can quote scripture out of context and convey a contrary meaning. Careful study of those passages shows Jesus meant don’t take revenge and escalate violence. He meant we should examine our own faults before we judge others’ faults, and show compassion since we’re all transgressors condemned by God’s law. We have to make judgments about many things every day--police, teachers, parents.”
“That makes sense, Chris. But what has a religion more than two thousand years old to do with life today? Christianity to me seems like a lot of rules and restrictions that frustrates my desires and spoils my fun.”
“Matter, I’m so glad you asked. It’s really unfair and not intellectual to castigate the Bible and Christianity when you don’t understand what they teach. Please let me explain.”
“The Bible’s God is an eternal, infinite, personal, ethical Creator of the universe and of man in his likeness. God took on a human nature in Jesus Christ who experienced life as us, yet without sin or wrongdoing. He fulfilled prophecies and performed miracles to show his claims to be God were true. Then he died upon the cross to pay for our sins and rose from the dead. Five hundred people saw the resurrected Lord Jesus. Many eyewitnesses were still alive when Paul wrote the letter First Corinthians 15:1-8 only a couple of decades later—it was no myth. Jesus commissioned his disciples to tell humanity the good news of eternal life through faith in him. He then ascended into Heaven with the promise to return and set up his kingdom.”
“So, it’s biblical Christianity alone that meets humanity’s most crucial needs. God created us in His likeness with dignity and immortality—we’re not just evolving, soulless, perishing dirt. God set ethical standards and will judge our earthly behavior—ethics, justice, love, freedom, truth and a meaningful world have their foundation and make sense in their Creator who came to us in the human form of Jesus Christ.”
"We can be free from guilt, know peace with God and the purpose of life when we turn from our self-centered destructive ways to trust in the Lord Jesus, the Savior of sinners. No other worldview provides the basis for these most crucial issues of life."  Matter finally brought the chocolate ice cream, but lost the chess game.
So many persons like Matter believe a lot of nonsense about science, Christianity or both. True science supports faith but here say and false notions about either can cause conflict. It's never good to belittle unbelievers as we were also at one time. We should show respect, pray, and try to lovingly lead others to God's truth (1 Peter 3:15-16). Tell them how you found love, forgiveness, peace, and joy in trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Share passages such as:  John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9; 10:9-10. Tell them about these blog articles WWW and to tell their pastor, professor, or co-workers about them.