By the Numbers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Brilliant Scientist & Devout Christian

                                    A Brilliant Scientist & Devout Christian

                    Being unable to cure death, wretchedness and ignorance,
                    men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think about such things.
                                                                                             ---Blaise Pascal, Pensees

One huge difference between men and animals is that people can reflect on deep philosophical issues. We can ask the big questions of life that as far as we know animals cannot. Is there a personal ethical God? Is there life after death? Is the world going anywhere? Does life have objective meaning? Does morality make any real or lasting difference?
Often we do anything to avoid such questions and their possible consequences. We watch TV, movies, play ear pounding music, play sports, go shopping, party, read light literature, the Internet, any kind of amusement or business to take our minds away from God and our responsibility to Him.
Some feel inadequate to form opinions on deep subjects.  With centuries of continued debate, some people wonder if we can have any final answers. Others simply see no practical relevance of them to their real world and lives. But the issues won't go away and consciously or unconsciously we have underlying worldviews like wearing colored glasses that color  our viewpoints whether we are willing to face it or not.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) attributes this to our fallen sinful state (Rom. 1:18). He believed we fill our lives with business to ignore or suppress our inborn moral and spiritual responsibilities. He devised a more practical rather than logical approach to draw us back from our diversions. Let's first consider the background of Pascal as scientist and philosopher and then his famous wager.
Pascal - The Pioneer Renaissance Scientist.
His scientific contributions. Though he lived only 49 years, Pascal was an accomplished scholar in many fields. Others said of him that he was one of the most advanced thinkers of his time and one of the founding fathers of the new experimental science. This brilliant Frenchman laid the foundations for infinitesimal calculus, integral calculus, the calculus of probabilities, and he contributed to geometry and number theory. He became a first-rate experimental scientist practicing the newly emerging scientific method of forming a hypothesis and verifying or falsifying it by experimental testing.
With his technological intuition and productive imagination, he is credited with inventing the syringe, the vacuum cleaner, the hydraulic press and he developed the first public transportation system in Europe. Desiring to help his father calculate his taxes, he invented the first digital calculator or adding machine being the precursor to our modern computers.
His philosophy of science. As a member of the Catholic Church, he supported the findings of Copernicus and Galileo. He had respect for authority, but unlike Plato he believed truth didn't just rest on authorities of analytic reasoning but must be established by experimental testing.  Science continues to progress as it explores nature's mysteries gathering data and experimenting with sound explanatory hypothesis. We can never be absolutely certain about our theories  so that new theories may replace old ones. Science has its limits. His view resembles the twentieth century philosopher of science Karl Popper. But Pascal recognized that science could never change human nature. Scientific progress could not change our human will and people did not form their basic beliefs by reason and science alone. Furthermore, science could not make us wise, happy, or good.  Some came to regard Pascal as the first modern man.
Pascal - The Devout Christian Defender.
His profound religious experience. While crossing the Seine River during a storm, he came to trust in Jesus Christ and the truths of the Christian faith. He wrote a memoir about it sown in the lining of his clothes discovered after his death. It consisted of notes and fragments and was really only an outline of a proposed book defending the Christian faith. It came to be known as his Pensees(Thoughts). He was sick for a long time unable to work and is believed to have died of meningitis.
His Pensees affirmed  he believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and not in the God of the philosophers and scholars. He had a heartfelt joy and peace unlike any before that must be found only in ways taught in the Gospels. This did not cause him to renounce his scientific and mathematical interests but regard them in a new light as service to God. The themes he wrote about the nature of man and the relationship of faith and reason set him apart in a most unique way.
The enigma of man. Human nature is a paradox of both greatness and wretchedness, both the glory and refuse of the universe. We receive greatness being created in the image and likeness of God reflecting God's glory though in a limited way. At the same time, we are wretched being fallen beings from Adam's sin  inheriting his sinfulness, guilt and corruption (Ps. 51:5; 58:3; Rom. 5:12, 18-19; 1 Cor. 15:22).  The ultimate solution is to know both God and our wretchedness so that Jesus Christ can strike a balance and we can find redemption in Him. Only in Christ can we truly know God, ourselves, the meaning of life and of death.
Reasons of the heart. Pascal believed reason was not contrary to religion and can be helpful, but one comes to know God through faith or insight or willful trust of the heart. He mentioned a list of evidences as pointers to God. Among them biblical prophecy, miracles, Christ's resurrection, the continued existence of the Jews, the church's continued witness despite persecution, and Christianity's explanatory power.
He asserted that reason and science have limits and need illumination of faith and divine revelation. Traditional proofs for God unlike geometry are not certain or presented as to complicated and remote and don't give knowledge of Christ. Knowing about God is not the same as knowing and loving God. They may convince the mind but not the heart. The heart for Pascal is the instinctive, immediate, intuitive apprehension of truth and of God in Christ. And scientific research today aligns itself with intuition as vital to discovering truth.
Pascal - His Wager.
To adopt Christianity over atheism we need to first understand the context of Pascal's Wager. It was never intended as an evidence attempting to prove God's existence. It was intended for persons  suspending judgment on ultimate issues. It was directed to French deists, skeptics, and free thinkers. It was meant to awaken persons indifferent to God, death, and immortality. It was a cost-benefit analysis that whoever wages against God has nothing to gain and everything to lose. Let's look at the Wager.
                        Let us weigh up the gain and the loss involved in calling heads that God
                        exists. Let us assess the two cases: if you win you win everything. If you
                        lose you lose nothing. Do not hesitate then; wager that he does exist.
.                                                                                                         ----Blaise Pascal, Pensis
Being catholic, Pascal is of course speaking of the Christian God of the Bible and  the Church. He mentions the first of two alternatives, we can believe in God and commit to him in trust. It results in two outcomes of being correct or incorrect. If belief in God is correct, the believer stands to gain everything--infinite gain of eternal life with God in heaven. If belief in God is incorrect as God doesn't exist, the believer has lost nothing.
The second alternative is to wager against God refusing to commit to him. Disbelief also has two outcomes of being correct or incorrect. If we refuse to believe and God doesn't exist we gain nothing. But if we refuse to believe and God exists we lose everything being inner purity, peace, joy, love, freedom, security and dignity in this life, and our choice forever casts us into the darkness and torments of hell. This is a most crucial and ultimate wager that we are wise not to dismiss or deny since that would mean we're already made our choice.
Now we must examine criticisms made of the Wager and the responses. Several objections have been made both by Christians and non-Christians and we will look at each with a response.
1. It's God who saves us--we can't save ourselves or even believe apart from God. The Wager can be a tool to awaken our consciousness to our need. God does the saving but we do the accepting or receiving of God's gift through faith (John 1:11-13; 16:8-11). Apart from God's Spirit convicting and opening us to His truth, we would never come to Him on our own (Acts 16:31; Eph. 2:8-9).
2. Performing a religious function does not make a person Christian. True, reading the Bible, going to church, singing hymns, receiving the sacraments, baptism, and so on doesn't save anybody (Titus 3:5-7). But Christians used them to give understanding of God and of our need.
3. Forcing the Wager on someone promotes intellectual dishonesty. Pretense is dishonesty but to open one's mind to the truth is not dishonesty. The meaning of death is a most serious topic we need to prepare for. God's love can't be forced on anyone; it has to be a free will response.
4. The Wager makes faith a cold pragmatic gamble. It's a common sense appeal to try God to see that He is good as Scripture says (Psalm 34:8). Clear honest reasoning about what could be our worst forever nightmare shows wisdom. It's like visit to the doctor for a physical check up.
5. If God doesn't exist, the Wager becomes life wasted on a lot of religious nonsense. Actually,  faith in the Christian God and His way motivates us to all kinds of good works. It's the basis for truth, love, trust, justice, human compassion, service to others. Without it, human abuse of every kind seems self-preservation and fair game--we are just perishing animals fighting to survive. No God means the world is going nowhere, death ends all, life has no meaning, suicide seems an easy way out of a horrible situation.
6. The Wager is no guarantee so seems to be a waste of time. Life forces us to make choices of many uncertain outcomes. Multiple unknown factors may be at work but we must choose. If we are wrong thinking God's exists and He doesn't, it won't matter if death is the end. But if we are wrong thinking God doesn't exist and He does, then eternal loss in darkness and torments for our sins is the outcome. Doesn't wisdom dictate we choose God every time?
7.  What if we gamble on the wrong God? No God but the Christian biblical God is right. He has given us supernatural evidences, signs, reasons to believe. These include miracles, fulfilled prophecies, the sinless Savior, his claims, his resurrection, Christianity's capacity to make sense of the world when other religions do not. Further, non-Christian religions have none of this and are only the opinions and guesses of men.
8.   The Wager works equally well with all subjective religions that make an infinite claim.  Biblical Christianity is unique. Most religions are based upon the teaching or thinking of a wise man (Confucius), claim of angelic revelation (Islam, Mormonism), monism (Hinduism, Buddhism) and are all subjective religions. Their basis is supposed human wisdom or experience alone. Only Bible Christianity furnished evidences of a supernatural God who acts in the real world and makes promises about future conditions and life after death.
9. The Wager will not convince hardened skeptics and committed atheists. Pascal didn't intend the Wager for such persons and didn't use theistic arguments to persuade people of God's existence. God gives us the freedom to reject Him, and persons will even knowing it's true and can't rebut such arguments. The priests plotted to crucify Christ after seeing Lazarus raised from the dead (John 12:9-11). Intellectual knowledge without inner transformation of God's Spirit is not saving faith (Titus 3:5).
10.  Why bet my certain freedom now against an uncertain heavenly good. Self rule now is nothing to compare to the weight of glory that awaits us with God in heaven. God promises us things more wonderful than we can ever imagine--angels, loved ones, no death, sorrow, illness, crime. And it's for eternity.
11.   Isn't it wrong to use fear of harm or threats to get people to believe? No. It's like warning of a rattle snake. The threat is real and must be heeded. And being the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, God sets the rules.
12. A holy God would prefer honest skeptics to pragmatic believers. No, unbelief is founded upon rebellion, arrogance and leads to idolatry. It prevents us from wanting God's way. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good" (Psalm 14:1).

In light of all this I urge you to take the issue most seriously and invite Jesus to become your Lord, Savior and Guide for life. It's the winning choice every time.
I've borrowed heavily from Kenneth Richard Samples book, Without a Doubt Answering The 20 Toughest Faith Questions, ch. 6. Books on Pascal you might like are: Peter Kreeft, Christianity For Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees. Thomas Morris, Making Sense of It All: Pascal and the Meaning of Life. A. J. Krailsheimer, Blaise Pascal, trans.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is Any Religion Objectively True & Humanly Ennobling?

        Is Any Religion Objectively True & Humanly Ennobling?
In our world there are hundreds of different religious beliefs and practices. Could your location on earth just happen to have been exposed to the right on? Some persons hate and murder others as infidels who don't accept or even know about their religion.
So your religion can be dangerous to your health! If your religion is the true or right one, it seems you should be able to show that in a way honest thinking rational persons could accept. May I suggest five criteria honest thinking persons may find reasonable to expect and require of a true or right religion that uplifts and ennobles human beings?
1. Such A Religion Must Be Objectively or Visibly True. We can eliminate any religion that can't meet the criteria for truth. Since the opposite of true is false no religion can have contradictions or falsehoods. Further, religion build only upon hearsay, opinion, preference, or merely a subjective claim is without  factual basis and  unworthy of belief. Wouldn't this eliminate any religion that's based on mere mystical insights, an angelic revelation claimed to be from  God, or God's prophet.? They're limited to a mere intangible unsubstantiated claim. Anybody can say God told me this--So?
Mr. Immanuel Kant, Sir you're wrong to say truths about the real world are unknowable. That very statement itself claims the real world truly exists and is knowable. Again, you're wrong to say sense data in our mind is only appearance and not reality. We can see a tree and accurately describe its height, size, trunk, limbs, leaves, colors and bump into it. We can know the truth of the real world, and it points to a real Creator.
Mr. Charles Darwin, Sir you and your followers are wrong to say the universe is eternal flux so that we can't ultimate know absolute truth. First, the facts that the universe is expanding, running down, cooling off, can't be backtracked eternally, and is presently dependent all suggests it has a beginning point and great cause. A nonexistent universe is powerless to create itself. Its Creator must be an infinite eternal unchangeable, independent self-existent Being very must like what the Bible calls God. Further, since natural elements have no mind and will to arrange themselves into life forms over any amount of time, they too depend upon a great intelligence and will. Finally, if any human act can be morally wrong, a moral standard must exist and only a moral Lawgiver or Person can know and make moral judgments. So, if reason and morality make any sense there is a personal ethical God. All this being true, such things as miracles, divine revelations, and angels are not only possible but probable.
Biblical Christianity makes no empty subjective claims that can't be verifiedJesus performed miracles before individuals and crowds everywhere He went for three and a half years. Thousands of people heard His claims to be God, and saw His hundreds of miracles close at hand in open daylight before hostile critics who couldn't deny them. Further, He fulfilled ancient prophecies impossible to fake such as His virgin birth, sinless life, death for sinners, resurrection, and ascension. His apostles endured ridicule, persecution, and torturous deaths because they knew it for certain to be true. All this is real and true verification as much as anything can be.
2. Such A Religion Must Apply to Everybody. Any religion restricted to caste, tribe, language, or a particular group cannot possible be right and evokes arrogance and hostility. If a religion is true and good for one person, then it is for all persons. Despite all our human differences such as size, shape, color, intelligence, whatever, we are a common humanity. We have the same ancestry and can interbreed. Geneticists have now established mankind descended from one woman and one man in the same locality. We wonder if there is any such religion for us all!
Yes!! Yes! The God of the Christian faith loves and died to save us everyone. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, (unique sinless God-man Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"(John 3:16). The Jews were supposed to take God's message to the world but instead arrogantly felt Gentiles unworthy. An exclusive religion shows it's a mere creation of prideful man--the Christian faith puts loving arms around all who will believe, and love doesn't threaten or force with a sword.
3. Such A Religion Must Assure Human Dignity and Ethical Responsibility. Human dignity and ethical responsibility are inseparately coupled together. For what you think about a person decides how you treat that person. So any religion that destroys the dignity of other humans cannot be of God as all humans have the same origin. Our common humanity requires all persons be regarded and treated with the same respect. And when or where this basic human principle is disregarded, hatred, strife, conflict and warfare breaks out to kill and destroy everybody. Biblical Christianity acknowledges the slave is our brother and equal under God. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28;Philemon 15, 16). Using innocent persons as human shields or murdering persons who never have even heard of your religion, is inhuman and unacceptable to persons of good conscience.
4. Such A Religion Must Confirm Life After Death. We know people who die become cold stiff corpses. But, we don't know what happens after that. Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and others claim reincarnation but it's only theory. The only way to be certain whether one lives after death is for a dead person to return to life. Further, religious claims or founders who give no objective proof of life after death really provide no sure basis for human dignity, ethics, justice, love, hope, even rational experimental science. People are reduced to soulless dirt as with atheism, or recycled energy as in monist religions and philosophies.
The only world religion that offers proof of  life after death is biblical Christianity. "He presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them (His disciples) during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). See my articles: Did Jesus Arise from the Tomb? Is There Life After Death? 
5. Such A Religion Must Provide A Worthy Example. Check out the many biblical lists of sinful and righteous acts and you will see the standard set is humanly impossible. Wicked human hearts is the world's major problem. A supernatural holy being is the required remedy which is exactly what we have only in Jesus the God-man. His accompanying disciples for more than three years testified that in Him was no sin. His victory over sin is what assures us we will one day have that complete victory too in the new Heaven on the new earth.
"We implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Cor. 5:20-21). He took our place and died to pay for our sins or wrong doings upon the cross. God's love was demonstrated, God's justice was satisfied, and Heaven's door was opened to all who turn from sin to the Savior of us sinners. 
It's the greatest offer in the world! We weak sinful human beings can be made clean and acceptable to a perfect God and given new bodies fit for a perfect Heaven. We can't stop sinning in this body, but can trust the Savior of sinners to take our sin away. "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling, save me Jesus, save me now." It's not what we do, but what He did on the cross that saves us. Our goodness is self will rebellion; His purity is God's grace and glory. John 3:36; Romans 3:23-24. 
Pray, "I trust You right now Lord Jesus to save me a sinner." If you trusted the Savior, obtain a Bible as God's instruction book. Get with other believers for instruction and encouragement, live a godly life, and share your faith. Then you may meet them in Heaven one day. Praise God!
To do God's work: link and share this blog with others. If you want to know about the Christian mysteries, see my article: The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks

                                             Staring at Doubt Until it Blinks
Are atheists brilliant and Christians ignorant and naive? We've been sold the idea skeptics show brilliance to poke holes in faith. But any superficial, misinformed or deceived person can do that. Real brilliance is shown when persevering believers plug those holes with honest in depth solutions.
The real problem may not be our brilliance or our education but our inclination of will. It takes greater courage and honesty to admit truth when it seems to go against our special interests. It's always easier to hide behind a smokescreen of pretense and appear smart. We all have plenty of experience doing that. In this article, I want to examine some emotional roadblock's to Christian faith, then what Christian faith is not, and finally what Christian faith is.
Emotional Roadblocks to Faith.
Melancholy personality. Have you known persons who always seem uncertain, questioning, worried, anxious? It seems they're trained like lawyers or accountants to always look for what can go wrong. These downcast folks find it hard to accept anything outright. But we can if we will.
 Rebellious doubter. Prideful perhaps, these persons don't want anybody or anything even God to run their life or do their thinking. Young people wanting to assert independence from their parents especially take that attitude calling their parents old folks not up with the times. But it can be true with anyone at any age. It seems to be inborn in us as part of our sinful nature. We pay a terrible price for our rebellion against God.
Disappointed believer. The Bible says to seek and you will find, ask and it will be given  you, knock and the door will be opened. Well, I did all that and didn't get what I wanted. Is God for real or not? I'm so disappointed I can't believe in God anymore. The Bible does say these things but it always assumes you're asking in God's will and according to all the Scripture says about prayer. True godly faith trusts God is wiser than we are and knows what's best for us. One man doubted God because he didn't get the wife he wanted but when he saw her twenty years later he thanked God for not answering his prayer. Disappointments are an unavoidable part of life but we can get over them.
Wounded child. Even the best parents make mistakes. Physical or sexual abuse, neglect, perfectionism, permissiveness, over strictness, rejection, inability to show love are all factors that can wound a child growing to maturity. Every child is unique so that what works well with one may not with another. We live in an imperfect world. Some of the most famous atheists were brought up in a Christian home, or their father was a pastor, or they were mistreated by persons thought to be Christians. Children in the same home with similar conditions can choose to go in opposite directions. Our freedom and limitations mean we need to pray and trust God all the more to lead us to the truth. Our choices are either for God or against Him.
Intellectually deceived. Someone can be a brilliant scientist but understand nothing about the Bible. Christians too can lead or be lead astray by false teachings. I've heard persons say God is three in one or that God is love so there can't be a hell. Neither teaching properly understood is in conflict. God as three Persons in one essence is a great mystery but no contradiction. Wouldn't an infinite Creator be beyond our limited understanding? Love without justice can only result in evil selfish desires and destruction. No liars or murders will be allowed  to corrupt God's perfect heaven. A little knowledge indeed can be dangerous and destructive.
Religion comparer. We  might think I like this religion but not that one. Or, this religion fits my beliefs and needs best. This can be a hellish mistake. The question to ask is: Does this religion or set of beliefs and practices give evidence it is of God. There are hundreds of different religions that are mere human thinking based upon contradictions, falsehoods and unethical practices. Have you given Jesus who died to save us sinners and arose from the dead serious consideration? No other religion can furnish any objective visual evidence that biblical Christianity can furnish. See article: Christ's Historical Resurrection.
 Seasonal changer. The Bible exhorts us to faithfully minister God's Word in season and out of season but that is not always easy. We may be on fire for the Lord at certain times in our lives, but things can creep in to distract us. Our spouse may discourage us, or we may be sidetracked when children come along, pressures at work mount, or bills pile up.   Please don't let the cares of the world
choke out God's Word to sidetrack us.
Adversity accuser. Why did God let my little child die? Why did a tornado destroy everything I had? Why did my husband abandoned me and our children? Adam's sin is also our choice of a world of both good and evil. God warned it would bring death, but we don't listen any more than our first parents did. We all neglect things we know we should do such as buy insurance or move  elsewhere. And we do things we know we shouldn't do such as lie, steal, murder. God doesn't program us like machines but allows us to choose and learn from our mistakes. Can we demand God exclude us from adversities affecting everyone else? We can either hate and reject God, or trust Him in spite of it all. Either choice has serious and eternal consequences.
Fearful committer. Commitment is scary. God might want me to give up something I love. Or be a missionary in some terrible place, or change my life in some way I feel is impossible. I'm not so sure I can hold out or if it's the best thing for me. Probably both Christian and non Christian think this way many times. It may be the biggest obstacle to trust in the Lord. It's fear of the the unknown. Jesus summed it up succinctly when he said its no profit to gain the whole world and loose your own soul. Even in this life we avoid guilt and frustration by trusting in God's gracious provision and promises. And we gain eternal reward in Heaven.
What Christian Faith Is Not.
Faith is not achieved perfection. The only perfect person is the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why he alone could bear our sin on the cross and intercede for us before the Father.  We must first be born of the Holy Spirit into God's family for our actions to even please the Lord. Even then we still sin as the Bible repeatedly tells God's people to sincerely repent and do right. We have a new nature that desires righteousness but still retain our old sinful nature that battles with the evil world, sinful desires and the devil's demons. Only in Heaven with our new body, holy nature and perfect surroundings will we  be completely free from sin. 
Faith is not based upon feelings. Feelings are important but fickle and can deceive us. We can have religious highs and lows. When things go well, we tend to believe God is with us and everything will be alright. Then when things don't turn out as we expected we may wonder if God even exists. The heart in the Bible is the inner person--mind, will, emotions (Matthew 9:4; Proverbs 23:26; Jeremiah. 17:9). Harry Emerson Fosdick, the leader of the old liberal theology movement, and C.S. Lewis the famous Christian apologist, both admitted how great there thinking was affected by their moods. Some persons are very emotional while others are not which means emotions are not always a good gauge of faith.
Faith is not certainty. Everything is not simply black or white but shades of grey. The man with the demon possessed son came to Jesus and exclaimed, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." Our beliefs are of varying strengths. They are not simple and certain as 2+2=4 or as repeatedly mixing 2 parts of hydrogen with 1 part oxygen gets water every time. There are always varying factors involving our past experiences, understanding, correct thinking and will to believe.
What Christian Faith Is.
Faith is based upon fact and logic. When we don't understand, faith may not seem factual or logical, at least not from our perspective. When God told Abraham, the father of the faith, to offer his son Isaac in sacrifice after God had promised him descendants as a great nation, that seemed utterly contradictory. Except, that Abraham had come to know many sacrifices and promises that turned out to justify his faith (Heb. 11:8-12). So Abraham believed God would even raise Isaac up from the dead (Heb. 11:17-19). Of course the Creator of the universe would know and be able to do things we couldn't even imagine. Faith is largely our willingness to truth in what God has said as true when we can't understand.
Faith is based upon trustworthy Bible teaching. It's often asked, how can I believe the Bible when there are so many translations through so many ancient languages. It's said the Bible has 2,000,000 mistakes. Such statements are totally misleading. Ancient writers occasionally misspelled words, omitted words, or added words as we do today. The same misspelled word in 500 manuscripts is counted 500 mistakes. But those mistakes are not contradictions or lies.
When close copies to the originals writings are placed side by side it's easy to see and correct such mistakes. And translations are not made from different languages passed down through history. They are made from early Hebrew and Greek manuscripts that Bible writers spoke. The Bible is by  far the most accurate of ancient writings because scribes believing it God's Word took pains to count the lines and letters and discard any copies found faulty. With over 5,700 manuscripts for comparison and some only decades from the original writings, the New Testament is estimated to be 95 to 99% accurate. Even the areas of difficulty don't affect doctrines
Faith begins and continues  in  a love-trust relationship with God in  Christ and is shown by our obedience. True faith and repentance is not thinking I'll ask forgiveness for sin today and go out and do it all again tomorrow.  Yes, we have sins difficult to overcome and God will forgive us times without number. But if we're not sincere in our trust in God to help us, and honest in our effort to do better, then we are not in true relationship with God--period. As a guide to the Christian life, I highly recommend the little book by Hannah Whitall Smith, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.
The Bible often says that love is shown by keeping God's commandments (1 John 2:4; 3:24), that friendship with the sinful world is enmity with God (James 4:4)  and that faith without works is dead or not real faith (James 2:18-22). Say now, do you have real Christian faith? Mere head knowledge without commitment of will is not saving faith. And a God who won't give me what I won't is simply selfishness, not faith. Trust the all-knowing loving God to know what's best for us.
If you have never trusted in the Savior of us sinners to cleanse you of  your sin debt, I urge you to humbly bow your head and in sincerity tell God you are a sinner needing His forgiveness, cleansing, and that you are trusting in Christ to save you and make you a true child of God now and forever. If you have drifted away from God after the cares of the world, I plead with you also to confess and forsake your sin and rebellion. There's plenty of room at the foot of the cross. Share your faith with others in desperate need and reap rewards both now and eternally. One way to share is simply give them this blogspot address.
Other articles you might want to check are: The Great Mysteries of the Christian Faith. Jesus' Resurrection Is Humanity's Only Hope! Twenty Reasons Christians Should Defend Their Faith.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Things Impossible for God to Do

                                          Things Impossible for God to Do
Jesus said, "With God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26). Then could God make a stone too heavy for Him to lift? If He can, then could there be some other things impossible for God to do? Let's ponder the possibility.
The Biblical God is the simple, unified, infinite creator and sustainer of the universe.
God cratered and sustains the material universe--hence He always existed in essence as personal spirit not composed of parts as material things that can come apart, come into being, change in being, or cease to be. God's nature is forever the same without change--pure spiritual essence. So God can be said to be uncaused, self-existent, eternal, unchangeable..
 All God's attributes or perfections exist and act as a unified whole with no conflict among them. Thus, God is and acts with both justice and love, exists apart from His universe yet upholds and acts within it. Further, God's essence is infinite so all His attributes or perfections are infinite such as His infinite power, presence, knowledge, truth, love and so on.  Hence, for the Bible's God nothing actually possible is impossible.  
Abundant statements of Scripture teach this. "In beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). See also Gen. 1:21; John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11; Acts 17:25. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deut. 6:4). Moreover, it is impossible to have more than one infinite or absolute Being. See also Isa. 45:18; Mark 12:29. God informed Moses, "I Am Who I Am" (Exodus 3:14). This speaks of the eternal self-existing God as confirmed in John 8:58-59). "Says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Rev. 1:8).
But the Biblical God can't do anything actually impossible, illogical, or immoral.
God can't do things actually impossible. Can God make a stone to heavy for Him to life? Whatever God can make, the Almighty can move, destroy, or recreate in another place. He can lift anything finite, but He cannot make another infinite as there cannot be two absolutes or infinities.
 On the cross, the God-man Jesus Christ could have called ten thousand angels to come to His rescue, but it was impossible having come to do His Father's will and to save us wicked rebellious sinners. His love for us wouldn't allow it--"Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). And yet, "God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him" (Rom. 5:8-9). 
God can't do things illogical. God can't do things absurd or contradictory such as make a sensitive stone, a square triangle, or anything contradictory. Such things impose no limits upon God as they are really nonexistent and one would eliminate the other. Moreover, there's no contradiction between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as they are three persons but the same essence. Also, the spiritual body described in First Corinthians 15:40-46 is a heavenly body incorruptible, powerful, and gloriously adapted for believers heavenly life.
God can't do things immoral. "It is impossible for God to lie" (Heb. 6:18) or to "deny Himself"" (2 Timothy 2:13). While we are often unfaithful, our Lord cannot do anything contrary to His holy nature and will. That's something we can depend on. Sin or wrong doing  makes no sense unless there be a standard of right doing with which to compare it. Our creator God unlike ourselves can have no threats or temptations as He alone is King of kings and Lord of lords. He knows our thoughts, words, deeds and holds us accountable. "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil" (1 Pet. 3:12). Eyes, ears, face are anthropomorphic expressions--God is spirit but we will see Jesus embodied in Heaven. So we violate God's Word or our conscience when we do wrong being imperfect before a perfect God and future perfect Heaven. Jesus never did any wrong and could challenge His enemies to disclose any sin in him."Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me?" (John 8:46). So we must look to Jesus the sacrificial "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
And God has done crucial things we desperately need to know.
"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God (Luke 18:27). With all our efforts, we cannot become perfect or take away even one sin--so Heaven doesn't depend on our goodness. God can do something far more wonderful than lifting a great stone. He can melt our stony hearts with love, joy and peace when we come to Him in faith confessing our sin and trusting Him to cleanse, save and guide our lives from now on.
Won't you ask the Lord Jesus to do this for you today? Pray, Lord Jesus, I come to You as a sinner condemned deserving of eternal life. But now I trust You to give me eternal life, make me a child of God, forgiven and accepted with You and fit for Heaven. Thank You, Lord. 
From Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him (Rev. 1:5-7). "Without faith it  is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thought Questions Test Christian Faith

Questions that Test Christian Faith

Dear friend, if one person has a right to their beliefs, we all do, as we’re a common humanity. But I realize we humans are afraid of truth for it may make demands upon us we dislike. I believe with all my heart people neither are soulless dirt nor recycled energy but beings of dignity and destiny.
I’m commissioned to share this and to obey and honor the Lord I love most who loves me. We must speak truth in love but unavoidably some take offense. If you understand and are interested in crucial life issues and people being saved rather than just light chitchat, send these articles to others selectively. Encourage them to work through the questions. It will enable them to see the logic and foundation of the Christian system of beliefs or worldview.
Your honest  answers and working through this list of questions will give you a clear understanding of some of the most crucial issues of life. http: //www.

Challenging Question One-line Summaries of Many of My Articles

1.       Is the opposite of true- false, and of right- wrong?

2.       If truth is NOT what corresponds to reality, can there be a lie?

3.       Aren’t true statements (e.g. the earth is round) the same for everybody, everywhere, at all times?

4.       If the universe constantly changes with no outside source, can any statement be absolutely true?

5.       Does the universe operate on the principle of cause and effect and can it give what it doesn’t have?

6.       Did the universe originate without a cause, order from an explosion, life from nonlife, mind from the mindless, personality from the impersonal, information without an informer, or morality from the amoral?

7.       If the universe is an effect, could its cause be an unlimited, eternal, all-powerful unchanging, self-existing God?

8.       Do the parts of things that change go out of existence?

9.       Can man made gods of wood, metal or stone know, care, or do anything in our behalf?

10.   Can world religions that claim many gods, two gods, one god, a limited god, no god, or the universe is god, all be logically true?

11.   Can there be two or more  identical gods, or more than one Almighty?

12.   Is treating others, as you would want them to treat you (the golden rule) practical expediency, an absolute law, or what?

13.   Does an ethical act require an absolute ethical standard to be more than human opinion and be judged ethical?

14.   Can mindless molecules arrange themselves into men if useful  energy of the universe dissipates, only life produces life, no experiment shows one life form can change into another (worms to snakes or monkeys to men), the gene pool is fixed, mutations are destructive, millions of needed transitions don’t exist, a common designer can explain evolution, and it’s only basis is a naturalistic preference that denies God?

15.   If survival of the fittest is nature’s law, does that encourage people to live lovingly and ethically?     

16.   Does the dependent dissipating universe give evidence of an infinite personal ethical God?

17.   Does beauty in nature and conscience in man suggest anything about God?

18.   Is there design in nature (e.g. DNA arrangement & the anthropic principle), and could it suggests a great designer--a mind and will?

19.   Does denial of a personal ethical God and of an afterlife destroy the basis for human dignity, absolute morals, truth, and lead to chaos, a tyrannical police state of laws, and maybe a blood bath of dissenters?

20.   Should we base our lives upon sayings of a wise man, Hindu holy man, someone who claimed an angel spoke to him, or a sinless God-man, who fulfilled many ancient prophecies, performed many miracles, promised believers eternal life, died to save sinners, and arose from the dead?

21.   Do human evils (sins) and natural evils (plagues) prove there’s no God, or are there better explanations? What might they be?

22.    Does what we learn from nature (universe) correspond largely with what the Bible says about God?

23.   If God knows everything past, present and future so that to Him all is predestinated, does that have to mean we have no free will, or only that God knows our free will choices in advance as may Bible prophecies seem to establish? 

24.   Are we in large part the cause of our problems but blame other people and things for our mistakes, bad choices, and wrong doings?

25.   If God were the infinite ethically perfect person and standard, would these be sins against His nature and will-- ingratitude, self-righteousness, rebellion, idolatry, demon worship, Wicca, fornica- tion, adultery, divorce, homosexuality, sex with animals, human abuse, incest, to lie, cheat, steal, lust, rape, murder?

26.   If God made us for a love-trust relationship with Him issuing in obedience, would just admitting His existence or worshipping Him occasionally be all that’s required or constitutes relationship?

27.   Could a Creator come among us as a sinless God-man with a message of love, forgiveness, and eternal life?

28.   Are pangs of conscience just social conditioning, just guilt feelings, or the effect of real evil actions against an absolute standard and knowing Person?

29.   If a loving God controls nature, could miracles and revelations sometimes suit His purposes?

30.   If centuries earlier Jewish prophets said their coming Messiah would be virgin born, in Bethlehem, sinless, perform miracles, be God with us, die for people’s sins, arise again, and if Jesus alone did such things, wouldn’t that be good evidence Jesus alone is the Messiah and a God-man?

31.   If Jesus claimed to come from Heaven, exist before earth, forgive sin, return to earth some day, judge all men, and was crucified on charge of a mere man claiming to be God, doesn’t all  that show he did claim to be God?

32.   If Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine, healed every disease immediately, raised the dead, said he was God, and ascended into Heaven before many eyewitnesses, wouldn’t that show he is God?

33.   If Jesus’ apostles were astonished at his miracles, repeatedly rebuked for unbelief, given power to do miracles themselves, risked rejection and persecution for writing about them, and experienced torturous deaths for claiming it true, wouldn’t that be good evidence it is true?

34.   Does any sacred literature describe a founder of religion that says anything like the Bible says of Jesus--sinless God-man, atoning risen Savior and coming Judge?

35.   If Jesus showed he is God from Heaven, claimed to be God's only way to Heaven, died to save and cleanse sinners for Heaven, arose and ascended before 500 eyewitnesses into Heaven, then aren't Christians unbiased, fair, tolerant, truthful, and most loving to insist only repentent believers in the Lord Jesus Christ go to Heaven?

36.   If Jesus died on the cross, was buried in a sealed guarded tomb found empty 3 days later then appeared 12 times to skeptical disciples who touched him, ate with him, discussed God’s kingdom, and 500 eyewitness saw him ascend into Heaven, doesn’t that assure us (1) he is the sinless God-man, (2) all he said is true, (3) and all who trust in Him have eternal life?     

37.   Would an all-powerful morally perfect God approve of evil doers or allow them to corrupt His perfect Heaven?

38.   If the Lord Jesus gives us forgiveness, love for others, power to serve Him, and Heaven-- is anything better?

39.   If the Bible teaches true faith decides Heaven or Hell, but our acts and motives decide our degree of rewards in Heaven or torments in Hell, then isn’t every moment of life abundantly purposeful?

40.   If we earn Heaven by our good deeds and lifestyle, why does the Bible say it’s God’s gift, not good deeds, one sin condemns us, makes us unacceptable to a perfect God, unfit for a perfect Heaven, that Jesus is the Savior, the only way, His death paid for our sins, we must trust Him alone, and be born again of the Holy Spirit to go to Heaven?

REMEMBER these articles may put persons in danger. If you know interested persons, prayerfully and selectively email, mail, phone, or fax them these articles. You may thereby do the greatest thing of your life and for eternity.
Let me select just a few good books that discuss the topics above. The Bible. Without a Doubt, by Kenneth Richard Samples. Many Infallible Proofs, by Henry M. Morris. The Case For A Creator, by Lee Strobel. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, by Phillip E. Johnson. What Darwin Didn’t Know, by Geoffrey Simmons.The Collapse of Evolution, by Scott M. Huse. The Christian Combat Manual; Defending Your Faith, both by Dan Story. Handbook of Christian Apologetics, by Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli. Why I Am A Christian, Edited by Norman L. Geisler & Paul K. Hoffman. True For You, But Not For Me, by Paul Copan. Exploring The Myths That Could Destroy America, by Erwin W. Lutzer. World Religions, edited by Dean C. Halverson. Cults, World Religions, And You, by Kenneth Boa. The Kingdom Of The Cults, edited by Ravi Zacharias. Islam And The Bible, by David Goldmann. They Must Be Stopped, by Brigitte Gabriel. He Walked Among Us, by Josh McDowell & Bill Wilson. I’m Glad You Asked, by Kenneth Boa & Larry Moody. The New Atheism and the Erosion o f Freedom, by Robert A. Morey. What IF The Bible Had Never Been Written? and What IF Jesus Had Never Been Born? both by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, by Norman L. Geisler & Frank Turek. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics, edited by Ed Hindson & Ergun Caner.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is There Life After Death?

                                                     Is There Life After Death?
One issue of greatest concern to every person is whether there is life after death. Graves have been found to contain foods and weapons left for the dead person to use in life in the next world. Egyptians built large pyramid tombs for their pharaohs containing all kinds of precious objects for their use in the next life. Obviously, people thought or hoped we can live again in another life. But how can we know? Let's devote serious thought to this issue.
What We Believe About Life After Death Influences our Present Lives.
It's depressing and demeaning to think death means our extinction. For no matter what abilities, contributions, or efforts we put into living, we're on the same footing with the animals. There's nothing special about human life and person hood. It's just to do whatever it takes to survive as long as you can. Our legacy may consist only in a tombstone marker showing our name and dates if even that. Many die unknown and are thrown together into a common grave. We hardly count.
It's destructive to personal relationships and ethical incentive. If animals be all that we are, then logically we live like animals meaning a survival of the fittest. Life's great purpose is survival and depends largely on who gets power over their peers. It promotes selfishness and destroys ethical value. Since life is short, is a struggle, with temptation on every hand, and desires oh so strong, why not limit myself to what advances me or seems to fulfill my desire at the moment. If what I think and desire verses what you think and desire, then I'm for me and you are of little if any concern. To cheat, lie, steal, rape, even murder really doesn't mean much when our only contest is our self and our survival. And yes we might get caught, injured or killed, but what is that since our only law is survival and we animals may cease to exist at any time?
Non Biblical Faith Has No Objective Foundation or Evidence for Life After Death.
A multitude of religions exist worldwide. They're based upon what one supposedly wise man thinks verses what another supposedly wise man thinks. He may show valued insights, arguments, possibilities, and have a following who highly respect his opinions as true. But can he show a cold stiff dead corps can come back to life, or that a dead person is alive even if taken another form in another life? The sprouting spring vegetation, birthmarks, and past recollection is no proof of reincarnation as pantheist religions suppose as all have better explanations. Dying persons seeing the death angel, and out of the body experiences may prove it to those who have such experiences but these too are subjective experiences. They can be given other interpretations depending on one's worldview. These religions do not give tangible visible evidences that can be objectively verified.   
Biblical Believers Have Assurance of Everlasting Life in the Lord Jesus and His Promises.
What's the evidence? Christians have objective evidence and assurance of everlasting life beyond the grave.  Eyewitness knew Jesus was cold stiff dead when taken down from the cross and  they  saw him alive after just three days. At Pentecost only fifty days later it was known in many languages and spread abroad (Acts 2:23-28).  It was published in less than thirty years (1 Cor. 15:1-8). His resurrection was predicted by ancient prophet (Psalm 16:10), and by Jesus himself to unbelieving disciples, who died to verify it. Here's the evidence--Jesus who claimed to be God was seen alive from the dead by hundreds of people (1 Cor. 15:1-8). See my article, Did Jesus Arise from the Dead?
for further details.
What decides whether heaven or hell? Sinners faith in or rejection of the Savior decides whether they exist eternally in Heaven or in Hell.  Jesus promised that "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life" but also warned, "and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). So whether we trust in or reject the Savior makes the difference whether we go to Heaven or to Hell. 
The Kind of Life We Have After Death Is Our Choice.
It's simply the principle of justice. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal. 6:7). It would be so unfair for someone living for God most of his life and a new convert to get the same heavenly reward. Likewise it's unfair for an unemployed grocery thief who only wanted to feed his starving family to receive the same punishment as a serial killer. We all do good or evil in different areas and to different degrees. Scripture mentions repeatedly that each person is judged according to THEIR OWN works or deeds (Psalm 62:12; Matt. 16:27; Luke 12:47-48; Rom. 2:6; 1 Cor. 3:8-15; Rev. 20:13) and a multitude of other passages.
So rewards of Heaven and punishments of Hell are somewhat different with each person. Saints are said to receive crowns which they throw at Jesus' feet. I believe the crowns are metaphors acknowledging that they could perform these services only in their Lord's strength and direction. Rebel sinners are said to be caste into a lake of fire where the worm never dies and fire doesn't go out. I believe this too is a metaphor that represents the all inclusive wrath of God (John 3:36) or else it seems to teach all will be punished alike instead of according to their particular sins as clearly taught in above passages. Bible mentions degrees of sin John 19:11, and of reward 1Cor. 3:9-15.
Dear reader, this is the most crucial decision of life. We can't know all the answers but Scripture is clear on essentials. Jesus and what we decide about Him makes the difference between heaven or hell. Won't you pray, Lord come into my life, be my Savior and help me live a holy life for You. Then share this wonderful news with loved ones and others. Tell them about these important blog articles. Thank you. God bless.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Unconcerned Anti-intellectual Christians

                                     Unconcerned Anti-intellectual Christians
The American President Barack Obama said on public TV that Americans are fat and lazy. I agree  that many are undisciplined in both mind and body. Many Christians are indifferent toward vital spiritual issues. But is life  just fun and party when people's health, well-being and very lives are at stake? Spiritual matters are the foundations that have momentous consequences for our everyday lives. The big question is: How far should we limit our concern on spiritual matters?
Should We Limit Our Concern to Our Own Family?
Our families are our immediate concern. There may be no time for the porch rocking chair to watch the grass grow. Dad's making a living takes us most of his time and he flops down to rest when he comes home at night. Mom wants to socialize. Daughter is concerned whether she looks well at school in her jeans. Son wants to be on the winning team at school. And if they feel up to it, they may make it to church or mass this Sunday. Of course, limited finances  can curtail  many activities. It's me, my wife, my son, my daughter, us four no more.  But that's not the Bible teaching.
But should family be our only concern? Don't we largely take time for the things we give priority too? According to the Bible, we will all face God one day and give account of how we spent our lives and how we used our God-given time, talents, and opportunities. Does our concern go any further than ourselves, our family, our local situation? Jesus said regarding helping others, "Assuredly, I say to you inasmuch as you did it to me of the lease of these My brethren, you did it to Me" (Matt. 25:40). What will the real important issues be when we face God?
Should We Limit Our Concern to Surface Issues?
Persons hold widely different views today. With so many divorces, a  marriage license is just an unnecessary piece of paper. Different beliefs between couples isn't really important as people have a right to their own thinking. Those rich guys should pay all the taxes to support us nonworking people. The government will take care of us if we be politically correct.  I'm not sure  atheism is wrong since I haven't seen God and if He exists there wouldn't be so much evil in the world. The Bible warns, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom. 12:2). Shouldn't Christians be more concerned with the Lord's biblical instructions than what the world thinks?
Do our beliefs have a logical factual beneficial basis? Have we thought about how such beliefs affect other persons?  Do we consider  our behavior  honest, fair, and compassionate? Do we want others to treat us in these ways? Where do such beliefs lead? Do limited, fickle, selfish desires and opinions lower us to an animal level?
What if we're overlooked something and atheism isn't right? Can we prove no personal ethical God exists? Don't government dictators enclave and impoverish their citizens? Do we just die like dogs, lights out?  We may realize one day too late we were absolutely wrong! The Bible warns, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).
Further, isn't there a definite connection between creed and conduct? If the Bible's God doesn't exist, then how we believe and behave has no moral significance. We're just evolving soulless dirt or recycled energy. No authoritative foundation exists to guide our lives or give us hope of life after death. It's just each person's feelings, opinions, and preferences. But according to the Bible, we are made in the mental, moral, immortal image of God. And if a personal ethical God exists, that calls for our personal ethical decisions based upon God's Word (2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16).
Should We Limit Our Concern to Our Own Religious Connection?
Isn't religion a personal private matter? I'm of the -----------------------------  faith. I've been that all my life. I'll never change. My dead parents would turn over in their graves if they knew I changed my beliefs. Besides, my family would persecute, or disown, or murder me. I could lose my job, my good standing in the community. I would be thought a fool or fanatic.
According to the Bible the King of kings said, "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell . . . and he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" (Matt. 10:28-39). With all the different beliefs, how can we know and show our particular beliefs alone are correct? In Christ alone we have divine claims and definite eyewitness evidences.
But what about non Christians religions? They can have some good principles we can agree with --for example the negative Silver Rule: Don't do things to others you wouldn't want them do to you. They may even have arguments there is only one true personal ethical God, though revelation alone shows that one God is a Trinity. 
We should always be respectful and caring about persons and their right to their religious beliefs as long as they're not humanly hostile or destructive. When believers don't support each other's right to their beliefs, persons opposed to such beliefs will eradicate each group one by one. Strength and security is found for all in unity.
Christians are to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:13-15). But unlike other religions, Jesus gave definite visible evidences that show He alone is the sinless God-man.  He alone died to save us from sin and give us life eternal. His resurrection is the only real proof of an afterlife.
After His resurrection, Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always to the end of the age. So be it." (Matt. 28:19-20).
Shouldn't We Christians Limit Our Chief Concern to Clear Christian Essentials?
I mean what C.S. Lewis called "Mere Christianity." What are the essentials on which Christians can stand? So-called authorities in many fields disagree somewhat on issues and Christians are no exception. May I suggest some biblical essentials clearly taught by the apostles of the Bible?
We Christians  believe  our expanding cooling dependent universe shows its Creator's eternal self-existence and  glory.  He made us directly in His mental, moral, immortal image. God revealed Himself in history as one God in three personal distinctions called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Jesus the Son is the God-man born of a virgin, who lived a perfect life, died to atone for our sins, and arose from the dead. Before many eyewitnesses, He fulfilled ancient prophecies, performed numerous miracles, claimed to be God with us, promised to return, and ascended into Heaven.
All who trust  Jesus as their Savior and Guide will live a more Godly life, escape Hell, and one day dwell with Him in the new Heaven and earth. Though imperfect, we should strive to live holy lives in accord with the Scriptures.  In God's grace and for His glory, we declare this apostolic teaching absolute truth. See Col. 1:17; John 1:1-5, 14; Matt. 1:23; 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 11:7; Eph. 4:23-24; Col. 3:10;  2 Cor. 5:21; John 21:24-25; Acts 4:12; 16:31; Cor. 15:1-8; 1 John 4:1-7; 1 Peter 1:18; 2:24; 3:15-18; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Rev. 21:1-8, 27;  Gal. 5:16-26 and numerous others .
I suggest a few books from time to time but can't possibly include a bibliography and footnote everything in a 3-4 page article. Moreover, so-called experts can be quoted on both sides of an issue. I'm more interested in facts than in so-called expert opinions.