The World's Excuses & God
They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to those things which are not fitting. . . . You are inexcusable O man, who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
---Apostle Paul, Romans 1:28; 2:1.
God's apostle makes a serious indictment against us humans. Are we guilty as charged? You be the judge but try to be honest--I know it's hard. Let's consider it as objectively as we can under four questions.
What does Biblical Christianity offer the world?
Christians believe a rational moral God created the universe and made us humans in His rational, moral, immortal image and likeness. Unlike animals, this gives us humans a greater dignity and a destiny. Being rational we can create, solve all kinds of problems and have relationship with God. Being moral, our inborn conscience tells us to treat others the way we would want them to treat us.
All this being so, we can have relationship with our Maker now and eternally--it's our choice. And it makes us responsible to God, ourselves, our fellow-man, and for God's world as His stewards. Because we all descended from Adam (means from the ground) and Eve (means mother of all people), we all have the same dignity, rights, moral laws, and are due the same humane treatment and God's justice. This is the Christian foundation and rationale for truth, free speech, ethics, land ownership, justice, love, government, law, rights, freedom, religion, philosophy, science and all human endeavors. It's unlike all others and makes for a good world.
What do Christians say is evidence that they are correct?
Creation. First, creation of the universe. Today's science is in accord with the Bible which shows the universe can be traced back to a beginning point. Moreover, what has a beginning must have a beginner since the universe can't create itself. What doesn't exist can't create anything. Further, the present universe is dependent upon a prior outside independent source. That source must be immaterial, eternal, self-existent, unchangeable, and an omnipotent mind and will to explain everything we know about in our world. In fact, that source is like the great biblical "I Am" (Exodus 3:14; John 1:1-3; Heb. 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17; Rev. 1:18).
Then, creation of life and mind. They cannot arise spontaneously from nothing. Unconscious chemicals can't give what they don't have. Mindless molecules don't arrange themselves into men given any amount of time; it requires a creative Mind or Arranger. Eyes, ears, limbs as well as digestive and reproductive systems don't just magically appear but must from the start be complete and functional which again requires creation and a Creator. Partly formed organs and systems aren't fit to survive. Nature can only select what's in the gene pool and mutations are harmful. Moreover, the often touted ape-men which would be the real disproof of creation have been shown to be either monkeys or men not missing links. Further, chimps can't communicate complicated human language.
Even supposing DNA in monkeys and men is the same, it's the different arrangement that makes the difference..
Even supposing DNA in monkeys and men is the same, it's the different arrangement that makes the difference..
Yes, the chicken must first hatch the egg with the needed chemical to form its shell and then lay on the egg for it to hatch which again demonstrates creation. Nature's beauty strikes us with wonder and awe that there must be Someone who knows and cares about us.
Yes, the chicken must first hatch the egg with the needed chemical to form its shell and then lay on the egg for it to hatch which again demonstrates creation. Nature's beauty strikes us with wonder and awe that there must be Someone who knows and cares about us.
Conscience. If there is law, then there must be a great moral Lawgiver and so much in human life testifies to that. We know that what hurts us hurts other persons like us. But our fallen conscience is fallible, can be distorted (Romans 2:15) and even seared by intense evil (1 Timothy4:2). Nevertheless, the law of the Lord is a perfect reflection His perfect divine nature (Psalms 19:7; Matthew 5:48).
Abundant evidence testifies to this objective moral law. It's universal. We can't avoid making moral judgments. We know injustice only because we know justice. It's the objective moral standard by which we measure human progress or regress. Breaking it causes us to make excuses. We suffer guilt. It's discovered, not invented. We risk our lives out of a sense of duty. All cultures disavow genocide and rape. We naturally detest some things such as to cheat, steal, murder, be disloyal and protest them done to us.
Abundant evidence testifies to this objective moral law. It's universal. We can't avoid making moral judgments. We know injustice only because we know justice. It's the objective moral standard by which we measure human progress or regress. Breaking it causes us to make excuses. We suffer guilt. It's discovered, not invented. We risk our lives out of a sense of duty. All cultures disavow genocide and rape. We naturally detest some things such as to cheat, steal, murder, be disloyal and protest them done to us.
Christ. God didn't tell us everything we want to know at once but revealed Himself and His will gradually in time periods testing our obedience under various conditions. Jesus is our fullest revelation of God. If we can put our dogmatic assumptions aside, we can see the evidence points to a great Spiritual Creator who best explains everything. Then human souls, miracles, angels, divine revelations, and God taking human form becomes reasonable because He loves us and made us for relationship. If our knowledge amounts to a dot in the universal circle, doesn't dogmatic denial speak of human arrogance while honest consideration speaks of fairness and wisdom?
No historical persons compare to Jesus. What other person is said to do such supernatural things? Jesus fulfilled multiple prophecies such as being virgin born in Bethlehem, lived without sin, performed multiple miracles, claimed to be God, died for sinners, arose from the dead, ascended into heaven before 500 staring eyes. Jesus' deity is no myth adoring disciples imagined centuries later.
Unlike other founders of religion, hymns and creeds speaking of Christ's deity within the first 15 years after his death are incorporated into the epistles. The four Gospels, Acts and epistles are published within 40 years. Secular writers mention many details of his life such as his disciples believed him to be God and died horrible deaths in testimony to it.
All this cannot be said of any other founder of religion. Actually, more historical information is recorded of Jesus that any other noted person. Archaeology too verifies details of persons, places, and events of Jesus' time. Jesus then is the God-man and King of kings.
All this cannot be said of any other founder of religion. Actually, more historical information is recorded of Jesus that any other noted person. Archaeology too verifies details of persons, places, and events of Jesus' time. Jesus then is the God-man and King of kings.
Why general objections do Christians see in non-Christian views?
If they claim there's no God who can act in our real world--that seems paradoxical being a Godlike knowledge they don't have. Their views can all be shown to be either practical atheism which makes us soulless dirt or pantheism which reduces us to recycled energy. Some are half truths as deism (god out there) and monism (god is everything). Some are complete lies such as that the truth is that we can't know truth. Atheists claim physical and moral evils preclude an all good and powerful God not realizing evils are a meaningless judgment without that God as the standard. Others clearly contradict which disproves all cannot be true if any--for example mind verses mater. They make their advocates hypocrites who must fall back on realistic Christian premises such as truth, honesty, human dignity and justice to survive. But when we forget God, we become ruled by tyrants and subject to God's judgment.
The above are shown to be the arrogant reasoning's of men. Only an infinite, self-existent, personal, ethical Creator God can provide, unify and make sense of everything including our existence, dignity and future.
The above are shown to be the arrogant reasoning's of men. Only an infinite, self-existent, personal, ethical Creator God can provide, unify and make sense of everything including our existence, dignity and future.
What specific excuses do we humans use to excuse us from God and our responsibility?
Human history contains a long list but I can mention only a few with brief comments. Animism that makes nature indwelt by spirits but still acknowledges a supreme but unknown god. Pantheism which makes everything one ultimate substance being mind or spiritual energy. Polytheism that claims many little gods evolved from nature each with its own domain that fight each other and die. Materialism says everything is matter or degrees of compressed energy. Deism that acknowledges God who created the world then forsake it to run by natural law. Panentheism (process philosophy) that supposes God is evolving with the world as mind is in a body. Dualism supposes two equal opposing principles but two exact equals reduce to the same one. Syncretism attempts to unity religions downplaying their differences claiming all religions lead to the ultimate. Cultism claims some charismatic teacher who alone has discovered the truth. Evolutionism that says the universe is always evolving so that there can be no absolute truth and morals. Relativism based upon evolution that claims no ultimate truth nor morals. Scientism (science alone is authoritative), which claims we can only know reality by controlled experimental testing and even then not absolutely. Secularism that says the supernatural is merely superstition. Humanism that affirms man must save himself since there's no God to save us. Modernism teaches you must accept beliefs in fashion today. Postmodernism affirms religious beliefs are subjective. Tolerationism accepts all beliefs not claimed absolute. Selfism being me and my desires are all I have to care about. Statism is when the Almighty State usurps control of wealth, land, religion, speech, education, news, entertainment, family, and people's lives--people give up their freedom and obey the state to survive.
All the above ideologies either ignore or deny the existence and authority of God over our lives. They result in a meaningless flux of human supposition that invites chaos and then tyranny.
"If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father . . . the world is passing away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John 2:15-17).
They all reduce to ignoring God, His supernatural evidence, instructions, and setting up ourselves as the authority and guide for our lives. Jesus said it's a matter of will. "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine" (John 7:17). God's Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). We really are without excuse (Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 17:30-31).
All the above ideologies either ignore or deny the existence and authority of God over our lives. They result in a meaningless flux of human supposition that invites chaos and then tyranny.
"If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father . . . the world is passing away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John 2:15-17).
They all reduce to ignoring God, His supernatural evidence, instructions, and setting up ourselves as the authority and guide for our lives. Jesus said it's a matter of will. "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine" (John 7:17). God's Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). We really are without excuse (Jeremiah 29:13; Acts 17:30-31).
Friend, may I suggest a better way. Our Creator, Life Giver, Lawgiver, Judge and Savior in love pleads with us to kneel in trust acknowledging we are sinners. Then pray Lord, I come to You as a humble sinner trusting You to forgive my sins, save me and be my Lord and Guide forever. Thank You Lord. John 1:29; 3:16-17, 36, 5:25; 8:12; 14:6. Now share your God given faith with everybody and pray human hearts will trust in our only Savior. God bless and use you in this crucial opportunity of the most vital things of life.