Broad Road, Narrow Road--Which Do You Travel?
"According to a recent Barna Research report, nearly two out of three adults contend that the choice of one religious faith over another is irrelevant because all religions teach the same lessons about life. They also believe that it doesn't matter which god you pray to because every deity is ultimately the same deity veiled in a different name." Christ Among Other gods by Erwin W. Lutzer
If that's true, then does it even matter what anyone believes, or how anyone behaves? No!! Not at all. Only gross ignorance, or fear of confrontation, or rebuke would cause persons to say or think that way. Any honest person studying world religions knows radical contradictions exist about God, man, life, and the afterlife.
Jesus said, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate.The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide, for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:12-14. In this article, please let me explain the differences between the Christian biblical worldview and non Christian viewpoints.
About God. People have varying conceptions of god. Atheists say, I see no God, so he doesn't exist. But if God is a Personal Spirit present everywhere we wouldn't see him. Don't we believe in many things we don't see directly, but experience their effects? People's claims to talk with God or an angle mean nothing--Mohammad, Joseph Smith Jr. and crazy men have claimed that. But evidence of God requires acts known impossible for man or nature to accomplish. If Jesus walked on water, raised cold stiff corpses, predicted future detailed events impossible to guess, then we should rightfully say these are acts of God. His astonished skeptical Jewish disciples wrote that He did hundreds such things--and endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous deaths in evidence of its truth. Read my articles for further details and confirmation.
The Christian biblical God is a self-existent Creator who sustains the universe. He made us, loves us, wants an intimate and eternal relationship with us. He in unlimited in his power, knowledge, truth, justice and love. He has made himself known in our world in history and in human lives. He is a non contradictory Trinity of three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one essence. See Gen. 1:2, Psalm 2:7-12; 110:1; Matt. 28::19 and my article on the mystery of God. Our peanut minds shouldn't assume we can know everything about the infinite God, but be should be open to his revelation.
About Persons. We see all kinds of people's in the world of different colors, sizes, shapes, races, appearances, nationalities. They have different skills, intelligence levels, kinds of employment, interests, philosophies. But more important we are all part of a common human family. Our differences are not crucial, but being human beings with the same needs, desires, goals, hopes, and common ancestry So we should all be treated with respect and concern. In all honestly, we think of our self and our well-being above other persons--we're naturally self-centered. The way we act toward people, however is generally the way they react to us. But the Bible teaches we make a better world to show concern and help them no matter their behavior. Put downs destroy relationships and promote war. Look for the positive features in others. But even this requires a new nature and way of thinking, an enabling power greater than us..
About Life. From birth to death, life's full of challenges--growing pains, learning skills, how to present ourselves, work, marriage, health, family, friends. Making mistakes and change is part of learning and growing.
The Christian faith offers a greater fullness of life. Jesus said, "The thief's purpose (speaking of the devil) is to steal and kill and destroy (Gen. 3; John. 8:44). My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."(John 10:10). Is Jesus saying we can have everything we want? No!! God, is like wiser loving parents who forbids some things we don't understand, but for our good. The policeman's son ignored his father's warning not to play with his pistol and shot himself.
God, our Maker knows the right time, way, and our best interests. The principle is: "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desires" (Psalm 37:4). When we delight in Him, our desires become like His good desires for us--we win every time and it saves us and others lots of unnecessary pains and sorrows. But we must trust in Him and His better way.
About Right and Wrong. If we people are not created by God in his image, then we are evolving animals and soulless dirt that perishes. We have no great dignity and destiny. So we're responsible only to our own opinions and preference. Then there's no great wrong in lying, deceiving, abusing people, even abortion, robbery, rape, murder when they get in our way. It's just survival of the fittest in our animal world and since only the strong temporarily survive. We feel superior and prideful.
But created in God's image, people are valued by God, responsible to him to care about each other, and will be judged, rewarded for good,or punished for bad behavior. We have God's law, and an ethical conscience that we will be judged. God's higher authority and true justice is the only basis for ethics. It trumps limited conflicting human opinions that lead to frustration, confusion, and warfare.
God and Suffering. My loved one died. A natural disaster destroyed my home. A man raped and murdered my beautiful young daughter.The Bible teaches an eternal torturous hell. So how can there be a good and loving God to allow such things?
Can we be logical and honest? Should we expect God to suspend His laws of nature every time a natural disaster threatens, or just in our case? Should God program our every thought and act making us robots, or is He wise and glorious to give us dignity, free will, and the possibility of loving and eternal relationship with Him? Hell is our choice, self-inflicted, and in accord our earthly behavior . If there should be no punishment for human abuse, then aren't we wrong to have courts and jails? Shouldn't we let human abusers just do their thing? With no Hell and no punishment, how could there be a Heaven, or any kind of secure happy world? We hate these adversities of life, but stupid emotional arguments don't solve anything. An infinitely wise God knows how things have to be. We can see His love and goodness when we think honestly about it and not play God.
About Life's Purpose. If there no personal God who created us in His image, cares about us and acts in our world to help us, then we are no more than perishing animals and evolving dirt. Life is short, may end at any time, so practical sense seems to be to get all I can for myself while I can. Animal ethics and limited conflicting personal preferences is all we have--then lights out.
Being born into God's kingdom its quite different. Jesus our Savior assures us His divine presence would be with us always with all power (Matthew 2:19) and He has sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and give us the enabling power and incentive to live holy lives pleasing to God (John 16: Acts 2). When we trust Christ as paying for our sin, we receive His divine life in us with a new outlook and desire to do His will. It's like being born anew or becoming a new creation (John 3:3: 2 Cor. 5:17-28). We progress in doing God's will as He works within us (Phil. 2:13).
About Life After Death. Non Christians have no real assurance of life after death. Reincarnations claim there is the universal spirit that takes many different temporary material forms until we're absorbed. But human defects, revived life in the spring, world injustices, and dreams don't prove we have multiple lives after death. The only real evidence of it is the resurrection of a stiff lifeless corpse returning to life. Jesus arose from the dead as he said he would. 500 people saw the resurrected Lord (1 Cor. 15). It's changed hearts and lives to make a better world ever since.
Which Road Will You Travel? The broad road is popular but leads to a dark hopeless eternal Hell. The narrow road is unpopular and difficult in ways, but is meaningful, fulfilling, and leads to Heaven. IT'S YOUR CHOICE. It will be what we all justly deserve before a perfectly loving, but just God. Won't you decide right now: Lord Jesus, I am a wrong doer, but I trust you died to take all MY SIN AWAY, and I ask You to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide the rest of my life. I further ask you to give me the courage to share this new faith in you with others. Thank you, Lord.
Jesus said, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate.The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide, for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:12-14. In this article, please let me explain the differences between the Christian biblical worldview and non Christian viewpoints.
About God. People have varying conceptions of god. Atheists say, I see no God, so he doesn't exist. But if God is a Personal Spirit present everywhere we wouldn't see him. Don't we believe in many things we don't see directly, but experience their effects? People's claims to talk with God or an angle mean nothing--Mohammad, Joseph Smith Jr. and crazy men have claimed that. But evidence of God requires acts known impossible for man or nature to accomplish. If Jesus walked on water, raised cold stiff corpses, predicted future detailed events impossible to guess, then we should rightfully say these are acts of God. His astonished skeptical Jewish disciples wrote that He did hundreds such things--and endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous deaths in evidence of its truth. Read my articles for further details and confirmation.
The Christian biblical God is a self-existent Creator who sustains the universe. He made us, loves us, wants an intimate and eternal relationship with us. He in unlimited in his power, knowledge, truth, justice and love. He has made himself known in our world in history and in human lives. He is a non contradictory Trinity of three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one essence. See Gen. 1:2, Psalm 2:7-12; 110:1; Matt. 28::19 and my article on the mystery of God. Our peanut minds shouldn't assume we can know everything about the infinite God, but be should be open to his revelation.
About Persons. We see all kinds of people's in the world of different colors, sizes, shapes, races, appearances, nationalities. They have different skills, intelligence levels, kinds of employment, interests, philosophies. But more important we are all part of a common human family. Our differences are not crucial, but being human beings with the same needs, desires, goals, hopes, and common ancestry So we should all be treated with respect and concern. In all honestly, we think of our self and our well-being above other persons--we're naturally self-centered. The way we act toward people, however is generally the way they react to us. But the Bible teaches we make a better world to show concern and help them no matter their behavior. Put downs destroy relationships and promote war. Look for the positive features in others. But even this requires a new nature and way of thinking, an enabling power greater than us..
About Life. From birth to death, life's full of challenges--growing pains, learning skills, how to present ourselves, work, marriage, health, family, friends. Making mistakes and change is part of learning and growing.
The Christian faith offers a greater fullness of life. Jesus said, "The thief's purpose (speaking of the devil) is to steal and kill and destroy (Gen. 3; John. 8:44). My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."(John 10:10). Is Jesus saying we can have everything we want? No!! God, is like wiser loving parents who forbids some things we don't understand, but for our good. The policeman's son ignored his father's warning not to play with his pistol and shot himself.
God, our Maker knows the right time, way, and our best interests. The principle is: "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desires" (Psalm 37:4). When we delight in Him, our desires become like His good desires for us--we win every time and it saves us and others lots of unnecessary pains and sorrows. But we must trust in Him and His better way.
About Right and Wrong. If we people are not created by God in his image, then we are evolving animals and soulless dirt that perishes. We have no great dignity and destiny. So we're responsible only to our own opinions and preference. Then there's no great wrong in lying, deceiving, abusing people, even abortion, robbery, rape, murder when they get in our way. It's just survival of the fittest in our animal world and since only the strong temporarily survive. We feel superior and prideful.
But created in God's image, people are valued by God, responsible to him to care about each other, and will be judged, rewarded for good,or punished for bad behavior. We have God's law, and an ethical conscience that we will be judged. God's higher authority and true justice is the only basis for ethics. It trumps limited conflicting human opinions that lead to frustration, confusion, and warfare.
God and Suffering. My loved one died. A natural disaster destroyed my home. A man raped and murdered my beautiful young daughter.The Bible teaches an eternal torturous hell. So how can there be a good and loving God to allow such things?
Can we be logical and honest? Should we expect God to suspend His laws of nature every time a natural disaster threatens, or just in our case? Should God program our every thought and act making us robots, or is He wise and glorious to give us dignity, free will, and the possibility of loving and eternal relationship with Him? Hell is our choice, self-inflicted, and in accord our earthly behavior . If there should be no punishment for human abuse, then aren't we wrong to have courts and jails? Shouldn't we let human abusers just do their thing? With no Hell and no punishment, how could there be a Heaven, or any kind of secure happy world? We hate these adversities of life, but stupid emotional arguments don't solve anything. An infinitely wise God knows how things have to be. We can see His love and goodness when we think honestly about it and not play God.
About Life's Purpose. If there no personal God who created us in His image, cares about us and acts in our world to help us, then we are no more than perishing animals and evolving dirt. Life is short, may end at any time, so practical sense seems to be to get all I can for myself while I can. Animal ethics and limited conflicting personal preferences is all we have--then lights out.
Being born into God's kingdom its quite different. Jesus our Savior assures us His divine presence would be with us always with all power (Matthew 2:19) and He has sent the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and give us the enabling power and incentive to live holy lives pleasing to God (John 16: Acts 2). When we trust Christ as paying for our sin, we receive His divine life in us with a new outlook and desire to do His will. It's like being born anew or becoming a new creation (John 3:3: 2 Cor. 5:17-28). We progress in doing God's will as He works within us (Phil. 2:13).
About Life After Death. Non Christians have no real assurance of life after death. Reincarnations claim there is the universal spirit that takes many different temporary material forms until we're absorbed. But human defects, revived life in the spring, world injustices, and dreams don't prove we have multiple lives after death. The only real evidence of it is the resurrection of a stiff lifeless corpse returning to life. Jesus arose from the dead as he said he would. 500 people saw the resurrected Lord (1 Cor. 15). It's changed hearts and lives to make a better world ever since.
Which Road Will You Travel? The broad road is popular but leads to a dark hopeless eternal Hell. The narrow road is unpopular and difficult in ways, but is meaningful, fulfilling, and leads to Heaven. IT'S YOUR CHOICE. It will be what we all justly deserve before a perfectly loving, but just God. Won't you decide right now: Lord Jesus, I am a wrong doer, but I trust you died to take all MY SIN AWAY, and I ask You to be my Savior, Lord, and Guide the rest of my life. I further ask you to give me the courage to share this new faith in you with others. Thank you, Lord.
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