By the Numbers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is It The Real God Skeptics Deny?

                                     Is It The Real God Skeptics Deny? 
You may know someone you think is one of the finest persons you know who says there’s no God. Or, you may work with someone who is grumpy, complaining, and just hard to get along with and find out he or she is a Christian. What one believes and how one behaves is much more of a complex issue than persons generally realize.
Persons may claim to be, or are assumed to be something they really aren’t. Not everyone who says he or she is an atheist may know or correctly understand what the Bible actually says about God and may deny God because of misunderstandings or false teachings.
Not all who claim, or assume, or go to a Christian church are actual Christians either. People may go to church to make friends, sing in the choir, play on the church ball team and may have little understanding about God, Christian teachings and ethics, or even care.
In either case, many factors influence how we humans behave no matter what we believe. Our health, temptations, pressures, confusions, fears, doubts and frustrations all influence our everyday behaviors and beliefs. And, it may actually be a hurtful notion of God that atheists reject not knowing the loving God of the Bible who sent His Son to save us.
The opposite of right is wrong. Despite our differences, all persons share a common humanity. If it’s right to treat one person with respect, then it’s right for all. Likewise, disrespect would be wrong treatment of any persons. The only exception would be punishment for criminal behaviors.
Further, truth is what corresponds to reality, is knowable and is the same for all persons, in all places, at all times. If we say men wear pants, that statement is indeed true if men do wear pants. The opposite of true is false and we can’t even deny truth without assuming our denial is true. It’s fashionably today to claim absolute truth is narrow, bigoted or closed-minded, but that 2 + 2 = 4 is reality no matter what some people say. Are teachers, doctors, lawyers, everyone telling us a bunch of lies? We can’t talk, trust traffic signs, prices on items, or human judgments unless we assume truth is knowable, or chaos results. Normally we assume things true unless given reason to think them false.
I agree with those atheists who affirm the value of man and human culture and who condemn lies, racism, hatred, bigotry, child abuse, rape and murder. I also agree with them that there is a problem of evil and that science and education are important. My problem with atheism is that it is a dogmatic worldview without foundation or justification.
It actually destroys the basis for the very things atheists claim to uphold. It destroys human dignity, ethics and moral incentive making us no more than perishing soulless dirt to be manipulated by the power structure. Further, exhaustive knowledge is required to say there’s no personal ethical spiritual God such as Christians believe. Moreover, it makes no sense to hate a nonexistent God when a false notion of God may be what is hated.
Now let’s consider the arguments against the Creator. They are largely derived from the esteemed philosophers David Hume and Immanuel Kant. The objections are in bold red print with my answers in the following paragraph.

A Finite Universe Needs Only a Finite Cause
The law of causality states that every finite (limited) effect has a cause--something can’t come from nothing, nonexistence can’t produce existence. But limited changing things cease to exist. So an unlimited unchanging cause is required to ground the limited changing universe. The universe’s Creator must be infinite. Thus all space, time, and matter require an infinite self-existent uncaused cause. We may rightfully call that self-existent infinite cause God.
An Imperfect Universe Suggests an Imperfect Cause
Without a perfect standard of measurement, we couldn’t recognize imperfection. Claiming something imperfect implies we have a perfect standard. Existing imperfections don’t mean they were not originally perfect just as worn medieval art reflects their original perfection. Good beginnings can become corrupt. This is what the Bible teaches in the Fall of man that after we have a corrupt sinful nature. 
Chance Origins Can Explain Everything
Improbable things do happen. But before the universe existed, there was no chance anything could happen. Things don’t just pop into being from nothing. No scientist would explain the four faces of American presidents on Mt. Rushmore as chance. The complex code in the DNA cell and the fine tuned universe require an intelligent source. If chance is the source of everything, we can’t even know that our thinking is correct. The skeptic who rejects my answer still believes his objection is not due to irrational chance. Origins require an intelligent creative will to bring things into being.  
A Finite Series of Causes Can Explain the Universe
In abstract math, you can always add another 0 after # 1. But in the real world, finite beings cannot sustain themselves. An eternity of past moments before today is impossible which shows the universe had a beginning. Each changing thing in a series means it ceases to exist. So each changing thing must be immediate grounded in an independent or uncaused cause--namely God.
Arguments for God Lead to Contradictions about Time, Causality, and Dependency
Nonexistence has no power to create anything. If no matter, space or time existed before creation, then these things couldn’t have created themselves. So something outside of them and greater than them must have existed to bring them into being. Thus this dependent universe was caused by an independent uncaused power source we may rightfully call God.
A Creator Could Cease to Exist
Because present changing existent things can cease to exist, they need a self-existing unchanging source to uphold them. The fact that everything in the universe is limited and dependent at all times, it requires an unlimited independent self-existent cause (God). So God is always a necessary being, a Sustainer as well as a Creator who cannot cease to exist.
 An Imperfect World Does Not Need a Perfect Cause
Yes, in our experience, we know imperfect people produce other imperfect people and polytheists claim many gods explain this. But as mentioned above, the imperfect implies we have an idea of the perfect. A cause can be greater than its effect but cannot be less than its effect. It’s like a river that cannot rise higher than its source. There cannot be two Absolutes as only the greater is Absolute. Finite changing beings depend upon an independent self-sustaining being—an infinite God.
Real Causes Cannot Be Inferred From Observed Effects
Is the thing-to-me different from the thing-in-itself? If that were true, how could we even conduct science, or know our thinking is correct? Yes, we can make mistakes in everything we do, but our five senses do give us real information. Do we think it mere appearance when we step into an elevator? No, Mr. Kant appearances are the real world. So knowledge of God and miracles are possible. Critical realism is reasonable--sticks placed in water look bent and coiled robes in the dark may look like snakes but we know they aren't--they're only illusions. Our minds don’t change reality; it changes us.
God Is Only an Illusion
Sigmund Freud is famous for claiming God is only a childhood illusion believers never outgrew. They imagine a Cosmic Comforter, a heavenly Father to comfort and protect them. It’s true some imagine a God to suit their specifications. But some want reality and truth, not just good feelings. Certainly, the prophets and apostles who endured ridicule, persecution, torture and death can’t be said to want just good feelings. And it may be that what we really need really exists. Just as we really need water and it really exists. Wish and need are not necessarily the same things. Perhaps we need God because he created us in his image and for relationship. The true illusion might be that persons living in rebellion against God deny his existence because they fear his judgment and Hell.
Arguments for God Are Not Persuasive
Vested interests or other preferences can hinder believing.The arguments may not be understood. Persons may fear acceptance may bring rejection, persecution or loss. Arguments don’t automatically convert unbelievers. This doesn’t mean the arguments are wrong or faulty. Stirring sermons don’t always convert unbelievers either. A loving God doesn’t force us to believe. Freedom gives us dignity; force makes us machines. Our loving obedience honors God. Persons convinced against their will are of the same opinion still. Vested interests can cause one to reject truth even when proved.
If God Knows Everything, Then Man Is Not Free
Christians believe as Scripture teaches that God knows everything including the future (Isa. 46:10). Hundreds of Bible prophecies and promises couldn’t be fulfilled if he didn’t. No contradiction exists in God knowing how we will use our freedom. God may persuade men to act in certain ways but doesn’t force their actions. God is love and forced love is a contradiction. As the universe’s Creator outside of time, God sees past, present and future as one eternal now (Exodus 3:14). From an all-knowing God’s point of view everything is predestined, set, fixed, determined and what God knows can't be wrong. But from our perspective, it's free will and God takes our free choices into account.
As I said above, one must know everything to know God doesn’t exist. Alternative explanations  don’t disprove God's existence. Many atheist and skeptics who have trusted Jesus Christ in the forgiveness of sin witness to seeing things in an entirely different light and experiencing a new love and peace they never imagined could exist. The Bible calls the person who says in his heart there is no God a fool, not due to lack of evidence, but due to wanting his own way. Objections show only our selfishness, ignorance, and arrogance. We likely don't know events in next room or around the corner, so how can we know God doesn't exist?
Painful Experiences Can Cause Us to Deny God
Life can be painfully difficult. Unfulfilled hopes and needs can devastate us. We can make so many mistakes. Friends we respect and love can betray us. Disasters unforeseen can bewilder and depress us. We have no control over much that we experience. Our earthly father may be nothing like the loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son to save us. Where is that good and loving God we've heard exists with outstretched arms ready to receive us and give us Heaven?
The Bible teaches God made a good world that met all our needs but gave us the choice of obeying Him or following our own ways. Don't we all want to follow our own ways no matter about other people or the circumstances? Well, that was what went wrong with the world. We're not programmed machines and God knew what our choices would be. So Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world as part of God's plan (Ephesians 13:8).  We don't have to understand it all. But if we will trust Him, He has promised to work things out for His glory and for our good (Rom. 8:28). Now the ball is in our court.
We can know God's forgiveness, peace, and love today in admitting our sin and trusting the Savior of us sinners as our life's Guide. Won't you pray, Lord I'm a sinner. I  right now trust Jesus dying for me on the cross bearing my sins to forgive me and make me a child of God. Lord, use me for your glory from now on as I trust You to guide me and use me to tell others. Thank you, my Lord.  U are welcome to use my articles as an Internet evangelist for the Lord. God bless U in your wonderful new life serving the King of the universe.
Many fine books are written discussing these issues. I recommend Dr. Norman Geisler’s Systematic Theology and his Baker’s Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.

1 comment:

  1. We've been sold the idea skeptics show brilliance to poke holes in faith. But any superficial, misinformed, or deceived person can to that. Real brilliance is shown when persevering believers plug those holes with in depth solutions.


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