Are OT Yahweh and NT Jesus Different Gods?
Yahweh appears a judging punishing God, while Jesus is a loving forgiving God. Yahweh is one God, but Jesus has a Father and sends the Holy Spirit who are said to be God. These seem to be strange contradictory concepts. Are there good answers we fair-minded people can understand.
The Prerequisites to understanding the Christian faith.
1. The Bible God is creator of time, space, matter, and life including man in His image. "In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them, male and female. Then God looked down over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good." Genesis 1:1, 26-27, 31 NLT. All the rest of the Bible is based upon this. Now, if God be creator, then lessor things as miracles are no problem.
The Bible plainly says God created the universe. However, other world religions taught the universe is eternal. So, they can't be right! Medieval philosophers knew that if there were an infinite number of days before today, that today could never arrive. Scientists in recent decades claim the universe exploded with a big bang. It's expansion suggests a central beginning point. Heat depletion too shows it had a beginning. Now both science and logic say that from nothing, nothing comes because nothing has no power, force, mind, or will--it's nonexistence. Every beginning thing must have a cause--it can't create itself. So what is the nature of this source or cause of the universe?
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First, we have a universe, not a multi-verse as shown by its vast unity, complexity, design, and order. Further, all this being natural effects, it necessarily requires a supernatural cause meaning an immaterial, eternal, unchangeable, infinitely powerful Self-existent Mind and Will. Friends, this supernatural Source is very much like the Bible describes its perfect God.
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First, we have a universe, not a multi-verse as shown by its vast unity, complexity, design, and order. Further, all this being natural effects, it necessarily requires a supernatural cause meaning an immaterial, eternal, unchangeable, infinitely powerful Self-existent Mind and Will. Friends, this supernatural Source is very much like the Bible describes its perfect God.
Now consider the old question: Which came first the chicken or the egg? (1) Hen and rooster are compatibly designed to produce chicks. (2) Hens have a protein called overleiden 17 in their body essential for egg shells to form. (3) Hens must lay on eggs 21 days to keep them warm to hatch fully formed chicks. (4) Hens must turn their eggs over 3 or more times a day to maintain warmth. (5) The chicks must peck their way out of the shell to gain strength. (6) The hen protects her chicks under her wings and shows them how to get food and water. (7) Chicken DNA designs chickens, not some other kind of bird or animal. (8) And chickens are bred by human intelligence, not by accident. All this shows life forms are created to reproduce after their own kind. But man is in God's rational, moral, immortal image. This demolishes macro evolution. It's only a speculative theory--blind mindless material molecules can't arrange themselves into men.
2. The Bible God has made Himself known to receptive hearts through the ages in many ways. Our first parents in Paradise were innocent until they sinned in choosing self over God. Human conscience and government proved ineffective guides. God through Moses gave Israel a system of laws and sacrifices but Israel's pride prevented their witness to the world. God sent judges, prophets, priests, apostles, and evangelists inviting the unbelieving world to trust Him. God blessed believers fulfilling promises, and covenants and warned rebels through disasters, plagues, wars. But self-centered people drift away following their own desires.
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Throughout the ages, God tested human faith in unusual ways: Job's sufferings, Abraham's faith, Joseph's dreams, Samson's strength, David's victories, Solomon's wisdom, Jonah's fish. God sent angels, showed miracles. Finally, God's infinite love sent His sinless Son Jesus who died to pay for our sins and arose for our assurance. But! despite all God's pleadings, efforts, and warnings, cities, tribes, nation, schools, drift into hopeless corruption. Regretfully, God had to destroy them like a cancer to save the others. Just as God destroyed the violent evil people of Noah's day, He will again in great tribulation (Gen. 6:11-12; Matt. 24:21-22;37-39; Rev.6-19). Wake up friends! God pleads with us to open our hearts and minds to receive His love, peace, joy, purpose, salvation and Heaven. It's your choice. God longs for relationship with us. Won't you trust Him for it?
3. Our Denial of the Bible God ignores the facts, makes our world evil, and us bitter instead of better. Hardened unbelief shakes its fist in God's face "shouting--I'm handicapped. My loved one died. I've been victim of abuse, robbery, rape, murder; such evils abound--there can't be a good God or He would take out all the bad guys who abuse me." Really!! If the Bible God of truth, love, justice, and authority doesn't exist, then where does that leave us? Think about it!
Wouldn't it leave us with mere limited, conflicting, arrogant, human, self-centered opinions? Wouldn't it rob us of dignity and ethics, make our world a dangerous jungle, make us animals fighting each other for temporary survival? Doesn't that make us all self-centered rebels? --WE are the bad guys! And doesn't denial of Bible beliefs destroy all basis for justice, love, peace, truth, and hope! Life after death depends on the Savior who bore our sins on the cross and arose from the dead?
4. Yes, there is only one God throughout the Bible. A universe rather than a multi-verse is the effect of a single Mind. "In the beginning God" (not gods Gen.1:1). Israel's creed called the shema is, "Hear O Israel; the Lord our God, the Lord is one (Deut. 6:4). "I am the first and the last; apart from me there is no God (Isaiah 44:6). Jesus repeats and reaffirms Israel's creed in the N.T. (Mark 12:29). Paul agrees only one God (I Cor. 8:4; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5). Logically,there can be only one Almighty, infinite, pure, perfect God. More than one God would require different kinds of beings. Paul explains other so-called Gods are merely idols or demons (1 Cor. 10:20).
But the One Bible God is a Trinity of divine persons. Space limits explanation. While the word Trinity is never mentioned, its clearly taught in many ways. First, each member is described as a person having a mind, emotions, and will; God is never represented as some kind of impersonal mindless force. Second, each person is shown to be God. Each has the names of God and called God,Yahweh, Lord, Savior. Each has offices of God--Creator, Redeemer, Judge. Each as God is worshiped, forgives sin, is praised and thanked. God the Father is seen through out the Bible. Jesus is the Angel of the Lord and the predicted Messiah. The Spirit appears is in Genesis 1:2 and numerous other times. So the Bible teaches only one God as the three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Some say it's a contradiction!
But three persons in one essence is not a contradiction. It would be if it were three natures in one nature or three persons in one person. We rightfully expect the Creator of the universe to be greater that our limited understanding. We mustn't assume things we can't know in advance and accept what God has told us about Himself in His Word. God is like a lover (Father) a loved one (Son), and the Spirit of love. Or, a triangle with one body and three sides. 1 John 4:16.
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Throughout the ages, God tested human faith in unusual ways: Job's sufferings, Abraham's faith, Joseph's dreams, Samson's strength, David's victories, Solomon's wisdom, Jonah's fish. God sent angels, showed miracles. Finally, God's infinite love sent His sinless Son Jesus who died to pay for our sins and arose for our assurance. But! despite all God's pleadings, efforts, and warnings, cities, tribes, nation, schools, drift into hopeless corruption. Regretfully, God had to destroy them like a cancer to save the others. Just as God destroyed the violent evil people of Noah's day, He will again in great tribulation (Gen. 6:11-12; Matt. 24:21-22;37-39; Rev.6-19). Wake up friends! God pleads with us to open our hearts and minds to receive His love, peace, joy, purpose, salvation and Heaven. It's your choice. God longs for relationship with us. Won't you trust Him for it?
3. Our Denial of the Bible God ignores the facts, makes our world evil, and us bitter instead of better. Hardened unbelief shakes its fist in God's face "shouting--I'm handicapped. My loved one died. I've been victim of abuse, robbery, rape, murder; such evils abound--there can't be a good God or He would take out all the bad guys who abuse me." Really!! If the Bible God of truth, love, justice, and authority doesn't exist, then where does that leave us? Think about it!
Wouldn't it leave us with mere limited, conflicting, arrogant, human, self-centered opinions? Wouldn't it rob us of dignity and ethics, make our world a dangerous jungle, make us animals fighting each other for temporary survival? Doesn't that make us all self-centered rebels? --WE are the bad guys! And doesn't denial of Bible beliefs destroy all basis for justice, love, peace, truth, and hope! Life after death depends on the Savior who bore our sins on the cross and arose from the dead?
4. Yes, there is only one God throughout the Bible. A universe rather than a multi-verse is the effect of a single Mind. "In the beginning God" (not gods Gen.1:1). Israel's creed called the shema is, "Hear O Israel; the Lord our God, the Lord is one (Deut. 6:4). "I am the first and the last; apart from me there is no God (Isaiah 44:6). Jesus repeats and reaffirms Israel's creed in the N.T. (Mark 12:29). Paul agrees only one God (I Cor. 8:4; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5). Logically,there can be only one Almighty, infinite, pure, perfect God. More than one God would require different kinds of beings. Paul explains other so-called Gods are merely idols or demons (1 Cor. 10:20).
But the One Bible God is a Trinity of divine persons. Space limits explanation. While the word Trinity is never mentioned, its clearly taught in many ways. First, each member is described as a person having a mind, emotions, and will; God is never represented as some kind of impersonal mindless force. Second, each person is shown to be God. Each has the names of God and called God,Yahweh, Lord, Savior. Each has offices of God--Creator, Redeemer, Judge. Each as God is worshiped, forgives sin, is praised and thanked. God the Father is seen through out the Bible. Jesus is the Angel of the Lord and the predicted Messiah. The Spirit appears is in Genesis 1:2 and numerous other times. So the Bible teaches only one God as the three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Some say it's a contradiction!
But three persons in one essence is not a contradiction. It would be if it were three natures in one nature or three persons in one person. We rightfully expect the Creator of the universe to be greater that our limited understanding. We mustn't assume things we can't know in advance and accept what God has told us about Himself in His Word. God is like a lover (Father) a loved one (Son), and the Spirit of love. Or, a triangle with one body and three sides. 1 John 4:16.
5. The Bible God invites us into an eternal love-trust relationship with Him. This relationship is entered into if we will humbly admit we just care about fulfilling our selfish desires rather than trusting God's way to meet our needs on His terms in His time and way. Yes, it requires humility and trust that God's way is best after all. It's a decision for all this life and eternity. The wrong choice means eternal separation from God in darkness, loneliness, and self-chosen torments of Hell. God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Friend, won't you say, Lord I trust you now as my own Savior, Lord, and Guide.
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