Darwinian Atheist Challenges Bible-Thumping Christian
Matter Unbeliever knew science and reason proved evolution beyond all doubt to be fact. He couldn’t believe his ears when he heard his co-worker and friend, Chris Believer, claim true science points to God.
He invited Chris to his home to play chess and have ice cream. Matter’s real intent is to convert Chris to his enlightened belief in atheistic evolution. After all, schools, news media, Hollywood, the American Civil Liberties Union--everybody believes it.
He invited Chris to his home to play chess and have ice cream. Matter’s real intent is to convert Chris to his enlightened belief in atheistic evolution. After all, schools, news media, Hollywood, the American Civil Liberties Union--everybody believes it.
Ring. Ring. Matter opens the door. “Hello, Chris. Come in and sit here at the kitchen table.The chess set is already set up and I’ll get the chocolate ice cream in a little while. How have you been?”
“Oh, good as usual I suppose. Thanks friend for inviting me to play chess with you. I like the game and I like ice cream. You can move your pawn first.”
“Okay. Chris, I heard you say the other day that true science points to God. Surely you don’t believe in God today with so much evidence against it, do you?”
“Yes, Matter, I do and I don’t know any compelling evidence against my belief.”
Just as I suspected, Matter thought. Chris is one of those dumb Bible-thumpers ignorant of the abundant evidence against God. He only believes the teachings of some funny-mentalist church and Sunday school.
“Well Chris, scientific method of repeatable experiments is our only way of knowing anything with certainty. People never see God or anyone walking on water, raising the dead, or ascending into Heaven today; it’s unreasonable to think such occurred in the past. Natures’ laws prohibit miracles and miracles would make science impossible. But if you can show me a miracle, I’ll believe. True science has shown evolution is fact which means we don’t have to believe in God anymore.”
“Chris, you’re an intelligent person. Can’t you see now my friend how ignorant, unreasonable and unscientific it is to believe in God today? Ha! Ha! Come of age, Chris. Don’t get hung up on that backward Sunday school church stuff.”
“Matter, you’re trying to proselytize me with a barrage of objections thinking believers in God don’t have supporting evidence. And then you patronize me with ridicule to make me feel stupid and shut me up. Character assignation and precluding answers may be an atheist tactic, but it’s not a fair, respectful, godly treatment of a fellow human being. And while most Christians can’t answer your objections, that doesn’t mean there aren’t answers. Besides, unless challenged, Christians don't think seriously about such things. Our faith in Christ gives us the sense of love and security we didn't know existed before."
“Matter, can scientific experiments tell us what you ate for breakfast last week? No. And they can’t tell us about history, human rights, ethics, love and all the vital things of life. Because I haven’t seen any miracles doesn’t prove they can’t happen, or didn’t happen, or that God doesn’t exist. And Bible miracles usually are grouped around special crises periods."
“Are you serious Matter that miracles would make nature chaotic and destroy science? Nature remained unchanged except in particular cases of Jesus’ miracles. Miracles aroused people’s attention, enabling them to understand Jesus’ claims to be God as true. Even their astonishment showed they were much aware of nature's laws. If God created this material universe, He’d be the Spiritual Being controlling everything. And God’s not required to submit to repeated experiments, nor skeptic’s whims. Besides, God doesn't force anyone to believe. That's not the way love acts. People come to God only when they really want to know Him."
“Science’s method today is closed-minded--it assumes nature’s everything. Nature’s self-sustaining, eternal, impersonal, valueless, and allows only natural causes. But good education and true science fearlessly encourages and examines alternative views. No one was present to observe when the universe came into being. Scientifically, creation is an open question. It has as much right to consideration as evolution. If it’s fantasy rather than fact, why aren’t creationist arguments refuted in science textbooks? Why don’t naturalists win in creation science debates? Remember the Nebraska man turned public opinion to evolution. That evolutionist’s proof turned out to be an extinct pig’s tooth.”
“Ouch! Your knight captured my queen. You’re better at this than I imagined. And you stand up for your faith and give answers. I thought Christians . . . “
“You mean Christians are ignorant, or are cowards. To be honest with you Matter, I think most are, or they just never think about it unless challenged. And like non-Christians so many other things occupy their time."
“Well Chris, didn’t Jesus say turn the other cheek, don’t judge, and he who is without sin caste the first stone.”
“Yes, Matter, but like the devil people can quote scripture out of context and convey a contrary meaning. Careful study of those passages shows Jesus meant don’t take revenge and escalate violence. He meant we should examine our own faults before we judge others’ faults, and show compassion since we’re all transgressors condemned by God’s law. We have to make judgments about many things every day--police, teachers, parents.”
“That makes sense, Chris. But what has a religion more than two thousand years old to do with life today? Christianity to me seems like a lot of rules and restrictions that frustrates my desires and spoils my fun.”
“Matter, I’m so glad you asked. It’s really unfair and not intellectual to castigate the Bible and Christianity when you don’t understand what they teach. Please let me explain.”
“The Bible’s God is an eternal, infinite, personal, ethical Creator of the universe and of man in his likeness. God took on a human nature in Jesus Christ who experienced life as us, yet without sin or wrongdoing. He fulfilled prophecies and performed miracles to show his claims to be God were true. Then he died upon the cross to pay for our sins and rose from the dead. Five hundred people saw the resurrected Lord Jesus. Many eyewitnesses were still alive when Paul wrote the letter First Corinthians 15:1-8 only a couple of decades later—it was no myth. Jesus commissioned his disciples to tell humanity the good news of eternal life through faith in him. He then ascended into Heaven with the promise to return and set up his kingdom.”
“So, it’s biblical Christianity alone that meets humanity’s most crucial needs. God created us in His likeness with dignity and immortality—we’re not just evolving, soulless, perishing dirt. God set ethical standards and will judge our earthly behavior—ethics, justice, love, freedom, truth and a meaningful world have their foundation and make sense in their Creator who came to us in the human form of Jesus Christ.”
"We can be free from guilt, know peace with God and the purpose of life when we turn from our self-centered destructive ways to trust in the Lord Jesus, the Savior of sinners. No other worldview provides the basis for these most crucial issues of life." Matter finally brought the chocolate ice cream, but lost the chess game.
So many persons like Matter believe a lot of nonsense about science, Christianity or both. True science supports faith but here say and false notions about either can cause conflict. It's never good to belittle unbelievers as we were also at one time. We should show respect, pray, and try to lovingly lead others to God's truth (1 Peter 3:15-16). Tell them how you found love, forgiveness, peace, and joy in trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. Share passages such as: John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9; 10:9-10. Tell them about these blog articles WWW and to tell their pastor, professor, or co-workers about them.
So many persons like Matter believe a lot of nonsense about science, Christianity or both. True science supports faith but here say and false notions about either can cause conflict. It's never good to belittle unbelievers as we were also at one time. We should show respect, pray, and try to lovingly lead others to God's truth (1 Peter 3:15-16). Tell them how you found love, forgiveness, peace, and joy in trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. Share passages such as: John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9; 10:9-10. Tell them about these blog articles WWW and to tell their pastor, professor, or co-workers about them.