Is Atheism Best For Us?
#Atheism #Atheists #Relativism
#Atheism #Atheists #Relativism
Atheists affirm there’s no God of any kind, or angels, miracles, revelations, or human souls. They’re called humanists because they emphasize man as the measure or most valued animal on planet earth. And naturalists, since nature and its laws are all there is. Also, secularists since they say religious beliefs are only superstition and ignorance of a prescientific era. They’re materialists too because on a lower plane life is just energy or atoms in motion. Further, they’re socialists as they claim to seek the good of society as a whole—never mind the individual as our way is right. And we’re anti-theists because we believe that any reference to God is ignorant, closed-minded and dangerous to the well-being of humanity. Many use force if necessary to enlighten or eliminate these dangers of ignorant moral and religious restrictions opposed to government authority.
So, you see some atheists feel they must do everything possible to exclude religion from the public square. They infiltrate education, government, the courts, news media, the entertainment field, and the sciences and arts. Some have a globally aggressive and comprehensive agenda and are confident of success. Now please let me enlighten you on five of the many "advantages" of atheism so they say.
Atheists Deny Absolute Truth.
Scientific minded intelligent persons know everything came about by chance and evolution that eliminates any need for God. Life arose spontaneously by random processes and everything flows along continuously as it always has. It’s all chance so anything can happen at any time. Society and the world is a dialectical process determined by economics; Karl Marx dialectal materialism proved that. Ignore those ignorant fool’s spurious deceptive arguments about God. Long ago brilliant minds discredited that propaganda. Truth is what we say it is, and what advances our cause. And when we’re in power, you best agree with us or face the consequences.
Atheists Affirm the Relativity of Morals.
Since everything is in a state of flux and man is the highest evolving animal of nature, he must decide for himself what is right or wrong, or better what works or doesn’t at the present time. Since there’s no God, man must save himself by his own wisdom, power, and education. We are the elite of society who base our knowledge on science and reason. The ignorant, indifferent masses of people need us to guide them to provide a better world order. We are the elites, superior and politically correct.
Atheism Frees People to Do As They Please.
Religion is an escapist, restrictive mentality. It substitutes comfort and security—pie in the sky by and by—for science and fact. In the name of a judgmental God, it imposes all kinds of restrictions on sex, bodily pleasures, and enjoyable experiences. Since there’s no absolute truth and morals, we can do as we Johnny well please. Anarchy--everybody does what's right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25).
Atheist’s Claim to Insure Human Peace, Prosperity and Happiness.
Human nature is creative and good. Take away the shackles of religion and we the elite are free to plan what’s good. We can create a world of peace, prosperity and happiness. People will unselfishly love each other and prosper as never before. Injustices and disparities such as racism, wealth, status will simply vanish and utopia finally arrive. It unrealistically denies both human dignity in God's image and human depravity as a fallen self-centered creature.
Atheists Will Finally Insure Quality and Equality Living.
Karl Marx envisioned this utopia would last a thousand years. But it would take awhile to achieve. There is first the thesis, the status quo or things as they are at present. Then, an antithesis or radical change evolves, or we can help it along through revolt or plot disasters. When things get so bad, people will cry out for relief and hope government will resolve the crises. So, government seizes control piece by piece to resolve it if necessary by force. That changes things into a new synthesis. The dialectical process continues until we achieve utopia. Of course, we will have to eliminate defective elements (objectors) that don’t understand or won’t cooperate to have the classless society. Survival of the fittest you know. But the price is worth the outcome—people don’t really count anyway.
Consider Comments by a Supposed Ignorant Unenlightened Christian Theist.
Of course, atheists can be kind, compassionate, helpful, likable, moral people and not all agree on all the points mentioned above. And atheists don’t always adhere to their philosophy just as Christians and merely professed Christians don’t always adhere to biblical Christian teaching.
What bothers me is that the atheist worldview logically destroys everything human and good. Without God, human dignity is reduced to a soulless perishing animal—really just dirt. And it doesn’t matter much what you do with dirt. Thus, atheism destroys human dignity, ethics, human rights, and especially freedom of speech and religion, and then private property.
Government ownership and control decides what’s true and what’s right--atheist freedom means slavery to the state and poverty among its unfavored people. The state must maintain tight military control and a secret police to prevent rebellion and anarchy. Government officials make secret deals behind closed doors. They advance by lying promises, deceptive schemes, and eliminate rivals--it all depends on who can get and keep the power. Elitist's are never secure that some rival won't eliminate them to take their place. Hitler had a hundred security guards; Churchhill had one.
Government ownership and control decides what’s true and what’s right--atheist freedom means slavery to the state and poverty among its unfavored people. The state must maintain tight military control and a secret police to prevent rebellion and anarchy. Government officials make secret deals behind closed doors. They advance by lying promises, deceptive schemes, and eliminate rivals--it all depends on who can get and keep the power. Elitist's are never secure that some rival won't eliminate them to take their place. Hitler had a hundred security guards; Churchhill had one.
Our friends and loved one’s possessions and lives are usurped any time government decides it’s necessary. State planners carefully control production of goods less profit produce freedom and power. Incentive to produce is curtailed so everyone is kept in poverty under government control—this is the one class society and utopian equality—a slave welfare state.
Atheists must erect walls to confine citizens. This is the peace, prosperity and happiness atheism produces and wants to engulf the world. Atheist dominated countries murder humanity. They’re a godless tyranny and blood bath people risk their lives to escape. Millions have been slaughtered in atheist countries--survival of the fittest you know. That’s the atheist utopian dream for humanity. Check it out in true, not revised, history.
Why do atheists insist we ignore arguments for God if they’re no threat? Biblical Christianity is the antithesis of atheism. It assures us of God and absolute truth and morals in Jesus Christ. Jesus gave visible evidence in fulfilled prophecy, miracle, a sinless life, and in His cross and resurrection that He is our God and Savior. Jesus provides us with human dignity, ethics, freedom, rights with humane responsibilities, opportunity for Heaven, a creative productive purposeful life, and the basis for love, justice, science, art, and all the things we really need to be human. His higher power is truth, love, hope and salvation. Our choice is between life and death, tyranny or freedom, God in Christ or no God. Jesus showed us the better way—love first of God, then of our fellowman—His Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5-7.
Jesus saves us unworthy sinners and makes us new persons in Christ. We have God's gift of eternal life and Heaven when we trust the Savior. Of course we retain our sinful nature and struggle with sin but we have God's Holy Spirit within to prompt us to grow in the knowledge and grace of God. You will have brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage you and you can have rewards in Heaven. Won't you pray, "Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You to come into my life and make me a child of God. Thank You Lord." Now share these good news messages with others to make a happier more secure world now and go to Heaven.
Jesus saves us unworthy sinners and makes us new persons in Christ. We have God's gift of eternal life and Heaven when we trust the Savior. Of course we retain our sinful nature and struggle with sin but we have God's Holy Spirit within to prompt us to grow in the knowledge and grace of God. You will have brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage you and you can have rewards in Heaven. Won't you pray, "Lord, I'm a sinner and I trust You to come into my life and make me a child of God. Thank You Lord." Now share these good news messages with others to make a happier more secure world now and go to Heaven.